1996 ballot measures
1996 State Ballot Measures | |
1997 »
« 1995
| |
Part 1: Overview | |
Current measures | |
Measure Monthly |
226 statewide ballot measures were on the ballot in 1996 in forty-one states.
By state
See also: Alabama 1996 ballot measures
June 4
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Amendment 1 | Suffrage | Concerning the extension of voting rights to all residents 18 years or older | |
LRCA | Amendment 2 | Judiciary | Concerning impeachment of judges | |
LRCA | Amendment 3 | Judiciary | Concerning the Judicial Inquiry Commission | |
LRCA | Amendment 4 | Judiciary | Concerning orders of the state court |
November 5
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Amendment 1 | Hunting | Concerning the right to hunt and fish in Alabama | |
LRCA | Amendment 2 | Taxes | Concerning participation in the state employees' retirement system | |
LRCA | Amendment 3 | Law enforcement | Concerning the prohibition of guilty pleas within 15 days of arrest in non-capital felony cases | |
LRCA | Amendment 4 | Gambling | Concerning bingo operations for profit | |
LRCA | Amendment 5 | Gambling | Concerning monetary bingo prizes in Jefferson County |
See also: Alaska 1996 ballot measures
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Measure 1 | Statehood | Defines how the state would respond to any changes in the Alaska Statehood Act | |
IndISS | Measure 3 | Hunting | Bans same day airborne hunting of wolf, wolverine, fox or lynx | |
IndISS | Measure 4 | Term Limits | Supports an amendment to the US Constitution related to term limits |
See also: Arizona 1996 ballot measures
November 5, 1996
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Proposition 100 | Elections | Permit the legislature to select dates for laws passed as an emergency that appropriate money for the support of state agencies and institutions |
520,450 (41%) |
752,145 (59%) |
Proposition 101 | Property; Taxes | Provide property tax exemptions for the first $50,000 of "full cash value" of a taxpayer's personal property if used in agriculture, a trade, or a business |
664,231 (52%) |
625,314 (48%) |
Proposition 102 | Law enforcement | Mandate adult prosecution at age 15 for murder and forcible sexual assault or armed robbery |
844,922 (63%) |
496,720 (37%) |
Proposition 200 | Healthcare; Law enforcement; Drug crime policy | Require full sentences for violent crimes committed under the influence of drugs, grant parole for past personal drug possession convictions, allow probation for new possession offenses, permit doctors to prescribe certain illegal substances to terminally ill patients, and establish a drug treatment fund and education commission |
872,235 (65%) |
461,332 (35%) |
Proposition 201 | Gambling; American Indian issues | Provide for the state to enter into gaming compacts with any Indian tribes, at their request, that have not already entered into such compacts |
858,903 (64%) |
484,554 (36%) |
Proposition 203 | Healthcare; Lottery; Budgets | Provide for the allocation of $17 million of state lottery revenues for six specified health and nutrition programs |
940,588 (72%) |
365,548 (28%) |
Proposition 300 | Legislature; Salaries | Provide for the increase in legislative salaries from $15,000 per year to $19,750 per year |
650,241 (49%) |
684,958 (51%) |
See also: Arkansas 1996 ballot measures
November 5
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Proposed Amendment 1 | Taxes | Establishes a uniform minimum property tax millage rate for maintenance and operation of schools | |
LRCA | Proposed Amendment 2 | Taxes | Imposes a sales tax for various state agencies including fish and game | |
LRCA | Proposed Amendment 3 | Direct democracy | Modifies procedures for the publication and legal review of statewide initiatives and referendums | |
CICA | Proposed Amendment 4 | Gambling | Establishes a state lottery, permits charitable bingo and casino gambling | |
CICA | Proposed Amendment 9 | Term limits | Concerns term limits for U.S. senators and representatives | |
CISS | Proposed Initiated Act 1 | Gov't acc | Provides registration and disclosure requirements for small donor political groups |
See also: California 1996 ballot propositions
March 26
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LBM | Proposition 192 | Bonds | Issue $2 billion in bonds to provide funds for a seismic retrofit program | |
LRCA | Proposition 193 | Tax reform | Remove requirement for a new appraisal of real property upon purchase or transfer between grandparents and their grandchild | |
LRSS | Proposition 194 | Prisons and Labor | Prisoner's employment in prison does not entitle prisoner to unemployment benefits upon release | |
LRSS | Proposition 195 | Policing | Murder during a carjacking, and murder of jurors, added to special circumstances that permit death penalty | |
LRSS | Proposition 196 | Policing | Adds drive-by shooting murders to the list of crimes punishable by death or life imprisonment | |
LRSS | Proposition 197 | Hunting | Repeals the special protection status for mountain lions | |
CISS | Proposition 198 | Elections | Adopts an open blanket primary system | |
CISS | Proposition 199 | Rent control | Prohibits rent control on mobile homes | |
CISS | Proposition 200 | Regulation | Requires no-fault car insurance | |
CISS | Proposition 201 | Judiciary | Requires losing party to pay winning party's legal fees in shareholder actions against corporations | |
