New Hampshire 1980 ballot measures

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Three statewide ballot measures were on the February 26, 1980 ballot in New Hampshire.
Five statewide ballot measures were on the November 4, 1980 ballot in New Hampshire.

On the ballot

February 26

Type Title Subject Description Result
CCR Age Requirements for Governor State Exec Reduce the age requirement for those seeking to be governor
CCR Acting Governor State Exec An acting governor may not serve actively in the legislature
CCR Governor's councilors Con Language Amend constitutional language regarding governor's councilors

November 4

Type Title Subject Description Result
CCR Gender-neutral language Con Language Should the Bill of Rights be amended to contain gender-neutral language?
CCR Remove obsolete provisions Con Language Remove certain obsolete language and provisions from the constitution
CCR Repeal Article 99 Con Language Repeal Article 99 and modify Article 100 of the constitution
CCR Proposed Amendments presented to voters Admin of Gov't Proposed amendments must be presented to the voters in the following November election
CCR Votes required to propose and amendment Admin of Gov't Require three-fifths of convention votes to propose an amendment

See also

New Hampshire