1978 ballot measures
1978 State Ballot Measures | |
1979 »
« 1977
| |
Part 1: Overview | |
Current measures | |
Measure Monthly |
By state
See also: Alabama 1978 ballot measures
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Amendment 1 | Taxes | Concerning property taxes in Alabama | |
LRCA | Amendment 2 | Bonds | Concerning the issuance of bonds to improve prisons | |
LRCA | Amendment 3 | Legislature | Concerning general laws in Alabama | |
LRCA | Amendment 4 | Local Gov't | Concerning land for an industrial park in the City of Anniston | |
LRCA | Amendment 5 | Local Gov't | Concerning a revenue commissioner for Coffee County | |
LRCA | Amendment 6 | Local Gov't | Concerning firefighting districts in Madison County | |
LRCA | Amendment 7 | Local Gov't | Concerning firefighting districts in Montgomery County | |
LRCA | Amendment 8 | Local Gov't | Concerning fees and commissions of county officers Russell County | |
LRCA | Amendment 9 | Local Gov't | Concerning firefighting districts in Russell County |
See also: Alaska 1978 ballot measures
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
AQ | Proposition 1 | Legislature | Asks voters whether legislative sessions should be 120 days long | |
LRCA | Proposition 2 | Legislature | Empowers a interim committee to share the authority with the Governor to approve or disapprove revisions to the budget | |
IndISS | Proposition 3 | Capitals | Requires a vote on all bondable costs of capital relocation | |
IndISS | Proposition 4 | Property | Makes all vacant and unreserved state general grant land available for homesteading until a certain number of acres of the land pass into private ownership | |
IndISS | Proposition 5 | Environment | Provides that all beer and carbonated beverage containers sold in the certain areas of Alaska have refund value of at least ten cents | |
BI | Proposition 6 | Bonds | Issues $33,290,000 in bonds for erosion flood control, port facilities and small boat landing projects | |
BI | Proposition 7 | Bonds | Issues $5,850,000 in bonds for parks, trails and recreational facilities | |
BI | Proposition 8 | Bonds | Issues $25,000,000 in bonds for health facilities, senior centers and pioneers' homes | |
BI | Proposition 9 | Bonds | Issues $33,656,000 in bonds for vocational training and University of Alaska educational facilities | |
BI | Proposition 10 | Bonds | Issues $88,450,000 in bonds for transportation projects | |
BI | Proposition 11 | Bonds | Issues $30,504,000 in bonds for correctional and public safety facilities | |
BI | Proposition 12 | Bonds | Issues $29,965,000 in bonds for fisheries management and facilities | |
BI | Proposition 13 | Bonds | Issues $3,645,000 in bonds for National Guard facilities | |
BI | Proposition 14 | Bonds | Issues $27,640,000 in bonds for water supply and sewage systems | |
BI | Proposition 15 | Bonds | Issues $966 million in bonds for the new state capital |
See also: Arizona 1978 ballot measures
November 7, 1978
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Proposition 100 | Education; Budgets | Permit an increase in existing school district debt limits subject to voter approval |
382,174 (78%) |
106,746 (22%) |
Proposition 101 | Budgets | Provide for the limitation of state revenues available for appropriation and the establishment of the Economic Estimates Commission |
229,535 (46%) |
264,833 (54%) |
Proposition 300 | Legislature | Provide for the increase of legislative salaries to $9,600 per year |
229,535 (46%) |
264,833 (54%) |
See also: Arkansas 1978 ballot measures
November 7
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Proposed Amendment 58 | Judiciary | Provides for the creation of a state Court of Appeals | |
CICA | Proposed Amendment 59 | Taxes | Exempts certain foods and medicines from the state sales tax | |
LRSS | Referred Question Act 3 | Elections | Offers two calendar options on which to vote on the new proposed state constitution | 1980 |
See also: California 1978 ballot propositions
June 6, 1978
Type | Title | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Proposition 10 | Allow the Legislature to exempt from property taxes the value of improvements made to qualified rehabilitated residential buildings |
2,306,938 (43%) |
3,080,947 (57%) |
Proposition 11 | Prohibit a new county or other political subdivision from taxing property owned by the county that the land used to be a part of |
2,299,581 (44%) |
2,962,838 (56%) |
Proposition 12 | Establish a commission to set the salary, retirement, insurance, and other benefits of constitutional officers, legislators, and judges |
2,009,835 (38%) |
3,270,577 (62%) |
Proposition 13 | Require that properties be taxed at no more than 1% of their full cash value and limit annual increases of assessed value to the inflation rate or 2%. |
4,280,689 (65%) |
2,326,167 (35%) |
Proposition 1 | Issue $350 million in bonds for the construction or improvement of public school buildings |
2,047,496 (35%) |
3,809,609 (65%) |
Proposition 2 | Issue $375 million in bonds for water pollution control and water conservation projects |
3,111,505 (53%) |
2,706,544 (47%) |
Proposition 3 | Allow the Legislature to exempt property that is used for alternative energy systems from taxation |
2,510,658 (45%) |
3,046,041 (55%) |
Proposition 4 | Require that all voters living in a school district governed by the city board of education be allowed to vote on charter changes regarding board of education members |
2,778,474 (52%) |
2,565,319 (48%) |
Proposition 5 | Prohibit any agency from declaring a state law unconstitutional and refusing to enforce a state law |
2,784,847 (54%) |
2,329,365 (46%) |
Proposition 6 | Require county sheriffs to be elected offices in all counties |
3,276,230 (61%) |
2,109,533 (39%) |
Proposition 7 | Allow two or more local government bodies to join in insurance pools to provide payment for losses |
2,780,013 (54%) |
2,414,946 (46%) |
Proposition 8 | Allow local governments to tax owner-occupied dwellings at a lower tax rate than all other types of property |
2,972,424 (47%) |
3,345,622 (53%) |
Proposition 9 | Allow the Legislature to set interest rates on court judgments at up to 10% |
