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A Map of Ireland, Plans of Dublin and its Curiosities, a Table of relative
Distances, and a Map of the Lakes ofKUlarnep.
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Price 10*. 6d. bound.
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If, as has been well observed, the knowledge of the na-
tural situation, the political institutions, and! the local
advantages, even of a foreign nation, be an object of con-
siderable magnitude, and a source of gratification to every
enquiring and enlightened mind, surely as acquaintance
with these relations, as they respect a country forming
part of the same empire of which we ourselves are sub-
jects, is of much greater importance, and much deeper in-
terest. It is under a conviction of this truth that the fol-
lowing pages have been written ; and should they be
the means of exciting an interest respecting Ireland,
amongst the gentry of England and Scotland, and of in-
ducing them more frequently to visit their less wealthy
but warm-hearted neighbours, my labours will be amply
rewarded, their amusement greatly promoted, and Ireland
essentially benefitted.
That Ireland possesses many objects more worthy of
notice than those frequently resorted to in other coun-
tries, I do not hesitate to aver, after a long residence and
an intimate acquaintance ; and I cannot help expressing
my conviction, that the want of a good Guide to her beau-
ties has been one of the principal reasons why they have
not attracted the attention to which they are entitled. The
Giants' Causeway, with the neighbouring coast, the Lakes
of Killarney, and the mountain scenery 01 Wicklow, are
unrivalled in their various styles of beauty, and cannot
fail to gratify all who delight in the study of Nature, or
admire the majesty and splendour in which her works
are arrayed.
In the compilation of this Guide, I have endeavoured
to render it an appropriate companion to the " New Pocket
Road- Book of England and Wales," on the plan of which
it is modelled. For this purpose I have consulted all pre-
vious publications on Ireland, correcting the errors which
the lapse of time may have occasioned, and adding the re-
sult of my own personal observations, so as to condense
into a portable form whatever was calculated to interest
the casual visitor, or the more curious traveller.
The distances are given in Irish miles, eleven of which
are equal to fourteen British. They are seldom reckoned
in English miles, except in the vicinity of Dublin.
To the Itinerary is prefixed a concise description of
Dublin, as it is probable that most of the visiters to other
parts of Ireland will first spend, a few days in viewing its
splendid capital.
A copious Index is appended, pointing out in what page
of the work the direct road to any place is to be found,
the descriptive account of it, and the cross-roads connected
with it.
In conclusion, I beg leave to acknowledge the kind-
ness of those friends who have rendered me their assist-
ance, and I shall feel obliged by any hints for the further
improvement of the work, addressed to me at the
Charles. C. Hamilton.
Convinced by the success of two former Editions, that
this work deserves their utmost care, the Publishers have
spared neither trouble nor expense to render the Third
Edition authentic and complete. The additions, altera-
tions, and corrections introduced, are numerous and im-
portant, being the result of actual surveys, and diligent
Amongst the persons to whom they are more particu-
larly indebted for valuable information, the Publishers
beg to mention Mr. 6. Mason, of Dublin.
At a time when the state and welfare of Ireland engage
so much of England's serious consideration, a general
account of the condition and prospects of that island
becomes indispensable. The Introduction to the present
Edition has been written for this express purpose, and will
be found replete with information. It is of course not to
be expected, that general views and opinions, however
well-founded, can ever meet with universal concurrence ;
still, if new views, and bold suggestions, supported by
examples as interesting as they are important, deserve
approbation, the Publishers hope that this portion of the
book will be considered a valuable addition to the work.
The Publishers have further to return thanks for many
valuable hints, and beg to refer to the candour with which
they have been attended to, as the best proof of their
appreciation of such communications ; and, relying on the
talent and unremitting attention bestowed on this volume,
they respectfully submit it to the public.
Whenever (he asterisk * occurs in the Itinerary, it denotes that the
place is described elsewhere.
Glossary - - - - ix
Table of English and Irish Miles - - - xi
General State of Ireland 1
Its Society, Splendour, and Misery - - 4
Landlord and Tenant — effects of the System - 6
Instances of Improvement - - 1 1
Various Public Insitutions - - 36
Proposed Improvements - - 40
Old and New Legislation compared - 46
Statistical Notes - - - 47
Geographical Account —
Situation, Extent, Population, and Climate - 52
Harbours and Rivers - - 53
Canals, Lakes, Soil, Bogs, and Mountains 56 to 58
Civil and Ecclesiastical Divisions - 59 to 61
Passage to Ireland - - - - 62
Description of Dublin and its Edifices - 63
Mail Coach Routes .... 99
Ditto on Cross Roads - - - 103
List of Bianconi's Mail Cars - - 108
Itinerary of Ireland - - - - US
Account of Cross Roads - 470
Places where Assizes are held ... 487
Branch Banks ..... 489
Index to every Place mentioned in the Itinerary - 491
Or, Explanation of some of the terms which occur in the
following pages, either by themselves, or in connexion
with other words.
Agh, a field.
Ana or Anagh, a river.
Ard, an eminence, or rising ground.
Ath, a ford.
Awin, a river.
BalUn or Bally, a town, or inclosed habitation.
Baum, a fortified residence, or castle.
Beg, little.
Ben, the head or top of a mountain.
Bun, a bottom, root, or foundation.
Cahir or Car, a city.
Cairn, or Cam, a sepulchral heap of stones or earth.
Carrick, Carrig, Craig, or Carrow, a rock, or stony place.
Clara, a plain.
Clogh or Cfough, a great stone, or Druidical remain.
Clon, a lawn, or level pasture.
Clug or Cleugh, a valley.
Col or Cul, a corner.
Corcagh, Cork, or Curragh, a marsh, or swamp.
Croghan or Croagh, a sharp-pointed hill.
Derry, a clear, dry spot, in the middle of a marsh.
Don or Dun, a height, hill, or fortress.
Donagh, a church.
Drum ox Drum, a lofty, narrow ridge of hills.
Holm, an island.
Inch, Inis, or Ennis, an island.
Ken, a head.
Kill, a church or burying-ground.
Knock, a hill or hillock.
Lick, a flat stone.
Lin, a pool, estuary, or lake.
Lis, a fort, or strong hold
Lough, a lake, pool, or inlet of the sea.
Magh, a plain.
Main, a number of hillocks.
Moat, a mound surrounded by a ditch.
More, great, large, frequently used as a termination to the
name of a mountain.
Mote, a small rath, or barrow.
Rath, a mount, an entrenchment, an artificial mound for
Ross, a neck of land projecting into water, a peninsula.
Shan, old.
Sliebh or Slieve, a range of mountains, a hill covered with
Tach, a house.
Temple, a church.
Tholsel, town-house.
Tobar or Tubber, a spring, or well.
Tom or Toom, a bush.
Tra, a strand.
TuUagh, a common, or gently rising ground.
Tully, a spot liable to inundations.
And so on a similar
repetition, 11 Irish be-
ing equal to 14 English,
22 to 28, 33 to 42, 44 to
56, 55 to 70, 66 to 84,
77 to 98, 88 to 112, and
99 to 126.
11 Irish Acres are about equal to 18 English.
■4 5-
*«* In consequence of the innumerable alterations in this Edition, an
error has escaped correction in several instances, which requires to be
noticed ; viz. whenever No. 98 is referred to in the Itinerary, it should
have been No. 100 ; for example, see the first line in the following
Page \55,for Dublin to Athlone, as at No. 98, read No. 100.
— 137, — Rilbay Castle, read Kilbay.
— 148, — Dublin to Arklow, as at 203, read 204.
— 157, — Dawson Castle, read Castle Dawson.
— 158, — Dublin to Athlone, as at 97, read 100.
— 164, — Dublin to Ballynamore, as at 134, read 124.
— 167, — Loughgule, read Loughgeell.
— 174, — Ardfinkane, read Ardftnane.
— 212, — Dublin to Balinagar, as at 100, read 102.
— 276, — Anamult Castle, read Aanmult
— 281, — Bungan Castle, read Bangan.
— 350, — Kinnegad * a, read as at 100.
— 387, — Carofin, read Curofin.
— 446, — Bagnal's Town, as at 164, read 165.
Perhaps no country ever excited a more intense per-
manent interest than Ireland does with us. Of its popula-
tion and its misery we have heard much ; much has been
said of the causes of that misery, and not a little has been
published on its fertility, its opportunities for commerce,
the beauties of its scenery, and other advantages ; and yet
it is acknowledged that the people of England really know
nothing of Ireland. This proceeds from the partiality and
extravagance of most accounts, which render it dangerous
to receive information that it is so difficult to reduce to
its real value: the want of judgment in almost every
communicant has thwarted the great aim of patriotism and
philosophy — Truth.
These remarks are principally applicable to those books
which have too often been most read, because most puffed,
whilst the more valuable testimony contained in the works
of Young, Newnham, Townshend, Chichester, Wakefield,
and others, and in the reports of the various Parliamentary
Commissions, is confined to the few who are disposed to
study cause and effect at the expense of much time and
trouble. We hope, by reference to such sources, in
addition to our own observations and experience, to arrive
at sound conclusions, and to enable our countrymen
to see, not only the real state of that island and its
inhabitants ; but also the causes of that condition, and the
means of improvement.
If from the entrance of Dublin Bay we cast the mind's
eye over Ireland, we behold an extent of more than
20,000,000 English acres forming a vast tract of lowlands,
girt by ridges of hill and mountain, and intersected by
a belt of bogs that spread from near the capital to the
shores of the Shannon, and beyond. The island thus con-
tains about 18,000,000 English acres of cultivatable soil, and
more than 2,300,000 of bog, with a population of 7,767,401.
The indented shores of Ireland have always been
admired for the numerous spacious and secure refuges
they afford from the raging tempest Those to the east-
ward, and even those of the north and south, entertain
a constant communication with Scotland and England;
the westward and southern harbours are particularly con-
venient for distant commerce across the Atlantic
The soil and climate of Ireland are peculiar, and
peculiarly suited to each other. In almost every county,
a light loam prevails on a rocky or calcareous substratum,
and this soil is rendered fruitful by frequent and abundant
rain ; sea-weed, and lime, which are both easily procured,
constituting the principal part of the manure that a
slovenly husbandry provides for its renovation. These
characteristics of soil and climate have, together with other
causes, greatly tended to the universal cultivation of
potatoes ; but with due management, every kind of grain
can be advantageously raised there, as well as clover and
the various grasses, apples and other fruits, &c. ; and it is
almost unnecessary to say, that few places are so favourable
for the growth of timber, particularly oak and ash ; and from
the mildness of its climate, the arbutus, the rhododendron,
and the magnolia, attain to great perfection ; the cultiva-
tion of flax has also long been successful. Such are the
ascertained capabilities of the land. What it might pro-
due© under good management and judicious culture, in
a state of quiet and confidence, and mutual emulation
instead of restless jealousies, we can only determine by
comparing the too general condition of poverty and dis-
satisfaction with the few instances to be met with of
practical wisdom and forbearance ; of prudence and com~
fort. Such is the method we intend to pursue : to trace
the general character of the country, and its inhabitants,
of its institutions and habits ; and baring done this, to
point out peculiarities and exceptions; and further, to
enumerate various proposed means of improvement, with
such remarks as we may think called for.
One of the great advantages that Ireland derives from
a moist climate, counteracted by a suitable soil, is an
abundance of good rivers and fine lakes. We shall,
by and bye, have to comment on the opportunities they
afford to improvement, and proceed to the general state erf
If, standing on the pier of Dublin, we look around, we
behold a magnificent city, exhibiting every thing that
denotes wealth and prosperity: splendid public buildings,
and elegant private residences, edifices raised and main-
tained by munificent charity, shops that darale with their
splendour, and teem with every article that can minister to
the comfort or luxury of the refined or the fastidious :
glittering equipages, and all the distinctions of fashionable
life abound, whilst the pier itself, and the ships that
majestically sail past, seem to account for much of the
wealth and bustle of the town. Its matchless custom-
house, and its docks, attest the importance of its commerce,
whilst in further proof thereof high along the coast,
numerous villas, embedded in plantations, glitter in the
Such is the first aspect of the capital of Ireland ; and,
upon a nearer view, its hospitals, its college, the literary
and scientific institutions it contains, and the brilliant
vivacity of its society, seem to confirm the first impression.
It is not till we become accustomed to the charms of the
place, that we perceive the gloomy side of the picture ; that
whilst the eastern portion of the town looks like the queen
of a happy land, westward, the superabundant population
of a wretched agricultural district, encroaches on the
domain of pomp and luxury. The eager rolling eye and
haggard scowl are as common in Church Street, Barrack
Street, and the adjoining courts, as heedless mirth about
College Green or Merrion Square. The extremes of levity,
and abject suffering, are both to be found in Dublin.
Much of this is observable in every principal town
along the coast of Ireland: Downpatrick, Waterford,
Wexford, Cork, and Limerick, exhibit, in various propor-
tions and degrees, the wealth and elegance consequent to
commercial industry, contrasted with the despondence and
excitement natural to ill-employed thousands. If there
be any exceptions, Londonderry, and particularly Belfast,
may claim the proud distinction.
The incongruous opposition of showy splendour, and
debasing poverty, is indeed the most hideous feature in
Irish society. In the large towns, where misery is attracted
in search of the crumbs that lie beneath the board of
extravagance, its consequences are most obvious ; but the
same improvidence, the same destitution, are discernible,
with few exceptions, throughout the island. The land pro?
prietor anticipates his revenue— the middleman squeezes
from the poor tenant the last farthing that the ground will
afford, regardless of the deterioration of the estate; and
the labourer himself, should any fortunate chance put a
pound or two in his way, will proceed, during the very time
of harvest, to the coast, for the benefit of sea-bathing and
recreation: nor is it muoh better in small towns, since
every petty dealer is eager to start his horse and build his
villa. It is not to be doubted that this, like every other
peculiarity of character, is at once an effect and a cause*.
Besides this contrast of useless display and poverty,
there is another very important contrast in the buoyancy
of commercial enterprize, and the pressure from a wretched
a The general character might he worked upon by means of the
exceptions, and it is quite clear that some of the Irish are capable of
saving, and of fore-sight. The following instances may suffice.
1. Some years back, a poor wretch who had crossed the Channel la
quest of the means of paying his rent, was returning on board a steamer
from Bristol, in so miserable a plight, that the gentlemen on board
thought proper to purchase a pair of trousers for him of one of the
sailors, and while he was putting them on, the captain kicked his rage
overboard, to his utter dismay, for, if his shrieks, and bis tears,— his
groans, and assertions, could be believed, no less than nineteen pound*
were concealed in the tattered linings.
2. Three young women, cousins, arrived in London from Ireland, hi
hopes of procuring service : two of them soon secured situations, and
they assisted the other until she also obtained one. At the end of
throe or four years, two of them discovered that, at the instigation of
an English lady, the other had placed the principal part of her wages
in the savings-bank, and that it amounted to fifteen pounds. They
endeavoured to persuade her to draw the amount, and spead it ia
jewellery ; bat confident in the advice she had followed, she endured
with many a tear the utmost of their sneers and jokes. Not long after,
all three were deprived of their places, and then the providence of the
one saved them all from ruin.
B 3
agricultural inertness. All experience proves that com-
merce is the great secondary cause of improvement and
civilization; it is therefore through its commerce with
Britain, and other parts, that Ireland must improve and
flourish, and in proportion to that commerce will it flourish.
But commerce, however fostered, can only extend in the
exact proportion of the internal industry and produce.
Let us therefore take a general survey of the agriculture
of Ireland, and the condition of landlord and tenant
It is acknowledged on all hands, that the agriculture of
Ireland is flu* inferior to that of England and Scotland,
although its capabilities are considered equal to the former,
and greatly superior to the latter : the best counties are
Tipperary, King's County, and Queen's County ; and next
to these, Kildare, part of Meath, West Meath, Kilkenny,
Louth, and Fermanagh ; but amongst the worst cultivated
are, Londonderry, Donegal, Tyrone, and part of Antrim ;
whilst, along the banks of the Shannon, in parts of Cork, and
other spots, the natural richness of the pastures diverts
them from the improved culture of grain ; nor is the
cultivation of grasses, clover, or turnips, to any extent,
attended to in Ireland. Singular instances of mismanage-
ment are found in the county of Roscommon, where the
ignorant practice of yoking horses by the tail still prevails
occasionally ; or in Wicklow and Wexford, where economy
is so little understood, that three men are often seen to
one plough, one sitting on it to keep it steady, whilst
another leads the horses ; nor can we forget that as much
of the manure of the streets of Dublin as is not carried
away by Scotch ships, for the fields of a more thrifty
peasantry, is thrown into the Lifiey as useless, notwith-
standing so good a lesson from their more careful visitors.
These and other instances of careless indifference are—
the effects of an injurious system: they are found in
Protestant as well as Catholic districts ; they are noticed
generally near the abode of the resident gentry, as well as
on the domain of the absentee : in some places the bad
cultivation may proceed from utter poverty, in others it
comes from absolute indifference ; but we believe that the
principal cause depends on injudicious modes of letting
the land, and we trust that some of the following remarks
will be found as correct as they are new. Others, besides
ourselves, have observed, that in some of the Protestant
counties, agriculture is in a miserable state; others have
also noticed, that it is often most difficult to distinguish
between the property of a resident and the estate of an
absentee. We do not pretend that the comparative paucity
of holidays of the Protestant may not give him some
advantage over his Catholic neighbour, and we are quite
sure that there are cases where the presence of a benevo-
lent landlord might prevent cruelty and injustice ; but we
are prepared to show, that most of those who reside on
their estates are, to all real purposes, nearly as much
absentees as they who flutter about St James's, or who
dance in the salons of Paris ; that they have no immediate
interest in the improvement of the estate, whilst, on the
other hand, the tenant looks only to the produce of the
season, heedless of ultimate consequences.
We need not look back to history for the origin of
contending interests, and rival jealousies and antipa-
thies, with which insecurity of property has always in
past time been allied*. Without investigating the sources
* Beside* confiscations, the Irish or Breton laws were a great cause
of insecurity : under them, murder was not punished with death, and
succession to property was in some measure elective : they remained
in force, without the English pale, so late as the middle of the
sixteenth century
of injudicious systems in the letting of land, we proceed at
once to the fact, that, almost without exception, lands have
in Ireland been let on wrong principles, on conditions
in every way calculated to lead to their deterioration and
neglect Leases for twenty-one years and a life, for thirty*
one years and three lives, and so on, take all real interest
from the proprietor, without giving to the cultivator an
attachment to the soil. Should he plant, who will reap the
benefits thereof? If barns were built, and a durable
drainage undertaken at his expense, all that remained at
the end of the uncertain period of his lease, would be so
much loss to his capital. Such terms are therefore not
inviting to capitalists : it is, however, even worse, if pos-
sible, as regards the original proprietor : when, at his father's
death he inherits, he discovers that the inheritance is not
in his own hands, that others hold it on lease, not only for
a number of years, but beyond that, for one or three
lives. Should he be in the prime of youth, and sanguine
in his expectations, he will live beyond his present income
in hope of a change that may never happen ; others will
either remove to a distant land, where they may boast of
their property, er remain spectators of the mismanagement
of the estate, over which they, have no control ; and, in all
cases, they are rather pensioners than landlords. The
lands being let to men who have no capital, and whose
object is to obtain an existence from year to year, who,
if hedges and fences decay, will repair them ? If a tree
fall, who will plant another? Who will supply the means
of carrying out improved methods of husbandry, so as to
keep pace with the skill of the age ? Can limited pen-
sioners, and needy cultivators, maintain the expense of
public works, or support the industry of an increasing
population ? And if there be a check to industry,
which is indeed the most precious of all commercial
wealth, trade of every kind must be at a stand. We need
not refer to facts to prove the truth of this in all relative
proportions, but follow up some of the natural tendencies
under such circumstances.
When an individual without capital obtains a lease of a
considerable extent of land, however cheap he may have it,
being unable to stock it, he is under an absolute necessity
of re-letting ; and as others are in similar circumstances
with himself, unless he divide it in proportion to their very
narrow means, they must in turn let off what they cannot
stock; thus is a system of brokerage and interference
established, middlemen becoming so deep one behind the
other (the cultivator being answerable for each and for all),
that security cannot be thought of; prudence gives way to
reckless enjoyment of the present, as far as such a state of
things can yield enjoyment*.
Such is the simple working of the system from landlord
to tenant ; but partly on account of the interference of the
tithe proctor, and from various very natural causes, some
middlemen, and even landlords, rather than not let the land
at all, in the deficiency of capitalists, prefer letting out
plots to several or many individuals, all bound for the
amount of rent for each other. This system of partnership,
under the name of con-acre, is spreading its baneful effects
on all sides. In some cases the bargain is for a term of
years, in others it is for the season, and not unfrequently
the seed, as well as the manure, is supplied to the tenant.
This system has been appropriately called "a principle
of exhaustion, but indispensable :" one that leaves the land
unfit for any other purpose than building. Hence an
increase of cottages and population to the utmost possible
extent of food. Under this practice, the competition is
• Effects of this description, no doubt, lod to the system, on entailed
estates, of not granting leases. One extreme keeps another in countenance.
" incredible." " I do not know (said Mr. Clendnung, in
his evidence, June 20th, 1833), whether I could name a
sum that I would not be promised." In many cases the
sum agreed upon (from eight to fourteen pounds per Irish
acre), is a full third or one-half more than can be obtained ;
hut this is winked at by the person who lets it, because it
enables him to secure, not indeed the promised amount,
but the last farthing that can be obtained. This is unfeel-
ing, hut not more unjust and oppressive than another prac-
tice which is gaining ground under the insidious mask of
generous forbearance ; it consists in letting the tenant get
into arrears of rent for six months, a year, or even two
years : he is then a perfect slave. The worst effects of the
con-acre system are— 1**. That it prevents independent
exertion, personal confidence and security, by making each
dependant on others, and answerable for their negligence
and delinquencies, rather than accountable for his awn
actions,— 2»%. It encourages improvidence, and an im»
provident increase of the population; and — $rdiy. When
once adopted, it can hardly be put an end to without creating
such scenes of destitution and desperation as few can conr
template without horror; for it can only be done by forcibly
ejecting families, whieh, an leaving their wretched hovels,
surrounded as they are by a superabundant population,
verging on the same brink of famine that they have fallen
from, find no roof to shelter them from the storm— no spot
of earth where a few potatoes may be reared to quiet the
cravings of hunger; whose only chance is to reach, at the
end of a wearisome journey, by the help of precarious beg-
gary, the abodes of filth and disease in the suburbs of some
large town, and become additional competitors for the
mouldy crust or half-gnaw' d bone.
And is there no remedy for a system that inevitably leads
to vice and wretchedness ? This is not the place for an
answer to this important question; but we hope that a
satisfactory one will be found in the sequel. After the
above account, it would be almost superfluous to des-
cant on the very great diminution of timber, even within
the last sixty years ; whole counties, containing scarce any
plantations, where formerly extensive forests covered the
land. It has more than once been our lot to notice, that
where commerce and manufactures sweep away forest trees,
a fresh supply necessarily succeeds in the plantations that
rise on all sides to satisfy the demand; but where want
and negligence create devastation, no renovating care
retrieves die desert prospect.
Before we leave this subject, it will be proper to observe,
that commerce and other causes have, in various parts,
modified the condition and appearance. It w, indeed,
generally supposed, that the north of Ireland is totally un-
like the south ; that the Protestant counties of Ulster are
as flourishing as the south of Scotland. If this can be said
of any place, it is of the yeomanry of Fermanagh ; but
when we consider that the 5000 freeholders of that county
are all Protestants, none of the Catholic inhabitants hold-
ing property, we perceive at once that the account is so
for fallacious, and the appearance of wretched cabins con-
firms our suspicion. Of Londonderry, Donegal, Tyrone, and
part of Antrim, we have already stated that they are amongst
the worst cultivated of all the counties. We will illustrate
our assertion by the following extracts from the report of
the deputation appointed to inspect the condition of the
estate of Moneymore in Deny, at a time when (in 1818) it
contained 1791 families, in the following proportions:—
Church of England 034
Presbyterian 4347
Catholic 6850
Total 10,740 Individuals.
" Of that number, 5523 are reputed not to be in a con-
dition to pay for medical or surgical aid if they should need
it ; and it is estimated that there are 2419 children under
about twelve years of age, whose parents are not in circum-
stances to enable them to pay for any instruction for them."
They also inform us that, " The three divisions of the pro-
perty are inhabited by persons of three different descrip-
tions (Scotch settlers anterior to the Reformation, original
Irish, and Scotch settlers since the Reformation) : never-
theless, the general habits of life, and mode of cultivation,
are much alike in all of them. There is a cabin, and some-
times two, upon each holding and subdivision of holding.
These cabins are mere mud-huts, covered sometimes with
straw, at other times with reeds or swards, and are rarely
water-tight : the natural soil is the floor. Sometimes there
is a hole in the roof to serve for a chimney ; at other times
the door serves as the channel for the exit of the smoke,
and generally, but not universally, there is a partition be*
tween that part of the cabin which is devoted to the use of
the family, and that part which is applied to the use of the
horse, the cow, or the goat, and the pigs. Their furniture
and clothing are bad : upon the second division they appear
miserable in the extreme. None of the clothing appears
to have been originally made of coarse materials adapted to
the use of peasants, as in England, but to be patched cast-off
clothes, for which object a considerable trade is carried on
between Scotland and Ireland."
" The families thus housed and clothed, with a horse, if
they are able to keep one, severally do the whole work of
a farm. They grow nothing but oats, potatoes, and flax.
The course in which they follow each other seems rather to
be accidental than regular."
Omitting exceptions for the present, the above is a fair
description of the vaunted estates in Derry, possessed on
the grant of lames I. by the twelve great corporation! of
the city of London : nay, more, it ig the property of the
most libera] of those corporations, the Draper's Com-
pany, who instituted the inquiry for the purpose of doing
good, and who have since set an example by really doing
good. We shall by and bye explain why, amidst so much
poverty, the Catholics are even worse off than the
It may thus be perceived, that although much mischief is
no doubt derived from contending opinions among men of
different origins, persuasions, and prejudices, the great
contrast is between the more liberal principles and ten-
denciesof commerce, and the sordid or ill-judged proceedings
of the agricultural proprietors. Whilst the spirit of com*
merce tries to extend capital, and sustain itself by the pro-
ceeds thereof, the clumsy regulations of the landlords and
their dependants, annihilate its effects, and convert capital
into unproductive revenue. Every shilling that is em-
harked in trade is supposed to repay interest, and thereby
to increase the means of further outlay and improvement :
but Irish landlords and Irish cultivators carry off the very
fund of nature's fertility, and restore neither interest nor
In the tables of imports and exports at the end of this
essay, items will be found that tend to prove that Ireland
is really progressing, notwithstanding the above gloomy
picture; and although this outline is a true portrait of the
general character of Irish letting and sub-letting, and of
the improvidence that ensues, we trust that the effects of
British enterprise and Britain's example, with the attempts
in progress to establish a better plan, and to create confi-
dence and care, in Ireland itself, will soon efface the like-
ness, and paint a smile where the scowl of despair is now
delineated. Till lately, the increase of exports and imports
was nearly balanced by a fearful increase of unprovided inha-
bitants ; poor lands are annually taken up and abandoned;
and in many place*, manufactures that for a time appeared
to flourish, find it impossible to compete with their rivals
in Scotland and in England.
Before we mention the various proposed improvements
for Ireland, let us enjoy the contemplation of prosperous
realities, of successful attempts to plant civilisation and
comfort even amidst lawless misery.
We have already noticed the estate of Moneymore, in
Londonderry. In consequence of the report on its misery,
and the recommendation of the deputation, the Draper's
Company gave heed to the suggestion of laying out a large
portion of its rent on real improvement, as it had been
found that there was so great a deficiency of capital, that
the houses of sixty-four persons were in an actually
dangerous state, without any hope of remedy.
A few years after, in the report of 18S2, we find that
" the deputation were highly pleased with the state and
general appearance of the town of Moneymore. Com-
paring it with other towns through which they passed on
their way from Dublin, and with those which they subse-
quently visited on their return by way of Belfast, they
cannot but congratulate the Court on the complete and
entire success which has attended their plans adopted by
the Company. It is difficult by any language" (say they)
" to draw a picture which shall adequately convey to the
mind a representation of the contrast between Moneymore,
as it was less than fifteen years ago, and Moneymore as it
now is : the few remains of wretched huts and cabins of the
old town serving to render the contrast more striking,
while they cannot fail to induce an anxiety, that the i
liberal spirit of improvement which bee done go much, may
be long continued with equal success,"
" The deputation visited all the schools under the patro-
nage of the Company* They were much gratified by the
appearance and conduct of all of them (the children)."
" The deputation, while at Draper's Town, witnessed the
esteem, and even affection, with which all the neighbouring
tenantry regard Mr. Savage* the surgeon of the dispensary
mere ; as an instance of which, the labouring people in hia
neighbourhood had, of their own accord, and without hia
knowledge, shortly before the arrival of the deputation,
gratuitously cut and housed the whole of hia harvest,11
We need only to add, as a proof of the good feeling of all
concerned, that the Company paid proper attention to the
former reports, by erecting a church, and in repairing Ca-
tholic and Presbyterian chapels, and even by allowing
stipends to the ministers thereof when they required it.
If not the most instructive, probably the moat interesting
evidence relative to a particular improvement, is contained
in the answers of Mr. John Wiggins to the commissioners
appointed to examine the state of the poor in Ireland.
Mr. Wiggins, who gave his evidence in May 1830, had,
for twenty-two years, managed the estate of Lord
Headley, at Iveragh, in Kerry. His account of it is as
follows i— •
" It is in a very mountainous district by the sea-side,
en the banks of the bay of Castlemain* There are about
15,000 acres, English. In 1808, the population was an
extremely savage one. It was an asylum for all the
offenders, robbers, and murderers, in that part, and of the
whole county ; it used to he the boast of the people, that
no criminal was ever punished from it. The first time I
visited the place, a major of the army waited upon me to
say he was deputed as escort to collect some taxes, the
hearth-money, I believe. He requested my influence, as
the appointed agent, to dispose those people to pay ; for
he said they had met him upon the bridge, or a small pass
between the mountains, and they told him they would
sacrifice him and his party of soldiers if he stirred another
foot into that place, and he made a retreat, and called upon
me to assist, which of course I declined ; and I believe they
never paid any thing, whilst the rest of the country did
pay. Shipwrecks called out a great many of their quali-
ties of enterprise : they used to build their cabins upon the
cliff, in order to have a good look out for the wrecks ;
they considered them as part of their means of subsistence.
Their habitations were very miserable, the very lowest
kind of huts that are found in Ireland, without windows or
chimneys. I recollect at that time there were about 1200
cows upon those 15,000 acres, and the place was consider-
ably overstocked, which is a very common fault of the
cottier tenants of Ireland. The cattle were called lifters
when they were so starved that they could not get up with-
out lifting. They were constantly quarrelling ; it was a
kind of sessions that one held in going there : they were
coming to complain of each other, and constant assaults
and fightings were taking place amongst them ; that a good
deal arose from the partnership tenancy ; there were four-
teen or fifteen people associated in one lease, and those
people were constantly squabbling about the division of
their little meadows, or the stocking of (the stock on) their
little holdings. Very few wore shoes and stockings ; they
were extremely ill clothed at the time.
" There was one mountain road which passed at the side
of a very extraordinary cliff; like Penmanmaur, in Wales,
and extremely rugged and rough ; it wm the only read in
the district. There was not a single car at that time in
the whole district : they had sticks placed with crowbars,
and drawn upon the ends, bnt very seldom even that, for
back-load horses with baskets were then used.
" At the present moment it exhibits a very extraordinary
contrast to the condition I have described : the people are
now well clothed, they are extremely industrious and
orderly, and I have seen them attending the chapel twice
a-day, as well clothed, and as neat and orderly, and as well
conducted, as you see in a country village in England. The
houses are very considerably changed ; there are about 150
new houses built upon the place, and they are as neat
houses as you will see almost in England— -some of them
are sixty feet in front, and the old cabins are converted
into cow-houses- and places for cattle. The agriculture has
considerably improved j they have got into the habit of
using sea-sand, I gave them a small allowance fur the use
of it at first, but 1 gradually reduced that;, and they now
use an immense quantity without any allowance. We have
had about 2000 acres of bog reclaimed since the year 1 808,
and considerably improved. The original road has been
converted, by a new line, into a fine mail-coach road ; but
Lord Headley has made, at his own expense, about twelve
miles of the other road fit for the purposes of the people.
Almost every one of the principal farmers has- now a car.
I conceive the state of Glenbegh to be now greatly superior
to the neighbouring distriots, and really, to a stranger,
affording a great contrast There was a great pressure
upon parte of Kerry in 1921 j out of a population oi23<^000,
170,000 were reported to have been destitute of the means
of subsistence for the moment Instead of suffering from
c 3
want of food, the people of Glenbegfa were enabled to sell
food to the rest of the country : of potatoes they sold a very
considerable quantity.
" The means adopted for the improvement of Glenbegh
were, generally, an attention to the character of the people,
and a constant desire on the part of the managers of the
estate, to avail themselves of the disposition of the people
to the improvement of the lands, and to the improvement
of their habits and character generally. It was done with
very little sacrifice of rent or of money, but a constant and
earnest attention to the object of improving the estate by
the industry of the people ; and whenever any particular
instance of good management or industry, or of care to
collect sand or sea-weed, or to reclaim or cultivate land, or
to build a decent house, was evinced by any of the people,
they were encouraged by some little emolument or atten-
tion. I think the first system was, to allow the people
half the value of the improvements made out of their rents ;
but as those rents were very considerably higher than
could have been paid, we conceived that the allowance was
rather nominal than real, though it had the real effect of
improving the estate. If the estate were to be sold now, I
should say it would sell for many thousands of pounds more
than it would have done before; even allowing for what
would have been the natural progress of the estate without
those attentions and urging. In fact, seeing the necessity
of either abandoning the estate to waste, or of doing some-
thing in the way of improvement, Lord Headley wished its
improvement to be urged, and it was urged ; and his own
personal attention had a great deal to do with it,
" Every kind of legal process is now carried on there, I
think, more easily than in any other part of the county.
During the disturbances that occurred in its neighbour-
hood, the inhabitants had a meeting, and passed resolu-
tions in a style rather of superiority, disavowing any par-
ticipation in those feelings, and stating that the reason
they did not, was the attention that had been paid to them,
and to their improvement, for so many years."
The following evidence relates to a large extent of coast
round the south of Ireland, from the Shannon westward,
even to the Suir, to the south-east. It is taken from the
answers of Mr. Barry, inspector-general of the fisheries for
the south of Ireland, May 1830. That gentleman had
then held the above office nearly eleven years.
" A great many of the peasantry are employed in the
fisheries; principally in and adjacent to the best harbours,
Dungarvan, Kinsale, Youghal, Courtmashery, Glandore,
Baltimore, Bantry, and Dingle.
" The number of fishermen in the district was, by the
last returns, about 25,000 persons. That number has
been considerably augmented. Fisheries are at best but a
precarious mode of subsistence ; however, they have given
profitable occupation to a very large number, and have
diffused a great deal of wealth among other classes, who
derive the benefit of the industry of those people; that
fact may be particularly illustrated by reference to the
town of Dungarvan, which, from a miserable wretched
village, is grown into a place of very considerable import-
ance, chiefly from the fisheries. Every thing that the
most beneficent individual could do to promote industry
and improvement, has indeed been done by the noble pro-
prietor (the Duke of Devonshire), and still more particu-
larly by his invaluable representative, Colonel Currie j but
their efforts have been very much aided by the fisheries.
The general average of the wages of labour in the country
is from 84. to 104. a day in that quarter ; I should think
that any industrious fisherman can, on an average, earn much
more. I think the condition of the fishermen of Dungarvan is
perhaps rather worse than that of ether fishermen, owing to
the circumstance of their being exclusively dependent upon
the one source of employment, and having generally no
small spots of land upon which their families may raise
potatoes. The clothing, and the furniture, and the com-
forts of the houses of the fishermen generally, have
decidedly improved. I think the progress of improvement
in Ireland, both moral and practical, for the last ten years,
has been exceedingly rapid ; I think there is a considerable
diminution of crime, and a very gratifying submission to
the laws; and there is, generally speaking, the highest
gratification experienced by the peasantry, at the amazing
alteration that has taken place in the administration of
justice. I regret to say there ia& great general want of employ-
ment, there being a considerable supply of labour over the
demand. In those parts of the country with which I am
best acquainted, means of employing that labour profit*
ably, so as to yield an adequate return for the capital that
may be engaged in the operation,, are afforded to an inde-
finite degree by the contiguity of the sea. The Board
under which I have acted, within a few years, adopted the
plan of small loans, to enable the peasantry upon the coast
to avail themselves of the advantage of their contiguity to
the fisheries, that has worked admirably well ; many per-
sons who were an incumbrance and burthen to society, no
better than paupers, have become productive, useful, and
industrious, and have repaid, with extraordinary punc-
tuality, those small loans*. The idea of those loans owes
* Such an arrangement, if between individual** might be oalled a
natural combination of capital and industry.
its origin to the judicfoui suggestions of the London com-
mittee. It has been in operation since 1823, but not
judiciously or efficiently worked longer than about three or
four yean. The Fishery Board has also built small piers
on different parts of the coast, principally for the fisheries,
but also for landing sea manure, and for the general pur-
poses of trade. In all places where such works have been
erected, in consequence of applications from individuals
who have contributed, they have been well executed, and
are extremely useful. Some works were erected in the
early part of the Board's operations, when the selection of
sites was not judicious : they have been of little service.
The condition that requires the pecuniary contributions of
the party applying, has had a tendency to secure the pro-
per selection of works, and a fair return upon capital
invested. It is a principle I should be glad to see extended
to almost all the public works of Ireland. I scarcely know
any place in Ireland where the investment of capital, judi-
ciously laid out, would not produce a profit far beyond the
interest of the money expended. I should not conceive
it advantageous to lay out money, either raised locally
or from general taxation, that did not yield a profitable
return. The difficulty that at present exists in prevent-
ing such employment, is the want of capital, perhaps in
the quarter where it could be most judiciously expended.
Public works, if undertaken upon the aforesaid principles,
entirely limited to works yielding a return, would afford
the best, and, in my mind, the only effectual remedy for the
disproportion that exists between the supply and the
demand for labourers.
" Agriculture has also been improved to a most astonish-
ing degree, upon the opening of roads. All along those
roads that have been lately laid down and executed, through
remote and wild districts, there is an appearance of
increasing civilization and improvement that is quite
amazing, considering the very short time the; have been
executed. I dank it is the first step towards inducing a
better arrangement of the population, that every thing will
follow as soon as those remote districts are rendered acces-
sible by proper communication. Among the causes that
prevent improvement are, very general distress among the
owners and proprietors of land ; in some cases family entails,
which prevent leases to enterprising persons with means,
" Distress chiefly prevails in the manufacturing parte of
the county of Cork; where there was greatest prosperity
a few years ago, when our local manufactures flourished)
there is now most distress. The towns of Bandon and
Clonakilty are in a most miserable state of distress. I
never saw things so heart-rending as one may witness
there. That source of encouragement wbieh I think has
been the most effectual in improving the fisheries, was the
system of making loans for the purpose of enabling poor
destitute persons on the sea-coast to avail themselves of the
advantages of their contiguity to the sea. Xt has worked
admirably well, and the repayment of the small loans has
been uncommonly regular, considering the miserable state
of destitution in which the persons were. The loans have
been much more punctually repaid in the southern and the
western districts than in the northern or the eastern. An
interest of five per cent, is invariably charged and paid
The Fishery Loan Fund has been arranged under a strict
system of rigid superintendence, I consider that where-
ever the fishermen have had small gardens, or parcels ef
land, there has been generally least liability to sudden dis-
tress. The possession of potatoe grounds, if carried too
far, induces them to neglect their fishing ; but I do not
think the cultivation of an acre would be considered form-
ing; and of course there will be parts of the family not
occupied in fishing, who could produce, through their own
labour, a sufficiency of potatoes. The system of clearing
estates is generally conducted in a manner very inconsist-
ent with the principles of humanity. The lease of a pro-
perty expiring, the landlord has found it to be his interest
to remove what he considered the surplus population upon
it, and to divide the land into a smaller number of large
forms ; that system, accompanied by restriction upon the
takers of those farms, on the subdividing or the giving any
portion of them to the small tenantry, has obliged those
persons to abandon the country, and flock into the towns.
" There is a very considerable emigration to England at
certain seasons of die year. Those who emigrate are gene-
rally our best labourers. I attribute to the system of
interchange between the two countries, and the habits of
industry our labourers acquire in their occasional migra-
tions to England, some of our greatest improvements*.
They generally bring back money, and are certainly better
disposed to take care of it, after having been in England
than before. The late facilities given by steam navigation
to the intercourse between the two countries, have pro-
duced very considerable improvements in the habits of the
Irish peasantry. I have also had an opportunity of wit-
nessing the beneficial consequences resulting from the
establishment of a department almost exclusively English,
or Welsh; I mean the Coast-guard. Wherever they have
* A gentleman, on trhose information tre have reason to rely, has
rafotttMA ua> thai some yean ago «he number of Irish tanning labour-
ers trhb annually visited us tras 80,000 ; and the average sum carried
baok by each 71., aattttnung altogether to M0,000i. this has indeed
dtainishetl, But ft has so fn consequence of the present great importa-
tion of Irish provisions of all sorts.
been stationed, the mott obvious improvement hai taken
place in the neighbourhood. They are an extremely well*
regulated, well-conducted class of persons; and the exam-
ple they have shown has been productive of the most bene-
ficial consequences. Not the slightest jealousy was ever
manifested on the part of the people towards those
The settlements of Iskerbane and Castle Sampson, on
the estate of Lord Clonbrock, in Roscommon, are also very
interesting. By an expenditure estimated at 1200/., sixty
families have been settled in comfort, and a turbulent dis-
trict rendered peaceable, whilst the return of six per cent,
on the outlay proves it to be a wholesome speculation.
A main feature in the plan was to assist drainage and
irrigation, by completing the leading drain, leaving it
to the settlers to make the small drains as they require
them. Mr. Blacker's arrangements on Lord Gosford's
estate have also been very successful.
To the above evidence relative to improvement in tbe
means of subsistence, and other opportunities of improve-
ment among the peasantry of Ireland, we must add the
case of the Barony of Forth, in Wexford, and Shanagolden,
in Limerick, as well as Lismore, Besborough, Ballase-
dere, and the estates of Lord Palmerston, near Sligo, and
those of Lord Duncannon and Mr. Tighe, near Waterford.
The Baronies of Forth and Bargie were originally a
colony from Wales*, and are particularly remarkable for the
good cultivation and neatness of their fields, and the steady
propriety, and apparent comfort of the inhabitants, who
have in the south of Ireland become proverbial for every
• It is very surprising that this colony should, from the time of
Henry II. hare remained distinct and peculiar : that it should hare
retained its original language and manners to the present time. Whal
a subject for investigation !— See Mrs. S. C. Hall's " Characteristics."
thing commendable; living abstemiously, in order to pro-
vide against probable difficulties, and exerting their utmost
care and industry to render their homes worthy the good
name of their society, and a valuable example to all around.
If the influence of that example had extended over the
whole island, there would be no complaint of misery
in Ireland: but the effect has been but local, although
all around them, the virtue of providence is more remark-
able than in any other agricultural district in Ireland*.
A superficial writer, who has monopolised too much of
public attention, reproaches the " farmers of Wexford with
living penuriously," in order to fortuning their daughters,
as none will marry them without, it being usual to match
acre for acre, or pound for pound.
If this custom were a little more general, comfort and
intelligence, sobriety and education, would also be more
general,and that reckless improvidence which has ever been
the unconquerable impediment to honourable civilization,
would have been overcome. Neither the warmth of man-
ner, the amusing incongruity of the Irish, nor their despe-
rate misery, would indeed add zest and poignancy to our
romances, but the work of legislation would be accomplished.
Shanagolden was an instance of the same kind. A colony
of Protestants from Germany having been settled there by
Lord Southwell, at the beginning of the last century, the vil-
lage and its neighbourhood improved to such a degree as to
form a most cheerful contrast to other spots. It is situated
a little to the south of the Shannon, half-way between the
town of Limerick and the sea. It obtained the admira-
tion of Arthur Young, in 1768 ; but we lament that its
superiority is no longer conspicuous.
The estates of the Duke of Devonshire and the Earl of
* Might they not be located on portions of large estates, as examples
and instructors to others?
Fitzwilliam, are too well known to be amongst the best
managed in Ireland to need a long comment. That of
Lord Palmerston, near Sligo, is also remarkable for the
liberality of its owner. Lord P. is said to spend the whole
of its revenue on it* improvement Ballasadere, the seat
of Sir Robert Gore Booth, in the same neighbourhood, or
rather, we may say, between the Bay of Donegal and that
of Sligo, on the shores of the Atlantic, is also a rather
extraordinary instance of sudden improvement The
above-mentioned domains belong to generous, liberal-
minded absentees: Sir Robert is no longer so: having
improved his taste by travel, he has returned home, in order
to sweep away the unsightly hovel and slovenly cabin.
The building of his new splendid mansion has given a sti-
mulus to industry, and the neat cottages with which he is
surrounding it, will probably create a taste for comfort,
and a demand for further improvement Lord Besborough
is renowned for having set a similar example at his fine
estate at Carrick-on-Suir. There are other instances of
noble attempts at improvement; and although some of the
nobility and gentry have been hastily blamed for attempt-
ing to improve their property by refusing small plots of
ground to poor tenants, we feel assured that the contrary
system is at least as injurious. Ireland does not want more
tenants, but more capital ; not a greater number of wretched
cabins* but an increase of comfort ; and before we have
done, we hope to convince the candid and the intelligent,
that excessive indulgence is as injurious, because more
insidious, than open severity, and that nothing but an
increase of liberality and security, which depend entirely on
an equality of taxation, and not on bounties— on strict jus-
tice, not on favour — on the judicious employment of a
reproducing capital, and not on the thoughtless appliea-
tion of revenue (which, however great, mutt always be
exhaustible) — can raise Ireland to an equal participation of
prosperity with England. Enough is, indeed, already evi-
dent, to prove the correctness of this opinion. To build a
palace may call forth industry, but it does not replace the
amount lavished thereon; when other works succeed so as
to employ the increased skill and industry, it may be called
useful, otherwise it increases the supply beyond the de-
mand ; but the erection of piers and construction of ports,
the formation of roads and canals, the increase of fertility
to the soil, repay the disbursement with interest, and is
again, with increased means, employed in further and
progressive improvement.
