1950 ballot measures
1950 State Ballot Measures | |
1951 »
« 1949
| |
Part 1: Overview | |
Current measures | |
Measure Monthly |
By state
See also: Alabama 1950 ballot measures
November 7
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Amendment 1 | Judiciary | Proposes to prohibit the legislature from changing county courts without prior consent from the voters | |
LRCA | Amendment 2 | Taxes | Proposes to authorize certain counties to levy and collect a special tax | |
LRCA | Amendment 3 | Judiciary | Proposes to outline the method for filling judiciary vancancies | |
LRCA | Amendment 4 | Development | Proposes to allow certain counties to invest in the development of local economies | |
LRCA | Amendment 5 | Judiciary | Proposes to authorize the county to regulate court fees and commissions | |
LRCA | Amendment 6 | Taxes | Proposes to allow a special county school tax in certain counties |
See also: Arizona 1950 ballot measures
September 12, 1950
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Measure Nos. 100-101 | Legislature; Term limits | Provide for the establishment of four-year terms for state legislators |
57,201 (50%) |
58,001 (50%) |
Measure Nos. 103-103 | Legislature; Executive officials | Provide for the establishment of a mechanism for the governor to call for special sessions of the legislature |
63,514 (56%) |
50,918 (44%) |
Measure Nos. 104-105 | Executive officials; Term limits | Provide for the establishment of four-year terms for the governor and the legislature |
54,032 (46%) |
64,064 (54%) |
Measure Nos. 106-107 | Local government; Term limits | Provide for the establishment of four-year terms for county officers |
53,863 (46%) |
62,366 (54%) |
Measure Nos. 108-109 | Natural resources; Property | Permit the leasing of public lands for oil and gas exploration and exploitation |
80,732 (69%) |
35,553 (31%) |
Measure Nos. 110-111 | Taxes | Prohibit a taxation on unfinished items as commodities in inventory or in the manufacturing process |
70,090 (62%) |
43,650 (38%) |
November 7, 1950
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Measure Nos. 100-101 | Banking | Provide for the extension of liability of banking corporations or associations to individual shareholders or stockholders |
61,196 (40%) |
91,067 (60%) |
Measure Nos. 102-103 | Education; Budgets | Provide the legislature with the ability to appropriate state funds for public schools as a supplement to local taxes |
65,263 (50%) |
66,286 (50%) |
Measure Nos. 104-105 | Education; Executive officials | Provide the governor with the power to appoint the members of the State Board of Education |
38,239 (25%) |
112,109 (75%) |
Measure Nos. 106-107 | Administration | Provide for a merit-based system of personnel administration and the establishment of state and county personnel departments |
58,192 (37%) |
98,253 (63%) |
Measure Nos. 300-301 | Law enforcement; Labor | Provide for the establishment of a personnel merit-based system pertaining to peace officers |
63,152 (40%) |
96,592 (60%) |
Measure Nos. 302-303 | Gambling; Business | Provide for the creation of a Department of State Control of Gambling to regulate, license, and authorize gambling operations |
27,683 (17%) |
132,839 (83%) |
Measure Nos. 304-305 | Education; Taxes | Provide an excise tax for the maintenance of public schools |
32,218 (21%) |
119,179 (79%) |
Measure Nos. 306-307 | Alcohol; Local government; Elections | Provide for allowing county or municipal elections to determine the legality of alcoholic beverages within respective jurisdictions |
38,819 (23%) |
131,288 (77%) |
Measure Nos. 308-309 | Healthcare; Labor | Provide for the exclusion of earnings above $300 per month for Workmen's Compensation |
67,024 (43%) |
87,822 (57%) |
Measure Nos. 312-313 | Welfare | Provide for the expansion of old-age assistance through the abolishment of certain requirements regarding family income and employment |
65,091 (41%) |
94,516 (59%) |
Measure Nos. 314-315 | Welfare | Provide for the increase of weekly unemployment benefits to $25 and the extension of the number of benefit-receiving weeks to 26 |
57,288 (37%) |
99,584 (63%) |
