Oxnard, California, Measure M, City Governance Ordinance (November 2020)

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Oxnard Measure M
LocalBallotMeasures Final.png
Election date
November 3, 2020
City governance
Approveda Approved

Oxnard Measure M was on the ballot as an initiative in Oxnard on November 3, 2020. It was approved.

A “yes” vote supported establishing meeting procedures for city legislative bodies to follow including use of prerecorded staff presentations, use of Robert's Rules of Order, purchase of guidebooks and training on meeting procedures, restriction of meeting times and alter rules for public comment.

A “no” vote opposed establishing meeting procedures for city legislative bodies to follow including use of prerecorded staff presentations, use of Robert's Rules of Order, purchase of guidebooks and training on meeting procedures, restriction of meeting times and alter rules for public comment.

A simple majority was required for the approval of Measure M.

Election results

Oxnard Measure M

Result Votes Percentage

Approved Yes

36,549 57.23%
No 27,318 42.77%
Results are officially certified.

Text of measure

Ballot title

The ballot title for Measure M was as follows:

Shall the initiative ordinance mandating all meetings of City legislative bodies to exclusively utilize prerecorded videotaped staff presentations, use Robert's Rules of Order, purchase guidebooks and training from a professional Parliamentarian on meeting procedures, restrict meeting start times, and alter existing rules for public comment, be adopted?

Path to the ballot

See also: Laws governing local ballot measures in California

This measure was put on the ballot through a successful citizen initiative petition drive.

See also

External links