We have now mentioned, first, the general state of
agricultural Ireland, and the leading exceptions to that
unhappy condition; we proceed to its commerce and
The manufactures, and much of the commerce of the
island, used formerly to consist principally of linen. Lime-
rick was an exception, so far as a considerable exportation
of shoes and gloves. The manufacture of linen was, and is
yet immense ; but depended not a little on the bountiea
that so long were considered necessary to a trade which
was nevertheless declared to be the most productive and
secure; and even the natural source of its wealth*. The
natural means of a country require no forcing stimulus,,
and to force that which is not natural, is most unnatural
and baneful. During the Irish Parliament, bounties were
in fashion, and die effects plain and decisive* One mem-
ber of that body received a handsome grant to build a
* We allude not only to the actiyd bounties, but alio to toe indirect,
such as the low modus of tithe, which promotes the cultivation of flax,
in preference to corn, &c.
pier t it was not long before the pier in question was found
useless, and liable to destruction. Another was rewarded
for his encouragement of the glass manufacture, or his
enterprise in mining speculation. The main object
(money) being thus obtained, the glass-works were closed,
and the mining discontinued. Again : where large sums
were expended in furtherance of the fisheries, the con-
structions having been completed, and numbers of persons
called off from their usual avocations, the undertaking
proved abortive ; and the disappointed hundreds had again
to seek the spade and the mattock, in worse condition than
before, wondering what had become of the liberality of
Another and a greater evil was, the bounty on Irish coal
mines, to the ruin of its manufactures, and the discom-
fort of its people. For the purpose of encouraging the
working of those mines, a heavy duty was imposed on the
importation of British coal. Now it is quite certain that
Ireland, without this bounty, could not supply increasing
manufactures with a sufficiency of fuel : even with it, the
mines of Antrim and Kilkenny were unable to stand the
competition, most of them being either totally abandoned,
or greatly neglected. The inhabitants had therefore to
buy coals imported from Britain, at a price greatly en-
hanced by the tax. What could be more hurtful to their
industry and comfort? How could cotton -spinners, even
with lower wages, hope, with such impediments, to compete
with Manchester and Glasgow ? Accordingly, the facto-
ries at Wexford and other places are far from prosperous,
and the miseries of Bandon need only to be mentioned.
It is true, that Belfast rose superior to every difficulty,
and stands pre-eminent in Ireland ; having, in conse-
quence of its enfranchisement from the monopoly of
Carrickfergua, in 1637, proceeded in its forward course of
steady improvement. There can be no doubt that much
of its superiority over other towns in Ireland, depends
on its situation, but much more on its liberal charac-
ter. Having, as above mentioned, freed itself from the
thraldom of a neighbouring town, its inhabitants have still
more completely emancipated the town, by discontinuing
the election of freemen with the customary fines. The
Guilds, and the very Town house, have been suffered to &U
into decay or oblivion.
The same liberality was manifest at the introduction of
the cotton manufacture by Messrs. Joy, M*Cabe, and
M'Cracken, in 1771. Instead of affecting mystery, those
gentlemen assisted all who desired to become acquainted
with the process. The enterprise of Messrs. Wilson, and
the talent of Mr. Grimshaw, are alike commendable ; and
in less than forty years from the introduction of this manu-
facture, the number of persons of all sorts, who derived
employment therefrom, in Belfast and its neighbourhood,
exceeded 26,000 ; nor can we doubt that the abolition of
duties on coals and every other article for importation or
exportation ; together with a similar abolition of bounties,
will give to this manufacture a decided superiority over
that of linen, and conduce to the cleanliness and comfort
of all classes.
Cotton factories have been established with various
success, in Dublin, South Kildare, Wexford, Wicklow,
Bandon, &c. While the Irish have exported nearly all {he
linen on which there was a, bounty, they wear a good deal
of cotton, on which there never was any t so that the people
of England paid the bounties, not only on what they them-
selves wore, but further, in order that the inhabitants of
America, or of Spain, might obtain fine linen cheap,
u 3
It is woeful to find that another manufacture, far more
injurious than the preceding, deserves, even more than that
of linen, to be called the staple of the country : it is not
confined to a few counties, hut in various degrees thrives
in them all ; we allude to the distillation of whiskey*. The
amount of legal distillation, that is, of spirit that pays the
duty, has for years been above 8,000,000 gallons f, nine-
tenths of which were for Ireland's own consumption, the
remainder being either exported, or consumed on board
ship ; but it is supposed that as much is produced from
the illicit stills as that which pays duty, making together,
at least 15,000,000 gallons: so that, deducting that which
is exported, more than two gallons remained for each indi-
vidual, old or young, man, woman, or child. That as much
grain as might suffice a million of persons should be sacri-
ficed in this way, is truly lamentable ; the only chance of a
remedy appears to be in the reduction of the malt duty,
and the consequent increase of breweries. The principal
licensed distilleries are at Drogheda, Dublin, Ross, Cork,
and Limerick; the breweries are chiefly in Antrim, Belfast,
Roscommon, Fermanagh, Limerick, Dublin, Waterford,
Cork, Dunnamore and Dungarrow, and consume twice as
much malt as the licensed stills, Dublin porter having
attained so high a reputation, as to compete successfully
with the London. Poplins, coarse woollens, canvass and
sail-cloth, potteries, glass, lead, and paper, make up the
amount of Irish manufactures, which were some years ago,
during the war, in a great measure sustained by the impe-
* The high dnty on malt, prevents the licensed stills from fairly com-
peting with their illicit rivals : to sell the spirit at an equally low price,
the fair dealer is obliged to mix fire or six parts of unmalted grain
with one of malt ; hence the inferiority of the produce, and the great
demand for the smuggled article.
t Now increased to 9,300,000.
tus of government expeditions and shipments -t but which,
it may be hoped, are now likely to depend on a better foun-
dation— the improvement of agriculture, and a wholesome
commerce ; and better yet, From, the amendment of internal
I1 ruin the evidence of Mr, Williams, in 1830, we learn,
that the first steam vessel introduced on the Shannon, was lit
] S27 : within three years, tbe tonnage of conveyance had
increased from two thousand to fourteen thousand tons, or
seven-fold. In place of casual and insufficient intercourse,
daily communication for passengers and trade had been
established for fifty miles above, and forty below Limerick ?
a great expenditure had been made on ports, piers, cranes,
&c, at the many stations along the shores of Lough Dergh:
and many are tbe demands for an increase of tbe stations,
in consequence of their effect on the condition of the people,
and tbe prices of various articles, not only on those of home
produce, but also on timber, iron, earthenware, glass, salt,
implements of husbandry, &c.T from without* Formerly,
from want of adequate communication, each spot along the
banks of that noble river, bad its own peculiar superabun-
dance of one article, and a miserable deficiency of many :
but since tbe establishment of steam navigation, every
thing finds its proper level, and a wholesome circuktioii
spreads, on all sides, a due all a re of turf, liny, potatoes,
coals, slates, manure, clay, lime -stone, brick, &c*
* It must not, however, be supposed, that enough hfls been done :
according to Mtflunfc Khndys and Birmingham, from the impediment**
to iwiviptftirm at Battle-bridge, at Carrick, at Curna Carta, Jamc«To^n,
Ktmky-hridflc, thence to Clondra, at Cbndra Canal and Ltuiesbormifdj,
two Of three million acres of land arc precluded improvement, find ilie
whole mnigation oftca roquin-a fifteen dut* Instead of Uvo. whllnt the
toll due* along Hip course of the river uKcced ten nhillinas |icr ton %
although Mr. William b declared, that " a few hundred in mi ids would
Similar advantages have been derived from the Grand
Canal and the Royal Canal, which connect the Shannon
with the capital, passing through the very middle of the
•island; and that from Ballinasioe to the Shannon. A rail-
way has just been constructed from Dublin to Kingstown :
the distance is only five miles and a quarter ; but the enter-
prising landlord of Quin's hotel, at Bray, having offered a
subscription of 5002. for that purpose, there is reason to
hope that, in a short time, it will be continued to that
place, as others will soon see the advantages of following
his example. The great western railway to the Shannon
is also likely to be effected. On this subject we must men-
tion an extraordinary instance of speculative enterprise
and judgment. Hitherto British capital has been looked
to as the only means of enriching Ireland : it is at last dis-
covered that a judicious reciprocity is available, and that
Irish capital, expended in Britain, can also tend to the
advancement of Ireland's best interests. We allude to the
formation of a railway in Wales, by an Irish company. We
believe that a distinguished Alderman of the city of Dublin
is the great promoter of this undertaking. It proceeds
from near Lake Cawmortbyn, above Festiniog, by the side
of Moel Wyn Mountain, to Tremadoc, on die coast, a
distance of near twelve miles, for the purpose of conveying
the best Welsh slate, at a cost of probably less than two
shillings per ton for carriage, in place of ten, as was for-
merly charged. We know of few things more likely to
improve Ireland : it is calculated to rouse its capitalists to
exertion, and to introduce comfort to many a house that yet
go a gnat way in effecting toe removal of shoal* and rock* ; the altera-
tion of inconvenient bridges, improving the towing-path*, providing
■mall harbour*, beacons, land-marks, buoys, and other improvements."
Of oouae, supposing individuals to undertake it.
wants it : tidy cottages are seldom found under a thatch
roof; and the potatoe ground is less productive where the
straw is so employed. But when better means are resorted
to, the neatness of the dwelling, and the cleanliness of the
pig- stye, will evince the consequence ; nor will any landlord
ever think of binding a tenant to repair (thatch) the roof
of his hut but once in three or in four years, lest he apply
the straw to the protection of his family, at the expense of
the land. The Irish may, by such proceedings, learn the
value of intercourse with other and more favoured people ;
they will find that a reciprocal exchange of advantage is
the most productive, and the only permanent source of
wealth and happiness. Proof of this may be found in the
accounts of the intercourse by steam across the Irish chan-
nel, and in the effects of the Manchester and Liverpool
railway. From the Report of the Committee of the House
of Commons, 1830, we learn, that a capital of 671,000/. was
then engaged in steam navigation across the channel. The
number of vessels employed were forty-two in number:
that, in consequence, the supply of Irish produce to Eng-
land had greatly increased, particularly as regards all those
articles that the great English farmers affect to consider
beneath their attention, fifty tons of eggs, and ten tons of
poultry, being sometimes shipped from Dublin in a single
day, the value of eggs exported from that harbour in six
years amounting to no less than 173,000/. Live pigs,
poultry, &c, are now conveyed to the Manchester market
almost as easily as cotton.
Diversity of religion does not of necessity induce poverty
and inconvenience. History informs us, that, under a
firm, good government, it may increase the energies and
exertions of individuals and of nations. How has it been
in Ireland ? The north of that island is said to be Pro-
testant, and the south and west distinctly and geaefaJly
Catholic ; and a marked difference is supposed to proceed
from this distinction. Leinster is considered as divided
between the two, and to form a kind of neutral aiate, pos-
sessing some of the knowledge and industry of Ulster, with
a mixture of Catholic indifference and poverty. If we wish
to ascertain the real state of things, we shall first inquire
]ju>w far Ulster is really more Protestant than Connaught
and Munster, and in what it is more prosperous and happy.
The Protestants in Ulster are very far from a majority of
its population ; they do not, indeed, amount to one- third
thereof, although, in some of the towns, such as London*
deny, they are perhaps more numerous than the Catholics,
Is Ulster richer than the other parts of Ireland? The
merchants of Belfast, the capitalists of Deny, and a few
other places, are well off; a few farmers hold decent por-
tions of land, and dwell in comfortable abodes, particularly
in Fermanagh ; but it would be ridiculous to assert that the
mass of the population are not ill clothed) ill fed, ill provided
with fuel, and miserably lodged. In the agricultural dis-
tricts, ignorance and poverty are as strongly marked as in
the provinces of Connaught and Munster. The great land-
lords of this province are absentees; parish or partnership
tenantry are increasing; potatoes form the bulk of the
food of five- sixths of the inhabitants; illicit stills are in
constant operation in all the mountainous districts, and
unequal rights, as well as unequal taxation, are everywhere
conspicuous. If we consult the Protestants in this district,
they will no doubt boast, and not without cause, of their
superior wealth and importance, of the advantages of their
creed over the religious persuasion of the southern Irish ;
they may prove that the tithes are collected among them
with less difficulty and bloodshed ; and they will probably
be right in so doing ; but it will really amount to nothing,
when we consider that almost the whole of the pro-
perty in Ulster belongs to Protestants, partly from royal
grants, in consequence of rebellions and forfeitures ; partly
from acquired possession , in times of famine and misery :
from such causes the grand juries, as well as all other im-
portant offices, are composed of Protestants: the civil and
the military places of emolument are exclusively their1* j
the bishops seosand deaneries, the tithes and the glebe lands,
enrich another portion of the Protestants* and add to their
general control ; Ulster is therefore so far essentially Pro-
testant, and ought, accordingly, to be in a superior condi-
tion*. In the south of Ireland, where a good deal of land is
held by Catholics, tithe is exacted on potatoes j whilst, in
Ulster, where it is all in the hands of Protestants, such
produce is exempt, and therefore contests are less frequent.
Still, the main difference between the inhabitants of the
province itself is kept up ; for the Protestant maintains but
one church ; the Catholic contributes to the support of two,
and is therefore kept poorer than his neighbour : he does
not indeed pay the tax out of his patch of potatoes, and he
therefore takes best care of that produce, and neglects other
cultivation that is subject to the unpleasant burthen. So
much for bounties, of which Ulster has certainly had its
full share* Bounties caused its inhabitants to rear flax and
potatoes, instead of corn and cattle ; and bounties precluded
die comfort of abundant fuel. The difference between the
peasant in Ulster, who supports two religious instructors,
and those of Munster and Connaught, scarcely averages the
tithe on potatoes.
Of the various public institutions in Irish towns, for the
■ In tlie count v of Dowti payments are nn initially made in money,
not in IfttaoiM^-an itnmenw advantage j I lie consequence of commerce.
not in :
care of the sick and maimed, ot those for the prevention of
beggary, or the promotion of industry, for the dissemination
of morality and religion, most of them are nearly similar to
those of England, and, like them, are often either useless, su-
perfluous, or injurious. Hospitals for accidental cases are
indeed so necessary, that all countries that pretend to any
share of humanity and civilization, have adopted them;
but where they admit cases of a more doubtful nature than
those that require surgical assistance, those who do not pos-
sess a proper claim, are too often received, to the exclusion
of the more needy and deserving. Infirmaries of various
kinds are often very injurious, by exciting improvidence,
and lowering the income of the persevering labourer to the
reduced average of the careless and indifferent. But if these
and many other charitable institutions are of doubtful effect,
Savings* Banks, for the few years they have been established
in Ireland, have done more to convince us of the practica-
bility of improving the Irish character, and rendering the
poor of that country industrious and thrifty, than all besides.
The effect of loan funds, like that of a sinking fund, is
deceptive in its amount, and places the poor man in the
condition of a debtor : on the contrary, the depositor in a
■savings bank takes pride in being a creditor : the one pays
interest — the other receives it If money is to be advanced,
let it be in the form of an improved cottage and barn, in
cow-sheds and styes, in hedge-rows and drains : these will
pay interest in the shape of rent, and a surplus will find its
.way to the savings bank, to supply, in due time, improved
stock, and a resource in bad seasons.
The indiscriminate character of the Foundling Hospi-
tals has, on the contrary, like those of the Continent, acted
as a direct bounty on the worst kind of population, and on
some of the worst feelings of humanity; improvidence, heed-
lessness of character, and disregard of the natural feelings
of parent and offspring. These effects have been partially
discovered, and the supplies of money are accordingly
Of the institutions for employing the poor, or for sup-
pressing mendicity, it is evident that they also have failed
to produce the effect intended ; they have often caused dis-
content, both to the poor wretches who have been inade-
quately relieved, and to the humane supporters thereof.
The funds thus ineffectually expended might be otherwise
applied to very great advantage ; and it would be well for
the liberal and charitable to learn, that partial remedies
are but palliatives, and employment as a preventive far less
Qostly than charity, in the same proportion that capital is
more productive than revenue.
Education is another important subject of consideration.
In this, as in many other departments, there is of course
considerable similarity between Ireland and England; an
university for the rich, charity-schools for the poor, and
grammar-schools for those of the middling class who enter-
tain no objections to such education as was befitting three
centuries ago, ere science invigorated the human mind.
The number of schools in the island is tolerably suf-
ficient, as our tables evince ; and we will venture to say,
that an amount equal to the whole expense thereof, would-
suffice to teach nine-tenths of the population, not only
reading and writing, but what is even more important, the
distinction of right and wrong; but this can hardly be
accomplished by Government establishments, for they
are neither economical, efficient, or adapted to the peculiar
local wants ; neither can it be successfully performed by
charitable or coerced instruction, for such means deprive
the blossom of its fragrance, and the fruit of its sweetness*
In opposition to moat of the above, are mechanics' insti-
tutions ; they are not supported by charity, but depend on
their absolute and immediate effects: juvenile schools are
usually intended to engraft on the child manners and
knowledge that constitute a perfect contrast to the sim-
plicity or vulgarity of its home, where the work of the
schoolmaster or mistress is defeated by example or ridicule :
or, if a proud spirit occasionally rise superior to its less
refined relatives ; discontent, indifference, and often mini
are the consequences: but mechanics' institutions have a
Afferent course, and other tendencies ; the father, instead
of returning from the pot-house to disturb the slumbering
children by his broils, has, at every leisure moment, some
pleasing anecdote to relate ; either how the mighty. Newton
rendered a soap bubble subservient to the' higher purposes
of philosophy, or Franklin rose, by persevering talent, to
a high rank amongst men. The incidents are discussed at
the breakfast table, and repeated in his absence, and all*
improve apace* This is the natural course where such
institutions, arising frfcin the deficiency of other schools,
supply the required communication of realities and not
of words. Unfortunately this is not a full-length picture'
of those institutions: they aim at accomplishments as well
as &t knowledge : they seek to rival the old system as, much
as to establish a new one ; and dancing, music, and foreign
languages, are too often considered of equal value with »
good insight to. the works of nature, and with it a proper
sense of the Divine power and wisdom; they thus comma*
nicate conventional with real information. In all legislation,
these points should be borne in mind ; whilst direct interfe*
rence ought to be carefully avoided, feiroppartupitiestathe
industrious and the intelligent should be encouraged* 'and
honour to merit. This can he done without cost ; for three*
men of real talent would be thankful for that which ont
pompous pretender is apt to despise. .
The Brown Street School, Belfast, deserves also to be
noticed for the good feeling that dictated the regulation,
whereby each scholar is made to pay a trifle in order to
disguise the charity, in the same way as the peimy-a-week
dispensaries,, and, the more distinguished artists' and mu-
sicians' benevolent funds in London. . On the part of the
subscribers the intention is noble, but our experience leads
us to fear, that even here the poison is not less effective
because slow in its effects. We are conscious that know-
ledge is, in a civilized state, as necessary as food ; but like
food it should be wholesome, and the reward of toil and
care, otherwise it bears too near a resemblance to the milk
of an infected nurse. . These remarks are bold, and unless
they be judicious they considered rash ; but being
founded on experience, We dread not the imputation : that
which costs us little, excites our presumption and not our
In a country so divided by opposite interests and opinions,
where diversity of religious sentiments, where hereditary
antipathies and clanships, perpetuate suspicion between the
rich and the poor, it is scarcely possible to regulate the
magistracy and the courts of justice so that they obtain
universal respect ; but in Ireland, preferments in those
departments have usually been the reward of party politics,
arid not of merit : it is therefore not wonderful that there
should be but little of that confidence and veneration so
conspicuous in the English courts : instead, the fear of
punishment is the main check on desperate assertion and
perjury, and this is so far from sufficient, that the hordes
of witnesses, in all cases where party or family interests are
at issue, afford ample scope to the shrewdness and finesse
of the pleaders, who excel in florid rhetorical display and
acute cross-questioning. The increase of comfort and
industry, wherever the courts have been improved, points
.out the importance of a better system.
The above sketch of the various conditions and institutions
of Ireland would not be complete, without a recapitulation
of the complaints under which it suffers, and the methods
already adopted to. palliate or remove them, besides an
account of the panacea, as well as the judicious hints that
have been suggested for that purpose. We therefore turn
to this as a useful task. It has been seen that slovenly
cultivation, want of capital, absenteeism, or the conversion
of respectable land-proprietors into needy pensioners, are
the natural consequences of the usual custom of long leases
of uncertain duration ; that other grievous results necessarily
follow, such as subletting, middlemen, partnership tenantry,
with the customary squabbles about the division of fields,
and the appropriation of stock ; and to conclude, an ill
provided superabundance of population ; that is, numbers
for whom no adequate means of productive labour and food
are provided. It has been observed that entails are in many
cases either the cause or the eflfect (sometimes both) of these
evils : they often prohibit the adoption of improvements ;
and where they interfere with the injurious plan of uncer-
tain leases, it is usually to prevent all leases whatever, and
thus adopt the opposite evil.
We have also observed, that the recent practice of allowing
arrears to accumulate, keeps up the nominal vahie of land
at a fictitious price, and renders the tenant a perfect serf.
It is plain, that wherever these injurious customs prevaij,
whatever be the religion or peculiar advantages of the place,
husbandry is in a very unsatisfactory condition. Benevolence
aud individual exertion may occasionally interrupt the tide
of mischief, but at length it mus* sweep all before it : thus
Che counties of Ulster, with exceptions through commerce,
are as badly cultivated as those in the south of the island.
We have seen that there is no one to delight in the renewal
of woodlands, when time, or the oft-repeated terrors of the
tempest, level them whh the waste* Through want of interest,
and insecurity of property, none can encounter the highly
beneficial undertakings of constructing roads or canals, so
as to favour the circulation of population, of food, of capital,
and comfort ; wherefore unequal taxation, unequal rights,
ignorance and prejudice endure, and smugglers and
wreckers are protected*
We have not failed to notice the failure of all systems of
bounties ; that in spite of them, harbours have become
choked up, piers been swept away; we have shown that
lakes can be joined to each other, or made to communicate
with the sea, and rendered eminently serviceable, not by
grants, but by commerce, the ready attendant on security
and industry. It has with reason been said by Mr. Williams
(in evidence, 1830), that 100/. laid out by individuals would
almost go as far as 1000/., if undertaken by Government,
taking into consideration the charges of engineers, and the
expensive machinery of a public establishment under
a public board. We accordingly deprecate the direct
meddling of Government : we are well aware that the ex*
pettiency of loans has been recommended by several very
ingenious men; but we have seen nothing, either in Ireland
or abroad, to warrant its adoption. Swift was, we believe,
•the first who attempted it; we esteem the intention, but
experience should be consulted as to its benefits. In some
recent cases, where loans assumed rather the appearance of
partnership advances, it is said to have produced better
effects, under a judicious and strict management ; but even
e 3
here, for one who has profited, ten have pined in disappoint*
ment and hope deferred. Mr. Barry himself acknowledges,
that all improvements are best when at the expense of those
who, from local causes, have a real interest, and derive the
natural reward from their well-considered outlay. Some
writers have indeed recommended a choice of means to
Government: — either to become themselves contractor*,
manufacturers, and speculators, or to lend money to unsuc-
cessful speculators, and thus reward men for their want of
judgment and exertion. This appears almost too pre*
posterous to have been written; and yet the idea is not
only confidently put forth, but the system has often been
adopted on the continent, by governments who shackle
commerce because it is the foster parent of freedom. We
know not whether the above-mentioned advisers ever, in
the course of their travels, inquired into the effects of
ministers of state and princes entering into mercantile spe-
culations, but we will name a few of those of which we have
some knowledge. Under Napoleon's government, Camba-
ceres, who held first the high situation of Second Consul,
and afterwards that of Arch- Chancellor to the Empire, was
one of the proprietors of the coal-mining company of Anzin,
which company had influence to prevent the mines of
Picardy and some other provinces from being worked;
Lebrun, the Third Consul, and subsequently Arch-Treasurer,
was partner in one of the largest cotton-spinning manu-
factories in France ; Chaptal, the celebrated chemist, was,
whilst minister of the Interior, a dangerous rival to those
manufacturers of chemical productions with whom he was
not in partnership. In after times, under different govern-
ments, the Prince of Orange went into partnership with the
Cockerells ; and Lafitte as well as Perrier wielded admini-
strative power and influence, without discontinuing com-
mercial and manufacturing pursuits, subjecting the power
of nations to the mercy of individual interests. The same
system prevailed, as we have seen, with the Irish Parliament;
but the reign of jobbing and monopoly is, with us, nearly at
an end ; may it never revive ! for we need but appeal to
such cases as the above to prove their mischief. Of the
fine lakes and rivers in Ireland, we believe that, up to the
present time, they have served to separate districts and
communities, to interpose boundaries and obstacles to mu-
tual approach, and create distrust and dislike : it is time
that they should be made to serve a contrary purpose, by
facilitating mutual intercourse and communication. Between
barbarians, large bodies of water are amongst the most
efficient bulwarks against hostile surprise and devastation ;
but amidst civilized men, they unite them in friendly inter-
course, tie them together by mutual interests, and facilitate
commerce and good understanding. We entertain not a
doubt, that if equality of rights and taxation were effected,
and all laws that contract the circulation of property and
capital were removed, commerce would soon do all that
is wanted ; that the travellers of the various houses of
Liverpool, Manchester, Sheffield, and Birmingham, would
spread more knowledge in three years than all the public
institutions in Ireland have done in twenty. The Irish
have no wants : wants must be created. They are half their
time in idleness ; toys, and trifles, and comforts, must be the
means of exciting a wholesome remunerating industry.
Security of home and existence, a knowledge of a well-de-
fined mine and thine, will lead to this, and other knowledge
will follow; and it is right that other knowledge should follow,
and not precede the practical wisdom of right and wrong.
Our conviction of the duties of the legislature may thus
be summed up. Equalize all duties as far as possible in
Ireland/ and between that country and Britain, and avoid
bounties. Improve the courts and the magistracy, avoiding
all political appointments, and rendering justice most
available. Let means be devised to obviate the clauses in
entails that prevent leases of property. May landlords at
the same time see the importance of letting the lands in such
portions as the tenantry can stock and cultivate, giving,
however, a preference to those who, with an equally good
character, are superior in capital : let them never lose sight
of the advantages of security on either side, of constant
occupancy and gradual improvement, both in the farm and
the capital that supports the farm; and above all, give
security to the tenant by a well-defined definite lease. It
will then be unnecessary for government commissioners to
encourage the fisheries by small loans, and the erection of
piers. If such works are better managed when individuals
participate in the risk and profit, they will be better still if
left entirely to them.
With regard to absenteeism, it is an evil proceeding from
insecurity and want of comfort ; it will therefore diminish,
whenever the jealousies and discontent are removed by
good government, when misery and prejudice have been
surmounted by commerce. If peace and goodwill were
disseminated, no one would abandon a good estate to
strangers; for absenteeism is the effect rather than the
cause of evil; nor can any law be devised against it that
would not prove ten times more injurious than die thing
itself; and one of the very first effects would be to force the
Duke of Devonshire, the Marquis of Lansdown, Earl
Fitzwilliam, and every other English proprietor, to sell their
estates, and give up all interest in the fate of Ireland. Some
of the Irish capital would thus be withdrawn, and the tide
of improvement be brought to an ebb : it is true that the
diminished profit! would all be spent at home, but little of
it would be applied to the wants of the estate, when the
felling off of commerce reduced the value of exertion : then
it would be felt that, as the means derived from capital
tend constantly to increase, those that depend on revenue
are for ever dwindling. No ! free and mutual intercourse
with England, competition with the more advanced portion
of the nation, and a full participation in its advantages, can
alone raise Ireland to the desired level. Pass laws indeed
to prevent Englishmen from vesting their capital in Irish
estates ! The next thing would be to banish English inven-
tions, and English enterprise ; to exclude coal and cotton,
and suppress steam navigation and rail-ways. We, however,
entertain no fear of the course to be pursued : there is too
much good sense and goodwill on either side of the Channel
to allow of a wrong, too much intelligence and liberality
not to adopt a right one.
Having thus advocated what we consider the best system,
we are ready to acknowledge that, at the outset, an approxi-
mation to perfection may be more practicable than the
thing itself, When the Irish fisheries were promoted in
1819, there was more good done than harm, for the exe-
cution of the project appears to have been confided to
gentlemen of candour and judgment : the formation of good
roads has also assisted the general improvement; the same
might be expected from judicious encouragement and
assistance to internal navigation, and communication by
canal. Such means may be necessary for a short time, by
way of example ; but the sooner the Irish are forced upon
their own exertion, and to rely entirely on their own
energies, without apprehension of jobbing, the sooner their
amelioration will be completed : nothing but bounties,
monopolies, and unequal rights, can indeed prevent Ireland
from acquiring its share of the general wealth : the case
of Mr. Bianconi's establishment at Clonmel is a striking
proof of the power of individual enterprise : a private
unprivileged concern like his, must rise or fall in proportion
to its management : economy, civility, and attention, will
keep out rivalry ; hut the moment those essentials are
neglected, competition will supply the deficiency; and we
have no doubt whatever, that when Government has done
its part, the press, by affording accurate information, will
enable individuals to do their**: and we are quite sure that
Government will— nay, that it has already advanced in the
right course, and. as a proof of it we refer to the following
contrast of former and recent legislation.
In 1605, John Cutler and William Phillips, under the
pretext of having discovered coal mines in Ireland, claimed
a monopoly thereof. Accordingly, James I., " minding the
good of his realm in Ireland/' granted them "sole licence
to dig for and sell coals in Ireland or beyond sea."
By 18th Charles II. c 2 (1678), the importation of cattle
from Ireland was forbidden as a common nuisance, under
penalty of forfeiture ; by 32nd Charles II. mutton, lambs,
butter, and cheese, were prohibited in like manner.
By 9th and 10th William III. c. 40, other means of
repressing the manufacture of woollen cloths in Ireland
having failed, the exportation of fullers earth and scouring
clay from England to .that country was prohibited (it being
supposed that Ireland had none), and in 1698, in accordance
with adresses from both Houses of Parliament, his majesty
was pleased to say in reply,—" I will do all that in me lies,
to, discourage the woollen manufacture in Ireland." The
measures soon after enacted, completely destroyed it.
Catholics were in those days rendered incapable of holding
property, or of receiving education.
Such was the old ay stem ! is it tM much to suppose that
the recent abolition of those jealous instances of legislation,
the improvements of roads under government surveyors,
the act of 1819 for encouraging fisheries, the Catholic
emancipation bill, the increase of the number of its Mem*
bers of Parliament, and the active investigation of Ireland's
sufferings and her means of improvement, evince a better
feeling, and foretell happier days t Do not the encourage-
ment of schools, of maps, and other means of instruction,
the improvement of harbours, &c. denote at least a wish to
aunt Ireland 1 In 1834, the shipments for Liverpool
alone amounted to nearly double the whole exports of Ire-
land in 1E00: when, in addition to this most important
fact, we find, that in the mean time the expenses of suitors
in the various law- courts have been reduced thirty-five per
cent, that security of circulation, and facilities of discount
at reduced rates have been established; that increased
confidence is shown in the augmentation of funded de-
posits, and a still greater increase of the value of property,
we can neither doubt the acceleration of prosperity, nor its
cause ; and the commercial system having at length super-
seded one of doubt and uncertainty, we feel assured that
it will extend;; that as experience proves the necessity of
other means, those other means will be resorted to, and
amongst them, the laws and customs relative to landed
property will no doubt bo attended to,
The following statistical notes are explanatory of some
of the above remarks ;—
In 1800, the official value of all Exports from Ireland was
4^350*6*0, arid the whole of its Imports, £, 4,667 *7B4.
In IR20, the official amounts were— Exports £.5,79ft,5 8 2,
and the Imports £.6,395,972 ; and they have proceeded at
an increasing rate up to the present period, as indicated by
the following return.
TOTAL TONNAGE, entered inwards.
In 1800 764,658
„ 1820 961,884
„ 1834 1,6*3,291
In 1834 1,378,938
Its exports to Liverpool alone exceeded in value
£.8,000,000. The official returns of that particular part of
the trade were
For 1831 £.4,497,708
„ 1838 4,581,313
„ 1833 7,456,602
showing a constant increase.
Tons. Tons*
moo * /Grand 140,239 IM9_, /Grand 227,169
1822-3 ^Hoyjj agjgQ 1832—3 ^y^.. .. .... u\#&
Total- . 228,426. Total- 369,142
In 1770 2127 In 1820 4487
„ 1802, only.--.. 1669 „ 1826 72,162
besides 65,919 pigs.
Total quantity of grain and meal of all sorts, exported to
Great Britain in the year ending October 1833 — 2,761,635
quarters, instead of importing as formerly.
Another branch of produce and industry is brought to
our notice in the return of the Malt made in Ireland, and
having paid duty. From the year 1804 to 1817 (from
ctbvious causes), it averaged, without any general increase,
about 700,000 bushels per annum; but in IS 33 it stood
thus : 1,983,532 bushels, paying a duty of £.247,954*
From these returns we find, that the brewers alone
consume 1,683,285 bushels, whilst the quantity of spirits
legally distilled for home consumption amounted in 1832
to 8,740,139 gallons, paying a duty of £.1,365,000, for
which 718,900 bushels of malt were required*
In 1776—79 £. 14,000 In 1800 ■■■ £.487,168
„ 1803 , . 390,998 „ 1827 838.090
Adranced by Government from the Consolidated Fund for Irish serrfce,
since 1800 £.6dgs.%543
Of this has been repaid - - 2,004,089
For Public Works, and the Employment of the Peer ■ ■ ■ . £.3,072.160
For the Encouragement of Manufacture* and Commerce- - 1,340,421
To Charitable nod Literary Institutions ■ ♦-♦..►. 4.22.5, 730
Total-- £.8^038,331
Kttmbtr. Scholars
la 1812 460ft biBtxuetinR 200,000
„ 1824--. about 11,823 ,, £€8,964
Add School* under the New Board.
Grants made to tho*e in operation - 709 107,042
Ditto to tho#e who* connexion with the
Commissioners has ceased ♦--♦,-►.♦. $j ff omitted
Ditto to those in progress .♦.►► * 100 „ 36,804
Total--- 712,610
It is however probable, that the actual number does not
exceed 680,000, that is, more than one-eleventh of the whole
population, or full one-half of the children between seven
and twelve years of age.
NusHber of Depositors. Amount of Deposits*
In 1830 34,201 £. 905,056
„ 1831 38,999 1,042,338
„ 1832 47,753 1,178,201
„ 1833 49,170 1,327,122
65 16 ••• 5,57»
Under 20 and
„ 200
Above 200
Total--.. 49,170
WHOLE AMOUNT, £.1,327,122.
One of the best of all proofs of improvement in commerce,
civilization, and comfort, is equally decisive. In 1785,
it was no more than £.5,480 ;• in' 1805 it had risen to
4.62,260, and in 1027* to £.236,648,- and like every other
agency, it progresses rapidly : far more so than the increase
of the population.
February 14th, 1833 •• • £.4,389,861.
Shannon ► " • f*» t/. j . . j . j glO
Oilier riTera ♦ . * < * 180
t/anu la ■ » . . . . ,,. 2BU
Total..-* BJO
From Attril IB32 to April 1833 *. < fl,71 8,600.
fftfffotti/ 11,350,761 lbs,. or li lb. each individual |>er annum
lit Population, 22 J per vtixt.— of PrOpt-rtv, lJii \*:r cw.%.
Besides the valuable information derived from the gentle-
men whoie evidence is mentioned in these pages, we refer
with particular satisfaction to that of Mr- Thomas WUet
Ireland is the roost westerly of the British Islands, and
is separated from Great Britain by a channel, which varies
in breadth from six to forty leagues. It is situated between
51° W and 55* 2ST N. latitude, and between 5° W and 10°
20' W. longitude. Its greatest length from north to south
is about 235 Irish miles, and its greatest breadth about 182.
In the narrowest part it is not more than 98 Irish miles in
breadth ; and so irregular is the coast, and so deep are its
bays, that there is no place in Ireland fifty miles from the
sea. According to Mr. Wakefield, Ireland contains 82,201
English square miles, which are equal to 12,722,615 Irish
acres, or to 20,437,974 English acres. The population
amounts to 7,767,401. Its shores are mostly bristled by
lofty rocks or hills that tend to protect the interior from
the hurricane's fury.
The climate of Ireland is variable, but not subject to
extremes either of heat or cold. The mean temperature
of the northern part is 48° of Fahrenheit, of the centre 50°,
and of the southern portion 52° ; rarely falling below 20°,
or rising beyond 80° ; being neither so warm as London in
summer, nor so cold hi winter. High winds are frequent,
with proportionally little thunder or lightning. The medium
quantity of rain which falls annually is about thirty-four
inches. At Dublin, and along the eastern coast, it does
not exceed twenty-five inches ; but at Cork it is thirty-
seven, and probably along the western coast, still more.
Few countries are so well provided with Harbours:
there are no less than fourteen for ships of the line, seven-
teen for frigates, and thirty- six for coasters. Those of
Cork, Bantry, Dungarvan, Dingle, Kinsale, Youghall,
Waterford, Wexford, Crookhaven, Kingstown, Donagh-
adee, Belfast, Cavlingford, and Derry, are the most
Ireland is watered by 125 rivers, which flow directly
into the -sea, besides numerous smaller streams. Many df
these rivers are navigable, and form excellent harbours.
The Shannon is the principal river of Ireland. It origi-
nates in Lough Clean, in Lei trim, -fifteen miles from Sligo,
and, after flowing a short distance, spreads into Lough
Allen. Beyond this Lough it becomes a considerable
stream, and passing through two other large lakes, Lough
Ree and Lough Derg, extends below Limerick into a vast
estuary or firth, about sixty' miles in length, and from three
to ten in breadth. Its extreme course has been estimated
f 3
at 230 miles, and it is nearly seven miles broad at its
mouth. It flows from the north, towards the south-west,
and in its progress visits the following counties: Lei trim,
Roscommon, Galway, Clare, Longford, Westmeath, King's
County, Tipperary, Limerick, and Kerry, receiving the
waters of seventy- six streams, five or six of which are
navigable. This river is navigable for ships of five hundred
tons, as far as the pool or harbour, within a mile of the
town, and for those of three hundred up to the quays at
Limerick, and is afterwards, with the assistance of a canal,
navigable for small vessels* to Shannon Harbour, near
Banagher, where it is joined by the Grand Canal from
Dublin, and above for boats.
The Barrow has its rise in the Slieve Bloom mountains,
and in the bog of Allen, and flows south by A thy, Carlow,
and New Ross, into Waterford Harbour. Its whole course
is about one hundred miles, and in its progress it receives
the Nore and the Suir. It is navigable from A thy to the
sea, a distance of sixty-eight miles. Its scenery is beautiful.
The Blackwaler, or Broadwater, rises in a bog near Castle
Island, in Kerry, and flowing due east for about fifty
miles, arrives at Cappoquin ; thence it turns to the south,
and, proceeding about fifteen miles, falls into the sea at
Youghal Bay. It is navigable from the sea to Cappoquin,
and every where is skirted by fine prospects.
The Nore rises in the Slieve Bloom mountains, and
taking a south-east course, flows through the central part
of Kilkenny. It then unites with the Barrow, two miles
above New Ross, and thirty miles from the sea, from whfch
place to Ihistioge it is navigable.
The Suir rises in the north-east part of Tipperary, and
passing by the town of Clonmell, separates the counties of
Tipporary and Kilkenny from that of Waterford. In its
progress it receives the Barrow. It is navigable for small
vessels from Waterford Harbour to ClonmelL Its shores
afford delightful prospects.
The Slam\ or Slaney, rises in the south-west corner of
Wicklow, and flowing through the counties of Carlow and
Wexford, enters the sea at the town of Wexford. It is
navigable for barges from Wexford to Enuiscorthy.
The Ban, or Btmna, rises in the Mourn e mountains in
Down, and soon becomes a stream of considerable size. It
passes Portadown, where it is joined by the Newry canal,
and, a short distance farther, falls into Lough Neagh, after
a course of 30 miles. Thence it issues in a north-west
direction, dividing the counties of Antrim and London-
derry, and enters the sea near Coletaine. Its whole course
is about ninety miles. The bleach grounds on its hanks
are very extensive, though, owi ng to the adoption of chemical
means that greatly reduce the time required for bleaching,
they appear rather diminished than increased.
The Bayne rises in Kildare, and, passing through Meath,
and along the south border of Louth, enters the sea near
Droghcda. Its course is about fifty miles.
The Foi/le flows through the counties of Tyrone, Don-
egal, and Londonderry ; it passes by the town of London^
deny t about four miles beyond which it forms a considerable
estuary, called Lough Foyle.
The Liffey is a river of inconsiderable size, but derives
importance from being that on which the capital of Ireland
is situated. It rises in Wicklow, about ten miles from
Dublin. Mr. Robinson's iron-works and steam-engine
manufactory are on the Liffey.
The Bandon rises in the mountains of Carberry, and,
passing Dunmanway, arrives at Inisheen. After passing
Bandon, it proceeds to Inisbannon, near which it becomes
navigable, and thence to Kinsale.
The Grand Canal commences at Dublin, and proceeds by
Shannon Harbour, near Banagher, to Ballinaaloe. A branch
proceeds by Portarlington to Athy, where it joins the
Barrow. The tonnage on this canal in 1822 was 140,000,
and in 1838, it had increased to 227,000.
The Royal Canal commences at Dublin, and, passing by
Mullingar, joins the Shannon near Lanesborough. These*
canals convey corn and turf to the capital. They are-
shallow in dry seasons. The conveyance by this canal was,,
in 1822, only 88,000 tons, but in 1833 it amounted to,
The Newry Canal, which extends along the west side of
Down, connects Carlingford Bay with Lough Neagh, and
affords a mode of conveyance for fuel from the Tyrone
Collieries. This Canal is navigable for vessels of sixty
The Balinculoe Canal, which extendi seven miles from
the Shannon to that town, is a continuation of the Grand
The lakes, or loughs of Ireland are numerous, and some
of them extensive. The term Lough is synonimous with
the Scottish Loch, and is sometimes applied to an estuary,
or to an inlet of the sea, such as the Foyle, the Swilly,
Belfast Lough, Lough Strangford, &c
Lough Erne, a remarkably fine expanse of fresh water,
is composed of two lakes; one twelve miles long by
eight, the other eight by four : both renowned for their
beauty. The southern portion is connected with the
northern by a narrow outlet about four miles in length.
Lough Neagh, which is twenty-two miles in length, and
twelve in breadth, is situated between the counties of
Antrim, Londonderry, Tyrone, Armagh, and Down. Among
the lakes of Europe it is next in expanse to that of Geneva.
Lough Corrib, in Galway, is eighteen miles in length, and
from six to eight in breadth.
The other lakes of Ireland are Lough Ree, between Ros-
common and Longford; Lough Derg, between Tipperary
and Galway; the Lakes of KiUarney, in Kerry, so cele-
brated for their scenery ; Lough Allen, in Leitrim ; Lough
Oughter, in Cavan ; Lough Conn, in Mayo, &c. &c
By far the greatest portion of the lakes lie in Ulster and
in Connaught; for, if a line were drawn from Belfast to
Bantry, the whole of them, almost without exception, would
be found on the north-west side of such line.
Ireland does not afford much variety of soil, but the pre-
vailing character of the surface is stony in the north and
east : much of the central and south-western districts con-
sist of a dry, mellow, sandy loam, or limestone. The stones
which appear on the surface are generally calcareous, but
do not injure the fertility of the land, its natural quality
being considered superior to that of England, and well
suited to its moist climate.
The bogs of Ireland are said to occupy 2,900,000 acres,
viz, 1,570,000, flat red bog, which is considered reclaimable
for the plough; and 126,000 tops of hills, capable of plan-
tation. The remaining 1,200,000 would not be available
to cultivation. They are generally situated far above the
level of the sea, and have usually an inequality of surface,
which distinguishes them from the marshes of England.
Their only produce is heath, bog myrtle, rushes, and sedgy
grass ; the latter makes durable thatch, and -the moss is
employed for fuel and manure. The black turf yields many
ashes when burnt, but the red scarcely any. Various con-
jectures as to their origin have been made, but «one have
yet appeared conclusive.
The country is divided from the north-east to the south-
west by a ridge, which gives rise to several rivers. The Irish
hills generally form short lines, or detached groups. One
group, of considerable elevation, appears on the west and
south of the Lakes of Killarney, the principal of which is
Mc. Gillicuddy's Reeks, 3390 feet high, 600 more than
Mangerton. A small line of hills extends on the north-west
of Ban try Bay, and passes to the east, tinder the name of the
Shehy Mountains. To the north of this is the line of
Sliblogher and Nagles, followed by the Galtee mountains ;
and towards the east are those of Knockendown, which bend
southwards as they approach Dungarvan Bay* South of Tra-
lee is a small chain, and to the north-east of it is a small
group. These comprise all the mountains of Munster.
In the province of Leinster are, Leinster Mountain, the
Slieve Bloom Range, and the Killure or Wicklow Moun-
tains. The last form a group about thirty miles long and
twelve broad, to the south of Dublin. The -highest is not
much above 2000 feet high.
In the south-east corner of Ulster are the mountains of
Mourne, the principal of which is Mount Donard, 2810
feet high. The Slieve Croob range forms tbe centre of the
county of Down, and several hills are scattered over the east
portion of Antrim. To the north-west of Lough Neagh are
*he mountains of Carntogher and Slieve Gallon, and north-
west of Lough Foyle is Slieve Snaght, from which other
lines and groups extend towards Lough Erne.
The eastern portion of Connaught presents but few
mountains except those of Baughta, but the western side
is one of the most mountainous regions. in Ireland. The
principal eminences are, Knockna Mu'trea, 2729 feet high;
€roagh-Patrick, south-east of Clew Bay, which rises 2666
feet above the leVe) of the sea ; Mount Nephin, in Mayo,
2639 ; the Eerriamobr Mountains north of; Loagh Mask,
and the Twelve Pins near Ballinahinch.
Ireland is divided into four provinces, — namely, Ulste*
to the north, Connaught to the west, Leinster to the east;
and Munster to the south ; and these are subdivided into
32 counties. The counties are again divided into 266
baronies, and these into 2436 parishes.
The Province of Ulster comprises the nine Counties of
Antrim Fermanagh
Armagh Londonderry
Cavan Monaghan
Donegal Tyrone.
The Province of Connaught contains the five Counties of
Galway Roscommon
Leitrim Sligo.
The Province of Leinster comprehends the twelve
Counties of
Queen's County
West Meath
King's County
The Province of Munster comprises the six Counties of
Clare Limerick
Cork Tipperary
Kerry Waterford.
These counties send each two members to the Imperial
Parliament, viz. 64 members ; the electors thereof amount
to 60,607 ; and for 34 cities and boroughs, 41 members
are elected by 31,545. Totals, 105 members by 90,265
Ireland comprises four Archbishopricks, and fourteen
Under the Archbishop of Ar-
magh, who is styled the Lord
Primate and Metropolitan of
all Ireland, are the Bishops
Deny and Raphoe,
Down and Connor,
Meath, and Clonmacnoise.
Under the Arohbishop of Cashel
are the Bishops of
Under the Archbishop of Dub- C Fern8 an<i Leighlin,
lin, who is styled the LordJ Kildare,
Primate of Ireland, are the I Ossory.
Bishops of
Cork and Ross,
1 Killaloe, Kilfenora, Clon-
fert and Kilmacduagh,
| Limerick, Ardfert, and
Under the Archbishop of Tuam /Elphin, Killala, and
is the Bishop of \ Achonry.
Ireland contains 1456 benefices, and the revenues of the
establishment amount to 731,0002. The Catholics have
also an hierarchy, nearly similar to that of the Protestants :
the number of their priests is 1994. There are also 839
Presbyterian ministers, and 145 others. The income of
the Dissenting clergy, including Roman Catholics, Presby-
terians, and others, is supposed to be about 264,000/., of
which sum, 15,000/. is granted by Government to the
It may be useful to point out the various modes of
proceeding from Great Britain to Ireland.
