November 6, 2012 election in California

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November 6, 2012 was the date of California's 2012 general election. The statewide ballot featured the 2012 presidential contest, as well as elections for U.S. Congress, state senate and state assembly. Eleven statewide ballot propositions were also on the November 6 ballot.

In addition to those contests, many voters saw local ballot measures on their ballot.[1][2]

Local ballot measures

In California, the governing boards of school districts, cities, counties and special districts can vote to refer local measures to the ballot. In cities, counties and special districts (but not school districts), citizens can also collect signatures on petitions to force local public policy questions to the local ballot. However, the overwhelming majority of local ballot measures throughout the state are referred to the ballot by governing bodies, not by citizen initiative.


See also: Alameda County ballot measures

Defeatedd Measure A1: Oakland Zoo Parcel Tax
Defeatedd Measure B1: Alameda County Sales Tax Increase
Approveda Measure D: City of Alameda Sale or Disposal of City Parks
Approveda Measure F: City of Albany Sales Tax Increase
Defeatedd Measure I: Chabot Las Positas Community College District parcel tax (also on the ballot in parts of Contra Costa County}
Approveda Measure J: Oakland Unified School District bond proposition
Approveda Measure K: Ohlone Community College District Method of Electing Board Members
Approveda Measure L: San Leandro Unified School District parcel tax
Approveda Measure M: Berkeley Streets and Watershed bond proposition
Defeatedd Measure N: Berkeley Pools bond proposition
Defeatedd Measure O: Berkeley Pools parcel tax
Approveda Measure P: Berkeley Gann Limit Increase
Approveda Measure Q: Berkeley Utility Users Tax
Approveda Measure R: Berkeley Redistricting Charter Amendment
Defeatedd Measure S: Berkeley Sit-Lie Ordinance
Defeatedd Measure T: Zoning for the West Berkeley Plan
Defeatedd Measure U: Berkeley Sunshine Ordinance
Defeatedd Measure V: Berkeley FACTS Initiative
Approveda Measure W: Livermore City Council Election Dates
Defeatedd Measure X: Livermore City Council Election Dates (alternative)
Approveda Measure Y: City of Piedmont parcel tax
Approveda Measure Z: Washington Township Healthcare District bond proposition


See also: Amador County ballot measures

Approveda Measure Q: Amador County Hotel Tax Increase
Approveda Measure U: Amador County Vehicle Abatement Program Fees
Approveda Measure R: Plymouth (City of) Hotel Tax Increase
Approveda Measure S: Plymouth (City of) Hotel Tax Increase (advisory measure)
Approveda Measure T: Sutter Creek Appointed City Clerk


See also: Butte County ballot measures

Approveda Measure E: Chico Unified School District bond proposition
Defeatedd Measure G: Gridley Unified School District bond proposition
Approveda Measure H: Butte County Abandoned Vehicle Abatement Program
Defeatedd Measure J: City of Chico Utility Users Tax
Approveda Measure K: City of Chico Corporations Are Not Entitled to Political Free Speech
Approveda Measure L: City of Chico Appointed City Clerk
Defeatedd Measure M: El Medio Fire Protection District bond proposition
Approveda Measure V: Yuba County Reduction in Number of Board Members (also on ballot in Yuba County)


See also: Calaveras County ballot measures

Approveda Measure B: Calaveras County Abandoned Vehicle Abatement Program Fee
Approveda Measure C: Copperopolis Fire Protection District Gann Limit Increase
Approveda Measure D: Circle XX Community Services District parcel tax


See also: Colusa County ballot measures

Approveda Measure G: City of Williams Sales Tax

Contra Costa

See also: Contra Costa County ballot measures

Defeatedd Measure A: Contra Costa Community College District parcel tax
Approveda Measure B: Antioch High School bond proposition
Approveda Measure C: Martinez Unified School District parcel tax
Approveda Measure D: San Ramon Valley Unified School District bond proposition
Approveda Measure E: West Contra Costa Unified School District bond proposition
Approveda Measure G: West Contra Costa Unified School District parcel tax
Defeatedd Measure H: Knightsen Elementary School District bond proposition
Defeatedd Measure I: Chabot Las Positas Community College District parcel tax (also on ballot in Alameda County)
Defeatedd Measure J: Concord (City of) Appointed City Treasurer
Approveda Measure K: Moraga (Town of) Sales Tax Increase for Roads
Approveda Measure L: Orinda (City of) Sales Tax Increase for Roads
Approveda Measure M: Pinole (City of) Utility Users Tax
Defeatedd Measure N: Richmond "Soda Tax"
Approveda Measure O: Richmond Soda Tax (Related advisory measure)
Approveda Measure P: Richmond (City of) Advisory Measure on the Definition of a Corporation
Defeatedd Measure Q: Contra Costa Fire Protection District parcel tax