2,696,517 (51%) |
2,568,989 (49%) |
November 7, 1978
Type | Title | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Proposition 1 | Issue $500 million in bonds for veterans home and farm loan program. |
3,878,181 (62%) |
2,347,861 (38%) |
Proposition 2 | Remove power of the PUC to appoint a commissioner to hold hearings or investigations. |
2,157,725 (38%) |
3,478,996 (62%) |
Proposition 3 | Allow lands purchased with transportation funds to be sold to conservation, parks, and fish and game agencies. |
3,230,184 (55%) |
2,628,527 (45%) |
Proposition 4 | Expand the number of agencies that can accredit chiropractic schools. |
4,429,405 (75%) |
1,475,263 (25%) |
Proposition 5 | Prohibit smoking in enclosed public places. |
3,125,148 (46%) |
3,721,682 (54%) |
Proposition 6 | Require schools to fire lesbian and gay teachers if a if school board determines them unfit for service. |
2,823,293 (42%) |
3,969,120 (58%) |
Proposition 7 | Expand the use of death penalty and life imprisonment for murders. |
4,480,275 (71%) |
1,818,357 (29%) |
Proposition 8 | Establish that property reconstructed after a disaster shall not be considered "newly constructed" for taxation purposes. |
4,698,244 (78%) |
1,287,241 (22%) |
See also: Colorado 1978 ballot measures
November 7, 1978
Type | Title | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Amendment No. 1 | Establish a vacancy committee to fill vacancies in the office of county commissioner. |
442,071 (66%) |
226,432 (34%) |
Amendment No. 2 | Limit increases on annual per capita expenditures by the state and local governments. |
295,616 (41%) |
420,759 (59%) |
See also: Florida 1978 ballot measures
November 7, 1978
Type | Title | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Amendment 1 | Modify Articles I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VIII, X, XI and XII of the state constitution |
623,703 (29%) |
1,512,106 (71%) |
Amendment 2 | Establish that no person shall be deprived of any right because of their sex |
1,002,479 (43%) |
1,326,497 (57%) |
Amendment 3 | Require single-member legislative districts and establish provisions for reapportionment of legislative and congressional districts |
982,847 (47%) |
1,113,394 (53%) |
Amendment 4 | Eliminate the executive cabinet and reassign the duties of the executive cabinet |
540,979 (25%) |
1,614,630 (75%) |
Amendment 5 | Establish a five-member public service commission and establish a public counsel to represent the people before the commission |
772,066 (36%) |
1,375,548 (64%) |
Amendment 6 | Amend the process for selecting circuit and county court judges and increase the terms of county court judges from four to six years |
1,058,574 (49%) |
1,095,736 (51%) |
Amendment 7 | Amend various provisions relating to taxes, tax exemptions, and government finances |
779,389 (36%) |
1,368,346 (64%) |
Amendment 8 | Amend the appointment procedures, responsibilities, and roles of the state board of education, commissioner of education, and board of regents |
771,282 (36%) |
1,353,626 (64%) |
Amendment 9 | Allow for gambling casinos in certain areas, with taxes on such casinos being used for free public schools and local law enforcement |
687,460 (29%) |
1,720,275 (71%) |
See also: Georgia 1978 ballot measures
November 7
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Amendment 1 | Elections | Relates to the elective franchise | |
LRCA | Amendment 2 | Pension | Relates to retirement systems and educational scholarships | |
LRCA | Amendment 3 | Admin of Gov't | Provides for a special commission to incorporate amendments into the constitution | |
LRCA | Amendment 4 | Legislature | Provides for four year terms for legislators | |
LRCA | Amendment 5 | Education | Permits the issuance of general obligation debt to construct and improve public and independent school buildings | |
LRCA | Amendment 6 | Education | Authorizes the State Board of Education to establish and maintain a curriculum laboratory | |
LRCA | Amendment 7 | Taxes | Provides for the circumstances under which certain counties could levy a tax on all property within the county | |
LRCA | Amendment 8 | Taxes | Provides tax exemptions on vehicles owned by disabled veterans | |
LRCA | Amendment 9 | Trials | Provides for additional penalty assessments in criminal cases | |
LRCA | Amendment 10 | Eminent Domain | Provides for compensation for damage or the taking of private property for public transportation purposes | |
LRCA | Amendment 11 | Taxes | Exempts intangible personal property from ad valorem taxes in certain circumstances | |
LRCA | Amendment 12 | Taxes | Exempts swine, cattle and horses from ad valorem taxation | |
LRCA | Amendment 13 | Local Gov't | Grants additional powers to counties and municipalities to establish and maintain redevelopment programs | |
LRCA | Amendment 14 | Gambling | Authorizes the general assembly to legalize, define and regulate nonprofit bingo games | |
LRCA | Amendment 15 | Recall | Provides for the recall of elected public officials | |
LRCA | Amendment 16 | Admin of Gov't | Provides an effective date for constitutional amendments | |
LRCA | Amendment 17 | Taxes | Provides that property owned by nonprofit organizations promoting the education and welfare of children be exempted from all taxation | |
LRCA | Amendment 18 | Taxes | Increases the homestead exemption for disabled veterans from $12,500 to $25,000 | |
LRCA | Amendment 19 | Trials | Provides for compensation to victims of crime | |
LRCA | Amendment 20 | Admin of Gov't | Provides for the publication of summaries of proposed constitutional amendments | |
LRCA | Amendment 21 | Gov't Finances | Provides for the processing and disposition of claims against the state of up to $50,000 | |
LRCA | Amendment 22 | Insurance | Provides for a health insurance plan for retired public school teachers | |
LRCA | Amendment 23 | Insurance | Provides funds and insurance to provide indemnification in event of the death of a law enforcement officer, fireman or prison guard | |
LRCA | Amendment 24 | Elections | Requires a notice of candidacy by write-in candidates in special elections | |
LRCA | Amendment 25 | State Exec | Changes the methods and procedures for overriding gubernatorial vetoes of bills | |