From London, there are steam vessels to Dublin once or
twice a week, touching at Plymouth and Falmouth, and
usually performing the voyage in eighty hours.
If, however, the travelled object to so long a sea voyage,
he may proceed direct from London to Holyhead, through
Coventry, Birmingham, Shrewsbury, and Bangor, 260
miles; and thence cross the Channel- to. -Dublin, .-the
distance is about 68 miles. The steam vessels, which
start every morning, generally perform the voyage in six
or seven. hours. _ -,
Another mode is to go, from London to Liverpool, by
Manchester and the Railway, 218 miles, and thence to
Dublin. The distance across the Channel is about 126
miles; and the steam .vessels generally make, the trip in
fourteen hours. . . ,-.•.
A fourth method is to embark 4k Bristol, which is 119
miles from London. The distance from.thi* city to Dublin
is about 220 miles ; and the passage by the steam vessels
is never .effected in less than- treaty-four hour*. (
Persona in Scotland, who object to, a long voyage, may
cross the Channel from Portpatrick to Donaghadeer the
distance being only 23 miles. Four steam packets are
constantly employed here, performing the voyage in two
or three hours.
There are also steam vessels from Glasgow to Belfast
The distance is about 120 miles, and the voyage generally
occupies fourteen or fifteen hours,-
From Bristol there are steam vessels to Cork two or
three times a week. The distance is about 230 miles, and
the trip k accomplished in about thirty hours.
There are also steam packets daily from Milford Haven,
which is 256 miles from London, to Waterford. The' dis-
tance is about 84 miles; and the voyage occupies from
eight to twelve hours, according to the weather.
Dublin, the metropolis of Ireland, the chief town of
the county* of the same name, in' the province of Leinster,
is situated on the eastern coast of that country, in lat
53° 21' N., and long. 6° 15' W. It is about a mile from
the Bay of Dublin, a semicircular basin eight miles in
diameter, celebrated for the beauty of its shores, and said
to bear a considerable resemblance to the Bay of Naples.
The north side of the harbour is sheltered by the HOI of
Howth, on which there is a light-house, and the entrance
to the city is defended by extensive moles.
South of the town is seen, at a short distance beyond, gently
rising meadows and pleasure grounds, a beautiful range of
hills, of varied shape and considerable magnitude, which
traverses the county of Wicklow, and bounds the coast
running south-east from the city. To the north-east, the
low. lands skirting tbe sea coast, leading to the fine promon-
tory of Howth Head on the right hand, are covered with
innumerable vistas of luxuriant trees, and appear like
a continued wood, with a church tower, or a stately man-
sion here and there rising above the foliage.
The City of Dublin occupies a circular area of about three
miles in diameter, and contains two Cathedrals, nineteen
Churches, several Chapels of Ease, numerous Roman
Catholic Chapels, a Calvinist's Church, a Danish and a
Dutch Lutheran Chapel, a Synagogue, various Chapels
of Presbyterians, Methodists, Baptists, Moravians, and
Quakers, and several Roman Catholic Monastic Institu-
tions. The number of inhabitants amounts to 204,155.
The original name was Eblana: it is so called by Ptolemy,
who wrote in the year a. d. 140.
The river Liffey divides Dublin into two nearly equal
portions, which may be denominated the north and south
divisions. On the south side of the river is the old
town, including the Castle, the Exchange, the Cathedrals,
the Bank, formerly the Parliament House, and Trinity
College, Stephen's Green, Merrion Square, Fitzwilliam
Square, and the Mansion House.
On the north of the Liffey is a regularly-built new
town, of superior beauty and magnificence, including the
Four Courts, the Post Office, Nelson's Pillar, and the
Custom House ; in the northern quarter also are the
Lying-in Hospital, the Royal Academy, the Rotunda, the
House of Industry and Royal Barracks, Rutland Square,
Mountjoy Square, Sackville Street, and some of the chief
avenues of the metropolis. It is the residence of many of
the nobility and gentry, and its best streets are not inter-
sected by close lanes and small ancient houses, like those
of the southern division.
The Liffey is bounded on both sides by broad quays,
which tend greatly to promote the beauty of the city, the
purity of the air, and the health and comfort of the inha-
bitants. They are constructed of granite, and beginning
at Ringsend Point, where the river falls into die Bay,
extend for a space of three miles. At Ringsend Point, the
Dodder meets the Liffey falls into the sea. Across
the river are seven handsome stone bridges, and one of
cast iron, besides Sarah Bridge, a little above the town.
Two canals, the Royal and the Grand, which extend to
the interior of Ireland, nearly surround Dublin, and ter-
minate in docks on each side of the Liffey. They are
navigable for barges, of sixty tons, and contribute- to the
supply of the Dublin markets.
The Corporation of Dublin consists of the Lord Mayor,
twenty-four Aldermen, tw* Sheriffs, thirty-three Sheriff's
Peers, who are members', for- Hfe, and ninety-six Common
Councilraen, who are. the representatives of twenty*five
guilds. It is divided into Mo parts, — the Board of Alder-
men, of which the Lord Mayor is president; and the
Commons, consisting of the.SherifTa Peers and Common
Counciknen, over which the Sheriffs for the year preside.
The Lord Mayor's jurisdiction extends over the eityahd
a portion of the Bay. He tries all offenders in this city,
except for murder! and treason;/ and also civil suits, for
sums less* than twenty founds. The. city assembly-house
is in William Street ..
The Police Establishment consists of twelve Magistrates,
four of whom are Aldermen, four Sheriff's Peers, and
four Barristers ; eight of them, are selected by Government,
and the other four. by the Common Council. There are.
a 3
also thirty Horse Patrole, 100 Foot Patrole, and 543
The head police office is in Exchange Court; but
there are three others, at Arran's Quay, College Street,
and Henry Street
Is the chief residence of His Excellency the Lord Lieu-
tenant of Ireland, and of the Irish Secretary. The Privy
Council, when summoned by the Lord Lieutenant, meets
in a council-chamber, above the archway, in the Upper
Castle-yard In this Castle His Excellency holds his
court and his levees. Here also two balls are given an-
nually ; on the King's birth-day, and on St Patrick's Day.
The Lord Lieutenant's household and guard includes a
colonel and company of battle-axes, who do duty on state
days in the apartments of the Castle ; a body-guard of
horse, and a captain and company of foot soldiers. The
Lord Lieutenant, besides his Chief Secretary, has a private
Secretary, a Comptroller, Chamberlain, Gentleman Usher,
Master of the Horse, Gentlemen of the Chamber, four
Pages, eight Aides-de-Camp, and twenty-four Chaplains.
The Castle was commenced in 1205, by Meyler Fitz-
henry, a natural son of Henry II., and finished in 1220,
by Henry de Loundres, Archbishop of Dublin, but did not
become the Vice-Regal residence till the reign of Elizabeth.
It is divided into two courts or yards, the upper con-
taining the apartments of the Lord Lieutenant and his
suite, and the Bedford tower; and the lower, the Trea-
sury, Chapel, Ordnance Office, &c. The principal en-
trance is from Cork Hill, and consists of a lofty arch,
called the East Gate, over which is a statue of Justice.
The upper castle-yard is a quadrangle, 280 feet by 130,
having on its north side a building of the Ionic order,
crowned with a Corinthian tower and cupola. On one
side of this building is the eastern gate already mentioned;
and on the other is a corresponding archway, surmounted
by a statue of Fortitude. The colonnade on the opposite
side of the quadrangle leads to the vice regal apartments,
behind which are the castle gardens. The presence
chamber is fitted up with crimson velvet, and adorned with
a splendid lustre.
St. Patrick's hall is a noble room, 82 feet long, 41 broad,
and 38 high. On its ceiling are three paintings, repre-
senting George III. supported by Liberty and Justice ; the
Conversion of the Druids by St Patrick t and the Submis-
sion of the Kings of Ireland to Henry II.
The chapel in the lower castle-yard is a beautiful edifice,
of Gothic architecture, designed by Mr. Johnston, and com*
pleted in 1814, at an expense of 40,000/. It consists of a
simple choir, 73 feet long, and 35 broad, and has a ceiling
of groined arches, supported by beautiful pillars. The
east window is adorned with stained glass, representing
Christ before Pilate, and the Four Evangelists. The
front of the gallery and the pulpit are ornamented with
At the west end of the chapel is a circular edifice, called
the Record Tower, the most ancient part of the Castle.
It is connected with the Birmingham tower by a portion of
the original city-wall. The Ordnance Office and the
Treasury are also in the lower castle-yard.
This is the only Protestant college in Ireland, and by its
immense endowments, one of the richest in Europe. It
was- originally projected in 1311, but did not -flourish till
the reign of -Elizabeth, from whom Archbishop Usher
obtained its charter.. Dr. Adam Loftus, Archbishop of
Dublin, was the first provost, and Usher, Chaloner, and
M oyne, were the first fellows. The establishment consists
of a Chancellor, Vice-chancellor, Provost, Vice-Provost,
twenty-four Fellows, five King's Professors of Divinity,
Common Law, Civil Law, Physic, and Greek ; and about
1600 students. There are also professors and lecturers in
each department of science and literature, on the founda-
tions of Erasmus Smyth and Archbishop King, and on the
foundation of Archbishop Whately, a professor of political
economy. The college lias the patronage of nineteen
valuable livings,, to which the fellows who choose to accept
them are appointed by seniority. The fellows are elected
from the graduates, after an examination distinguished by
a severity surpassing that at any other college.
The buildings of the University are extensive and hand-
some^ and consist of three squares. The principal front,
which is of the Corinthian order, is towards College Green,
and is 300 feet in length. An octagon vestibule leads to
the Parliament Square, a quadrangle 316 feet by 212, built
entirely of hewn stone. On the north side is the chapel,
adorned with a portico, consisting of four Corinthian
columns, supporting a pediment: the chancel is 80 feet
long, exclusive of a recess at its extremity, 40 feet broad,
and, 44 high. On the south side, corresponding in dimen-
sions and external appearance, is the theatre, or examina-
tion hall, ornamented with portraits of Queen Elizabeth,
Archbishops Usher and King, Bishop Berkeley, W. Moly-
neux, Esq., Dean Swift, Dr. Baldwin, and Mr. Speaker
Forster. It contains a handsome monument, executed by
Hewetson, in memory of Provost Baldwin, who left 80,000/.
to the university ; also a fine organ presented by Queen
Elizabeth, and said to have been taken from the Spanish
Between the Parliament Square and the Library Square
is the refectory, which is 70 feet long, 35 broad, and 35
high. It is hung with portraits of Frederick Prince of
Wales, Provost Baldwin, Archbishop Cox, Grattan, Flood,
Hussey Burgh, Lord Avonmore, Lord Kilwarden, and
Lord Downes.
The Library Square is 265 feet in length, and 214 in
breadth ; three sides of it are built of brick, but the fourth,
containing the library, is of stone. This noble apartment
is 210 feet in length, 40 in breadth, and 40 in height; and
ie adorned with numerous busts. The number of volumes
amounts to 150,000, in addition to which there is a second
apartment, -called the Fagel Library, containing 20,000
volumes, and over it a manuscript room.
East of the Library Square is the College Park, com*
prising about 20 acres. It contains a bowling-green and
tennis-courts. To the right of the entrance to the park
are the anatomical rooms and chemical laboratory, con-
taining some very curious preparations and skeletons.
Amongst the latter are M'Grath, the Iristi giant, Clarke,
the ossified man of Cork, an entire whale, &c. There are
also some wax models of the human figure.
Opposite the anatomical rooms is the university printing
office, and on the south side of the college, towards Grafton
Street, stands the provost's house, erected from designs by
the Earl of Burlington.
North of the Library Square is the third quadrangle,
called Botany Bay, the stone front of which, towards New
Brunswick Street, is 270 feet in length. The museum,
which occupies the centre of the main building, is 60 feet
in length, and 40 in breadth ; it contains a large collection
of minerals, curiosities from the South Sea Islands, a model
of the Giant's Causeway, an antique Irish harp, &c &c
Opposite to Trinity College, in College Green, stands a
brass equestrian statue of William III., erected in 1700, in
commemoration of the Revolution of 1688. The pedestal
is of granite, and is decorated with trophies.
Formerly the parliament house, is situated in College
Green, and is celebrated for ife elegant architecture.
It is of a semicircular form, and occupies about an acre
and a half. The first stone of the parliament house was
laid in 1729, by Lord Carteret, the Lord Lieutenant, and
the edifice was finished in 1789, from designs by Sir E. L.
Pearce. This, however, being found too small, the east
front was added in 1785, from designs by Mr. Gandon ;
and in 1787, the west front was designed and executed by
Mr. Park; and latterly a large sum has been expended in
improving and strengthening it.
The principal front, 147 feet in length, is a grand Ionic
colonnade, forming three sides of a quadrangular court-
yard, and resting on a floor, which is approached by a
flight of steps. In the centre is a portico, adorned with the
royal arms and statues of Hibernia, Fidelity, and Com-
merce. The entrances from the street are formed by lofty
archways on each side. The east front, towards College
Street, presents a Corinthian portico, of six columns, on
which are statues of Fortitude, Justice, and Liberty. The
west front, towards Foster Place, has a portico of four
columns, of the Ionic order ; and contiguous to it is a
guard house, built from designs by Mr. Kirk.
The interior of the bank, corresponds with the beauty
of the external elevation, and the various, apartment* are
well adapted to the purposes intended. , The. eash office,
built by Mr Johnston, is a noble apartment, 70 feet loog,
and 50 broad, crowned by a lofty lantern* and surrounded
by fluted pillars of .the Ionic .order. The court of. proT
prietors, formerly the house of lords, contains a statue of
George III., by Bacon, junior; a bust of. the Duke of
Wellington) by Turnerelli; and two pieces, of Dutch
tapestry, representing die battle of the Boyne, and the
siege of Londonderry. One of the apartments is occupied
as an armoury, and in a room next to it is a. model of the
bank, executed by Mr. Doolittle. The mashicery in the
bank printing office, invented by Mr. Oldham, for the for-
mation of bank-notes, and the prevention of forgery, is
remarkably curious and extensive.
The Bank of Ireland was incorporated in 1783 ; it has. a
governor, deputy governor, and .fifteen directors. , The
cash and bullion offices are open every day from ten to
three. ,••.;.,.
The other banks in Dublin are, Latouche's, in Castle
Street;. Hibernian hank, in Castle Street; Ball and Co.'s,
in Henry Street; Sir Robert Shaw and Qq*% in Foste*
Place ; and Boyle, Low, and Pirn's, in College Green.
, This elegant structure occupies a conspicuous situation
on , Cork Hill, near the castle. . It was <commenpe4 in
1769, from designs by Mr. Cooley, and completed in .ten
years. It forms a quadrangle of 100 feet, surmounted by
a dome, and has three fronts, all of Portland stone. The
north, or principal front, exhibits a portico of six Corin-
thian columns, the entablature being continued along the
other fronts, all of which are adorned with pilasters of the
Corinthian order, and are surmounted by a balustrade.
The interior of the Exchange is a rotunda, formed by
twelve fluted Corinthian columns, 32 feet in height, and
crowned by a dome, richly ornamented with stucco. In
this room is a statue of George III., by Van Nost, pre-
sented to the city by the Earl of Northumberland ; and
on the staircase leading to the court of commissioners for
bankrupts, and to the exchange coffee room, is a statue
of Dr. Lucas, the patriotic representatiYe of Dublin in the
Irish parliament, executed by E. Smyth.
Were erected in 1798, by a company of merchants, the
Royal Exchange not being deemed sufficiently convenient
for mercantile pursuits. They are situated on the north
side of Dame Street, and form a handsome but simple edi-
fice, comprising a spacious and lofty hall, an assurance and
notary-public's office, an excellent coffee room, a stock
exchange, and an hotel
On Burgh quay, is a handsome stone structure, containing
a hall, 130 feet in length, surrounded by ambulatories, both
being furnished with tables for the exhibition of samples of
Is a superb stone edifice, situated in Sackville Street,
and designed by Mr. Jobnston. The first stone was laid
by Lord Whitworth, in 1814, and the building was com-
pleted in 1818, at an expense of 50,000/. The front is
220 feet in length, and in the centre is a noble portico,
consisting of six fluted Ionic columns, supporting a pedi-
ment with the royal arms. Over the pediment are statues
of Mercury, Hibernia, and Fidelity, executed by J. Smyth.
The interior is commodiously laid out : in the board room
is a marble bust of Lord Whitworth, by Smyth.
The establishment of a. separate post office for Ireland
was first formed in 1784, under the government of two
post-masters general ; and there are now upwards of 600
places in Ireland at which this office delivers letters. The
penny post, established in 1770, is also conducted in this
building. Letters are delivered within the metropolis four
times a day for one penny : the charge for those beyond
the canals is twopence. Mail-coaches were first used here
in 1790, six years after their introduction in England.
They leave the post office gvcty evening at seven o'clock
and on Sundays at six, as no Irish letters are sent on that
day. The London mail is dispatched every evening at six,
and the Liverpool at four, p»nu
Stands immediately opposite to the post office. It con-
sists of a fluted Ionic column, erected in 1808, from designs
by Wilkins, and surmounted by a colossal statue of Lord
Nelson, 14 feet in height, executed by Kirk, when a pupil
in the Royal Dublin Society's Academy. On the pedestal
are inscribed the names of Trafalgar, Vincent, Nile, and
Copenhagen, with the dates of those actions. The entire
height is 184 feet.
At the end of Sackville Street, is an elegant circular
building, in which concerts and assemblies are held. It
comprises a great room, 80 feet in diameter, and 40 in
height ; a card room, and a tea room, each 56 feet by 24 ;
a ball room, 86 feet by 40 ; exhibition rooms, &c. The
profits accruing from this establishment are devoted to the
support of the lying-in hospital.
Is situated on Eden Quay, on, the north bank of the
Liffey, near Carlisle Bridge, and is justly ranked as the
second building in Dublin as to architectural appearance.
It was commenced in 1781, from designs by Mr. Gandon,
and was completed in ten years, at an expense of 260,000/.
This magnificent edifice is 375 feet in length, and 200
in depth, and has four fronts, all of stone. In the centre
of the principal or south front, is a portico, consisting of
four massive Doric columns, supporting a pediment, in
which are represented Hibernia and Britannia embracing,
and holding the emblems of Peace and Liberty, the whole
executed in bold relief by J. Smyth. On the attic story
are. four statues of Navigation, Commerce, Industry, and
Wealth, by T. Banks. Above the portico rises a noble
dome^ 26 feet in diameter, crowned by a statue of Hope,
the head of which is 125 feet from the ground. The other
fronts are handsome, but not so splendid as the principal.
The only objects of the interior entitled to a stranger's
attention, are the grand staircase, which is curiously con-
structed, and the long room, a noble apartment 70 feet by
65, the arched ceiling of which is supported by a range of
composite columns.
East of the custom house are extensive wet docks, and
the King1 a tobacco warehouse, a building of immense size,
designed by Rennie. Its length is 500, and its breadth
160 feet The- roof, the lanterns, and the pillars are of
The present magnificent Courts of Law are situated on
King's Inn's Quay, and occupy the site of the Friary of
St Saviour, founded by William Mareschall, Earl of Pem-
broke, in 1202. The first stone was laid by the Duke of
Rutland in 1786, and the building was completed in twelve
years. Mr. Cooley gave the design for it, but on his
decease, Mr. Gandon undertook the superintendence.
The front is 450 feet long, and the buildings are 170
feet in depth. The great portico facing the river consists
of six Corinthian columns supporting a massive pediment,
above which are statues of Moses, Justice, and Mercy. At
the corners of this portion of the edifice are two other
statues of Wisdom and Authority. The wings are sepa-
rated from the centre by large square areas, in front of
which are arched screens, continuing the facade in a right
In the centre of the building is the hall, a rotunda 64
feet in diameter, from which the Courts of Chancery,
King's Bench, Common Pleas, Exchequer, and Rolls Court,
diverge, forming the sides of a square. The intervals
between the courts are occupied by retiring rooms, jury
rooms, &c. The upper part of the rotunda is a circular
lantern, lighted by twelve windows, and ornamented with
twenty-four fluted columns of the Corinthian order, the
whole surmounted by a dome with a mosaic ceiling. On
the panels over the entrances to the courts are basso-
relievos, representing William I. instituting Norman courts ;
John signing Magna Charta ; Henry II. granting a charter
to the people of Dublin; and James I. abolishing, the
Brehon laws, and granting a general amnesty. Above the
roof of the hall, but beneath the external cupola, is the
record chamber.
There are several apartments underground, one of
which is a coffee room.
The Society of King's Inns assumed that appellation in
1542, but the present edifice, at the end of Henrietta
Street, was not erected till the close of the eighteenth cen-
tury. The society had previously occupied premises where
the Four Courts now stand. The front is of hewn stone,
and presents a centre and two wings, which extend 110
feet in depth. The central building is surmounted by a
beautiful octangular cupola, beneath which is a lofty gateway
with the royal arms.
The King's Inns contain the record office, where wills
and testamentary papers are deposited. The Prerogative
Court occupies the south wing, and in the north is the
dining room, containing a portrait of Lord Chancellor
Manners. The library, which is over the ante-hall, pos-
sesses a valuable collection of law books, as well as some
curious MSS.
Is situated in Kildare Street, and was formerly the town
residence of the Duke of Leinster. The front, which is
of the Corinthian order, is handsome, and behind the
building is a lawn opening to Merrion Square. The hall
is a lofty apartment, adorned with a copy of the Belvidere
Apollo, and leads to the board room, news room, &c.
On the next story is the library, containing about 12,000
volumes, and a considerable number of MSS. The museum
is disposed in six rooms on the same floor; it contains a
very extensive collection of minerals* classified according to
Werner, and numerous specimens of natural history, as
well as some models. The chemical laboratory contains a
valuable apparatus, and lectures are delivered here annually.
The Dublin Society originated in 1781, and was entirely
supported by the subscriptions of Dr. Madan, Dr. Prior,
and a few other scientific gentlemen, till 1742, when it was
incorporated as the Dublin Society for improving Husbandry
and other useful Arts. It is governed by a president and
six vice-presidents, and has a professor of botany and
agriculture, of chemistry, of mineralogy and geology,
and a lecturer on natural and experimental philosophy.
There are also drawing masters for ornament and land-
scape, the figure, architecture, sculpture, a librarian,
gardener, &c.
The society's botanic garden is at Glassnevin, about a
mile from Dublin, where the traveller may spend a morning
with much gratification, and where the botanic lectures are
delivered during the summer, free to the public.
h 3
At the society house there is an annual exhibition of
articles of Irish manufacture of all kinds, and premiums
are awarded for the best articles exhibited. There is also
an annual exhibition of live stock. This society has done
much for Ireland, and is continuing to increase its usefulness
in every department.
The various departments of this valuable institution are
open to the public on the following days : —
The Museum, on Tuesday and Friday, from twelve to
three ; the Statuary Rooms, on Wednesday and Saturday,
from twelve to three; the Botanic Garden, Glassnevin,
on Tuesday and Friday, from twelve to four. Parliament
grants, 5300/. per annum.
Is situated in Hawkins' Street, on the site of the Dublin
Society's old house. It was built in 1821, by Mr. Harris,
from designs by Mr. Beazeley. The front consists of a
rusticated basement iu the form of an arcade, above which
are columns and pilasters of the Ionic and Doric orders.
The interior is well constructed, and tastefully ornamented.
Is an ancient edifice in Dawson Street, forming the
residence of the Lord Mayor. The exterior is by no
means prepossessing, but the interior presents several
good apartments, the principal of which are, the round
room, built expressly for the reception of his Majesty
George IV. in 1821 ; the ball room, adorned with several
portraits, amongst which are those of the Dukes of Cum-
berland and Richmond, by Sir T. Lawrence ; the drawing
room, containing several portraits ; and the sheriff's room,
also ornamented with paintings.
On a lawn, to the left of the mansion house, is an
equestrian statue of George I, which formerly stood on
Essex Bridge.
Is situated in Linen-hall Street, and is the grand mart for
the staple manufacture of Ireland. It covers three acres
of ground, and contains nearly 600 apartments, in which
linens and yarns are deposited. In the centre of the Linen
Hall is a full-length statue of King George IV., in his
robes, in marble, by Kirk, 7 feet in height, erected by
subscription of the linen factors, in commemoration of the
King's visit to the Hall in 1821.
Is situated in Green Street, and was built in 1797. The
front is adorned with six columns supporting a pediment.
The interior forms a lofty and spacious court, furnished
with a gallery for the public. The quarter-sessions are
opened by the Lord Mayor, who goes in procession for.
the purpose.
Formerly the residence of Viscount Powerscourt, was in
a spacious building in William Street, but is now removed
to the Custom House. The building in William Street was
sold by Government to the highly respectable firm of
Messrs. Ferrier and Pollock, wholesale merchants.
Is a royal enclosure, situated at the west end of Dublin,
and pleasantly diversified by woodland and rising grounds.
It comprises 1758 acres, of which 1357 are open to the
public : it is seven miles in circumference. The Lord
Lieutenant's country residence, which is situated in this
park, is a handsome building, and opposite to it is the
mansion of the chief secretary. Near the side entrance
to the former is a Corinthian column, surmounted by a
Phoenix, erected in 1745 by Lord Chesterfield.
At the entrance to the Park the Zoological Gardens,
which were formed in 1831, are situated, and the spot
selected is admirably suited for the purpose ; there is a
large pond on one side, and the other parts are finely laid
out in walks, with numerous rustic houses and cages for
the animals, and already they possess a considerable number.
The price of admission is only sixpence for each visitor.
It is a fashionable promenade in summer.
This park also contains the Royal Military Infirmary ;
the Hibernian School, established by Lord Townshend, for
the maintenance and education of soldiers' children; a
chalybeate spa, surrounded by pleasing walks ; a powder
magazine; and a large plain, on which the troops are
occasionally reviewed.
Here also, on an elevated situation, is the Wellington
Testimonial, erected from a design by Sir R. Smirke. It
consists of an obelisk, 205 feet in height, resting on a
pedestal, 24 feet high and 56 square. The obelisk bears
the names of the battles won by the Duke, and in front is
intended to be placed an equestrian statue of His Grace.
Are situated on Harbour Hill, near Phoenix Park, and are
capable of accommodating 2000 men. They were built
in 1706, and consist of several spacious and handsome
squares, built on three sides, and open on the fourth. For
beauty of situation, and grandeur of appearance, they are
St. Stephen's 'Green, at the south-east part of Dublin, is
the largest and handsomest square in the city. It is rather
more than a mile in circuit, and is surrounded by several
noble mansions. The centre is an enclosure of 17 acres,
planted with shrubs and evergreens, and having in the
middle a brass equestrian statue of George II., executed
by Van Nost On the west side of the square is Surgeon's
Fitzwilliam Square is a short distance south-east of the
preceding, and is about one-fourth the size, being rather
less than a quarter of a mile in circumference. The interior
is pleasingly laid out, and the houses are very neat.
Merrion Square is situated to the east of St Stephen's
Green, to which it ranks next in point of size. It is about
half a mile in circuit, and in the centre are 12 acres of walks
and shrubbery. The houses on the north side are remark-
ably well built, and on the west side is the Dublin Society's
house, having a spacious lawn.
Rutland Square is situated at the back of the Lying-in
Hospital and Rotunda Rooms, and is laid out with great
taste. It is opened as a promenade during the summer
evenings, when it is at times illuminated, and enlivened
by music. The enclosure is nearly a quarter of a mile
in circumference} and contains some stately timber.
Mountjoy Square is situated to the north-east of Rutland
Square, near the Circular Road. It is rather more than a
quarter of a mile in circuit, and is surrounded by regularly-
built houses. The centre encloses four acres, laid out in
walks, and planted with shrubs.
Carlisle Bridge, connecting Westmoreland and Sackville
Streets, is a handsome stone edifice of three arches, erected
in 1791. It is 210 feet long, and 40 broad. The view
from the bridge is truly beautiful.
The Cast Iron, or the Wellington Bridge, between Carlisle
and Essex Bridges, is a single arch, HO feet in the span,
resting on stone buttresses.
Essex Bridge, crossing the river from Parliament Street
to Capel Street, was originally erected in 1676, but rebuilt
in 1755, on the plan of Westminster Bridge.
Richmond Bridge, connecting Wine-Tavern Street with
King's- Inn Quay, was built in 1816, from designs by
Mr. Savage. It consists of three stone arches, the centres
of which are adorned with representations of Commerce,.
Hibernia, and Peace, on one side ; and Plenty, the Liffey,
and Industry, on the other.
Whilworth Bridge was commenced in 1816, on the site
of the old bridge, which was the oldest in the city. It
resembles Richmond bridge, and connects the extremities
of Merchants' and King's- Inn Quays.
Queen's Bridge, connecting Bridgefoot Street and Queen
Street, is 140 feet long, and 40 broad. It consists of three
atone arches, erected in 1764, on the site of Arran Bridge.
Bloody, or Barrack Bridge, is the oldest in Dublin, and
is situated near the Royal Barracks. It is called Bloody,
in consequence of a fatal encounter which occurred in 1671,
between the Military and some Dublin apprentices, who
wished to demolish a bridge near the JBarracks.
Sarah's Bridge, or Sarah's Arch, at Island Bridge, about
a mile from the City, is so called from Sarah, Countess of
Westmoreland, who laid the first stone, in 1791. It is a
beautiful structure, consisting of one stone arch, 104 feet
in the span.
The King's, or George the Fourth's Bridge, is a handsome
structure, near the chief entrance to the Phoenix Park.
It was erected in 1827, from a design by Papworth : it is of
iron, cast at Robinson's Phoenix foundry. It cost 13,000/.,
raised by subscription.
Dublin is the see of an Archbishop, and is remarkable for
possessing two cathedrals. It has also nineteen churches.
The following are most worthy of the stranger's attention :
St. Patrick's Cathedral was founded in 1190, on the site
of a chapel erected by St Patrick ; but it was not till 1370
that the first stone of the present edifice was laid. This
cathedral is of Gothic architecture, and is surmounted by
a steeple and spire, the summit of which is 223 feet from
the ground. The nave is 130 feet long, and is illumined
by one large window at the west end ; it contains, amongst
other monuments, those of the following remarkable per-
sons : — Archbishops Smyth, Marsh, Talfot, and Tregury ;
Bishop Meredyth, Dean Keating, Dean Swift, who was
interred Oct 22, 1745; Mrs. Hester Johnson, well known
as Swift's Stella; Richard Lambert, EarlofCavan; John
Ball, Master in Chancery ; Richard Parsons, Earl of Rosse ;
and A. M'Gee, a servant of Dean Swift The organ, which
is the finest toned in Ireland, was built at Rotterdam, and
given to the cathedral by the Duke of Ormond, who took
it from the Spaniards at Vigo.
The choir is extremely beautiful, and has an arched
ceiling of stucco, which has replaced the ancient stone
roof. It contains the stalls of the Knights of St Pa-
trick, together with their helmets, swords, banners, &c.
Amongst the monuments with which it is adorned, are
those of Richard Boyle, Earl of Cork, and Catherine his
wife; Elizabeth, Viscountess Doneraile ; the Duke of
Schomberg, who was killed at the Boyne; Dr. Byttolph,
Dean of Raphoe, and chaplain to Charles I. ; and Arch-
bishop Jones.
The Chapter House contains a statue of the Marquess of
Buckingham ; and here also is preserved the skull of the
Duke of Schomberg.
In the Dean's House, in Kevin Street, are portraits of
all the deans of St. Patrick's. The Archiepiscopal Palace
has been transformed into barracks for the police.
Near the cathedral is Archbishop Marsh s Library, which
is open to the public. It contains the books of Dr. Stil-
lingfleet, and some curious MSS.
Christ Church Cathedral, formerly dedicated to the
Blessed Trinity, was erected in 3038, on the site of a range
of vaults, in which St Patrick first preached to the people
of Dublin. The present choir, however, was not built till
1658. This cathedral is situated near the centre of Dub-
lin, not far from the castle. The exterior is in the Gothic
style, but so dilapidated and disfigured by buttresses, that
little of its original beauty remains*. The nave is 108
feet long, and contains several monuments, particularly
those of Thomas Prior, a zealous promoter of the manu-
factures of Ireland ; Earl Strongbow, the first invader of
Ireland, who died 1177 ; Lord Chancellor Bowes, who died
in 1767; Lord Chancellor Lifford, buried in 1789; and
Dr. Welbore Ellis, Bishop of Meath.
The transept is 90 feet in length, and is principally of
Saxon architecture. The choir is 104 feet by 28, and
exhibits an incongruous mixture of several styles of archi-
tecture : it contains monuments in memory of Robert,
Earl of Kildare, Bishop Fletcher, and Dr. Woodward.
In one of the aisles are statues of Charles II. and James II.
Contiguous to the cathedral is St. Mary's Chapel, belong-
ing to the dean and chapter. The whole has lately
undergone considerable repair, which has taken away the
Ancient and venerable appearance of the building.
St. Andrew's, or the Round Church, contiguous to Dame
Street, was built in 1793. It is of an elliptical form, and
measures 80 feet by 60. Over the entrance in St An-
drew's Street is a statue of the saint, by E. Smyth, and in
the churchyard is an unfinished steeple, in the Gothic
style, designed by Mr. Johnston. The interior is light
and elegant, and the capitals of the columns supporting
the gallery are very beautiful. In the centre is a well-
executed font of veined marble ; and over it hangs a
lustre which formerly belonged to the Irish House of
St. George1* Church, in Hardwicke Place, at the north
extremity of Dublin, is a very handsome modern edifice,
erected from designs by Mr. Johnston. The principal
front is 92 feet in width, and consists of a noble portico
of four fluted Ionic columns, the ascent to which is formed
by a flight of steps 42 feet wide. Above it rises the
steeple, a beautiful specimen of architecture, 200 feet in
height, in which are a set of bells, presented by Mr.
Johnston. The body of the church forms a square, having
three fronts of the Ionic order. At the eastern extremity
are the parish school and vestry-room.
St. WerhurgVt Church, in Werburgh Street, is a large
and elegant structure, erected in 1759, on the site of the
original building, dedicated to the sainted daughter of
Wulherus, king of Mercia. The front consists of several
stories, the basement being Ionic, the second story
Corinthian, and the third Composite. The spire, by
which it was formerly surmounted, was taken down in
1810. In this church, Sir James Ware, the antiquary,
Edwin, the performer, and the unfortunate and misguided
Lord Edward Fitzgerald, were interred.
St. Michan's Church is situated in Church Street, on
the north side of the Liffey. The body of the building is
cruciform, and very ancient; but the steeple is more
modem. Near the altar is an antique figure of a man in
armour, but of whom is unknown. The vaults beneath
this church are dry, and are remarkable for preserving
bodies almost unaltered for a great many years. Some,
that have been here centuries, still retain their features,
In the churchyard is the monument of Dr. Lucas, who '
represented Dublin in Parliament, and died in 1771.
St. Peter's, in Aungier Street, is the largest parish church
in the city, and is noted as that in which the celebrated
Dean Kirwan preached. Mr. Maturin, the author of
u Bertram," was a curate of this parish.
St. Thomas's Church, in Marlborough Street, opposite
Gloucester Street, erected in 1758, from a design by
Palladio. The interior is commodious and well designed.
Our limits preclude our entering into the description of
each of the other churches in Dublin.
The places of worship in Dublin belonging to the dis-
senters are numerous, but none of them are remarkable
as buildings.
The Presbyterians have Meeting Houses in Strand
Street, Mary's Abbey, Eustace Street, Ushers Quay, and
Lower Abbey Street ; the Independents, in D'Olier Street,
Mary's Abbey, York Street, and King's Inn Street; the
Methodists, Abbey Street, Cork Street, Hendrick Street,
Whitefriar Street, South George's Street, and Langrishe
Place; the Baptists, in 'Swift's Alley; the Moravians, in
Bishop Street; the Quakers, in Eustace Street, and Meath
Street ; the French Calvinists, in Peter Street ; and the
Separatist CaknnisU, in Aungier Street, and North Great
George Street There are also various other places of
worship of minor importance.
Dublin contains numerous places of worship in which
service is performed according to the rites of the Romish
church ; but the following are the principal ones entitled to
notice : —
The Metropolitan Roman Catholic Church, or Church of the
Conception, situated in Marlborough Street, near Sackville
Street, is a magnificent building in the Grecian style, the
erection of which was begun in 1816. It is surmounted
by a dome, and adorned with a noble portico, consisting of
six columns of the Doric order.
St. Michan's Chapel, in North Anne Street, is a hand-
some stone edifice in the pointed style. Over the grand
altar is an alto-relievo, representing our Saviour ; and above
the side altars are paintings of St Francis and the Virgin.
AUhallows, in Westland Row, immediately adjoining the
entrance to the Kingstown Railway, is a large handsome
building, in imitation of an edifice at Athens: it can
accommodate 6000 persons, and cost 13,000/., raised by
subscription. James Boulger, architect
St. Michael's and St. John's, in Exchange Street, is an
elegant modern building, in the pointed style, having two
beautiful fronts of hewn stone. The interior is chaste,
though richly ornamented. Over the altar is a painting
of the Crucifixion, and on either side are windows of
stained glass. The two smaller altars are adorned with
paintings; one representing St John the Evangelist, by
Del Frate ; and the other Michael and Satan, copied from
Raphael. On one side of the chapel is a monument in
memory of Dr. Betagh, executed by Turnerelli. The
confessionals are very beautifully carved.
The other Roman Catholic churches are,
St. PauVs, in Arran Quay.
St. Audeon'i, Cook Street.
St. Nicholas, Francis Street.
St. James, James Street .
St. Catherine's, Meath Street
Some of these, and indeed many of the Roman Catholic
chapels throughout Ireland, are now so splendid that they
are frequently called churches.
The Augustmian Friary of St. John is situated in John
Street, and has six clergymen; in the school fifty
females are educated, and there is attached tfn asylum for
old men, of which the Rev. P. Dowling is guardian. The
celebrated Dr. Doyle was a member of this establish-
The Dominican Convent, at Denmark-street Chapel, has
six clergymen attached to it Here twenty-five orphan
boys are supported and educated.
The Franciscan Convent and Church, situated oa Mer-
chant's Quay, has seven clergymen. The new church is
a large building, dedicated to St Francis, of Asisium.
The Jesuits' Church and Convent is situated in Upper
Gardiner Street. The new church is a most elegant
structure, dedicated to St. Francis Xavier : their school is
in Hardwicke Street.
The Capuchin Friary of Church Street Chapel has eight
clergymen. Here seventy boys are educated.
The Calced Carmelites, or Friary of St. Patrick, has six
clergymen and a handsome chapel, in Whitefriar Street,
erected in 1825, from designs by George Papworth,
architect It is two hundred feet long, and thirty-four
broad ; and the interior is tastefully fitted up.
The DUcalced Carmelites, in Clarendon Street, have a
spacious chapel, served by seven clergymen.
The Sisters of Mercy are resident in Lower Baggot
The Sisters of Charity are resident in Stanhope Street,
Upper Gardiner Street, and Sandy-mount.
The Poor Clares consist of seven nuns: their Nunnery is
at Kingstown.
The Ladies of the Presentation have a Nunnery at George's
Hill, and educate three hundred girls, twenty of whom they
clothe : they have also a Nunnery at Richmond, two miles
from Dublin.
The Poor Clares of Harold's Cross Nunnery, have an
excellent house and a fine chapel. They clothe, educate,
and support ninety female orphans.
The Carmelite Nunnery, of the order of St Joseph, at
Ranelagh, consists of seventeen nuns. They have a school
house adjoining, where sixty girls are educated.
The Carmelites have also Nunneries at Warrenmount,
Firhouse, and Blancherstown, in the vicinity of Dublin,
and also in North William Street
The Ladies Dominicans have a Nunnery at Cabragh,
three miles from Dublin.
The Schools of the Christian Brothers are situated in
Richmond Street North. The building was erected out of
the funds of the late Catholic Association, about eight
hundred boys are educated here.
The Dublin Society has already been described. See
page 77.
The Zoological Society of Dublin, instituted in 1831, con-
sists of a president, six vice-presidents, and a council of
fifteen members. Ten pounds paid on admission consti-
tute a member for life. The gardens, at the entrance to
the park, are open every day, from nine in the morning till
The Agricultural Society of Ireland, formed with a view
to promote the improvement of agriculture and the growth
of timber, is managed by a president, vice-president, and
eighteen directors.
The Royal Hibernian Academy of Painting, Sculpture,
and Architecture, was incorporated in 1823, and has annual
exhibitions of paintings in their hall ; it is an elegant
modern building, situated in Lower Abbey Street, erected
from the designs of Mr. Johnston, and at his own expense.
Parliamentary annual grant 3002.
The Royal Irish Institution, in College Street, founded in
1813, for promoting the fine arts. It consists of a patron,
vice-patron, president, ten vice-presidents, and twelve
The Royal Irish Academy was incorporated in 1786, for
the purpose of promoting the study of polite Literature,
Science, and Antiquities. It consists of a patron, visitor,
president, four vice-presidents, two secretaries, a treasurer,
and a council of twenty-one. The Society's house, which
is in Grafton Street, contains a good library, and a large
room where the members meet The Society gives prizes
for the best eBsays on given subjects, and publishes its
transactions. Receives an annual Parliament grant of
The Geological Society consists of a president, five vice-
presidents, and a council of fifteen members.
The Horticultural Society of Ireland consists of a president,
ten vice-presidents, and a council of twenty-one members.
The Society for Bettering the Condition of ike Poor of Ire-
land, by encouraging the coast fishery, and the spinning of
linen and woollen yarn. The society house is at No. 7,
Lower Abbey Street
The Protestant Colonization Society of Ireland, in Duke
Street, for the purpose of checking Protestant emigration,
by locating industrious persons on the waste lands of Ireland.
The Dublin Library Society, in D'Olier Street, possesses
a handsome house, containing a large and valuable library,
and a news-room for the use of the subscribers. The sub-
scription is only 11. per annum.
The College of Physicians was incorporated in 1692, and
consists of thirty-one fellows, one of whom is president,
and another vice-president. Its objects are nearly similar
to those of the College of Physicians in London, and its
meetings are held in Sir Patrick Dunn's Hospital, where
the College possesses a valuable library.
TJie College of Surgeons was incorporated in 1784, and
holds its sittings in a house built on purpose in St Stephen's
Green. This edifice was erected in 1806, and comprises a
library, a lecture-room, a museum, and a committee-room.
The School of Physic consists of six professors, three of
whom are on the establishment of the University, and three
on the College of Physicians, on the foundation of Sir P.
Dunn. The latter lecture at Sir Patrick Dunn's Hospital,
and the former at Trinity College.
Apothecaries3 Hall, in Mary Street, was incorporated in
1791, for the sale of medicines, the delivery of lectures,
and the examination of persons who wish to practise as
The Royal Hospital at Kilmainham was erected in 1683,
from designs by Sir C. Wren, for the reception of invalid
and superannuated soldiers. It is well adapted for the pur-
pose, and generally contains about 300 men. In the hall,
which is 100 feet long and 50 broad, are about twenty
portraits, and a collection of arms. The chapel is a vene-
rable building, 80 feet by 40 : the east window is adorned
with painted glass, and beneath it is the communion table,
of carved Irish oak.
The Blue-Coat Hospital, in Blackhall Street, was incor-
porated by Charles II. in 1670, for the maintenance and
education of the sons of reduced citizens of Dublin. The
present hospital was erected in 1773, and is a noble edifice
of Portland stone, consisting of a centre and wings extend-
ing 300 feet It is capable of accommodating from 150 to
200 boys.
The Lying-in- Hospital, in Great Britain Street, was
founded by Dr. Mosse, and was opened for the reception
of patients in 1757. It is a handsome building, erected
from designs by Mr. Cassels. The chapel is much ad-
mired. Parliamentary grant 1200/.
The Foundling Hospital, at the end of Thomas Street,
for the reception of destitute orphans and deserted infants,
was founded in 1704, and annually admitted about 1900
children $ until, from the amazing increase, it was found
necessary to issue an edict, in December 1880, that none
should be admitted after the 5th of January following. The
grant to this establishment by Parliament has been annually
The National Institution for the Education of Deaf and
Dumb Children of the Poor, established in 1816, is situated
at Claremont, near Glassnevin.
The Richmond National Institution, 37, Sackville Street,
for the instruction of the industrious blind.
The House of Industry, in Brunswick Street, instituted in
1773, is supported by Parliamentary grants, donations, and
the profits arising from the labour of the poor. It is an
extensive range of building, generally containing about
1700 persons, whom age or sickness have rendered in-
capable of earning a subsistence. There are separate asylums
for lunatics and idiots. Parliamentary grant 21,000*.
There are also four detached hospitals, assigned to the
relief of fever, chronic and surgical patients, also a dis-
pensary for the relief of the sick poor of the north-west
district of the city, and an institution for the relief of the
ruptured poor in Ireland.
St. Patrick's, or Swift's Hospital, for Idiots and Lunatics,
was founded in 1745 by Dean Swift, who bequeathed it
£. 1 1,000. It will contain about 180 patients.
The Mendicity House, in Usher's Island, was established
in 1818, for the purpose of clearing the streets of Dublin
of the numerous beggars with which they were infested.
Amongst the other Charitable Institutions of Dublin
are: —
The County of Dublin, or Meath Hospital, in Long Lane,
Stamer Street.
The Fever Hospital, or House of Recovery, in Cork Street,
with a Parliamentary grant of 3800/.
Sir Patrick Dunn's Hospital, Grand Canal Street
The Hibernian Marine School, on Sir John Rogerson's
Quay. Parliamentary grant 4002,
The Dublin General Dispensary, in Fleet Street
The Hospital for Incurables, Donnybrook Road. Parlia-
mentary grant 500/.
Mercer's Hospital, in Stephen Street
Magdalen Asylum, Leeson Street
The Lock Penitentiary, Dorset Street
The Westmoreland Lock Hospital, Townsend Street Par-
liamentary grant 2913/.
Simpson's Hospital, for the Blind, in Great Britain Street
Steven's Hospital, in James Street Parliamentary grant
Nicholas' Hospital, in Francis Street
Coombe Lying-in Hospital, Coombe.
Anglesea Lying-in Hospital, Bishop Street
The Asylum for Aged Printers, Crumlin Street
Pleasants Asylum in Cambden Street, for destitute Female
The Whitworth Hospital, Drumcondra.
City of Dublin Hospital, Upper Baggot Street
The Magdalen Asylum, in Townsend Street
The Molyneaux Asylum, in Peter Street, for Blind
The Charitable Infirmary, in Jervis Street
The Female Orphan House, in the North Circular Road,
Parliamentary grant 1100/.
The Old Men's Asylum, in Russell Place.
The Asylum for Aged and Infirm Female Servants.
The House of Refuge, in Stanhope Street
General Female Orphan House, in Harolds Cross.
The Protestant Orphan Society.
Shelter for Females discharged from Prison, South Circular
The Scottish Benevolent Society of St. Andrew.
The Society for the relief of sick and indigent Room-keepers.
The Stranger's Friend Society.