Del Norte

See also: Del Norte County ballot measures

Approveda Measure A: Crescent City Mandatory Health Voucher Prior to Addition of Fluoride to Water Supplies

El Dorado

See also: El Dorado County ballot measures

Defeatedd Measure L: El Dorado County Library Parcel Tax


See also: Fresno County ballot measures

Approveda Measure B: Fresno County Sales Tax for Libraries
Approveda Measure C: Caruthers Unified School District bond proposition
Approveda Measure F: City of Fresno Financial Practices Charter Amendment
Approveda Measure K: Kings Canyon Unified School District bond proposition (also on ballot in parts of Tulare County)
Approveda Measure L: West Hills Community College District bond proposition (also on ballot in parts of Kings County)
Approveda Measure M: Mendota Unified School District bond proposition
Defeatedd Measure O: Fresno County Services Performed by Independent Contractors
Approveda Measure S: Sanger Unified School District bond proposition
Approveda Measure W: Washington Unified School District bond proposition
DefeateddDefeatedd Frank Martinez and Glenda Hill recall, Orange Cove, California (2012)


See also: Glenn County ballot measures

Defeatedd Measure P: Willows Unified School District bond proposition
Approveda Measure Q: City of Willows Hotel Tax


See also: Humboldt County ballot measures

Approveda Measure D: Fortuna Union High School District bond proposition
Approveda Measure E: Arcata Elementary School District parcel tax
Approveda Measure F: Arcata Elementary School District bond proposition
Approveda Measure G: Trinidad (City of) Sales Tax Increase
Approveda Measure H: City of Arcata Corporations Are Not People
Approveda Measure I: City of Arcata Residential Electricity Users Tax
Defeatedd Measure J: City of Rio Dell bond proposition


See also: Imperial County ballot measures

Approveda Measure S: Brawley Elementary School District bond proposition
Approveda Measure X: Coachella Valley Unified School District bond proposition (also on the ballot in parts of Riverside County)


See also: Kern County ballot measures

Approveda Measure M: McFarland Unified School District bond proposition
Defeatedd Measure N: Mohave Unified School District parcel tax
Defeatedd Measure O: Elk Hills School District bond proposition
Approveda Measure P: Panama-Buena Vista Union School District bond proposition
Approveda Measure Q: Standard School District bond proposition
Defeatedd Measure R: City of Maricopa Sales Tax


See also: Kings County ballot measures

Approveda Measure L: West Hills Community College District bond proposition (also on ballot in parts of Fresno County)


See also: Lake County ballot measures

Defeatedd Measure E: Lake County Sales Tax to Support Clear Lake


See also: Lassen County ballot measures

Defeatedd Measure V: Spalding Community Services District parcel tax
Defeatedd Measure W: Lassen Library District parcel tax

