Santa Barbara County, California ballot measures
Santa Barbara County |
Election Department |
Historical election results Voter registration |
Santa Barbara County is one of 58 California counties. The Office of the Santa Barbara County Registrar of Voters is responsible for the conduct of elections in the county, including elections on local ballot measures for all municipalities and school districts.
Novemebr 5
- See also: California 2024 local ballot measures
• Buellton, California, Measure C2024, Expand Urban Growth Boundary Measure (November 2024): ✔
A "yes" vote supported amending the Buellton general plan until December 31, 2036, to expand the area within the existing urban growth boundary by approximately 123 acres, allowing for potential city limit expansion within that area. |
A "no" vote opposed amending the Buellton general plan until December 31, 2036, to expand the area within the existing urban growth boundary by approximately 123 acres, allowing for potential city limit expansion within that area. |
• Buellton, California, Measure D2024, Hotel Tax Increase Measure (November 2024): ✔
A "yes" vote supported increasing the city's hotel tax, also known as a transient occupancy tax, from 12% to 14% for a period of 25 years. |
A "no" vote opposed increasing the city's hotel tax, also known as a transient occupancy tax, from 12% to 14% for a period of 25 years. |
• Carpinteria, California, Measure B2024, Hotel Tax Increase Measure (November 2024): ✔
A "yes" vote supported increasing Carpinteria's hotel tax, also known as a transient occupancy tax, from 12% to 15%. |
A "no" vote opposed increasing Carpinteria's hotel tax, also known as a transient occupancy tax, from 12% to 15%. |
• College School District, California, Measure L2024, School Bond Measure (November 2024): ✖
A "yes" vote supported authorizing the College School District to issue $18.0 million in bonds and enact a property tax, estimated at $19 per $100,000 of assessed property value, to repair and upgrade school facilities, with citizen oversight and all funds staying local. |
A "no" vote opposed authorizing the College School District to issue $18.0 million in bonds and enact a property tax, estimated at $19 per $100,000 of assessed property value, to repair and upgrade school facilities, with citizen oversight and all funds staying local. |
• Goleta, California, Measure G2024, Heritage Farmlands Program Initiative (November 2024): ✔
A "yes" vote supported extending the term of Measure 'G2012' ('Heritage Farmlands Initiative') by 20 additional years, requiring a majority vote of the people to redesignate or change the intensity of use for agricultural parcels of 10 or more acres within the City of Goleta. |
A "no" vote opposed extending the term of Measure 'G2012' ('Heritage Farmlands Initiative') by 20 additional years, requiring a majority vote of the people to redesignate or change the intensity of use for agricultural parcels of 10 or more acres within the City of Goleta. |
• Hope School District, California, Measure Y2024, School Bond Measure (November 2024): ✔
A "yes" vote supported authorizing the Hope Elementary School District to issue $40.3 million in bonds and enact a property tax, estimated at $18.26 per $100,000 of assessed property value, while bonds are outstanding. |
A "no" vote opposed authorizing the Hope Elementary School District to issue $40.3 million in bonds and enact a property tax, estimated at $18.26 per $100,000 of assessed property value, while bonds are outstanding. |
A "yes" vote supported discontinuing the public park use of the 82-acre parcel containing Ken Adam Park. |
A "no" vote opposed discontinuing the public park use of the 82-acre parcel containing Ken Adam Park. |
• Lompoc Unified School District, California, Measure M2024, School Bond Measure (November 2024): ✔
A "yes" vote supported authorizing the Lompoc Unified School District to issue $160.0 million in bonds and enact a property tax, estimated at $50 per $100,000 of assessed property value, while bonds are outstanding. |
A "no" vote opposed authorizing the Lompoc Unified School District to issue $160.0 million in bonds and enact a property tax, estimated at $50 per $100,000 of assessed property value, while bonds are outstanding. |
• Santa Barbara, California, Measure I2024, Sales Tax Measure (November 2024): ✔
A "yes" vote supported establishing a 0.5% sales tax to fund city services. |
A "no" vote opposed establishing a 0.5% sales tax to fund city services. |
A "yes" vote supported authorizing the Santa Barbara Community College District to issue $198.0 million in bonds and enact a property tax, estimated at $8.50 per $100,000 of assessed property value, while bonds are outstanding. |
A "no" vote opposed authorizing the Santa Barbara Community College District to issue $198.0 million in bonds and enact a property tax, estimated at $8.50 per $100,000 of assessed property value, while bonds are outstanding. |