Sick Poor Institution, Meath Street
Dublin Female Penitentiary, North Circular Road.
Board of Charitable Bequests. Parliamentary grant 700/.
Newgate, the principal prison in Dublin, is situated in
Green Street, and occupies a space of 170 feet by 130. It
was built between 1773 and 1781, from designs by Mr.
Cooley, and is fronted with granite. At the angles are
round towers with loopholes. The interior is divided by
a passage, having on each side wails with iron gates,
through which visitors are allowed to speak to the pri-
Kilmainham, or the County Gaol, is situated near the
Royal Hospital, and has a handsome Court House con-
tiguous to it
The Sheriff's Prison, in Green Street, was erected in
1794. It forms three sides of a square, surrounding a
court-yard, and generally contains about a hundred debtors,
The City Marshalsea, in Green Street, is a prison for
persons arrested for debts under ten pounds.
The Richmond Bridewell, for the reformation of offenders
of both sexes, is situated on the Circular Road, on the south
side of the city. It was built in 1813, and occupies about
five acres, including the garden. The building is of stone,
and is entered by a massive gate, flanked by walls, and
towers. The interior is divided into two courts, surrounded
by buildings.
The Richmond General Penitentiary, in Grange Gorman
Lane, was built in 1812, from designs by Mr. Johnston.
The front, which is 700 feet in length, has a very imposing
appearance: it is built of black stone, and the centre is
surmounted by a cupola.
These consist chiefly of Irish poplins, which are celebrated
for their excellence, tabinets, silks, cottons, woollens, and
hardware. The shops of Dublin are elegant, and well
furnished with books, broadcloths, fruit, &c. imported from
England, and fine linens, damasks, stockings, &c, of home
These are spacious and respectable. The stranger will
have no difficulty in finding good accommodation. The
principal are — Morrison's, TuthilTs, and the Hibernian,
in Dawson Street; Gresham's, Tommey's, the Bilton,
Odienne's, the Waterford, and Shadaccini's, in Sackville
Street; also a large one opposite the post office, the Royal
Hotel, College Green, and the Commercial on Usher's Quay,
and others too numerous to mention.
The Hibernian United Service, in Foster Place.
The Kildare Street Club, in Kildare Street.
The Friendly Brothers, in Upper Sackville Street.
The Dawson Street Club, in Dawson Street.
The Sackville Street Club, in Sackville Street^
*»• The Irish Mail* leave Dublin every evening at 7, and on Sundays at
6 o* clock. There is a day Mail to Belfast at 8 o'clock in the morning ;
that to Kilkenny at half-past 8, and also to Cork, atlo' clods in the
afternoon.— The Liverpool Mail starts at half-past 4 o'clock, and the
London MaU at 6 o'clock every evening.
1. DUBLIN to BELFAST, in 12 hours*.
Miles. Miles.
Ashbourne 10$ Newry 60
Duleek 18J Loughbrickland 58*
Drogheda 22) Banbridge 60*
Dunleer 30 Dromore 66$
Castlebellingham 34 Hillrtx>ro» 70
Lurgangreen 37 Liaburn 73$
Dnndalk 40 Belfast 80
Flurrybrtdge • • • ^ «i
• The Day Mail goes by the same route.
2. DUBLIN to CORK, Night Mail, by Clonmel,
in 20 hours.
Miles. Miles.
Bafhcoole 8 Callan 65*
Naas 17} Clonmel 821
Kilcollen 225 Clogheen 94
Ballytore 281 Kilworth 106
Castledennot 34 Fermoy 1061
Carlow 39k Bathcormack 112
Leighlinbridge 45 Riverstown 121*
Kilkenny 571 Cork 126
8. DUBLIN to CORK, Day Mail, by Cashel,
in 20 hours.
Naas 17$ Cashel
Kilcullen 22} Caher
Athy 331 Mitchelstown
Stradbally 40 Fermoy
Abbeyleix 49£ Bathcormack.
Durrow 54£ Cork
Johnstown 62
Littleton 701
4. DUBLIN to DERRY, in 18 hours.
Ashbourne 10
Bees Town 151
Slane 22
Dnunconra * 32
Carrickmacross 40
Castleblayney 491
Monaghan 60}
Emyrale 66
Aughnacloy 701
Ballygawley 74
Omagh 86}
Newtonstewart 941
Strabane 102
Deny 1131
5. DUBLIN to ENNISKILLEN, in 13 hours.
Clonee 7 Lavastrand •
Dunshaughlin 13} Cavan
•• 491
• 06 .
Kilcairne 23
Navan 23
Kells 31
Virginia 40*
Wattlebridge 63*
Lisnaskea 7U
Enniskfflen 80*
6. DUBLIN to GALWAY, in 15| hours.
Lncan •
Maynooth • Ill Thomastown
Kilcork 14} Ballinasloe
Kinnegad 30
Rochfort Bridge
Kilbeggan 44* Gal way-
Moate 62*
Athlone GO
20* Aughrim 76*
26* Nogginstown 82
Loughrea 87
37 J Craughwell
40* Oranmore
7. DUBLIN to KILKENNY, Morning Mail,
in 9 hours.
Miles. Miles.
Tallaght 5 Carlow 404
Blessington 14 Bagnaktown 471
Baltinglaas 29* Kilkenny 604
Caatledermot 36}
8. DUBLIN to LIMERICK, in 14 hours.
Miles. •
Rathcoole 8
Mountrath 47
Barns in-Ossory 63*
16} Boecrea 69
21 MoneygaU 66}
26* Toomavara 69*
30* Nenagh 74}
33 Kilmastnlla 82}
36 Sallymount 88*
40* Limerick 93}
K 3
9. DUBLIN to SLIGO, in 15* hours.
Kinnegad, » at No. 6. 30
MnUingar 39
Rathowen 49
Edgeworthstown 52]
Longford 59*
Newton Forbes 62
Bushy 64
Dromod 69
Dramsna 73
Jamestown 7*
Carrick-on-Shannon 76*
Boyle '•• 84
Colooney 96*
Baltisodare 100*
Sligp 104
10. DUBLIN to WATERFORD, in 12* hours.
Rathcoole 8
Naas 15*
Kilcullen 21*
Athy 33*
Castlecomer 46*
Kilkenny 56*
Thomastown 64J
Mullinavat 74*
Waterford 82
11. DUBLIN to WEXFORD, in 12 hours.
Bray * 10 Arklow •
Delgany 15 Gorey---
Newton Mount Kennedy • • • • 17$ Camolin-
Ashford 22 Ferns • • •
23* Ennisoorthy •
Bathdrnm 30 Wexford
... 391
... 471
... 53*
... 56*
... 62
... 74
*** This List wiU be found verp useful to the Traveller, as shewing the
Mail Routes on the Cross Roads. It is arranged alphabetically, in
the order of the Towns from which the Mails start/ the Distances are
given in Irish mites, with the time each Mail is on the Route.
1. BALLINA to CASTLEBAR, in 2| hours.
Distance 17J miles.
in 9 hours, 18 minutes.
Miles. Miles.
Sonnagh 5± Rowidfort 38J
Ahaacragh 6* Hollymount 39f
Castleblakeney 12 Ballyglaas-. 441
Dangan 19| Lugafyle 30*
Tuam 27 Castlebar 63*
Blindwell 33 Wortport 62
3. BELFAST to DERRY, in 12* hours.
Miles. Mile*.
Templepatrick 10 Ballymoney 99
Antrim 13* Coleraine 45*
Bandalatown 17i Newton Limavady 57
Ballymena 241 Deny 601
Dnnloy 349
4. BELFAST to ENNISKILLEN, in 14 hours.
Miles. Miles.
LUburn 6* Glasslongh 40
Moira 13 Monaghan 45
Lurgan 17 Clones 54J
Portadown • 21* Newtonbutle* 59*
Armagh 30* Lisnaalcea 65}
Caledon 37 EnnisldUen 74i
5. BELFAST to LARNE, in 3* hours.
Miles. Miles.
Carrickfergtu 8 Lame 18
6. CORK to BANTRY, in 10$ hours.
Miles. Miles.
Inniahannon 12 Skibbereen 42
Bandon ■•• 15} Dromore 49
Cloghnakfity 25* Bantry 56ft
Botcarberrj 32
7. CORK to KINSALE, in 2| hours.
Distance 15 miles.
8. CORK to TRALEE, in 10J hours.
Mile*. Miles.
Ballinoollig 4* Bft*n **
Shandy 1* KUlarney 48*
Carrigadroed W Marshall* 57*
Macroom 20* Tralee 64*
Mfflstreet 31
9. DERRY to SLIGO, in 12 hours.
Maes. Miles.
Strabane "* BallyBhannon 47
Caakefin • 16* Bunduff Mi
Stranorlar 22 Bunavally 61J
Donegal 36 Sligo 68
BalBntra 41
10. DUNMORE to LIMERICK, in 11 hours.
Miles. Miles.
Waterford 9 Cahir 39*
Carrick-on-Suir 21* Trpperary «*
Clonmel 32 Limerick 69*
in 3 hours, 40 minutes.
Miles. Miles.
Benmore 8 BallyBhannon 21*
Cladagh 13*
12. GAL WAY to LIMERICK, in 9 hours, 25 minutes.
Miles. Miles.
Ardrahan 12* Newmarket-on-Fergus 40
Gort 18* Cratloecrow 4ft*
Crnsheen 26J Limerick "*
Ennia 33*
13. GALWAY to TUAM, in 3 hour*.
Mile*. Mile*.
Clare (Galway) 5* Tuam ltft
Karanagh 1W
in 1 hour, 53 minutes,
MUer. Mile*.
Scarth 4* Cartleialand 12
15. LIMERICK to CORK, in 7* hours.
MQet Mite*.
BrulT 12 Mallow 34*
Kllmallock 16 Ballinocane 394
Charleville 21 Kilcrone 47*
Bvttevant 28* Cork 51*
16. LIMERICK to TRALEE, in 8 hours.
MUes. Mil*.
Adair » Abbayfeale r -30
Batbkeale 13* Castleialand 41
N«*cartle 20 Tralee 42
17. NEWRY to COLERAINE, in 12J hours.
MiU». Mtes.
Markethill 10 Magherafelt 43*
Armagh 15* Tubbermore 45
»oy 21 Maghera 491
Dtwgannon 251 Garragh 58*
Stewartatown 3U Blackhill 61
Cookttown 36* Colerame •••••• 67
Moneymora • 321
18. SLIGO to BALLINA, in 4 hours, 40 minutes.
Miles. MUes.
Ballisodare 4 Easkey 19
Skreen 11 Ballina 29
Dromore West 17
19. WATERFORD to CORK, in 10 J hours.
Miles. Miles.
Kilmacthomas 12 Castlemartyr 49|
Dungarvan 22 Middleton 54
Ballinaparka 31 Cork 64}
Youghall 41
in 8 hours, 50 minutes.
Miles. Miles.
Kilmacthomas 12 Lkmere 34
Dungarvan 22 Tallow 38}
Cappoquin 30% Youghall 49
*»* The Day Cars do not travel on Sundays.
Ballinaslok • • Paroonstown •
Burrobakank Boscrea
Boyle Longford
c. R, ow / Bom, every Tuesday,
iarxow ^ ThursdaytSaturday.
Cashbl Waterfowl • • •
. Limerick • • •
Clonmbl Cork
— Dnngarran- • -
Enniscorthy •
Kilkenny • • .
— Limerick • • •
. ... Boscrea
_ — Thurles
Tipperary • . •
~ Waterford . • •
of despatch.
6 a.m. —
5 p.m. • •<
6 a.m.
la. m.
7a.m. • ••
10— 30 a.m.
9— 15 a. m.
3p.m. ...
6a.m. •••
3 p.m. •■
9 a.m.
3p.m. • ••
9—15 a. m.
9— 30 a. m.
2p.m. •••
3 p. m.
6 a. m.
of arrival.
11 a.m.
8 p. m.
10—10 a. m.
3 p.m.
2—25 p. m.
4— 30 p.m.
5—20 p. m.
7 p.m.
5 p. m.
7 p.m.
4 p. m.
9 p.m.
5 p.m.
7 p.m.
7 p.m.
10 a.m.
Clonmkl ...
of despatch.
Waterford 10a.m
Ejcniscorthy .
• Ditto 3p.m. ...
• Wexford 6i.m. •••■
• Clonmol 6 a.m.
• Fermoy 6 a. m
• Kilkenny 6a.m. ••>
• Limerick 6a.m. •••
• Waterford 6a.m. •••
• Clonmel • • • • • 6— 30 a. m.
• Enniecorthy ....... 7 a. m. • • •
• Lismore "*»• 7p.m. •••
• Waterford *+ 7a.m. •••
• Wexford 7».m. •••■
• Clonmel 8a.m. • ••
• Lismore 6 a. m.
• Waterford 8a.m. • ••
• Carrick-<m-8uir 6a.m. • ••
Cork-- 5a.m
• Fermoy 5 a. m.
• Killarney 5a.m. ...
• Limerick 5 a. m.
• Mallow 5 a. m. —
• Maryboro 2p.m. •••
• Monntmellick 2p.m. • ••
• Thnrles 6a.m. —
• Tralee 5a.m. • ••
• Waterford 6a.m. • •••
• Ditto 2 p. m.
• Limerick 7a.m. ••••
• Kilkenny 1—45 p. m.
• Roacrea 1— 45p.m.
• Clonmel 8a.m. .....
• Cork 9a.m. ••■■
• Fermoy 9a.m. ...
• Kilkenny 8a.m. ....
• Killarney 9— 30a.m.
• Listowell 9— <30a.m.
• Tralee 9— 30 a.m.
• Waterford 8a.m. ...
of arrival.
• • • 2—80 p. m.
... 7p.m.
... 6— 30p.m.
... 9— 15p.m.
• • 9a.m.
... 7p.m.
. . . 3 p. m.
■ •• 7p.m.
•• 10a.m.
.. 5p.m.
... 9p.m.
• • • 11 a. m.
••• ft— 30 p.m.
••• 7p.m.
... 9p.m.
... 2— 30p.m.
• •• 10a.m.
- • • 5—20 p. m.
... 2-30 p.m.
I Stops a night at
\ Limerick.
■• 4— 20p.m.
. . . 5 p. m.
• • 6 p. m.
• • • 8 p. m
... U-40a.m.
(Stopsaniffht *t
X Limerick.
• • 10 a. m.
• • 7p.m.
.. 3-30 p.m.
• • 7— 30p\m.
•• 7-*>p.m.
.. 2-^0 p.m.
• • 5— 90p.m.
•-• 2-30p.m.
■ •• 7p.m.
.. 6— 15 p.m.
.. 6p.m.
• • 5— 80 p. m.
... -7p.m.
. Clonmel
. Waterford •
. Wexford ..
. Limerick- • •
. Boyle
. Clonmel
. Kilkenny •
.. Waterford-
Marybobo' — Kilkenny • <
Parsonstowh Ballinaiiloe •
■ Roacrea • ■•
Longford- ••
Mallow •••
Robcbsa Burrotakane
. Panonatown
/Carlo*, Monday* \
'\ Wednesday, Friday f
__ ............ Dnnffarran • • • •
. Lismore
Waterford. •••
Thomabtown • • Boas
"Thubxss Clonmel
■ .Kilkenny
__ Killenaule • • • •
_— — Limerick
■ Roacrea
Waterford-- ••
TiPFSRARY .... Caahel
___— — .... Clonmel
■ , ....Ditto
■ Kilkenny • * •
— — ....Thvrles
.... Waterford • • ■ •
— *- Ditto
Tbalr*., Killaraey ••••
Hour Hour
of despatch, of arrival.
5a.m. 10— 30a.m.
5 a.m. 10— 40a.m.
6— 30a.m. •• 3— 30p.m.
1— 30 p.m. -• 6 p.m.
6— 30a.m. •• 2-r30p.m.
6— 30a.m. •• 7p.m.
6— 30a.m. •• 7 p.m.
6a.m. 11a.m.
5a.m. 11a.m.
2p.m. .?•••• 7p.m.
5p.m. 7p.m.
6a.m. 9a.m.
6a.m. 8a.m.
5a. m. 8a.m.
5a.m. 7p.m.
8a. m 8 p.m.
12 noon. 7p.m.
12 noon. 7 P- m.
12 noon. 9 p. m.
7a.m. 9— 30p.m.
12 noon. 2— 30p. m.
5— 30 p.m. •• 8 p.m.
4a.m. 7— 80a.m.
4 a.m. 11a.m.
5 a. m. 10 a. m.
8— 80a.m. •• 2— 30p.m.
2p.m. 7--30p. m.
8— 20a.m. •• 10a.m.
8— 80 a.m. •• 4 p.m.
4 p.m. 7p-m.
5a. m 2— 30p.m.
lp. m 4 p.m.
6a.m. 9— 30a.m.
11— 30 a.m. •• 2— 30p.m.
11— 30 a.m. •• 7 p.m.
1 p. m. 7 p. m.
6 a. m. 2—30 p. m.
11— 30a.m. •• 7p.m.
2— 30p.m. .. 6p.m.
Hour Hour
of despatch. of arrival.
7— 30a.m. •• 3-40p.m.
.... 5a.m. 1p.m.
.... 9a. m. 5p.m.
• Clonmel f5&9a.m. At six miles an
\ &3p. m. hour.
•■Cork 5a.m. 6— 20p.m.
• • Ennucorthy 11a.m. 5 p.m.
• Limerick*
. Cashel....
• Ditto ..
•Kilkenny 3p.'i
Ditto 9a.m.
• •Killamey 5a.m. .
— — . .... Limerick 5 a. m.
————— .... Lfemore 3p. m.
• • • • • Mallow 5 a.m.
• • Boacrea 5a. m.
— ■ Boss ••• 3 p. m.
Thurta 9a.m.
*— Tralee 5a.m. .
— • • Wexford 5 a. m. «
Ditto 11 a. m. .
Wexford .... Cork 7a. m. .
— Limerick 7 a.m. •
1 Kilkenny 7 a. m. <
Hosa 8a.m.
"— Ditto 2 p. m. <
Thomastown 2 p. m. ■
Waterford 2 p. m. •
Ditto 2p.m. •
7p.m. .
... 2 p. m.
.(Stops one night
4 p. m.
5— 20 p.m.
7 p.m.
5— JO p. m.
7 p.m.
/ Stops one night
\ at I '--'-•-
6— 30p.m.
(Stops one night
at Limerick.
. . . . . 12 noon.
5 p.m.
8— 30 p.m.
2— 30p.m.
8 p. m.
No. 1. From Dublin to ANTRIM. First Road.
Through Drogheda, Banbridge, and Moira.
Dublin Castle to Miles. Dublin CasOe to Miles.
Drumcondm. * DundaHc 40J
Saataj 3} Joneaboxough 45*
Swords 7 Newry 50*
Tu^ey 9 SheepBridge 53*
Man-of-Wai- J2| Loughbrioltland 68*
Babnddery 14* Banbridge 60J
Julianstown Bridge 20* Donaghcloney 66
Drogheda 23J Magheralin 671
Dunleer 30* Moir* 69*
Castle Bellingham 34} Glenayy 76
Lnrgan Green 37J Antrim 83
DRUMCONDRA is a village which possesses many
objects of attraction to the inhabitants of Dublin, as one
of the most agreeable walks from town ; the entire road
being thickly studded by villas and gardens. The bridge
is thrown across the rural stream from Glassnevin, which,
passing through Drumcondra and Ballybought, flows into
the bay of Dublin. On the rivulet at the bridge foot are
some flour mills, and adjoining is Belvidere, a fine square
mansion, with a park enclosed by a high wall. The church
of Drumcondra contains a monument, by Sheemackers, to
the memory of Mr. Coghill, Chancellor of the Exchequer
in the last century* Here also, in the church-yard, is the
tomb of Grose, the antiquarian, so well known by his
elegant and laborious illustrations of this kingdom.
Pop. 590.
SANTRY is a small village of Dublin, with a church,
Roman Catholic chapel, and school. Santry House is
spacious, and its park extensive : it is the residence of
Sir Compton Domville. Beyond this pleasant spot is seen
the church of Cloghran, situated on a height of lime rock,
which commands a superb prospect of both sea and land.
Pop. 125.
SWORDS is a post town of Dublin, celebrated for its
antiquities. Before the Union it was a borough. The
black walls of its once stately castle are seen above the
small houses of the long street; a square tower and various
portions of ruin still remain. Here also are vestiges of
the monastery founded by St Columb, in 512, as well as
a nunnery, an old church, and a celebrated round tower,
73 feet in height and 55 in girth : it is isolated from the
walls of the church, and is of a ruder construction than
many of the other Irish round towers. The horse and
cattle fair is well attended by the holiday makers of Dublin.
It has a handsome Gothic church, for the erection of which
some of the ruins of the old abbey were removed ; a Roman
Catholic chapel, a school house, a dispensary, and a large
barrack. Pop. 2537. Fairs: March 17, May 9, July 12,
September 10, and November 5.
Two miles from Swords U Felttim, a village at the foot
of a hill which commands a fine prospect. Feltrim Castle
afforded an asylum to James II. after the battle of the
Boyne, and the room in which he passed one night is still
TURVEY is a small village of Dublin. Near it is
Turvey Park, with a large mansion, the seat of Lord
Trimleston, surrounded by fine woods and shrubberies.
At some distance are the ruins of Grace Dieu Nunnery.
MAN-OF-WAR was formerly a first stage from town, and
well known for its excellent accommodation, but it has fallen
to decay, in consequence of the high road being changed.
BALRUDDERY is a small village of Dublin, a mile
from the sea : it gives name to a barony. The church is a
neat building. In the vicinity are Prospect Hall and
Hampton Hall, two fine seats. Three miles and a half
beyond this place is Gormanstown Castle, the seat of Viscount
Gormanstown. Pop. 375. Fairs: May 6, and Aug. 12.
DROGHEDA is situated on the Boyne, in Louth, but
its liberties south of the river are in Eastmeath. This
town is a county in itself, and sends a member to the
Imperial Parliament: it is governed by a mayor and sheriffs.
Drogheda is historically celebrated ; it gallantly resisted all
the efforts of the Irish under Sir Phelim O'Neil, in 1641 ;
and soon afterwards it was stormed by Cromwell, who put
its defenders to the sword. In the valley of the Boyne, at
Old Bridge, two miles from the town, and on an eminence,
is the obelisk, which commemorates King William's deci-
sive victory on the 1st of July, 1690; where also the brave
Schomberg was killed by an accidental shot from one of his
own men. The houses of Drogheda are large and handsome,
and are built of brick ; and the public edifices are respectable ;
but its suburbs consist of unsightly hovels. The Tholsel,
in the main street, is a handsome building, with a tower,
covered in by a small dome. The traveller may also notice,
the linen hall, the corn market designed by Mr. John-
ston, the custom house, the gaol erected in 1818, the
Catholic chapel on the site of the old gaol, the county
hospital in Great George Street, the theatre in William
Street, the reading rooms on the quay, and the men-
dicity establishment in William Street. There are also
several meeting houses and charitable institutions. In
its brave defence, in 1641, the town was commanded by
Lord Moore, of Drogheda, ancestor of the Marquess of
Drogheda. On an adjoining hill there is a small fort with
a guard and cannon.
The present prosperity and trade of the place give it a
high rank among the towns in Ireland ; the linen manu-
facture is very considerable. St Peter's church and spire,
of hewn stone, erected from designs by Mr. Johnston ;
St Mary's church, completed in 1810; the barracks, and
the ancient steeples of the abbeys, transpierced by wide
arches, in the direction of the cardinal points, are worthy
of notice ; the latter suffered by the shot from Cromwell's
batteries. Drogheda is seated in a valley, with a steep
range of hills to the north, up which the road ascends just
beyond the town; whence the various steeples appear above
the low houses of the suburb, which extends nearly half a
mile from the principal streets ; a fine coup d'oeil of the
town is obtained from the hills. The sea and bay are above
four miles east of the town ; yet, as the Boyne is navigable
to the bridge, the port of Drogheda is favourable for a con-
siderable commerce and coasting trade. There are steam
packets to Dublin, Liverpool, and Belfast The salmon
fishery is good*
The following are the antiquities of the town and its
vicinity: — the fine ruin of St. Mary's Church, close to which
once stood a castle, south of the Boyne; an Augustine
abbey ; a priory of St Laurence, near the gate of the same
name; a Dominican friary, founded in 1224, on the north
side of the Boyne, in which Richard II. received the per-
sonal homage and fealty of several Irish princes ; St Mary's
hospital, at the west gate; and other monastic houses,
crosses, &c. Bevrac Mount, artificially raised, it is sup-
posed as a barrow, is near the old chapel of St Mary. The
town was formerly surrounded with walls, hut only one
gateway (St Laurence's) is now standing.
Terfeck an Castle, which was inhabited by the learned
Usher, and the Archbishops of Armagh, is now a ruin, and
is above three miles from Drogheda. The village of Ter-
feckan, which is near the coast, is inhabited by fishermen.
The parish church is situated on a rising ground, over the
river, and has a good steeple and spire. Mellifont, a Cis-
tercian abbey, is five miles to the west of Drogheda ; it was
rounded by O' Carrol, in the twelfth century, and afterwards
granted by Henry VIII. to the Moores, by whom it was
repaired for a mansion; the baptistery and some other
interesting vestiges of it are still to be seen. The demo-
lition of its beautiful doorway occurred some years ago, in
consequence of its then proprietor having staked it on
a chance at cards. To the left of the north road, in a
valley three miles from Drogheda, the traveller cannot fail
to observe the great round tower at Monasterboice, dilapi-
dated near the top, 110 feet high, and 51 in circumference ;
at its foot are two sculptured crosses, of which St Boyne's
Cross is 18 feet in height Two ancient chapels are all
that remain of Monasterboice Abbey. At Orange, near
Drogheda, is a famous excavated cavern of large dimen-
sions, said, by Valancey, to be a heathen temple, being
an antrum dedicated to superstitious rites; its vault is
rudely covered in: some Roman coins were discovered in
this cave.
Pop. 17,365. The principal Inns are commodious, and
well furnished; Market day: Saturday. Fairs: March 9,
April 10, May 12, June 22, Aug. 26, Oct 29, Nov. 20,
and Dec. 18.
DUNLEER is a village of Louth, and post town. This
county, which is entered at Drogheda, is the smallest of the
kingdom, but is amongst the best cultivated, and is fertile ;
it is bordered by precipitous broken hills to the north, and
is embellished by a considerable growth of ash trees, which
in many parts surround the villages or border the roads : it
appears fortunate that this tree is so much favoured by the
Irish, as its pendant and elegant branches are pleasing to
the sight, and its wood is of constant utility to agricul-
turists. Dunleer has a large church; it is a more seques-
tered place, and exhibits less of commercial spirit and
activity, or improvement, than might be expected in such
a thoroughfare. It has good inns. Pop. 710.
Seats.— Barmeath, the demesne of the Bellew family;
Rokeby HaU, one mile distent, built from designs by Mr.
Johnston, and formerly the mansion of the late Dr. Robin-
son, Archbishop of Armagh, but now the seat of Count De
Salis, the proprietor of the town, who has built a handsome
dispensary, and promoted much improvement in it
CASTLE BELLINGHAM is a beautiful post town of
Louth, on the banks of the Lagan, which, at a short dis-
tance to the east, falls into an open shallow bay of the Irish
Channel. Here is a respectable inn, and the village fur-
nishes excellent ale. The dispensary was established in
1819. The school houses, built as Swiss cottages, by Sir
Allen Bellingham, Bart, are remarkably neat, and their
architecture a great ornament to the town. At the bend
of the road, in the centre of Castle Bellingham, is a large
elm tree. In the vicinity is Greenmount, on the summit of
which is an earthen fort or encampment, commanding a fine -
prospect In the middle is a large barrow, or tumulus.
The church of Castle Bellingham is an ancient edifice, to
which a new aisle has been added ; there is also a Roman
Catholic chapel at a short distance from the town. Pop.
611. Fairs: Easter Tuesday, and October 10. Distant
one mile from this, is the sea-bathing village of Annagassan.
LURGAN-GREEN is a small village and post town on
the eastern coast of Louth, near the mouth of the little
river Fane. Clermont demesne is one mile farther, and
beyond it is the old church of Hainestown. The whole of
the flat shore south of Dundalk is covered with various
kinds of water-fowl ; barnacles are the most numerous,
and the most highly esteemed, although here they are not
considered to possess the fine flavour of the same bird either
at Wexford or Deny. The stupendous barrier of the Car-
lingford Hills skirts the opposite coast of this great bay,
and has a direction from west to east Fain: May 21,
July 25, and November 11.
DUNDALK is an ancient and populous assize, borough,
market, and post town of Louth, on the south side of the Cas-
tletown river, and near the bay to which it gives name, and
returns a member to the Imperial Parliament It was at
this point the bulwark of the " English Pale," and was
surrounded on all sides by strong castles, and castellated
mansions of the English barons. Its fortifications were
destroyed in 1641. It has a commodious but shallow har-
bour, and a good roadstead, and its trade and manufactures
are flourishing. The cambric manufacture has been intro-
duced here, and continues to flourish. The town and public
buildings have been erected in a good style ; the streets
are regular, and of great length. In the market-place,
which is spacious, is the sessions house, an edifice of
truly classical architecture, completed in 1822. The facade
is after the model of the Temple of Theseus, at Athens:
the noble Doric columns in the portico are fluted, and,
being in a double row, give a depth and stateliness to
this edifice which is surpassed by few other court houses.
Here are the remains of two ancient friaries, one of which,
called the Grey Friars, has a large tower. The barracks,
gaol, news and assembly rooms, linen hall, and a hand-
some charter school, endowed by the Hamilton family,
are good buildings. A fine and newly-erected county
infirmary on the south side attracts attention. There
are two Roman Catholic chapels, several meeting houses,
a free school, and fever hospital.
At some distance from Dundalk, but within sight of the
town, are the castle and rath of Castletown, near which
are the venerable walls of a church, clad with ivy. From
the hill on which Castletown stands, is seen the seat of
the Earls of Clanbrassil, who possessed likewise a good
house in Dundalk; which mansions descended by inter-
marriage to the Earl of Roden, together with a finely-
planted demesne, and a large estate. In this old mansion
are preserved fine portraits of Henry VIII., Anne Boleyn,
and some of the Hamiltons. A handsome bridge was built
across the river in 1822, a few yards farther from the
head of the Bay than the ancient one, which was narrow,
and in a dangerous condition. Dundalk market is plentit
folly supplied, particularly in the corn trade ; it is held on
Monday, and is a lively scene of speculation and bustle.
The approach to this town by the Dublin road is extremely
beautiful : we pass along the side of a noble park on the
left hand, and on the right hand a newly-built brick chimney,
of great altitude, attracts our attention ; it belongs to the
distillery. Races are held annually. Pop, 10,078. Market
day: Monday. Fairs: principal on May 17; also on
Feb. 22, July 5, Aug. 20, Oct 25, and Dec. 13. Inns:
the King's Arms ; and the Coach and Horses, A steamer
plies regularly to Liverpool.
latter name it is designated in the list of post towns, is in
the county of Armagh. The road from Dundalk, after
passing round the head of the bay, begins to ascend the
mountains. To the right is Bellurgan Hill, an abrupt
isolated precipice, at the foot of the Carlingford range ; it
is situated upon the sea-shore, and its round, rocky top
overshadows Ravensdale, in which is situated Ravensdale
Park9 and near it the villa of the late Baron M'Clelland.
Ascending the pass, which, in consequence of numerous
accidents to coaches, has been rendered more practicable
by a new line of road, we have to the right the woods of
Piedmont, Mr. Fortescue's, which in unbounded diversity
skirt the brink of the romantic Jonesborough Rivulet, and
cover the side of a stupendous height, the top of which
contrasts by its red heath with the sylvan scene beneath t
avenues through these delightful groves conduct directly
up the hill. To the left of our route rise desolate summits,
or craggy rocks, above the shells of numerous houses
burned by the insurgents in 1798, which the present pro-
prietor is, repairing: the neighbouring bill has also been
recently planted. Jonesborough is a fine sporting station :
it has an inn ; and its church closes the prospect of the
most romantic mountains, which surround a wide elevated
plain, consisting principally of a deep red moss, along the
road to Newry. Of these mountains some are newly
planted ; and Slieve GuUen, which has a small lake on its
summit, frowns majestically above the dreary waste. Pop.
NEWRY is a populous manufacturing town and port of
Down, having two handsome bridges over the Newry-
Water. The mail passes over a drawbridge on the canal,
which is navigable for small sloops from Carlingford Bay to
Lough Neagh.
Newry is situated in a circuitous valley, and the en-
trance to it from the Dublin road is formed by a long and
steep descent. The prospect along the vale towards the
Bay of Carlingford is sublime, presenting a full view of
superb hills, and of a navigation winding around their
base, with every feature which a spirited commerce can
superadd to the romantic outline of this wild scenery. To
the left the mountains of Killeny are still inhabited by a
rude uncultivated peasantry, by whom the English language
is but little known. The quay, and vessels floating along-
side of it, form an interesting sight within the town itself;
some of the streets are narrow and ill-built, but the style
of the new buildings is greatly superior to the old town.
The new church, with its elegant Gothic spire, cannot
mil to excite admiration. The commerce and manufactures
of Newry and its surrounding district, enable the highly
respectable inhabitants and merchants to improve their
town, in a degree, and with a rapidity, that was little to be
expected: but for their excitement, the improvements of
the last: thirty yean would not have been effected in
a century. The old church, repaired in the time of
Charles II., is conspicuous on the ridge of a hill which
closes the north limits of the town. The abbey of Newry
was founded by Mac Laughlin, an Irish monarch! in the
12th century, and was endowed by Hugh de Lacy. In
right of the abbacy, certain civil and ecclesiastical privileges
are still enjoyed by the lay impropriator. The abbey stood
on this hill, and was burned in the civil war. Newry has
a court house, a sessions house, and gaol ; an exchange,
with a news room, and ball-room; a custom house, a
theatre, a market house, and several schools and meeting
houses. The Roman Catholic chapel is probably the
handsomest in Ireland, and is at once a beautiful and
chaste specimen of the Gothic style. It is in the High
Street, on the opposite side to the new church. In the
burial ground of the Presbyterian meeting house is a
handsome monument in memory of Dr. Malcolm.
The retreating forces of James II. set fire to this town.
It is now, however, the most flourishing place in the county
of Down, which our road here first enters, and which
throughout exhibits a diversity of hill and dale, from the
smooth green knoll to the craggy tops of gigantic cliffs;
whilst the perpetual recurrence of fresh or salt water
loughs, and beautiful bays of the sea, aids powerfully the
picturesque display of a county, which is also the favourite
seat of enterprise and civilisation. East of Newry there
is a rath distant one mile ; and at no great distance quarries
of grey granite. Newry returns a member to the United
Parliament, and is governed by a seneschal. Steamers ply
regularly to Liverpool, Glasgow, and Dublin.
Pop. 13,065. Market day: Thursday. Fairs: first
Monday after Easter Sunday, and October 29. Inns;
King's Arms ; Black's Hotel ; the Crown ; the Shakespeare ;
and the White Cross.
The scenery between Newry andRostrevor, on the coast,
is a combination of the wilder aspect of nature with all the
charms consequent to wealth, cultivation, and taste.
LOUGHBRICKLAND is a post town, in the county of
Down. It is a straggling, but pleasant place, the name
of which is said by Smith, in his account of Down, to mean
the Lake of the Speckled Trout. The lake itself is close
to the village, and its bleak shore is unprotected by any
wood ; the winds sweeping down from the naked hill above
it, often agitate the surface ; at a distance from the road,
which winds along its shore, there is a cluster of trees
which grow upon a diminutive islet emerging from the
lough. The Protestants were here devoted to a horrible
catastrophe in the great rebellion, having been driven upon
the ice by their enemies, when it broke, they sunk to the
bottom, no escape to the shore being possible. The lough
is deep, and has a variety of fine fish. The church is
small. There is a new and very neat Roman Catholic
chapel on the left, passing from the south. Pop, 618. Fairs :
Monthly. Inn: the Rising Sun.
BANBRIDGE is a considerable market and post town
of Down, on the river Bann. It is seated on a steep hill
descending to the north, with a good bridge at the extre-
mity of its wide street. Here the principal north roads
divide, that by Lurgan branching off to the left. On the
top of the hill stood the market house, which was removed on
the cutting down of the road through the centre of the hill on
which the town stands ; this operation is no doubt a great
advantage to the traveller ; but the road running a depth
of thirty feet below the level of the foundations of the
houses in the principal street, which is thus divided by it,
and its breadth much contracted, the inhabitants feel it as
an inconvenience. A light bridge is thrown across it for
communication between the two sides. A new market
house is in progress, and the prosperity of the town seems
to increase, there being two branches of banks lately
established ; we may therefore suppose that the arduous
operation of diminishing the elevation of this road, through
the town, has been successful : roads for wheeled carriages
still ascend the old hill on each side, past the doors of
the houses; the masonry of unequal masses of black rock,
of which the bridge is built, has that peculiar character
which is familiar to the traveller in Ireland There is an
excellent inn at the entrance from the south, with several
good public-houses in the town. It is a place of much
traffic, and a great thoroughfare. The bann side presents
some very beautiful scenery ; a large quantity of yarn and
fine webs is bought up throughout the adjacent country,
and the loom is plied by most of the cottagers, who are
industrious, and reap great advantage from the linen manu-
facture. The church is a mile distant, but there are a Roman
Catholic chapel, meeting houses, and a dispensary.
Pop. 2469. Fairs: Jan. 12, for horses, March 10,
June 9, July 26, Aug. 26, and Nov. 16. Market Day:
Monday. Inn : the Downshire Arms.
The vale from Banbridge to Moyallen, Lord Gilford's,
is fertile and picturesque : wooded, hills, bleach grounds,
and the winding stream, are its principal features.
DONAGHCLONEY is a village in the county of
MAGHERALIN is a pretty village of Armagh, with
a good parish church and glehe house. It is near the
River Lagan, and at a short distance from it is Grace Hall,
a pleasant residence. The Bishops of Dromore formerly
inhabited a mansion at this place.
MOIRA, in the county of Down. This post town was
the property of the Rawdon family, and hence the Marquess
of Hastings took the title of Earl Moira. The main street
is wide, and well built, and there is a good market house.
The church, which is of hewn stone, is seated on a hill,
and is approached by an avenue of elms. The castle, built
here by the Rawdons, was a stately residence ; it is now
taken down, but the park is still an agreeable walk. Moira
has an endowed school, a good parsonage, and two meeting
houses. A mile from it is a large Roman Catholic chapel.
Sir R. Bateson, Bart, is the proprietor of Moira. Pop-
ANTRIM is a fair and post town, called the capital of
the flourishing county of this name ; but although sessions
are held here, the assizes for the county are at Carrick-
fergus. It gives the title of Earl to the M'Donnell family.
This was an Irish borough, but does not now return any
member. The town is rapidly improving, for which it is
partly indebted to the linen trade; the very beautiful
adjacent district being filled with bleach- fields and beetling-
mills. The land in the vicinity is fertile. The Six- Mile
Water joins Lough Neagh near Antrim. The market
house has been substantially repaired ; and there is an
elegant Gothic church, with a steeple and spire, and several
meeting houses, a dispensary, and schools. A well-
built Catholic chapel, with an image of the Virgin over the
entrance, faces the park of Viscount Ferrard. His lodge
within the town, is a small embattled gateway, conspicuous
at the head of the street entering from ftandalstown.
Antrim Castle, the seat of Viscount Massarene, stands
amidst the plantations of the park, which lies on the
banks of Lough Neagh. Beneath the shelter of the fine
timber of this park are innumerable pheasants. Earl
O'Neill was slain in 1798, in this town, being surrounded
by a body of insurgents.
The round tower, on a spacious plain, about half a
mile from the town, is perfect, and is kept in repair ; its
white side renders it conspicuous, but detracts from the
gloomy antiquity of the more dilapidated towers of this
kind ; it is ninety-five feet in height, and at one yard from
the ground, fifty-three feet in circumference. The slated
roofs in this country are often, in like manner, white, with
a thin coat of mortar, from the erroneous notion that it
strengthens the otherwise beautiful slates, against the heavy
rains of this climate ; but a white roof invariably destroys
the beauty of a landscape, or the appearance of a mansion
or village.
Pop. 2655. Market Day: Thursday. Fairs: Jan. 1,
May 12, Aug; 3, and Nov. 12. Inns: the Antrim Arms;
and the King's Arms.
No. 2. From Dudlik to ANTRIM. Second Road.
Through Dkogheda, Banbhidge, and Lurgan.
Dublin Cattle to Miles. Dublin Castle to Mile*.
Banbridge*, as at No. 1 60* Ballinderry 741
Hall'sMill 63* Crumlin 791
Waringstown 663 Antrim 841
Lurgan 683
WARINGSTOWN is a pleasant village and post town
in Down. The roof of the church is of Irish oak. In the
vicinity is a Danish Rath, and the mansion of the Waring
family. In the immediate neighbourhood are many exten-
sive bleach greens.
LURGAN, in the county of Armagh, is a pleasant
town, situated at a short distance from the south-east point
of Lough Neagh, of which it commands a good view ; but
except near gentlemen's residences, the shores of this lake
are generally boggy, bare of trees, and flat The principal
street is wide, and the church has a fine spire. There are
also a Roman Catholic chapel, several meeting houses,
a court house, and a school. The linen manufacture
flourishes here ; and there is a distillery, and two breweries.
Near Lurgan is an elegant new mansion of Mr.Brownlow's.
It is a manor house, in the Elizabethean style, surrounded
by beautiful grounds. It is a post town, and has a branch
of the provincial bank. Pop. 2842. Market Day: Friday.
Fairs : Aug. 5, and Nov. 22.
BALLINDERRY is a village and post town of Antrim.
Half a mile from it is Portmore Castle, an ancient ruin on
the side of Lough Neagh, which, with the fine park sur-
rounding it, belongs to the Marquess of Hertford. Pop.
CRUMLIN is a neat village and post town of Antrim.
Here is an extensive flour mill, a meeting house, and a
Roman Catholic chapel and school. Beyond Crumlin, on
the lake, the round tower of Ram Island forms a marked
object ; the distant shore towards Stewartstown can be traced
in a clear atmosphere ; the Bay of Lurgan is to the left, and
Slieve Gallion is seen near Lough Beg, or the lesser Lake.
Few objects near Lough Neagh can compare with Longford
Lodge, Colonel Packenham, with the delightful road called
the Green Walk, its noble trees and pretty cascade : the
walk leads from Crumlin to the ruins of a chapel. Pop,
643. Fairs: Monthly.
No. 3. From Dublin to ARDFERT. First Road.
Through Kildare, Maryborough, Limerick, and
Dublin Castle to Miles. Dublin CasUe to Miles.
Rathcoole 7) Silrermines 77
Johnstown 13} Shallee Turnpike 781
Naas 164 Newport 86
Newbridge 20) Limerick 94
Kildare 243 Adair 108
Monastereven 30 Rathkeale 108
Emo 343 Newcastle 114*
Maryborough 40 Coolnakenny 118J
Mouutrath 46* Abbeyfeale 123*
Castle-town 48* Listowell 131*
Bunos-in-Ossory 53* Crotto 138*
Roscrea 59* Abbey Odorney 140|
Toomarara 69* Ardfert 144J
RATHCOOLE, a post town in Dublin. The Cork
mail coach road passes through Kilmainham, and at two
miles from the capital, by a handsome bridge, crosses the
grand canal. Leaving Clondalkin half a mile on the right,
with its celebrated round tower, eighty-four feet high,
we reach the village of Rathcoole ; it has a charter-school
for female orphanVr^tWQjniles beyond it begins Kildare
county. Pop. 602.
Seats: Athgoe; Castle-Warden; and KiUeel Castle,
about four miles from Rathcoole.
JOHNSTOWN, in Kildare, is seated on the river Moral,
where there is a good inn. Pop. 101.
Seats: two miles before we come to Johnstown, is
Bishop* s Court, the elegant mansion of Lord Ponsonby ; on
a hill to the right is seen Oughterard church and tower.
Pahnerstown, the ancient family mansion of the Earl of
NAAS, a borough, market, and post town, in Kildare,
was once fortified with several strong castles, and is seated
on a height. Assemblies of the States were long holden at
Naas, antecedent to the ninth century ; its name signifies
the place of the Elders. Naas was the residence of the
Kings of Leinster. In all the civil wars this town was an
object of severe contest; it was a scene of action in 1798,
when one thousand insurgents were repulsed in the street,
with considerable loss. At the foot of the rath at Naas
was a cell for Augustine Eremities, or Friars, whose house
here was founded in 1484: there is also an artificial moat
raised at the opposite end of the town. The Dominican
monastery is a ruin in the centre of the town ; it was founded
by the family of Sir Edward Eustace, Lord Chancellor.
There are barracks, a court house, a market house, and
the county gaol ; also a church, a Roman Catholic chapel,
and a dispensary. The grand canal passes within two
miles, and there is a cut from it to the town. Here are
also flour mills, and the corn market is conducted in an
extensive manner.
Pop. 3808. Market Day*: Monday an<f*Thursday. Fairs:
Feb. 16, Mar. 17, May 8 and 19, Aug. 10, Oct 20, and
Nov. 22. Inn : the King's Arms.'
Seats: the Duke of Leinster has a ruined castle.
Within half a mile south of Naas, is Jiggmstoum House,
built by the Earl of Strafford, who was beheaded in the
Teign of Charles I. : this palace fell into decay upon his
attainder. Cradockstown, one mile distant.
NEWBRIDGE, a post town in Kildare. This village
receives its name from the bridge- across the River Liffey.
♦See on the left hand Great Connell Abbey ; twenty years
-after this magnificent abbey was built, its founder, Meyler
Fitzhenry, natural son of Henry I., was interred in the
«chapter-house, with this inscription : —
Conduntur tnmulo Meyleri nobilis ossa,
Indomita* domitor totfas gentia Hibernie.
At Old Connell there is a handsome rath. Pop. 577.
Fairs : May 3, and August 15.
KILDARE is the county town of Kildare. The ap-
proach to this town, so much celebrated in history, is across
the Curragh, which is the most beautiful race-course in the
kingdom. The King's plate is run for here in April,
in June, and September. King George IV. visited this
spot in 1821. The Curragh of Kildare comprises 3000
-acres, and presents the remains of several barrows or raths,
supposed to be Druidicai This ancient town long gave
title to the Fitzgerald* ; in 1766, the Earl of Kildare was
created Duke of Leinster. Chilledair, the Wood of Oaks*
was a gloomy forest of great extent ; the arm of the Danish
invaders severely depressed the rising town. Here may be
seen the ruins of several abbeys. The nunnery was founded
by St Bridget, about a.- d. 500 ; and within its walls she
established a perpetual sacred fire, which was first extin-
guished by Henry de Loundres, Archbishop of Dublin, in 1220,
and, having been relighted, was continued till the disso-
lution in the sixteenth century. The place where this relic
of superstition was exhibited is now called the Fire House.
Several famous princes of Ireland abdicated and became
Abbots of Kildare : among others, Aod Dubh (black Hugh)
king of Leinster, in 638. The Grey Friars and the White
Friars were founded, the first in 1260, and the latter in
1290, by William Lord de Vesci, Earl of Kildare. At
Tully, near Kildare, are the ruins of an ancient abbey.
