Susan B. Anthony List

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Susan B. Anthony List
Susan B Anthony List Logo.png
Basic facts
Location:Arlington, Virginia
Year founded:1992
Website:Official website

The Susan B. Anthony List is a political organization that opposes abortion. As of March 2020, the organization's website said the following: "The Susan B. Anthony List team fights for the election of women and men who will fight for life. We fight for laws that safeguard the innocent, and we develop research to demonstrate the good that flows from society from their protection."[1]


As of March 2020, the Susan B. Anthony List website included the following mission statement:[2]

SBA List’s mission is to end abortion by electing national leaders and advocating for laws that save lives, with a special calling to promote pro-life women leaders.[3]


The Susan B. Anthony List was founded in 1992.[4] In 2018, the organization said it had "financed and endorsed over 110 winning members of Congress."[5]

The following organizations are affiliated with the Susan B. Anthony List:

Campaign activity

In 2018, the Susan B. Anthony List Candidate Fund listed the following types of campaign activity it engaged in:[5]

  • Direct contributions to candidates
  • Check bundling from multiple donors
  • Independent get-out-the-vote efforts on behalf of endorsed candidates

The organization listed the following criteria necessary for candidates to receive support from the group:[5]

  • Female candidate opposed to abortion
  • Male candidate opposed to abortion running against a female candidate supportive of abortion access
  • Completed the group's questionnaire
  • Viable candidate
  • Interviewed with the organization
  • Approved by the group's candidate selection committee


Click here to see candidates currently endorsed by the Susan B. Anthony List Candidate Fund.

Election reports


The Susan B. Anthony List publishes a “National Pro-Life Scorecard,” which grades members of Congress on votes and other activities, such as bill sponsorship, related to abortion.

Recent news

The link below is to the most recent stories in a Google news search for the terms 'Susan B. Anthony List'. These results are automatically generated from Google. Ballotpedia does not curate or endorse these articles.

External links