Measure Nos. 316-317 | Labor; Welfare | Provide unemployed agricultural laborers with eligibility for unemployment benefits |
52,812 (35%) |
99,522 (65%) |
Measure Nos. 318-319 | Education; Race and ethnicity | Provide that "There shall be no segregation of pupils in the public schools of Arizona for reasons of race, creed, color or national origin, nor shall any distinction or classification of pupils be made on account of race, creed, color, or national origin" |
57,978 (36%) |
104,226 (64%) |
See also: Arkansas 1950 ballot measures
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
CICA | Amendment 41 | Education | Proposes an amendment about public school finance | |
CICA | Amendment 44 | Term limits | Sets four year term limits for state and county officers | |
CISS | Act 1 | Animals | Makes it illegal for livestock to be at large | |
CISS | Act 2 | Alcohol | Proposes an initiative about statewide prohibition |
See also: California 1950 ballot propositions
June 6, 1950
Type | Title | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Proposition 1 | Allow for the issuance of bonds up to $100,000,000 for helping veterans purchase homes and farms and establish the terms of such bonds. |
1,664,445 (72%) |
646,952 (28%) |
Proposition 2 | Allow the legislature to create tax exemptions on the farms and homes purchased from the Veterans Welfare Board. |
945,494 (43%) |
1,253,914 (57%) |
Proposition 3 | Allow public bodies to use parking meter income for security for the payment of revenue bonds used to finance off-street parking. |
1,515,124 (68%) |
723,882 (32%) |
November 7, 1950
Type | Title | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Proposition 10 | Require a ballot measure to authorize publicly funded low-rent housing projects. |
1,591,076 (51%) |
1,542,161 (49%) |
Proposition 11 | Create a method to withdraw land placed into a registry created by the Torrens Act. |
1,961,676 (73%) |
727,737 (27%) |
Proposition 1 | Prohibit taxation on personal property by the state or other political subdivisions. |
645,865 (19%) |
2,701,574 (81%) |
Proposition 2 | Prohibit any law or constitutional amendment, whether submitted by the legislature or voters, from naming a specific person to hold an office. |
1,985,133 (69%) |
910,201 (31%) |
Proposition 3 | Establish a uniform system of municipal and justice courts throughout the state and establish courts in cities and judicial districts. |
2,307,328 (81%) |
552,997 (19%) |
Proposition 4 | Allow voters who move from one county to another within 90 days of an election to retain their right to vote by voting in their former county. |
2,576,072 (85%) |
446,257 (15%) |
Proposition 5 | Allow legislators to hold office and be members of boards or commissions who apportion funds to other agencies. |
714,833 (26%) |
2,038,225 (74%) |
Proposition 6 | Allow gambling in licensed establishments and create a five-man state commission to regulate, tax,, and license such gambling. |
789,297 (23%) |
2,675,641 (77%) |
Proposition 7 | Determine no one who is blind should be denied admission to chiropractic school or the taking of licensure tests because they are blind. |
1,673,958 (57%) |
1,260,262 (43%) |
Proposition 8 | Repeal the prohibition of increasing the salaries of any county, township, or municipal officer after they are elected or take office. |
968,398 (34%) |
1,851,211 (66%) |
Proposition 9 | Create certain employees from state civil service. |
1,764,086 (63%) |
1,021,422 (37%) |
See also: Colorado 1950 ballot measures
Type | Title | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Amendment 1 | Allow the city councils of home rule cities to refer proposed charter amendments to voters |
145,780 (61%) |
91,700 (39%) |
Amendment 2 | Make changes to constitutional provisions concerning the general assembly |
134,048 (58%) |
96,709 (42%) |
Amendment 3 | Exempt the Governor’s staff, one secretary to elected officials and heads of departments from civil service |
103,848 (33%) |
208,408 (67%) |
See also: Florida 1950 ballot measures
November 7, 1950
Type | Title | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Amendment 1 | Establish a juvenile court system |