Los Angeles

See also: Los Angeles County ballot measures

Defeatedd Measure A: County of Los Angeles Appointed County Assessor
Approveda Measure B: Los Angeles Porn Actors Required to Wear Condoms Act
Approveda Measure C: El Monte Use of Revenue from Measure H
Approveda Measure D: City of Downey Utility Taxes
Approveda Measure E: El Camino Community College District bond proposition
Defeatedd Measure F: El Monte Rent Control on Mobile Homes
Approveda Measure G: Cerritos Community College District bond proposition
Defeatedd Measure H: El Monte Soda Tax
Approveda Measure I: La Mirada Sales Tax Increase
Defeatedd Measure J: Los Angeles County Sales Tax for Transportation
Approveda Measure K: Lynwood Unified School District bond proposition
Approveda Measure L: Lancaster Elementary School District bond proposition
Approveda Measure M: Artesia Business License Tax Increase
Approveda Measure N: City of Long Beach Minimum Wages for Hotel Workers
Defeatedd Measure O: City of Long Beach Change in City Election Dates
Approveda Measure P: City of Bellflower Utility User Tax
Approveda Measure Q: Redondo Beach Unified School District bond proposition
Approveda Measure R: Rowland Unified School District bond proposition (also on ballot in parts of Orange County)
Approveda Measure S: Temple City Unified School District bond proposition
Defeatedd Measure T: Pomona City Council Members Elected At-Large
Defeatedd Measure U: Pomona Charter Revisions
Defeatedd Measure V: Pomona Hotel Tax Increase
Defeatedd Measure W: Pomona Real Property Transfer Tax Increase
Defeatedd Measure X: Pomona Library Parcel Tax
Approveda Measure Y: City of Culver City Sales Tax Increase
Approveda Measure Z: Whittier City Elementary School District bond proposition
Approveda Measure AA: City of Commerce Sales Tax Increase
Approveda Measure ALF: Sierra Madre Amendment of the Kensington Project
Approveda Measure BB: Bellflower Unified School District bond proposition
Approveda Measure CC: Covina-Valley Unified School District bond proposition
Approveda Measure CL: Local Classrooms Funding Authority (Centinela Valley Union area) parcel tax
Approveda Measure DD: Palmdale Elementary School District bond proposition
Approveda Measure EE: Little Lake City School District bond proposition
Approveda Measure ES: Santa Monica-Malibu Unified School District bond proposition
Approveda Measure GA: Santa Monica Rent Control Adjustments
Approveda Measure GG: Inglewood Unified School District bond proposition
Approveda Measure HH: Santa Monica Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority parcel tax
Approveda Measure MM: Woodland Hills, Encino, and Tarzan Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority parcel tax
Approveda Measure QS: Castaic Union Elementary School District bond proposition
Approveda Measure TT: Little Lake City Elementary School District parcel tax
Defeatedd Measure WP: Westside Union Elementary School District parcel tax
Approveda Measure WR: Westside Union Elementary School District bond proposition
ApprovedaApprovedaApproveda Mario Hernandez, Maribel De La Torre, and Brenda Esqueda recall, San Fernando, California (2012)


See also: Marin County ballot measures

Approveda Measure A: Marin County Sales Tax Increase
Approveda Measure B: Mill Valley School District parcel tax
Approveda Measure C: Shoreline Unified School District parcel tax(also on ballot in parts of Sonoma County)
Approveda Measure D: Town of Ross parcel tax
Defeatedd Measure E: Mesa Park Firehouse Community Park Agency parcel tax
Approveda Measure F: Stinson Beach Fire Protection District Appropriations Limit


See also: Mendocino County ballot measures

Approveda Measure F: Mendocino County Definition of a Corporation
Approveda Measure G: Mendocino County Abandoned Vehicle Abatement Program Fees


See also: Merced County ballot measures

Approveda Measure E: Delhi Unified School District bond proposition
Approveda Measure G: Weaver Union School District bond proposition


See also: Monterey County ballot measures

Defeatedd Measure A: Pacific Grove Unified School District parcel tax
Approveda Measure B: Spreckels Union School District bond proposition
Approveda Measure C: Soledad Unified School District bond proposition
Approveda Measure D: Carmel-by-the-Sea Sales Tax Increase
Approveda Measure E: Salinas (City of) Half-Cent Sales Tax in Perpetuity
Defeatedd Measure F: City of Pacific Grove Building Height Restrictions
Approveda Measure L: Pajaro Valley Unified School District (also on ballot in Santa Cruz County)


The "No on Measure U" website logo
See also: Napa County ballot measures

Approveda Measure B: Calistoga Silver Rose Referendum
Approveda Measure C: St. Helena Unified School District bond proposition
Approveda Measure G: American Canyon Length of Mayoral Term
Approveda Measure S: Napa County Higher Weight Limit on the Napa County Airport Main Runway
Approveda Measure T: Napa County Sales Tax for Road Repairs
Defeatedd Measure U: Napa County Angwin General Plan Amendment Initiative
Approveda Measure V: Napa County Service to Non-Golfers at the Chardonnay Golf Course Restaurant


See also: Nevada County ballot measures

Defeatedd Measure J: Truckee Donner Recreation and Park District bond proposition (also on ballot in Placer County)
Approveda Measure L: Nevada City Sales Tax
Approveda Measure N: Grass Valley Sales Tax
Defeatedd Measure K: Pleasant Ridge Union School District parcel tax


