American government : political development and institutional change
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American government : political development and institutional change
- Publication date
- 2016
- Topics
- POLITICAL SCIENCE / Essays, POLITICAL SCIENCE / Government / General, POLITICAL SCIENCE / Government / National, POLITICAL SCIENCE / Reference, Politics and government, United States -- Politics and government -- Textbooks, United States
- Publisher
- New York : Routledge
- Collection
- internetarchivebooks; printdisabled
- Contributor
- Internet Archive
- Language
- English
- Item Size
- 1.6G
1 online resource
Features of this Innovative TextThe 8th edition of this well-respected text features the 2014 midterm Congressional elections, the latest on Obama's presidency, important Supreme Court decisions, the implementation of the Affordable Care Act, and other timely updates. An increased attention to media in politics runs through the book. Key learning objectives at the beginning of every chapter focus students on central points to watch for.""The Constitution Today"" chapter opening vignettes illustrate the importance of conflicting views on constitutional principles. Key terms defined in the margi
Online resource; title from PDF title page (Ebsco, viewed July 28 2015)
First edition published 1999 by Harcourt Brace College Publishers
Includes bibliographical references and index
Cover Page; Half Title; Title Page; Copyright; Dedication; Epigraph; Brief Contents; Contents; Special Features; Preface; Acknowledgments; The Author; Chapter 1 the origins of american political principles; The Constitution Today American Exceptionalism; A Tradition to Draw From; The Ancients: Who Rules and for What Purposes; The Middle Ages: The Secular Serves the Sacred; Pro & Con Pursuing Democracy: Ancient Fears, Modern Hopes; Secularism, Individualism, and the Idea of Progress; The Roots of American Politics; Oppression in Europe and the Settlement of America
Space, Diversity, and Dissent in Colonial AmericaLet's Compare The Settlement of North America: Comparing the British and French Styles; Chapter Summary; Key Terms; Suggested Readings; Web Resources; Chapter 2 the revolution and the constitution; The Constitution Today Obama's Speech on Race; Background to the Revolution; The Colonial Political Environment; First Steps Toward Independence; The Declaration of Independence; Governance during the Revolutionary Period; Independence Sparks Constitutional Change; Political Instability during "The Critical Period; The Constitutional Convention
The Delegates and Their BackgroundsA Foundation of Basic Principles; The Convention Debates; The Constitution as Finally Adopted; Let's Compare Gathering Momentum: The Growth of Democracy in the World; The Struggle over Ratification; Pro & Con Do We Need a Bill of Rights; Considering Constitutional Reform; Chapter Summary; Key Terms; Suggested Readings; Web Resources; Chapter 3 federalism and american political development; The Constitution Today If Marijuana Is Illegal, Why Are They Selling It in California; Federalism and American Political Development; The Original Meaning of Federalism
Federalism in the ConstitutionEnumerated, Implied, and Inherent Powers; Concurrent Powers; Powers Denied to the National Government; Powers Reserved to the States; Powers Denied to State Governments; Federal Obligations to the States; Relations among the States; Dual Federalism and Its Challengers; From Dual Federalism to Cooperative Federalism; The Industrialization and Urbanization of America; Pro & Con The Continuing Relevance of States' Rights; The Great Depression; The Rise of Fiscal Federalism; LBJ: Creative Federalism and Grants-in-Aid
Nixon: Revenue Sharing and the First New FederalismReagan Turns Off the Tap: The Second New Federalism; The Process of "Devolution" in Contemporary Federalism; Let's Compare The Prevalence of Federal Systems in the World; The Future of American Federalism; Chapter Summary; Key Terms; Suggested Readings; Web Resources; Chapter 4 political socialization and public opinion; The Constitution Today What Explains the U.S. Commitment to the Death Penalty; Political Information in America; Political Culture: Defining the "American Creed
Features of this Innovative TextThe 8th edition of this well-respected text features the 2014 midterm Congressional elections, the latest on Obama's presidency, important Supreme Court decisions, the implementation of the Affordable Care Act, and other timely updates. An increased attention to media in politics runs through the book. Key learning objectives at the beginning of every chapter focus students on central points to watch for.""The Constitution Today"" chapter opening vignettes illustrate the importance of conflicting views on constitutional principles. Key terms defined in the margi
Online resource; title from PDF title page (Ebsco, viewed July 28 2015)
First edition published 1999 by Harcourt Brace College Publishers
Includes bibliographical references and index
Cover Page; Half Title; Title Page; Copyright; Dedication; Epigraph; Brief Contents; Contents; Special Features; Preface; Acknowledgments; The Author; Chapter 1 the origins of american political principles; The Constitution Today American Exceptionalism; A Tradition to Draw From; The Ancients: Who Rules and for What Purposes; The Middle Ages: The Secular Serves the Sacred; Pro & Con Pursuing Democracy: Ancient Fears, Modern Hopes; Secularism, Individualism, and the Idea of Progress; The Roots of American Politics; Oppression in Europe and the Settlement of America
Space, Diversity, and Dissent in Colonial AmericaLet's Compare The Settlement of North America: Comparing the British and French Styles; Chapter Summary; Key Terms; Suggested Readings; Web Resources; Chapter 2 the revolution and the constitution; The Constitution Today Obama's Speech on Race; Background to the Revolution; The Colonial Political Environment; First Steps Toward Independence; The Declaration of Independence; Governance during the Revolutionary Period; Independence Sparks Constitutional Change; Political Instability during "The Critical Period; The Constitutional Convention
The Delegates and Their BackgroundsA Foundation of Basic Principles; The Convention Debates; The Constitution as Finally Adopted; Let's Compare Gathering Momentum: The Growth of Democracy in the World; The Struggle over Ratification; Pro & Con Do We Need a Bill of Rights; Considering Constitutional Reform; Chapter Summary; Key Terms; Suggested Readings; Web Resources; Chapter 3 federalism and american political development; The Constitution Today If Marijuana Is Illegal, Why Are They Selling It in California; Federalism and American Political Development; The Original Meaning of Federalism
Federalism in the ConstitutionEnumerated, Implied, and Inherent Powers; Concurrent Powers; Powers Denied to the National Government; Powers Reserved to the States; Powers Denied to State Governments; Federal Obligations to the States; Relations among the States; Dual Federalism and Its Challengers; From Dual Federalism to Cooperative Federalism; The Industrialization and Urbanization of America; Pro & Con The Continuing Relevance of States' Rights; The Great Depression; The Rise of Fiscal Federalism; LBJ: Creative Federalism and Grants-in-Aid
Nixon: Revenue Sharing and the First New FederalismReagan Turns Off the Tap: The Second New Federalism; The Process of "Devolution" in Contemporary Federalism; Let's Compare The Prevalence of Federal Systems in the World; The Future of American Federalism; Chapter Summary; Key Terms; Suggested Readings; Web Resources; Chapter 4 political socialization and public opinion; The Constitution Today What Explains the U.S. Commitment to the Death Penalty; Political Information in America; Political Culture: Defining the "American Creed
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- Full catalog record
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