Rich Gold

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Rich Gold

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Elections and appointments
Last election

August 6, 2024



Moberly Area Community College, 2016


Service / branch

U.S. Navy

Years of service

1993 - 2013

Springfield, Mo.
Non-denominational Christian
Business owner

Rich Gold (Democratic Party) ran for election to the U.S. House to represent Missouri's 6th Congressional District. He lost in the Democratic primary on August 6, 2024.

Gold completed Ballotpedia's Candidate Connection survey in 2024. Click here to read the survey answers.



See also: Missouri's 6th Congressional District election, 2024

Missouri's 6th Congressional District election, 2024 (August 6 Republican primary)

Missouri's 6th Congressional District election, 2024 (August 6 Democratic primary)

General election

General election for U.S. House Missouri District 6

Incumbent Sam Graves defeated Pam May, Andy Maidment, and Mike Diel in the general election for U.S. House Missouri District 6 on November 5, 2024.

Image of Sam Graves
Sam Graves (R)
Image of Pam May
Pam May (D)
Image of Andy Maidment
Andy Maidment (L) Candidate Connection
Mike Diel (G)

Total votes: 375,186
Candidate Connection = candidate completed the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection survey.
If you are a candidate and would like to tell readers and voters more about why they should vote for you, complete the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection Survey.

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Democratic primary election

Democratic primary for U.S. House Missouri District 6

Pam May defeated Rich Gold in the Democratic primary for U.S. House Missouri District 6 on August 6, 2024.

Image of Pam May
Pam May
Rich Gold Candidate Connection

Total votes: 27,916
Candidate Connection = candidate completed the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection survey.
If you are a candidate and would like to tell readers and voters more about why they should vote for you, complete the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection Survey.

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Withdrawn or disqualified candidates

Republican primary election

Republican primary for U.S. House Missouri District 6

Incumbent Sam Graves defeated Brandon Kleinmeyer, Freddie Griffin Jr., and Weldon Woodward in the Republican primary for U.S. House Missouri District 6 on August 6, 2024.

Image of Sam Graves
Sam Graves
Image of Brandon Kleinmeyer
Brandon Kleinmeyer Candidate Connection
Image of Freddie Griffin Jr.
Freddie Griffin Jr. Candidate Connection
Weldon Woodward

Total votes: 103,142
Candidate Connection = candidate completed the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection survey.
If you are a candidate and would like to tell readers and voters more about why they should vote for you, complete the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection Survey.

Do you want a spreadsheet of this type of data? Contact our sales team.

Libertarian primary election

Libertarian primary for U.S. House Missouri District 6

Andy Maidment advanced from the Libertarian primary for U.S. House Missouri District 6 on August 6, 2024.

Image of Andy Maidment
Andy Maidment Candidate Connection

Total votes: 263
Candidate Connection = candidate completed the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection survey.
If you are a candidate and would like to tell readers and voters more about why they should vote for you, complete the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection Survey.

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Ballotpedia did not identify endorsements for Gold in this election.

Campaign themes


Ballotpedia survey responses

See also: Ballotpedia's Candidate Connection

Candidate Connection

Rich Gold completed Ballotpedia's Candidate Connection survey in 2024. The survey questions appear in bold and are followed by Gold's responses. Candidates are asked three required questions for this survey, but they may answer additional optional questions as well.

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I graduated from Marionville High School in 1993 and immediately joined the US Navy. While in the Navy I was stationed on board the Submarines of USS Ohio, USS Houston, USS Salt Lake City, USS Los Angles, USS Key West, and USS Columbia. I was station on shore duties at Naples Italy command COMSUBGRU-8, Yokohama Japan command COMSUBGRU-7, and San Diego California command COMSUBRON-11. Through my course in the navy, I obtained the rank of Culinary Specialist Chief.

After retirement in 2013 I moved to Columbia Missouri and enrolled in college at Moberly Area Community College. I obtained my and Associates of Art Degree through MACC. During this time, I married my wife Ruth and we have 3 awesome children. My wife is an immigrant from Philippines which she obtained her citizenship to the US in 2018.