See also: Orange County ballot measures

Approveda Measure M: Coast Community College District bond proposition
Defeatedd Measure N: Fountain Valley School District bond proposition
Approveda Measure O: La Habra City School District bond proposition
Defeatedd Measure P: Ocean View School District bond proposition
Approveda Measure Q: Rancho Santiago Community College District bond proposition
Approveda Measure R: Rowland Unified School District bond proposition (also on ballot in parts of Los Angeles County)
Approveda Measure S: Tustin Unified School District bond proposition
Approveda Measure T: City of Brea Accountability Act
Defeatedd Measure U: City of Brea Open Governance Act
Defeatedd Measure V: Adoption of a Costa Mesa City Charter
Defeatedd Measure W: Fullerton West Coyote Hills Development and Nature Preserve
Approveda Measure X: Fullerton Sales of Fireworks in the City
Approveda Measure Y: City of Garden Grove Hotel Tax
Defeatedd Measure Z: Repeal of the Huntington Beach Retirement Fund Property Tax Levy
Approveda Measure AA: Huntington Beach Equal Taxation and Assessments for Sunset Beach
Approveda Measure BB: City of Irvine "Support Our Schools Initiative"
Defeatedd Measure CC: Laguna Beach Parcel Tax for Open Space
Approveda Measure DD: City of Los Alamitos Utility Users Tax
Approveda Measure EE: Newport Beach Charter Amendments (Including a Ban on Red Light Cameras)
Defeatedd Measure FF: City of Orange Referendum on Orange Park Acres
Approveda Measure GG: City of Santa Ana Mayoral Term Limits
Approveda Measure HH: City of Tustin Elimination of City Council Pay and Benefits


See also: Placer County ballot measures

Defeatedd Measure H: City of Lincoln Appointed City Treasurer
Defeatedd Measure J: Truckee Donner Recreation and Park District bond proposition (also on ballot in Nevada County)
Defeatedd Measure K: Newcastle Fire Protection District parcel tax


See also: Plumas County ballot measures

Defeatedd Measure C: Plumas County Hotel Tax Increase
Defeatedd Measure D: Plumas County Sales Tax Increase


See also: Riverside County ballot measures

Approveda Measure N: Murrieta Ban on Red-Light Enforcement Cameras
Defeatedd Measure O: Yucaipa-Calimesa Joint Unified School District District bond proposition (also on the ballot in parts of San Bernardino County)
Approveda Measure P: City of Jurupa Valley Appropriations Limit
Approveda Measure Q: Indian Wells Rotation in the Office of Mayor
Defeatedd Measure R: Indian Wells Parcel Tax for Landscaping
Approveda Measure S: Indian Wells Limits of City Official Compensation
Approveda Measure T: Perris Union High School District bond proposition
Approveda Measure U: Hemet Unified School District bond proposition
Approveda Measure V: Nuview Union School District bond proposition
Approveda Measure W: Alvord Unified School District bond proposition
Approveda Measure X: Coachella Valley Unified School District bond proposition (also on the ballot in parts of Imperial County)
Approveda Measure Y: Temecula Valley Unified School District bond proposition
Approveda Measure Z: Wildomar Parcel Tax for Parks
Defeatedd Measure AA: City of San Jacinto Annexation of Area 78
Approveda Measure BB: City of Eastvale Appropriations Limit


See also: Sacramento County ballot measures

Defeatedd Measure K: Citrus Heights Utility Users Tax
Approveda Measure L: Rancho Cordova Tax on Gross Receipts of Card Rooms
Defeatedd Measure M: Sacramento (City of) Elected Charter Revision Committee
Approveda Measure N: San Juan Unified School District bond proposition
Approveda Measure P: Folsom Cordova Unified School District bond proposition
Approveda Measure Q: Sacramento City Unified School District
Approveda Measure R: Sacramento City Unified School District
Approveda Measure T: Sacramento (City of) Mandates on Garden and Yard Refuse Disposal
Approveda Measure U: Sacramento (City of) Sales Tax Increase

San Benito

See also: San Benito County ballot measures

Approveda Measure E: City of Hollister Sales Tax

San Bernardino

The "No on Q"/"Yes on R" campaign logo
See also: San Bernardino County ballot measures

Approveda Measure N: San Bernardino City Unified School District bond proposition
Defeatedd Measure O: Yucaipa-Calimesa Joint Unified School District District bond proposition (also on ballot in parts of Riverside County)
Approveda Measure P: Chaffey Joint Union High School District bond proposition
Approveda Measure Q: San Bernardino County Salaries of County Supervisors
Defeatedd Measure R: San Bernardino County Part-Time Supervisors
Approveda Measure S: City of Needles Marijuana Business Tax
Approveda Measure T: City of Needles Utility Users Tax
Defeatedd Measure U: Yucca Valley Sales Tax Increase
Defeatedd Measure V: City of Rialto Business Tax on Petroleum Products

