State political party revenue

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The Democratic and Republican parties maintain state-level affiliates in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and select U.S. territories. The parties primarily raise money through contributions, which they later use to support electoral candidates and general party administration.

The following maps display total Democratic and Republican state political party revenue over a nine-year period from 2011 to 2019. Darker shades of blue or red indicate those state parties with the highest revenue totals, while lighter shades of blue or red indicate lower revenue totals.

See also: State political party revenue per capita

Total Democratic state political party revenue, 2011 to 2019

Democratic affiliates in Florida and California had the highest state party revenue between 2011 and 2019, followed by Ohio, Virginia, and Minnesota. At the other end of the spectrum, Democratic affiliates in Alaska and Hawaii had the lowest total state party revenue over the nine-year period, followed by Wyoming, Mississippi, and Vermont.

Of the top-grossing states from 2011 to 2019, California had a Democratic state government trifecta as of January 2019. A state government trifecta occurs when one political party holds the governor's office and a majority of seats in both the upper and lower houses of the state legislature.

Total Republican state political party revenue, 2011 to 2019

Republican affiliates in Florida and California had the highest total state party revenue between 2011 and 2019, followed by Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. At the other end of the spectrum, Republican affiliates in Rhode Island and Delaware had the lowest total state party revenue over the nine-year period, followed by Hawaii, Wyoming, and South Dakota.

Of the top-grossing states from 2011 to 2019, Florida and Ohio had Republican state government trifectas as of January 2019. Wyoming, the state with the fourth-lowest total revenue, also has a Republican state government trifecta.

Total state political party revenue, 2011 to 2019

State political parties typically deposit revenue in separate state and federal accounts in order to comply with state and federal campaign finance laws. The following table displays Democratic and Republican state political party revenue over a seven-year period from 2011 to 2019. Revenue totals are broken down by party, account type, and year. The data was compiled through publicly available state and federal campaign finance reports.

Campaign finance reporting requirements for state political parties

Campaign finance
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Federal campaign finance laws and regulations
Campaign finance reform
History of campaign finance reform
State by state comparison of campaign finance reporting requirements
Election policy
State information
AlabamaAlaskaArizonaArkansasCaliforniaColoradoConnecticutDelawareFloridaGeorgiaHawaiiIdahoIllinoisIndianaIowaKansasKentuckyLouisianaMaineMarylandMassachusettsMichiganMinnesotaMississippiMissouriMontanaNebraskaNevadaNew HampshireNew JerseyNew MexicoNew YorkNorth CarolinaNorth DakotaOhioOklahomaOregonPennsylvaniaRhode IslandSouth CarolinaSouth DakotaTennesseeTexasUtahVermontVirginiaWashingtonWest VirginiaWisconsinWyoming
Public Policy Logo-one line.png

Federal campaign finance reporting requirements

See also: Federal campaign finance laws and regulations

State-level political parties are subject to separate campaign finance laws and reporting requirements at the state and federal levels. Campaign finance laws regulate the sources and amounts of contributions to political candidates and campaigns, as well as the disclosure of information about campaign funds. While federal laws regulate the use of money in federal elections (i.e., presidential and congressional elections), the states themselves implement and enforce campaign finance laws for state-level candidates (such as governors and state legislators). Consequently, there is considerable variation in campaign finance laws from state to state.

Though federal laws permits the use of a single federal account for federal and nonfederal campaign activities, a single account would be subject to federal campaign finance regulations. State political parties typically establish separate federal and state accounts in order to comply with campaign finance requirements at both the state and federal levels.[103]

State campaign finance reporting requirements

See also: State campaign finance information
See also: State campaign finance agencies

State-level campaign finance administration varies by state. Secretaries of state are often responsible for administrative aspects of campaign finance regulation by receiving and processing campaign finance disclosure reports. In some states, these responsibilities are held by a single commission or agency.

See also: State-by-state comparison of campaign finance requirements

Just as campaign finance administration varies by state, so do campaign finance reporting requirements. While certain states file annual campaign finance reports, others report on a biennial schedule. Reporting schedules often vary between election and non-election years and intermittent reports may include monthly, quarterly, or election-specific disclosures.

Some state parties manage multiple state-level accounts that distinguish between operating funds and campaign dollars. State accounts may or may not factor in-kind contributions into revenue totals.

Recent news

The link below is to the most recent stories in a Google news search for the terms State political party revenue. These results are automatically generated from Google. Ballotpedia does not curate or endorse these articles.