In 2017 me and my wife decided to move from Columbia MO to Mexico MO when we purchased on owner operated live in motel. During this time, I have held a position on the tourism board of Mexico and put my hat into running for city council election of 2021.
  • Missouri farms produce 5 billion dollars of livestock and crops each year. This is the backbone of most small towns in Missouri and in this district. In my opinion what farmers are good at is growing the crops and livestock and we need government help in getting these products to markets that would garner a higher profit. Just like you put a letter in the mail the government makes sure that letter get to the end user. I am for the government assisting farmers in delivering goods farmed in the US transported overseas. This not only would help farmers but would also help factories to ship their goods overseas. In 1940 the US shipped 43% of all good in the world now we ship 3%.
  • There are 41 Missouri counties that don’t have access to a hospital. That is 40% of District 6 counties don’t have access to a hospital in the county that they live in. People in these area’s are vulnerable in the time of a medical emergency when they don’t have access to a medical facility. Every minute without this lifesaving medical attention increase the likelihood of serious complications of even death. Weather it is a sever cold, child labor, sever injury, or an allergic reaction having a hospital nearby ensure prompt treatment and a higher chance of recovery. Medical treatment facilities are imperative to these communities.
  • Lowering the National debt by building revenue. The US government spends trillions of dollars with no return on this money. The government builds roads, bridges, guarantees loans, insures bank deposit, funds research just to name a few spending we do. If the government spends to repave a road that is a toll road, then the government should get it cut of money that help build that road. If the government builds a wind farm, then the government should get it cut of the money that that wind farm produces. If a new drug is produced by said money, then the government should get a repayment of the research spent or profit sharing.
There is no one public policy area that is more important than the other because they all work together to give us the greatest country in the world. Laws establish rules for societal conduct, regulations provide detailed guidelines for law enforcement, and taxes fund public services. Laws define permissible behaviors and penalties for violations. Regulations ensure consistent application of laws across different sectors. Taxes finance government activities, from infrastructure to social programs. Together, they form the legal and fiscal framework that governs society, ensuring order, safety, and provision of essential services.
Through my life I have always looked up to my mother. She was a strong woman that had 2 boys of her own but raise a total of 7 boys. She also was a register nurse, a Lieutenant in the US Navy, and a gulf war veteran.

I use her example to live my life.
To understand my political philosophy, I would ask someone to read JK Rowling Harry Potter series, "Faith of My Fathers" by John McCain, “Vanderbilt –The Rise and Fall of an American Dynasty” by Anderson Copper, and “The Painted House” by John Grisham.

In the Harry Potter series, I see the themes of power, prejudice, and the struggle of against authoritarianism. To overcome these struggles the characters, use resistance, solidarity, and the fight for equality. While I read Faith of My Father I see the theme of values of duty, honor, and service to country. I draw connections between my political philosophy and McCain's commitment to principled leadership, bipartisan cooperation, and the defense of democratic ideals. When reading Vanderbilt –The Rise and Fall of an American Dynasty I recognize the themes of wealth inequality, social mobility, and the responsibilities of privilege. How this fits with my political philosophy is through economic justice, redistribution of wealth, and social welfare. Finally, The Painted House I see the themes of family, community, and the challenges faced by working-class Americans. This fits with my political philosophy through issues of economic opportunity, rural development, and the importance of local empowerment and self-determination.
Several Characteristics and principles are crucial for elected officials to effectively serve in this office. Some key factors Include integrity, accountability, transparency, empathy, leadership, communication, collaboration, respect for the rule of law, commitment to public service, and adaptability and open-mindedness. Integrity is important because an elected official needs to be honest, trustworthy, and have a commitment to ethical behavior. Accountability is important because the elected official need to be able to answer for the decisions and actions that they made. Transparency is important because people need to understand how you came to make that decision and this will foster trust in the elected official. Empathy is important because if you don’t understand the needs and concerns you won’t be an effective representative. Leadership is important because this is the ability to inspire, motivate, and guide others toward a common goal or shared vision. Communication is important because you won’t be able to get your ideas out to the public or you’re collogue. Collaboration is the skill of working with colleagues, stakeholders, and other government officials for a common goal. Respect of the rule of law is important because you are making the laws and you need to make sure they are fair for all. Commitment to public service is important because you prioritize the public over your personnel gains. Adaptability and open-mindedness are important because the public's stance may change over time and since you are representing people you need to be able to change with the public. These characteristics and principals will contribute to a functioning and healthy democratic system.
Three qualities that I possess to be an effective office holder is impartiality, adaptability, and accessibility. With impartiality I have the ability to make decisions on facts and logic rather than emotion. With adaptability I have the ability to evolve over time when more facts and logic comes to light. And with accessibility I have the ability to interact with the constituents and stakeholders. These qualities allow us to provide information to the constituents in a timely manner.
The core responsibilities are representing the interest of Missouri District 6, make decisions that benefit the community or nation, and uphold the laws and values of the district. When I am representing the constituent that elected me, I will be representing their interest, concerns, and values. To understand their interest, concerns, and values I will listen so that I am advocating for their needs. This will ensure that their voices are heard in the decision-making process.