San Diego

See also: San Diego ballot measures

Approveda Measure A: City of Carlsbad Limits on Increases in Retirement Benefits
Approveda Measure B: Election of City of Chula Vista Council Members by District
Approveda Measure C: Cajon Valley Union School District bond proposition
Approveda Measure D: Dehesa School District bond proposition
Approveda Measure E: Chula Vista Elementary School District
Approveda Measure F: City of Coronado Hotel Tax
Defeatedd Measure G: Mountain Empire Unified School District bond proposition
Defeatedd Measure H: Del Mar Marijuana Dispensaries and Taxation
Defeatedd Measure J: City of Del Mar Village Specific Plan
Approveda Measure K: City of Encinitas Mayoral and City Council Elections
Approveda Measure L: City of Encinitas Two-Year Mayoral Term
Defeatedd Measure M: City of Encinitas Four-Year Mayoral Term
Approveda Measure N: City of Escondido Changes to General Plan
Defeatedd Measure P: City of Escondido Adoption of a City Charter
Defeatedd Measure Q: City of Lemon Grove Medical Marijuana Regulatory Ordinance
Defeatedd Measure R: Ramona Unified School District bond proposition
Defeatedd Measure S: City of Imperial Beach Medical Marijuana Dispensaries Act
Defeatedd Measure T: City of Lemon Grove Medical Marijuana Dispensary Authorization Ordinance
Approveda Measure U: City of Santee Hotel Tax
Approveda Measure V: Grossmont-Cuyamaca Community College District bond proposition
Defeatedd Measure W: City of Solana Beach Medical Marijuana Dispensaries
Approveda Measure Y: South Bay Union School District bond proposition
Approveda Proposition Z: San Diego Unified School District bonds
Approveda Proposition AA: San Dieguito Union School District bonds
Approveda Proposition BB: Bonsall Union Unification of School District
Defeatedd Proposition CC: Del Mar Union School District bonds
Defeatedd Proposition EE: MiraCosta Community College District bonds

San Francisco

See also: San Francisco ballot measures

Approveda Proposition A: City College of San Francisco Parcel Tax
Approveda Proposition B: San Francisco "Clean and Safe Neighborhood Parks" bond proposition
Approveda Proposition C: San Francisco Creation of a Housing Trust Fund
Approveda Proposition D: San Francisco Consolidation of Odd-Year Municipal Elections
Approveda Proposition E: San Francisco Gross Receipts Tax on Businesses
Defeatedd Proposition F: San Francisco Water Sustainability and Environmental Restoration/Hetch Hetchy Reservoir
Approveda Proposition G: San Francisco Repeal of the Notion of Corporate Personhood

San Joaquin

See also: San Joaquin County ballot measures

Approveda Measure B: Escalon Unified School District bond proposition
Approveda Measure C: Lathrop Sales Tax Increase
Defeatedd Measure D: San Joaquin County Supervisor Term Limits
Approveda Measure E: Stockton Unified School District bond proposition
Approveda Measure G: Ripon Unified School District bond proposition

San Luis Obispo

See also: San Luis Obispo County ballot measures

Approveda Measure B: Oceano Community Services District Rules Governing the Sale of Water
Approveda Measure C: Cayucos Fire Protection District parcel tax
Approveda Measure D: City of San Luis Obispo Utility Users Tax
Approveda Measure E: Paso Robles Sales Tax Increase
Approveda Measure F: Paso Robles Use of Sales Tax Revenues for Road Repairs
Approveda Measure H: Templeton Unified School District bond proposition
Defeatedd Measure I: Proposed City Charter for the City of Grover Beach

San Mateo

The "Yes on Measure B" campaign logo
See also: San Mateo County ballot measures

Approveda Measure A: San Mateo County Sales Tax Increase
Approveda Measure B: San Mateo County Election of Supervisors Charter Amendment
Defeatedd Measure C: San Mateo County Appointed Controller
Approveda Measure D: Burlingame Elementary School District bond proposition
Approveda Measure E: Jefferson Union High School bond proposition
Defeatedd Measure F: Atherton New Library in Holbrook-Palmer Park
Defeatedd Measure G: San Bruno Park School District parcel tax
Approveda Measure H: San Carlos Elementary School District bond proposition
Approveda Measure I: Jefferson Elementary School District bond proposition
Approveda Measure J: Half Moon Bay Sales Tax Increase
Approveda Measure K: Menlo Park Hotel Tax Increase
Approveda Measure L: Atherton New Town Center
Approveda Measure M: Atherton Little League Ball Field at Holbrook-Palmer Park

