2008 ballot measures
2008 U.S. State Ballot Measures | |
2009 »
« 2007
| |
Part 1: Overview | |
Election results | |
Polls | |
Endorsements | |
Part 2: Finances | |
Contributions | |
Ballot Measure Monthly | |
Signature requirements | |
Finance disclosure rules |
In 2008, 174 statewide ballot propositions were voted on in 37 different states, including 153 ballot measures that appeared on the November 4 ballot.
Ballot measures appeared on ballots as initiatives, referenda, commission referrals, legislative referrals and automatic referrals.
Altogether, 104 propositions were approved and 70 defeated for a win/loss ratio of about 60%. Initiated measures had a lower approval rating--only about 40% of initiatives were approved.
Overview pages
Statistical summary of 2008 election results
Initiated measures
This chart includes all initiated measures on 2008 ballots, including those prior to November.
Type of ballot measure | How many on 2008 ballot? | 2008 wins | 2008 losses |
Initiated constitutional amendment | 30 | 12 | 18 |
Initiated state statute | 38 | 14 | 24 |
Veto referendum | 6 | 5 | 1 |
Total | 74 | 31 | 43 |
Legislative and other referrals
This chart includes all referred measures on 2008 ballots, including those prior to November.
Type of ballot measure | How many on 2008 ballot? | How many won? | How many lost? |
Legislatively-referred constitutional amendment | 77 | 54 | 23 |
Legislatively-referred state statute | 15 | 14 | 1 |
Automatic ballot referral | 3 | 0 | 3 |
Commission referral | 5 | 3 | 2 |
Total | 100 | 71 | 29 |
By state
- See also: Alabama 2008 ballot measures
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Amendment 1 | State spending | Revisions in the existing Education Rainy Day Account | |
LRCA | Amendment 2 | Judicial reform | Establish the Shelby County Judicial Commission | |
LRCA | Amendment 3 | Taxes | Levy a tax on Limestone County residents that have annexed into the City of Madison | |
LRCA | Amendment 4 | Admin of gov't | Municipalities that are not in Blount County may not annex territory without vote | |
LRCA | Amendment 5 | Judicial reform | State legislature allowed to set court costs in Russell County | |
LRCA | Amendment 6 | Admin. of gov't. | Rules about how people are chosen for the Tuskegee utility board. |
- See also: Alaska 2008 ballot measures
August 26:
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
IndISS | Measure 1 | Gambling | Establishes an Alaskan Gaming Commission | |
IndISS | Measure 2 | Hunting | Prohibits shooting of grizzly bears by aircraft | |
IndISS | Measure 3 | Campaigns | Provides public funding for legislative campaigns | |
IndISS | Measure 4 | Water | Imposes water quality standards on new large scale metallic mineral mining operations |
November 4:
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
BI | Proposition A | Bonds | Issues $315,050,000 in bonds for transportation projects |
- See also: Arizona 2008 ballot measures
November 4, 2008
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Proposition 100 | Property; Taxes | Prohibit any new tax, fee, or other assessment on the sale, purchase or other conveyance of real estate after December 31, 2007 |
1,645,119 (77%) |
498,346 (23%) |
Proposition 101 | Healthcare; Constitutional rights | Prohibit laws that restrict a person from choosing a private health care system |
1,048,512 (50%) |
1,057,199 (50%) |
Proposition 102 | LGBTQ; Marriage and family | Require a legally recognized union of marriage to be between one man and one woman |
1,258,355 (56%) |
980,753 (44%) |
Proposition 105 | Direct democracy; Supermajority | Require any ballot initiative that creates, increases, or imposes a tax or fee, or mandates government spending, to be approved by a majority of all registered voters |
718,076 (34%) |
1,395,200 (66%) |
Proposition 200 | Banking; Business | Provide for the indefinite continuation of the payday loan licensing program |
860,607 (40%) |
1,271,717 (60%) |
Proposition 201 | Housing; Business | Provide for the expansion of the rights and obligations of home buyers and seller. |
467,866 (22%) |
1,655,410 (78%) |
Proposition 202 | Business; Immigration | Suspend business licenses for those who intentionally employ people who entered the U.S. illegally |
881,576 (41%) |
1,276,681 (59%) |
Proposition 300 | Salaries | Provide for the increase in legislative salaries from $24,000 per year to $30,000 per year |
775,069 (36%) |
1,388,183 (64%) |
- See also: Arkansas 2008 ballot measures
November 4
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Proposed Amendment 1 | Elections | Concerns voter qualifications and establishes the date and time of elections | |
