1933 ballot measures
1933 State Ballot Measures | |
1934 »
« 1932
| |
Part 1: Overview | |
Current measures | |
Measure Monthly |
By state
See also: Alabama 1933 ballot measures
July 18
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
CCR | Amendment 1 | Federal Con | Proposes to repeal the 18th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution and ratify the 21st Amendment |
See also: Arizona 1933 ballot measures
October 3, 1933
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Measure Nos. 100-101 | Term limits; Local government | Provide for the establishment of four-year term limits for county officers |
10,549 (37%) |
18,076 (63%) |
Measure Nos. 102-103 | Death penalty | Provide for the administration of lethal gas for the death penalty |
14,999 (56%) |
11,585 (44%) |
Measure Nos. 104-105 | Administration; Term limits | Provide for the establishment of four-year term limits for state officers |
10,751 (38%) |
17,537 (62%) |
Measure Nos. 106-107 | Elections | Require an election for the State Mine Inspector |
8,587 (38%) |
13,966 (62%) |
Measure Nos. 108-109 | Term limits; Executive officials | Provide for a special election to establish four-year term limits for the State Mine Inspector |
9,771 (37%) |
16,764 (63%) |
Measure Nos. 110-111 | Term limits; Legislature | Provide for the establishment of four-year term limits for members of the legislature |
8,158 (30%) |
18,746 (70%) |
Measure Nos. 304-305 | Healthcare | Create a state board of examiners to oversee the registration of medical professionals |
13,988 (52%) |
13,104 (48%) |
Measure Nos. 306-307 | Property | Provide instructions for property foreclosures and debt repayments |
14,131 (58%) |
10,362 (42%) |
See also: California 1933 ballot propositions
June 27, 1933
Type | Title | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Proposition 10 | Allocate $8,449,326 from the gasoline tax funds for payment of highway bonds |
307,609 (26%) |
887,188 (74%) |
Proposition 1 | Require taxation on banks, insurance companies, and the property of public utility companies. |
717,319 (62%) |
440,413 (38%) |
Proposition 2 | Allow for bonds up to $20,000,000 for a fund for municipalities and counties for unemployment relief and establish the terms of such bonds. |
885,690 (74%) |
316,904 (26%) |
Proposition 3 | Create the California Horse Racing Board to regulate and license horse racing and wagering. |
805,209 (63%) |
475,580 (37%) |
Proposition 4 | Exempt educational buildings, equipment, securities, and income from taxation, exempt 10 acres of grounds of private colleges from taxation, and exempt 100 acres of grounds of public colleges from taxation. |
518,374 (40%) |
772,043 (60%) |
Proposition 5 | Require property assessors from Los Angeles and Orange counties to reassess real and personal property damaged or destroyed by the March 10, 1933 earthquake. |
796,590 (71%) |
331,104 (29%) |
Proposition 6 | Allow for the issuance of bonds up to $55,000,000 for refinancing irrigation and reclamation districts and establish the terms of such bonds. |
444,998 (41%) |
631,230 (59%) |
Proposition 7 | Declare all acts passed by July 16, 1933 effective 90 days after May 22, 1933 and declare such acts subject to referendum if petitions are submitted in 90 days. |
732,684 (74%) |
252,061 (26%) |
Proposition 8 | Establish regulations for supervisors, district attorneys, auditors, and other county officers. |
698,186 (68%) |
325,920 (32%) |
Proposition 9 | Allocate $8,779,750 from the gasoline tax funds for payment of highway bonds |
335,595 (28%) |
871,623 (72%) |
December 19, 1933
Type | Title | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Proposition 1 | Create the Water Project Authority, allow for bonds up to $170,000,000 for constructing such systems, and establish the terms of such bonds. |
459,712 (52%) |
426,109 (48%) |
See also: Iowa 1933 ballot measures
June 20
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
ABR | Question 1 | Federal Con | Ratifies the Twenty-first Amendment of the United States Constitution |
See also: Maine 1933 ballot measures
September 11
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Amendment No. 1 | Elections | Allows the use of voting machines in all elections | |
LRCA | Amendment No. 2 | Gov't Finances | Raises state debt limit to $2 million | |
IndISS | Direct initiative Question No. 1 | Taxes | Raises the tax on corporations distributing and supplying electric power | |
IndISS | Direct initiative Question No. 2 | Taxes | Establishes a low rate tax on intangible personal property |
New Jersey
See also: New Jersey 1933 ballot measures
November 7
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
BI | Question 1 | Bond issues on the ballot | Repeals a previous $7 million bond issue. | |
BI | Question 2 | Bond issues on the ballot | Authorizes bonds to aid school districts. | |
BI | Question 3 | Bond issues on the ballot | Reduces the previous state highway bond issue. | |
BI | Question 4 | Bond issues on the ballot | Authorizes bonds for unemployment and dependent benefits. | |
LRSS | Question 5 | Gambling on the ballot | Concerns corporations that raise and breed horses. |
New York
See also: New York 1933 ballot measures
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRSS | Proposition 1 | Gov't Finances | Creates $60 million in state debt for temporary emergency relief | |
LRCA | Proposed Amendment No. 1 | Property | Relates to the compensation of private property when it is taken by the city | |
