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March 21, 2018 Subject:
"Patriotic" whitewash
That's a pretty dramatic format transition marked by the last few items in the list here. The African American history theme was dropped in favor of reaching
farther back into American history to tell white-only "patiotic" stories.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
February 28, 2011 Subject:
Excellent - One of my New Favorites
I downloaded this, looking for something new, something I never heard before. Now it's one of my current favorites. Early American history combined with
adventure. Interesting and good story lines. Audio quality is very nice as well. Non-fiction.
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February 8, 2011 Subject:
slight corrections and additions
Arctic Autograph {Matthew HENSON} Shakespeare of Harlem (Langston HUGHES} Peace Mediator {Ralph J BUNCHE} The Long Road {Mary Church TERRELL} Segregation,
Incorporated (Washington DC)