November 8, 2011 ballot measures in California

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November 8 is the twelfth date in 2011 when local ballot measure elections took place in California.

It featured at least 90 local ballot measure contests in at least 24 of California's 58 counties, and one recall question.[1]

Compared to other years

The number of local ballot measure elections held on November 8 was a steep decline from the number of local ballot measure elections held in the previous three Novembers in California. Elections held in even-numbered years historically attract much higher numbers than those held in odd-numbered years. Comparing the number of local ballot measure elections on November 8, 2011 just to those on the November 3, 2009 ballot indicated a 30% decline in the number of measures on the ballot in these two odd-numbered years.

Local ballot measure frequency in November elections:

November election # of measures # of counties
November 4, 2008 380 51
November 3, 2009 122 22
November 2, 2010 342 50
November 8, 2011 90 24

Bonds and taxes

56 of the 90 measures on the November 8 ballot pertained to local tax and bond measures. Of the 56 that related to local bond and tax measures, voters approved 40, or close to 72%.

Type of tax or bond Approved Defeated Total
Business 6 1 7
Hotel 5 0 5
Parcel (non-school) 9 4 13
Parcel (school) 5 2 7
Sales 5[2] 4 9
Utility User Taxes 3 3 6
Bonds (city) 1 0 1
Bonds (schools) 6 2 8
Totals: 40 (71.5%) 16 (28.5%) 56

The eight school bond measures added up to a total request for $1.315 billion. The six that were approved came to a total request of $711 million (or 54.6% of the total that was requested). This contrasts to 2010, when voters approved a little over $5 billion in school bond requests, and November 2008, when voters approved $22 billion of borrowing in 87 school districts.



See also: Alameda County ballot measures

Approveda Measure C, Emeryville Business Tax Increase
Approveda Measure D, Emeryville Increase in Maximum Business Tax
Defeatedd Measure F, Emeryville City Attorney Services by Contract
Approveda Measure G, Newark Unified School District bond proposition, Measure G


See also: Calaveras County ballot measures

Approveda Measure A: West Point Fire Protection District parcel tax

Contra Costa

See also: Contra Costa County ballot measures

Defeatedd Measure G: City of Lafayette parcel tax
Approveda Measure H: City of Pittsburg Hotel Tax
Approveda Measure I: City of Pittsburg Urban Limit Line

El Dorado

See also: El Dorado County ballot measures

Approveda Measure F: Pioneer Fire Protection District parcel tax


See also: Fresno County ballot measures

Defeatedd Parlier Unified School District: Rick Maldonado recall
Defeatedd Parlier Unified School District: David Torrez recall
Defeatedd Parlier Unified School District: Melissa Cano recall
Defeatedd Parlier Unified School District: Mary Helen Villanueva recall


See also: Humboldt County ballot measures

Approveda Measure U: Proposed Consolidation of the Fortuna Union and Rohnerville Elementary School Districts


See also: Imperial County ballot measures

Approveda Measure K: City of Brawley Utility Users Tax
Defeatedd Measure M: City of Holtville Utility User Tax Elimination
Defeatedd Measure N: City of Holtville Utility User Tax Reduction
Defeatedd Measure O: City of Holtville Utility User Tax Sunset


See also: Kern County ballot measures

Defeatedd Measure A: California City Parcel Tax

Los Angeles

The City of Vernon's approximately 100 registered voters weighted in on four governance reforms on the November 8 ballot, and six additional reform measures on the November 22 ballot.
See also: Los Angeles County ballot measures

Approveda Measure A: Vernon City Council Term Limits
Approveda Measure B: Vernon Prevailing Wages Paid on City Works Projects
Approveda Measure C: Vernon End the Mandate of At-Will Employment of City Employees
Approveda Measure D: Vernon Eliminate Restrictions on City Administrator's Employment
Defeatedd Measure C: City of Maywood Appointed City Clerk
Approveda Measure E: Newhall School District bond proposition
Defeatedd Measure I: Las Virgenes Unified School District parcel tax (also on ballot in Ventura County)
Approveda Measure M: Palos Verdes Peninsula Unified School District parcel tax
Approveda Measure N: Hermosa Beach Business License Tax Simplification
Approveda Measure O: Montebello Competitive Bidding Process for Solid Waste Hauling Services
Approveda Measure P: San Marino City Council term limits
Defeatedd Measure Q: Hermosa Beach Business Tax
Approveda Measure S: San Marino Parcel Tax for Public Safety
Defeatedd Measure T: City of Maywood Appointed City Treasurer
Approveda Measure UT: South Pasadena Utility Users Tax


See also: Marin County ballot measures

Approveda Measure A: Larkspur School District bond proposition
Approveda Measure B: Tamalpais Union High School District parcel tax
Approveda Measure C: Corte Madera Paramedic Service parcel tax
Approveda Measure D: Fairfax Sales Tax
Approveda Measure E: Lucas Valley paramedic services parcel tax
Approveda Measure F: San Rafael paramedic services parcel tax
Approveda Measure G: Marinwood Community Services District parcel tax
Approveda Measure H: Inverness Public Utility District Appropriations Limit Increase