116,313 (79%) |
30,540 (21%) |
Amendment 2 | Use the federal census as the state census |
96,145 (66%) |
49,848 (34%) |
Amendment 3 | Require laws to be single subject, require that laws have a title, and require law revisions to be published at length |
105,053 (78%) |
28,793 (22%) |
Amendment 4 | Create the Sixteenth Judicial Circuit of Florida in Monroe County |
65,531 (53%) |
58,216 (47%) |
Amendment 5 | Allow for an additional county judge in counties with a population greater than 250,000 |
91,029 (68%) |
43,081 (32%) |
See also: Georgia 1950 ballot measures
November 7
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Amendment 1 | Gov't Salaries | Increases the salaries of justices and judges | |
LRCA | Amendment 2 | Elections | Provides for the nomination and election of U.S. senators and state executive officers on a county basis | |
LRCA | Amendment 3 | Resources | Authorizes the general assembly to pay $100,000 to bring the first commercial oil well to the state | |
LRCA | Amendment 4 | Admin of Gov't | Gives county boards of education the authority to obtain loans | |
LRCA | Amendment 5 | Elections | Provides for the election of members of the Baldwin County Board of Education | |
LRCA | Amendment 6 | Local Gov't | Relates to Bibb County courts, agencies, tribunals and officers | |
LRCA | Amendment 7 | Pension | Authorizes the general assembly to create a pension plan for employees of Bibb County | |
LRCA | Amendment 8 | Judiciary | Authorizes the designation of pro hac vice judges in the Eastern Judicial Circuit of Georgia | |
LRCA | Amendment 9 | Admin of Gov't | Creates the Savannah Airport Commission | |
LRCA | Amendment 10 | Local Gov't | Authorizes the creation of industrial areas in Chatham County | |
LRCA | Amendment 11 | Taxes | Requires the Chatham County Commissioners and ex-officio judges to levy a tax for education | |
LRCA | Amendment 12 | Civil Service | Authorizes the general assembly to grant governmental authorities of Chatham County to establish civil service boards | |
LRCA | Amendment 13 | Bonds | Authorizes Chatham County to issue bonds for building and equipping schools | |
LRCA | Amendment 14 | Elections | Provides for the election of members of the Dawson County Board of Education | |
LRCA | Amendment 15 | Local Gov't | Creates an independent school system in the city of Bainbridge | |
LRCA | Amendment 16 | Civil Service | Authorizes the general assembly to provide for a civil service system in DeKalb County | |
LRCA | Amendment 17 | Taxes | Provides that tax exemptions for homesteads not apply in DeKalb County against levies of taxes for school purposes | |
LRCA | Amendment 18 | Local Gov't | Permits the governing authority of DeKalb County to make street improvements | |
LRCA | Amendment 19 | Education | Authorizes the general assembly to merge the school system of the city of Albany with the Dougherty County school district | |
LRCA | Amendment 20 | Bonds | Authorizes Forsyth County to issue refunding bonds | |
LRCA | Amendment 21 | Bonds | Requires the city of Atlanta to assume and pay a portion of Fulton County School District bonds | |
LRCA | Amendment 22 | Taxes | Authorizes the general assembly to require or permit Fulton County to receive tax returns and collect taxes due to the city of Atlanta | |
LRCA | Amendment 23 | Education | Provides that upon expansion of the city limits of Atlanta, the new territory become part of the city's school system | |
LRCA | Amendment 24 | Taxes | Exempts homesteads in the city of Atlanta from taxes except for school purposes | |
LRCA | Amendment 25 | Admin of Gov't | Creates independent governmental authorities in the unincorporated areas of the city of Atlanta and Fulton County | |
LRCA | Amendment 26 | Taxes | Provides that homestead tax exemptions not apply to the collection of taxes for the support and maintenance of education in Fulton County | |
LRCA | Amendment 27 | Gov't Salaries | Provides that the Fulton County Board of County Commissioners supplement the salaries of the judges of the Atlanta Judicial Circuit | |