Santa Barbara

See also: Santa Barbara County ballot measures

Approveda Measure A: Santa Barbara High School District parcel tax
Approveda Measure B: Santa Barbara Elementary School District parcel tax
Approveda Measure C: Buellton Term Limits
Approveda Measure D: Buellton Hotel Tax
Approveda Measure E: Carpinteria Hotel Tax
Approveda Measure F: Montecito Fire Protection District Increase in Number of Director Seats
Approveda Measure G: Goleta Voter Approval Required for Agricultural Land Decisions
Approveda Measure H: Goleta Hotel Tax
Defeatedd Measure I: Guadalupe (City of) Library Parcel Tax
Defeatedd Measure J: City of Guadalupe Name Change to "Guadalupe Beach"
Defeatedd Measure K: College School District bond proposition
Defeatedd Measure L: Santa Ynez Valley Union High School bond proposition
Approveda Measure Z: Solvang Hotel Tax

Santa Clara

See also: Santa Clara County ballot measures

Approveda Measure A: Santa Clara County Sales Tax Increase
Approveda Measure B: Santa Clara Valley Water District parcel tax
Defeatedd Measure C: Palo Alto Medical Marijuana Dispensaries Initiative
Approveda Measure D: San Jose Minimum Wage Increase Initiative
Defeatedd Measure E: San Jose Cardroom Gambling
Approveda Measure G: Morgan Hill School District bond proposition
Approveda Measure H: San Jose Unified School District bond proposition
Approveda Measure I: East Side Union High School District bond proposition
Approveda Measure J: Alum Rock Union Elementary School District bond proposition
Approveda Measure K: Berryessa Union School District parcel tax
Approveda Measure L: Mount Pleasant School District bond proposition
Approveda Measure M: El Camino Hospital District Compensation Levels

Santa Cruz

See also: Santa Cruz County ballot measures

Approveda Measure L: Pajaro Valley Unified School District bond proposition (also on ballot in Monterey County)
Approveda Measure M: Pacific Elementary School bond proposition
Approveda Measure N: Santa Cruz County Hotel Tax
Approveda Measure O: City of Capitola Quarter-Cent Sales Tax Increase
Approveda Measure P: Santa Cruz (City of) Voter Approval Required for Desalination Facility
Approveda Measure Q: Santa Cruz (City of) Hotel Tax
Approveda Measure R: Watsonville (City of) Mobile Home Parks


See also: Shasta County ballot measures

Approveda Measure C: Anderson Union High School District bond proposition


See also: Siskiyou County ballot measures

Defeatedd Measure P: Black Mountain Zone of Increased Benefit parcel tax
Defeatedd Measure Q: McCloud Community Services District Parcel Tax for Library Services
Defeatedd Measure R: Butteville Union School District bond proposition
Defeatedd Measure S: Dunsmiur (City of) Restrictions on the Cultivation of Medical Marijuana


See also: Solano County ballot measures

Approveda Measure E: Davis Joint Unified School District parcel tax (also on the ballot in parts of Yolo County)
Approveda Measure I: City of Vacaville Excise Tax
Approveda Measure M: City of Vacaville Sales Tax Increase
Defeatedd Measure N: City of Dixon Sunshine Ordinance
Approveda Measure O: City of Rio Vista Sales Tax Increase
Approveda Measure P: City of Fairfield Sales Tax Increase
Approveda Measure Q: Solano Community College bond proposition (also on the ballot in parts of Yolo County)