LRCA | Proposed Amendment 2 | Legislature | Requires the general assembly to meet every year | |
CICA | Proposed Amendment 3 | Lottery | Establishes a state lottery to fund college scholarships | |
CISS | Proposed Initiative 1 | Marriage & family | Bans adopting or placing minors in foster care with individuals cohabiting with a sexual partner outside of marriage | |
BI | Referred Question 1 | Bonds | Issues bonds for various water, waste disposal and pollution abatement projects |
- See also: California 2008 ballot propositions
February 5
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
CICA | Proposition 91 | Transportation | Prohibits funds generated from certain gas taxes dedicated for transportation projects from being deposited into the state's general fund | |
CICA/SS | Proposition 92 | Education | Changes the existing formula for community college funding; reducing the credit fee from $20 per unit to $15 per unit; and establishing independent community college districts and board of governors | |
CICA | Proposition 93 | Term limits | Amends the state's term limits to limit state legislators to a maximum of 12 years in office without regard to what chamber they were serving in | |
VR | Proposition 94 | Gambling | Upholds or rejects an amendment to the gaming compact between the state and the Pechanga Band of Luiseno Mission Indians to allow them to operate an additional 5,500 slot machines and require the tribe to pay $42.5 million and a portion of the additional slot revenue to the state | |
VR | Proposition 95 | Gambling | Upholds or rejects an amendment to the gaming compact between the state and the Morongo Band of Mission Indians to allow them to operate an additional 5,500 slot machines and require the tribe to pay $36.7 million and a portion of the additional slot revenue to the state | |
VR | Proposition 96 | Gambling | Upholds or rejects a gaming compact enacted in early 2007 between the state of California and the Sycuan Band of the Kumeyaay Nation | |
VR | Proposition 97 | Gambling | Upholds or rejects an amendment to the gaming compact between the state and the Aqua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians to allow them to operate an additional 3,000 slot machines and require the tribe to pay $23.4 million and a portion of the additional slot revenue to the state |
June 3
- See June 3, 2008 ballot measures in California for local ballot measures (cities, counties, school districts).
- Ballotpedia's complete list of June 3 election results.
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
CICA | Proposition 98 | Eminent domain | Places limits on the power of government to take property from one private owner through the process of eminent domain and give it to another private owner; prohibiting any future rent control measures; phases out rent control measures enacted prior to January 2007s | |
CICA | Proposition 99 | Eminent domain | Prohibits state and local governments from acquiring an owner-occupied residence for the purpose of conveying it to another person with certain listed exceptions, including, "protecting public health and safety; preventing serious, repeated criminal activity; responding to an emergency; or remedying environmental contamination that poses a threat to public health and safety" |
November 4
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
BI | Proposition 1A | Bonds | Authorizes $9.95 in bonds for high-speed rail | |
CISS | Proposition 2 | Animal rights | Establishes minimum space requirements based on square feet for calves raised for veal, breeding pigs, and egg-laying hens | |
CISS | Proposition 3 | Bonds | Issues $980 million in bonds for children's hospitals | |
CICA | Proposition 4 | Abortion | Requires parental notification before a minor can receive an abortion | |
CISS | Proposition 5 | Law enforcement | Changes to drug crime policy, sentencing, and rehabilitation programs | |
CISS | Proposition 6 | Law enforcement | Changes to gang-related criminal laws, law enforcement funding, and parole agent caseloads | |
CISS | Proposition 7 | Environment | Changes the state's renewable portfolio standards | |
CICA | Proposition 8 | Marriage | Defines marriage as between one man and one woman, thus reversing a state judicial ruling that legalized same-sex marriage in California | |
CICA/SS | Proposition 9 | Law enforcement | Adds specific rights of crime victims, together known as Marsy's Law, to the California Constitution | |
CISS | Proposition 10 | Environment | Authorizes the state to issue $5 billion in bonds for alternative fuel projects | |
