Nathanael Cousins

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Nathanael Cousins
Image of Nathanael Cousins
United States District Court for the Northern District of California

2011 - Present

Term ends


Years in position


Elections and appointments




Stanford University


University of California, Hastings


Nathanael Cousins is a federal magistrate judge for the United States District Court for the Northern District of California. He was appointed to this position on July 5, 2011.[1]


Judge Cousins received his undergraduate degree from Stanford and his J.D. from the University of California at Hastings. While at Hastings, he was Order of Coif. He has studied abroad at the University of Leiden, in the Netherlands, and Novosibirsk University in Russia.[2]

Professional Career

Judge Cousins started his career as an Associate at the Los Angeles office of Greenberg Glusker, and then subsequently as an Associate then Partner at the Chicago office of Kirland & Ellis. While in private practice, he litigated both civil and criminal cases, focusing on cases that involved antitrust, class actions and investment fraud. He also served as pro boon counsel for inmates in an Illinois state prison. After leaving private practice, Judge Cousins served five years in the Antitrust Division of the U.S. Department of Justice. He later moved to the U.S. Attorney's office for the Northern District of California where he was a federal prosecutor.[2]

See also

External links


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