See also: Mendocino County ballot measures

Approveda Measure A: Mendocino County Sales Tax to Support Libraries


See also: Mono County ballot measures

Approveda Measure S: Mammoth Unified School District parcel tax


The Centrella Hotel, an existing source of lodging in Pacific Grove. The approval of Measure U means that more lodging units can be added to the city.
See also: Monterey County ballot measures

Approveda Measure S: Del Rey Oaks Sales Tax Extension
Approveda Measure T: Bradley Union School District bond proposition
Approveda Measure U: City of Pacific Grove Additional Motel Guest Units Allowed
Defeatedd Measure V: Pacific Grove Unified School District parcel tax


See also: Plumas County ballot measures

Defeatedd Measure A: West Almanor Community Services District parcel tax
Approveda Measure B: Prattville/Almanor Fire Protection District parcel tax


See also: Riverside County ballot measures

Approveda Measure H: Indian Wells Hotel Tax Increase
Approveda Measure I: Riverside Library Parcel Tax
Approveda Measure J: Palm Springs Sales Tax Increase
Defeatedd Measure K: Coachella Sales Tax Increase
Approveda Measure L: Coachella Allocation of Sales Tax Revenues (Advisory)

San Bernardino

See also: San Bernardino County ballot measures

Defeatedd Measure F: Hesperia parcel tax
Approveda Measure G: Phelan Pinon Hills Community Services District Appropriations Limit

San Francisco

Website banner of the "Yes on D" campaign
See also: San Francisco ballot measures

Approveda Proposition A: SFUSD bond proposition
Approveda Proposition B: Road Repaving and Street Repair bond proposition
Approveda Proposition C: Pension and Healthcare Benefits
Defeatedd Proposition D: the Adachi Initiative (Pension Reform)
Defeatedd Proposition E: Board of Supervisors Allowed to Amend or Repeal Voter Initiatives
Defeatedd Proposition F: Campaign Consultant Ordinance
Defeatedd Proposition G: Sales Tax
Defeatedd Proposition H: Policies for Assigning Students to Schools

San Mateo

See also: San Mateo County ballot measures

Approveda Measure E: Burlingame Elementary School District parcel tax
Approveda Measure F: Menlo Park Fire Protection District Appropriations Limit
Defeatedd Measure G: San Mateo Affordable Rental Housing General Plan Amendment
Defeatedd Measure H: San Mateo Community College District bond proposition
Approveda Measure I: Redwood City Hotel Tax
Approveda Measure J: Brisbane Business Tax
Approveda Measure K: Redwood City Rules Governing Sales of Property
Approveda Measure L: Pacifica School District parcel tax
Approveda Measure M: Redwood City Business Tax
Approveda Measure N: Millbrae School District bond proposition
Defeatedd Measure O: San Bruno Park School District bond proposition
Approveda Measure P: Foster City Hotel Tax

Santa Clara

See also: Santa Clara County ballot measures

Defeatedd Measure A: Sunnyvale Elected Mayor
Approveda Measure B: Sunnyvale Compensation for City Council Members
Approveda Measure C: Cupertino Hotel Tax
Approveda Measure D: Palo Alto Elimination of Binding Arbitration Requirement
Approveda Measure E: Palo Alto Undedication of Byxbee Park Acreage for Composting Facility


See also: Solano County ballot measures

Approveda Measure B: Vallejo Sales Tax
Approveda Measure C: Vallejo Marijuana Tax


See also: Sonoma County ballot measures

Approveda Measure B: Bodega Bay Fire Protection District appropriations limit


"Yes on O" campaign website banner
See also: Stanislaus County ballot measures

Approveda Measure N: Modesto Utility Users Tax
Approveda Measure O: Oakdale Sales Tax Increase
Approveda Measure P: Modesto Extension of Sewer Service to the Rouse-Colorado Neighborhood
Approveda Measure Q: Modesto Transition Defined Benefit to Defined Contribution Retirement Plan
Approveda Measure R: Modesto Baseline Calculations for City Employee Retirement Benefits
Approveda Measure S: Modesto Increase in Age of Retirement Eligibility for City Employees


See also: Tulare County ballot measures

Approveda Measure X: Consolidation of the Woodlake Union Elementary and High School Districts


See also: Ventura County ballot measures

Defeatedd Measure I: Fillmore Sales Tax
Defeatedd Measure K: Las Virgenes Unified School District parcel tax (also on ballot in Los Angeles County)


  1. Historically, eleven county election offices -- those in Amador County, Del Norte County, El Dorado County, Glenn County, Inyo County, Kings County, Modoc County, Napa County, Nevada County, Tuolumne County and Yuba County -- do not list local ballot measure contests on their websites until after the election has taken place. See November 2, 2010 election in California.
  2. This does not include an approval of a purely advisory vote on how the revenues from a different sales tax measure (which failed) ought to be spent.