New Mexico Bond Issue B (2000)
New Mexico Bond Issue B authorizes the issuance and sale of public educational capital improvements and acquisition bonds. It was on the November 7, 2000 election ballot in New Mexico. It passed, with 61% of voters in favor.
Text of measure
The language that appeared on the ballot:
Summary by the League of Women Voters, Albuquerque/Bernalillo County: Bond Issue B will provide $58,262,000 to make capital expenditures for certain public educational capital improvements and acquisitions. This money will be apportioned in the following way (numbers do not include administrative costs, which would bring the total to the numbers above).
1a) $5,000,000 to the Public School capital outlay fund, for public school districts throughout the state.
2a) $7,200,000 to the Commission on Higher Education for educational television digital equipment at higher education institutions and constitutional special schools statewide.
2b) $5,000,000 for information technology at higher education institutions and other constitutional schools statewide.
3a) $400,000 to the Eastern NM University for infrastructure and deferred maintenance improvements at Portales.
3b) $500,000 to plan, design and construct expansions to the classrooms in the aviation maintenance department facility at the Roswell campus.
4a) $6,000,000 to the NM Highlands University for a science and technology building in Las Vegas.
4b) $400,000 to construct a women's softball field, renovate the athletic field house and weight room, and upgrade the swimming pool in Las Vegas.
5a) $2,800,000 to the NM Inst. of Mining and Technology for Cramer and Weir Hall renovations in Socorro.
5b) $1,600,000 to plan, design and construct a student services building in Socorro
6a) $5,000,000 to NM State Univ. to plan, design and construct a health and social services building in Las Cruces.
6b) $200,000 for roof repairs at the Carlsbad branch.
6c) $500,000 for the engineering building in Las Cruces.
6d) $500,000 to plan, design and construct an arena at the equestrian complex in Las Cruces.
7a) $8,000,000 to the Univ. of NM to plan, design and construct an architecture and planning building in Albuquerque, contingent on the Board of Regents conducting a comparative cost-benefit analysis on the proposed locations of the building.
7b) $1,000,000 to purchase patient care equipment for the health sciences center in Albuquerque.
7c) $1,000,000 for phase 2 construction of the education center at Taos.
8a) $325,000 to the Western NM Univ. to complete the center for information technology in Silver City.
8b) $1,400,000 for renovations to Sechlar Hall in Silver City.
8c) $1,000,000 to install lockers, a weight room and meeting rooms at the stadium and athletic facilities in Silver City.
9a) $300,000 to the Northern NM State School for infrastructure and deferred maintenance improvements in El Rito
9b) $150,000 for site improvements at Espanola
10) $1,575,000 to Clovis Community College to plan, design and construct a library-technology center.
11a) $500,000 to NM Junior College for infrastructure improvements in Hobbs.
11b) $1,000,000 to design, construct, equip and furnish the Western Heritage Museum at the college.
12a) $1,500,000 to San Juan College for expansion of the library and student center in Farmington.
12b) $500,000 for phase 3 of the San Juan County -Community College Family Center in Aztec.
13) $400,000 to the Luna Vocational-Technical Institute to plan, design, equip and furnish a health care training facility in Las Vegas.
14) $1,500,000 to the NM Military Institute to renovate Lea Hall in Roswell.
15) $850,000 to NM School for the Deaf in Santa Fe to renovate the campus to comply with life-safety and building codes, improve accessability and meet special education needs.
16a) $1,000,000 to the NM Office of Indian Affairs to continue construction of the Shiprock campus of Diné College.
16b) $1,000,000 to construct, equip and furnish a multipurpose building for the Institute of American Indian Arts in Santa Fe.
See also
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