See also

External links


  1. Alabama Secretary of State, "Government Records Inquiry System," accessed May 2016 (Search terms AL Republican Party and State Democratic Executive Committee)
  2. Federal Election Commission, "Candidate and Committee Viewer," accessed May 2016 (Search terms Alabama Republican Party and State Democratic Executive Committee of Alabama)
  3. 3.00 3.01 3.02 3.03 3.04 3.05 3.06 3.07 3.08 3.09 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 3.14 3.15 3.16 3.17 3.18 3.19 3.20 3.21 3.22 3.23 3.24 3.25 3.26 3.27 3.28 3.29 3.30 3.31 3.32 3.33 3.34 3.35 3.36 3.37 3.38 3.39 3.40 3.41 3.42 3.43 3.44 3.45 3.46 3.47 3.48 3.49 3.50 3.51 3.52 3.53 3.54 3.55 3.56 3.57 3.58 3.59 Complete financial report is unavailable for this period.
  4. Alaska Public Offices Commission, "Search Reports," accessed May 2016 (Search terms Alaska Republican Party and Alaska Democratic Party)
  5. Federal Election Commission, "Candidate and Committee Viewer," accessed May 2016 (Search terms Alaska Republican Party and Alaska Democratic Party)
  6. Arizona Secretary of State, "Campaign Finance and Reporting," accessed May 2016 (Search terms AZ Republican Party and Arizona Democratic Party)
  7. Federal Election Commission, "Candidate and Committee Viewer," accessed May 2016 (Search terms Arizona Republican Party and Arizona State Democratic Central Executive Committee)
  8. Arkansas Secretary of State, "Financial Disclosure Search," accessed May 2016 (Search terms Republican Party of Arkansas and Democratic Party of Arkansas)
  9. Federal Election Commission, "Candidate and Committee Viewer," accessed May 2016 (Search terms Republican Party of Arkansas and Democratic Party of Arkansas)
  10. California Secretary of State, "Cal-Access," accessed May 2016 (Search terms California Republican Party and California Democratic Party)
  11. Federal Election Commission, "Candidate and Committee Viewer," accessed May 2016 (Search terms California Republican Party and Democratic State Central Committee of CA - Federal)
  12. Colorado Secretary of State, "Campaign Finance," accessed May 2016 (Search terms Colorado Republican Committee and Colorado Democratic Party)
  13. Federal Election Commission, "Candidate and Committee Viewer," accessed May 2016 (Search terms Colorado Republican Committee and Colorado Democratic Party)
  14. Connecticut State Elections Enforcement Commission, "SEEC Campaign Reporting Information System (eCRIS)," accessed May 2016 (Search terms Connecticut Republican SCC, Connecticut Republican Party, and Democratic State Central Committee)
  15. Federal Election Commission, "Candidate and Committee Viewer," accessed May 2016 (Search terms Connecticut Republican SCC, Connecticut Republican Party, and Connecticut Democratic State Central Committee)
  16. State of Delaware, "Delaware Campaign Finance Reporting System," accessed May 2016 (Search terms Republican State Committee of Delaware and Democratic State Committee)
  17. Federal Election Commission, "Candidate and Committee Viewer," accessed May 2016 (Search terms Republican State Committee of Delaware and Democratic State Committee (Delaware))
  18. Florida Department of State—Division of Elections, "Campaign Finance," accessed May 2016 (Search terms Republican Party of Florida and Florida Democratic Party)
  19. Federal Election Commission, "Candidate and Committee Viewer," accessed May 2016 (Search terms Republican Party of Florida and Democratic Executive Committee of Florida)
  20. Georgia Government Transparency and Campaign Finance Commission, "Campaign Reports—Name Search," accessed May 2016 (Search terms Georgia Republican Party, Inc. and Democratic Party of Georgia)
  21. Federal Election Commission, "Candidate and Committee Viewer," accessed May 2016 (Search terms Georgia Republican Party and Georgia Federal Elections Committee)
  22. State of Hawaii, "Campaign Spending Commission," accessed May 2016 (Search terms Hawaii Republican Party and Democratic Party of Hawaii)
  23. Federal Election Commission, "Candidate and Committee Viewer," accessed May 2016 (Search terms Hawaii Republican Party and Hawaii Democratic Party)
  24. Idaho Secretary of State, "Campaign Finance," accessed May 2016 (Search terms Idaho Republican Party and Idaho Democratic Party)
  25. Federal Election Commission, "Candidate and Committee Viewer," accessed May 2016 (Search terms Hawaii Republican Party and Hawaii Democratic Party)
