Post Audit and Oversight Committee, Massachusetts House of Representatives

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Post Audit and Oversight
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The Post Audit and Oversight Committee is a standing committee of the Massachusetts House of Representatives. Per House Rule 17, the committee is made up of 11 members.[1]

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Per Rule 18 of the House Rules, committees of the Massachusetts House of Representatives are assigned by the Speaker of the House and the Minority Leader.[2] At the beginning of each two-year session, the committees are appointed to serve for the entire session. The Speaker and Minority Leader are responsible for choosing members from their respective parties.[3] Apart from a single minority member on the Committee on Bills in the Third Reading and each committee of conference, the partisan balance of committee membership is to be at least equal to the partisan balance of the chamber on the first day of the session, with minority party membership being no less than six on the Ways and Means Committee, four on the Ethics Committee and Personnel and Administration Committee, three on the Rules Committee, and two on all other standing and joint committees. The Speaker is responsible for nominating the chair of each committee, as well as vice-chairs and assistant vice-chairs of applicable committees, subject to a majority vote of the majority party caucus. The Minority Leader is responsible for nominating a ranking minority member for each applicable committee, subject to a majority vote of the minority party caucus. The Speaker and Minority Leader, pursuant to party affiliation, may recommend the removal of committee members or leaders, subject to the ratification of the respective party caucus except in the case of a representative who has been indicted in a court of law, who may be removed outright. Any vacancies that have occurred in any committees after members have been appointed are filled following the same rules.[4]

DocumentIcon.jpg See rules: Rules of the House


It shall be the duty of the committee on Post Audit and Oversight (established under Section 63 of Chapter 3 of the General Laws) to oversee the development and imple­mentation of legislative auditing programs conducted by the Legislative Post Audit and Oversight Bureau with particular emphasis on performance auditing.[5][6]


2023-2024 legislative session

House Post Audit and Oversight Committee, 2023-2024

Democratic members (9) Republican members (2) Third-party members(0)

2021-2022 legislative session

House Post Audit and Oversight Committee, 2021-2022

Democratic members (9) Republican members (2) Third-party members(0)

2019-2020 legislative session

House Post Audit and Oversight Committee, 2019-2020

Democratic members (9) Republican members (1) Third-party members(0)

Shaunna O'Connell (R) left this committee on January 06, 2020.

2017 legislative session

The following table describes committee membership at the beginning of the 2017 legislative session.

Post Audit and Oversight Members, 2017
Democratic members (9)Republican members (2)
David Linsky, ChairPeter Durant
William Pignatelli, Vice chairShaunna O'Connell
Thomas Stanley
Linda Dean Campbell
Jay Livingstone
Michael Finn
Michael Day
Daniel Joseph Ryan
Joan Meschino

2015 legislative session

The following table describes committee membership at the beginning of the 2015 legislative session.


The following table describes committee membership at the beginning of the 2013 legislative session.


The following table describes committee membership for the 2011 legislative session.


The following table describes committee membership for the 2009 legislative session.

External links


Speaker of the House:Ronald Mariano
Majority Leader:Michael Moran
Barnstable, Dukes, and Nantucket District
1st Barnstable District
1st Berkshire District
1st Bristol District
1st Essex District
1st Franklin District
1st Hampden District
1st Hampshire District
1st Middlesex District
1st Norfolk District
1st Plymouth District
1st Suffolk District
1st Worcester District
2nd Barnstable District
Kip Diggs (D)
2nd Berkshire District
2nd Bristol District
2nd Essex District
2nd Franklin District
2nd Hampden District
2nd Hampshire District
2nd Middlesex District
2nd Norfolk District
2nd Plymouth District
2nd Suffolk District
2nd Worcester District
3rd Barnstable District
3rd Berkshire District
3rd Bristol District
3rd Essex District
3rd Hampden District
3rd Hampshire District
3rd Middlesex District
3rd Norfolk District
3rd Plymouth District
3rd Suffolk District
3rd Worcester District
4th Barnstable District
4th Bristol District
4th Essex District
4th Hampden District
4th Middlesex District
4th Norfolk District
4th Plymouth District
4th Suffolk District
4th Worcester District
5th Barnstable District
5th Bristol District
5th Essex District
5th Hampden District
5th Middlesex District
5th Norfolk District
5th Plymouth District
5th Suffolk District
5th Worcester District
6th Bristol District
6th Essex District
6th Hampden District
6th Middlesex District
6th Norfolk District
6th Plymouth District
6th Suffolk District
6th Worcester District
7th Bristol District
7th Essex District
7th Hampden District
7th Middlesex District
7th Norfolk District
7th Plymouth District
7th Suffolk District
7th Worcester District
8th Bristol District
8th Essex District
8th Hampden District
8th Middlesex District
8th Norfolk District
8th Plymouth District
8th Suffolk District
8th Worcester District
9th Bristol District
9th Essex District
9th Hampden District
9th Middlesex District
9th Norfolk District
9th Plymouth District
9th Suffolk District
9th Worcester District
10th Bristol District
10th Essex District
10th Hampden District
10th Middlesex District
John Lawn (D)
10th Norfolk District
10th Plymouth District
10th Suffolk District
10th Worcester District
11th Bristol District
11th Essex District
Sean Reid (D)
11th Hampden District
11th Middlesex District
11th Norfolk District
11th Plymouth District
11th Suffolk District
11th Worcester District
12th Bristol District
12th Essex District
12th Hampden District
12th Middlesex District
12th Norfolk District
12th Plymouth District
12th Suffolk District
12th Worcester District
13th Bristol District
13th Essex District
13th Middlesex District
13th Norfolk District
13th Suffolk District
13th Worcester District
14th Bristol District
14th Essex District
14th Middlesex District
14th Norfolk District
14th Suffolk District
14th Worcester District
15th Essex District
15th Middlesex District
15th Norfolk District
15th Suffolk District
15th Worcester District
16th Essex District
16th Middlesex District
16th Suffolk District
16th Worcester District
17th Essex District
17th Middlesex District
17th Suffolk District
17th Worcester District
18th Essex District
18th Middlesex District
Tara Hong (D)
18th Suffolk District
18th Worcester District
19th Middlesex District
19th Suffolk District
19th Worcester District
20th Middlesex District
21st Middlesex District
22nd Middlesex District
23rd Middlesex District
24th Middlesex District
25th Middlesex District
26th Middlesex District
27th Middlesex District
28th Middlesex District
29th Middlesex District
30th Middlesex District
31st Middlesex District
32nd Middlesex District
33rd Middlesex District
34th Middlesex District
35th Middlesex District
36th Middlesex District
37th Middlesex District
Democratic Party (132)
Republican Party (25)
Unenrolled (1)
Vacancies (2)