LRCA | Proposed Amendment No. 2 | Civil Service | Extends civil service preference to disabled veterans | |
LRCA | Proposed Amendment No. 3 | Transportation | Relates to the construction of a state highway on forest preserve land | |
LRCA | Proposed Amendment No. 4 | Transportation | Relates to the sale or disposition of barge terminal canal lands in NYC |
North Carolina
See also: North Carolina 1933 ballot measures
November 7
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
ConCon | Question 1 | Con conventions | Calls a convention to consider repealing the 18th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution |
North Dakota
See also: North Dakota 1933 ballot measures
September 22
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Amendment | Local Gov't | Consolidates some county officer positions in counties with smaller populations | |
LRCA | Referendum | Legislature | Makes optional the first reading of legislative bills | |
VR | Referendum | Banking | Relates to administrating banks that had become insolvent | |
VR | Referendum | Admin of Gov't | Disallows removal of Commissioners of Workmen's Compensation Bureau with or without cause | |
VR | Referendum | Taxes | Changes sales taxes | |
CISS | Initiative | Alcohol | Permits the manufacture and sale of beer in North Dakota | |
CISS | Initiative | Rules about Sunday | Permits operation of motion picture theaters on Sunday after 2:00 p.m |
See also: Ohio 1933 ballot measures
November 7, 1933
Type | Title | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
County Home Rule Ability Initiative | Allow for county home rule. |
846,594 (53%) |
742,925 (47%) |
Mill Tax Limitation on Real Estate Initiative | Establish a ten mill tax limitation on real estate. |
979,061 (60%) |
661,151 (40%) |
Old Age Pensions Initiative | Provide pensions to aged persons under certain circumstances. |
1,388,860 (73%) |
526,221 (27%) |
Repeal State Alcohol Prohibition Amendment | Repeal the state prohibition of alcohol. |
1,250,923 (68%) |
578,035 (32%) |
See also: Oklahoma 1933 ballot measures
July 11, 1933
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
State Question 183 | Alcohol | Adopt House Bill No. 647 to define, regulate, and tax non-intoxicating beverages, allocate the revenue, and penalize intoxicating beverage sales. |
224,598 (63%) |
129,582 (37%) |
August 15, 1933
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
State Question 179 | Taxes; Tobacco | Veto House Bill No. 229, which imposed a three-cent stamp tax on cigarette sales within Oklahoma. |
120,863 (60%) |
81,981 (40%) |
State Question 184 | Administration; Taxes | Expand the State Board of Equalization's powers, authorize the Tax Commission to investigate, and require standardized property forms. |
134,882 (67%) |
67,779 (33%) |
State Question 185 | Taxes | Limit ad valorem taxes to 15 mills for local governments, prohibit state taxes, allow school levies with voter approval, and permit debt levies. |
183,623 (90%) |
20,739 (10%) |
See also: Oregon 1933 ballot measures
July 21, 1933
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Measure Nos. 300-301 | Alcohol; Federal issues | Refer a question to voters asking if the delegates to the constitutional convention should ratify or reject the proposal to repeal the 18th Amendment. |
136,713 (65%) |
72,854 (35%) |
Measure Nos. 302-303 | Veterans | Provide that the state pay no more cash bonuses and make no more bonus loans, and authorize bond refunds within constitutional limits. |
113,267 (60%) |
75,476 (40%) |
Measure Nos. 304-305 | Local government | Authorize county voters to adopt a manager-led form of county government. |
66,425 (36%) |
117,148 (64%) |
Measure Nos. 306-307 | Trials | Provide for prosecution of public offenses by information of district attorney instead of by indictment. |
67,192 (38%) |
110,755 (62%) |
Measure Nos. 308-309 | Budgets; Bonds; Local government; Supermajority | Require a two-thirds vote of electors for municipal corporations to issue bonds |
82,996 (48%) |
91,671 (52%) |
Measure Nos. 310-311 | Energy; Bonds | Provide for the issuance and sale of bonds to provide money for the state power fund. |
73,756 (41%) |
106,153 (59%) |
Measure Nos. 312-313 | Taxes | Tax sales of tangible personal property and personal service. |
45,603 (21%) |
167,512 (79%) |
Measure Nos. 314-315 | Alcohol | Repeal the state constitutional amendment prohibiting alcohol. |
143,044 (66%) |
72,745 (34%) |
Measure Nos. 316-317 | Food and agriculture; Taxes | Tax the sale of oleomargarine and distribute the proceeds to counties for poverty relief. |
66,880 (32%) |
144,542 (68%) |
See also: Texas 1933 ballot measures
August 26, 1933
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Proposition 1 | Local government | Authorize voters in counties with over 62,000 to adopt a home rule charter and to authorize mergers of separate governmental agencies within such counties |
317,521 (71%) |
131,827 (29%) |
Proposition 2 | Welfare; Bonds | Authorize the issuance of up to $20 million in bonds to provide relief to the needy and unemployed |
334,728 (67%) |
162,073 (33%) |
Proposition 3 | Taxes | Provide a tax exemption on $3,000 of all homesteads, except for a portion of state ad valorem taxes remitted within certain counties and political subdivisions |
410,442 (84%) |
79,754 (16%) |
Proposition 4 | Alcohol | Authorize the sale of alcoholic beverages of 3.2% alcoholic content or less |
317,521 (63%) |
186,315 (37%) |
If you know of a statewide measure that is not listed here or if you notice an error, please email editor@ballotpedia.org.