LRCA | Amendment 28 | Local Gov't | Authorizes Fulton County to contribute to the support of state-owned institutions within the county | |
LRCA | Amendment 29 | Gov't Finances | Increases the debt limit of the Fulton County School District | |
LRCA | Amendment 30 | Local Gov't | Authorizes the city of Gainesville to enter into contracts pertaining to the hospitalization of indigents | |
LRCA | Amendment 31 | Elections | Provides for the election of members of the Hancock County Board of Education | |
LRCA | Amendment 32 | Elections | Provides for the election of members of the Meriwether County Board of Education | |
LRCA | Amendment 33 | Local Gov't | Allows Muscogee County to make and levy special assessments for street improvements | |
LRCA | Amendment 34 | Bonds | Allows Muscogee County to issue street improvement bonds | |
LRCA | Amendment 35 | Elections | Provides for the election of members of the Rockdale County Board of Education | |
LRCA | Amendment 36 | Elections | Provides for the election of members of the Schley County Board of Education | |
LRCA | Amendment 37 | Elections | Provides for the election of members of the Taylor County Board of Education |
See also: Hawaii 1950 ballot measures
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Constitution Ratification | Constitution | Hawaii Constitution Ratification Election |
See also: Idaho 1950 ballot measures
November 7
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | HJR 2 | Constitutional rights | Gives Indians the right to vote, serve as jurors, and hold civil office | |
LRCA | HJR 9 | Bonds | Gives municipalities the ability to issue revenue bonds |
See also: Illinois 1950 ballot measures
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Illinois Gateway Amendment | Legislature | Shall the legislature be able to propose modifications to three articles of the constitution per session and shall the adoption of the modifications require either two-thirds of the voters voting on the question or a majority of voters voting in the election? |
See also: Iowa 1950 ballot measures
November 7
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
CCR | Question 1 | Con Convention | Calls for a constitutional convention to amend the constitution |
See also: Maine 1950 ballot measures
September 11
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Proposed Constitutional Amendment No. 1 | Constitutions | Codifies the state constitution | |
LRCA | Proposed Constitutional Amendment No. 2 | Direct Democracy | Makes filing date for initiated bill petitions 45 days after the convening of the Legislature | |
LRCA | Proposed Constitutional Amendment No. 3 | Bonds | Empowers Legislature to override state bond limit by two-thirds vote in both houses | |
LRCA | Proposed Constitutional Amendment No. 4 | Bonds | Issues up to $7 million in bonds to build bridge across Fore river | |
LRCA | Proposed Constitutional Amendment No. 5 | Legislature | Apportions the members of the House of Representatives by county proportional to state population |
See also: Maryland 1950 ballot measures
November 7
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Amendment 1 | Gov't Finances | Relates to the signing of state bonds, certificates and other evidence of indebtedness | |
LRCA | Amendment 2 | Admin of gov't | Relates to the reconsideration of bills vetoed by the governor | |
LRCA | Amendment 3 | Divorce & custody | Provides that child support and alimony do not constitute debt | |
LRCA | Amendment 4 | Legislature | Provides for the number of delegates comprising the House of Delegates | |
LRCA | Amendment 5 | Trials | Provides that the jury shall be the judges of law as well as of fact in criminal trials | |
ABR | Amendment 6 | ConCon | Asks voters if a convention is needed to amend or re-write the Constitution | |
VR | Amendment 7 | Constitutions | Adds a new article to the Annotated Code of Maryland about sedition and subversive activities |
See also: Massachusetts 1950 ballot measures
November 7, 1950
Type | Title | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Question 1 | Provide for the start and end of the terms of office for certain executive officers and provide for what is to happen if the governor-elect or lieutenant governor-elect dies before taking office |