LRCA | Amendment 26 | Local Gov't | Provides for the transfer of municipally owned landfills and garbage disposal systems to the county | |
LRCA | Amendment 27 | Local Gov't | Creates unified municipal/county water and sewer systems in certain counties | |
LRCA | Amendment 28 | Local Gov't | Provides for comprehensive plans for unincorporated county areas in certain counties | |
LRCA | Amendment 29 | Gov't Finances | Provides requirements for the financing of services in certain counties | |
LRCA | Amendment 30 | Local Gov't | Transfers all existing library facilities and services in certain counties to the county library service | |
LRCA | Amendment 31 | Local Gov't | Provides for the assessment of property by a board of assessors and established county boards of equalization in certain counties | |
LRCA | Amendment 32 | Local Gov't | Requires the tax collector in certain counties to collect taxes due to the largest municipality within the county | |
LRCA | Amendment 33 | Education | Provides that the requirement of a 51 percent approval by registered voters of school district mergers only apply in certain counties | |
LRCA | Amendment 34 | Taxes | Changes the definition of "income" for disabled persons and persons over the age of 65 years | |
LRCA | Amendment 35 | Local Gov't | Creates the City of Conyers Public Facilities Authority | |
LRCA | Amendment 36 | Local Gov't | Creates the Downtown Americus Authority |
See also: Hawaii 1978 ballot measures
November 7
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
CRCA | Amendment 1 | Trials | Proposes to increase the number of jurors in a civil case to 12 and increase the value of controversy in a civil case to $1,000 | |
CRCA | Amendment 2 | Trials | Proposes that a grand jury shall have an independent counsel | |
CRCA | Amendment 3 | Constitutional Rights | Proposes that the state recognizes the right to privacy of the people | |
CRCA | Amendment 4 | Constitutional Rights | Proposes that a method of voting shall be accessible and that voter secrecy will be maintained except in primaries which require party declarations | |
CRCA | Amendment 5 | Campaigns | Proposes that candidates who run for office and are already in a public office must resign if the two terms will overlap | |
CRCA | Amendment 6 | Campaigns | Proposes that candidates setup campaign funds, that candidate spending be limited, that contributions to campaigns be limited and that primaries precede general elections by 45 days | |
CRCA | Amendment 7 | Legislature | Proposes to establish a legislative salary commission every eight years, to make the legislature set bill deadlines and take a recess between the twentieth and fortieth session day, to open legislative committees to the public, to extend the period in which a bill is distributed and the final reading, and to stagger terms of office | |
CRCA | Amendment 8 | Legislature | Proposes to increase the waiting period between changing voting districts, extends the period of time for reapportionment plan deadlines, and gives the reapportionment commission power over U.S. congressional districts | |
CRCA | Amendment 9 | Term Limits | Proposes to limit the governor and lieutenant governor to two terms and puts similar units in the same executive office | |
CRCA | Amendment 10 | Judiciary | Proposes to create an intermediate court of appeals, makes district courts constitutional, adds limits to court case completion, removes minimum salaries and creates a salary commission, requires judges to be Hawaiian residents, creates a judicial selection commission and creates a judicial discipline commission | |
CRCA | Amendment 11 | Gov't Finances | Proposes to limit state general fund spending, excess budget refunds, a prohibition on deficit spending and the that the state subsidize mandatory county services | |
CRCA | Amendment 12 | Gov't Finances | Proposes to apply limits on state debt principal and interest, sets limits on bonds and cites limit exclusions on certain bonds | |
CRCA | Amendment 13 | Gov't Finances | Proposes to authorize legislature with a two-thirds vote to pass special revenue bonds | |
CRCA | Amendment 14 | Gov't Finances | Proposes to develop a process of budget submissions and reviews | |
CRCA | Amendment 15 | Taxes | Proposes to allow legislature to conform with federal tax law and establishes a tax review commission | |
CRCA | Amendment 16 | Taxes | Propose the method by which the county may assess and tax real property, and raise said taxes | |
CRCA | Amendment 17 | Welfare | Proposes to regulate and setup beneficiary services for those who require it | |
CRCA | Amendment 18 | Census | Proposes the either the state or counties plan and manage population growth | |
CRCA | Amendment 19 | Education | Proposes a method by which the board of education should be formed and type of district representation | |
CRCA | Amendment 20 | Constitutional Rights Education | Proposes to prohibit discrimination based on gender and the promotion of Hawaiian culture in schools | |
CRCA | Amendment 21 | Education | Proposes to clarify the jurisdiction and authority of the board of regents for the University of Hawaii | |
CRCA | Amendment 22 | Resources | Proposes that the state should create a water resources agency to regulate water usage | |
CRCA | Amendment 23 | Resources | Proposes to maintain, protect and make natural resources accessible | |
CRCA | Amendment 24 | Resources Food & Agri | Proposes to allow the state to protect and promote agricultural activity and land | |
CRCA | Amendment 25 | Resources | Proposes that the state maintain control and apply guidelines for the managing marine resources | |
CRCA | Amendment 26 | Energy | Proposes that legislature must authorize the construction of a nuclear facility and the disposal of nuclear waste | |
CRCA | Amendment 27 | Admin of Gov't | Proposes legislative funding for the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands | |
CRCA | Amendment 28 | Admin of Gov't | Proposes to establish an Office of Hawaiian Affairs | |
CRCA | Amendment 29 | Culture | Proposes to protect the customary rights of native Hawaiians | |
