Rick Santorum presidential campaign key staff and advisors, 2016

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See also: Rick Santorum presidential campaign, 2016
2016 presidential candidate Rick Santorum

Rick Santorum was a Republican candidate for the office of president of the United States in 2016. Santorum served as a U.S. senator from Pennsylvania from January 3, 1995, to January 3, 2007. He also served as a member of the United States House of Representatives from Pennsylvania's 18th Congressional District from January 3, 1991, to January 3, 1995.[1] He ran for the Republican presidential nomination in 2012, but he ended his campaign on April 10, 2012.[2][3]

During a December 2014 interview with The Washington Post, Santorum indicated that he would run in 2016. He said, "America loves an underdog. We’re definitely the underdog in this race."[4] Sixteen senators have been elected to the presidency, including President Barack Obama.[5] Santorum ended his presidential run on February 3, 2016.[6]

Key staff and advisors

See also: Rick Santorum presidential campaign key staff and advisors experience, 2016

The table below details some of the key staff and advisors for Rick Santorum's 2016 presidential campaign at the time the campaign was suspended in February 2016. The leftmost column indicates the individual staff member or advisor. The middle column details that individual's relationship to Santorum's 2016 campaign. The final column indicates the individual's experience prior to working on Santorum's 2016 campaign. More detailed profiles of individuals can be found by clicking the links in the leftmost column.

Rick Santorum key staff and advisors
IndividualRolePrevious Experience
Jessica ColonNational political directorRick Santorum 2012 presidential
Joan Huffman 2008 Texas State Senate
•Tom Reiser 2002 U.S. House
John BrabenderSenior advisor and media consultantRick Santorum 2012 presidential
•Rudy Giuliani 2008 presidential
John McCain 2008 presidential
Jon ParkerSouth Carolina state chairAlan Wilson 2014 S.C. Attorney General
Rick Santorum 2012 presidential
Matt BeynonCommunications directorRick Santorum 2012 presidential
Nadine MaenzaPAC executive directorRick Santorum 2012 presidential
Mitt Romney 2008 presidential

The following is a list of key staffers Ballotpedia has covered who left Rick Santorum's campaign before it was suspended in February 2016:

Recent news

The link below is to the most recent stories in a Google news search for the terms Rick Santorum Campaign Staff. These results are automatically generated from Google. Ballotpedia does not curate or endorse these articles.

See also

External links