1,151,692 (85%) |
208,957 (15%) |
Question 2 | Revise the procedures and signature requirements for initiatives and referendums |
992,643 (74%) |
343,573 (26%) |
Question 3 | Provide for payments to people over the age of 63 and are in need of support |
918,555 (60%) |
624,362 (40%) |
Question 4 | Conduct a monthly lottery and establish the rates at which met proceeds are to be divided amongst different groups |
644,707 (42%) |
894,685 (58%) |
Question 5 | Establish classifications for risks related to motor vehicle liability policies and bonds |
376,636 (23%) |
1,275,431 (77%) |
See also: Michigan 1950 ballot measures
November 7, 1950
Type | Title | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Proposal No. 1 | Eliminate sections relating to voting eligibility and change the residency requirement for voting to 30 days |
907,312 (68%) |
417,652 (32%) |
Proposal No. 2 | Allow for the issuance of bonds to fund specialized hospitals and specialized schools |
1,224,249 (80%) |
309,657 (20%) |
Proposal No. 3 | Define subversion and establish procedures relating to the crime of subversion |
823,938 (61%) |
520,412 (39%) |
Proposal No. 4 | Allow for the sale of yellow oleomargarine with certain conditions |
1,090,000 (66%) |
562,034 (34%) |
See also: Minnesota 1950 ballot measures
November 7
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Amendment 1 | Forests & parks | Diverts proceeds from the public land trust fund to forestry management | |
LRCA | Amendment 2 | Veterans | Diverts proceeds from the mining tax to the veterans' compensation fund | |
LRCA | Amendment 3 | Taxes | Provides for apportionment of an excise tax on petroleum products |
See also: Missouri 1950 ballot measures
April 4, 1950
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Amendment 1 | Taxes; Transportation | Refer a law that increases the motor fuel license tax from two to four cents per gallon to fund highway construction and maintenance, allocates part of the revenue to state rural roads based on county population and area, under the supervision of the State Highway Commission with bipartisan advisory input |
179,094 (25%) |
528,201 (75%) |
November 7, 1950
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Amendment 1 | Education; Taxes | Authorize school taxes to be increased up to three times the limit by majority vote for two years in cities over 75,000 and one year in other districts |
616,337 (58%) |
451,299 (42%) |
See also: Montana 1950 ballot measures
November 7
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Amendment 1 | Admin of gov't | Separates the Bureau of Labor from the Department of Agriculture | |
LRCA | Amendment 2 | Local gov't | Places limitations on the indebtedness of a county | |
LRCA | Amendment 3 | Local gov't | Places limitations on the indebtedness of cities, towns and school districts | |
LRSS | R-53 | Gambling | Relates to slot machines | |
CISS | I-54 | Veterans | Relates to a military honorarium |
See also: Nebraska 1950 ballot measures
November 7
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Amendment 1 | Legislature | Provides guidelines for legislative sessions and membership | |
VR | Referendum 1 | Taxes | Repeals the gas tax increase | |
VR | Referendum 2 | Transportation | Repeals the vehicle registration fee increase |
See also: Nevada 1950 ballot measures
November 7, 1950
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Question 1 | Judiciary | Prohibit supreme court justices and district judges from holding nonjudicial offices during their elected or appointed terms. |
33,500 (82%) |
7,573 (18%) |
Question 2 | Legislature | Require the legislature to apportion assembly members by county population after each census. |
32,150 (78%) |
9,331 (22%) |
Question 3 | Judiciary | Allow the legislature to grant district courts the power to suspend sentences, set probation terms, and fix sentences. |
24,846 (61%) |
15,730 (39%) |
New Hampshire
See also: New Hampshire 1950 ballot measures
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