CRCA | Amendment 30 | Admin of Gov't | Proposes the extension of the Code of Ethics and mandates financial disclosure for political candidates | |
CRCA | Amendment 31 | Statehood Con Convention | Proposes to revise the preamble, affirm boundaries, and codifies the motto and state language | |
CRCA | Amendment 32 | Property | Proposes to limit and regulate claims on real property | |
CRCA | Amendment 33 | Constitutional Rights Admin of Gov't | Proposes to restrict criminals from public office and introduce conventions to the constitution | |
CRCA | Amendment 34 | Con Language Con Convention | Proposes to revise the language of the constitution to conform with new conventions |
See also: Idaho 1978 ballot measures
November 7
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | HJR 6 | Legislature | Authorizes the legislature to provide mandatory minimum sentences | |
LRCA | SJR 102 | Bonds | Allows port districts to issue revenue bonds | |
LRCA | SJR 110 | Healthcare | Empowers Idaho Health Facilities to finance or operate health facilities | |
LRCA | SJR 115 | Bonds | Reduces vote needed to use revenue bonds for airport facilities | |
LRCA | SJR 116 | Firearms | Reinforces the right to keep and bear arms | |
CISS | INIT 1 | Property | Restricts governmental ability to change property valuations or taxes |
See also: Illinois 1978 ballot measures
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Amendment 1 | Taxes | Shall the provision to abolish the personal property tax by January 1, 1979 be removed? | |
LRCA | Amendment 2 | Taxes | Shall veterans' organizations be exempted from property tax? |
See also: Indiana 1978 ballot measures
November 7
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Amendment 1 | Admin of Gov't | Proposes that the constitution clarify that the lieutenant governor replaces the governor upon the position's vacancy | |
LRCA | Amendment 2 | Term Limits Law Enforcement | Proposes to allow a county sheriff to serve more than two consecutive terms |
See also: Iowa 1978 ballot measures
November 7
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Amendment 1 | Local gov't | Grants limited home rule authority to counties and joint-municipal corporation governments |
See also: Louisiana 1978 ballot measures
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Amendment 1 | Taxes | Concerning the first-use tax |
See also: Maine 1978 ballot measures
November 7
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
BI | Referendum Question | Housing | Issues $2.1 million in bonds for construction of a dormitory at Northern Maine Vocational-Technical Institute | |
LRCA | Proposed Constitutional Amendment No. 1 | Judiciary | Eliminates justice of the peace as a constitutional office | |
LRCA | Proposed Constitutional Amendment No. 2 | Constitutions | Repeals obsolete language requiring the payment of poll tax and for exemption from military service | |
LRCA | Proposed Constitutional Amendment No. 3 | Bonds | Reduces and combines two separate insurance limits under which the Maine Guarantee Authority operates | |
LRCA | Proposed Constitutional Amendment No. 4 | Legislatures | Moves convening of the legislature from January to December following a general election | |
LRCA | Proposed Constitutional Amendment No. 5 | Taxes | Requires state to reimburse municipalities for losses caused by property tax exemptions | |
LRCA | Proposed Constitutional Amendment No. 6 | Taxes | Allows for taxes levied by school administrative districts to be assessed according to cost-sharing formulas |
See also: Maryland 1978 ballot measures
November 7
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Question 1 | Admin of gov't | Requires that amendments that affect only one county or the city of Baltimore receive local approval | |
LRCA | Question 2 | Constitutions | Provides for provisions of limited duration which implement a Constitutional Amendment | |
LRCA | Question 3 | Constitutions | Removes or corrects obsolete or inaccurate language in the Constitution | |
LRCA | Question 4 | Local gov't | Allows members of Prince George's County Council to be elected by district or the whole county | |
LRCA | Question 5 | Eminent domain | Repeals the authority of Montgomery County to acquire land for the Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission | |
LRCA | Question 6 | Gov't Finances | Authorizes the general assembly to mandate the governor to provide funding for specific programs in the budget | |
LRCA | Question 7 | Eminent domain | Provides Anne Arundel County Council the authority to take lands for public use | |
LRCA | Question 8 | Gov't Finances | Authorizes the Treasurer to make and sell short-term notes to meet temporary deficiencies | |
LRCA | Question 9 | Legislature | Gives the general assembly the authority to provide temporary replacements for elected officials unable to perform duties of the office | |
LRCA | Question 10 | Admin of gov't | Authorizes alternative means of publicizing amendments by order of the Governor | |
LRCA | Question 11 | Gov't salaries | Reduces the number of years served before an incumbent officer's salary may be altered | |
LRCA | Question 12 | Eminent domain | Allows Kent County to take land in Chestertown for public purposes |
See also: Massachusetts 1978 ballot measures
November 7, 1978
Type | Title | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Question 1 | Allow the legislature to create up to four classes for property taxation purposes |
1,285,865 (66%) |
649,400 (34%) |
Question 2 | Give the governor, if they were not the governor in the preceding year, eight weeks after the legislative session begins to submit their budget to the legislature |
1,223,502 (73%) |
460,452 (27%) |
Question 3 | Require the Secretary of the Commonwealth to send information regarding ballot questions to each person eligible to vote or to every residence where one or more eligible voters live |
1,213,413 (72%) |
480,065 (28%) |
Question 4 | Establish that the standards for taking the state census are the same as the standards used for the federal census |
1,142,050 (70%) |
501,077 (30%) |