CICA/SS | Proposition 11 | Redistricting | Transfers the legislative redistricting power from elected representatives to a 14 member commission; establishes a process for selecting commissioners; and requiring a supermajority vote to approve redistricting map | |
BI | Proposition 12 | Bonds | Issues $900 million in bonds to provide loans to veterans to purchase homes or farms |
- See also: Colorado 2008 ballot measures
November 4, 2008
Type | Title | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Amendment 46 | Establish that the state may not discriminate or give preferential treatment to anyone on the basis of a variety of characteristics. |
1,102,046 (49%) |
1,138,134 (51%) |
Amendment 47 | Prohibit the requirement that one be a member of a labor union as a condition of their employment. |
1,003,056 (44%) |
1,282,501 (56%) |
Amendment 48 | Add language to the constitution stating that "the terms 'person' or 'persons' shall include any human being from the moment of fertilization" |
618,779 (27%) |
1,691,237 (73%) |
Amendment 49 | Prohibit public employee paycheck deductions with certain exceptions |
882,428 (39%) |
1,366,620 (61%) |
Amendment 50 | Amend regulations related to gambling operations and amend provisions related to the taxes collected through the gaming tax. |
1,330,566 (59%) |
936,254 (41%) |
Amendment 51 | Increase the state sales tax and use funds from the sales tax increase to fund services for people with developmental disabilities. |
853,211 (38%) |
1,414,065 (62%) |
Amendment 52 | Apportion some taxes collected from companies that extract nonrenewable natural resources (the severance tax) to highway projects. |
790,124 (36%) |
1,418,009 (64%) |
Amendment 54 | Establish limitations on campaign contributions for government contractors. |
1,130,098 (51%) |
1,076,694 (49%) |
Amendment 58 | Increase the tax on companies that extract nonrenewable natural resources (a severance tax) and use these funds for specific purposes. |
944,191 (42%) |
1,306,782 (58%) |
Amendment 59 | Spend excess funds collected by the state to be spent on public education. |
1,010,409 (46%) |
1,201,220 (54%) |
Referendum L | Lower the age from serving in the state legislature from 25 to 21. |
1,010,896 (47%) |
1,162,296 (53%) |
Referendum M | Remove an obsolete constitutional provision relating to land value increases. |
1,307,770 (62%) |
792,678 (38%) |
Referendum N | Repeal obsolete provisions relating to alcohol. |
1,449,383 (69%) |
658,684 (31%) |
Referendum O | Adjust provisions relating to putting citizens' initiatives on the ballot. |
1,004,925 (47%) |
1,110,877 (53%) |
- See also: Connecticut 2008 ballot measures
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
ConCon | Question 1 | Elections | Asks voters whether they want a constitutional convention to take place | |
LRCA | Question 2 | Elections | Lowers age for voting in primaries to 17 |
- See also: Florida 2008 ballot measures
January 29, 2008
Type | Title | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Amendment 1 | Amend exemptions and benefits based on homestead property, provide an exemption on tangible personal property, and limit assessment increase on certain non-homestead real property |
2,667,543 (64%) |
1,495,270 (36%) |
November 4, 2008
Type | Title | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Amendment 1 | Eliminate constitutional provisions that prevent aliens ineligible for citizenship from possessing real property |
3,564,090 (48%) |
3,871,704 (52%) |
Amendment 2 | Establish that marriage only be recognized as a union between one man and one woman |
4,890,883 (62%) |
3,008,026 (38%) |
Amendment 3 | Exempt property improvements that increase resistance to wind damage or provide renewable energy when assessing the property value |
4,351,975 (61%) |
2,839,825 (39%) |
Amendment 4 | Establish a property tax exemption for property that is limited by perpetual conservation protections |
4,875,162 (69%) |
2,235,969 (31%) |
Amendment 6 | Provide for the assessment of working waterfront property based upon how it is used |
4,983,313 (71%) |
2,072,041 (29%) |
Amendment 8 | Allow counties, upon approval by the voters, to levy a local option sales tax to supplement community college funding |
3,210,481 (44%) |
4,161,731 (56%) |
- See also: Georgia 2008 ballot measures
November 4
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Amendment 1 | Forests | Reduces conservation property taxes to encourage forest preservation | |
LRCA | Amendment 2 | Taxes | Allows local units of government to use education property taxes to fund development projects | |
LRCA | Amendment 3 | Admin of gov't | Creates infrastructure development districts as authorized by local governments |
- See also: Hawaii 2008 ballot measures
