Robert S. Filipkowski recall, North Brookfield, Massachusetts (2010)

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North Brookfield Selectman recall
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Robert S. Filipkowski
Recall status
Recall approved
Recall election date
October 18, 2010
See also
Recall overview
Political recall efforts, 2010
Recalls in Massachusetts
Massachusetts recall laws
City council recalls
Recall reports

Robert S. Filipkowski was recalled from his position as a selectman for the Town of North Brookfield, Massachusetts, in a special recall election that took place on October 18, 2010.[1]

  • Votes to recall Filipkowski: 643 Approveda
  • Votes to keep Filipkowski: 345

Filipkowski's term would have ended in May 2012, had he not been recalled.[2]

Voters chose Richard P. Chabot to replace the recalled Filipkowski.[1] Mr. Chabot, who had previously served on the Board of Selectmen for 15 years, said of his candidacy, "“It didn’t look like anyone else was going to step forward, so I did what needed to be done."[2] Chabot is also credited with having spearheaded the effort to recall Filipkowski.[2] The recall petition alleged that Filipkowski engaged in "collusion, discrimination and violation of the state Open Meeting Law;" charges that Filipkowski repeatedly denied.[1]

See also