Question 5 | Extend a local charter commission's timeline for preparing a charter or charter revision to 18 months |
812,263 (52%) |
764,800 (48%) |
Question 6 | Establish that students can not be assigned to nor denied admittance to a public school based on their race, color, national origin, or creed |
1,199,856 (70%) |
512,667 (30%) |
Question 7 | Allow land used for recreational purposes and land preserved in its natural state to be taxed at a separate rate |
1,031,194 (62%) |
636,471 (38%) |
See also: Michigan 1978 ballot measures
November 7, 1978
Type | Title | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Proposal A | Call a constitutional convention to revise the state constitution |
640,286 (23%) |
2,112,549 (77%) |
Proposal B | Prohibit prisoners convicted of certain crimes from being granted parole prior to serving the minimum sentence imposed for the crime |
2,075,599 (74%) |
711,262 (26%) |
Proposal C | Allow the state to deposit state funds into savings and loan associations, credit unions, and banks |
1,819,847 (66%) |
933,101 (34%) |
Proposal D | Prohibit the sale or giving of an alcoholic beverage to anyone under the age of 21 and prohibit the possession for personal consumption of an alcoholic beverage by anyone under the age of 21 |
1,609,589 (57%) |
1,208,497 (43%) |
Proposal E | Establish limits on taxation and establish funding requirements for local programs |
1,450,150 (52%) |
1,313,984 (48%) |
Proposal G | Allow state troopers and sergeants to collectively bargain with binding arbitration and establish procedures for determining promotions |
1,535,023 (56%) |
1,203,930 (44%) |
Proposal H | Prohibit property taxes for funding school operating expenses, require the legislature to establish a general state tax to provide school funding, and require the legislature to create an education voucher program |
718,440 (26%) |
2,075,583 (74%) |
Proposal J | Establish tax limitations and require the state to fully fund any new or expanded local programs that the state deems required |
1,032,343 (37%) |
1,737,133 (63%) |
Proposal K | Allow courts, under certain conditions, to deny bail |
2,307,038 (83%) |
458,357 (17%) |
Proposal M | Require at least 90% of the gas and license tax revenue be used for road purposes, amend other provisions relating to transportation funding, and replace the State Highway Commission with the State Transportation Commission |
1,478,316 (55%) |
1,233,196 (45%) |
Proposal R | Require the establishment of the Railroad Redevelopment Authority and authorize such Authority to issues bonds and make loans |
1,257,606 (47%) |
1,415,441 (53%) |
See also: Mississippi 1978 ballot measures
November 7
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Amendment 1 | Dueling | Proposes to repeal the prohibition on dueling | |
LRCA | Amendment 2 | Transportation | Proposes to repeal the requirement that a train must pass through the county seat | |
LRCA | Amendment 3 | Census | Proposes to repeal the requirement of taking a census | |
LRCA | Amendment 4 | Constitutional Rights | Proposes to repeal the requirement that schools be racially separate | |
LRCA | Amendment 5 | Admin of Gov't | Proposes to allow anyone to be stat e librarian | |
LRCA | Amendment 6 | Trials | Proposes to allow a defendant to waive indictment |
See also: Missouri 1978 ballot measures
August 8
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Amendment 1 | Local Gov't | Allows counties to adopt a charter form of government | |
LRCA | Amendment 2 | State exec | Changes treasurer duties in regards to investment of state funds | |
LRCA | Amendment 3 | Redistricting | Appoints a commission of appellate judges to perform redistricting | |
LRCA | Amendment 4 | Pension | Requires public statement of cost before changing retirement benefits for public officials and employees | |
CICA | Amendment 5 | Taxes | Enacts a $0.10 gasoline tax |
November 7
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Amendment 6 | Bonds | Allows municipalities and counties to issue utility or airport bonds | |
LRCA | Amendment 7 | Bonds | Authorizes contracted officers of municipalities to issue revenue bonds | |
LRCA | Amendment 8 | Lottery | Defines lottery permit games where nothing of value is exchanged | |
LRCA | Amendment 9 | Elections | Authorizes earlier time for vote canvassing after general elections | |
LRCA | Amendment 10 | Taxes | Allows voters to authorize an additional tax for road and bridge use | |
LRCA | Amendment 21 | Taxes | Allows sales tax for conservation revenue to be used for payments in lieu of taxes on commissioned lands | |
LRCA | Amendment 22 | Taxes | Authorizes legislature to enact laws to reduce rates of levy for taxes | |
CICA | Amendment 23 | Labor | Gives individuals the right to work regardless of membership or non-membership in labor organizations |
See also: Montana 1978 ballot measures
November 7
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | C-4 | Alcohol | Allows the legislature or the people by initiative to establish the drinking age | |
LRCA | C-5 | Gov't Finances | Creates a legislative committee to make budget amendments | |
LRCA | C-6 | Gov't Acc | Provides for a review of local governments by the voters | |
LRCA | C-7 | Legislature | Gives the legislature the power to disapprove of bar admission rules | |
LRCA | C-8 | Legislature | Allows members of the legislature to run for public office during terms | |
CICA | CI-8 | Taxes | Returns a portion of property tax assessing to counties | |
LRSS | LR-74 | Alcohol | Raises the drinking age to nineteen | |
LRSS | LR-75 | Education | Continues a levy to support the University system | |
CISS | I-79 | Obscenity | Allows municipalities to adopt obscenity ordinances more restrictive than state law | |
CISS | I-80 | Nuclear | Empowers voters to approve or reject any proposed nuclear facility | |
CISS | I-81 | Business reg | Allows grocery and drug stores to sell table wine |
See also: Nebraska 1978 ballot measures
November 7
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Amendment 1 | Bonds | Allows municipalities to issue bonds to acquire and redevelop blighted properties | |
LRCA | Amendment 2 | Bonds | Allows municipalities to issue bonds to develop properties for lease to industrial enterprises | |