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
ConCon | Question 1 | Convention | Would decide whether to hold a constitutional convention | |
LRCA | Amendment 1 | Admin of gov't | Would reduce the age at which someone can be elected Governor or Lt. Governor from 30 to 25 years old |
- See also: Illinois 2008 ballot measures
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
ABR | Illinois Constitutional Convention | ConCon | Shall a convention be called to amend the constitution? |
- See also: Iowa 2008 ballot measures
November 4
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Amendment 1 | Elections | Provides for restrictions on voter eligibility |
- See also: Louisiana 2008 ballot measures
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Amendment 1 | Term limits | Term limits for members of public boards and commissions | |
LRCA | Amendment 2 | Admin of gov't | Notice of a special legislative session must take place at least seven days before it starts | |
LRCA | Amendment 3 | Admin of gov't | Temporary successors to state legislators called to active military duty | |
LRCA | Amendment 4 | Taxes | Allocate more of severance tax to parishes | |
LRCA | Amendment 5 | Eminent domain | Transfers of special assessments | |
LRCA | Amendment 6 | Eminent domain | Rules regarding state's taking of private land | |
LRCA | Amendment 7 | Spending | Authorize the investment in equities of monies of the state and a political subdivision |
- See also: Maine 2008 ballot measures
June 10
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
BI | Question 1 | Bond Issues | Issues $29,725,000 in bonds for water quality requirements, dam rehabilitation and transportation improvements |
November 4
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
VR | Question 1 | Taxes | Repeals tax bill to fund the Dirigo Health Plan through beverage taxes | |
IndISS | Question 2 | Gambling | Allows the establishment of a casino in Oxford County | |
BI | Question 3 | Water | Issues $3.4 million in bonds for drinking water and wastewater treatment facility funds |
- See also: Maryland 2008 ballot measures
November 4
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Question 1 | Elections | Allows legislature to provide for early voting (within two weeks of an election) | |
LRCA | Question 2 | Gambling | Authorizes adding 15,000 slot machines at five locations |
- See also: Massachusetts 2008 ballot measures
November 4, 2008
Type | Title | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Question 1 | Eliminate the state income tax |
914,420 (31%) |
2,070,699 (69%) |
Question 2 | Replace the criminal penalties for possessing of one ounce or less of marijuana with a civil penalty system |
1,949,704 (65%) |
1,038,523 (35%) |
Question 3 | Prohibit forms of dog racing where on the speed or ability of dogs occurs |
1,662,352 (56%) |
1,303,708 (44%) |
- See also: Michigan 2008 ballot measures
November 4, 2008
Type | Title | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Proposal 08-1 | Permit the use and growth of marijuana for medicinal purposes, with certain restrictions |
3,006,820 (63%) |
1,790,889 (37%) |
Proposal 08-2 | Expand the use of stem cells in research |
2,521,026 (53%) |
2,271,083 (47%) |
- See also: Minnesota 2008 ballot measures
November 4
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Amendment 1 | Taxes | Increases the sales and use tax for various environment and art funds |
- See also: Missouri 2008 ballot measures
November 4
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Amendment 1 | English | Establishes English as the official language of all governmental meetings where policy is discussed or decided. | |
LRCA | Amendment 4 | Water | Amends constitution relating to storm water control finance provisions | |
CISS | Proposition A | Gambling | Provides new revenues for schools by increasing the state tax on casinos to 21% and eliminating Missouri's current $500 loss limit for individual gambling losses | |
CISS | Proposition B | Healthcare | Creates a Missouri Quality Homecare Council for recruiting, training, and stabilizing the home care workforce | |
CISS | Proposition C | Energy | Requires utility companies to use an increased amount of renewable energy |
- See also: Montana 2008 ballot measures
November 4
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | C-44 | Gov't Finances | Allows up to 25% of certain public funds to be invested in private corporate capital stock | |
CISS | I-155 | Healthcare | Expands healthcare programs to include uninsured children | |
LRSS | LR-118 | Education | Continues a tax to help support the Montana University System |
- See also: Nebraska 2008 ballot measures
May 13