CISS | Proposition 202 | Judiciary | Limits contingency fees which plaintiffs' attorneys may collect | |
LBM | Proposition 203 | Bonds | Issues $3 billion in bonds for school facility improvements |
November 5
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LBM | Proposition 204 | Bonds | Issues $995 million for water-related infrastructure and conservation projects | |
LBM | Proposition 205 | Bonds | Authorizes $700 million bonds for county juvenile and adult correctional facilities | |
LBM | Proposition 206 | Bonds | Authorizes $400 million in bonds for farm aid and home aid for veterans | |
CISS | Proposition 207 | Judiciary | Prohibits restrictions on negotiating attorneys' fees; prohibits lawsuits that are determined to be frivolous (as defined); prohibits attorneys from charging excessive fees (as defined) | |
CISS | Proposition 208 | Elections | Revises California campaign finance laws to limit campaign contributions, prohibit contributions from lobbyists, establish voluntary campaign expenditure limits; create penalties for campaign finance law violations | |
CICA | Proposition 209 | Affirmative action | Adds language to the California Constitution that says that the state cannot discriminate against or grant preferential treatment on the basis of race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin in public employment, education, and contracting | |
CISS | Proposition 210 | Minimum wage | Increases the state minimum wage to $5.00 per hour on March 1, 1997, and to $5.75 per hour on March 1, 1998 | |
CISS | Proposition 211 | Judiciary | Changes laws concerning retirement savings securities fraud; prohibits limits on attorney-client arrangements | |
CISS | Proposition 212 | Elections | Creates limits on the amount of campaign contributions that an individual or group can make to a candidate for state and local elective office; prohibits lobbyists from making contributions; establishes voluntary campaign spending limits; provides limitations on the periods during which campaigns can conduct fundraising; creates penalties for campaign finance law violations | |
CISS | Proposition 213 | Judiciary | Prohibits an uninsured driver or a driver subsequently convicted of driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs at the time of an accident from suing someone at fault for the accident for non-economic losses; prohibits a person convicted of a felony from suing to recover any losses suffered while committing the crime or fleeing from the crime scene if these losses resulted from another person's negligence | |
CISS | Proposition 214 | Healthcare | Imposes new taxes on health care businesses for bed reductions, mergers, acquisitions, and restructurings; requires healthcare businesses to make tax returns publics; creates a nonprofit public corporation for consumer advocacy; prohibits healthcare businesses from denying recommended care without a physical examination | |
CISS | Proposition 215 | Marijuana | Exempts patients and defined caregivers who possess or cultivate marijuana for medical treatment recommended by a physician from criminal laws which otherwise prohibit possession or cultivation of marijuana | |
CISS | Proposition 216 | Healthcare | Prohibits healthcare businesses from denying recommended care without a physical examination; requires healthcare businesses to make tax returns and other financial information public, and makes other changes to healthcare business regulations | |
CISS | Proposition 217 | Taxes | Reinstates an income tax increase for individuals earning between $115,000 to $230,000 per year, which ended in 1995, and allocates the revenue from the increase to schools and local governments | |
CICA | Proposition 218 | Taxes | Requires local governments to refer ordinances to impose taxes or property-related assessments, fees, and charges to the ballot for voter consideration; requires that elections for general taxes be held at regulation elections; and requires a two-thirds supermajority vote of approval for special taxes |
See also: Colorado 1996 ballot measures
November 5, 1996
Type | Title | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Amendment 11 | Amend provisions relating to what property owned by religious, charitable, or school organizations is exempt from taxation. |
242,543 (17%) |
1,211,637 (83%) |
Amendment 12 | Begin the process to call a constitutional convention to add congressional term limits to the federal constitution. |
768,257 (54%) |
654,124 (46%) |
Amendment 13 | Allow more political subdivisions to conduct initiatives and referendums and revise the provisions relating to the petition process. |
435,995 (31%) |
967,266 (69%) |
Amendment 14 | Prohibit the use of leghold and instant-kill, body-gripping design traps, snares, or poisons for hunting with certain exceptions. |
752,413 (52%) |
691,733 (48%) |
Amendment 15 | Place limits on the amounts individuals, political committees, and political parties may contribute to candidates. |
928,148 (66%) |
482,551 (34%) |
Amendment 16 | Establish provisions relating to the management of land trusts. |
708,502 (52%) |
656,095 (48%) |
Amendment 17 | Establish that parents have the right to control the way their children are raised. |
615,202 (42%) |
837,606 (58%) |
Amendment 18 | Allow limited gambling in Trinidad if approved by local voters. |
440,173 (31%) |
958,991 (69%) |