The house of the Knights Hospitallers of Tully was made
a grant of to Sir Henry Harrington : its estates are now
held in commendam of the Bishop of Kildare.
The beautiful and perfect round tower in the church-
yard at Kildare is 130 feet in height; at the distance of
fourteen feet from the foundation is the door ; which, being
placed so high, is approached by steps on the outside.
The basement beneath the door is of a white granite,
and the upper part of the tower is dark, and surmounted by
a battlement A part of the castle is in tolerable repair ;
the cathedral is classed among the ruins ; but the choir is
used as the parish church. The deanery of Christ Church
forms the most valuable portion of the present diocese.
There is a Roman Catholic chapel, and also a parish
school The town suffered much during the last rebellion ;
in former times its ramparts were sufficient to protect it
from a minor force. It possesses some public buildings j
amongst which are the county infirmary, the turf club
house, and the market house, contiguous to which is a well.
The town is governed by a Sovereign and a Recorder.
In the vicinity is the Hill of Allen, a cave which is said
to be the place of sepulture of Oscar and other Oarianic
chiefs, this being formerly the Hill of Temora: this hill
contains rich veins of copper, and gives name to the great
Bog of Allen. Above a mile beyond Kildare is the ruin
called Lackagh Castle.
Seats: Moore Town; and Mount Rice.
Pop. 1753. Market Day : Thursday. Fairs: Feb. 12.
Easter Tuesday, May 12, June 29, Sept 19, and Oct 29.
Inn : the Kildare Hotel.
MONASTEREVEN is a market and post town in the
county of Kildare, pleasantly situated on the Barrow, over
which is a bridge of five arches. A south branch of the
grand canal, in its course towards Athy, passes by this
town. It has a modern church, a Roman Catholic
chapel, a market house, a dispensary, and a seminary
for the charter schools of Leinster : there is also an exten-
sive brewery and distillery. The abbey, in which St Evan,
in 620, placed monks from Munster, was formerly very
magnificent. It was granted to Lord Audley ; and now
belongs to the Marquess of Drogheda, whose mansion and
demesne of Moore Abbey is on the Barrow river ; the park
is beautifully laid out, and contains a fine lake skirted by a
mountain. Three miles beyond this town is BaUybrittas,
a village and post town; and near it ClanmalUere, the
mansion and seat of the Dean of Kildare.
Pop. 1441. Market Day: Saturday. Fairs: Mar. 28,.
Whit Tuesday, July 31, and Dec. 6. Inn : the Drogheda
Arms, by D. Fleming.
EMO, a post town, in Queen's County. Seats : Daw-
son's Court, Earl of Portarlington. This mansion is sur-
rounded by a beautifully-wooded park, which contains some
fine avenues. The groves skirt the border of a charming
lake, the resort of a surprising assemblage of aquatic fowl.
Beyond Emo are Rathkeen Castle andCommon, and on the right
Sheen Castle, on a steep mountain. This old castle was an
appurtenance of Dunamase, and was repaired and embel-
lished by Dean Coote. Above two miles from Emo, to the
left of the high road, is the ancient suin of Dunamase or
Dun Mace Castle, upon a precipitous rock, once the fortified
residence of Earl Strongbow: it was last dismantled by
Cromwell Pop. 102.
MARYBOROUGH, the capital of Queen's County,
is a market and post town near the river Barrow.
The county and county town alike receive name from
Mary I., in whose reign their institution as such was
granted. The castle of Maryborough, destroyed by Crom-
well, although a ruin, has its constable. This town is
governed by a burgomaster, and has a barrack : its situa-
tion is in a charming and highly-embellished country. — •
Here are a neat church, a handsome Roman Catholic
chapel, a commodious gaol, school houses, a county infir-
mary, and lunatic asylum. There is also a small manufactory
of cottons and woollens. This place gives title of Baron
to one of the Wellesley family.
Pop. 3223. Market Day,: Thursday. Fairs: Jan. 1,
Feb. 24, March 25, May 12, July 5, Sept 4, Oct. 23,
and Dec 4.
Seats: Rathleague, a fine seat of Sir Henry ParueU,
Bart,: is half a mile beyond the town. Ballyfin Haute is a
magnificent residence : the most distinguished objects of
the park are the wide-expanding lake, and the large forest
timber which shades its banks.
MOUNTRATH, a market and post town in Queen's
County, situated on the river Nore. In this small town,
a woollen manufacture, a cotton factory, and several forges
are established. The modem church has a handsome spire
and clock. Here also are a Roman Catholic chapel, a
Quakers' meeting house, Methodist chapels, a modern
school house on the Lancasterian system, and a free
school for Roman Catholics. The market house is a
good structure ; and a handsome street, named Coote Street,
is added to the old town.
Pop. 2593. Market Day: Saturday. Fairs: Jan. 6,
Feb. 17, Easter Monday, 2nd Thursday in May, June 20,
Aug. 10, Sept. 29, and first Thursday in Nov.
CASTLETOWN is a village of Queen's County, upon
the river Nore. It has the ruins of a castle which once
belonged to Sir Oliver Mac Morres, noted for his gigantic
stature and surprising strength. Pop* 376. Fairs: May 1,
June 29, and Oct. 18.
BURROS-IN-OSSORY, in Queen's County, is a pretty
village and post town. Three miles from Burros are the
ruins of Ballaghmore Castle. Pop. 770. Fairs : nine in
the year.
ROSCREA is a post town in Tipperary, and has a
considerable trade. The old church is a fine structure,
the doors and mouldings of which are Saxon: near
it is a large cross called St Cronan's Shrine, as well as a
round tower, eighty feet high, having a pointed window.
The castle is used as a barrack. There are many anti-
quities in or near Roscrea, it having in early times been a
bishop's see. Roscrea has also a church, erected in 1812,
a Roman Catholic chapel, meeting houses, a market
house, a bridewell, and a free school. The principal trade
is the woollen manufacture.
In Monela Bog, a branch of the Bog of Allen, three miles
from Roscrea, are the ruins of a Culdean abbey, founded
by St Columba, which still displays a grand Saxon arch,
richly carved. A church and a chapel at this place stood
on two islands. This bog, in early ages, was a lake. In
Ledwich's antiquities there is an account of the Culdees of
this abbey of Monaincha, a sect which opposed the Romish
tenets. It was granted by Elizabeth to Sir Lucas Dillon.
Some fine ash trees are growing upon its dilapidated
Pop. 5512. Market Days: Thursday and Saturday.
Fairs: Mar. 25, May 7 and 13, June 21, Aug. 8, Oct 9,
and Nov. 29. Inn: the White Hart
Dunkerrin is a village in King's County, four and a half
miles beyond Roscrea. It has a charter school, and a
capacious church, built in 1818. Upon the road from
Roscrea, the ruins of Rahanvegue Cattle are seen, about a
mile from Dunkerrin.
Moneygall, in King's County, is a post town, seven miles
beyond Roscrea: with little to engage the traveller's
TOOMAVARA, in Tipperary. This village con-
tains the ruins of a preceptory of the Knights Templars.
Knockane Castle is at a short distance ; and beneath a lofty
hill is the ruin of Blane Cattle. Pop. 790.
SILVERMINES, in Tipperary. The lead mines of
thia place have proved very valuable and productive. Near
it are the ruins of Dunally Castle, Near this is Rilbay
Castle, the seat of Lord Dunally. One mile and three
quarters beyond Silvermines is Shallee turnpike. Pop.
852. Fairs: April 27, last Thursday in May, July 2 J,
and Oct 23.
NEWPORT, in Tipperary, is a post town, pleasantly
situated upon a stream which falls into the Shannon. The
church has a square tower. To the left of the village is
Derryleagh Castle, in ruins. Three miles from this is
Castleconnell, a post town in Limerick, on the bank of the
Shannon : it possesses the ruin of a castle : this famous
fortress, situated upon a high and steep rock, was built
by Connel the chieftain. There is an excellent spa,
noted for the cure of scorbutic diseases and worms, a
neat church, and a Roman Catholic chapel. The scenery
here is beautiful : below the town commence the rapids of
the Shannon ; above them, the water is forty feet deep, and
about three hundred yards wide, making its way over rocks
and stones for nearly half a mile. Castleconnell has an
excellent inn. Pop. 1312. Fairs: April 20, June 1, July
16, and Oct. 4.
Annacotty, in Limerick, is a village on the road, within
three miles of the city. To the right, on an island of the
river Shannon, is Castle Trey, about a mile from Annacotty.
To the left of the high-road is Newcastle, in which King
William III. had his head-quarters.
138 3. DUBLIN TO ARDtfERf.
LIMERICK, which is reckoned the third city of Ireland,
and gives name to one of the most extensive counties, is
advantageously situated on the Shannon. It has its mayor,
aldermen, sherifis, and recorder; and the garrison is
commanded by a governor and a town major. It is a city
returning two members to Parliament, and a bishop's see,
united with Iniscarthy in the 12th century, and with
Aghadoe and Ardfert in 1663. The town is styled a county
in itself, and consists of three parts ; the English town,
built on King's Island in the Shannon ; the Irish town ;
and Newtown Pery, so named from the ancestor of the
Earl of Limerick who planned it in 1769. The streets in
this quarter are regular and handsome ; but those in the
old town are narrow and gloomy. The bridge communi-
cating with King's Island, consists of three wide arches. In
1800 it had but 3000 houses ; but in 1831 there were 7800.
The general style of the buildings is neat, and some of
the public edifices are handsome : amongst them are the
exchange, erected in 1777 ; the commercial buildings in
Rutland Street; the new courthouse; the custom house;
the linen hall ; the county gaol, built in 1822, and said
to be the most perfect prison in Ireland ; the county infir-
mary opposite to it ; the house of industry ; the lunatic
asylum, and the barracks. A magnificent new bridge,
with a drawbridge across the Shannon, from the New Town
to the county of Clare, is completed ; of which the late
celebrated Mr. Nimmo was engineer. It is called Wellesley
Bridge ; and consists of five arches, each seventy feet span.
This bridge, with the docks attached, have already cost
upwards of 80,000/. ; and an Act has been lately passed,
granting a further sum of 80,000/., for the purpose of form-
ing an extensive floating dock, which when completed, will
be one of the most useful undertakings in Ireland. A fine
square has been marked out and planted, though not yet built
upon, the centre of which is adorned with a fluted pillar,
surmounted by a statue, executed by Kirk, of the Right
Hon. Spring Rice, M.P., to whom the city is greatly in-
its numerous improvements.
The cathedral, dedicated to St Mary, is of Gothic
architecture, with a handsome interior. It contains the
tomb of the Thomonds, and part of a monument in honour
of the Galway family : the tower commands a fine view of
the town, and the river. The first episcopal church here
was founded by St Munchin in the sixth century, and was
destroyed by the Danes. There are several parish churches,
as well as Roman Catholic chapels, friaries, a nunnery,
and meeting houses, of the Wesleyans, Independents, and
Quakers. The Dominican chapel is a handsome edifice in
the Gothic style ; and the Augustine chapel in George
Street, at one time the theatre, is worthy of notice.
Thomond bridge is among the most curious of the
ancient monuments of Limerick ; it is supposed to have
been built about the year 1210, and consists of fourteen
arches, of irregular construction. It crosses the main
arm of the Shannon, from the north-east extremity of the
debted for English town.
Limerick possesses many charitable institutions: —
amongst which may be mentioned the magdalen hospital,
the foundling hospital, the fever and sick hospitals, and
the Diocesan school: also Barrington's hospital, lately
built at the sole expense of Sir J. Barrington, Bart and
his sons.
The town manufactures woollens, linen, thread lace, and
paper; and there are several breweries and distilleries,
tanneries, and salt works ; also a considerable manufac*
tare of gloves. The trade of this port is considerable:
ships of 850 tons being able to reach the quay. The
principal exports are corn and butter, which have rapidly
increased; the chief imports, provisions. A canal, on which
steam-boats are established, forms a communication with
Limerick is very ancient: the Danes, about the year
900, increased its commerce, and wine was imported in
great quantities at that early period. The English acquired
possession of Limerick in 1174: it has gained great histo-
rical fame by its gallant resistance, when laid siege to, in
both the civil wars. Ireton took the town in 1642;
William III. in vain attempted its reduction in 1690 ; but
his troops, under Ginkle, took it in 1691. Vestiges of the
castle are seen on the river side, partly concealed by
houses; but the fortifications and city gates have been
demolished. There existed several monasteries, and a
nunnery, founded by the Kings of Thomond and Limerick,
or by citizens ; the ruins of some of them still endure ;
namely, of a Dominican friary, founded in 1241, seen at
the barrack and tanyard ; of the Grey Friars, the site of
which is now occupied by the county court house, and its
church is at present an hospital ; besides which there were
two other monasteries and a nunnery, all of the order of
St Augustine.
The Shannon, on which Limerick is seated, deserves the
noblest encomium for its picturesque variety, and its
majesty, it being the broadest and principal river in Ire-
land, and the most considerable in the British isles. Its
whole course is about 234 miles ; and it washes the shores
of no less than ten counties, Leitrim, Roscommon, Long-
ford, Westmeath, King's County, Gal way, Tipperary,
Clare, Limerick, and Kerry. Lough Allen, in Leitrim,
supplied by several rivulets, or even Lough Clean, is the
parent water from which the Shannon descends v near
Lanesborough it is entered by the royal canal. The
Shannon next fills the superb basin of Lough Ree ; below
Banagher it is joined by the grand canal, and again
expands into the beautiful Lough Derg. It thus separates
the provinces of Connaught and Leinster, and serves to
promote the commercial relations of the metropolis with
all the centre of the kingdom : below Limerick it forms a
great expanse, reaching northward to Ennis, while its
powerful stream, generally three miles broad, pursues its
course for above fifty miles, from Limerick to its em-
bouchure betwixt Cape Lean in Clare, and Kerry Head,
where it is nearly eight miles broad ; thus forming a superb
western harbour. The beautiful islands and interesting
antiquities which its waters embrace are regularly described
in this volume.
Seats on the Banks: (on the Limerick side), Mount
Trenckardy Right Hon. Spring Rice, M.P. ; Castletown
Demesne, and the fine ruin of Carrig-o-guncel Castle, (On
the Clare side), the fine demesnes of Cahvicou, Cooper-
hill, Tervac, and Bauratty Castle,
Pop, 66,554. Market Days: Wednesday and Saturday.
Fairs: Easter Tuesday, July 4, Aug. 4, and Dec. 12.
Inns: the Clare; Swinburn's; Molony's; the Mail Coach ;
and Glen's.
Loughmore, in Limerick, is a village on the road, three
miles from the city. Mungret Abbey is a mile to the right
of Loughmore : the Psalter of Cashel records that this
abbey had six churches, and 1500 religious; the royal
author, M'Culinan, bequeathed to Mungret Abbey, in 908,
three ounces of gold, a vest, and his blessing. The ruins
are not such as would indicate any considerable monastic
Patrick's Well is a long village and post town, two miles
farther on this road.
ADAIR, a post town, in Limerick, once of consequence,
is now a picturesque village, embellished by the ruins of
its interesting edifices. The monasteries were for Fran-
ciscan friars, and were founded by the Earls of Kildare, in
the reign of Edward I., in 1315, and in 1465. The first,
dedicated to the Holy Trinity, has a tower resembling the
keep of a castle, but built, like many Irish monastic steeples,
over a groined arch ; it is on the south side of Adair. Here
also we observe the Augustine friary, having a similar
tower and arch, with a fine nave and cloisters. Ivy
covers all the monasteries. The river Maig, which has
here a bridge of nine arches, is navigable, and adds much
to the beauty of Adair : on its bank is seated the ivy-clad
castle, once strongly garrisoned by the Earl of Desmond, but
reduced in 1641. Two miles beyond this charming spot
is the ruin of Grannebrue Cattle, and, farther on, of Amigan
Cattle. Near this is Adair Abbey, the mansion and demesne
of the Earl of Dunraven; also Mount Shannon, Earl of
Clare; and Curragh, the beautiful seat of Sir Aubrey De
Vere. Pop. 766. Market Day: Saturday. Fairs: Jan. 20,
Feb. 20, Mar. 27, April 27, May 27, Sept 15, Oct 14,
and Dec. 15.
RATH KE ALE is a market and post town, on the river
Deel, in Limerick. It was once a fortified town, defended
by a castle. It has a small church and a Roman Catholic
chapel. Two great names, those of Sir Walter Raleigh,
and Spencer, secretary to Lord Grey, are connected with
the capture of Rathkeale by the troops of Elizabeth ; the
generals ordered the massacre of the garrison in cold blood,
and to the tender poet devolved the task of palliating this
action, by denying that the lives of the sufferers had been
secured by a convention. Here also are the ruins of an
Augustine abbey ; and in one of its windows is the painted
figure of a monk. Two miles beyond the town is Bally
alena Castle. The gentlemen's Seats are numerous. The
church of Cluancagh, near this town, was once a part of a
monastery founded by St Maidoc, about 600. The name
signifies the Rath in a wood. Pop. 4972. Market Day :
Saturday. Fairs : Feb. 7, April 4, June 1 and 19, Aug.
25, Sept 18, and Nov. 18. Inn: the King's Arms.
NEWCASTLE, a post town in Limerick, is seated upon
the Deel. Here is a fine park ; the district to the south
is romantic, and the road conducts us over mountains.
This town forms a square, and amongst its public buildings
are some of remarkable beauty; the modern church has
a square turret surmounted by a cupola and eight pinnacles ;
here are also a Roman Catholic chapel, and a free school.
The market house has been converted into barracks.
Amongst the antiquities are the remains of the castellated
mansion of the Knights Templars, a part of which is
modernised. Many of the knights of this chivalric
monastery here became the victims of the people, who,
being excited against them, slew them by surprise. The
ruins of their dwelling stand near the church. Pop. 2908.
Fain: May 3, Aug. 20, and Oct 1.
COOLNAKENNY, in Limerick, is a village, in a
mountainous and dreary tract, which extends to Abbey-
ABBEYFEALE, a post town in Limerick, is seated on
the Feale, which flows into the Cashin river, and joins
the Shannon at its mouth. The celebrated Cistercian
abbey at this place was founded in 1188. Half a mile
beyond the town is the rain of Purt Castle. For our pre-
sent route by Listowel, turn to the right along the north
side of the Feale ; six miles and a half from Abbeyfeale on
the Feale, is the fine mansion of Woodford, Pop. 607-
Fairs: June 29, and Oct 18.
LISTOWELL, a post town in Kerry, is a small but neat
town, on the Feale, with a tolerable inn. It possesses the
remains of a justly celebrated castle, on the banks of the
river. Lis signifies an earthen fort, and Tuathal was a
renowned chief, according to the remote traditions of this
country. The castle held out for Lord Kerry, with obsti-
nacy, but was taken by Wilraot, in 1600, when the garrison
were put to the sword. Listowell has a pretty church, with
a spire, and a Roman Catholic chapel, both situated in a
. neat square. Pop. 2289. Market Day : Saturday. Fairs :
May 13, July 25, and Oct. 28.
ABBEY ODORNEY, in Kerry. At this village are
the ruins of the once celebrated abbey, built in 1154, upon
the river Brick. Two miles and a half from it is Grotto,
a very beautiful mansion of the Ponsonby family.
Pop. MS.
ARDFERT, a post town, the ancient capital of Kerry,
once tthe seat of a bishop, and a famous university. This
see has been held by the bishops of Limerick since 1663.
St Brandon founded the ancient abbey in the sixth cen-
tury; a curious sculpture of him, in alto-relievo, still
exists in the .venerable ruins of the cathedral church, and
a .still mere lasting memorial of him, Mount Brandon, is
beheld across the bay. He was the disciple of St Ert, the
first Bishop of Ardfert and Kerry. The great civil war in
1641 caused the destruction of this magnificent church ;
and the round tower, 120 feet high, also fell in 1771. In the
church there is a fine monument of one of the bishops.
Here are the ruins of a Franciscan abbey, founded in 1253,
by Thomas, Lord Kerry; the cemetery was the burial-
place of the celebrated Knights of Kerry. The former
abbeys and the ancient city had previously, on several dis-
putes, been laid waste with fire. There is a fine inscripT
tdon in an ancient, perhaps an unknown character, round
an arch of an old ruin, near the mansion and delightful
parks of the late Earl of Glandore (Crosby.) '
Beyond the fine strand of Ballyheigh Bay is the grand
promontory called Kerry Heads about this rocky point are
found violet and rose-coloured amethysts, or Kerry stones.
This dreary coast is often assaulted by heavy swells and
surges of the Atlantic sea, which, in bad weather, seem to
thunder within Poulafooca and other large caverns; the
mouth of the Shannon is eight miles across to the opposite
cliffs of Cape Lean, and the river scene is truly sublime.
The old fort at Ballengary is divided by the waves from the
land precipice. Battykeal Castle, Ferrit Island, and the
round tower of Bat too, . are also objects of interest Pop.
717. Fairs, March 27, June 8, and July 9.
No. 4. From Dublin to ARDFERT. Through Lwerick,
Askeaton, Shanagolden, and Tarbert.
Dublin Castte to Miles. Dublin Caste, to Miles.
Limerick*, as at No. 3 .... 94 Tarbert .;....-. 124
Askeaton 106} Ballylongfbrd 198
Shanagolden ••• • 114 Listowell* 134}
Glynn -- 121 Ardfert* v 147*
ASKEATON, a post town in Limerick. The old road
is four miles longer through Adair and Stone Hall, to As-
keaton. Near Stone Hall is a beautiful residence named
Holly Park, where the finest holly trees are seen growing
amongst rocks. Askeaton is upon the River Deel, and
close to the Shannon. Until the Union, this now impo-
verished town was a borough ; it possesses many ancient
remains. Askeaton Castle is seen on an island ; it was a
fortified mansion of the Earl of Desmond. Across the
Deel are the magnificent ruins of a Franciscan abbey, the
cloisters of which are remarkably beautiful, and are adorned
with marble columns. Pop. 1515, Fairs, July 30, and Octo-
ber 9.
Seats : Ballymoat Court, Sir H. Harstonge.
SHANAGOLDEN, a post town in Limerick. To this
place the usual road is through Adair and Newbridge : it is a
very pretty village of colonists from the Palatinate in Ger-
many, whose improvements attracted the praise of the late
Arthur Young. Shanagolden is a great thoroughfare ; the
neighbouring seats are Abbey and Cappo. Near it is Kill-
mulan church, and three miles and a half beyond is the
castle and village of LoghilL Pop. 847. Fairs, first
Wednesday after Trinity Sunday, and Sept. 4.
GLYNN, a post town in Limerick, is a very romantic
village, seated near a bay of the Shannon, commanding a
noble view of the river. The church, on a neighbouring
height, is a very pretty object; and there are a large Roman
Catholic chapel, and a bridewell in the village. The his-
tory of its ancient castle, obstinately defended in 1600 by
the Knight of the Glynn, against the forces under Sir
George Carew, gives a certain degree of interest to this
retired spot; its brave garrison was put to the sword. The
handsome residence of Mr. Fitzgerald, the Knight of
Glynn, with its fine woods, Is situated here. Pop. 1030.
Fairs: second Wednesday in June, third Wednesday in
September, and December 1.
TARBERT is a small market and post town in Kerry,
well known as possessing the best anchorage in this part
of the Shannon. It has a harbour formed by Tarbert point,
and from the opposite shore of the river a point also pro-
jects, and narrows the stream. Steam vessels proceed
every alternate day to Limerick ; the distance is 35 miles,
and the fare only 4*. The church is handsome, and is
built upon an eminence. Near it is the public school, and
a mile distant is a Roman Catholic chapel. The inns are
only tolerable.
Seats: Leslie Lodge, Tarmons, and Tarbert House, which
commands a grand view of the river, and is the mansion of
Sir Edward Leslie, proprietor of this thriving town ; Fyr-
mont, a villa so named from its fine chalybeate spring.
The usual excursions from Tarbert are, to see Carrigfoile
Castle, built by the O'Connors, in an island ; Inis-Scattery,
an island in the Shannon, seven miles from its embouchure ;
and the celebrated ruin of Beat Castle, with the inaccessible
cliff called the Devil's Castle. The nearest point to Scat-
tery Island is Kilrush, in the County Clare. Pop. 956.
Market-day: Thursday. Fairs: Easter Monday, June 22,
August 12, and December 1 1. Inns: the Leslie Arms, and
M'Mahon's Hotel.
BALLYLONGFORD, a post town in Kerry. This
village has a neat church. Half a mile from it is the stately
rain of Ltslaghiin Abbey, founded a. d. 1464, for Francis-
can friars. From this place, the short road is by Listowell :
it divides and conducts to Ardfert on the right, and toTra-
lee on the left. There is also a circuitous route from Bal-
fylongford to Ardfert, by the side of the Shannon, across to
the village of Ballyheigh, and along the shore of Bally heigh
Bay. Pop. 1300.
No. 5. From Dublin to ARKLOW, through Bxackrock,
Bray and Wicklow.
Dublin to Arfdow, Mat No. 808 • • .- 36
No. 6. From Dublin to ARMAGH. Firbt Road.
Through Drogheda, Dundalk, and Newtown Ha*
Dublin QuOsU MUa. Dublin Cattle to MOet.
Dnadalk*, watNo. 1 4ft} Blackbank »
Johnston's Fews 60i Armagh 62i
Newtown Hamilton 53
JOHNSTON'S FEWS is a village in the wild and rug-
ged district of the Fews. Seat: Roxburgh House, belonging
to the Johnston family. Here also is a barrack.
NEWTOWN HAMILTON is a village and post town
of Armagh, in which one of the great O'Nials was slain in
an encounter with another chieftain. Here is a neat church :
near the village are entrenchments, supposed to have been
a camp of Cromwell's army. Pop, 1020. Fain: monthly.
BLACKJBANK, in Armagh. Hese are the remains of
a castle ; fortified mansions appear to have been formerly
the only safe dwelling in this mountainous neighbourhood.
Much of the land is bare and unproductive. .
ARMAGH is an archiepiscopal see, and a thriving city
of the fertile and beautiful county bearing the same name.
It stands on the side of a fine hill, at the foot of which the
Callan flows, in its passage to the Blackwater. The envi-
rons are pleasing, and well wooded, and the city exhibits
many beautiful edifices. The ancient cathedral, on the
summit of the eminence, is cruciform, and its tower rises
above the intersection of the transept with the nave ; this
edifice, rebuilt in 1260, is grand and conspicuous, from its
elevated situation, and excites a peculiar interest, from
its having been founded by St Patrick, in the fifth century;
from the important character of its history and anti-
quities, and from the distinguished conduct of many
of its . prelates in religious and civil affairs, especially
that of the pious dignitary Lord John Beresford, the
present archbishop, who, at his sole expense, is almost
rebuilding this venerable edifice. It became an arch-
bishopric in 1142; its early chronicles, its churches, and
the town itself, were destroyed by the Danes ; its history,
however, we have not any occasion to narrate in this place,
and shall be content to say,, that it became early a centre
for our northern civilization, and the chief seat of learning
and religion. Here also were buried many distinguished
princes, Brian Boroimhe, and others. Archbishop Usher,
who drew up articles for the Church of Ireland,, which were
for some time conformed to, and whose learned works
confer so much honour on this ancient city, ranks amongst
the most celebrated of its archbishops.
The Archbishop's palace at Armagh has long been noticed
as a residence of great beauty. The grounds are laid out
with much taste, and kept in excellent order; within the
grounds there is. an obelisk of marble, 157 feet high : it
was erected by Archbishop Robinson,, as a. means of em-
ploying the poor. He also, at his sole expense, erected the
palace, built and endowed the observatory, three churches,
and a parish school, besides many other extensive improve-
ments, munificently bestowed by this excellent prelate,
o 3
The new church, with a stately spire, the county court
house, the college, library, observatory, and the market
cross, are objects worthy of particular notice. Amongst
the principal buildings are also, the charter school, the
gaol, which is commodiously built, the large barrack, and
the county infirmary. Armagh likewise possesses several
meeting houses, a Roman Catholic chapel, a fever hospital,
built and supported by the present archbishop, a savings'
bank, and a news room.
The town itself is regular and handsomely built, its chief
improvements having commenced under the virtuous
though eccentric primate Robinson (Lord Rokeby), above
mentioned. The Augustine priory of St Peter and St. Paul
was a highly celebrated monastic foundation, and Armagh
was famous for the piety and doctrine of its clergy. The
primacy was, about the period of the Reformation, granted
to Browne, Archbishop of Dublin, in consequence of the
resistance of Archbishop Dowdal, of Armagh, to the wishes
of the Government in the establishment of the Protestant
worship ; since which the metropolitan pre-eminence has
been asserted by both prelates, with a slight variation of the
title : the Archbishop of Armagh is styled the Primate of
all Ireland. Armagh has long been a favoured residence
of many gentlemen and eminent persons ; its manufacturers
also rank high amongst the most spirited of our northern
merchants ; it returns a member to Parliament, as one of
the borough-towns of the Union.
Pop. 9189. Market days: Tuesday for linen, Saturday
for corn, &c. Fairs ; Monthly. Inns : Roger's, and
No. 7. Frcm Dublin to ARMAGH. Second Road.
Through Drogheda, Collon, and Castleblayney.
Dublin Cattle to Mikt. Dublin Castle to Mile*.
Drogheda*, a» at No. 1 23* Peterborough 45*
Collon ••• m Mullaghanee Bridge W
Ardee • - 34* Castleblayney Ml
Mill of Lonth ... 39i Keady 68*
Corcieagh • ■•• 41| Armagh* 64f
COLLON is a post town of Louth. Its Gothic church
has a fine spire ; and the adjacent seat of Lord Oriel, whose
father was Speaker of the Irish House of Commons, with
a shaded demesne near a finely sloped mountain, has for
a length of years given celebrity to Collon. That eminent
senator greatly improved the town, and established a
cotton-stocking manufacture here. The main street is
wide, and enclosed by houses built in the old English
style. Here is a Roman Catholic chapel, meeting houses,
and a school on the foundation of Erasmus Smyth. The
bridge across the river which flows through the village,
and the neat white dwellings, have a cheerful look. From
the Hill of Collon, which is skirted by fine plantations, we
have a noble prospect of Monasterboice and the vale of
Drogheda. On the left hand, the Mourne mountains
. and a portion of the Bay of Carlingford are within view.
The linen manufacture is considerable. Pop. 1153. Fairs:
Second Monday in May, June 29, Oct 20, Nov. 4, and 24.
ARDEE is a market and post town in Louth. It was
once a walled town, and is seated on the Dee, which falls
into the sea below Castle Bellingham. The gaol was
formerly an extensive fortress. Peppard was the name of
the ancient barons of this place ; they built a strong castle
here, and founded the House of Crouched Friars in 1208 ;
a Carmelite Friary was also founded by the same family.
The Scottish army destroyed the church of the Carmelites,
When many of the townspeople were sheltered within it.
The great mount of Castle Guard is 90 feet in height, the table
summit is 140 feet in circumference, and the foot of this
fine artificial hill is 600 feet in girth ; it is tastefully
planted, and surrounded by a deep trench. The last Prior
of Ardee, George Dowdal, acquired the highest popularity
with his countrymen, when Archbishop of Armagh ; on his
surrender of the friary, its possessions were granted to Sir
Garret Moore. Ardee has a handsome stone church, con-
taining several monuments of the Ruxton family, a Roman
Catholic chapel, a market house, a dispensary, and a free
school. Charlestown Church is two miles from Ardee.
Ardee gives the title of Baron to the Brabazon family —
Earls of Meath. Pop. 3975. Market day : Tuesday.
Fair $ : First Monday in March, April 10, June 6, July 7,
Aug. 20, Oct 23, and Dec 17. Inn : the Ruxton's Arms.
MILL OF LOUTH is a village built on the Lagan
river. Thomastown, Mr. Tennison's, is a seat standing
near a small lake.
CORCREAGH. Immediately beyond this village we
quit the county of Louth.
CASTLE BLAYNEY, a post and market town in Mo-
naghan, is pleasantly situated, with a handsome church, a
neat stone market house, a Roman Catholic chapel, and
meeting houses. The castle is the seat of Lord Blayney,
in the grounds of which there is a profusion of evergreens,
and a lake, with numerous islands. General Lord Blayney
served against the insurgents in 1798, and was made
prisoner in the Peninsular war.
Pop. 1828. Market day: Wednesday. Fairs: First
Wednesday of each month. Inns : the King's Arms, and
the Blayney Arms.
KE AD Y, a post town in the county of Armagh, is built
near the river Callen. The bleaching-grounds on the
banks of the Callen are numerous, and assist in giving an
ah* of prosperity to this part of the county. There is also
a mine of lead ore on the estate belonging to Trinity
College, Dublin. Pop. 896. Fairs ; Second Friday, monthly.
No. 8. From Dublin to ARMAGH. Third Road.
Through Dundalk, Nswrt, and Markethill.
Dublin Castle to MUet. Dublin CasOe to MUet.
Newry* as at No. 1. 60ft Armagh* 62ft
Markethill 60
MARKETHILL is a market and post town of Armagh,
on the Keadybeg stream. It has a neat sessions house,
and a good inn. Pop. 1043. Market day : Friday. Fairs :
Seat : Gotford Castle, a charming mansion, which, to-
gether with Draper's Hill, is a name familiar to the readers
of Swift's works; in this neighbourhood The Fewt, a
mountainous and retired tract, is worthy the notice of
those who seek for picturesque and romantic scenery.
No. 9. From Dublin to ARMAGH. Fourth Road.
Through Ashbourne, Slane, Carriokmacross,
Castleblaynby, and Keady.
Dublin Castle to MUet. Dublin CatOe to MUet.
Ashbourne 10 Carrickmacroas *•• 40
Slane SS Castleblayney 49
Dnunconrta 31 Armagh • 61
ASHBOURNE is a post town of Meath, in a fertile but
uninteresting country. Close to it is a single square
tower, of considerable altitude, and in tolerable repair,
beyond which, in the distance, are seen the village of
Katoathy and its rath with A table summit Pop. 473.
Pairs ; Jan. 6, April 16, Saturday before Whit-Monday,
July 29, and Oct. 51.
SLANE is a village and post town of Meath, beautifully
situated on the Boyne. Its church has a handsome steeple,
built from designs by Mr. Johnston : here are also a Roman
Catholic chapel ; and a circus of well-built houses in the
centre of the town. Slane Abbey, a fine ruin, half a mile
from the town, and the hermitage, are supposed to have
been founded by Eiro, a bishop of Slane.
- In approaching Slane, the tasteful plantations and rich
valleys are the more effective, from the contrast between
this scenery and the tame country about Ashbourne.
Pap. 896. Fairs: April 2, June 2, Sept. 2, and Nov. 8.
Seats: Slane Castle, Marquess of Conyngham, proprietor
of the town, is a fine mansion built by Lord Slane: its well-
wooded domains, watered by the Boyne, are justly admired.
George IV. visited Slane Castle in 1821. On the banks
of the river are extensive flour-mills, and in its course
several islets ; one of its banks is skirted by crags. Con-
tiguous to the castle is StackaUcu, the seat of Viscount
Boyne, and two miles and a half distant, is Douth, a hand-
some mansion belonging to Viscount Netterville. The
battle of the Boyne was fought in the neighbourhood.
At New Grange, near Slane, is a noted tumulus, con-
taining a curious cave, lined with large slabs, and said to
have been a Druidical temple ; by others supposed to be
the mausoleum of the chief of a colony of Belgae* in remote
No. 10. From Dublin to ATHLONE. Through May-
DabUntoAthkDe*,MBtNo.W. tt»
No. 11. From Dublin to AUGHNACLOY. Through
Armagh, Tynan, and Caledon.
Dublin Onto to Miles. Dublin dude to Miles.
Dundalk*, asatNo.1. •••• 40* Tynan* 68!
Armagh*, as at No. ft. .... 62* Caledon* 70*
Killyleagh 67 Aughnacloy* 76
No. 12. From Dublin to BALBRIGGAN. Firs*
Road. Through Balruddery.
Dublin CasiU to MiUs. DubUn Cattle to Miles.
Balruddery* as at No. 1. • • 14* Balbriggan • 15*
BALBRIGGAN, a post town on the coast of the county
of Dublin, having a good pier, and a small harbour. It has
a church, and several schools. The cotton manufactures of
Balbriggan are considerable; and some exceedingly 6ne
stockings made here bear a high price. Several castles
are in this vicinity : Bremore Cattle ruin is half a mile
from the town; and on the coast is Baldungan Cattle,
destroyed by the Parliamentarian army ; some of the
towers, and the ivy-clad walls of the chapels, still remain :
here also is an ancient cemetery. Pop* 8016. Fairt:
April 29, and Sept. 29.
No. 13. From Dublin to. BALBRIGGAN. Second
Road. Through Rush.
DuWnCatUtto Milts. Dublin Cattle to Mile*.
Turrey*, as at No. 1. 9 Sktniea 17
L«k 11 Balbriggan 20*
Roah 131
LUSK, in Dublin, Is celebrated for its fine round tower
and ancient church, in which are several monuments, and
a curious vestige of antiquity, supposed to have been an
idol belonging to the Danes. Near it is Whitestown
church in ruins.
Off the mouth of an inlet of the sea is seen the Island
of Lambay, where there are quantities of rabbits and
sea-fowl. During the summer this island is much fre-
quented by parties of pleasure ; and on Trinity Sunday a
great number of persons visit Holy Trinity Spring. Here
also are the ruins of an old fort
Pop. 924. Fairs : May 4, July 13, and November 25.
RUSH is a fishing-town in Dublin, near a point of the
coast. It is noted for curing ling, large quantities of which
are exported. A mile farther is Bush Bouse, a good man-
sion, and some old ruins. Lough Shinney, between Rush
and Skerries, has a pier and a harbour.
Pop. 2144. Fairs : May 1, and September 29.
SKERRIES is a fishing-village of Dublin, opposite to
which are three small rocks, called the Skerries Islands,
One of them, named Holm Patrick, is said to have been
the residence of St Patrick. Seat: Sheep Hill.
Pop. 265$. Fairs: April 28, and August 10.
. No. 14. From Dublin to BELLAGHY (in Londonderry).
Through Portadown and Magherafelt.
Dublin Cattleto MO*. DmbknCastoto Mtiet.
Newiy*, No. 1 604 Stewarf»toira» 78
Points Pan 57 Moneymore* 84$
Tanderagee 61* Magherafelt* 88|
Portadown* 60* Caatfe-Itaraon -... Wft
Blackwater-foot 7«i Bellaghy .... 93*
POINTZ PASS, in Armagh, is celebrated for the
engagements fought here in the times of anarchy and
civil war. It is now the property of Colonel Close who has
built the most splendid mansion in the north of Ireland,
at his demesne of Drumbanagher, in its neighbourhood.
The architectural beauty and elegance .of this edifice are
universally admired.
Fop. 660. Fairs : 1st JSaturday, monthly.
TANDERAGEE is a good market and post town of
Armagh, seated on a high hill, commanding a fine prospect
of several fertile Valleys. The church is a handsome Gothic
edifice, rebuilt in 1812; and close to it is Lord Mande-
vihV* delightful seat, erected on -the site of O'HaUan's
Castle. The town also possesses a Roman Catholic chapel
and a school house, endowed by Lady Mandeville, and
♦there are two meeting houses at a little distance. Tande-
•ragee is situated in the centre of the linen manufacture,
and the sales here are considerable. The canal from Newry
to Lough Neagh passes near the town. Sbats : There are
-several fine seats, but the principal is Mr. Sparrow's.
Pep. 1559. Market day: Wednesday. Fmrs .-First Wed-
nesday, monthly. Inn : Hutchinson's.
DAWSON-CASTLE, a post town ^Londonderry, on
<the Mayola River, which soon after faHs into the north-
Vest Bay of Lough Neagh. From : this a good Toad com*
munlcates by the bridge at Toome ferry with the county of
Antrim. Pop. 674. Fairs; Jan. 1, Wednesday after
Easter Tuesday, June 1, and Aug. 1.
BELLAGHY is a small post town of Londonderry, in
the midst of mountain scenery of the most romantic de-
scription. Here several roads diverge to the neighbouring
towns of Antrim and Londonderry. . The shore of Lough
Beg is sandy ; but in winter the flood greatly exceeds the
summer water-mark. Adjacent are some beautiful seats
and diversified grounds. Fairs : First Monday of each
No. 15. From Dublin to BALLAGHY (in Sligo).
Through Athlone and Roscommon.
Dublin Cattle to Miles. Dublin Castle to Miles.
Athlone*, a* at No. 97, •••• 594 Looghglm 93
Ballymurry 69} Kilkelly 101
Roaoommon * 74| Ballaghy 105*
Castlera 88*
BALLYMURRY, a village in Roscommon, surrounded
by some good country houses. Fairs: May 10, Aug. 15
Oct. 22, and Dec. 16.
ROSCOMMON is a market and post town, as well aa
the county and assize town of Roscommon. Its antiquities;
are worthy of inspection. An abbey for canons regular
was founded here in the sixth century ; it was plundered in
1134, and Roscommon was burnt in 1360. The friary of
Dominicans was a stately edifice, founded in 1253 by
Cathal O'Connor, king of Connaught, whose tomb of Irish
marble may be seen in the aisle of these ruins; it exhibits
some interesting sculptures. The castle is a noble ruin*,
built in 1268 : this fortress was besieged in 1641. Ros-*
common was a borough returning members to tbe Irish
Parliament. The chief public buildings are, the church,
the Roman Catholic chapel, the court house, erected in
1826; the county infirmary; the gaol, built in 1819; and
the lunatic asylum.
Pop. 3306. Market day : Saturday, chiefly corn. Fairs :
Whit-Monday, and Dec 5. Inns : Flynn's, and Mulranan's.
Seats : Moate Park, Lord Crofton, two miles distant ;
Clover Hill; Donamon Castle, a venerable castellated mansion,
having small turrets above each corner of the edifice ; the
entrance is by a lofty flight of steps ascending the exterior
wall : this curious residence is seated on the banks of the
river Suck. Clonthuskart Abbey is a small ruin, situated
seven miles north-east from Roscommon.
LOUGHGLIN, in Roscommon. Here is Loughglin
Castle, the mansion of Viscount Dillon, seen across the
waters of Lough-Glin. Pop. 254. Fairs : May 25, July 29,
Sept 12, and Oct. 14.
K1LKELLY is a village of Roscommon. Near it is a
glen of remarkable beauty, through which flows a romantic
meandering stream, amidst slopes of ash trees, thorn, and
hollies. The echo in the heart of this glen repeats seven
No. 16. From Dublin to BALL YCL ARE.
Dublin Caste to Miles. Dublin Castle to Miles.
Banbridge*, as at No. 1. • > • • 60} Carnmoncy* 851
Belfast*, as at No. 30. 80 Ballyclare 90
BALLYCLARE is a beautiful village and post town of
Antrim, having a market, and an ancient church and
bridge over the Glenwhirry river. Here is a good hunting
lodge and park of the Marquess of Donegal-; the village
of Ballynure is distant two miles, and Doagk at a like
A new road from Belfast sweeps round the foot of Cam- <
money Hill by the Bea-shore, and ascends the broad Tale
between that mountain and Agnew's Hill above Lame.
This road is, however, two miles farther than the steep
ascent of Carnmoney through the village.
From Cott* Mountain, a mile above Ballyclare, on which
is the hamlet of Tildarg, with some good bleach-greens,
there is a very grand prospect of the Cave Hill near Bel-
fast, the Lough, and the Down coast : few landscapes can
exceed this superb view. From the summit of Colin, the
eye ranges along the beautiful vale of Glenwhirry, the sides
of which are cultivated, and afford green pasturage of
excellent quality : on the farther slope is the great isolated
rock of Slievemish, and along the valley flows a small
stream. Pop. 133. Fairs : Last Tuesday in January, third
Tuesday in May, July, August, and October, and last Tues-
day in November.
No. 17. From Dublin to BALLIMORE. Through
Maynooth, Kinneoad, and Mullingar.
Dublin Castle to MUet. Dublin Cattle to MUet.
Kinnegad* aaatNo 98.---- 29} Ballimore 60}
Mullingar* 38}
BALLIMORE is a post town in the county of West-
meath, pleasantly situated to the west of Lough Scudy.
There is a well-built Roman Catholic chapel in the town, ,
and a neat church. The fort of Baltimore, on the side of
the lake, was separated by moats and i n trench men ts from
the shore, and was an important post. Pop, 663. Fairs :
Whit-Monday, and October 14. Inn : Doyle's.
No. 18. From Dublin to BALLINAHINCH. Through
Nbwry, Castlewellak, and Seaford.
Dublin Quilt to MOa. Dublin Castic to Miles.
Newry*. an at No. 1, «0i ClouRh* 69
Rathfriland* *7i 8eaford 70
Cartlewellan 65 Ballinahinch 71
SEAFORD is a village in tjtke county of Down. Near
it is the charming mansion of the Forde family, named
Cattle Navan.
Fairs : March 7, June 9, Sept 4, and Dec. 6.
BALLINAHINCH is a market and post town of Down,
situated at the junction of four roads, which meet near the
market house. It has a well-built church, a handsome
Roman Catholic chapel, two meetinghouses, and a good
charter school. The action gained here, June 13, 1798,
against the insurgents of the north, was gallantly contested,
and the town was burnt : the royal forces were commanded
by General Nugent The noble mansion of the Rawdon
family, Montalto, is now the property of David Kerr, Esq.,
of Portavo. The hills surrounding Ballinahinch are craggy
and rugged, but well ornamented, and tolerably cultivated.
In the road which conducts to Castlewellan, and at the foot
oiSlieve Croob Mountain, about two miles from Ballinahinch,
is a chalybeate sulphureous spa. On the summit of Slieve
Croob Mountain is a cairn 240 feet in circumference at the
base, and 150 at the top ; and at Jnnadorn, in the immediate
vicinity, is another with a rude stone chamber in the centre.
Beyond the spa is a charming lake : to the south of which
is Duumore village and church, distant two miles from
- Pop. 970. Market day : Thursday. Fairs : First Thurs-
day in January, March, April, and Oct.; Feb. 12, May 12,
r 3
July 10, first Thursday in August and Nov. O. S. Inn :
No. 19. From Dublin to BALLINAKILL. Through
Naas, Kilcullen Bridge, and Athy.
D*Wh Castle to Miles. DttbUn CasOe to Miles.
R&thcoole* 71 Athy* W
Johnstown* ».. 131 Timohoe • •.- 41*
Naas* 15ft BalHnakiTI 471
TIMOHOE is a village of Queen's County, in which
there are some very interesting ruins of a castle dilapidated
during the civil wars. The round tower and the ancient
church are entitled to notice. Fairs : April 5, July 2,
and Oct 18.
BALLINAKILL is a market and post town in Queen's
county. It has a handsome church and steeple,, and a
Roman Catholic chapel. The castle is an interesting old
fortress : after repeated sieges, it was stormed by the forces
of Cromwell. This was a borough town sending repre-
sentatives to the Irish Parliament. It is the property of
the Stanhope family.
Pop. 1927. Market-day: Saturday. Fairs: Monthly.
Seat: Mr. Trench's mansion, Heywood, is generally
No. 20. From Dublin to BALLINROBE. First
Road. Through Maymootm, Athlone, and Tuam.