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Amendment 1 | Gov't Finances | Permits certain cities to invest public endowment funds in the same manner as would a prudent investor |
November 4
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Amendment 1 | Local gov't | Allows funds for municipal economic development to come from sources other than general taxes, if local voters approve | |
CICA | Measure 424 | Affirm action | Prohibits race- and gender-based admissions and hiring decisions |
- See also: Nevada 2008 ballot measures
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Question 1 | Voting requirements | Residency requirements for voting in Nevada | |
CICA | Question 2 | Eminent domain | Government agencies prohibited from taking land from one private owner to give to another private owner | |
LRCA | Question 3 | Tax exemptions | Laws governing sales and use tax exemptions | |
LRSS | Question 4 | Sales tax and voter approval | Administration, collection, or enforcement on certain aircraft and aircraft components |
New Jersey
- See also: New Jersey 2008 ballot measures
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Question 1 | Bond issues | Voter approval required for times that government agencies borrow money | |
LRCA | Question 2 | Judicial reform | Alternative ways of choosing judges for regional municipal courts |
New Mexico
- See also: New Mexico 2008 ballot measures
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Amendment 1 | Elections | Allow some school boards to have 9 members; allow voting for school board by mail-in ballot | |
LRCA | Amendment 2 | Admin of gov't | Allow for midterm salary increases for county officers | |
LRCA | Amendment 3 | Admin of gov't | Require confirmation of Cabinet Secretaries at the beginning of each term of a Governor | |
LRCA | Amendment 4 | Elections | Allow school elections to be held at the same time as nonpartisan elections. | |
LRCA | Amendment 5 | Admin of gov't | Governor shall fill a Lt. Gov. vacancy by appointment with consent of Senate. | |
BI | Bond Question 1 | Bond issues | $14,725,000 bond for senior citizen facility improvements | |
BI | Bond Question 2 | Bond issues | $11,019,000 for library acquisition | |
BI | Bond Question 3 | Bond issues | $57,925,000 for health facility improvements | |
BI | Bond Question 4 | Bond issues | $140,133,000 bond for higher ed and special ed enhancements |
New York
- See also: New York 2008 ballot measures
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Proposal 1 | Admin of gov't | Eliminate the current requirement that in order to qualify for additional credit on civil service examinations, disabled veterans must be receiving disability payments |
North Dakota
- See also: North Dakota 2008 ballot measures
June 3
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Constitutional Measure 1 | Legislature | Removes prohibition on appointing a member of the Legislative Assembly to state offices established by the state’s constitution |
November 4
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Constitutional Measure 1 | Gov't Finances | Establishes permanent oil tax trust fund from oil and gas tax revenue exceeding 100 million dollars per biennium | |
CISS | Initiated Statutory Measure 2 | Taxes | Lowers corporate income tax rates 15 percent, resident and nonresident tax rates by 50 percent | |
CISS | Initiated Statutory Measure 3 | Tobacco | Establishes tobacco prevention and control advisory committee | |
CISS | Initiated Statutory Measure 4 | Admin of Gov't | Makes Workforce Safety and Insurance agency director appointed by Governor |
- See also: Ohio 2008 ballot measures
November 4, 2008
Type | Title | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Issue 1 | Change the signature deadline for initiatives from 90 days before the election to 125 days before the election |
3,397,389 (69%) |
1,550,365 (31%) |
Issue 2 | Authorize the issuance of bonds for environmental conservation and preservation |
3,574,294 (69%) |
1,585,410 (31%) |
Issue 3 | Guarantee property owners the right to make reasonable use of ground water beneath their land and on their border |
3,631,380 (72%) |
1,415,933 (28%) |
Issue 5 | Require voters to decide whether Section 3 of H.B. 545 shall go into effect, which relates to payday lending fees, interest rates, and practices |
3,396,968 (64%) |
1,943,721 (36%) |
Issue 6 | Authorize construction of a casino near Southwest Ohio and distributing tax revenue from the casino to all Ohio counties |
2,092,074 (38%) |
3,466,574 (62%) |
- See also: Oklahoma 2008 ballot measures
November 4, 2008
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