Referendum A | Increase the percentage of votes needed to approve an amendment to the state constitution from 50% to 60% and establish that constitutional amendments may only be submitted to electors through a general election. |
544,543 (41%) |
787,134 (59%) |
Referendum B | Allow more time for the mailing of ballot information to registered voters. |
739,435 (55%) |
608,219 (45%) |
Referendum C | Allow the General Assembly to establish qualifications for the position of county sheriff. |
754,339 (56%) |
590,402 (44%) |
Referendum D | Allow the increase in unemployment insurance taxes without voter approval and exclude unemployment compensation revenues from the calculation of governmental spending limits. |
376,860 (29%) |
908,476 (71%) |
See also: Connecticut 1996 ballot measures
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Victims' Rights | Law enforcement | Provides certain rights for victims of crime |
See also: Florida 1996 ballot measures
November 5, 1996
Type | Title | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Amendment 1 | Require a 2/3 majority of all voters to approve the imposition of new, constitutionally-imposed taxes or fees |
3,372,915 (69%) |
1,497,485 (31%) |
Amendment 2 | Move the next meeting of the Constitution Revision Commission to 1997 and allow the Commission to review matters relating to taxation or the state budgetary process |
2,733,993 (61%) |
1,720,193 (39%) |
Amendment 3 | Increase the number of judicial nominees the judicial nominating commission may make up to six nominations, restructure the Judicial Qualifications Commission, and allow for additional sanctions for judicial misconduct |
3,436,753 (75%) |
1,153,367 (25%) |
Amendment 4 | Impose a $0.01 per pound fee on sugar grown in the Everglades Agricultural Area, with the funds being used for conservation in the Everglades |
2,328,016 (46%) |
2,774,806 (54%) |
Amendment 5 | Provide that those responsible for water pollution in the Everglades Protection Area and the Everglades Agricultural Area pay for the cost of the pollution's abatement |
3,397,286 (68%) |
1,594,175 (32%) |
Amendment 6 | Establish an Everglades Trust Fund to fund conservation efforts and the abatement of water pollution in the Everglades |
2,825,819 (57%) |
2,108,286 (43%) |
See also: Georgia 1996 ballot measures
November 5
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Amendment 1 | Taxes | Authorizes the repeal of any intangible personal property tax | |
LRCA | Amendment 2 | Taxes | Authorizes county and independent boards of education to levy a one percent sales tax | |
LRCA | Amendment 3 | Development | Creates enterprise zones to provide exemptions and reductions of taxes to persons or corporations that create job opportunities | |
LRCA | Amendment 4 | Agriculture | Allows agricultural processing industries to impose a fee upon members of the industry | |
LRCA | Amendment 5 | Property | Allows owners of island property located within an industrial area to remove the property | |
LRSS | Referendum A | Taxes | Exempts vans and buses owned by religious groups from ad valorem taxes | |
LRSS | Referendum B | Taxes | Exempts property owned by historical fraternal benefit associations from ad valorem taxes |
See also: Hawaii 1996 ballot measures
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LR | Amendment 1 | Hurricane Loans | Authorizes the use of revenue bonds to finance a loan program for hurricane | |
LR | Amendment 2 | Education Taxes | Appropriation of funds for more than three years for public school facilities | |
LR | Amendment 3 | Legislature | Ends the exception to lapsing of unencumbered general obligation bond funds | |
LR | Constitutional Convention | Hawaii Constitution | Whether or not to hold a Constitutional Convention |
See also: Idaho 1996 ballot measures
November 5
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | SJR 111 | Healthcare | Expands options available for public hospital financing | |
CISS | INIT 1 | Taxes | Limits property taxes to one percent of value | |
CISS | INIT 2 | Hunting & Fishing | Prohibits the use of dogs or bait while bear hunting | |
CISS | INIT 3 | Nuclear | Requires approval of agreements for the receipt of additional radioactive waste | |
CISS | INIT 4 | Term Limits | Instructs candidates for state legislature and US Congress to support term limits |
See also: Indiana 1996 ballot measures
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Public Question 1 | Criminal Justice | Deals with victims' rights | |
LRCA | Public Question 2 | Retirement | Allows state retirement funds to be invested in stocks and other securities | |
LRCA | Public Question 3 | Gambling | Questions whether horse race meeting be allowed in Marion County |
See also: Iowa 1996 ballot measures
November 5
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Amendment 1 | Hunt & fish | Requires that revenue from hunting, fishing and trapping license fees be spent only for hunting and fishing programs |
See also: Kentucky 1996 ballot measures
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Amendment 1 | Taxes | Eliminate language allowing poll taxes and language requiring separate schools for "white" and "colored" children |
See also: Louisiana 1996 ballot measures
September 21
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Amendment 1 | Gambling | Concerning local approval of gaming | |
LRCA | Amendment 2 | Taxes | Concerning exemption of intangible business property from taxation |
November 5