There are many things that make up your responsibilities including policy- making, constituent services, oversight, community engagement, decision-making, and ethical conduct. These are the fundamental duties of public service and leadership.
When I was in 5th grade I remember my teacher being so happy that a teacher was going to be the first teacher to go into space. It was also the saddest day because during the USS Challengers launch into space it exploded and killed the crew. I remember how this changed the whole mood of the school. I also remember my teacher Mrs Philips comforted us as student that couldn't quite grasp what happened. Many teacher that day was hero's for picking up the pieces.
Well my very first job was watering the family chicken. I lived on a farm when I was a kid and my job was to water all the chickens. I had to get up in the morning and water the chickens sometimes in the dark before school and then I had to water the chicken when I got home from school.I did this job for about 3 years old till I was 15 years old. The requirement was that I could lift a gallon jug of water and I could go from the spigot of water to each chicken pin. When I was 15 I got a job on a milk farm and that was my first job that I made a pay check. My job on the milk farm was to feed the animals, clean up the waste of the animals, and mow the lawn. I did that job for about 9 months. My first job with a company was a cook at Kentucky Fried Chicken.
My favorite book is the Firm by john Grisham. It was the first book that I read cover to cover on my own without being assigned to read a book.
When I was in the Navy I played a computer game called Everquest. I made a character in that game called Stonegold. He is a 7 foot cat person and that would be my fictional character.
See you again by Charlie Puth. This song was the song that we used for my moms memorial slide show.
My son is a nonverbal autistic kiddo. He is 10 years old. he has a vocabulary of about 50 words. He can parrot almost every word that you say making sound like he can have a full vocabulary. He likes breaking thing. Just last night he threw his cellphone into the microwave. Now he has no cellphone. He keeps us on our toes.
It is not required for someone to have experience in government to e an effective representative. Living life is experience enough to give you the skills to be a great leader. There are numerous examples of people going into public office with no experience and being great representatives. Also ever single representative that was elected had no experience until he was elected.
There are three areas I see as great challenges that the US faces in the next decade. Climate change, democracy, and the national debt will need to be address or they will harm the economy of the United States. The United States spends 93 billion dollars a year in natural disaster money. With the increase in tornadoes, hurricanes, typhons, rising temperatures, and loss of coastline the economical hit on the country is unreal. The rise in temperature alone in mid Missouri has required farmers to increase irrigation so that they get full crop yield each year.

Democracy in the United States faces several challenges, including political polarization, declining trust in institutions, voter suppression efforts, and foreign interference in elections. Upholding and strengthening democratic principles, such as free and fair elections, the rule of law, and respect for human rights, is essential for maintaining a healthy democracy. This may require reforms to electoral systems, campaign finance laws, and government transparency, as well as efforts to combat disinformation and promote civic engagement and participation.

The national debt of the United States is a long-standing concern that has been exacerbated by factors such as increased government spending, tax cuts, and economic downturns. While some level of debt is manageable and even necessary for government functioning, excessive debt levels can pose risks to economic stability, fiscal health, and future generations. Addressing the national debt requires a combination of prudent fiscal management, responsible budgeting, and building revenue streams that benefit constituents
I feel that 2 years is the right term length. It makes the representative work hard and fast to get his policies into law.
I think there should be term limits in all area's of the government from elected officials, career positions, and judges.
There are 2 seals in a bath tube one seal says to the first seal give me a bar of soap. The first seal says what do you think I am a typewriter.
Without compromise life doesn't work let alone the government. Everyday citizens compromise in there decisions to have a working society.

When you come to a 4 way stop and you let someone go before you that is compromise. When you hold the door open for someone that is go out the door after you that is compromise. These action help society function.

Everyday life is a compromise.
Budget, armed service, and veteran affairs.
With out financial transparency of tax payers’ money then the tax payers would have less trust in how money is being spent on the country. Transparency fosters accountability, public trust, and helps to prevent corruption. Transparency also promotes efficiency and effectiveness in government spending. This transparency helps when there is oversight in spending and allows for scrutiny.

Note: Ballotpedia reserves the right to edit Candidate Connection survey responses. Any edits made by Ballotpedia will be clearly marked with [brackets] for the public. If the candidate disagrees with an edit, he or she may request the full removal of the survey response from Ballotpedia does not edit or correct typographical errors unless the candidate's campaign requests it.

Campaign finance summary

Note: The finance data shown here comes from the disclosures required of candidates and parties. Depending on the election or state, this may represent only a portion of all the funds spent on their behalf. Satellite spending groups may or may not have expended funds related to the candidate or politician on whose page you are reading this disclaimer. Campaign finance data from elections may be incomplete. For elections to federal offices, complete data can be found at the FEC website. Click here for more on federal campaign finance law and here for more on state campaign finance law.

Rich Gold campaign contribution history
2024* U.S. House Missouri District 6Lost primary$0 N/A**
Grand total$0 N/A**
Sources: OpenSecretsFederal Elections Commission ***This product uses the openFEC API but is not endorsed or certified by the Federal Election Commission (FEC).
* Data from this year may not be complete
** Data on expenditures is not available for this election cycle
Note: Totals above reflect only available data.

See also

External links


District 1
District 2
District 3
Bob Onder (R)
District 4
District 5
District 6
District 7
District 8
Republican Party (8)
Democratic Party (2)