State Question 735 | Veterans; Taxes | Exempt 100% disabled veterans and their surviving spouses from personal property tax. |
1,153,831 (85%) |
203,644 (15%) |
State Question 741 | Property; Taxes | Require individuals or businesses to file an application to receive property tax exemptions and prohibit exemptions before filing. |
908,609 (68%) |
424,905 (32%) |
State Question 742 | Hunting and fishing | Establish a constitutional right to hunt, trap, fish, and take game, granting authority to the Wildlife Conservation Commission. |
1,082,341 (80%) |
269,787 (20%) |
State Question 743 | Alcohol; Business | Require buyers to be 21 and present for wine purchases, and allow small winemakers direct sales to retailers. |
1,064,972 (79%) |
284,141 (21%) |
- See also: Oregon 2008 ballot measures
May 20, 2008
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Measure 51 | Law enforcement | Allow crime victims to seek remedies through due process for violations of their constitutional rights in prosecutions and proceedings. |
744,195 (75%) |
249,143 (25%) |
Measure 52 | Law enforcement | Allow crime victims to seek remedies through due process for violations of constitutional rights regarding protection from offenders throughout prosecutions and proceedings. |
738,092 (75%) |
247,738 (25%) |
Measure 53 | Law enforcement | Allow property forfeiture for similar crimes and without conviction. |
490,158 (50%) |
489,477 (50%) |
November 4, 2008
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Measure 54 | Elections | Align voter eligibility for school board elections with other elections, removing age, residency, and literacy test requirements. |
1,194,173 (73%) |
450,979 (27%) |
Measure 55 | Administration | Allow legislators to complete terms representing their elected districts with new redistricting taking effect after the next general election |
1,251,478 (77%) |
364,993 (23%) |
Measure 56 | Taxes; Elections | Eliminate double majority voter turnout requirements for property tax elections held in May and November. |
959,118 (57%) |
735,500 (43%) |
Measure 57 | Law enforcement | Increase prison sentences for specified drug and property crimes, require addiction treatment to certain offenders, and provide grants for local jails and treatment services. |
1,058,955 (61%) |
665,942 (39%) |
Measure 58 | Education; English; Immigration | Prohibit teaching public school students in any language other than English for more than two years, except for foreign language classes. |
756,903 (44%) |
977,696 (56%) |
Measure 59 | Taxes | Create an unlimited deduction for federal income taxes on Oregon returns, exempting taxpayers from state or local income taxes on income taxed within Oregon. |
615,894 (36%) |
1,084,422 (64%) |
Measure 60 | Education; Wages | Require pay raises for public school teachers based on classroom performance instead of seniority. |
673,296 (39%) |
1,070,682 (61%) |
Measure 61 | Law enforcement; Judiciary | Create mandatory minimum prison sentences for certain theft, identity theft, forgery, drug, and burglary crimes. |
848,901 (49%) |
887,165 (51%) |
Measure 62 | Lottery; Budgets | Allocate 15% of lottery proceeds to a public safety fund, reducing the percentage of funds for other lottery-funded programs. |
674,428 (39%) |
1,035,756 (61%) |
Measure 63 | Property | Exempt residential and farm property owners from building permit requirements for improvements under $35,000. |
784,376 (46%) |
928,721 (54%) |
Measure 64 | Elections | Prohibit the use of public resources to collect money for political purposes, providing definitions for such terms. |
835,563 (49%) |
854,327 (51%) |
Measure 65 | Electoral systems; Elections | Establish a top-two system for primary elections and change general election nomination processes for most partisan offices. |
553,640 (34%) |
1,070,580 (66%) |
- See also: Pennsylvania 2008 ballot measures
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
BI | Water Infrastructure Bond Measure | Bonds | Issues $400 million in bonds give direct grants and loans to municipalities for sewer and water improvements |
Rhode Island
- See also: Rhode Island 2008 ballot measures
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LBM | State Question 1 | Bond issues | Authorize the Rhode Island state government to borrow $87,215,000 for improvements to infrastructure | |
LBM | State Question 2 | Bond issues | Authorize the Rhode Island state government to borrow $2,500,000 in order to buy land for open space, recreation, and conservation |
South Carolina
- See also: South Carolina 2008 ballot measures
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Amendment 1 | Constitutional language | Age of consent | |