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Amendment 1 | Pension | Concerning part-time public officials participation in public retirement plans | |
LRCA | Amendment 2 | Property | Concerning the donation of abandoned properties to nonprofit groups | |
LRCA | Amendment 3 | Taxes | Concerning sales and use tax at state and local levels |
See also: Maine 1996 ballot measures
June 11
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
BI | Question 1 | Bonds | Issues $4,905,316 in bonds to create a statewide library information system |
November 5
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
IndISS | Question 1 | Term Limits | Seeks to impose term limits on the U.S. Congress through five provisions | |
IndISS | Question 2: Option 2A | Forests & Parks | Bans clearcutting and other new logging standards (initiated measure) | |
Question 2: Option 2B | Forests & Parks | Promotes sustainable forest management by making Compact for Maine's Forests law (competing measure) | ||
Question 2: Option 2C | Forests & Parks | Rejects both options 2A and 2B | ||
IndISS | Question 3 | Elections | Enacts system for public financing of gubernatorial and state legislative campaigns | |
BI | Question 4 | Forests & Parks | Issues $3 million in bonds for improvements to the state park and historic site facilities | |
BI | Question 5 | Environment | Issues $16.5 million to clean up hazardous substance discharges, tire stockpiles and solid waste landfills | |
BI | Question 6 | Development | Issues $11 million in bonds for the Small Enterprise Growth Fund and the Agricultural Marketing Load Fund | |
BI | Question 7 | Water | Issues $10 million for water pollution management facilities and protection of drinking water resources | |
LRCA | Question 8 | Direct Democracy | Increases from two to five the number of working days that local officials have to certify signatures on initiatives |
See also: Maryland 1996 ballot measures
November 5
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Question 1 | Judiciary | Alters membership, terms and requirements for the Commission on Judicial Disabilities | |
LRCA | Question 2 | Admin of gov't | Prohibits executive branch appointments by lame duck governor | |
LRCA | Question 3 | Elections | Allows dual office holding by police, fire and rescue workers | |
LRCA | Question 4 | Elections | Authorizes charter counties to hold special elections to fill vacancies on their county councils | |
LRCA | Question 5 | Elections | Permits new methods of election of council members in Harford county. | |
LRCA | Question 6 | Eminent domain | Allows Harford county to take certain property for rights-of-way. |
See also: Massachusetts 1996 ballot measures
November 5, 1996
Type | Title | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Question 1 | Prohibit certain forms of animal hunting and trapping and revise requirements for serving on the state Fisheries and Wildlife Board |
1,422,106 (64%) |
790,435 (36%) |
See also: Michigan 1996 ballot measures
November 5, 1996
Type | Title | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Proposal A | Make changes to relating to certain forms of gaming |
1,511,063 (44%) |
1,936,198 (56%) |
Proposal B | Establish qualifications for judicial officers |
2,806,833 (82%) |
629,402 (18%) |
Proposal C | Establish the Michigan Veterans' Trust Fund in the state constitution and require expenditures from the fund be approved by the fund's Board of Trustees |
2,447,905 (74%) |
849,525 (26%) |
Proposal D | Establish limitations on bear hunting |
1,379,340 (38%) |
2,225,675 (62%) |
Proposal E | Allow gambling casinos in cities that meet certain criteria, establish the Gaming Control Board to regulate casino gambling, and create an 18% tax on gross gaming revenue |
1,878,542 (52%) |
1,768,156 (48%) |
Proposal G | Give the Natural Resources Commission the ability to make decisions relating to regulations on the taking of game |
2,413,730 (69%) |
1,099,262 (31%) |
See also: Minnesota 1996 ballot measures
November 5
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Amendment 1 | Recall | Provides for recall of elected state officials | |
LRCA | Amendment 2 | Veterans | Authorizes bonuses for veterans of the Persian Gulf War |
See also: Missouri 1996 ballot measures
April 2
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Amendment 4 | Taxes | Requires voter approval for all tax or fee increases that exceed $50 million per year |
August 6
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Amendment 2 | Bonds | Allows school districts to increase bond limit up to 15% of district property value with voter approval |
November 5
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Amendment 3 | Gov't finances | Transfers $5 million annually from general revenue fund to facilities maintenance reserve fund | |
LRCA | Amendment 5 | Admin of gov't | Establishes a state department of aging in the executive branch | |
LRCA | Amendment 6 | Bonds | Allows municipalities to issue bonds to build revenue-producing sewer treatment plants | |
LRCA | Amendment 7 | Gov't finances | Creates a "rainy day" fund in the state treasury | |
CICA | Amendment 8 | Taxes | Extends a sales and use tax for soil and water conservation on state parks and historic sites | |
CICA | Amendment 9 | Term limits | Discloses whether candidates for Congress support Congressional term limits | |
CISS | Proposition A | Min wage | Increases minimum wage to $6.75 and continues 15 cent increases each year |