Dublin Cattle to Miles. Dublin Castle to Miles.
Athlone*, an at No. 98. ... 59J Kilmain • 1041
7uam«,ai«tNo. 124 03 JBallimobe ••• 1061
KILMAIN is a village of Mayo, Near it are some
church and other ruins, as well as a fine mansion of Lord
Kilmain's. Fairs : July 12, and Oct 28.
On the left hand of the Ballinrobe road is the Neale,
a village with the seat of the Browne family. A few miles
south-west of the Neale in a narrow tract between Lough
Mask and the great expanse of Lough Corrib, is the village
of Cong and the mansion of the Macnamara family, together
with the remains of an abbey. Nearly in the centre of
Lough Corrib is the island of Incheguile, which contains a
monastery, the property of Sir Richard O'Donel, Bart.
Here also is the Pigeon Hole, a subterraneous cavern of
some length, traversed by a pellucid stream abounding with
trout, which may be seen darting from side to side, and are
only taken by landing-nets. The Pigeon Hole is entered
by a descent of sixty-three steps. In this water ia a weir
for eels. A stream issues from a sloping bank near Cong,
and flows rapidly to Lough Corrib, one mile distant Cong was
once an important place, and its abbey was celebrated.
BALLINROBE is a large market and post town at the
south extremity of the county of Mayo. It is built on the
banks of the Robe, which flows westward, and empties
itself into Lough Mask. The castle, formerly the residence
of Lord Tyrawley, is* converted into barracks for the
cavalry. There #are barracks also at this town for two
companies of infantry. The abbey is a venerable Gothic
ruin ; and near it is the school house. There is a market,
and court house, a church, a Roman Catholic chapel, and
a brewery. The town is improving rapidly, and has a
good inn.
A mile eastward from Ballinrobe is situated Lough Shy,
a mile in length, and only a quarter of a mile wide. The
Robe is a stream which passes through the town of Ballin-
robe; the Moyne to the south separates Mayo from the
county of Galway, and on the east, Mayo is in some places
bounded by the Gara River,
Pop. 2604. Market-day : Monday. Fairs : Whit-Mon-
day, and Dec. 5. Jmu: The Tyrawley Hotel.
Baltintobec Abbey is seen on the road to Castlebar. It is
of a grand style of Gothic architecture, and the rafters
were of massive hewn stone— a mode of roofing which,
by its weight, sometimes hastens the decay of the edifice.
No. 21. From Dublin to BALLINROBE. Second
Road. Through Ballynamore, Kilkerrin, and
DuMin Cattle to jftfef. Dublin Cattle to Miles.
Athlone* as at No. 08. .... 604 Domacraen 96
Ballynamore*, as at No. 134. 74* Ballindangin ft*
Kilkerrin 83* Holljmount* 1071
Dunmore 91* Ballinrobe* 118
KILKERRIN is a neat village of Galway. Within a
mile, on the Ballynamore road, is an ancient castle ruin.
DUNMORE is an ancient village and post town of
Galway. On the site of the original church built by St
Patrick, an abbey was founded in 1425 by the De Birming-
hams, Lords of Atlienry. The parochial church is a portion
of this abbey which belonged to the Augustines. At Dun-
more is the elegant residence of the Earl of Ross ; whose
title is derived from a barony of the county of Galway.
Hence a road leads to the village of Ballindine*
Pap. 847. Fairs: May 29, July 9, Oct 10, and Dec. 11.
BALLINDANGIN is a village in the county of Mayo,
which the road enters shortly after leaving Dunmore. One
mile and a half farther is seen the stately mansion of Castle
3T Garrett : in this demesne there is some good timber.
On the river side, one mfle to the left, are the ruins of an
ancient castle. Fairs : May 28* July 22, Oct 1 1, and Dec 7.
HOLLYMOUNT. Here the present route crosses the
high road from Tuam to Castlebar. For Hollymount, see
No. 124.
No. 22. From Dublin to BALLYBOFEY. Through
Dublin Castle to Miles. DubUn Castle to Miles.
Ballyshannon* as at No. 80. 101} Townavilly 114f
Ballintra* 1051 BaUybofey* 123|
TOWNAVILLY is a village of Donegal. Within one
mile and a half of Townavilly on the left is Lough Esk, a
considerable lake surrounded by mountains, on which there
are red deer. In the lake is the Char, a delicate fish caught
by nets. Four miles beyond Townavilly is Lough Mourn,
one mile and a half in length, and half a mile broad, near
the road which conducts the traveller across the Barnsmore
mountains to Ballybofey.
No. 23. From Dublin to BALLYCASTLE. First
Road. Through Drogheda, Banbridge, Ballymena,
and Arm ot.
Dublin Castle to Mile*. DubHn Castle to Miles.
Banbridge* as at No. 1. •• 60* Ballymena 93}
Luigan* 07} Clongh 99}
Glenavy 77 Loughgeell 106
Antrim* 84 Annoy 109
Kell» .. 89* Ballycartle 113}
GLEN AVY is a village and post town of Antrim, with
a handsome church and spire, and school house. There is
another road near the shore of Lough Neagh, which,
branching off at Lurgan, passes through BaUinderry and
Crumlin, to Antrim, being about the same distance as by
Glenavy. See No. 2. Fairs : May 14, Oct. 29.
KELLS is a village of Antrim, situated on the Kells
Water, over which it has a large bridge. Adjoining the
bridge is a small moat, with an acclivity from the river;
and a fine valley sweeps round to the Colin Hills. Several
bleach-greens are seen at or near Kells. Here are also the
ruins of an abbey, with a cemetery for the Catholics ; this
is named Teihplemoyle, and perhaps formed part of the
ecclesiastical edifices appertaining to the see of Connor.
Pop. 220. Fairs: January 8, first Monday in March,
June 10, and Sept. 14.
BALLYMENA is a market and post town in Antrim,
built on both sides of a branch of the Main, which directs
its rapid course through a rich vale to Lough Neagh.
Near the bridge is the pretty bleach hill of Mr. Geoghegan.
The road passes by the moat of Ballykeel, beautifully
planted, and by Bellee Hill, where the royal forces en-
camped in 1798. The market house has a small tower ;
the market is attended by the people of all the neighbouring
country, for the sale of linen webs, pork, butter, &c. Here
is a respectable inn (Courtney's) in the High Street,
which is a hill ascending to the north ; on its summit is the
church, which has a neat steeple; here also is a school
house, a meeting house, two Presbyterian chapels, and
an episcopal church and free school. Close to the town
is a handsome mansion, and in Harryville, across the
bridge, are some good houses inhabited by opulent persons.
Two miles east of the town, on Crebilly Hill, is a Roman
Catholic chapel, built by the Rev. John Fitzsimmons.
Here is the mansion of the late John Hamilton O'Hara,
Esq., father of the author of this volume, surrounded by
extensive plantations.
One mile and a half from Ballymena is Grace HWt a
thriving settlement of Moravians, founded in 1746.
Pop. 4063. Market-days : Saturday for linen, Tuesday
for pork, and Wednesday for corn. Fairs : July 26, and
Oct. 21. Inns : Courtney's ; and Brangin's.
CLOUGH is a village of Antrim, conspicuously seated
on a hill. It has a large church" and chapel, and on the
summit of the hill are the ruins of a small castle. At a
short distance beyond the town are vestiges of another
castle. The neigbouring mountains are craggy and ro-
mantic Pop. 121. Fairs: Second Monday in Feb. and
Nov., Easter Monday, May 27, Aug. 5, and Dec 10.
LOUGHGULE is an interesting village, in a romantic
district of Antrim. The church is situated near a lough,
bounded on one side by rich plantations, and on the other
by an extensive red moss. In the centre of the lough is a
wooded islet, and on a rocky height above it is seen an old
castle of the O'Hara's, the elegant retirement of Earl
Macartney, who here passed many of his latter years in
seclusion, and made many important improvements. The
Corky Hills are high and rugged, and a rich tract, diversified
by villas and ornamental demesnes, extends from this place
to Dervock. Lissanoure Castle, late the Earl of Macart-
ney's, is now the residence of J. Hume Macartney, Esq.: it
is held of the possessors of the Crebilly estate.
Fairs: Feb. 19, Aug. 19, and Nov. 19.
ARMOY, a secluded village of Antrim, is seated on the
steep banks of the beautiful river Bush. Near the church,
surrounded by trees, is the lower half of a small round tower.
The village inn occupies a picturesque site near the bridge.
Near this place are the ruins of an ancient castle, and some
rich and varied landscapes of glen and mountain, watered
by the meandering river, which sometimes swells to an
impetuous torrent. Pap. 129. Fairs : Last Monday in
January and March, Feb. 25, May 25, third Monday in
August, Nov. 12, and Dec. 26.
BALLYCASTLE is a sea-port and post town of Antrim,
much celebrated for its beauty and the sublimity of die
surrounding scenery. It is approached by a path clothed
with luxuriant woods, in die descent from the mountainous
district which skirts this extremity of the wide valley of the
-river Bush. The entrance to the town is formed by a new
street of neat dwellings with slated roofs, which are now
superseding thatch in all the northern towns. The church
is finely situated fronting the main street, and by the side
of the crumbling walls of the ancient abbey ; it was built by
Mr. Boyd, who was there buried the very day it was first
opened for public service : it is surrounded by trees. Here
«re also two meeting houses, and a Roman Catholic chapel.
Close to the harbour is a long bridge across the mouth of
theriver, which is formed fay the Carey and Ramoan streams
An avenue of tall trees, a quarter of a mile in length, con-
ducts from die church to the port, where there are some
handsome houses belonging to the chief inhabitants, and
barracks, formerly the custom house. The pier, which was
erected at an immense expense, to defend die harbour from
the north-west winds, has been swept away by the waves j
and the port is choked with sand. Mr. Boyd obtained 30,000/.
from the Irish Parliament for the promotion of this and
other speculations in which he was engaged in the neigh*
bourhood, such as mining and glass works ; they were,
however, attended with little success. The deserted and
dilapidated glass house is still perceptible near the bridge.
On th& beach ate several upright bold rocks. A large
quantity of kelp is collected here, and burnt on the shore.
The coast road sweeps round the rugged foot of the moun-
tains through Cushendall to Glenarni, in the south-east,
and the shore is rocky and dangerous. This road, now in
progress, will be a chef d'ceuvre of road engineering,
exhibiting the most picturesque coast in Ireland.
This delightful town is seated in the centre of an
amphitheatre of hills, surmounted by the round and beautiful
summit of Knock Lade, described in another place.
The collieries of Ballycastle, which have been worked
for centuries, occupy the hills along the coast of the bay for
about .a mile, but none of the pits are now worked.
Of the neighbouring antiquities and natural curiosities,
we shall speak more fully in their proper places. Close
to the town are some castle ruins, raths, and the Abbey
of Bonatnargey, as well as two mineral springs.
- Pop. 1683. A market is held every three weeks, on
Tuesday, for yarns and provisions. Fairs : Jan. 1,
Shrove Tuesday, Easter Tuesday, last Tuesday in May,
August, Oct, and Nov., and July 26. Inns: Fullerton's;
and another, with respectable accommodation.
Four miles from Ballycastle is the magnificent promon-
tory of Fair Heody or Benmore, overlooking the raging sea
that divides it from Raghlin Island.' In order to reach it,
-the tourist must proceed along the shore from the quay for
about a mile, and then ascend the hill containing the
collieries, whence Fair Head is constantly in view. This
pathway commands a fine view of Raghlin Island, and
even the isles of Scotland.
This majestic promontory, the highest point of which
rises 585 feet above the level of the sea, is composed of
basaltic stones, and may be divided into two portions, die
base being an inclined plane strewed with Immense masses
in the wildest confusion, and washed by the foaming ocean ;
and the superstructure) consisting of perpendicular columns
250 feet in height; the whole exhibiting one of the
most extraordinary scenes that imagination can conceive.
Amongst the objects pointed out as curiosities on Fair
Head, is the Fhirleath or Grey Man's Path, a chasm 200
feet in depth ; dividing the promontory in two. There are
several places also where the tourist may, without danger,
look down precipices of more than 240 feet. Near the
summit is a curious cave called the Piet's House, and not
far from it are two lakes, named Lough Caolin and Lough-
na-Cresa, There is a village of about 250 houses, which
throve for a moment through Mr. Boyd's speculations. It
has fallen into decay.
No. 24. From Dublin to BALLYCASTLE. Second
Road. Through Drogheda, Belfast, and Kells.
Dublin Castk to Miles. Dublin Castte to Milts.
Banbridge*. asatNo. 1..... 601 Ballymena* 101
Belfast*, as at No. 30. .... 80 Clough 107
Cammoney 85} Clough Mills 109
Doagh 90 Stranocknm 116
Connor 96| Ballycastle* 194
Kella* 97*
CARNMONEY, in Antrim, is seated on the top of a
remarkable mountain, forming a ridge between the Cave
Hill near Belfast, and Agnew's Hill above Larne ; all three
terminating in beautiful slopes to the sea shore. The
valley towards Belfast is principally interesting for its lime-
kilns, the quarries being on the Cave Hill. Here the
mail-coach road ascends gradually. On the Larne side the
broader valley is intersected by a sweeping level route,
recently completed, which, although two miles in its circuit
towards Ballyclare, is surrounded by such verdant scenery
as affords the traveller the highest delight Pass Mr.
Grimshaw's great factory with a beautiful reservoir to turn
the water-wheel. In the ascent to Carnmoney the straggling
village of white cottages is seen scattered over the hill top,
and the diminutive church is conspicuous from every
quarter. After passing the avenues of trees beyond
Carnmoney church, the road traverses a rough and less
interesting country. Pop. 247. Fairs: Second Tuesday
in May, and third Tuesday in November.
DOA6H is a. village of Antrim, placed amidst gently
swelling and verdant hills. The new road through Doagh
is level, and its scenery resembles that of the beautiful new
road on the banks of the Wye, between Bakewell and
Matlock, in England. At Doagh the meeting and dinners
of the Antrim Hunt are held. Here Is a respectable inn.
Pop. 195.
CONNOR, in Antrim, was formerly a place of import-
ance, but is now a village of small cottages. The see of
Connor is united with the bishopric of Down. In the
cemetery of the cathedral, of which there still exists an
appearance of the foundation-wall, is a white church, with
a square steeple, environed by trees. The Kells Water
flows beneath the small eminence on which the church is
built, and has several old bridges across it ; the water is a
strong chalybeate. Near this stream is the foundation of
a tower, nine feet in height, and apparently repaired in
late times : it is supposed to have been a residence of King
Fergus and other princes of former days. The monastic
ruins of Kells, and the foundations traceable throughout
this vicinity, belonged to edifices inhabited not many cen-
turies back,., coins of the Edwards having been found here.
The village is at the foot of a great hill, and the dope
of Cairnanie, ascending in the direction of Templepatrick,
although arduous, will compensate for the labour of an
excursion. From this summit the eye ranges through
a wide surrounding vale of great fertility, adorned
with excellent houses, rapid torrents, long rows of ash
trees and pines extending to the shore of Lough Neagh,
which glitters like a sea in the distance ; the round towers
of Ram Island and Antrim are also distinguished. In this
mountain range are the scenes of some pathetic poems of
Ossian ; and the tumuli on the south side of the mountain
point out die field of traditionary combats. To the right
of Parkgate, there is an elevated moat, above the village of
Donegore. Pop. 289. Fairs : Feb. 1, May 1, August 2,
and Oct 28.
CLOU6H MILLS, a village two miles from Clough
[described in No. 205] : it is seated upon a rapid stream
called the Clough Water.
STRANOCUM is a beautiful village of Antrim, seated
on the river Bush. Close to this is Buthbank, the residence
of the late James Hamilton, Esq., and now of Mr. Biggs:
the grounds are truly agreeable. Pop, 182. Fain: April 20,
and Dec. 29.
No. 25. From Dublin to BALLYMENA. Through
Belfast, Templepatrick, and Kells.
Dublin CatUe to Mites. Dublin Castle to Miles.
Banbrklge* as at No. 1. -- 60* Parkgate-- 88
Belfiist*, a» at No. 30. -•• 80 Connor* 96f
Liale 85 Kelto* 9Jk
Templepatrick -. 87 BaUymena* 101
LISLE is a mountain hamlet of Antrim. Here is a
large round hill) supposed to be artificial. Lisle Hill is .
surrounded by stupendous mountains, but is conspicuous
from every part of the wide and fertile intervening valleys.
Here is a meeting house and two small inns.
TEMPLEPATRICK is an extremely neat village of
Antrim. Here is Castle Upton, the beautiful mansion of
Viscount Templetown, with a demesne furnished with fine
timber. The entrance to it is formed by an avenue of elms,
leading from the castle-gate at a bend of two roads meeting
in the village. The building is whitewashed, and the round
turrets are covered by conical roofs. The rents are high
in this beautiful valley; but the agriculture is excellent,
and the produce corresponds to the industry exerted.
Here are two bridges over a river well stocked with
trout and perch. Pop. 814. Fairs ; First Tuesday in May,
July 10, and last Tuesday in October.
PARKGATE is a village of Antrim, built on the rise
of the Cairnanie hills. It has a tolerable inn. To the
left hand a road conducts to Donegore Moat and Antrim.
Pop. 162. Fairs: Feb. 7, May 7, Aug. 7, and Nov. 4.
No. 26. From Dublin to BALLYMOTE. Through
Longford, Jamestown, and Boyle.
Dublin amu to Miles. Dublin CasUe to Miles.
Kinnegad*. as at No. 98... 39* Boyle* 84}
Carrick-on-Shannon*, asat Ballinafad* 871
No.185. 77 Balljmote 96
AnUcanta Church 81}
BALLYMOTE is an ancient market and post town in
the county of Sligo, situated between Lough Arrow and the
river Owenmore. Ballymote Castle, a square building of 150
feet, and 60 feet in height, is supposed to have been con-
structed A. d. 1300, by De Burgh, Earl of Ulster. During
Q 3
the civil wars it was captured by Ireton : it is still a con-
siderable ruin. Here also stood a house of Franciscans,
of which the few remaining walls and the east window are
worthy of notice : it forms a cemetery ; and a portion now
repaired is the Roman Catholic chapel. Distant one mile
from town, is the church of Emlafad, having a beautiful
spire ; the rector resides at Newbrook. The sessions are
held in Ballymote court-house four times in the year.
Pop. 875. Market day : Friday. Fairs : Last Monday in
January, May 11, second Monday in June, Sept 3, third
Monday in Nov., and Dec. 21. Inns : Farquhar's, and Finn's.
Seat : Earlsfield, Major Bridgeham.
No. 27. From Dublin to BALTIMORE. Through
Carlow, Kilkenny, Clonmel, and Cork.
Dublin Castle U> Mil*. DmbUnCasUeto Miles.
Bafhcoole 71 Clonmel 81 1
Johnatown* 13* Aidfinkaae 88}'
Naai 15| Clogheen 83*
Kilcullen 82 Kilworth 106
Ballytore 99* Pennoy 108
Cwtledermot S8| Bathcormack ■ • 112
Carlow 80 Cork 126
LefghHn Bridge 46 Bandon 1371
Kilkenny 67ft OoghnaUlty 14ft
Callan 65*' 81dbbereen 160*
Nine-Mile-House 70| Baltimore 166!
KILCULLEN, a market and post town of Kildare, is
seated upon the river Liffey, on the hills north of which
General Dundas defeated the insurgents in 1798. The
ancient church to the left of the bridge, is that of New
Abbey, built in 1460 by Sir Rowland Eustace; his fine-
tomb in the abbey church was destroyed in 1784, when the.
Catholic chapel at this place was built This was the site
of a monastery which dated from the .introduction of
Christianity, and was first governed by St Heroin, a bishop,
of the fifth century. A lease of the abbey and its lands
was granted in 1582 to Spenser. In 1764 the steeple of
New Abbey fell. These ruins give name to the modern
mansion of New Abbey. An old castle is also super-
seded by its neighbouring seat called Castle-Martin,
Kilcullen has a neat church, built in 1815, a Roman
Catholic chapel, a dispensary, and a fever hospital.
Pop. 699. Market day ; Saturday. Fairs : February 2,
March 25, June 11 and 22, Sept. 8, Oct. 2, and Dec. 8.
Nearly three miles beyond the bridge is Old Kilcullen :
a town once fortified with a wall and seven gates, only one
of which, with a handsome arch, is standing. Here also
are the ruins of an abbey, with several antique vestiges :
the shaft of a cross in a single block, 10 feet high ; the
pedestal of a second cross ; and an ancient round tower,
now half its original height Three miles beyond this
deserted town is the ruin of Black Hall Castle,
Seats; Giltoumy Sir E. Burrows, Bart; Castle Fish;
Ballyfax; Calverstown, near which a tomb was opened,
containing a sitting skeleton, with an earthen urn or bowl,
as if for provisions ; this is supposed to have been a Danish
chieftain, BaUyshannon, Sir J. Palmer, Bart. Harristown,
Sallymount, the demesne of the Cramer family. Castle
Martin, which was occupied in 1798 as a barrack.
BALLYTORE, a market and post town in Kildare,
possessing the unusual accompaniment of orchards and
gardens. Quakers settled this rural site on the banks of
the river Griss, and, as in other Quakers' and Moravian
settlements in this kingdom, they studied the neat improve- '
ments of hedge-row avenues, rising out of well-trimmed
quickset fences, and surrounded their comfortable cottages
with fruits and flowers. Here the eloquent Edmund
Burke acquired the rudiments of learning; and Mary Lead-
better was a native and resident of this town. Timolin
church is on a height to the left; but the village is now
fallen into decay. The ruins of Moone Abbey adjoin to
Moone, a seat on the opposite bank of the Griss.
Pop. 228. Market day: Monday. Fair*; March 10,
Aug. 15, and Nov. 30.
Seats: the Earl of Aldborough's house and demesne,
Belan, is two miles farther. The castle of Belan was
destroyed by Cromwell. In the old mansion afterwards
built, James II. and King William successively slept; their
bed is preserved. The present house was built in 1743:
it contains a chapel, a theatre, and a green-house. Near
it is a lake, as well as a spacious inn. There are six
avenues, a mile in length, with porters' lodges at the ter-
CASTLEDERMOT, a post town in Kildare, formerly
Tristle Dermot, or Disart Diarmuda, derived its name from
St. Diermit, who founded the priory here in 500. The
Dermots, kings of Leinster, had their residence in this
ancient town, which was once strongly fortified. The castle
is now a ruin. There are some interesting antiquities ; an
ivy-clad round tower, employed as a belfry to the parish
church ; two crosses, on which are inscribed some ancient
characters, and three small pillars. Parliaments were
holden here in the 14th and 15th centuries; the house
of assembly became the chief inn of the town. There
was once a mint at this place, which is now, however,
a town of little importance. Castledermot is situated on
the river Lane ; two miles farther we enter the county of
Pop. 1385. Fairs : Feb. 24, first Tuesday after Easter.
Tuesday, May 24, August 4, Sept 29, and Dec. 19.
Seats : Kilkea Cattle, two mile* before our arrival at
Castledermot, we leave this ancient fortress on the right:
it was formerly of great strength. It is a modernized
residence, and from its walls is enjoyed the view of a rich
landscape across the Griss river. Burton Hall is close to
a stream which separates Kildare from Garlow : the park
contains 200 acres, and .the beautiful avenue extends a
mile in length ; the gardens are adorned with statues.
C ARLOW is an assize, market, borough, and post town,
and gives name to the county. It is seated on the navigable
river Barrow, which affords an easy conveyance for Kil-
kenny coal to various parts of the vicinity. The Barrow
rises in the Slieve Bloom mountains in Queen's county, •
and Carlow is much increased in prosperity and commercial
importance by it: passing this town it continues it»
winding and placid course to the Nore, near New Ross*
Communication with Dublin is also greatly facilitated by
the grand canaL The county town is governed by a sove-
reign: it has a very cheerful aspect; all the way to Cas-
tledermot or to Leighlin Bridge we remark the pleasant
villas and white-fronted farm houses of the spirited culti-
vators, who are rapidly improving the agriculture of this
district. The prospects south of Carlow are picturesque
and diversified ; the valley is of great width, but is bounded
on each side by mountains and woodlands. The Black-
stairs Hills are more rugged and less shaded by forest than
the other mountains, which are occasionally planted nearly
to the summit The coarse woollens of the Carlow manu-
factures occasion some activity and attention to commerce,
for which the town has- natural advantages. It has an
extensive corn and butter trade, which is mostly sent to
Waterford for exportation; the butter is of the finest
quality, and is much esteemed in the London market:
about thirty thousand casks are exported annually.
Carlow has a new court house, a barrack for cavalry, a
handsome new Roman Catholic cathedral, and an extensive
Roman Catholic college, which is situated in the centre of
the town, but is secluded by high walls which surround h;
the park is spacious, and well planted. This college has
attained celebrity from its connection with the late Dr.
Doyle. The dilapidated castle, so long a prominent feature
of this town, on a late attempt to render it habitable, fell
suddenly to the ground, and but little is left of it. The
site was a height commanding the channel of the Barrow,
and overlooks the town on the west side, close to Wellington
Bridge, which crosses the Barrow here, and unites the
county of Carlow with Queen's county ; whence its ancient
name of Catheriough, the castle of the Lough ; it was an
important bulwark of the old English Pale. Catheriough
was built by King John when commanding in Ireland ;
the historical anecdotes of its numerous sieges are inte-
resting. It surrendered to General Ireton in 1650. In
tlra last insurrection Carlow was attempted to be surprised
before day-break ; a vigorous defence was made* and nearly
500 of the insurgents fell in the action. The church is
ancient Carlow. also possesses meeting houses, a Roman
Catholic chapel, a nunnery with a handsome chapel
adjoining, a modern church with a steeple, an infirmary
dispensary, a fever hospital, a new gaol, a military hospital,
magdalen and lunatic asylums, an assembly room, and a
news room. This borough returns one member to Parliament.
-Pop. 91H. Market day x; Monday and Thursday. Fairs i
May 4, June 22, Aug. 26, and Nov. 8. Inns : The King's
Arms; Wheatsheaf; the Yellow Lion; Mail Coach Hotel,
and Club House.
Seats: Btllmont; Springhill; Oak Park. — Staples tamt
a splendid mansion on the Burrin stream. Browne HUt,
one mile distant Fiewmount, near Browne Hill. Borris
Castle, 12 miles south of Carlow, is the seat of the Kavan-
nagh family, and is the noblest mansion in the county of
Carlow. It was built from designs by Messrs. Morrisons,
and is a fine imitation of the style of architecture prevalent
in the 16th century.
LEIGHLIN BRIDGE is a market and post town in the
county of Carlow, on the banks of the Barrow, over which
is a bridge of nine arches. There is a considerable trade
in corn and butter. One of the old ruins is a monastery
of White Friars, founded by one of the family of Carew.
The towers and battlements of the Black Castle, which
extend along the Barrow, having a very imposing ap-
pearance : this was a strong hold of the powerful De Lacys.
Leighlin has a church situated on the west bank of the
river, and two Roman Catholic chapels. The churchyard
commands a fine view.
Bally Ellen, Fenough, Ballylaghatt, Qarryhaddon, Bally-
morn, and Clonmore, are all of them ancient castles in this
district, but at considerable distances; they evince the
warlike posture of the ancient lords. A still more important
place is the city of Old Leighlin, now consisting of only a
few dwellings in a valley of the neighbouring mountain ;
its celebrated church was founded in 632 : thus the bishop's
see is of early date ; the cathedral church was burnt by
lightning in 1060. There is at present a small cathedral,
so called, in tolerable repair; although the abbey of Old
Leighlin, to which it is attached, is a ruin. This monastery
was founded by St Gobhan, and acquired a character of
sanctity in early times; its legendary, history is curious.
Near this is the Well of St. Lqfarien, much celebrated
amongst the country people, with a cross near its brink.
T^ighlin was incorporated with the see of Ferns in 1600.
Pop. 2035. Market day*; Monday and Saturday. Fairs :
Easter Monday, May 14, and Sept 25. Inn : the Swan.
Seats: FontkiU: Killenane, Also Clogrennan Lodge,
of which the sweetly-wooded uplands render it a charming
demesne ; inspect this seat before you arrive at Leighlin
Royal Oak, between Leighlin Bridge and Kilkenny, is
the name of a pleasant Tillage, with an excellent inn.
There are extensive flour mills in this neighbourhood.
KILKENNY, a city, assize, and market town, in the
county of the same name, is esteemed to be the pleasantest
town in Ireland; its handsome bridges of hewn stone
stretch across the river Nore. The city is governed by a
mayor, recorder, and sheriffs. The town is built on two
hills, from which the obsolete distinction of the Irish and
the English town. Kilkenny College was endowed in
1682 by the Duke of Ormond, but the date of the present
edifice is 1784. Many learned men have been educated
here, among whom we may mention Swift, Congreve, and
Berkley; the number of students is 70. There is also a
free school for 60 boys. The female asylum is for 20 poor
householders, allowed ten pounds a year each. In the
Irish town, or St Canice, is the Gothic cathedral, com-
menced in 1202, and completed in 1252. It is 226 feet in
length, and is in the form of a cross. Columns of black
marble separate the nave from the side aisles, and in the
jcentre, where the nave and transept join, is a fine arch.
The tomb of Nicholas Smyth, bishop of Ossory, murdered
,. 'f
by James Dallard, is of a single block of marble. The
choir is beautiful, and the interior tastefully decorated.
The stone chair of St. Kieran is worthy of notice. The
round tower on the south side is in good preservation, and
there is an extensive view from the terrace in the churchyard.
The palace of the bishop is a commodious and elegant resi-
dence ; it has a communication by a covered gallery with the
cathedral. There are also two parish churches, St John's
in St John's Street, modernized in 1817, having formerly
belonged to the abbey of St John ; and St. Mary's in High
Street, with a steeple, besides several Roman Catholic
chapels and meeting houses.
The court house is a handsome edifice, erected by Mr.
Robertson on the site of an old building called Grace's
Castle. Near the Tholsel, which is a good building, with
a lofty steeple, there was formerly a handsome Gothic
cross, similar to that of Coventry. Kilkenny possesses all
the public buildings appropriate to a city; and of its forti-
fications there are still to be seen part of the walls, and the'
gates. The market place is spacious, and there are infantry
barracks, the city gaol, the county gaol, a fever hospital, a
house of correction, and a mendicity asylum.
The priory of St. John was founded in 1211 by William
Mareschal the elder, Earl of Pembroke ; it contains the
marble tomb and effigies of prior Purcell. This priory,
along with the other religious houses, was granted to the
citizens by Henry VIII. The Black Abbey, founded by
William Mareschal the younger, Earl of Pembroke, is a
finer ruin than any of the rest Its noble founder was
interred in it in 1231, as was his brother Richard Mare-
schal, who received a mortal wound at the battle of the
Curragh of Kildare, in 1234. In its church may be noticed
a tomb, with a recumbent figure, and near it is a font cr
vase, with ancient characters carved round the border;
The architectural embellishments of Black Abbey, situated
in Irish town, were superb and costly ; it has been repaired,
and is occupied by a Roman Catholic congregation.
The monastery of St Francis, a light and elegant struc-
ture, of which the tower is the principal vestige, is said to
have many superb monuments covered by the ruins. The
court of this Franciscan house was converted into cavalry
barracks; and foot soldiers were quartered in St John's
Priory : the latter is now an asylum for aged servants.
The chalybeate and sulphureous spring, about one mile
and a half from the city, is in great esteem with medical
professors. The Kilkenny marble, of a black colour,
adorns the private buildings in all the chief streets ; they
are handsome, and one street is above a mile long.. The
mills for sawing and polishing marble are near the main
quarry, about a mile out of town, and situated by the river
side, they are well worthy of a visit ; the marble is extremely
beautiful. The Kilkenny coal is well known ; it is of the
quality called stone-coal : it is generally sulphureous and
expensive; and is therefore little used, except in the imme-
diate neighbourhood : that imported from England being
found even but a few miles from these mines; both cheaper
and better. According to the proverb, Kilkenny boasts'
— fire without smoke, water without mud, air without fog,
and streets paved with marble. The editor, has heard,
many Irish gentlemen declare they had no fogs in their
counties, but has experienced many dense fogs arising from
mountain and lake. The thick white fog. is, however,
comparatively seldom known. The shaded public walks-
form a most agreeable appurtenance to this delightful place.
The city of Kilkenny returns a member to Parliament
. Pop. 23,741. Market-day* : Wednesday and Saturday ;.
and for cattle, Tuesday and Friday. : Fairs : March 28, May
29, June 11, Aug. 17, Sep. 12, and Nov. 9. Inns: The King's
Arms, Bush, Eagle, Wheatsheaf, and the Hibernian Hotel
Seats: Qrmond Castle, in Kilkenny, the seat of the
Marquess of Ormond, was first constructed in 1192,
upon the precipitous bank of the rapid Nore; its entrance
towers are of unequal magnitude at each side of the gate.
The castle is being rebuilt by the present earl, and it pro-
mises to be a splendid object, In the presence chamber is
a picture by Vandyck,. and the gallery contains a great
many portraits. Several of the rooms command fine views.
On the opposite side of the road, the stables of this ancient
mansion form a grand appearance. Three miles from the
town are seen the ruins of Bunmore Palace, belonging to
the same family, and surrounded by fine woods.
• Kilreen, Sir W. Montmorency ; Castle Blunden, Sir John
Blunden ; Teina Park, near to which is the ruin of Castle
, C A LL AN is a market and post town of Kilkenny, seated
upon the King's River, and is governed by a sovereign. It
was once populous, but never flourished since Cromwell's
assault upon it j he destroyed all the. buildings, and the
three castles. The tower of the Augustine abbey, founded
about 1450, by the Ormond family, still remains. The
rath, near Callan, is of large dimensions, and is 40 feet in
height. The church tower is mantled with ivy. Here are
two Roman Catholic chapels, a school on the Lancaster
plan, a town dispensary, and several charity schools.
Pop. of town and parish, 6111. Market-days: Tuesday
and Saturday. Fairs : May 4, June 12, July 10, Aug. 21,
Oct 10) Nov. 4, and Dec. 14. Many well-appointed Inns
and Hotels.
Seats : A mile and a half before arrival at Callan, is
Dtsart, Lord Deaart's, a beautiful house, with very delight-
ful grounds, on the right hand. Wettccurt ; Garryricken;
three miles beyond the town.
NINE-MILE HOUSE, on the confines of Kilkenny
and Tipperary. Four miles beyond this, view Kilcash, a
handsome mansion. Kilcash Hill enjoys a noble prospect,
with Slievenaman to the right. Half a mile farther is the
village of Ballypatrick.
CLONMEL, the county town of Tipperary, is beautifully
situated on the river Suir, and has three bridges across that
river ; it is governed by a mayor and recorder. Its trade
with Waterford, particularly in provisions and corn, is very
great, and the lands in its vicinity are fertile and rich. In
1269, the Dominican friary was founded here, and at the
same time Otho de Grandison founded the Franciscan
monastery ; its church afterwards became a place of wor-
ship of the Dissenters. The town suffered greatly from
Cromwell's army. Amongst the public buildings are, the
church in Mary Street, the court house, the market house,
the county gaol, the house of industry, a large lunatic
asylum, about a quarter of a mile distant, the fever hos-
pital, the dispensary, the artillery and foot barracks, and
the butter market There are also Roman Catholic chapels,
meeting houses, schools, a commercial room, and a news
room. The manufactures are considerable, both in
woollens and cottons. In one of its long regular-built
streets may be seen the house in which Laurence Sterne
was born, in -1713, a clergyman who was the Abbe Scarron
of Ireland, a lasting satire upon his cloth, whose facetious
pen widely diverged from the appropriate style of a com-
poser of sermons, yet whose sermons are a model in his
peculiar manner, and attracted crowded congregations to
Hampstead church, near London. Sterne embodied the
eomic diction and cunning genius of his compatriots ; this
kingdom truly appears " native to famous wits." Clonmel
returns a member to Parliament.
The number of houses in Clonmel in 1800, was 1349
it is now above 1620.
• This town, and indeed the whole south of Ireland, is
greatly- indebted to the spirited exertions of an Italian,
Mr. Charles Bianconi, car proprietor; his excellent estab-
lishment herer consists of nearly 600 horses and 200 cars,
which travel in every direction. Mr. Bianconi is also the
principal contractor for conveying the. mails on the cross
roads in the south and west We have in this work given
a detailed list of the principal routes he travels.
The environs of Clonmel are very beautiful. From the
top of Fairy hill, on the right bank of the river, and about
half a mile from the town, a splendid view may be
obtained of the valley of the Suir.
Pap. 15,184. Market-days: Tuesday and Saturday. Fairs :
First Wednesday in each, month, May 5, and Nov. 5.
Inns : the Mail Coach,, the Great Globe, Ormond's, and
Hearn's Hotel.
Seats: Three miles before arrival at Clonmel, is
Kilmore ; Newtovou, Sir T. Osborne ; near which is Chan-
cellor's Town. Three miles beyond the town, is the splen-
did mansion and grounds of Knocklqfty, Earl of Donough-
more, and Kilmanaham Castle upon a rock at the bending
of the river Suir.
'- ARDF INANE, in Tipperary, is a pleasant and ancient
village, with a bridge of 14 arches over the Suir. Of two
castles in ruin, one built in 1184 by King John, upon a
bold precipice by the river, commanded the town. It was
battered by Cromwell, and made uninhabitable. The
abbey was founded in 700 by St Finian.
Pop. 316. Fairs; Feb 2, May 17, and Nov. 19.
R 3
CLOGHEEN is a small market and post town in Tip''
perary, carrying on a large trade in corn. Here the travel-
ler arrives at the foot of the bleak summits of Knoekmeledoum
Mountain, where a small torrent directs its course in search
of the river Suir. A well-appointed mail car travels across
this mountain to Lismore, a romantic and beautiful drive.
The barriers of the Gal tees, and other great hills, bound the
prospect The parish church of Clogheen has been newly
built, one mile west of the town. There are also a Roman
Catholic chapel, a court house, barracks for two troops of
cavalry, and a fever hospital. At Clogheen you can take
the road either of Carrick or Lismore. The mount, or
fairy ring, of Kilshielan, is to be seen near this.
Pop. 1928. Market-day: Saturday. Fairs; May 27,
Whit-Monday, Aug. 1, Oct 28, and Dec. 10. Inn:
Seats : Shanbally Castle, the charming seat of Viscount
Lismore, is near the old church of ShanraJiany, at a short
distance from Clogheen. At Skeheewrinky is a cavern,
which is entered by a cleft in a rock. It contains a natural
vaulted chamber, 100 feet long and 70 high ; and lateral
passages conduct through recesses of the earth, in which
are stones, spars, and stalactitical pillars.
Ballyporeen, in Tipperary, is a village three miles be-
yond Clogheen. At a mile beyond this, leave the Mitchels-
town- road to the right, and in another mile enter the.
county of Cork.
KILWORTH, a market and post town in the county of
Cork, near the river Funcheon, noted for its excellent
salmon and trout ; the Kilworth hills are a romantic range.
The church is a fine old building, and at some distance
from the town is a modern Roman Catholic chapel,
and a school house. Here are some good flax and corn
Pop. 1965. Market-day: Friday. Fairs: January 2d,
Easter Tuesday, 1st Tuesday after Trinity Sunday, Sept.
11, Nov. 21, and Dec 10.
Seats : Near Kilworth is Moore Park, the chief seat of
the Earl of Mountcashell. This is an embellished mansion j
and close to the park grounds the ruin of Cloughleagh
Castle has its gloomy site on a precipice by the river side.
FERMOY, a market and post town in the county of
Cork, is seated on the Blackwater river. Its bridge has
thirteen arches, and is very beautifully enveloped in ivy.
The modern town, consisting of four handsome streets,
crossing each other at right angles, was projected and com-
pleted by the late John Anderson Esq., the patriotic con-
tractor for the first southern mail coach establishment :
by the river side is the house that he inhabited. The
artillery barracks form a handsome quadrangle ; and north
of the Blackwater are the new barracks, occupying twelve
acres, enclosed by a wall and a drawbridge. On the hill in
this town, opposite the market house, is a well-built
church, and tower of some architectural elegance. Fer-
moy also possesses a Roman Catholic chapel, and meeting
houses, a brewery, flour and paper mills, coach manufactory,
and a manufactory for farming implements ; a handsome
courthouse, an endowed school house, and a military hos-
pital. As a manufacturing place, Fermoy bids fair to
arrive at a great degree of prosperity ; its trade in corn is
very considerable. It is an important situation, for its
numerous good roads to large towns render it a central
stage for commercial travellers and tourists.
In the vicinity are the ruins of Creg Cattle, Ballymac*
patrick, Glanworth, and Carrickabrick castles. On the'
highlands are various Druidical altars, erected by the chief
Druid Mogruith, to whom Fermoy was granted in 524, as
a possession dedicated to the Druidical worship, and thos*
upright stones marked the boundary of this sacred tract,
called Magh Feine ; the Druids occupying it were named
Fear Magh Feine (Men of the Sacred Plain), modernized
into Fermoy.
Pop. 6976, Market-day: Saturday. Fain: June 21 ,
Aug. 20, and Nov. 7. Inns : The New Inn, and the
King's Arms.
Seats : Cattle Hyde, on the bank of the Blackwater.
Cotwamore, the seat of Lord Ennismore, at some distance
towards Mallow. This mansion contains a fine collection
of pictures.
RATHCORMACK, in Cork, is a neat post town on the
river Bride, with a market house, a church, and a Roman
Catholic chapel. Here is a beautiful mansion, Lisnagar,
belonging to Lord Riversdale, with some other gentlemen's
seats. But the mountains and antiquities form still more
interesting objects ; the great range of Cairn Tierna, the
Thane's Heap, is on the north, a mountain named from one
of those justiciary heaps, whether of stones, as in this
instance, or earthen raths, upon which the chiefs and their
tribes assembled in high and conspicuous spots. Visit also
the Hag's Bed, or LabacaUy Tomb, a stupendous monu-
mental vault, formed of immense stones, of the dimensions
of which Stonehenge alone can give the stranger an idea.
Pop, 1574. Market' day : Thursday. Fairs: Aug. 12,
and Oct. 29. Inn : the Riversdale Arms.
About four miles beyond Rathcormack, is the village of
Watergrass Hill, in which is a post office, said to stand on
the highest cultivated ground in Ireland. It commands
fine prospects. Pep, 538.
CORK, the eapital of the county of the same name, is
the second city of Ireland in point of magnitude, and a
place of great commerce. It is a seaport on the sout h-east
coast, situated near the mouth of the Lea, over which there
are numerous bridges ; that called St. Patrick's is an ele-
gant modern structure. This river divides, a short dis-
tance above Cork, into two branches, which, again uniting,
encircle a considerable portion of the city, formerly a
swamp ; its smaller channels ran through many of the
streets, like the canals in Dutch towns ; but they have
been arched over, to the great improvement of the health,
as well as the convenience of the inhabitants. Hence the
ancient name; of the city, Coreagh, signifying a marsh, was
derived. Cork was walled by the Danes and Ostmen in
the ninth century, but was never strong, although it made
some resistance to the Earl of Marlborough, who captured
it in 1690. It is a corporation town, governed by its
mayor, aldermen, burgesses, sheriffs, and recorder, and
returns two members to parliament The county alto
returns two, as do the other counties of Ireland.
The principal streets are spacious and well built, but
those of ancient date are narrow and irregular ; some of
the lanes will barely admit of two persons abreast. Many
of the houses are fronted with blue slates, giving them a
singular appearance. On the grand parade is an eques-
trian statue of George II. Amongst the public buildings
may be noticed the exchange, erected in 1710 by an Italian
architect, and adorned with Tuscan and Doric columns $
the custom house, of hewn stone, with a pediment exhibi-
ting the arms of the United Kingdom ; the barracks for
infantry and cavalry to the north-east of the city ; the cham-
ber of commerce in Patrick Street ; the new city gaol ; the
county gaol ; the court house, a splendid new building in
George's Street; the market house, near the exchange ; the
town-hall and the commercial rooms, the front of which
is tastefully ornamented; the county club house, South
Mail ; Daly's club house, on the Grand Parade ; the Grand
Parade club house, in Tuckey Street* and the theatre, in
George's Street The Mardyke walk, on the west side of
the city, is a public promenade, planted with elms, about a
mile long. Cork is a bishop's see. The cathedral, decuV
cated to St. Finn Barr, is situated on an eminence, and has
a lofty but inelegant spire. ' There are several churches ;
the principal are, St, Mary Shandoa, St Anne, Christ
Church, St. Nicholas, St. Paul, and St Peter; the
Catholic chapel on Charlotte Quay, a very fine edifice,
and many other Roman Catholic chapels, and meeting
Amongst the charitable institutions are, the house of
industry, capable of .accommodating 700 persons; the
lunatic asylum; the house of recovery from fever; the
Magdalen asylum ; the foundling- hospital ; the lying-in
hospital, and numerous schools.
Cork possesses several establishments for the promo-
tion of literature and science. The principal, are, the
royal Cork literary institution, to which are attached a
library, a museum of minerals, a botanical garden, and a
collection of agricultural implements ; the society of arts,
established in 1815 ; the Minerva reading rooms; the
Cork library society; and the Cork institution for the
application of science for the common purposes of life.
Barry, the painter of the admirable pictures at the society
of arts, London, was a native of Cork.
The ancient abbeys have been employed as building
materials for the modern city $ they are however of historic
celebrity; in the abbey of St. Finn Barr, founded by that
canonized saint in 606, seven hundred religious are related
to have dwelt at one time ; it was, when rebuilt, named
Gille Abbey, from its abbot's name, and was granted by
Elizabeth to Sir Richard Greneville, in 1541. Grey abbey
was built north of the city; the Dominican abbey of St.
Mary of the Island once existed on Cross Gseen, south of
the town. There are some remains of the Augustine
friary, founded in 1420 by Lord Kinsale; it is. called Red
Abbey, and has been converted into a sugar refinery. St
Stephen's, an institution for the residence of lepers, became
the site of the blue-coat hospital. The nunnery of St. John
the Baptist stood near the market house. The residence
of the Bishop of Cork, is at BaUinavptg, three miles out of
Cork carries on an extensive trade, particularly in the
export of superior linens, hides,' tallow, butter, beef, pork,
cattle, sheep, pigs, corn, flour, and bacon* . It also imports
grocery, earthenware,' ironmongery, cloth, coals, wines,
brandy, oil, rum, sugar, flax seed, timber, tar, and tur-
pentine. The chief -manufactures are paper, glass, leather,
glue, sailcloth, coarse cloths, and whisky. There are
numerous large distilleries and potter breweries ; . and the
Lea flour mills are of great;extent ; the perfection of their
machinery, and cleanliness, render them objects of great
attraction; and in the neighbourhood is the only manufec-
tory of gunpowder . in the island : it belongs to Govern-
ment. The markets are abundantly supplied ; indeed there
is a profusion of fish, poultry,,meat^ butter, and vegetables..