LRCA | Amendment 3 | Taxes | Provides tax exemptions or credit for installing alternate energy systems | |
LRCA | Amendment 4 | Legislature | Provides salaries and per diem compensation for legislators | |
LRCA | Amendment 5 | Pension | Allows surviving spouses to receive retroactive retirement benefits | |
LRCA | Amendment 6 | Law enforcement | Adds certain sexual assaults to the list of nonbailable offenses | |
LRCA | Amendment 7 | Admin of gov't | Provides that the board of equalization equalizes property assessments among counties | |
VR | Referendum 1 | Education | Increases financial support from the state for public schools | |
CISS | Initiative 1 | Food | Requires every beverage container sold to have a refund value of at least five cents | |
CISS | Initiative 2 | Gov't Finances | Limits the percent increase a political subdivision budget may have each year |
See also: Nevada 1978 ballot measures
November 7
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Question 1 | Elections | Proposes amending Section 3 of Article 15 of the Constitution relating to eligibility for public office to remove restrictions to dueling and restrictions concerning female electors. | |
LRCA | Question 2 | Judicial issues | Proposes amending the Constitution to empower the legislature to fix the limit of jurisdiction for the justice courts by law. | |
LRCA | Question 3 | Property | Proposes amending Section 31 of Article 4 of the Constitution to specify that both husbands and wives may hold separate property. | |
LRCA | Question 4 | Property | Proposes amending Section 1 of Article 10 of the Constitution to exempt business inventories and other personal property from property taxation. | |
AQ | Question 5 | Constitutional rights | Proposes ratifying the Equal Rights Amendment of the United States Constitution. | |
CISS | Question 6 | Taxes | Proposes amending Article 10 of the Constitution to limit the general tax on real property to 1% of full cash value and a 2% per year limit on the inflation of market value. |
New Hampshire
See also: New Hampshire 1978 ballot measures
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result
LRCA | Right to Bear Arms | Firearms | Grant the right to bear arms to protect person and property. | |
LRCA | Legislative Mileage Payments | Legislature | Limit legislators to 90 days of mileage payments every two years. | |
LRCA | Legislative Districts | Redistricting | Allow a town or other place to be divided into multiple legislative districts. | |
CCR | Role of Chief Justice | Judiciary | The chief justice of the supreme court should be the administrative head of all state courts. | |
CCR | Change of Venue | Trials | The court can change the location of criminal trials under certain circumstances. | |
CCR | Judges' Salaries | Judiciary | Judges' salaries cannot be lowered during their term. | |
CCR | Residency Requirements for Office | State Exec | Reduce residency requirement for certain offices. |
North Dakota
See also: North Dakota 1978 ballot measures
September 5
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Amendment 1 | Legislature | Amends deadlines for introduction of bills in the legislature and general appropriation bill | |
LRCA | Amendment 2 | Redistricting | Repeals the transition schedule of the Constitution of the State of North Dakota | |
LRCA | Amendment 3 | Taxes | Limits the raising of revenue by the state | |
LRCA | Amendment 4 | Bonds | Limits debt of any political subdivision to no more than eight percent of the assessed value of all its taxable property | |
LRCA | Amendment 5 | Legislature | Empowers the lieutenant governor to vote as a tie breaker if the senate was equally divided | |
LRCA | Amendment 6 | Bonds | Repeals bond amendments to pay for bonuses to veterans | |
LRCA | Amendment 7 | Business | Repeals multiple sections regarding the charters and administration of corporations | |
LRCA | Amendment 8 | Gov't Salaries | Deposits all fees and profits arising from any of the offices whose salaries were prescribed by law in the state treasury | |
VR | Measure 1 | Resources | Authorizes sale of land being used by the Dickinson experiment station and buying of new lands |
November 7
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Amendment 1 | Gov't Acc | Requires records of governmental entities supported in whole or part by public funds to be open to the public | |
LRCA | Amendment 2 | Suffrage | Provides for secrecy in voting, absentee voting, administration of elections and nomination of candidates; Bars felons and persons declared mentally incompetent from voting | |
LRCA | Amendment 3 | Direct Democracy | Replaces process for signature requirements, petition forms and proposals regarding referendums, initiatives and recalls | |
CISS | Measure 1 | Gov't Finances | Gives five percent of the annual net proceeds from state taxes to a revenue sharing fund | |
CISS | Measure 2 | Taxes | Reduces the rate of income tax on individuals and corporations | |
CISS | Measure 3 | Gov't Finances | Specifies all income of the State Game and Fish Department would only be used by that department | |
CISS | Measure 4 | Healthcare | Reduces size and changes the membership requirements of the state health council; charges Commissioner of Insurance to investigate improving and extending insurance coverage in the state |
See also: Ohio 1978 ballot measures
June 6, 1978
Type | Title | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Issue 1 | Require the Ohio Ballot Board to write the language for legislative and citizen-initiated ballot measures |
720,661 (66%) |
379,067 (34%) |
November 7, 1978
Type | Title | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Changes to Chartered County Government Amendment | Change the procedures for adopting, amending, and repealing charter forms of county government. |
1,297,846 (56%) |
1,039,259 (44%) |
Regulations on Prison Labor Amendment | Revise regulations on prison labor and the sale of prison-made products. |
1,281,941 (54%) |
1,083,814 (46%) |
See also: Oklahoma 1978 ballot measures
August 22, 1978
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