See also: Montana 1996 ballot measures
November 5
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | C-30 | Education | Combines several state agencies into the Department of Education | |
LRCA | C-31 | Labor | Allows state workers' compensation insurance funds to be invested in private corporate capital stock | |
LRCA | C-32 | Legislature | Requires that the Legislature meet only once every two years | |
CISS | I-121 | Min Wage | Increases the minimum wage from $4.25 to $6.25 by the year 2000 | |
CISS | I-122 | Environment | Increases requirements for treatment of water discharged from mines | |
CISS | I-123 | Trials | Allows lawsuits for civil damages for unlawful threats or intimidation and prohibits filing of false liens against property | |
CISS | I-125 | Elections | Prohibits contributions from corporations to ballot question committees | |
CISS | I-132 | Term Limits | Sets congressional term limits |
See also: Nebraska 1996 ballot measures
May 14
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Amendment 1 | Law enforcement | Enforces mediation, binding arbitration agreements and other forms of dispute resolution | |
LRCA | Amendment 2 | Legislature | Dispenses with readings of legislative bills for final passage | |
LRCA | Amendment 3 | Law enforcement | Provides for rights of crime victims | |
LRCA | Amendment 4 | Admin of gov't | Establishes powers and duties of the Tax Equalization and Review Commission |
November 5
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Amendment 1 | Gambling | Allows legislature to authorize off-track betting on horse racing | |
LRCA | Amendment 2 | Admin of gov't | Allows consolidation of counties or local government with voter approval | |
LRCA | Amendment 3 | Pension | Allows state legislators to participate in state employee benefit plans | |
CICA | Measure 409 | Term Limits | Instructs legislators to support a U.S. constitutional amendment limiting terms of members of congress | |
CICA | Measure 410 | Direct democracy | Requires that the number of signatures needed to qualify initiatives for the ballot be based on votes for governor | |
CICA | Measure 411 | Education | Makes "quality education" a fundamental constitutional right of each person | |
CICA | Measure 412 | Taxes | Creates property tax levy limits for governmental subdivisions |
See also: Nevada 1996 ballot measures
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Question 1 | Labor | Restrictions on the use of money paid to fund and administer the public employees' retirement system | |
LRCA | Question 2 | Law enforcement | Provide by law for certain victims' rights | |
LRCA | Question 3 | Initiatives | Revise the method of determining the number of signatures required on recall petitions | |
LRCA | Question 4 | Constitutional language | Remove a disclaimer of the State's interest in the unappropriated public lands | |
LRCA | Question 5 | Admin of Gov't | Authorize the legislative review of regulations of state agencies | |
LRCA | Question 6 | State Budget | Exemptions from the state's debt limit also applies to money borrowed to retrofit state buildings | |
LRCA | Question 7 | Admin of Gov't | State money may be invested in a company, association, or corporation to stimulate economic development | |
CICA | Question 9A | Term Limits | Establish term limits for state and local elected officials | |
CICA | Question 9B | Term Limits | Term limits for Nevada justices and judges | |
CICA | Question 10 | Campaign Finance | Establish, limit and define campaign contributions | |
CICA | Question 11 | Taxes | Require supermajority vote to increase taxes | |
BI | Question 12 | Bond issues | $20 million in bonds for erosion control and restoration of natural watercourses in Lake Tahoe Basin | |
LRSS | Question 13 | Taxes | Exemption from sales tax for medical equipment | |
LRSS | Question 14 | Taxes | Sales and Use Tax Exemption for Items Sold by Nonprofit Organizations | |
LRSS | Question 15 | Taxes | Expansion of Sales and Use Tax Exemption for Aircraft Purchased or Used by Carriers Based in Nevada | |
LRSS | Question 16 | Taxes | Tax increase bills in state legislature must be considered and approved twice | |
CICA | Question 17 | Term limits | Establish term limits for U.S. Representatives and U.S. Senators from Nevada |
New Jersey
See also: New Jersey 1996 ballot measures
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
BI | Question 1 | Bond issues | Port of New Jersey Revitalization, Dredging, Environmental Clean-Up, Lake Restoration and Delaware Bay Area Economic Development Bond Act of 1996 | |
LRCA | Question 2 | Taxes | Dedication of 4% of corporation tax revenue for hazardous discharge clean-ups, underground storage tank upgrades and clean-ups and the preservation of water quality |
New Mexico
See also: New Mexico 1996 ballot measures
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Amendment 1 | State budget | Limits distribution of state permanent funds and allows diversification of investments | |
LRCA | Amendment 2 | Elections | Permits school districts to incur debt without an election | |
LRCA | Amendment 3 | Elections | Provides for the recall of elected county officials | |
LRCA | Amendment 4 | Elections | Changes constitutional amendment process to allow independent commission to submit amendments | |
LRCA | Amendment 5 | State legislature | Raises per diem and mileage rates for legislators to standard IRS rates | |