Craft of ISO tons can proceed up the river to the city of
. Cove, or, as it is usually called, the. Cove of Cork, the
great rendezvous of the West India fleets,- is situated seven
miles from the city, in Great Island, which is about four,
miles in length and two in breadth. Its situation for com-
merce is excellent, as vessels of the> largest size can here
unload, and the security of the haven renders it an impor-
tant naval station. The harbour is formed by Great Island,
and a bay of the opposite coast, and is capable of holding
the whole navy of Britain. Cove has a handsome church,
and fine quay, which is a good promenade, and commands
an extensive view of the harbour and surrounding scenery.
Cove is recommended as a mild and sheltered climate for
invalids, and is the most fashionable sea-bathing place in
the south of Ireland. There is an establishment connected
with the imperial hotel, Cork, built for the summer season,
close to the sea, on the artillery ground, from which a fine
view may be obtained.
The population of Great Island amounts to 1 1,000, about
half of whom, consisting principally of seafaring men, pilots,
and fishermen, reside in Cove. Near the town is a battery,
consisting of three tiers of guns, one of them being afieur
d'eau, and above it are barracks. The channel is also
defended by Carlisle Fort The shores of the island are
studded with villas, and the fishing banks off the coast
yield a fine produce. An excursion by boats among the
islands of Cork Harbour, will afford beautiful and diver-
sified prospects. On the opposite side of the river is
Passage-West, from which the distance to Cork by the
southern road along the harbour is six miles. There are
several yacht and boat clubs at Cove; and regattas are
held annually, which attract numerous visitors. There
are two good inns at Cove. Pop. of Cove 6966. Pop. of
Passage-West 2141.
The Environs of Cork present several objects of attention.
Blackrocky situated on a peninsula of the Lea, three miles
from Cork, abounds with villas ; and there is an extensive
nunnery, which faces the river. Blarney Cattle, three miles
distant, is situated on a rock, and consists of one massive
square tower: it was besieged and taken by William III.,
in the war of the revolution. Here is also the celebrated
blarney stone, which gave rise to the Irish proverb of
" kissing the blarney-stone." Ballyvelly Castle commands
the north channel formed by Cove Island. In Barrymore
Island is a stratum of limestone, found no where on the
shore of the harbour. Giants Stairs, a natural production,
attract the curious visitor. Carigrohan Castle is built on a
precipice above the river Lea. At Ballyvacadanef four
miles distant, are the remains of an abbey. Monkstoum
Castle occupies the summit of a hill overgrown with trees
and shrubs. Glanmire, five miles distant, is a charming
village, situated in a beautiful glen on a narrow arm of the
sea. It commands an extensive prospect
Steamers ply several times, daily, between Cork and
Cove. There are also steamers plying regularly to Bristol,
Liverpool, London, Plymouth, and Dublin.
Seats: Rostellan Castle, the Marquess of Thomond,
surrounded by stately timber. Cork Beg, belonging to the
Fitzgerald family.
Pop. 107,016. Market Days: Wednesday and Saturday.
Fairs: Trinity Monday, and October 1. Hotels: Commercial,
Chamber of Commerce, Lloyd's, Imperial, Skibbereen, and
BANDON is a market and post town in Cork, upon the
river Bandon, with an extensive quay, and is governed by a
provost and burgesses. It has manufactures of cotton and
camlets ; and is a borough, returning a member to Parlia-
ment The Duke of Devonshire is the chief proprietor.
The town of Bandon was built in 1610 by the Earl of Cork,
who erected two churches and two handsome market houses,
and surrounded it with walls ; the latter were destroyed in
1689. Near it is a noted chalybeate spring, and Dvnda-
rene Castle. Military are regularly quartered in the bar-'
racks of this town.
The cotton spinning, corduroy, and linen manufacture, is
extensive; but here, as in the neighbouring towns, they
have been subject to great vicissitudes and excessive dis-
tress. There are also large flour mills> breweries, and tan-
yards. Bandon has a sessions house, a dispensary, an hospi-
tal, several important schools, two Roman Catholic chapels,
and several Dissenters' meeting houses. In the Wesleyan
congregation's chapel is an excellent organ. A savings'
bank is established here.
Seats: Cattle Bernard, the Earl of Bandon (whose
family name is Bernard). This fine mansion has two
Corinthian fronts of Portland stone, and has an extensive -
park. A mile to the south of this a beautiful mansion has
been erected, in the pointed Gothic style, for the Hon. W. S.
Bernard, brother to Lord Bandon : Bandon Bridge, the seat
of the Earl of Cork and Orrery.
Pop. 9917* Market Days : Wednesday and Saturday.
Fairs : on Ascension Day, May 6, Oct 29, and Nov. 8.
Inns; the Devonshire Arms, and the Shannon Arms.
Innithannon is a manufiusturing and post town of Cork,
having a good charter school. It is seated on the Bandon
river, upon a road a little to the left of the shortest line'
from Cork to Bandon, and three miles from the latter
town. Innishannon communicates by the Bandon river
with Kinsale, and has a small linen and cotton manufac-
tory. This district is very mountainous. Pop. 653*
CLOGHNAKILTY, a post town in Cork, is an ancient
borough now disfranchised; it is governed by a sovereign
and recorder, and has a considerable trade in the sale of
linen and yarn. Its bay is rendered nearly useless by
being choked up with sands. It has a good church in an
elevated situation ; a Roman Catholic chapel, a Meeting
house, barracks, a dispensary, a market house, and a
school of industry.
At Temple Brian, one mile to the north-east, are vestiges
of a heathen temple. Above four miles south-east is Timo*
league Gastle, and- an ancient abbey for Augustine monks,
founded in 1350-; the tombs and the holy well are worthy
of inspection; The promontory at the south point of this
bay is hollowed out bythe sea into various extensive caverns j
it is called Q alley Head, and its south-west coast turns in-
land to Ross Bay, which is filled with sands.
Pop. 8807. Market-day : Friday. Fairs : April 6, June
SO, Aug. 1, Oct 10, and Nov. 12.
ROSSCARBERY, formerly called Ross, a market and
post .town, is situated upon the coast in Cork, seven miles
from Cloghnakilty ; it stands on an elevation at the head
of along narrow inlet of the sea, and is nearly surrounded by
wood. This is the seat of a bishopric, -united with the see
of Cork in 1586. The cathedral was founded in the 6th
century by St. Pachttan ? it is of Gothic architecture, and
although small, -cannot fail to excite the interest of the
traveller who reflects that this place was an early school for
divinity, and a university of great resort. The sea flows
up to the wall of the cemetery, which is planted with trees;
the square steeple has battlements, and there are large vaults
or subterranean chambers adjoining the cathedral. There is
also' a Roman Catholic chapel, a market house, and a
barrack. A mile from the town are two pits, eighty yards
deep, called East and West Pooladuff: the sea is observed
to enter them by some cavern, although the cliff is 800
yards distant. The river Rory -flows towards the sea at a
short distance from the town.
Seat : Castle Freke, the mansion of Lord Carbery, a
handsome building in the castellated style.
Pop. 1522. Market day i Wednesday. Fairs: Sep. 19,
and Dec 19.
SKIBBEREEN is a thriving market and post town of
Cork, upon the river Hen. The linen manufactures and
cloths of Skibbereen have long been objects of extensive
trade ; and a considerable yarn market is held here.
The church is on the west Bide of the river. There are also
a Roman Catholic chapel, a dispensary^ several charity
schools, and a sessions house, as well as two flour- mills and
a brewery. Abbey Throwry, near this town, was a priory,
long used as a church, but now in ruins. About four miles
distant, is the pleasant village of Castle Townsend, which
has a good harbour. It is now much resorted to as a sea-
bathing place, and a new custom house has been recently
built ; here the collector and other officers of Baltimore
harbour reside. It has a neat church situated in the fine
demesne of Colonel Townsend. There are two rocks at
the entrance of the harbour, called the Stags.
Seat : New Court, Lord Riversdale.
Pop. 4430. Market day: Saturday. Fairs: May 14,
July 10, Aug. 2. Oct 12, Dec. 11, and 23.
BALTIMORE, in Cork, is seated upon an excellent
harbour, and is a port, having an establishment of the
customs, the chief officers residing at Castle Townsend. It
is a disfranchised borough, and was once a flourishing place :
in 1631 it was plundered by Algerine pirates, and did not
again recover its opulence. Here are vestiges of many
strong castles, and the vicinity is rude and romantic. In
one of the large islands which lie at the mouth of this fine
port is Cape Clear, or Dunamore Castle, in tolerable preser-
vation ; Cape Clear is the southernmost point of Ireland,
Pop. 459.
No. 28. From Dublin to BANNOW. Through Ark-
low, Kyle, and Wexford.
Dublin Castle to Miles. Dublin Cattle to Mite*,
Wexford*, as at No. 204. 66} Duncormack 764
Baldwin's Town 74 Bannow 804
BALDWIN'S TOWN is a village of the county of
DUNCORMACK is a Tillage situated on a bay of the
Wexford coast.
BANNOW, formerly a borough town, is situated on the
east bank of the channel of Bannow Bay, at the head of
which is the town of Clonmines. Earl Strongbow effected
his landing at this place. It is commonly called the Irish
Herculaneum. The town of Bannow was of great antiquity,
and was overwhelmed with sea sand at some very remote
period ; streets, houses, an extensive quay, and a church,
with curious sculpture inside, are all to be seen, and much
still remains to be discovered.
The Saltees are small islands and rocks situated off this
coast in Ballyteig Bay. St. Patrick's Bridge are rocks
lying between the Saltee Islands and the coast
The river Bannow flows into the bay of the same name.
The Scare ferry is occasionally fbrdable, but is generally
passed in the ferry-boat It is believed that silver mines
were once worked to advantage by the Ostmen in this dis-
trict; there are the appearances of a mine near the river
Bannow, at Barrastoum.
» 3
No. 29. From Dublin to BANTRY. Through Kil-
kenny, Cork, and Bandon.
Dublin Gutk to MUet. Dublin CattU to Mil*.
Bandon *, as at No* 27> ' 13ft Dunmanway ♦» 151
144* Bantiy 184*
Desart Church, in Cork, is five miles beyond Bandon, and
here is also Desart, the demesne of the Rev. Mr. Longfield.
ENNISKEANE, a post town in Cork, is a village on the
river Bandon, which divides it into two parts. On the north
is Kineigh, or Kenith round tower, seventy feet high ; the
first story is a hexagon, above which are five stories, all of
them round ; this hexagonal basement is a singularity in the
construction of such towers. It is 124 feet from the ruins
of the church. Fairs : April 5, June 22, Aug. 1 2, and Oct 2*
Seats; Fort Robert, Fergus O'Connor, M.P.
DUNMANWAY, a post town in Cork. The linen
manufacture was established here by Sir Richard Cox, who
had a handsome residence, adorned with fine avenues.
Here is a charter school. Dunmanway town is in a plea-
sant valley on the banks of the Bandon river, a few miles
from its sources ; hills surround the town, and a mile north
is a long barrier of rugged rocks; in one place a yew grows
from a fissure of the rock, with a stem seventeen feet in
circumference. Kilbarry Church ruins are a mile and a
half beyond this town.
Pop. 2738. Fairs: May 4, June 16, Sep. 17, and Nov. 26.
Dromaleague is a village on the road to Ban try. It is
five miles beyond Dunmanway. The barony of Bantry is
sterile and mountainous.
BANTRY is a market, post, and sea-port town, situated
at the head of Bantry Bay ; a fine harbour, which could
contain the British navy, and sheltered by high mountains.
There are no remains of its Franciscan abbey. Iretoci
built a fort farther north* and the inhabitants quitted
Bantry to build the new town under its protection, but the
fort is demolished, and the site abandoned. The bay is
skirted by Hungra Hill, a barren mountain, sixteen miles
from Bantry \ this hill slopes rapidly towards the shore,
and from a lake on its summit descends a cataract of great
height and sublimity.
In the beautiful island of Whiddy, near Bantry town,
there is a fine green hill, surmounted by a fort, in which a
part of the military are stationed ; the bay is surrounded by
the most romantic scenery, and the small bay of Glengariff
is truly picturesque. In 16*89 Admiral Herbert defeated
and captured a French fleet near Bantry, and in 1796 a
French fleet, with an army under Hoche, overtaken by.
storm near this harbour, was wrecked or.dispersed.
The distance from Bantry to Glengariff is eleven miles ;
the inn at Glengariff is finely situated at the head of a nar-
row creek which runs up from the bay, and the scenery is
beautiful and picturesque. From the demesne of Captain
White, IiOrd Bantry's brother, fine views may be obtained.
The Priest's Leap, and Clooneagh, are grand mountain
A new road is now constructing between Bantry and
Cork, by Glengariff and Kenmare, across the pass of the
Esk: some striking views are obtained in crossing this
mountain pass. This road will connect Killarney with
Cork by a most interesting route.
There is a considerable fishery, and the linen manufac-
ture is carried on with great spirit Bantry has a hand-
some Gothic church, also a Roman Catholic chapel, a
Wesleyan meeting house, a Roman Catholic school, and
a school house for die education of the sons of Protestants.
Seat : Bantry. Hum, the mansion of the Earl of Bantry;.
who is proprietor of the town, with delightful grounds, and
a fine prospect of the bay, skirted by a range of lofty
Pop. 4276. Market day: Saturday. Inn: The Bantry
Arms. Fairs : June 9, Aug. 21, Oct. 1 5, and Dec. 1.
BEARHAVEN, now Castletown, a post town, opposite
to Bear Island, which lies in the mouth of Bantry Bay, and
thereby forms two channels, one of which is called Bear-
haven. Dunmanus Bay, with Mizen Head, are to the south-
east. Crow Head, is at the extremity of the deeply-
indented promontory which forms the opposite shore of
Bantry Bay ; and Dursay Island, to the west, has some
remains of a castle, beyond which are three high rocks*
called Bull, Cow, and Calf.
No. 30. From Dublin to BELFAST. First Road-
Through Turvey, Drooheda, Dundalk, and Lis-
DUbUn Castle to Miles. Dublin CasOe to Milet.
Banbridge*, as at No. 1 ...-60J Lisbon 73
Dromore 66 Belfast - 80
Hillsborough 69*
DROMORE, in Down, is a retired town, built near the
river Lagan, and surrounded by gently swelling hills. Jt
is the see of a bishop, the church here having been founded
by St. Colman, as well as an abbey, in the sixth century,
and is remarkable for having been under the administra-
tion of the eloquent Dr. Jeremy Taylor, and the late Dr.
Percy. The bishopric is one of those to be sunk on a
yaoaney. The cathedral, the bishop's residence, the school
house, and the market house, which is built on arches, are
the chief buildings. There are also several meeting houses,
and a Roman Catholic chapel. The large rath, just be-
yond the town, on the ridge of a hill (whence the names
Drum Mor), has from it a curious passage, hollowed down
to the river. South of Dromore, on the road towards Ban-
bridge, is a square tower, now in a state of dilapidation.
The market place is surrounded by neat white houses ; the
market and fairs are brisk, and there is much traffic, both
in linens and provisions. The bones of a large animal,
together with fossil horns of the mouse deer, measuring
14 feet 6 inches, were dug up here in 1783, and are now to
be seen in the bishop's palace.
Pop. 1942. Market Day: Saturday. Fairs: Feb, 2,
Mar. 7, May 12, July 28, August 1, Oct 10, and Dec 12.
HILLSBOROUGH, in Down, is a beautiful modern
town, built on the face of a hill ascending to the south. It
is named after the Hill family, and it must be confessed
that the handsome new buildings, the grand plantations of
trees, and the general agricultural improvement of the
finely-cultivated environs, owe much of their beauty to the
Marquess of Downshire. The church is an elegant build-
ing, and is adorned with painted windows. It has an
organ, a monument by Nollekens in memory of Arch-
deacon Leslie, and a ring of nine bells: a fine avenue
conducts from the road to the church door. There is a
Roman Catholic chapel, and meeting houses, at a short
distance from town, besides schools, and a dispensary. In
Hillsborough castle it has been customary to form a deposit
of arms. At the top of the hill is a handsome inn ; and
adjoining it is the elegant market house, to the left of
which is the gate of the Marquess of Downshire* s park.
His castle and woods are well worthy of inspection.
Amidst the groves are numerous nests of cranes and
rooks. The farmers and weavers in this district are in-
dustrious and intelligent, and receive great encouragement
from the resident landlords. The villas of the gentry are
charming, and the white-washed cottages of the farmers of
Down assimilate in their neat exterior with those seen in
the best parts of Scotland, whence Abe ancestors of a large
portion of the people in the north of Ireland were imported
by the Scottish planters. The Maze Course is seen from
the road, two miles north of Hillsborough.
J*9p. 1*53. MarkttDay: Wednesday. Fairs: on the
third Wednesday in Feb., May, Aug., and Nov. Inn:
the Corporation Arms.
LISBURN, in Antrim, is a well-built market and post
tpwn, situated Upon the Lagan. It is a borough, re-
turning a member to. Parliament. The damask manufactory
(Messrs. Coulson's) is unrivalled. It is from this cele-
brated house that the different emperors and kings of
Europe have been supplied with this surpassing fabric.
The nobility of Great Britain, generally,, patronize it The
proprietors of the establishment (than which there is not
one more worthy of inspection X are most polite in conduct-
ing visitors through it, and explaining all the intricacies of
the &r-famed machinery. The cambrics, muslins, and
linens of the town. are. of excellent, quality, and highly
celebrated* The market place is spacious, and the markets
are well provided; the market house occupies an angle
near the church, and the county infirmary is in Castle
Street. The church at Lisburn has a large square tower,
with a tapering spire ; it serves for a cathedral of the see
of Down and Connor. Lisburn has also a linen-hall, a
Catholic chapel, and several meeting houses and schools*
A new corn market has been erected at the extremity of the
town, on the Dublin road, and there is an extensive trade
in corn. The dark red houses are generally well-built, and
many of them are spacious. In the street descending to the
bridge buik on the south side of Lisburn, are the gardens of
the noble proprietor: the manorial house stands also in
this street The fostering patronage of the tenantry by the
Hertford family has greatly contributed to the embellish-
ment of this fine town, and the prosperity of all the adja*
cent district. : •
The old town of Lfaugatvey was accidentally burnt, and
Lisburn has risen on its site. The banks dfHhe Lagan
river are picturesque, and its winding valley is fertile, and
much adorned; the elegant residences, the hedge-rows, the
raised footpaths, and numeroasrwoods and copses, the usual
accompaniments of commercial -wealth, render Down; as
well as many parts of Antrim, a country which might rival
the well-cultivated counties of- the sister island. A long
range of hills of great heigh* is seen to the north, skirting
the level road, with a continuous summit, which extends to
Belfast, and encircles the basin occupied by that great-
town. The richt bleach-greens of Lfeburn and of Lafobeg,
a pleasant village, with a pretty church beyond it on *he>
Belfast side, together with the .mansions of dptilent linen*
merchants, here' attract attention. L&mbeg haa also an'
extensive manufacture of yar-ioUs' kinds' of paper, and*
blankets have long been made in the neighbourhood. Lis-
burn school is a celebrated establishment, and has long
been frequented by the sons of the principal g^nfIemeri:of
the neighbouring 'countieri.' In the vicinity is Ballydrain,
a pleasant house, near a smail.lakef the Giartfs Rhg is an
interesting Druidical monument, and- near it is- a round
tower. . Pop. 5218. [- Market Day : Tuesday. r Fair*: July 21 ,
and Oct 5. Itm* : the Hertford Arms ; and the King's Arms. '-
Three miles from Lisburo, on the left, is the beautiful
village of Dunmurry, where there are extensive flour and
beetling mills. The neighbourhood is so richly studded
with seats and improvements, as to present a rare and
delightful prospect.
BELFAST is a sea-port and post town of Antrim,
situated near the entrance of the Lagan into Carrickfergus
Lough. From its commerce and enterprise, this opulent
town is generally called the Liverpool of Ireland. Its
tonnage in shipping exceeds all others in Ireland, and
since the opening of the trade to China and India, it
has built and chartered several very fine ships for that
destination. In 1800 it consisted of 3053 houses, and in
1831 it contained 7750: its commerce and manufactures
increase in proportion. Its spinning mills alone employ
6000 persons, and the magnificent establishment of Messrs.
Mulholland is well worthy of a visit The assembly rooms,
the commercial buildings, where strangers are liberally
permitted to read without any expense for eight days ; the
linen hall, with an enclosed area, and an agreeable garden,
which has an extensive library attached to it ; the academi-
cal institution ; the splendid ranges of private edifices ; the
new additions to the town, on an extensive and elegant
scale ; are all evidences of the rapid progress which Belfast
is making, as one of the principal seats of trade, manufac-
tures, and learning, in this kingdom. The custom house-
is on the quay, at the extremity of High Street; and the
excise office is situated in Donegal Square. The govern-
ment of the town is vested in the sovereign and twelve
burgesses ; the resident magistrates attend daily to all
business reported from the police office, in Rosemary
Street, and the commissioners of police have also an office
in Donegal Street The proprietor of Belfast is the Mar-
quess of Donegal, who is Lord of the Cattle, of which he
appoints a constable. His son has the title of Earl of
Belfast The tenures are granted at the old rents, for long
periods of time, by the levy of fines, a system which,
although it depresses the rent-roll, is a great encourage-
ment to the merchants and the speculators, in the mag-
nificent enlargements of the town.
The principal church is St. Anne's, in Donegal Street, in
which is situated a well-regulated post office. There are
also several meeting houses, a Quakers' and a Methodist
meeting. At the rise of a gentle hill, forming the extremity
of Donegal Street, is a newly-erected Catholic chapel.
The Roman Catholic bishop resides in the town. Beyond
this chapel is seen the asylum, a convenient building, with
every advantage for the health, exercise, and comfort of
aged men and women, and orphans. Belfast also possesses
a fever hospital, a dispensary, a house of industry, and a
house of correction, the front of which is 236 feet, adjoin-
ing Henrietta Street. A chamber of commerce promotes
the welfare of the mercantile interests; the exchange,
built in 1770, by the Marquess of Donegal, stands at the
angle of Donegal Street and North Street; above it is an
assembly room, 60 feet in length. The north quay, extend-
ing along the Carrickfergus shore, is bordered by good
warehouses ; ships of 500 tons can lie alongside of it, and
a crowd of vessels bound to London, Glasgow, New York,
Liverpool, and of colliers for the supply of fuel from
Greenock, and other Scottish ports, adds much to the
variety and interest of this bustling scene. The most to
be lamented of all exports, that of a manly, active, and
enterprising body of emigrants, who quit Belfast every
season for the United States, or for the British States of
North America, creates a constant supply of large, well-
equipped passage ships.
The advantage of the various hnen halls, the success of
ite beneficial manufactures, and the spirit of the merchants
generally, are evinced by the amount and nature of its ex-
ports ; the provision trade in beef, pork, butter, &c, is
considerable. The markets of Belfast are extensive, and
are furnished with excellent meat and vegetables: the
supply of turkeys is considerable ; of fish, mackarel are
scarce, but salmon^ rock-cod, soles, brills, and other excel-
lent fish, are plentiful. Wheaten bread here supplies the
place of the dry sweet oat-cake, which in the north of
Ireland, is the chief addition to potatoes, as the food of the
The streets and squares of Belfast are of brick, and are
well built, with copings, areas, iron railings, and all the
accompaniments of the best style of town- buildings:.
Donegal Place is wide and uniform:' Five newspapers are.
printed at Belfast, and many useful and scientific works*
are also occasionally published here. ■ The professors of the.
academical institution, where the Irish Presbyterian clergy
are educated, are men of talent, well qualified to forward the
interests of this flourishing college. The physicians of
Belfast are also eminent, both for their professional and
their literary acquirements. At a short distance from the
town is an extensive botanical garden. There are four
banks in Belfast ; the Belfast banking company, and the
Northern banking company, having each a capital of
500,000/. ; also a branch of the Bank of Ireland, and one
of the Provincial bank.
It is beyond our limits to enumerate all the institutions, '
Sunday schools, charitable foundations, meeting houses, and
the numerous seats of the resident gentry, whose orna-
mental grounds give -the appearance of a continued park to
the northern and other outlets of the town: its mechanics'
institution, and Brown Street school, must not be forgotten.
The dark impending mountains, which cast their long sha-
dows oyer the shore of 'Belfast Bay, seem to limit the
prospect from the town ; but as their sides are cultivated,
and exhibit large mills, fine mansions, greens covered
with linens, aud long plantations, they have of themselves
a compensating interest.
The suburb of BaUymacarret is entirely in the county of
Down, and has a population -of 5168; it is separated from
Belfast by the river Lagan, across which is the long
About a .mile from Belfast, near the road to Antrim, is
Devi* Mountain, [1550 feet] ; the summit of which is about
four miles distant A mile beyond it is Cave Bill, 11 01
feet high, surmounted by a mound, called M'Art's Fort,
whence there is a noble view, embracing the lough of Bel-
fast, Carrickfergus castle, and the town of Belfast ; whilst
on the opposite side are seen the shore of Bangor, and* the
hills of Down, the highest of which, Sliebh Donard, is 2810
Steam boats ply regularly to Glasgow, London, Liver-
pool, and Dublin. The borough of Belfast returns two
members to Parliament
Pop. 53,287; exclusive of a detachment of infantry, who
have commodious barracks. Market Day : Friday. Fairs :
August 12, and Nov. 8. Inns: Kern's Royal Hotel, Do-
negal tlace; Sloane's; Commercial Hotel, Donegal Street;
the Donegal Arms, in Castle Street; Campbell's; and
Linn's, or the White Cross, in Castle Street
No. 31. From Dublin to BELFAST. Second Roar*.
Through A«hborne, Drogheda, and Lisa urn.
Dublin Castie to Miles. Dublin Castle to Miles.
Finglass* 3 Banbridge*, as at No. 1 604
Ashbourne 12 Belfast*, as at No. 30 80
Drogheda* 334
No. 32. From Dublin to BELFAST. Third Road.
Through Newry, Rathfriland, and Down Patrick.
Dublin Castle to Miles. Dublin Castle to Miles.
Newry*,asatNo.l 604 Killyleagh 80
Rathfriland ©74 Cross B*ads of Kfllinchy. •• • 844
CastleweUan 66 Comber 89
Clough 69 Belfast* 96
Downpatrick 74
RATHFRILAND, in Down, is a conspicuous town,
seated on an eminence, on which four cross roads meet.
It has a church, a Roman Catholic chapel, meeting
houses, schools, and a dispensary. Here also are the old
walls of the castle, built by the Magennis family, lords of
Iveagh. Near four miles beyond the town is a lough, and
a mansion of Lord Downshire's, called Bally money. The
spa at Turkellyswell, two miles distant, is a chalybeate,
used in scrofulous complaints. The river Bann, with the
fine bleach-greens on its banks, is seen winding through
the valley south of Rathfriland. Pop. 2001. Market Lay :
Wednesday. Fairs ; Third Wednesday in February, April,
O.S., September, the Wednesday after Trinity Sunday, the
third Wednesday in July, and last in Nov. O.S. There is
a good inn.
CASTLE WELL AN, a market and post town in Down,
with a good market house, surmounted by an elegant belfry.
Here are two meeting houses and a dispensary. The church
is at Kilmegan, nearly two miles distant, At Castlewellan
are some fine bleach-greens, . and the linen manufacture
flourishes in this vicinity. All this part of Down exhibits
good finger-posts, directing to each town and village.
Seat ; The Earl of Annesley' s richly-planted demesne and
gardens close to a fine lake. On the coast, and three miles
north of Castlewellan, is the very finely-situated village of
Newcastle, much frequented as a watering place in summer.
Jt is the property of Earl Annesley, who has expended a
large sum in its improvement, and has built a good inn.
His lordship has, also erected a lodge for his occasional
residence, under. SJieve Donard Mountain. It may be
classed among the most romantic seats in Ireland. There
is also a church in the .village, built and supported by Lord
Pep. 729. Market Day: Monday, Fairs: Feb. 1,
May 1, June 1, Sept 1, Nov, 13, and the Tuesday before
C LOUGH is a post town in Down.. The old castle is in
ruins ; it was built on an. artificial mount, and has a deep
surrounding moat At about an English mile to the left is
seen the neat village, of Seaforde, the property of Colonel
Forde, formerly one of the representatives of the county,
whose fine seat is close beside it .
Seat : Mount Panther ; this fine mansion is to the right
. DOWN, or DQWNPATRJCK, the county town of
Down, is interesting, both from, its antiquities, and from
its situation on the southern branch of Lough Strangford.
This city derive* its , name from St, Patrick, who here
t 3
founded a celebrated abbey, in which he was interred, A* d.
493 ; St Columb and St. Bridget were also buried here;
The great Boone, or elevated rath, north of Downpatrick,
is surrounded by three ramparts and terraces : its circum-
ference is 2100 feet, and its height sixty feet; the tra-
dition is, that a palace was built upon it Adjoining the
abbey stood the round tower, which was sixty feet high,
and forty-two in circumference; it was taken down in 1790,
and beneath it appeared the foundation of some former
stone building. The west end of the cathedral was en-
larged on the removal of this tower: in the niches over the
east window, it is said, were once placed statues of the three
great saints buried here. This ancient edifice, which mea-
sures one hundred and ten feet in length, is on the side of
the hill, and contains some large and curious pillars. It
was in the burying-ground of this cathedral that the
nephew b of the bold De Courcy were killed, and himself
betrayed, notwithstanding his slaughtering arm, in the
reign of King John. The building was defaced by Lord
Grey, in 1538, but since repaired by Dean Daniel. Con-
nor was united with the see of Down in 1442. The
town hall is elegant and commodious ; adjoining is the large
house, called the hotel, built by the nobility and gentry of
the county, who hold their meetings here during the assizes -
and races, in which also is a ball room and grand jury room.
Near it are the gaol, barracks, and school house ; also the
church, rebuilt in 1735; the Roman Catholic chapel, a
market house, a handsome hospital, endowed by the De
Clifford family ; several schools, a public library, a county
infirmary, a fever hospital, meeting houses, and chapels.
There are four principal streets.
In Init Courcy are the ruins of an abbey, near to Coil-
bridge; the Quoil Quay is the port to this town, distant'
tto.32. DUBLIN TO BELFAST. 21 f
nearly a mile. The land is rich and fertile, and the lough
extremely beautiful, with some charming islands, well grown
with wood. About a mile from the town is a good race-
course. St Patrick's well is greatly frequented as a holy
well. Near Struel, a mile from the town, are the ruins of
the abbey of Saul, founded by St Patrick. The borough
returns a member to Parliament
Seats : Ballydugan House, and Holly mount.
Pop. 4784. Market Day: Saturday. Fairs: second
Thursday in Jan. Mar. 17, May 19, June 22, Oct. 29,
and Nov. 19. Inns: the Downshire Arms; the Savage
Arms ; and the Hope and Anchor.
KILLYLEIGH is a post town of Down, built on a
height clo3e to Lough Strangford. It has a handsome
church, a Presbyterian chapel, barracks for the militia
of this county, a large market-house, and a cotton factory ;
and the linen trade is considerable. Killyleigh Castle, the
seat of the family of Hamilton, is an ancient and splendid
mansion, surrounded by some large trees. This family has
long flourished here ; part of this town is the property of
Viscount Dufferin. It was the birth-place of Sir Hans
Sloane, the celebrated physician and naturalist. Pop. 1147.
KILLINCHY, in Down, has a good parish church
and parsonage. It is seated on a high hill, and is but a
small village. Russell's inn furnishes good entertainment,
and there is a fine prospect of the surrounding country.
Pop. 199.
COMBER is a flourishing post town in Down, situated
near Lough Strangford. It has a church, meeting houses,
a house of industry, flour mills, brewhouse, school houses,
and a farming society, which, has done much to improve the
district The linen manufacture is carried on here. The
square and principal street have a respectable appearance, .
bet the outskirts consist of poor cottages. The old castle
of Mount Alexander was the seat of the earls of that name.
The abbey of Comber was built and endowed in 1199, by
an ancestor of the O'Neils. This place is the property of
the Marquess of Londonderry.
Pop, 1377. Fairs : Jan. 5 and 15, April 7, June 30,
and Oct. 20.
No. 83. From Dublin to BIRR, or PARSONSTOWN.
Through Maynooth, Philipstoww, «nd Eglish.
DuMn Castle to Miles. Dublin Castle to Miles.
Ballinagar*, as at No. 100- •• • 41 Frankfbrd 66
KUleagh. 46 Eglish 615
Mountbolus.. 53£ Parsonstown. 65
MOUNTBOLUS is in King's County. Four miles
from it, on the Killeigh road, is the church of Killurn. A
mile before arriving at Mountbolus, is a Lough, one mile
in length, on the Bank of which is the mansion of Mount
Pleasant. Within half a mile of Mountbolus is Rothrobme,
a good residence, and an ancient castle. .
FRANKFORD is a market and post town in King's
County,, situated on the Silver river, issuing from Lough
Anna* in the barony of Ballyboy: Killinanij Castle is an
ancient ruin on the shore of Lough Anna. This water
divides . the King's and Queen's counties. This is a ro-
mantic district .There is a handsome Roman Catholic
chapel, a dispensary, and a modern church and school. A,
mile beyond Frankfbrd is Brvghill Castle,
Pop. 1112. Market-day : Saturday. Fairs : May 28,
and Nov. 8. Inn: Delany's.
EGLISH. Here is a handsome seat near the Church,
and at Castle Eglish is a fine bleach-green. Eglish is a
barony of King's County ; it is sequestered, and thinly
PARSONSTOWN, a market and post town, near the
verge of King's County, named after the family of
Parsons, settled here. The Earl of Rosse is the proprietor
of the town, and has an excellent castellated residence, Birr
Castle, adjoining it Parsonstown is a commodious mo*
dern-buUt town, with regular streets ; in Duke's square,
on a Doric column 25 feet high, is a statue of the late Duke
of Cumberland. The principal buildings are, the church, a
handsome modern Gothic edifice, the Roman Catholic
chapel, in the same style of architecture, the gaol, and the
market house. There are also two Methodist chapels,
several meeting houses, a fever hospital and dispensary*
and schools. The castle of the Parsons family was once
besieged by the celebrated General Sarsfield ; it has been
recently improved from designs by Mr. Johnston, and is
now a commodious residence. There are some other strong
fortresses, now dilapidated, in this neighbourhood, particu-
larly Leap Castle and Cangor Castle, At Parsonstown the
roads to Burrisakane and Shannon Bridge cross the Birr
River, and enter Tipperary. There are two distilleries
and two breweries, and extensive barracks are situated
about one mile from the town.
Pop. 6594. Market-day: Saturday. Fairs: Feb. 11,
May 5, Aug. 25, and Dec. 10. Inns : The King's Arms,
and Parson's Arms.
Seat : Syngefield, a beautiful house, near the river side,
one mile from Birr.
No. 34. From Dublin to BRAY. First Road,
Through Monkstown and Shanoanagh.
Dublin Cattle to Mile*. Dublin Cattle to Milt*.
Blackrock* 4 Shaaganagh* »
Monkstown 6i Braj* 11
Killiney 8
Between Blackrock and Monkstown is Montpelier Castle,
•unrounded by. pleasing grounds.
MONKSTOWN, in the county of Dublin. The church
» a fine building, of the Gothic style, rebuilt in 1833, and
baa a fine organ. It belongs to the united parishes of
Monkstown, Dalkey, and Killiney. Here is a fine seat,
formerly belonging to Lord Ranelagh ; also a mansion,
which was built on the site of a monastery, whence the
name of Monkstown. Pop. 2029.
No. 35. From Dublin to BRAY. Second Road.
Through Blackrock, Rochestown, and Killiney.
DubUn Cattle to Miles. Dublin CatOe to Mikr
Blackrock* 4 Killiney*. 8
Kill**.-* • •••• 6 Shanganagh*. 9
Rochestown. ••• 7 B*ay 11
ROCHESTOWN, in the county of Dublin, has an
obelisk, which was erected by the late J. Mapas, Esq. In
the neighbourhood is Sea Point. Half a mile from Roches-
town is the village of Cabinteely, surrounded by some fin*,
No. 36. From Dublin to BULLOCK. Through Blac*-
rock and Monkstown.
Dublin Castle to Mile*. Jtoblin Casti* to Milt*.
Blackrock* 4 Bullock. H
Monkatown* 5*
BULLOCK is a sea-bathing village, of the county of
Dublin, and is much frequented in summer* On the cliff
is a very ancient and picturesque castle ; and in a delight-
ful glen was lately to be seen a rocking-stone, or cromlech,
supposed to have been placed in its position by Druids.
No. 37. From Dublin to BORIUS-O-LEIGH.
Through Kildare and Maryborough.
Dublin Castle to Miles. Dublin Castle to Miles.
Roscrea* as at No. & 59$ Borris-o Leigh. 78*
Templemore. 68
TEMPLE MORE is a beautiful market and post town,
in the county of Tipperary, which is highly celebrated for
its rich harvests. The neighbourhood of Templemore i*.
particularly fertile and delightful. Templemore church
has an elegant spire, a fine organ, and a painted window,
the subject of which is The Crucifixion. Here is a capital-'
glebe of twenty acres, a good parsonage-house And gardens*;
The school-house has a square tower ; it is on Erasmus
Smyth's foundation, and 200 children are taught in it. The
market-house, in which the petty sessions are held* is a
conspicuous ornament to this town, and the barracks art
commodious. Here also is a ball-room and a news-room*
Pop. 2936. Market-days : Wednesday and Saturday.
Fain: Jan. SO, March 30, May 17, June 28, July 30, Sep.
3, Oct. 21, and Dec. 7. Inn : The King's Arms.
Seat : The Priory, the delightful mansion of Sir Henry
Carden, Bart, the owner of Templemore, is one mile from
the town ; there are also many pleasant houses of opulent
gentlemen in the neighbourhood.
BORRIS-O-LEIGH is a post-town in Tipperary, in the
mountainous barony of Glankeen. The feeding of cattle
forms the chief employment of the inhabitants of these
rugged hills. Hence a road conducts to Silvermines. On
the. road to Nenagh, which is ten miles and three-quarters
distant, are the ruins of Latragh Castle, about four miles
from Borris-o- Leigh.
Pop. 1304. Fairs: June 9, Aug. 6, and Nov. 27.
No. 38. From Dublin to CALEDON. Through Ar-
dee, Ready, and Tynan.
Dublin Castle to Miles, Dublin Castle to Miles.
Drogheda* as at No. 1. 23* Tynan 66
CartleBIayney* asatNo. 7-.. «1* Caledon <JG$
Keady*. «*
TYNAN is a small post town in the county of Armagh,
having a handsome church and spire. In the churchyard
is a curious stone. Near this stands the fine seat of Sir
James Stronge, Bart. Pop. 248.
CALEDON, in Tyrone, is a post town, built near the
Blackwater river. Fairs are held at Caledon almost every
month. This is a remarkably neat town, with an excellent
inn. Its noble proprietor, Lord Caledon, has built a
market house and well constructed shambles : he has also
built, at great expense, very extensive flour mills upon
the most approved principle. There are only a few houses
where whisky is allowed for sale in the town. On the
whole, for so small a town, it impresses one with an idea of
the comfort of the inhabitants, and the judicious care of
its noble resident proprietor. Pop, 1079. Fairs : Second
Saturday, monthly. Inn : Taylors.
Seats : Caledon House, a fine mansion and demesne, the
property of the Earl of Caledon.
No. 39. From Dublin to CARLINGFORD. Through
Droqheda, Castle Bellinoham, and Dundalk.
Dublin Cattle to Miles. Dublin CasOe to Mites.
.Dundalk, as at No. I..--.-* 40} CarUngfard 62*
Beyond Dundalk the traveller crosses the river Flurry,
which abounds with trout and salmon.
CARLINGFORD is a market and post town, in the
county of Louth, situated on a bay three miles in length.
The interior of the harbour is commodious and safe, but
the entrance is rather dangerous, from rocks in the mid
passage. The fishery is considerable, and the oysters of
the bay are much esteemed. This town is not large, but
was an Irish borough previous to the Union ; its govern-
ment is in a sovereign. It has an ancient church, a Roman
Catholic chapel, a dispensary, and some antique ruins.
On the south side of the town is a monastery, founded by
De Burgh, Earl of Ulster, in the beginning of the 14th
century ; it was granted in perpetuity to Nicholas Bagnel,
without any quit rent reserved; it is quite in a ruinous
Carlingford Castle, built in 1210, by King John, occupies
a bold and commanding site, on a rock projecting into the
harbour; the remaining walls are of surprising solidity,
being 11 feet thick. There are many vestiges of castellated
dwellings throughout the headland on which Carlingford is
built: this was a post of so much importance in early ages,
that the passage of this water was everywhere defended by
forts and towers from the inroads of the northern tribes. The
fastnesses of the mountainous districts assisted in the
defence of the English Pale, and the first settlers maintained
their acquisitions by the sword and embattled dwellings.
There are many foundations and walls of these strong
buildings on the rocky promontory terminating in Cooly
Point, and also some raths of the earlier inhabitants.
A burial ground and old chapel crown the top of the hill
near the town. The Carlingford range skirts the north
shores of Dundalk bay, and presents a magnificent barrier,
visible to a great distance from the Dublin road. These
elevated mountains obscure the town so much, that the sun
is hid at an early hour of the evening ; but the prospect
eastward is unimpeded, so that the Isle of Man is oc-
casionally seen in fine weather. The Mourne mountains
across the harbour are equally majestic. Carlingford gives
the title of Viscount to the family of Carpenter.
Pop. 1319. Market day: Saturday. Fair: Oct 10.
No. 40. From Dublin to CARLOW. Through Rath-
coole, Naas, and Castledermot.
Dublin to Carlow, as at No. 27- 39
No. 41. From Dublin to CARNEW. Through
Dublin Caste to Mile*. Dublin Castle to Miles.
Aghrim*, aaatNo. 206.... 32 Camew 44
Tinnahely* 38
CARNEW is a village and post station, in the county
of Wicklow. Near it are some fine ruins of a castle. Two
miles farther the Tinnahely joins its rapid stream with the
Derry. Near this is the village of Shilelagh, which,
with the barony, receives name from the ancient oak
forest of this district Shilelagh is forty-five miles from
Dublin, by a road through Tinnahely. The mountainous
tracts of the baronies of Balinacor and Talbotstown are
supposed to contain many mineral veins.
Pop. 826. Fairs: Feb. 15, April 1, July 1, second
Thursday in August, Oct 1, Nov. 19, and Dec. 22.
No. 42. From Dublin to CARRICK on SHANNON.
Through Mullingar, Longford, and Rusky
DubUn Caste to Milts. Dublin Caste to Miles.
Kinnegad*, as at No. 98. • • 29J Carrick on Shannon*, as at
No. 185 77
No. 43. From Dublin to CARRICK on SUIR. First
Road. Through Naas, Castle Dermot, and
Dublin Caste to Miles. Dublin Caste to Miles.
Lefgfalin Bridge*, as at No. 27. 45 Carrfckon6uir*,asatNo.83. 74ft
No. 44. From Dublin to CARRICK-on-SUlR. Second
Road. Through Naas, Athy, and Kilkenny.
DuWnOutkio Miles. Dublin Castle to Miles.
KUciiUen*, watNo.27. -••• SI Kella 6\i
Athy 32k Kflmagany* 67
Castle Comer 45* Carrick-on-Suir* 74*
Kilkenny* 65
ATHY is a market and post town in Kildare, on the
river Barrow, and is governed by a sovereign and bailiffs.
Passage boats arrive at Athy daily, by the grand canal.
The church was built in 1740. Here likewise is a county
court house, with a gaol, the assizes being held here and
at Naas alternately, and a handsome and spacious market
house. There is also a Roman Catholic chapel, a Quaker's
meeting house, a school and dispensary. The remains of
Woodstock Castle and some monasteries are seen in the
town. The Crutched friary was founded in the reign of
John, and the Dominican friary, which stood east of the
bridge, in 1253. The town is the property of the Duke of
On the brow of a hill three miles from Atby, on the
Kilcullen road, is seen the Moat of Jrdskull, where the
Scots, under Edward, the brother of Robert Bruce, ob-
tained a victory in 1315. At Rheban, two miles distant,
is a square entrenched mound; and there are several
large raths in this neighbourhood.
Above six miles beyond Athy is seen New Castle, in
ruins, and three miles farther, Doonane coalpits.
Pop. 4494. Market day: Tuesday. Fairs: March 17,
April 25, June 9, July 25, Oct 10, and Dec. 11. Inn:
The Leinster Arms.
CASTLE COMER is a market and post town in
Kilkenny. This town was partly burnt in 1798, and was
a scene of action during the rebellion. The pits of Kil-
kenny coal at this place belong to the Hon. C. H. Butler
Wandesford, and in the vicinity is his fine mansion,
formerly the residence of Lady Ormond, surrounded by
magnificent woods. The public buildings are the market
house, a handsome church and steeple, a Roman Catholic
chapel, an infirmary, extensive barracks, and a dispensary.
Here is a court for the recovery of small debts, a savings
bank, and a loan fund. This is a great market for butter
and coals. In Castle Comer there is a respectable academy
for young gentlemen.
Pop. 2436. Market days: Tuesday, for butter, and
Saturday, general. Fairs: March 27, May 3, June 21,
Aug. 21, Sept 25, Oct. 28, and Dec. 14. Inn: the Wan-
desford Inn.
KELLS, in Kilkenny, is a pretty town, and was for-
merly of much importance. The priory, of which vestiges
still exist, was founded in the reign of Richard I. ; the
prior of Kells, sat in the Irish house of peers previous to
the Reformation. Pop. 482. Fair : July 13.
No. 45. From Dublin to CASHEL. Through New-
bridge, Maryborough, and Urlingford.
Dublin Castle to Miles. Dublin CasUe to Miles.
Maryborough*, as at No. 3. 40 Cashel* a* at No. 54. 76*
u 3
No. 46. From Dublin to CASTLEBLANEY. Through
Slane, Ardee, and Carrickmacross.
Dublin Castle to Miles. Dublin Cattle to Miles.
Slane*, as at No. 157. 24 Laggan Bridge 38*
Orange Forteacue* 274 Carrickmacross* 42i
Ardea* 33 Castleblaney* 51
Clonkeen- 36
Except for the intercourse of the inhabitants of these
places, this road is seldom travelled.
No. 47. From Dublin to CASTLE LAGHAN. Through
Lanesborough, Ballaghy, and Belleek.
Dublin Castle to Mdes. Dublin CasOe to Miles.
Kinnegad*, as at No. 98. •• 29* Killala* as at No. 122. ••• • 127
MuUingar* >■ 38* Castle Laghan 132*
CASTLE LAGHAN is in a romantic and pleasant
situation, near a haven on the coast of Mayo. Fair : Whit-
On the road from Killala are the ruins of several mo-
nasteries, and of Rathbran Abbey. At Castle Laghan is
a fine villa of the Palmer family, and in the neighbourhood
are several gentlemen's houses. Beyond the town, near
the headland of Downpatrick, distant several miles, there
is in the cliffs a fine arch, formed by the beating of the
surge. Here also are vestiges of fortifications.
No. 48. From Dublin to CASTLE- MARTYR. First
Road. Through Clonmel, Cafpoquin, Lismore, and
Dublin Castle to Miles. Dublin Castle to Miles.