  26. 26.00 26.01 26.02 26.03 26.04 26.05 26.06 26.07 26.08 26.09 26.10 26.11 26.12 26.13 26.14 26.15 26.16 26.17 26.18 26.19 26.20 26.21 26.22 26.23 26.24 26.25 26.26 26.27 26.28 26.29 26.30 26.31 26.32 26.33 26.34 26.35 Biennial reporting schedule.
  27. Illinois State Board of Elections, "Contributions Search—By Committee," accessed May 2016 (Search terms Illinois Republican Party and Democratic Party of Illinois)
  28. Federal Election Commission, "Candidate and Committee Viewer," accessed May 2016 (Search terms Illinois Republican Party and Democratic Party of Illinois)
  29. Indiana Secretary of State—Indiana Election Division, "Campaign Finance Home," accessed May 2016 (Search terms Indiana Republican State Committee and Indiana Democratic State Central Committee)
  30. Federal Election Commission, "Candidate and Committee Viewer," accessed May 2016 (Search terms Indiana Republican State Committee, Inc. and Indiana Democratic Congressional Victory Committee)
  31. Iowa Ethics & Campaign Disclosure Board, "IECDB State/Local Campaign Disclosure Reports," accessed May 2016 (Search terms Republican Party of Iowa and its Eisenhower Club and Iowa Democratic Party)
  32. Federal Election Commission, "Candidate and Committee Viewer," accessed May 2016 (Search terms Republican Party of Iowa and Iowa Democratic Party)
  33. Kansas Governmental Ethics Commission, "View Submitted Forms & Reports," accessed May 2016 (Search terms Kansas Republican Party and Kansas Democratic Party)
  34. Federal Election Commission, "Candidate and Committee Viewer," accessed May 2016 (Search terms Kansas Republican Party and Kansas Democratic Party)
  35. Kentucky Registry of Election Finance, "Search Our Database," accessed May 2016 (Search by Executive Committee)
  36. Federal Election Commission, "Candidate and Committee Viewer," accessed May 2016 (Search terms Republican Party of Kentucky and Kentucky State Democratic Central Executive Committee)
  37. Louisiana Ethics Administration Program, "View Campaign Finance Reports," accessed May 2016 (Search terms Republican Party of Louisiana and Louisiana Democrats)
  38. Federal Election Commission, "Candidate and Committee Viewer," accessed May 2016 (Search terms Republican Party of Louisiana and Democratic State Central Committee of LA)
  39. Maine Commission on Governmental Ethics & Election Practices, "Maine Ethics Commission Public Disclosure Site," accessed May 2016 (Search terms Maine Republican Party and Maine Democratic State Committee)
  40. Federal Election Commission, "Candidate and Committee Viewer," accessed May 2016 (Search terms Maine Republican Party and Maine Democratic State Committee)
  41. Maryland Campaign Reporting Information System, "View Filed Reports Information," accessed May 2016 (Search terms Republican State Central Committee of Maryland and Democratic State Central Committee of Maryland)
  42. Federal Election Commission, "Candidate and Committee Viewer," accessed May 2016 (Search terms Maryland Republican State Central Committee and Democratic State Central Committee of Maryland)
  43. The Massachusetts Office of Campaign & Political Finance, "View Reports," accessed May 2016 (Search terms Republican State Committee and Democratic State Committee)
  44. Federal Election Commission, "Candidate and Committee Viewer," accessed May 2016 (Search terms Massachusetts Republican Party and Massachusetts Democratic State Committee - Fed Fund)
  45. Michigan Secretary of State, "Campaign Finance Disclosure—Searchable Database Downloads & Statistics," accessed May 2016 (Search terms Michigan Republican Party and Democratic State Central Committee)
  46. Federal Election Commission, "Candidate and Committee Viewer," accessed May 2016 (Search terms Michigan Republican Party and Michigan Democratic State Central Committee)
  47. Minnesota Campaign Finance and Public Disclosure Board, "View Political Party Unit Reports," accessed May 2016 (Search terms Republican Party of Minn and Minn DFL State Central Committee)
  48. Federal Election Commission, "Candidate and Committee Viewer," accessed May 2016 (Search terms Republican Party of Minnesota - Federal and Minnesota Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party)
  49. Mississippi Secretary of State, "Campaign Finance Filings," accessed May 2016 (Search terms Mississippi Republican Party and MS Democratic Party)
  50. Federal Election Commission, "Candidate and Committee Viewer," accessed May 2016 (Search terms Mississippi Republican Party and Mississippi Democratic Party PAC)
