RNC delegate guidelines from North Carolina, 2016

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2016 Republican National Convention

July 18-21, 2016
Cleveland, Ohio

Donald Trump
Vice President
Mike Pence

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This page provides known guidelines for Republican delegates representing North Carolina at the 2016 Republican National Convention, as compiled from the "2015 North Carolina Republican Party Plan of Organization," "North Carolina General Statutes (Chapter 163)," and "North Carolina At-Large Delegate and Alternate Application." The full text of relevant regulations is reproduced below.

  • North Carolina sent 72 delegates to the Republican National Convention in 2016: three automatic delegates from the Republican National Committee, 39 congressional district delegates, and 30 at-large delegates.
  • Delegate allocation in North Carolina was completely proportional with no minimum threshold requirement.
  • At-large delegate candidates were required to list their top three presidential candidates in order of preference and indicate whether they would be willing to commit to a candidate they do not personally favor.
  • 2015 North Carolina Republican Party Plan of Organization

    The text below has been reproduced verbatim from: 2015 North Carolina Republican Party Plan of Organization

    Article VII: General Administrative Procedure

    F. Election of Presidential Delegates and Alternates

    Compliance with National Republican Party:

    In order to comply with the rules of the National Republican Party and with the North Carolina General Statutes, specifically Section 163-213.8, immediately following the Presidential Preference Primary, the State Chairman, after consultation with the North Carolina Chairman for each Candidate receiving votes in the primary, shall allocate Delegate positions between the Candidates accurately reflecting the division of votes in the statewide primary, thereby requiring the election of the 3 Delegates and 3 Alternates at the District Convention and the remaining Delegates at the State Convention, in such allocated numbers as to accurately reflect the results of the statewide primary. Each person nominated as a Delegate or an Alternate at either the District or State Convention must have publicly declared as a representative of a Candidate on the Presidential Preference Primary ballot prior to the election of Delegates and Alternates to the National Convention. Delegates and Alternates shall then be elected in the allocation as announced by the State Chairman.

    North Carolina General Statutes (Chapter 163)

    The text below has been reproduced verbatim from: North Carolina General Statutes (Chapter 163)

    Article 18A - Presidential Preference Primary Act

    § 163-213.8. Allocation of delegate positions to reflect division of votes in the primary.

    (a) Upon completion and certification of the primary results by the State Board of Elections, the Secretary of State shall certify the results to the State chairman of each political party.
    Each political party shall allocate delegate positions in a manner which reflects the division of votes of the party primary consistent with the national party rules of that political party.
    (b) In case of conflict between subsection (a) of this section and the national rules of a political party, the State executive committee of that party has the authority to resolve the conflict by adopting for that party the national rules, which shall then supercede any provision in subsection (a) of this section with which it conflicts, provided that the executive committee shall take only such action under this subsection necessary to resolve the conflict. (1971, c. 225; 1975, c. 744; 1979, c. 800; 1983, c. 216, ss. 1, 2.)

    North Carolina At-Large Delegate and Alternate Application

    The text below has been reproduced verbatim from: North Carolina At-Large Delegate and Alternate Application

    Other Information

    * indicates a required field.

    Birth Date:*
    All Delegates and Alternate Delegates are responsible for paying for their own travel and other expenses. While we do not have an exact price - we do anticipate it being $3,000 - $4,000/person. Are you able and willing to make this financial commitment?*
    How would you best describe yourself? (circle all that apply)*
    Elected Official
    Grassroots Activist
    Why do you want to be a Delegate or Alternate Delegate to the 2016 National Convention?*
    What Republican Groups are you a member of?*
    Do you hold a leadership position in any of the groups? Please include previous positions and indicate the time period you served.*
    Please rank your top three presidential candidates in order of your personal preference.*
    Are you willing to commit your vote to a candidate, who may not be your personal preference, to ensure NC reflects the results of the March 15 Primary?*
    Are you available for a Delegation Meeting at the State Convention?*
    What Congressional District do you live in? Please use your governing Congressional District.*
    Did you attend your precinct meeting?*
    Did you/Do you plan on attending your County and District Conventions?*

    See also