• Santa Barbara County, California, Measure H2024, Hotel Tax Increase Measure (November 2024): ✔
A "yes" vote supported increasing Santa Barbara County's hotel tax (transient occupancy tax) from 12% to 14%. |
A "no" vote opposed increasing Santa Barbara County's hotel tax (transient occupancy tax) from 12% to 14%. |
• Santa Maria-Bonita School District, California, Measure K2024, School Bond Measure (November 2024): ✔
A "yes" vote supported authorizing the Santa Maria-Bonita School District to issue $77.0 million in bonds and enact a property tax, estimated at $30 per $100,000 of assessed property value, while bonds are outstanding. |
A "no" vote opposed authorizing the Santa Maria-Bonita School District to issue $77.0 million in bonds and enact a property tax, estimated at $30 per $100,000 of assessed property value, while bonds are outstanding. |
A "yes" vote supported authorizing the Santa Maria Joint Union High School District to issue $194.0 million in bonds and enact a property tax, estimated at $24 per $100,000 of assessed property value, while bonds are outstanding. |
A "no" vote opposed authorizing the Santa Maria Joint Union High School District to issue $194.0 million in bonds and enact a property tax, estimated at $24 per $100,000 of assessed property value, while bonds are outstanding. |
• Solvang, California, Measure E2024, Hotel Tax Increase Measure (November 2024): ✔
A "yes" vote supported increasing the city's hotel tax, also known as a transient occupancy tax, from 12% to 14%. |
A "no" vote opposed increasing the city's hotel tax, also known as a transient occupancy tax, from 12% to 14%. |
March 5
- See also: California 2024 local ballot measures
• Santa Barbara, California, Measure A, Public Works Measure (March 2024): ✔
A "yes" vote supported approval of the charter amendment to change how contracts are awarded for public works. |
A "no" vote opposed approval of the charter amendment to change how contracts are awarded for public works. |
November 8
- See also: California 2022 local ballot measures
A “yes” vote supported authorizing the Buellton Union School District to issue $8,800,000 in bonds [ith bond revenue going to fund school improvements and requiring an estimated property tax levy of $26 per $100,000 in assessed value. |
A “no” vote opposed authorizing the Buellton Union School District to issue $8,800,000 in bonds [ith bond revenue going to fund school improvements and requiring an estimated property tax levy of $26 per $100,000 in assessed value. |
• Carpinteria, California, Measure T2022, Parcel Rezoning Initiative (November 2022): ✖
A “yes” vote supported amending the city's general plan to redesignate the zoning designation of parcel APN 004-105-011 and parcel 004-105-206 and amending the definition of the open space/recreation land use category. |
A “no” vote opposed amending the city's general plan to redesignate the zoning designation of parcel APN 004-105-011 and parcel 004-105-206 and amending the definition of the open space/recreation land use category. |
A “yes” vote supported authorizing the College School District to issue $23,000,000 in bonds with bond revenue going to fund school improvements. |
A “no” vote opposed authorizing the College School District to issue $23,000,000 in bonds with bond revenue going to fund school improvements. |
• Goleta, California, Measure B2022, Sales Tax Measure (November 2022): ✔
A “yes” vote supported authorizing an additional sales tax of 1%. |
A “no” vote opposed authorizing an additional sales tax of 1%. |
• Goleta, California, Measure C2022, Prohibition of Flavored Tobacco Sales Measure (November 2022): ✔
A “yes” vote supported amending the municipal code to prohibit the sale of flavored tobacco. |
A “no” vote opposed amending the municipal code to prohibit the sale of flavored tobacco. |
• Guadalupe, California, Measure Z2022, Hotel Tax Increase Measure (November 2022): ✖
A “yes” vote supported increasing the transient occupancy tax from 6% to 10% for general services and adding short-term rentals to those subjected to the tax. |
A “no” vote opposed increasing the transient occupancy tax from 6% to 10% for general services and adding short-term rentals to those subjected to the tax. |
A “yes” vote supported authorizing the Guadalupe Elementary School District to issue $8,500,000 in bonds with bond revenue going to fund school improvements and requiring an estimated property tax levy of $30 per $100,000 in assessed value. |
A “no” vote opposed authorizing the Guadalupe Elementary School District to issue $8,500,000 in bonds with bond revenue going to fund school improvements and requiring an estimated property tax levy of $30 per $100,000 in assessed value. |
A “yes” vote supported authorizing the Guadalupe Elementary School District to issue $8,490,000 in bonds with bond revenue going to fund school improvements and requiring an estimated property tax levy of $29.50 per $100,000 in assessed value. |