LRCA | Amendment 2 | Public finance | State gov't employee retirement funds and equity securities | |
LRCA | Amendment 3 | Public finance | Local gov't employee retirement funds and equity securities |
South Dakota
- See also: South Dakota 2008 ballot measures
November 4
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Amendment G | Legislature | Repeals certain reimbursement restrictions for travel by legislators. | |
LRCA | Amendment H | Business reg | Repeals certain provisions of the State Constitution relating to corporations. | |
LRCA | Amendment I | Legislature | Provides for a maximum of forty legislative days each year. | |
LRCA | Amendment J | Term limits | Eliminates term limits for legislators. | |
CISS | Initiative 9 | Business reg | Regulates the purchase and sale of securities | |
CISS | Initiative 10 | Elections | Places prohibitions and limitations on lobbying and campaigning practices | |
CISS | Initiative 11 | Abortion | Places restrictions on abortion |
- See also: Utah 2008 ballot measures
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Amendment A | Admin. of gov't. | Revises Executive Officer succession provisions | |
LRCA | Amendment B | State budget | Permanent state trust fund | |
LRCA | Amendment C | State legislature | Changes beginning of state legislative sessions from third Monday in January to fourth Monday in January | |
LRCA | Amendment D | Redistricting | Clarifies when the legislature can divide state into districts. | |
LRCA | Amendment E | State budget | Authorizes the state to subscribe to stocks and bonds. |
- See also: Washington 2008 ballot measures
November 4, 2008
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Initiative 1000 | Assisted death | Permit mentally competent, terminally ill adults to request and self-administer a lethal overdose of prescribed medication. |
1,715,219 (58%) |
1,251,255 (42%) |
Initiative 1029 | Healthcare; Labor | Require long-term care workers to be trained and certified as home care aides. |
2,113,773 (73%) |
800,733 (27%) |
Initiative 985 | Taxes; Transportation | Open high-occupancy vehicle lanes during specified hours and the allocation of certain revenues to traffic-flow purposes. |
1,163,216 (40%) |
1,744,156 (60%) |
- See also: Wisconsin 2008 ballot measures
April 1, 2008
Type | Title | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Question 1 | Remove gubernatorial partial veto power |
575,582 (71%) |
239,613 (29%) |
- See also: Wyoming 2008 ballot measures
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Amendment A | Administration of Government | Clarifies and "modernizes" the oath of office taken by elected and appointed officials | |
LRCA | Amendment B | Direct democracy measures | Change the distribution requirement for petition signatures for initiatives and referenda |
State-by-state chart
If you click on the link below for the state you're interested in, you'll find an article listing all the ballot measures underway in that state. In turn, if you click on those links, you learn about each individual initiative--the ballot measure's status, funding, its full text, and who is supporting and opposing it.
See also: 2008 ballot initiatives by state for a discussion by state of initiated measures only.
External links
- 2008 ballot update (dead link)
- Election 2008 preview (dead link) from the Initiative & Referendum Institute.
- Factbox: The 2008 ballot measures
- Ballot measure election results from CNN
Links to state voter guides
Additional reading
- Social issues dominate 2008 ballot initiatives
- GOP suffering from lack of (ballot) initiative, Los Angeles Times, July 29, 2008.
- The Far Left's War on Direct Democracy, John Fund, the Wall Street Journal, July 26, 2008.
- This year's ballot initiatives
- Social issues crowd state ballots
- No Power to the People
- To defeat Obama, conservatives take the initiative
- A modern slingshot for voters
- Social initiatives on state ballots, New York Times, August 10, 2008
- Ballot measures seen as distraction in election
- 2008 state elections: What's at stake?
- Immigration issues re-surface on some state ballots
- Healthcare reform goes to voters
- From pigs to marijuana, US voters will have lots to decide
- Economy casts shadow over local ballot measures
- Guide to the 2008 ballot initiatives
- Voters to weigh in on potpourri of ballot issues
- PREVIEW: Abortion, gay marriage, animal rights on US ballot bids
- Ballot measures unlikely to change this year's tides
- A look at notable measures on the November 4 ballot (dead link)
- Ballot items may bring more budget woes
- ↑ This column includes legislative referrals, automatic referrals and commission referrals