  51. Missouri Ethics Commission, "Campaign Finance," accessed May 2016 (Search terms MO Republican Party and MO Democratic State Committee)
  52. Federal Election Commission, "Candidate and Committee Viewer," accessed May 2016 (Search terms Missouri Republican State Committee-Federal and Missouri Democratic State Committee)
  53. Montana Commissioner of Political Practices, "Campaign Report Search," accessed May 2016 (Search terms Montana Republican State Central Committee Montana Democratic State Central Committee)
  54. Federal Election Commission, "Candidate and Committee Viewer," accessed May 2016 (Search terms Montana Republican State Central Committee and Montana Democratic Party)
  55. Nebraska Accountability and Disclosure Commission, "View Campaign Filings," accessed May 2016 (Search terms NE Republican Party and NE Democratic Party)
  56. Federal Election Commission, "Candidate and Committee Viewer," accessed May 2016 (Search terms Nebraska Republican Party and Nebraska Democratic Party)
  57. Nevada Secretary of State, "AURORA Campaign Financial Disclosure," accessed May 2016 (Search terms Nevada Republican Party Central Committee and Nevada State Democratic Party)
  58. Federal Election Commission, "Candidate and Committee Viewer," accessed May 2016 (Search terms Nevada Republican State Central Committee and Nevada State Democratic Party)
  59. New Hampshire Secretary of State, "Campaign Finance," accessed May 2016 (Search terms New Hampshire Republican State Committee and New Hampshire Democratic Party)
  60. Federal Election Commission, "Candidate and Committee Viewer," accessed May 2016 (Search terms New Hampshire Republican State Committee and New Hampshire Democratic Party)
  61. New Jersey Campaign Financing and Lobbying Disclosure—Election Law Enforcement Commission, "Searchable Campaign Finance Database," accessed May 2016 (Search terms NJ Republican State Committee and NJ Democratic State Committee)
  62. Federal Election Commission, "Candidate and Committee Viewer," accessed May 2016 (Search terms New Jersey Republican State Committee and )
  63. New Mexico Secretary of State, "New Mexico Campaign Finance Reporting System," accessed May 2016 (Search terms Republican Campaign Committee of New Mexico and Democratic Party of New Mexico)
  64. Federal Election Commission, "Candidate and Committee Viewer," accessed May 2016 (Search terms Republican Campaign Committee of New Mexico and Democratic Party of New Mexico)
  65. New York State Board of Elections, "Campaign Finance," accessed May 2016 (Search terms New York Republican State Committee and New York State Democratic Committee)
  66. Federal Election Commission, "Candidate and Committee Viewer," accessed May 2016 (Search terms New York Republican State Committee and New York State Democratic Committee)
  67. North Carolina State Board of Elections, "Campaign Finance," accessed May 2016 (Search terms NC REC and NC DEC)
  68. Federal Election Commission, "Candidate and Committee Viewer," accessed May 2016 (Search terms North Carolina Republican Party and North Carolina Democratic Party - Federal)
  69. North Dakota Secretary of State, "North Dakota Campaign Finance Online," accessed May 2016 (Search terms North Dakota Republican Party and North Dakota Democratic-NPL Party)
  70. Federal Election Commission, "Candidate and Committee Viewer," accessed May 2016 (Search terms North Dakota Republican Party and North Dakota Democratic-Nonpartisan League Party)
  71. Ohio Secretary of State, "Campaign Finance," accessed May 2016 (Search terms Ohio Republican State Central & Executive Committee and Ohio Democratic Party)
  72. Federal Election Commission, "Candidate and Committee Viewer," accessed May 2016 (Search terms Ohio Republican Party State Central & Executive Committee and Ohio Democratic Party)
  73. Oklahoma Ethics Commission, "Campaign Finance Reporting," accessed May 2016 (Search terms Oklahoma Republican Party and Democratic Party of Oklahoma)
  74. Federal Election Commission, "Candidate and Committee Viewer," accessed May 2016 (Search terms Oklahoma Republican Party and Oklahoma Democratic Party)
  75. Oregon Secretary of State, "Search for Campaign Finance Information," accessed May 2016 (Search terms Oregon Republican Party and Democratic Party of Oregon)
  76. Federal Election Commission, "Candidate and Committee Viewer," accessed May 2016 (Search terms Oregon Republican Party and Democratic Party of Oregon)