A “no” vote opposed authorizing the Guadalupe Elementary School District to issue $8,490,000 in bonds with bond revenue going to fund school improvements and requiring an estimated property tax levy of $29.50 per $100,000 in assessed value. |
A “yes” vote supported renewing an annual parcel tax of $79 per parcel for 5 years for school improvements for the Hope Elementary School District. |
A “no” vote opposed renewing an annual parcel tax of $79 per parcel for 5 years for school improvements for the Hope Elementary School District. |
• Lompoc, California, Measur X2022, Imposition of a Hotel Tax Measure (November 2022): ✔
A “yes” vote supported authorizing a transient occupancy tax of 1% with revenue dedicated to police and fire protection and allowing hotel operators to retain 2% of the collected tax for collection costs. |
A “no” vote opposed authorizing a transient occupancy tax of 1% with revenue dedicated to police and fire protection and allowing hotel operators to retain 2% of the collected tax for collection costs. |
A “yes” vote supported authorizing the Lompoc Unified School District to issue up to $125,000,000 in bonds with bond revenue going to fund school improvements. |
A “no” vote opposed authorizing the Lompoc Unified School District to issue up to $125,000,000 in bonds with bond revenue going to fund school improvements. |
• Solvang, California, Measure U2022, Sales Tax Measure (November 2022): ✔
A “yes” vote supported authorizing an additional sales tax of 1% with revenue dedicated to city services. |
A “no” vote opposed authorizing an additional sales tax of 1% with revenue dedicated to city services. |
November 3
• Cold Spring School District, California, Measure L2020, Bond Issue (November 2020): ✖
A “yes” vote supported authorizing the Cold Spring School District to issue up to $7.8 million in bonds with bond revenue going to fund improvements to portable buildings, new classrooms for science, engineering, technology and art, repairs to buildings, roofs, sewer, water, plumbing, and restrooms, and improvements to safety and emergency preparedness and requiring an estimated property tax levy of $13 per $100,000 in assessed value. |
A “no” vote opposed authorizing the Cold Spring School District to issue up to $7.8 million in bonds with bond revenue going to fund improvements to portable buildings, new classrooms for science, engineering, technology and art, repairs to buildings, roofs, sewer, water, plumbing, and restrooms, and improvements to safety and emergency preparedness and requiring an estimated property tax levy of $13 per $100,000 in assessed value. |
• Goleta Union School District, California, Measure M2020, Bond Issue (November 2020): ✔
A “yes” vote supported authorizing the Goleta Union School District to issue up to $80 million in bonds with bond revenue going to fund upgrades to labs and technology, repairs to classrooms, facilities, roofs and plumbing, and improvements such as handicap accessibility and increases to renewable energy and requiring an estimated property tax levy of $19.31 per $100,000 in assessed value. |
A “no” vote opposed authorizing the Goleta Union School District to issue up to $80 million in bonds with bond revenue going to fund upgrades to labs and technology, repairs to classrooms, facilities, roofs and plumbing, and improvements such as handicap accessibility and increases to renewable energy and requiring an estimated property tax levy of $19.31 per $100,000 in assessed value. |
March 3
- Lompoc, California, Measure I2020, Sales Tax Increase (March 2020)
- Hope Elementary School District, California, Measure J2020, Bond Issue (March 2020)
November 6
• Measure A2108: Buellton Union School District Parcel Tax
• Measure B2018: Santa Barbara Election Consolidation
• Measure C2018: Santa Barbara By-District Elections
• Measure D2018: Lompoc Marijuana Business Tax
• Measure E2018: Lompoc Unified School District Bond Issue
• Measure F2018: Solvang Marijuana Business Tax
• Measure G2018: Santa Barbara County Independent Redistricting Ordinance
• Measure H2018: Santa Barbara County Independent Redistricting Initiative
• Measure U2018: Santa Maria Sales Tax Renewal
• Measure W2018: Goleta City Salaries
• Measure X2018: Carpinteria Sales Tax
• Measure Y2018: Allan Hancock Joint Community College District Bond Issue
• Measure Z2018: Goleta Marijuana Business Tax
July 24
• Measure V2018: Montecito Fire Protection District Gann Override Renewal
June 5
• Measure Q-2018: Lompoc Unified School District Bond Issue
• Measure R-2018: Isla Vista Community Services District Utility User Tax
• Measure S-2018: Hope School District Parcel Tax
• Measure T-2018: Santa Barbara County Marijuana Operations General Tax
January 30
• Measure P2018: Los Olivos Community Services District Formation and Special Property Tax