LRCA | Amendment 6 | Admin of gov't | Abolishes the state corporation commission and creates one regulatory agency for public services | |
LRCA | Amendment 7 | Natural resources | Counties authorized to borrow money to buy property for open spaces |
New York
See also: New York 1996 ballot measures
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRSS | Proposal 1 | Bond issues | Authorized a bond for environment and natural resource issues |
North Carolina
See also: North Carolina 1996 ballot measures
November 5
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Amendment 1 | State exec | Grants the governor veto power | |
LRCA | Amendment 2 | Law enforcement | Provides alternative punishments upon criminal conviction | |
LRCA | Amendment 3 | Law enforcement | Provides for victims rights | |
BI | Referendum 1 | Bonds | Issues bonds for capital improvements to public schools | |
BI | Referendum 2 | Bonds | Issues bonds for roads and highways |
North Dakota
See also: North Dakota 1996 ballot measures
June 11
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Measure 1 | State Exec | Relates to the duties of the lieutenant governor | |
LRCA | Measure 2 | Resources | Regards exchanges of state land and mineral rights | |
LRCA | Measure 3 | Constitutions | Incorporates reference provisions of the Enabling Act of 1889 | |
LRCA | Measure 4 | State Exec | Repeals and replaces executive article of the North Dakota Constitution | |
CICA | Measure 5 | Gambling | Relates to lotteries conducted in public places | |
CICA | Measure 6 | Environment | Bans private hazardous waste disposal facilities; Created insurance requirements for other waste disposal facilities | |
CISS | Measure 7 | Labor | Changes workers' compensation laws including attorney fees, rehabilitation and payment of claims | |
CICA | Measure 8 | Veterans | Relates to a veterans' home and funding for that home | |
VR | Measure 9 | Labor | Establishes minimum impairments in workers compensation laws |
November 5
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Measure 1 | Admin of Gov't | Reduces terms of members of the State Board of Higher Education; changes other membership requirements | |
LRCA | Measure 2 | Trials | Places limitations on bringing lawsuits against the state | |
LRCA | Measure 3 | Term Limits | Increase terms of state representatives from two to four years | |
LRCA | Measure 4 | Gov't Finances | Makes veterans' post war trust fund a permanent trust fund | |
CICA | Measure 5 | Term Limits | Proposes U.S. Congress term limit changes; changes state term limits | |
CICA | Measure 6 | ConCon | Calls for national Constitutional Convention to change congressional term limits |
See also: Ohio 1996 ballot measures
November 5, 1996
Type | Title | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Riverboat Casino Gambling Initiative | Authorize river boat casino gambling in Ohio |
1,639,955 (38%) |
2,659,075 (62%) |
See also: Oklahoma 1996 ballot measures
March 12, 1996
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
State Question 669 | Property; Taxes | Cap property taxes at 1993 levels, allowing increases only for voter approval, transfers, improvements, or status changes. |
226,860 (33%) |
463,064 (67%) |
November 5, 1996
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
State Question 670 | Trials | Increase the minimum and maximum number of signatures required to call for a grand jury. |
746,424 (68%) |
354,042 (32%) |
State Question 671 | Education | Allow school districts to enter into contracts with school superintendents for up to three years. |
733,006 (66%) |
375,408 (34%) |
State Question 674 | Law enforcement | Protect crime victims' rights to information, presence, notification, and being heard in proceedings. |
1,025,292 (91%) |
99,233 (9%) |
State Question 675 | Property; Taxes | Limit property tax assessments to 11%-13.5% for land, 10%-15% for personal property, allow voter increases, and retain state rates. |
785,490 (71%) |
313,661 (29%) |
State Question 676 | Property; Taxes | Limit annual increases in the assessed value of locally assessed real property to 5%, excluding years when the property is sold or improved. |
808,429 (74%) |
290,433 (26%) |
State Question 677 | Property; Taxes | Freeze homestead value for seniors 65 or older with incomes under 25,000 dollars at the first qualifying year. |
805,724 (73%) |
290,568 (27%) |
See also: Oregon 1996 ballot measures
May 21, 1996
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Measure 23 | Trials | Increase the minimum threshold for jury trial guarantees in lawsuits from $200 to $750. |
466,580 (72%) |
177,218 (28%) |
Measure 24 | Direct democracy | Change the initiative process signature requirements, requiring collection from all congressional districts. |
279,399 (44%) |
360,592 (56%) |
Measure 25 | Legislature; Supermajority | Require a three-fifths majority in each house to pass revenue-raising bills. |
349,918 (55%) |
289,930 (45%) |
November 5, 1996
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Measure 26 | Law enforcement | Provide constitutional language for crime law punishment to focus on protecting society, personal responsibility, accountability, and reformation |
878,677 (67%) |
440,283 (33%) |
Measure 27 | Administration; Legislature | Authorize the legislature to change and create state agency rules and require such agencies to file with a new legislative committee for new rules or rule changes. |