  77. Pennsylvania Department of State, "Campaign Finance Online Reporting," accessed May 2016 (Search terms Rep State Com of PA and PA Democratic Party)
  78. Federal Election Commission, "Candidate and Committee Viewer," accessed May 2016 (Search terms Republican Federal Committee of Pennsylvania and Pennsylvania Democratic Party)
  79. State of Rhode Island Board of Elections, "Campaign Finance Electronic Reporting & Tracking System (ERTS)," accessed May 2016 (Search terms RI Republican State Committee and RI Democratic State Committee)
  80. Federal Election Commission, "Candidate and Committee Viewer," accessed May 2016 (Search terms Rhode Island Republican State Central Committee and Rhode Island Democratic State Committee)
  81. South Carolina State Ethics Commission, "Public Disclosure and Accountability Reporting," accessed May 2016 (Search terms South Carolina Republican Party and South Carolina Democratic Party)
  82. Federal Election Commission, "Candidate and Committee Viewer," accessed May 2016 (Search terms South Carolina Republican Party and Democratic Party of South Carolina)
  83. South Dakota Secretary of State, "Campaign Finance," accessed May 2016 (Search terms South Dakota Republican Party and South Dakota Democratic Party)
  84. Federal Election Commission, "Candidate and Committee Viewer," accessed May 2016 (Search terms South Dakota Republican Party and South Dakota Democratic Party)
  85. TN Online Campaign Finance, "Search the Online Campaign Finance Database," accessed May 2016 (Search terms Tennessee Legislative Campaign Committee and Tennessee Democratic Party)
  86. Federal Election Commission, "Candidate and Committee Viewer," accessed May 2016 (Search terms Tennessee Republican Party Federal Election Account and Tennessee Democratic Party)
  87. Texas Ethics Commission, "Search Campaign Finance, Lobby Reports, and Form 1295 Filings," accessed May 2016 (Search terms Texas Republican Party/Republican Party of Texas and Texas Democratic Party)
  88. Federal Election Commission, "Candidate and Committee Viewer," accessed May 2016 (Search terms Republican Party of Texas and Texas Democratic Party)
  89. Utah Lieutenant Governor—Elections, "Campaign Finance," accessed May 2016 (Search terms Utah Republican Party (State) and Utah Democratic State Party)
  90. Federal Election Commission, "Candidate and Committee Viewer," accessed May 2016 (Search terms Utah Republican Party and Utah State Democratic Committee)
  91. Vermont Secretary of State, "Campaign Finance," accessed May 2016 (Search terms Vermont Republican State Committee and Vermont Democrats)
  92. Federal Election Commission, "Candidate and Committee Viewer," accessed May 2016 (Search terms Vermont Republican Federal Elections Committee and Vermont Democratic Party)
  93. Virginia Department of Elections, "Campaign Finance Reports," accessed May 2016 (Search terms Republican Party of Virginia, Inc. and Virginia Democratic Party)
  94. Federal Election Commission, "Candidate and Committee Viewer," accessed May 2016 (Search terms Republican Party of Virginia Inc and Democratic Party of Virginia)
  95. Washington State Public Disclosure Commission, "Search the Database," accessed May 2016 (Search terms WA State Repub Party and WA State Demo Cent Comm)
  96. Federal Election Commission, "Candidate and Committee Viewer," accessed May 2016 (Search terms Washington State Republican Party and Washington State Democratic Central Committee)
  97. West Virginia Secretary of State, "Campaign Finance," accessed May 2016 (Search terms West Virginia Republican State Executive Committee and WV Democratic Exe Comm)
  98. Federal Election Commission, "Candidate and Committee Viewer," accessed May 2016 (Search terms West Virginia Republican Party, Inc. and WV State Democratic Executive Committee)
  99. Wisconsin Campaign Finance Information System, "View Filed Reports," accessed May 2016 (Search terms Republican Party of Wisconsin and Democratic Party of Wisconsin)
  100. Federal Election Commission, "Candidate and Committee Viewer," accessed May 2016 (Search terms Republican Party of Wisconsin and Democratic Party of Wisconsin)
  101. Wyoming Campaign Finance Information System, "Search," accessed May 2016 (Search terms Party Committee-Republican and Party Committee-Democrat)
  102. Federal Election Commission, "Candidate and Committee Viewer," accessed May 2016 (Search terms Wyoming Republican Party, Inc. and WY Democratic State Central Committee)
  103. Federal Election Commission, "Federal and state campaign finance laws," accessed June 17, 2016