CCR | Question 1 | Con Language | Shall provisions regarding shillings and pence be removed from the constitution? | |
CCR | Question 2 | Admin of Gov't | Shall the office of commissary-general be eliminated? | |
CCR | Question 3 | War & Peace | Shall the provision providing for conscientious objection to bearing arms be removed from the constitution? | |
CCR | Question 4 | War & Peace | Shall the provision for the state militia be removed for the constitution? | |
CCR | Question 5 | Legislature | Shall provisions related to staff officers be removed from the constitution? |
North Carolina
See also: North Carolina 1950 ballot measures
November 7
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Amendment 1 | Law enforcement | Permits any person to waive indictment in all except capital cases | |
LRCA | Amendment 2 | Pension | Safeguards the funds of the Teachers' and Employees' Retirement System | |
LRCA | Amendment 3 | Legislature | Compensates legislators per day of sessions | |
LRCA | Amendment 4 | Judiciary | Allows the general assembly to determine the number of judicial districts in the state | |
LRCA | Amendment 5 | Judiciary | Allows the chief justice to assign judges and defines jurisdiction of special judges |
North Dakota
See also: North Dakota 1950 ballot measures
June 27
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Amendment 1 | Education | Changes the constitutional language regarding the school for the blind | |
LRCA | Amendment 2 | Taxes | Permits the enactment of a graduated land tax | |
VR | Referendum 1 | Taxes | Creates two-cent tax per gallon of motor vehicle fuels to fund highway construction funds | |
CISS | Initiative 1 | Taxes | Increases personal exemption on state income tax and establishing the basis for computing tax on joint returns | |
CISS | Initiative 2 | Alcohol | Permits municipal and County option on sale of liquor |
See also: Oklahoma 1950 ballot measures
July 4, 1950
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
State Question 345 | Labor | Authorize the legislature to enact laws for compensation under the Workmen's Compensation Law for deaths from employment-related injuries. |
423,518 (83%) |
89,555 (17%) |
November 7, 1950
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
State Question 325 | Administration; Transportation | Create a four-member highway commission with exclusive authority over state highways, funds, and employment decisions. |
144,267 (29%) |
353,532 (71%) |
State Question 326 | Taxes; Transportation | Prohibit diversion of highway user revenues, ensuring exclusive use for construction, maintenance, and the State Highway Patrol. |
165,776 (32%) |
348,044 (68%) |
State Question 344 | War | Inform federal officials that Oklahomans urge U.S. delegates to propose or support amendments to the U.N. Charter to strengthen it and establish a world federal government to prevent war. |
124,189 (23%) |
421,472 (77%) |
State Question 346 | Administration; Education | Establish a five-member Board of Regents, appointed by the Governor with Senate approval, to govern the Oklahoma Military Academy. |
170,258 (34%) |
330,738 (66%) |
State Question 347 | Constitutional conventions | Call a Constitutional Convention to alter, revise, or propose a new Constitution for Oklahoma. |
159,908 (32%) |
347,143 (68%) |
See also: Oregon 1950 ballot measures
November 7, 1950
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Measure Nos. 300-301 | Salaries | Set state legislators' annual salary at $600 and 10 cents for every mile traveled to and from the capital, with presiding officers receiving additional compensation. |
243,518 (54%) |
205,361 (46%) |
Measure Nos. 302-303 | Budgets | Authorize the state to loan credit and incur debt up to 0.75% of the taxable property value to construct and improve education buildings. |
256,895 (57%) |
192,573 (43%) |
Measure Nos. 304-305 | Budgets | Authorize the state to loan credit and incur indebtedness up to 4% of taxable property value to support the state war veterans' fund. |
268,171 (59%) |
183,724 (41%) |