State Question 528 | Administration; Healthcare | Allow elections to create or dissolve hospital districts funded by annual tax levy, provisions for trustee appointments, and elections for issuing bonds for specific purposes. |
238,444 (43%) |
321,479 (57%) |
November 7, 1978
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
State Question 524 | Administration; Transportation | Allow the Oklahoma Tax Commission to manage vehicle registration by mail, with five-year tags and county treasurers as agents. |
449,516 (64%) |
252,820 (36%) |
State Question 525 | Trials | Authorize mandatory minimum sentences for repeat felons and bar Pardon and Parole Board attorneys from representing defendants. |
492,109 (71%) |
200,774 (29%) |
State Question 526 | Education | Remove language that allows for separate schools for white and people of color students. |
445,037 (66%) |
227,421 (34%) |
State Question 527 | Constitutional language; Race and ethnicity | Repeal section with definitions for "colored", "colored race", "negro", "negro race", and "white race". |
408,038 (61%) |
261,547 (39%) |
State Question 530 | Alcohol | Allow brewers of beer and cereal malt beverages, and licensed wholesale distributors, to enter territorial or marketing agreements. |
314,891 (43%) |
411,455 (57%) |
State Question 531 | Elections; Voting policy | Set the voting age at 18, create a State Election Board, allow citizen petitions on the ballot, and eliminate certain election procedures. |
351,843 (54%) |
297,715 (46%) |
See also: Oregon 1978 ballot measures
May 23, 1978
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Measure 1 | Direct democracy; Local government | Require a 90-day minimum for filing petitions and set signature requirements for petitions based on the county's Governor election percentage. |
306,506 (66%) |
156,623 (34%) |
Measure 2 | Legislature | Require open joint committees meetings and establish rules for transparency in each house and joint activities involving both houses. |
435,338 (84%) |
80,176 (16%) |
Measure 3 | Housing; Welfare | Authorizes bonds up to one-half of one percent of true cash value of taxable property to fund multifamily housing for low income elderly. |
291,778 (54%) |
250,810 (46%) |
Measure 4 | Water; Bonds | Authorize bond debt up to 0.5% of the value of property in the state to acquire local government obligations for public water systems. |
148,822 (30%) |
351,843 (70%) |
Measure 5 | Taxes; Transportation | Prioritize highway maintenance under the Six Year Highway Improvement Plan before new highway construction and increase the state motor vehicle fuel tax from 7¢ to 9¢ per gallon. |
190,301 (34%) |
365,170 (66%) |
November 7, 1978
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Measure 10 | Administration; Property; Legislature | Require the legislature to assume the Land Conservation and Development Commission's policy-making responsibilities. |
334,523 (39%) |
515,138 (61%) |
Measure 11 | Property; Taxes | Halve homeowners' taxes by up to $1,500 and offer similar relief to renters; freeze assessed property values for one tax year. |
334,523 (39%) |
515,138 (61%) |
Measure 12 | Federal issues | Advise officials of support for an amendment to the U.S. Constitution that would "require a federal balanced budget, except in the event of a national emergency" |
641,862 (83%) |
134,758 (17%) |
Measure 1 | Judiciary; Elections | Authorize the governor to appoint judges from nonpartisan nominations, serving until the next general election, followed by a six-year elected term. |
358,504 (44%) |
449,132 (56%) |
Measure 2 | Legislature; Executive officials | Require State Senate confirmation for Governor-appointed state public offices, excluding judges, U.S. Senators and Representatives, and local positions. |
468,458 (57%) |
349,604 (43%) |
Measure 3 | Taxes; Transportation | Require annual vehicle registration, adjust carrier rates, reduce recreational vehicle fees, and require emissions tests for Portland Metropolitan Area vehicles. |
208,722 (24%) |
673,802 (76%) |
Measure 4 | Utilities | Allow the creation of People’s Utility Districts to authorize bonds for initial utility facilities and supply public utility services and shorten formation procedures. |
375,587 (44%) |
471,027 (56%) |
Measure 5 | Healthcare; Business | Require the licensing of denturists and their assistants, establish licensing requirements, and create the Advisory Council on Denture Technology. |
704,480 (78%) |
201,463 (22%) |
Measure 6 | Property; Taxes | Limit ad valorem real property taxes to 1.5% “full cash value," with a maximum 2% annual inflation increase. |
424,029 (48%) |
453,741 (52%) |
Measure 7 | Abortion | Prohibit state agencies from spending public money for abortions and from providing any programs or services promoting abortion |
431,577 (48%) |
461,542 (52%) |
Measure 8 | Death penalty | Require a separate sentencing procedure after a murder conviction with the death penalty based on the judge’s findings of deliberate actions and ongoing threat to society. |
573,707 (64%) |
318,610 (36%) |
Measure 9 | Utilities | Prohibit public utilities from collecting rates based on non-utility-related costs. |
589,361 (69%) |
267,132 (31%) |
See also: Pennsylvania 1978 ballot measures
May 16, 1978:
Type | Name | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Question 1 | State Exec | Provides for a process to elect the state attorney general | |
LRCA | Question 2 | Judiciary | Provides for a term length for judges appointed due to a vacancy |
Rhode Island
See also: Rhode Island 1978 ballot measures
November 7:
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LBM | Proposal 1 | Bond issues | Authorizes $25 million in bonds for site purchases. | |
LBM | Proposal 2 | Bond issues | Authorizes $2 million in bonds for the construction of a wastewater receptor. | |
LBM | Proposal 3 | Bond issues | Authorizes $3.25 million in bonds for maintenance and expansion of the state veterans' cemetery. | |
LBM | Proposal 4 | Bond issues | Authorizes $750,000 in bonds for the Adult Correctional Institution. | |
LBM | Proposal 5 | Bond issues | Authorizes $11.7 million in bonds for mental health facilities. | |