November 7
• Measure C: Santa Barbara Sales Tax
May 9
• Measure O2017: Isla Vista Recreation and Park District Parcel Tax
November 8
• Measure B2016: Santa Barbara County Hotel Tax Increase
• Measure C2016: Goleta Elected Mayor and Term Limits
• Measure D2016: Santa Barbara Marijuana Business Tax
• Measure E2016: Isla Vista Community Services District Formation
• Measure F2016: Isla Vista Community Services District Utility Users Tax
• Measure G2016: Orcutt Union Elementary School District Bond Issue
• Measure H2016: Santa Maria Joint Union High School District Bond Issue
• Measure I2016: Santa Barbara Unified School District Bond Issue
• Measure J2016: Santa Barbara Unified School District Elementary Schools Facilities Improvement District No. 1 Bond Issue
• Measure K2016: Santa Ynez Valley Union High School District Bond Issue
• Measure L2016: Lompoc Unified School District Bond Issue
• Measure M2016: Guadalupe Union School District Bond Issue
• Measure N2016: Guadalupe Union School District Bond Issue
June 7
• Measure A2016: Cuyama Joint Unified School District Bond Issue
May 5
Measure Z: Carpinteria-Summerland Fire Protection District Bond Issue
November 4
Measure O: Santa Barbara County Hotel Tax
Measure P: Santa Barbara County Fracking Ban Initiative
Measure Q: Montecito Union School District bond proposition
Measure R: City of Buellton Elected Mayors
Measure S: Santa Barbara Community College District bond proposition
Measure T: Santa Maria Bonita School District bond proposition (also in parts of San Luis Obispo County)
Measure U: Carpinteria Unified School District bond proposition
Measure V: City of Guadalupe Public Service Protection
Measure W: City of Guadalupe Business Taxes
Measure X: City of Guadalupe Sales Tax Increase
Measure Y: College School District bond proposition
July 8
Measure N: Montecito Fire Protection District Appropriations Limit Increase - Gann Override
June 3
Measure M: Santa Barbara County Roads, Parks and Facilities Maintenance Requirements
November 5
Measure F: City of Santa Barbara Land Exchange between Mackenzie Park and the Fremont Army Center
November 6
Measure A: Santa Barbara High School District parcel tax
Measure B: Santa Barbara Elementary School District parcel tax
Measure C: Buellton Term Limits
Measure D: Buellton Hotel Tax
Measure E: Carpinteria Hotel Tax
Measure F: Montecito Fire Protection District Increase in Number of Director Seats
Measure G: Goleta Voter Approval Required for Agricultural Land Decisions
Measure H: Goleta Hotel Tax
Measure I: Guadalupe (City of) Library Parcel Tax
Measure J: City of Guadalupe Name Change to "Guadalupe Beach"
Measure K: College School District bond proposition
Measure L: Santa Ynez Valley Union High School bond proposition
Measure Z: Solvang Hotel Tax
June 5
Measure U: City of Santa Maria Sales Tax
Measure V: Buellton Union School District bond proposition
Measure W: Santa Barbara Unified School District parcel tax (junior high and high schools)
Measure X: Santa Barbara Unified School District parcel tax (elementary schools)
Measure Y: City of Santa Barbara Bridge at Veronica Meadows
November 2
- See also: November 2, 2010 election in California
Measure O: Guadalupe Appointed City Clerk and Treasurer
Measure P: Guadalupe Utility Users Tax Increase
Measure Q: Santa Barbara High School District bond proposition
Measure R: Santa Barbara Elementary School District bond proposition
Measure S: Santa Barbara County Sales Tax for a North County Jail
Measure T: Santa Barbara Storefront Marijuana Dispensaries
July 13
Measure M: Montecito Fire Protection District Gann Override
June 8
Measure J: Carpinteria Oil Drilling Initiative
Measure K: County of Santa Barbara County Hotel Tax
Measure L: Hope School District bond proposition
November 3
Measure B: City of Santa Barbara Building Heights Initiative
Measure C: City of Santa Barbara Parks and Recreation Commission
Measure D: City of Santa Barbara Board of Harbor Commissioners
Measure E: City of Santa Barbara Architectural Board of Review
May 5
Measure A: Santa Rita Hills Community Services District Formation
November 4
Measure A: Santa Barbara Sales Tax
Measure B: Solvang Hotel Tax
Measure C: Cold Spring Schools bond proposition
Measure D: Isla Vista Property Transfer
Measure E: Buellton Urban Growth Citizen Initiative
Measure F: Buellton Urban Growth City Council Proposal
Measure G: Santa Barbara Utility Users Tax
Measure H: Santa Barbara High School parcel tax
Measure I: Santa Barbara Elementary School parcel tax
June 3
Measure V: Santa Barbara Community College District bond proposition
February 5
Measure R: Cold Spring School District bond proposition
Measure S: County of Santa Barbara parcel tax
Measure T: City of Lompoc Sales Tax
See also
External links
State of California Sacramento (capital) | |
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