See also: Sonoma County ballot measures

Approveda Measure C: Shoreline Unified School District parcel tax (also on the ballot in parts of Marin County)
Approveda Measure K: West Sonoma County Union High School District parcel tax
Approveda Measure L: Fort Ross Elementary School District parcel tax
Approveda Measure M: Gravenstein Union School District bond proposition
Approveda Measure N: Roseland School District bond proposition
Approveda Measure O: Sebastopol Union School District parcel tax
Approveda Measure P: Wilmar Union School District bond proposition
Defeatedd Measure Q: Method of Election to the Santa Rosa City Council
Approveda Measure R: Santa Rosa Binding Arbitration for Employee Disputes
Approveda Measure S: Santa Rosa Design-Build Procurement
Approveda Measure T: Santa Rosa Assortment of City Charter Amendments
Approveda Measure U: City of Cotati Prohibition on Roundabout Construction
Approveda Measure V: Healdsburg Sales Tax Increase
Approveda Measure W: Healdsburg Urban Growth Boundary Extension
Defeatedd Measure X: Petaluma Parcel Tax for Park Funding
Approveda Measure Y: City of Sebastopol Sales Tax
Defeatedd Measure Z: Rancho Adobe Fire Protection District parcel tax


See also: Stanislaus County ballot measures

Defeatedd Measure U: City of Hughson Length of Mayoral Term


See also: Tehama County ballot measures

Defeatedd Measure A: Red Bluff Hotel Tax


See also: Tulare County ballot measures

Approveda Measure E: Visalia Unified School District bond proposition
Approveda Measure G: Formation of an Exeter Unified School District
Approveda Measure H: Earlimart School District bond proposition
Defeatedd Measure I: Three Rivers School District parcel tax
Defeatedd Measure J: Porterville Unified School District bond proposition
Approveda Measure K: Kings Canyon Unified School District bond proposition (also on ballot in parts of Fresno County)
Approveda Measure L: Lindsay Unified School District bond proposition
Approveda Measure M: City of Exeter Hotel Tax Increase
Approveda Measure N: City of Exeter Appointed City Clerk
Approveda Measure O: City of Exeter Appointed City Treasurer
Defeatedd Measure P: Election of Visalia City Council Members by Individual Districts
Approveda Measure Q: Formation of an Alpaugh Community Services District


See also: Tuolumne County ballot measures

Approveda Measure G: Groveland Community Services District parcel tax
Approveda Measure H: Summerville Union High School District bond proposition
Approveda Measure J: Sonora Union High School District bond proposition


See also: Ventura County ballot measures

Approveda Measure L: Thousand Oaks City Council Term Limits
Approveda Measure M: Proposed Santa Paula Unified School District
Approveda Measure N: Simi Valley Managed Growth Plan
Defeatedd Measure O: City of Moorpark Low-Rent Housing Development
Approveda Measure P: Ocean View School District bond proposition
Approveda Measure Q: Ventura Unified School District parcel tax
Approveda Measure R: Oxnard School District bond proposition
Approveda Measure S: Somis Union School District bond proposition
Approveda Measure T: Hueneme Elementary School District bond proposition
Approveda Measure U: Blanchard/Santa Paula Public Library Increase in Appropriations Limit


See also: Yolo County ballot measures

Approveda Measure E: Davis Joint Unified School District parcel tax (also on the ballot in parts of Solano County)
Approveda Measure G: City of West Sacramento Redevelopment Agency Dissolution Revenues
Approveda Measure H: Yolo County Creation of a Department of Finance
Approveda Measure Q: Solano Community College bond proposition (also on ballot in Solano County)


See also: Yuba County ballot measures

Defeatedd Measure T: Yuba County "Open Space Initiative"
Approveda Measure U: Wheatland Union High School District bond proposition
Approveda Measure V: Yuba County Reduction in Number of Board Members (also on the ballot in parts of Butte County)


See also: California 2012 ballot propositions
Type Title Subject Description Result
CICA Proposition 30 Taxes Jerry Brown's Tax Increase (revenues for general fund and education)
CICA/SS Proposition 31 State budget Two-Year Budget Cycle
CISS Proposition 32 Labor Ban on corporate and union contributions to state and local candidates
CISS Proposition 33 Insurance Car insurance rates can be based on a person's history of insurance coverage ("persistency discounts")
CISS Proposition 34 Death penalty "End the Death Penalty"
CISS Proposition 35 Law enforcement Increased Penalties for Human Trafficking and Sex Slavery
CISS Proposition 36 Law enforcement Modification of the "Three Strikes" Law
CISS Proposition 37 Regulations Mandatory Labeling of Genetically Engineered Food
CISS Proposition 38 Taxes Molly Munger's State Income Tax Increase for Education
CISS Proposition 39 Taxes Income Tax Increase for Multistate Businesses
VR Proposition 40 Redistricting Referendum on the State Senate Redistricting Plan

See also