Measure Nos. 306-307 | Education; Taxes | Levy an annual state property tax generating an $30 per child for a total of $80 per child between four and twenty for a school support fund. |
234,394 (50%) |
231,856 (50%) |
Measure Nos. 308-309 | Healthcare; Welfare | Provide public monetary assistance to people defined as “needy” to be used for medical, nursing, and care expenses. |
310,143 (66%) |
158,939 (34%) |
Measure Nos. 310-311 | Time | Establish a uniform standard time throughout the State of Oregon. |
277,633 (59%) |
195,319 (41%) |
Measure Nos. 312-313 | Budgets | Authorized state indebtedness up to 5% of property value to create a fund compensating World War II veterans $10 a month for domestic and $15 a month for foreign service. |
239,553 (52%) |
216,958 (48%) |
Measure Nos. 314-315 | Legislature; Redistricting | Require the reapportionment of representation every ten years and increase the number of state senators to 36. |
190,992 (47%) |
215,302 (53%) |
Measure Nos. 316-317 | Alcohol; Business | Prohibit alcohol advertisements through posters, circulars, newspapers, periodicals, and radio broadcasts and provide penalties for violations. |
113,524 (23%) |
378,732 (77%) |
Rhode Island
See also: Rhode Island 1950 ballot measures
November 7:
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Proposal 1 | Civil and criminal trials | ||
LRCA | Proposal 2 | Bond issues | ||
LRCA | Proposal 3 | Bond issues | ||
LBM | Proposal 4 | Bond issues | ||
LRCA | Proposal 5 | Elections and campaigns | ||
LBM | Proposal 6 | Bond issues | ||
LBM | Proposal 7 | Bond issues |
South Dakota
See also: South Dakota 1950 ballot measures
November 7
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Legislative Reapportionment | Redistricting | Provides legislative reapportionment based on census | |
LRCA | School District Indebtedness | Gov't Finances | Limits school district indebtedness to ten percent of assessed property value | |
LRCA | Educational Fund Investments | Gov't Finances | Transfers educational fund investments to Commissioner of School and Public Lands | |
LRCA | Succession of County Officials | Local gov't | Allows county officials to succeed themselves indefinitely | |
IndISS | Sale of Liquor with Food | Alcohol | Prohibits sale of liquor where food is sold |
See also: Virginia 1950 ballot measures
November 7, 1950
Type | Title | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Establishment of City Courts Amendment | Authorize the General Assembly to establish city courts |
107,575 (65%) |
57,797 (35%) |
School District Consolidation Amendment | Authorize the General Assembly to consolidate school districts |
90,131 (56%) |
71,447 (44%) |
See also: Washington 1950 ballot measures
November 7, 1950
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
HJR 10 | Education; Budgets | Permit school districts to incur debt, with popular vote approval, for up to an additional five percent of assessed valuation of capital outlays. |
286,189 (48%) |
314,014 (52%) |
Initiative 176 | Welfare | Increase the minimum monthly grant for Social Security to $65. |
159,400 (23%) |
534,689 (77%) |
Initiative 178 | Healthcare; Welfare | Create a Council of Medical Services and transfer the public assistance medical program to the Department of Health. |
394,261 (57%) |
296,290 (43%) |
Referendum 28 | Welfare | Establish a system of disability compensation for certain employed individuals. |
163,923 (26%) |
467,574 (74%) |
Referendum 7 | Education; Bonds | Authorize $40 million in state general obligation bonds for constructing public school buildings. |
395,417 (61%) |
248,200 (39%) |
Referendum 8 | Bonds | Authorize $20 million in state general obligation bonds for constructing charitable, educational, and penal buildings. |
377,941 (59%) |
262,615 (41%) |
Referendum 9 | Education; Bonds | Authorize $20 million in state general obligation bonds for constructing public college and university buildings. |
312,500 (50%) |
314,840 (50%) |
SJR 9 | Property | Allow Canadians to own land in Washington |
292,857 (50%) |
290,005 (50%) |
If you know of a statewide measure that is not listed here or if you notice an error, please email editor@ballotpedia.org.