349,050 (27%) |
938,819 (73%) |
Measure 28 | Veterans | Repeal pre-service or five-year residency requirements for veterans to receive veterans’ home and farm loans. |
708,341 (54%) |
593,136 (46%) |
Measure 29 | Executive officials | Require governor’s appointees to vacate office ninety days after their term. |
335,057 (26%) |
958,947 (74%) |
Measure 30 | Budgets | Require the state government to pay local governments for the costs of state-mandated programs. |
731,127 (56%) |
566,168 (44%) |
Measure 31 | Obscenity | Provide that "obscenity, including child pornography," receives no more free speech protection than under the U.S. Constitution. |
630,980 (47%) |
706,974 (53%) |
Measure 32 | Transportation; Bonds | Authorize lottery bonds for a regional light rail in the Portland Metropolitan Area and other transportation projects. |
622,764 (47%) |
704,970 (53%) |
Measure 33 | Legislature; Direct democracy; Supermajority | Prohibit legislative changes to laws from initiatives or referendums for five years and require a three-fifths legislative vote to alter or nullify the law after this period. |
638,824 (49%) |
652,811 (51%) |
Measure 34 | Hunting and fishing | Provide sole authority to the State Fish and Wildlife Commission to manage wildlife and repeal Measure 18 of 1994, allowing hunters to utilize bait and dogs when hunting for bears or cougars. |
570,803 (43%) |
762,979 (57%) |
Measure 35 | Healthcare; Business | Limit pay bases for healthcare providers to work performed, hourly wages, prearranged salary or benefits, bonuses, or expense reimbursement. |
441,108 (35%) |
807,987 (65%) |
Measure 36 | Minimum wage | Increase the state minimum wage from $4.75 to $6.50 per hour over three years. |
769,725 (57%) |
584,303 (43%) |
Measure 37 | Environment | Require consumers and dealers to pay deposits on additional types of beverage cans and receive funds for recycling them. |
540,645 (40%) |
818,336 (60%) |
Measure 38 | Food and agriculture; Environment; Water | Prohibit livestock compromising state water quality standards from accessing marked water bodies and adjacent affected lands. |
479,921 (36%) |
852,661 (64%) |
Measure 39 | Healthcare; Constitutional rights | Provide that persons have a state constitutional right to receive services from their chosen category of health care provider |
569,037 (44%) |
726,824 (56%) |
Measure 40 | Law enforcement; Trials | Add crime victims' rights to the constitution. |
778,574 (59%) |
544,301 (41%) |
Measure 41 | Labor | Require public employees’ earnings to be expressed as costs borne by the employer for the employee’s benefit. |
446,115 (35%) |
838,088 (65%) |
Measure 42 | Education | Require annual standardized testing for public school students in grades 4-12 |
460,553 (35%) |
857,878 (65%) |
Measure 43 | Labor | Reinstate collective bargaining for public safety employees and maintain prohibition of striking by public safety employees. |
547,131 (44%) |
707,586 (56%) |
Measure 44 | Taxes; Tobacco | Increase cigarette and tobacco products taxes, directing revenues to the Oregon Health Plan, tobacco use reduction, and general fund. |
759,048 (56%) |
598,543 (44%) |
Measure 45 | Labor | Raise public employees’ normal retirement age, eliminate medical benefits for non-disability retirees, and limit guaranteed benefits. |
458,238 (35%) |
866,461 (65%) |
Measure 46 | Taxes; Direct democracy; Supermajority | Require that a measure to enact a tax or increase a tax must receive approval from a majority of registered voters |
158,555 (12%) |
1,180,148 (88%) |
Measure 47 | Taxes | Limit property tax collection; require voter approval for new or increased property taxes; and prohibit property assessment beyond market value. |
704,554 (52%) |
642,613 (48%) |
Measure 48 | Term limits; Federal issues | Instruct state legislators and congressional delegation to vote for congressional term limits to the federal constitution. |
624,771 (48%) |
671,095 (52%) |
Rhode Island
See also: Rhode Island 1996 ballot measures
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LBM | Question 1 | Bonds | $80.18 million in bonds for transportation projects | |
LBM | Question 2 | Bonds | $40.6 million in bonds for telecommunications systems at public colleges | |
LBM | Question 3 | Bonds | $33.8 million in bonds for higher education | |
LBM | Question 4 | Bonds | $72 million in bonds for Quonset Point/Davisville development | |
LBM | Question 5 | Bonds | $4 million in bonds for land acquisition for conservation purposes | |
LBM | Question 6 | Bonds | $5 million in bonds for environmental remediation | |
LBM | Question 7 | Bonds | Bonds for renovation of state owned facilities for accessibility for the disabled | |
AQ | Question 8 | Direct democracy | Advisory referendum to provide the direct initiative process for statutes. |
South Carolina
See also: South Carolina 1996 ballot measures
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Referendum 1A | Judiciary | Victims' rights | |
LRCA | Referendum 1B | Judiciary | Allows denial of bail to persons charged with violent crimes | |
LRCA | Referendum 2A | Admin of gov't | Prohibits convicted felons, or those who have pled guilty or no contest, from serving in the state legislature | |
LRCA | Referendum 2B | Elections | Sames as 2A except that it applies to any elected office. | |
LRCA | Referendum 2C | Elections | Person who will be 18 by the time of the general election may register and vote in any election during that year | |