LBM | Proposal 6 | Bond issues | Authorizes $3 million in bonds for public buildings. | |
LBM | Proposal 7 | Bond issues | Authorizes $10 million in bonds for the construction of sewage treatment facilities. | |
LBM | Proposal 8 | Bond issues | Authorizes $4.3 million in bonds for the pre-construction stage for a reservoir and water treatment plant. | |
LBM | Proposal 9 | Bond issues | Authorizes $16.18 million in bonds for higher and vocational education. | |
LBM | Proposal 10 | Bond issues | Authorizes $2.4 million in bonds for recreational areas and ports. | |
LBM | Proposal 11 | Bond issues | Authorizes $650,000 in bonds for state airport facilities. |
South Carolina
See also: South Carolina 1978 ballot measures
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Amendment 1 | State and local government spending | Requires that a procedure be followed to require a state general fund reserve of an amount equal to five percent of the general fund revenue of the latest completed fiscal year | |
LRCA | Amendment 2 | Utilities | Specifies that electric cooperatives are included among that class of electric utilities | |
LRCA | Amendment 3 | Pension | Provides that increased benefits under a retirements or pension system funded in whole or in part by public funds shall not be paid unless the governing body of the system first determines that funding for the increase has been provided by law | |
LRCA | Amendment 4 | Direct democracy | Proposed the revision of an entire article of the Constitution or the addition of a new article as a single amendment with only one question being required to be voted on | |
LRCA | Amendment 5 | Divorce | Provides that a divorce may be allowed on the grounds of continuous separation for a period of one year rather than three years |
South Dakota
See also: South Dakota 1978 ballot measures
November 7
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Amendment A | Legislature | Provides for forty day legislative sessions | |
LRCA | Amendment B | Gov't Finances | Provides for more flexibility in school fund investment | |
LRCA | Amendment C | Property | Protects mineral rights of public lands | |
LRCA | Amendment D | Taxes | Prohibits income tax increases without majority vote in legislature | |
IndISS | Initiative 1 | Utilities | Redesigns gas and electric rates | |
IndISS | Initiative 2 | Business reg | Repeals the Dairy Industry Marketing Act | |
IndISS | Initiative 3 | Obscenity | Adds new regulations to the Obscenity Statute |
See also: Texas 1978 ballot measures
November 7, 1978
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Proposition 1 | Administration | Exempt purchases from handicapped individuals at nonprofit rehab facilities from bidding, remove approval need by top officials for contracts, and eliminate reference to deaf and dumb asylum |
1,252,696 (73%) |
459,316 (27%) |
Proposition 2 | Bonds | Permit the legislature to authorize localities to issue bonds to develop employment opportunity for citizens |
797,428 (47%) |
911,385 (53%) |
Proposition 3 | Bonds | Authorize cities and towns to issue bonds to help in the redevelopment of blighted areas in a tax increment financing scheme |
818,439 (48%) |
878,111 (52%) |
Proposition 4 | Taxes | Authorize the legislature to exempt wind and solar powered energy devices from taxation |
1,123,114 (65%) |
615,361 (35%) |
Proposition 5 | Judiciary | Extend the jurisdiction of justices of the peace to include concurrent civil cases up to $500, with potential for legislature to increase to $1000 |
945,779 (56%) |
751,817 (44%) |
Proposition 6 | Judiciary | Authorize legislature to increase civil court of appeals, allow smaller panels, and require majority judge concurrence for decisions |
1,052,788 (63%) |
621,210 (37%) |
Proposition 7 | Administration | Repeal state building commission's constitutional authority, transferring powers to the state board of control |
971,939 (61%) |
625,653 (39%) |
Proposition 8 | Bonds | Authorize water districts to provide firefighting services within their districts and to issue bonds to fund firefighting services |
1,154,322 (68%) |
538,228 (32%) |
Proposition 9 | Taxes | Provide for a package of tax reforms aimed at lowering ad valorem property taxes |
1,571,248 (84%) |
288,821 (16%) |
See also: Virginia 1978 ballot measures
November 7, 1978
Type | Title | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Pari-Mutuel Betting on Horse Racing Measure | Allow for pari-mutuel betting on horse racing and create regulations for such betting |
544,781 (48%) |
589,843 (52%) |
Tax Exemptions for Renovated Properties Amendment | Allow the General Assembly to authorize tax exemptions for property that has undergone necessary renovation |
690,479 (68%) |
324,236 (32%) |
See also: Washington 1978 ballot measures
November 7, 1978
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Initiative 350 | Education | Prohibit school authorities from assigning students to other than the nearest or next-nearest school. |
585,903 (66%) |
297,991 (34%) |
See also: Wisconsin 1978 ballot measures
April 4, 1978
Type | Title | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Question 1 | Allow more than one system of town government |
179,011 (32%) |
383,395 (68%) |
November 7, 1978
Type | Title | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Question 1 | Permit all bona fide residents of Wisconsin regardless of length of residency to vote for president and vice president |
782,181 (65%) |
424,386 (35%) |
Question 2 | Permit all U.S. citizens who live overseas to vote in federal elections in Wisconsin if it was their last state of residency |
658,289 (56%) |
524,029 (44%) |
See also: Wyoming 1978 ballot measures
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Amendment 1 | Labor | Permits women to work in mines. | |
LRCA | Amendment 2 | Education | Eliminates the necessity for an annual census of school age children. All school funding should be equal across districts. | |
LRCA | Amendment 3 | Prisons | Permits the building of state prison for men and a state prison for women. |
External links
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