LRCA | Referendum 3 | Elections | Deletes requirement that voters who move must vote in the precinct where they formerly lived | |
LRCA | Referendum 4A | Judiciary | Change in age and experience qualifications for judges | |
LRCA | Referendum 4B | Judiciary | Merit selection commission to nominate candidates for judicial positions | |
LRCA | Referendum 5 | Admin of gov't | Five-member state retirement systems investment panel |
South Dakota
See also: South Dakota 1996 ballot measures
November 5
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Amendment A | Gov't finances | Relates to the investment of permanent education funds. | |
LRCA | Amendment B | Taxes | Requires a supermajority vote in state legislature to impose or increase taxes. | |
CISS | Initiative 1 | Term limits | Requires members of the U.S. Congress from South Dakota to support the establishment of term limits |
See also: Utah 1996 ballot measures
November 5, 1996
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Proposition 1 | Veterans; Property; Taxes | Expand the eligibility of the veteran's property tax exemption |
429,981 (71%) |
176,228 (29%) |
Proposition 2 | Natural resources; Taxes; Constitutional language | Amend wording in the Revenue and Taxation Article |
402,823 (70%) |
175,813 (30%) |
Proposition 3 | Trials | Change the size of juries |
489,040 (81%) |
118,060 (19%) |
Proposition 4 | Education; Budgets; Bonds | Allow the state to guarantee the debt of school districts |
365,095 (62%) |
227,203 (38%) |
Proposition 5 | Education; Budgets | Expand the revenue sources of the State School Fund |
483,570 (80%) |
121,994 (20%) |
Proposition 6 | Education; Budgets | Allow tax revenue and the State School Fund to benefit the higher education system |
375,810 (63%) |
220,312 (37%) |
See also: Virginia 1996 ballot measures
November 5, 1996
Type | Title | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Question 1 | Establish that the funds in the governmental employees' retirement system be trust funds |
1,717,244 (83%) |
348,369 (17%) |
Question 2 | Provide that victims of crimes are to be treated with respect in the criminal justice system and that the General Assembly may define by law the specific rights victims are entitled to |
1,748,942 (84%) |
328,995 (16%) |
Question 3 | Authorize the General Assembly to allow the Commonwealth the right of an appeal in all cases |
1,423,167 (70%) |
598,010 (30%) |
Question 4 | Allow for revisions to the form of voter registration applications and allow someone who moves within Virginia to vote in their former precinct under specific conditions and time limits |
1,498,496 (74%) |
527,042 (26%) |
Question 5 | Remove constitutional language that prevents the General Assembly from passing laws that allow religious organizations to incorporate |
979,833 (49%) |
1,016,262 (51%) |
See also: Washington 1996 ballot measures
November 5, 1996
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Initiative 173 | Education; School choice | Provide students with scholarship vouchers to attend voucher-redeeming private and public schools. |
775,281 (36%) |
1,406,433 (64%) |
Initiative 177 | Education; School choice | Provide authorization for voters to create "renewed" school districts with charter schools. |
762,367 (36%) |
1,380,816 (64%) |
Initiative 655 | Hunting and fishing | Classify hunting black bears with bait or dogs and hunting cougars, bobcats, and lynxes with dogs as gross misdemeanors. |
1,387,577 (63%) |
815,385 (37%) |
Initiative 670 | Term limits; Government accountability | Provide for a ballot notice of candidates who oppose congressional term limits. |
937,873 (45%) |
1,146,865 (55%) |
Initiative 671 | Gambling; American Indian issues | Provide authorization for limited electronic gambling on tribal lands in the state. |
934,344 (43%) |
1,222,492 (57%) |
West Virginia
See also: West Virginia 1996 ballot measures
November 5
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Amendment 1 | Hunting | Requirement that hunting and fishing license revenues be used for wildlife management | |
LRCA | Amendment 2 | Hunting and Fishing | Requirement that a portion of license plate registration revenues be used for non-game wildlife resources | |
LRCA | Amendment 3 | Bonds | $550 million bond issue for roads |
See also: Wisconsin 1996 ballot measures
November 5, 1996
Type | Title | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Question 1 | Prohibit people convicted of a misdemeanor involving a violation of public trust or a felony from holding public office |
1,292,934 (70%) |
543,516 (30%) |
See also: Wyoming 1996 ballot measures
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
VR | Term limits referendum | Term limits | Overturn Senate Enrolled Act 4 | |
CISS | Term Limits Disclosure | Term limits | Candidates indicate on ballot whether they support term limits | |
LRCA | Amendment A | Redistricting | Legislative district apportionment | |
LRCA | Amendment B | Elections | Eliminate most exclusions from the election franchise based on mental status | |
LRCA | Amendment C | Admin of gov't | Allow state funds to be invested in corporate stocks under some conditions | |
LRCA | Amendment D | Judicial reform | Change name of the judicial supervisory commission and strengthen its authority |
External links
- Notable 1996 ballot measures by state from "AllPolitics"/CNN