Clonmel* m at No. 97 81| Aghadoe llli
Tallow*, as at No. 68. .... 104i Killeagh 112
Mount Uniacke 109 J Castle-Martyr 1141
Castletown. •••••• 110 *
CASTLETOWN, in Cork. Here and at Mount Uniacke
are the seats of the Uniacke family. Pop, 314. Fairs :
Jan. 1, Easter Tuesday, May 12, and Sept. 4.
KILLEAGH, is a post town in the county of Cork.
Pop. 698. Fairs : June 13, and Nov. 12.
CASTLE- MARTYR, a post town in Cork, is a dis-
franchised borough. It gives the title of Baron to the
Boyle family. The Earl of Shannon has a magnificent
seat here, with excellent gardens and green-house. An
ancient castle is seen amidst the trees of the demesne.
Castle- Martyr has a good charter school, founded by this
noble family, a spinning school, a well-built and handsome
church, and an alms house. Its manufactures are con-
siderable. A canal nearly surrounds the town.
Pop. 830. Market day : Saturday. Fairs : May 2, and
Oct. 2. Inn : the Royal Hibernian Hotel.
No. 49. From Dublin to CASTLE-MARTYR. Second
Road. Through Clonmel, and Clooheen.
Dublin Castte to Miles. Dublin Castle to Miles.
Fermoy*, as at No. 27. ••••108 Castle-Martyr* 123}
Castle-Lyons Ill
CASTLE-LYONS, a post town anciently named Castle
Lehan, is a well-built market town of Cork, situated in the
fertile vale on the banks of the Bride. The abbey founded
here in 1307 is in ruins. The castle of the O'Lehans is
demolished, and on its site is the antiquated mansion of
the Barrymore family. David, the first Lord Barrymore,
received the possessions of the abbey from the hands of
his father-in-law, the Earl of Cork. The church is a
handsome edifice, and in the churchyard is a marble statue
of James, Earl of Barrymore, a distinguished nobleman of
the time of Queen Anne. There is also a free school ; and
half a mile distant is a Roman Catholic chapel. There is
a considerable linen manufacture carried on here.
Pop. 689. Fair* ; Jan. 1, Easter Tuesday, Whit-Monday,
Aug. 28, Sept 29, and Nov. 16.
No. 50. From Dublin to CASTLE POLLARD.
Through Trim, Castletown Delvin, and May-
Dublin Castle to MOet. Dublin Cattle to MOet.
Trim*, as at No. 186. S2| Maypole 47
Castletown DeMn 35} Castle Pollard 49
CASTLETOWN DELVIN is a post town of West-
meath, having an ancient castle ruin and a moat ; a church,
a Roman Catholic chapel, a market house, and a dispen-
sary. The townlands in this vicinity are fertile and the
crops productive and luxuriant Near Castletown Delvin
is Clonyn, the seat of the Marquis of Westmeath.
Pop. 419. Fairs: May 1, Aug. 1, and Dec. 1.
CASTLE POLLARD is a small post town of West-
meath. A mile from it is the fine seat of Lord Longford (
called Packenkom Hall, the family name of his lordship
being Packenham.
Pop. 1618. Fairs: May 21, Aug. 1, Oct 10, and
Dec. 10.
. Two miles from Castle Pollard is FOWRE, an ancient
borough, famous, according to the popular tradition of the
county, as a seat of learning. Here is Lough Lane, or
Lene, with an island in it of some celebrity. Fairs : Jan.
30, April 30, and August 24.
No. 51. From Dublin to CAVAN. First Road.
Through Dunshaughlin, Navan, and Kells.
Dublin to Cavan», as at No. 80 *4
No. 52. From Dublin to CAVAN. Second Road.
Through Trim, Athboy, and Ballinanaght.
Dublin CastU to Miles. Dublin Castle to Mite
Ballinanaght*, aa at No. 186. 54J Cavan* i
No. 53. From Dublin to CHARLEMONT.
Dublin Castle to Miles. Dublin Castle to Miles.
Dnndalk*, at at No. 1. 401 Rich-hill* 62*
Hamilton's Bawn*, as at Loughgall 66
No. 158. 60* Cnarlemont* 69*
LOUGHGALL is a pleasing village and post town in
the county of Armagh, having a well-built church. Two
miles beyond it is the mansion of Summer Island ; cross the
Callan river by a bridge on the road to Charlemont.
Pop. 325. Fairs : on Ascension-day, June 19, July 1,
Sep. 4, and Dec. 29.
CHARLEMONT, as at No. 61, is 68£ miles. To
Charlemont by Rich-hill, the road is half a mile nearer
than by Loughgall.
No. 54. From Dublin to CHARLEVILLE. Through
Kildaee, Maryborough, and Cashel.
Dublin Castle to Miles. Dublin Castle to Miles.
Maryborough*, as at No. 3. • • 40 Thomastovn 81%
Ballyroan 44} Tipperary 86f
Durrow 51! Ballymanlagh 91t
Urlingford 61} Knocklong 97*
Ballymoreen 681 Kilmallock 103*
Caehel 76} CharleYille 108
BALLYROAN is a village in Queen's County, and has
a charter school and church. Four miles farther see
Abbey Leix, the beautiful mansion of Viscount de Vesci, on
the banks of the river Nore ; the park abounds with fine
timber. The village of Abbey Leix had a celebrated mo-
nastery, founded in 1183, by O' Moore, the chief of a pow-
erful sept. Of the cathedral of Aghaboe, near Abbey Leix,
the chancel is the principal vestige.
Pop. 714. Fairs : Jan. 6, April 2, May 15, 3rd Wed-
nesday in July, Aug. 15, and Nov. 25.
DURROW, is a post town of Kilkenny. The left-hand
road at Ballyroan leads to the town of Ballinakill, which is
three miles from Durrow ; by making this tetour, the road
is half a mile longer than the first mentioned line to Dur-
row. In the handsome town square is the entrance to the
castle, the ancient residence of Lord Ashbrook, whose eldest
son, the Hon. Charles Flower Walker, resides there ; and
near this is a Roman Catholic chapel. Durrow is celebra-
ted for its excellent hotel, which is the largest country inn
in Ireland, and has been fitted up in the most comfortable
manner by its patron, the Hon. Mr. Walker ; being nearly
central, and on the most direct line of road, it is considered
the best halting place between Dublin and Cork.
At Ballinakill, and again at Durrow, a road on the left
hand conducts through the town of Ballyragget to Kil-
kenny, a distance of fifteen miles. Durrow is seated on a
stream called the Erkna, near which are extensive flour
mills, and possesses very picturesque environs. It forms a
portion of Kilkenny, lying within the boundary of Queen's
Pop. 1298. Fairs : Feb. 2, March 4, April 16, on the
2nd Thursdays O. S. in May, and November; also July 3,
and Oct. 8.
Seats : Water Castle ; Castle Wood. Also Castle Dur-
row, the ancient and splendid residence of Viscount Ash-
brooke. The woods of this fine demesne extend for three
miles on the route to Urlingford. See the ruins oiMacklin
Castle, and of Cullyhill Castle. At Fertagh, four miles and
a half from Durrow, may be seen a high round tower, and
a ruinous gothic church.
Beggar's Inn, is a village in Kilkenny, six miles from
Durrow. Ballyspellan chalybeate spa is to the left of this
route, and has a great reputation.
Johnstown, a post town in Kilkenny, is eight miles from
Durrow, and scarcely two from Urlingford; it has some
handsome houses for the accommodation of those who
resort to Ballyspellan Spa. One mile from Johnstown is
Fowkscourt, the seat of the Hely family.
Pop. of Johnstown 875.
URLINGFORD, a post town in Kilkenny. At this
town is an Augustine convent in ruins, founded in 1306.
The course, on which races are held annually, surrounds
a green knoll, from which there is a good view of the
adjacent country, interspersed with large tracts of hog.
One mile heyond Urlingford, entering Tipperary, across
the Erkna rivulet, see the castle and church of Fennor,
both in ruins. Two miles beyond Longford Pass, see the
ruin of a church, and also a new-built church with a hand-
some spire at Leigh. A road to the right leads to Thurles.
Pop. 1366. Fairs: Monthly.
BALLYMOREEN, in Tipperary, is a village with the
ruin of a castle. In its neighbourhood are the ruins of
Ballybeg Castle near Ballydaird, and of Moycarthy Castle.
Killough Hill is very conspicuous at about three miles
before arriving at Cashel ; see also Newpark, a very
beautiful mansion and demesne.
CASHEL, in Tipperary, once the capital of the kings of
Munster, is an ancient city and post town, situated three
miles from the river Suir. It is governed by a mayor,
recorder, and bailiffs, and is a borough, returning a mem-
ber to parliament. It has the remains of a venerable ca-
thedral, abandoned in 1 750, when its roof was barbarously
taken off The modern cathedral is a handsome edifice of
Grecian architecture, and is adorned with a lofty spire.
The Episcopal palace is of brick, and within its quadrangle
the Archbishop hag a library, containing the celebrated
Psalter of Cashel, in the Irish tongue, a chronicle which
was compiled about A.D. 900, byCormac M'Culinan, King
and Archbishop of Cashel. The beautiful chapel in which
Cormac preached, is one of the earliest stone structures of
this kingdom ; it is a ruin close to the ancient cathedral,
which crowns the precipice of the rock. The founder of
this splendid cathedral was Donald O'Brien, brother of
Morough O'More, king of Munster, a.d. 1169. The
architecture of both edifices, appears to be an imitation of
some Grecian models, rather than Gothic. They were
ornamented with fine tombs and sculptures : the mate-
rial of the old cathedral was black marble. The labour
of the antiquarian or admirer of the picturesque, in
ascending, by a serpentine path, the Rock of Cashel, is
well rewarded by viewing these magnificent buildings,
with their picturesque accompaniments : he may also in*
spect the pillared crypt, above 50 feet long, and a
round tower, built of freestone. St. Patrick founded the
first church on this rock. The Lia Fail, or coronation
stone of the kings of Munster, is reported to have been
sent from Cashel for the coronation of Fergus, King of
Scotland, and was transferred from Scone to Westminster
Abbey by king Edward T. Descend the rock to the mag-
nificent ruin of Hore Abbey. In the town are the ruins of
a friary of St Dominick, founded in 1243, the abbey of
St. Francis, and the hospital of St. Nicholas. There are
also considerable vestiges of the ancient city walls, and two
The public buildings of Cashel are, the church, the Roman
Catholic chapel, Methodist chapel, infirmary, the barracks,
the court house and prison, erected in 1818, the market
house, and charter school. Cashel, besides having been a
regal seat, was a very populous place ; its history is varied
and interesting, and is filled with records of incendiary
Athatsel Abbey, on the banks of the Suir, three miles
from Cashel, was founded in 1200, by William Fitz-
Adelm. The ruins are still extensive ; the nave and
choir measured 117 feet in length. The tower is of con-
siderable altitude, and tbe ruins of the cloisters and chapel
excite admiration. Athassel was twice burned by an
armed force.
Emly, giving name to the adjunct see of this Arch-
bishopric, was once a famous city, and the metropolitan
church of Minister. Emly church was founded in the
fifth century, by St Ailbe; in 1123 this city was burned
by marauders ; it remained a place of note and opulence,
until 1568, when the bishopric of Emly was united with
the see of Cashel ; its situation is fourteen miles west of
Cashel, on the verge of the county. The cloud-capped
Galtees skirt the undulating plains of Cashel.
Pop. 6971. Market-days: Wednesday and Saturday.
Fairs: monthly; also March 26, Aug. 7, Sep. 9, and
Nov. 8. Inns : Ryall's, and Ryan's.
Golden, or Golden bridge, a post town in Tipperary, is a
picturesque village, three miles and a half from Cashel,
and a mile from the magnificent abbey of Athassel. Here1
is a ruined castle near the Suir.
Seats : Lishean, Earl of Clanwilliam, whose fine stables
are at Ballygriffin ; Suir Castle, Lord Massey's, a noble
residence, is on the bank of the Suir. At Golden Bridge
is the Castle Inn
THOMASTOWN is a village in the county of Tip-
perary. Here are ruins of two ancient castles, and the
mansion of the Earl of Llandafij which, in the time of his
Lordship's ancestor, Mr. Matthew, was esteemed the most
splendid residence in the kingdom. The park is extremely
beautiful, and consists of above 2000 acres, ornamented
with old timber, and extensive plantations. Pop. 155.
TIPPERARY, a thriving market and post town, in the
county of Tipperary, agreeably situated, and within a few
miles of a range of hills which divide the counties of Tip-
perary and Limerick, consists principally of one long
street It has a very handsome modern church, with an
elegant spire, a dispensary, and numerous schools. An
Augustine monastery was founded here about 1230.
Pop. 6972. Market-day : Thursday. Fairs : April 5,
June 24, Oct.. 10, and Dec. 10. Inns: the King's Arms,
and Globe.
BALLYMANLAGH, in Tipperary. Two miles and a
half farther, the traveller enters the county of Limerick.
KNOCKLONG, in Limerick. Seats near this vil-
lage : Castle Jane, Elton, Mount Coote, and a castle ruin.
KILMALLOCK, a post town in Limerick, is a deserted
city, near the river Maig ; it returned two members to the
Irish parliament. It has been sometimes called the Balbec
of Ireland, from its numerous remains, consisting of walls,
gates, streets, castles, monasteries, and a round tower. It
is sixteen miles from Limerick.
Pop. 1213. Fairs : Feb. 21, March 25, Whit-Tuesday,
June 12, July 6, Nov. 8, and Dec. 4. Inn : the Free-
mason's Arms.
CHARLEVILLE is a market and post town in Cork,
and is a great thoroughfare between the important out-
ports of Limerick and Cork. It was a borough until the
Union. Part of the town is in Limerick, across a small
river, which, for a short distance, divides the two counties.
The objects worthy of notice are, the church, the charter
school, the free school, and the cavalry barracks. The
Protestant church is plain, and the Roman Catholic chapel
is a large and commodious structure ; there is also an ex-
tensive brewery. See the ruin of Cragane Castle, on the
Rilmallock road.
Pop. 4766. Market Day: Saturday. Fairs: Oct. 10,
and Nov. 12. Inns : the King's Arms, and the New Inn.
No. 55. From Dublin to CLOUGH. Through Drog-
heda, Newry, and Antrim.
Dublin Castle to Milt*. Dublin Castle to Mile*.
Antrim*,as at No. 1. 83 Broughshane 85
Kella* 89) Clongh* 100*
Craigbilly 93
CRAIGBTLLY, in the county of Antrim, is seated on
the summit of a hill, surrounded by a rich and fertile
valley. Craigbilly wood was the last remaining portion of
the old forests of this county, and consists now of a tract of
pasture land and nut-bushes, washed at the foot of the de-
clivity by the branch of the Main water, which flows from
the Slemish mountain to Ballymena, and thence to Lough
Neagh. Here is a Roman Catholic chapel, erected on
ground granted by J. Hamilton O'Hara, Esq. The man-
sion of Crebilly is surrounded by excellent gardens and
plantations, and the hills of Cross, Dunivaddin, and
Greenhill, form an amphitheatre above the hill of Crebilly.
Fairs : June 26, and Aug. 21.
BROUGH SHANE, is a neat village and post town of
Antrim, having a small church and steeple, a bridge
across the Main river, and some beetling-mills. From
Broughshane to Ballymena, the nearest market is four
miles by Crebilly ; but the distance on the level by the
river and Ballygarvy, where there are two moats,
is much shorter: there is a third road, still shorter,
recently completed. Broughshane has a race-ground ; be-
yond it, distant one mile and a half, is Skerries Hill,
with a small ruin of a chapel, and a cemetery on the
Seats : Tullymore Lodge, completely secluded by stately
timber, the residence of the Hon. General J. B. O'Neill,
M.P.; Whitehall, the mansion of Captain White. This is
a good sporting country, and the cloud-capped summit of
Slemish hill is seen in every variety of form above the
Pop. 828. Fain: June 17, Sept. 1.
No. 56. From Dublin to CLOGHER. Through Ar-
Dublin Castle to Miles. Dublin Castle to Miles.
Drogheda*, asatNo. 1. •-.. 83ft Anghar*, as at No. 143..... 7«*
Castleblayney*, as at No. 7 51ft Clogher 76|
CLOGHER, an ancient episcopal see, and a post town
of Tyrone, is now a mere village. The episcopal palace is
the chief building. The see of Louth was united to Clogher
in the eleventh century, and the cathedral has been con-
verted into a parish church. In ancient times the Druids
are supposed to have dwelt in this place. An ancient abbey
here was consumed by fire in 1396.
Pop. 628. Fairs: Monthly; also May 6 and July 26.
No. 57. From Dublin to CLONMEL. Through Kil-
dare, Maryborough, and Urlinoford.
Dublin Castle to Miles. Dublin Castle to Miles.
Maryborough*, as at No. 3. 40 Fethard 78*
Urlingford* as at No. 54. • • 61ft Ctanmel* 8ft
Killynaule 72ft
x 3
KILLYNAULE, is a post town in Tipperary, half way
between Cashel and Callan ; so that it is a considerable
thoroughfare. It has a church, a Roman Catholic chapel,
and a dispensary. The collieries are here worked to great
advantage. The glebehouse of Killynaule parish is distant
two miles, at Upkam, where there is an ancient castle ruin.
Many handsome seats surround the town, and the town-
lands adjacent are fertile and beautiful Pop. 1578. Fairs :
Jan. 1, March 25, May 14, June 24, Aug. 14, Oct 15. Inn :
the King's Arms.
FETHARD is a market and post town in the county of
Tipperary, with an ancient and handsome church, and a
neat, modern, Gothic Roman Catholic chapel. There are
remains of three gates, and of the high town walls \ and the
Augustine abbey of Fethard is an elegant ancient structure,
part of which is still used as a Catholic chapel The Pres-
byterian meeting house, the school house, barracks, and a
handsome Tholsel, are the other public edifices. Fethard
is a corporate town, and returned members to the Irish
Parliament; it is governed by a sovereign and recorder.
Pop. 8405. Market day: Saturday. Fairs: April 20,
Friday before Trinity Sunday, Sept. 7, Nov. 21.
Seat : Grove, William Barton, Esq., proprietor of part
of the town. Ancient Ruins: Kilnockin Cattle, near
Killynaule ; and a castle ruin, distant two miles and a half,
on the Clonmel road, in the midst of a plantation.
No. 58. From Dublin to CLONMINES. Through
Gorey, Kyle, and Wexford.
Dublin Cattle to Milts. Dublin Castle to Miles.
Wexford*, as at No. 204 66} Clonmines 80}
Baldwin's Town* 74
• CLONMINES, or BANNOW, a post town in Wexford,
situated at the head of Bannow Bay, was a borough town,
returning members to the Irish parliament It has the
ruins of an abbey, and vestiges of seven churches. Near
Bridgetown, a village in the direction of Wexford, there is
an old castle. Across the Scare ferry are several ruins of
castles, built by the English adventurers.
No. 59. From Dublin to CLOUGH. Through Drog-
' Dublin Castle to Mile*. Dublin Cattle to Miles.
Newry*, as at No 1 50i Annalong 69±
Narrow-water 64} Newcastle 7H
Wanre&'s Point* A6g Dundxum 781
Rostreror tfi Clongh* 91
Kilkeel 65
NARROW-WATER, a neat village of Down, on the
Newry river, serves as a port to the town of Newry. Near
the ferry is Narrow-water Castle, built upon a bold rock.
It belonged to the Knights Templars, and when in pre-
servation, commanded this land-locked harbour. It was
some time since converted into a salt work, and more
recently into a kennel for a pack of hounds. Near, this
place commences the canal which communicates with Lough
Neagh. Fairs : Jan. 17, and Oct 2.
ROSSTREVOR, in Down, is a post town and sea-bath-
ing place of remarkable beauty, and is much frequented*
This place was the seat of the Trevor family, but is now
the property of David Ross, Esq. : hence, from the union
of the families, it derives its name. It is situated at the
north-east end of Carlingford Bay,, surrounded by groves
and villas; the white cottages appear built on romantic
levels, and the mountain, rising from the water's edge, is
covered with oaks and ash-trees ; indeed, few objects can
surpass Rosstrevor Hill for die beauty of its outline, and the
interest of the surrounding prospects. Here is a fine an-
chorage close to the shaded banks of the sheltered bay ;
and hence may be seen the monument in honour of General
Ross. The potteries and salt-pans are worthy of notice.
From the quay is a favourite walk along the bay. There
is a market house, and excellent hot and cold baths, situated
on the quay. The church is a neat building in the Gothic
style, with a tower; and. the Roman Catholic chapel is at
the upper end of the town ; also a school house and library,
besides several paper mills and bleach greens in the neigh-
bourhood It has a good inn. Kilbreny is one mile
distant ; and in this neighbourhood is the once-important
hold called Green Castle, Rosstrevor is a delightful station
for excursions amidst stupendous hills, of great interest to
the painter and to the botanist.
Pop. 996. Market Day: Tuesday. Fairs: Monday
before Ash Wednesday, Easter Tuesday, Whit Tuesday,
Aug. 1, Sept 19, Not. 1, Dec. 11. Itm: die King's Arms.
KILKEEL is a post town of Down, situated near the
coast. From the hills are fine prospects of the sea, the
Isle of Man, and the heights of the Scottish and West-
moreland coasts. It has been much improved by the pro-
prietor, Lord Kilmorey, who has a summer residence in
the vicinity. There is a handsome church, meeting house,
' and Roman Catholie chapel. The light house on this
coast is a fine building, 120 feet high. Pop. 1089. Fairs :
first Tuesday in Feb. May, Aug. and Nov.
ANNALONG in Down, is a village built near the
sea-shore, on a rivulet
NEWCASTLE is a small town of Down, on the south
shore of Dundrum bay, and is much frequented for sea-
bathing. It has cold and warm shower-baths. The sea
prospect is delightful, and although the mountains in the
vicinity are sterile, they are awfully grand. There is no
district more sublime, or replete with romantic scenery,
than the barony of Mourne. At the foot of Slieve Donard,
a mountain, just above this village, is an old castle in ruin,
vide page 208. Pop. 987.
DUNDRUM is a village of Down, at the head of a wide
bay of the same name. Upon a rock is the extensive ruin
of the castle built by the powerful baron John de Courcy,
who first undertook the conquest of Ulster. It was in the
hands of the Knights Templars, and was granted by the
crown to Thomas Lord Cromwell, whose son was Lord Le-
cale, a title derived from the neighbouring barony. It stood
several sieges, being garrisoned by the Magennises, but was
finally dismantled by Oliver Cromwell's army. The Mar-
quess of Downshire has erected baths here, and has also
built an excellent inn, Fairs : May 12, Oct 10.
At Slidderyfordy near Dundrum, is a Druidical circle.
No. 60. From Dublin to CLOYNE. Through Clonmel,
Fermoy, and Middleton.
Dublin Cattle, to Miles. Dublin Cattle to Miles.
Fermoy* as at No. 27. 108 Middleton 122
Rathcormack* Ill Cloyne , 12&J
MIDDLETON is a neat market and post town of Cork,
and was formerly a borough, returning a member to the
Irish parliament. It has a sovereign, bailiffs, and twelve
burgesses. The modern edifices are well built and elegant
The free school, in which Curran received the rudiments
of learning, the church, the Roman Catholic chapel, the mar-
ket house, surmounted by a cupola, and the extensive bar-
racks, formerly a cloth manufactory, but now the property
of Lord Middleton, are the chief buildings. The castle of
the Fitegeralds erected in 1645, is not in existence, but the
splendid residence of the Marquess of Thomond, Rostellan
castle, occupies its site. The neighbouring lands are exceed-
ingly fertile, and limestone is found in the valleys. Near
this town is a curious cave. Seat : Viscount Middleton's.
Pop. 2084. Market Day : Saturday. Fairs : May 14,
July 5, Oct. 10, Nov. 22. Inn: the King's Arms.
CLOYNE, an ancient see, in the county of Cork, is a
handsome market and post town. The venerable cathedral
has a nave and side aisles, the former of which is one hun-
dred and twenty feet in length. It contains an epitaph
on Miss Adams, written by the late Mrs. Piozzi ; and a num-
ber of ancient monuments. The rath at Cloyne is near the
cathedral ; and there is also a round tower, ninety feet high.
The bishoprick was once dependent upon that of Cork, but
was disunited in 1638, and has since then had its own bishops.
The episcopal residence is good. Many of the livings in
this see have large revenues, through the union of several
into one. The abbey was founded A.D. 707, and the first
church was built here at the close of the sixth century.
Seat: Castle Mary, one mile from Cloyne, is the man-
sion of Mr. Longfield. Here may be seen a Druid's altar ;
it is a stone fifteen feet long, eight broad, and nine high.
Pop. 2227. Market Day: Saturday. Fairs: Feb. 24,
Whit Tuesday, Dec. 5. Inn: the Three Tuns.
No. 61. From Dublin to COLERAINE. First Road.
Through Charlemont, Moneymohe, and Maobera.
DtOUnCasffeto Miles. Dublin Castle to MUefi
Dundalk* aaatNo. I.--- 40} Desartmartin 88
Armagh* as at No. 6 62} Tubbermore 90}
Black-rater Town* 69} Maghera 92)
Charlemont 68* Swatteragh 96)
Killyman Church 7U Garvagh 100}
Coal Island 74} A ghadoey Bridge 103*
Stowartstown 77 Coleraine 1094
Moneymore 83)
CHARLEMONT is a market and corporate town of
Armagh, and was formerly an Irish borough. The town
is governed by a portreeve and twelve burgesses, and has
a Methodist chapel, and a Sunday school. It is a military
depot, and has barracks for infantry, as well as a fort,
which is the residence of the governor. The linen manu-
facture flourishes in the vicinity.
Pop. 527. Market Day: Saturday. Fairs: May 12,
Aug. 16, and Nov. 12.
The traveller then crosses the Blackwater, which is
navigable here, by a stone bridge of five arches, and
enters Tyrone at MOY, which is a post town, and has a
famous monthly fair for horses and cattle. The church,
built in 1819, is a fine stone structure, with a handsome
steeple; there are also meeting houses. The Roman
Catholic chapel is at Gorestown, a mile distant.
Pop. of Moy : 902. Fairs : first Friday monthly.
COAL ISLAND is a post town of Tyrone, on the bank
of the canal from Dungannon to Lough Neagh. Here
are coalpits. A mile distant are the ruins of Roughan
STEWARTSTOWN is a thriving market and post
town of Tyrone. In the centre of the town is the market
house ; and there is a church, a Roman Catholic chapel,
and two meeting houses ; schools, and a dispensary. About
two miles distant is Stewart Hall, the seat of the Earl of
Castle Stewart, with a fine park.
Pop. 1010. Market Day : Wednesday. Fairs: monthly.
MONEYMORE is a town of Londonderry, between
which and Lough Neagh is a great ridge, called the Slieve
Gallion Mountain. Its dark-blue slopes are seen from the
adjacent counties at a distance of forty miles. Money-
more has been recently very much improved by the Dra-"
pers' Company of London, ]to whom it belongs. It now
possesses a church, a Roman Catholic chapel, a Presby-
terian meeting house, two free schools, and a handsome
market house, with ball and news rooms, and an admirable
inn and dispensary.
Pop. 1025. Market Day: Friday. Fairs: 21st of each
month. Inn: the Draper's Arms. Seat : Springhill, with
well-planted grounds.
DESARTMARTIN is a village of Londonderry, near
a small branch of the River Mayola. It has a good church.
Two miles beyond it is the church and Glebe House of
Kilcronaghan, Pop. 257.
TUBBERMORE is a small post town, near the River
Mayola. There are some good houses, amongst others
Fort William and Clover Hill. Pop. 679.
MAGHERA is a small post town of Londonderry. It
has a stone church, built in 1820, a Lancasterian school,
a meeting house, and barracks ; also a Roman Catholic
chapel, about a mile from the town. The door-way of the
old church, part of which still remains, is curiously sculp-
tured. The Brae/ace, a tract of land on this side of
Carntogher Mountains, is adorned with pretty cottages,
and fine hawthorns, that tree is esteemed sacred by the
peasantry, who dread the enmity of its guardian sprite, in
case it be lopped or cut down. The valley of the Mayola is
beautiful, and here are some moats and raths.
Pop. 1154. Market Days: Tuesday; and Friday for corn.
There are six fairs in the year.
SWATTERAGH is a village in the county of Lon-
Pop. 214. Fain : Mar. 3, May 17, July 17, and Dec. 3.
GARVAGH, on the river Agivey, in Londonderry, is
a post town in a charming situation. The Canning family,
long settled here, has acquired the title of Garvagh ; and
here is the handsome residence of Lord Garvagh. Bovaugh
Castle is an ancient ruin on the side of the river ; it be-
longs to the Beresford family.
AGHADOEY BRIDGE has a church and glebe house,
and many gentlemen's seats. Four miles beyond it,
approaching Coleraine, is Maquasquin church.
COLERAINE, a corporate, market, and post town, and
barony of Londonderry, was formerly made a county in itself,
by Sir John Perrot. The town is governed by a mayor, alder-
men, and burgesses. Colonel Hanger, of eccentric and sport-
ing fame, was Baron Coleraine : the title is now extinct It
is a borough returning a member to Parliament, and is seated
on the Bann, about four miles from its mouth. The current
of this river is so strong, that the tide of the sea does not
ascend far, nor is the navigation good, so that, as a port,
Coleraine is inferior to Portrush, where the custom house
is established. Coleraine is famous for the manufacture of
linen, and is well known to travellers, as the chief town,
within nine miles of the Giant's Causeway- There are
several tan yards and soap works. About a mile distant is
a celebrated Salmon Leap, near Mr. Richardson's mansion ;
and from the bridge there is a fine view of the dilapidated
house, called Jackson Hall. Coleraine has large barracks,
a plain market house, above which the sessions are held,
a small rath, and a church pleasantly situated ; meeting
houses, a Roman Catholic chapel, and several schools. In
the centre of the town is a handsome square, called the
Diamond, where the markets are held. It formerly pos-
sessed a castle, built in 1213 ; and St. Mary's Abbey was
founded here in 1244. The vicinity of the town, particu-
larly on the Antrim side of the river, is very pleasant.
The salmon-fishing here begins in March, and continues
till August. There are also two eel-fisheries on the Bann,
beginning in September, and a steam vessel is intended to
ply between this and Liverpool
Porfrush, within a few miles of Coleraine, is much fre-
quented as a bathing place. Portstewart also is a very
pretty and flourishing place, three miles distant, and eight
from the Giant* s Causeway, with a good inn. Portrush is
situated under a promontory, and affords a most extensive
view of the northern coast : the harbour is nearly com-
pleted, and will be of great service to the trade of Cole-
raine : it is intended to have a steamer between this and
About two miles and a half from Coleraine is Craig-a-
Hulier, a curious range of basaltic pillars.
Pop. 5752. Market day: Saturday. Fain: May 12, July
5, and the first Tuesday in November. Innt : the Corpo-
poration Arms; the Mail Coach Hotel; and the Traveller's
Home, all so comfortable that it is difficult to draw a dis-
No. 62. From Dublin to COLERAINE. Second Road.
Through Armagh, Coagh, and Bovaugh Bridge.
Dublin Castle to Miles. Dublin Castle, to Miles.
Dundalk* asatNo. 1 40} Magherafelt* 88
Armagh*, as at No. 6 62} Kilrea* 102
Charlemont* 68* Bovaugh Bridge 104*
Stewartstown* 77 Cotanine 1114
Coagh* - 82
BOVAUGH BRIDGE, in the county of Tyrone. A
mile from this village, on the River Agivey, is Bovaugh
Castle, a mansion belonging to the Marquess of Waterford.
At Bovaugh Bridge is another mansion of the Beresfords.
No. 63. From Dublin to COLERAINE. Third Road.
Through Dundalk, Antrim, and Randalstown.
Dublin Castle to Mile*. Dublin Cattle to Miles.
Banbridge*, asatNo. 1 •••• 60} Randalsto^m 88
Lnrgan* 67} Ballymoney 107}
Glenavy* 77 Coleraine* 114
Antrim* 84
RANDALSTOWN, a post town in Antrim, is a small
but pretty place, with a stone-bridge of nine arches, over
the Main, adjoining which is an extensive cotton mill and
bleach field. It has a market house and assembly room, a
church, a Roman Catholic chapel, meeting houses, a dis-
pensary, and barracks. Near Randalstown is the finely-
wooded demesne of Earl O'Neill; and two miles distant, on
the shore of Lough Neagh, is Shane's Castle, which was
burnt in 1816. It has since been repaired.
Pop. 618. Market day: Wednesday. Fairs: July 16,
Nov. 1. Inn: at the foot of the bridge.
Lough Neagh is a beautiful sheet of water, eighteen miles*
in length, and twelve in breadth, being as wide, though not
so long, as the lake of Geneva : it is bounded by no less
than five counties, Armagh, Tyrone, Londonderry, Down,
and Antrim. The extent of its surface varies considerably,
according to the season, but it is supposed to coyer gene-
rally about 100,000 English acres. In summer its depth
is about fifty feet, and in winter about seven feet more. It
contains large quantities of shad, churl or bodach, pike,
roach, bream, and trout, and is periodically visited by
salmon and eels. The char is also found here. The strand
abounds with beautiful pebbles, which take a high polish.
The waters of Lough Neagh have been noted for their heal-
ing and petrifying qualities ; but according to recent expe-
riments, undeservedly. The Lough contains two small
islands, Blackwater Island, at the mouth of the river of that
name, and Ram'* Island, which is about three miles from
the shore, which has been tastefully laid out by Lord
O'Neill, who has also built on it a neat cottage. The latter
contains a round tower, 40 feet high, and a cemetery. A
boat to it may be obtained at the village of Crumlin. The
scenery of the Lough is tame and monotonous, and the
tourist must not expect to find in it the beauties of Killarney.
BALLYMONE Y is a market, post, and sessions town of
Antrim, with a market house, a church, a Roman Catholic
chapel, meeting houses, and a school. A linen market is
held on the first Thursday of each month, and there is a
considerable trade in butter, for exportation from Belfast.
Near this town, at the village of Agivey, is an iron sus-
pension bridge, thrown across the Bann. Hence a road
branches off to the Giant's Causeway, seven miles shorter
than that through Coleraine.
Seats : Leslie Hill, and O' Hard's Brook.
Pop. 2222. Fairs : May 6, July 10, and Oct 7. inn ;
the King's Arms.
No. 64. From Dublin to COLERAINE. Fourth Road.
Through Dundalk, Antrim, and Portglenone.
Dublin Cagtte to Miles. Dublin Castle to Mile*.
Antrim*, as at No. 1 83 Basharkan 102*
Randalstown* .♦ 88 Vow Ferry House 106*
Grange 93* Coleraine* llfi*
Portglenone 97i
THE GRANGE, in Antrim, is an extensive and fertile
parish, in which a large quantity of poultry and turkeys is
PORTGLENONE is a market and post town of Antrim,
situated on the Bann, over which is a stone bridge of seven
arches. This river is broad and deep, and is the only
stream that issues from Lough Beg and Lough Neagh.
The late proprietor of this town, John Hamilton O'Hara,
Esq., was interred in Portglenone church in 1822, which
was built at the expense of his ancestor, Francis Hutchin-
son, Bishop of Down and Connor. The mansion-house
has been rebuilt, and the demesne, which extends along the
river side, is covered by some large timber, and is now
occupied by the Rt. Rev. N. Alexander, who rebuilt the
house. Here are three meeting houses, and a good school
house; the Catholic chapel is at some distance from the
town. The views of the Derry mountains across the Bann
are extremely striking and magnificent, whilst the imme-
diate course of the valley along which this river winds is a
rich undulating flat, finely varied. Eight neat cottages
were built here for poor widows, by Charles Hamilton, Esq.,
who bequeathed a yearly maintenance for the inmates.
y 3
Pop. 773. Market day : Tuesday. Fairs : on the first
Tuesday of each month.
RASH ARK AN is a village of Antrim, with a handsome
church. Fair: November 16.
No. 65. From Dublin to COOTEHILL. Through
Navan and Newcastle.
Dublin CadU to Miles. Dublin Cattle to Miles.
Nanm*,asatNo. 80 23| Newcastle; 36|
Killberry 26* Kingscourt 381
GairnhUl Turnpike 31* Shercock • 44|
Nobber, 33J CotehiU* 52|
KILBERRY, in Eastmeath. Two miles beyond the
church in this village, there is an ancient ruin on the left
hand of the road to Nobber.
CATRNHILL TURNPIKE is half a mile beyond the
church and glebe house of Castletown.
NOBBER, in Eastmeath. In this post town the cele-
brated blind bard, O'Carolan, was born in 1670.
Pop. 371. Fairs: April 25, May 25, June 20, Aug. 15,
Oct 13, and Nov. 14.
NEWCASTLE is a small town of Eastmeath. Near it
is a small Lough. Inisheene church is one mile and a
quarter to the right of this road.
KINGSCOURT is a post town of Cavan, and has a neat
church with a tower, a Roman Catholic chapel, and a me-
thodist meeting house, and a dispensary. The town consists
of one long street, in the middle of which is the market
. , Seats : Cormy Castle and Cabragk Castle, beautiful man*
sions, about a mile distant on the north and south.
No. 66. DUBLIN TO CORK. 247
Drouglone Lough is to the left of the present road, at the
distance of three miles from the village ; a small Lough is
seen by the road side, one mile farther.
Pop. 1616. Market Day: Tuesday. Fairs: Good Friday,
May 23, June 18, Aug. 1, Sept 19, Nov. 8, Dec. 4 and 20.
SHERCOCK is a small post town of Cavan. Here are
two Lakes ; the larger of them is Lough Swillan, from which
the river Annalee takes its rise, and flows in the direction
of Coote Hill, passing the beautiful seats of Newgrove and
Pop. 348. Fairs : Feb. 4, April 4, Whit-Monday, July
2, Aug. 22, Sept 28, Oct 29, and Dec. 14.
No. 66. From Dublin to CORK. First Road. Through
Kildarb, Maryborough, and Cashbl.
Dublin Castle to Miles. Dublin Castle to Miles.
Maryborough*, as at No. 3-. 40 Clogheen* 92
Cashel*, asatNo. 64 76* Cork* 1221
Cahir 86}
CAHIR is a market and post town, in the county of
Tipperary, situated on the banks of the Suir. Across the
river are the ruins of Cahir Abbey, built in the reign of
King John; and in an island is Cahir Castle, originally
built by Conan, King of Thomond, and monarch of Ireland.
Cahir Castle, the mansion of the Earl of Glengall, whose
demesne contains 560 acres, is situated upon the bank of
the river: in one part of the grounds called Kilcommon,
is the cottage, a spot of extraordinary beauty.
Cahir contains a market house, a neat and well-propor-
tioned gothic church, with a spire, erected in 1817, two
Roman Catholic chapels, one large and splendid new ehapel
248 No. 68. DUBLIN TO CORK.
with a spire, a fever hospital, a dispensary, and a handsome
school house, erected in 1818, near the church. Here is a
factory for Tuscan straw bonnets. A weekly linen and
yarn market was established in 1823, and large corn mills
have lately been erected. Here also is a Dutch sieve ma-
nufactory for cleaning flax seed, also a manufactory of
straw-plat for bonnets. The cavalry barracks are situated
a mile from Cahir.
The environs of Cahir are delightful, and the florist will
find much gratification in visiting the garden of Mr. Fennel,
situated about four miles from the town.
Seats : Lord Glengall's, with a beautiful and extensive
Pop. 3408. Market day: Friday. Fairs: Feb. 8,
April 12, May 26, July 20, Sept 18, Oct 20. and Dec. 7.
Inn: the Glengall Arms.
No. 67. From Dublin to CORK. Second Road.
Through Carlow, Kilkenny, and Clonhel.
Dublin to Cork*, as at No. 26 124*
No. 68. From Dublin to CORK. Third Road. Through
Kilkenny, Clonmel, and Lismore.
Dublin CatOeto MUet. Dublin CatfU to MUet.
Clonmel* m at No. 27 81| Tallow 1044
Cappoquin 97i Wateigraw Hill 1171
Lismore 100* Cork* 126*
CAPPOQUIN, in Waterford, is a market and post town,
on the Blackwater, over which it has a wooden bridge. It
possesses some rich and picturesque scenery, and several
No. 68. DUBLIN TO CORK. 249
well-built villas. Here is a neat church, and a Roman
Catholic chapel, and barracks. On the road from Clon-
mel are Gkuha and Castle Coonagh, the ruins of old castles.
The corn trade between this town and Youghal is extensive,
the Blackwater being navigable for sloops. A mile from
the town is Salti Bridge, the seat of Anthony Chearnley,
Esq. Sir Richard Musgrave has also a mansion at Turin,
on the Blackwater, two miles from Cappoquin. The at-
tractions of the route by water from Cappoquin to Youg-
hall, are very great In gliding down the river may be
viewed Turin, the seat of Sir R. Musgrave ; Drumana, the
fine demesne of Mr. H. V. Stuart; Camphier House, and
Strancally Castle, the fine residence of John Reily, Esq.,
and many others.
Pop. 2289. Market days: Wednesday and Saturday.
Fairs : March 17, May 31, July 5, Sept. 20, Oct 14, and 29.
LISMORE, a post town in Waterford, is beautifully
situated upon the Blackwater. This once famous city had
a university; the see of Lismore was united, in 1363, to.
the bishopric of Waterford. The cathedral is small, but in
good preservation. The name is composed of Lis, an
earthern fort, and more, great ; from its strong moat, which
was superseded by a castle, built by King John. Sir Walter.
Raleigh was a proprietor of this fortress and of the manor.
It was purchased by Sir Richard Boyle, who enlarged its.
fortifications ; in 1641 it was successfully defended by Lord
Broghill, son of the Earl of Cork. The philosophical
Boyle was born in this castle in 1626, the very year that
Lord Bacon died : he was the seventh son and the four-
teenth child of Richard Earl of Cork; and it has been
justly remarked of this great man, that he revived the
memory of Lismore University. Congreve, the poet and dra-
matist, is also said to have been born here, his father being
250 No. 68. DUBLIN TO CORK.
at the time steward to Lord Burlington's estate. The castle
was, until lately, dilapidated; but the Duke of Devonshire
has repaired it, and rendered it worthy of its ancient feme.
The view from the great window is particularly beautiful.
The pleasure grounds are beautifully laid out, and are re-
markable for a double row of very ancient yews. In the
gardens may be seen many choice shrubs and flowers, par-
ticularly an arbutus, as large as a forest tree.
Lismore is said to have chiefly consisted of the habita-
tions of the most learned monks, of royal abbots, of saints,
and of hermits. Here the ravages of the Danes, the con-
flagrations in 1116 and 1207, the assaults by Earl Strong-
bow's son in 1147, and by the Irish army in 1641, have
occasioned this town to be repeatedly new built The
bridge erected at the sole expense of the Duke of Devon-
shire at the cost of 9000&, is handsome, consisting of four-
teen stone arches, and commands a fine view. Here is a
court house, a dispensary, and a fever hospital. There is
an excellent salmon fishery at the weirs below Lismore.
A navigation has also been opened from this place to
Cappoquin, at the expense of the Duke of Devonshire.
Six miles from Lismore is the establishment of the Trap-
piste, the convent and adjoining buildings are nearly finished.
They possess on a lease of 100 years, rent free, 570 acres,
the property of Sir Richard Keane, and great progress has
been made in cultivating this land.
Seats : Castle Richard, three miles from the town, an
elegant gothic mansion, and Qlencaim, the seat of Mrs.
Bushe, on the right side of Blackwater ; also BaUysaggart*
more Cattle, the fine residence of Arthur Reiley, Esq. on
the North Bank, and about one mile west of Lismore.
Pop. 2894. Fairs: May 25, Sept 25, and Nov. 12.
Hotel : the Devonshire Arms*
TALLOW, is a market and post town of Waterfbrd, on
the Bride. It has a market house and a church. This
small town and Lismore were boroughs until the Union.
Here are the ruins of Lufining Castle, an old fortress of the
Earls of Desmond, and a barrack. On the road to Cork is
Castle Connough, in ruins, also many modern mansions and
parks. The road leads through Water Grass Hill turnpike,
and Glanmire, a village four miles from Cork.
Pop. 2998. Market day: Saturday. Fairs: March 1,
Whit-Monday, Oct 10, and Dec. 8. Inn : Leahy's.
No. 69. From Dublin to CUSHENDALL. Through
Drogheda and Dundalk.
Dublin Castle to Miles. Dublin Cattle to Miles.
Banbridge»,a»atNo. 1 ...• 60* duhendaU* 10ft*
Clough^watNo. 23 99i
No. 70. From Dublin to DALKEY.
Dublin Castle to MUes. Dublin Castle to Miles.
MonkBtoira* 5± Dalkey 7*
DALKEY, in Dublin, is a Tillage, celebrated for its
ancient castles, the remains of two of which are still
standing. On Dalkey Hill is a cromlech, and on the
common are remains of a Druidical circle. Immediately
above the village rises a mountain, and before it is a sound,
or channel, with sufficient water for ships of burden,
separating it from Dalkey Island. On this island, which
consists of about eighteen acres of sweet herbage, may be,
seen a Martello Tower, and a church in ruins.. Here, as
in many parts of Ireland, the people elect a king from
among themselves, to whom, occasionally, they pay certain
tributes. Pop. 544.
No. 71. From Dublin to DINGLE. Through Kildare
and Limerick.
Dublin Caste to Miles. Dublin CastU to Mile*.
Listowell* asatNo«3 131* Lispole 162*
Tralee* 144* Dingle 166
Bracktown Inn 158*
DINGLE is a sea-port and post town of Kerry, and the
most western town in Enrope. It has a considerable
fishery. On the road to Dingle are the ruins oiAnnagh
Church, two miles from Tralee; five and a half miles
farther, Kilgobbin Church is to the right The ruin of
Minard Castle is on the left, near the village of Lispole.
Dingle Bay was formerly a great resort of merchants,
and the privileges of this town, granted by Elizabeth and
her successors, are considerable. The harbour is half a
mile broad, and is well sheltered from the winds. Smerwick
Harbour and Ventry Bay are dependant upon this port.
There was a monastery in Dingle, and a part of its splen-
did church, called St Mary's Chapel, is preserved in
repair for divine worship. It is said that this church, and
part of the town, is of Spanish erection, the houses having
stone balconies. Upon the site of an ancient castle, built
ki 1580, is the town Gaol. Dingle also possesses a
Romans Catholic Chapel, and a Lancastrian School
In the vicinity of Dingle are many interesting objects ;
the ruins of Burnham Castle, and Burnham House, the
mansion and demesne of Lord Ventry; also the village of
Ventry> and the bay of the same name, at which are some
Danish forts. Mount Brandon, a range of mountain of
great height, is the chief land-mark for vessels entering
the Shannon, and commands an exquisite prospect. Bun-
more Headt the most western point of Ireland, is at the
extremity of the promontory. Off this headland are
situated the Blasques, or Ferriter's Islands. Innismore is
three miles long, and is the largest of the Blasques.
They are fertile islands, inhabited by a gentle race, and
there are several very ancient and curious chapels built
on them.
Pep. 4327. Market Day: Saturday. Inn: Jeffcott's.
No 72. From Dublin to DONAGHADEE. First
Road. Through Drogheda, Belfast, and New-
town Ards.
Dublin CasOe to Miles. Dublin Castle to Miles.
Banbridge*, asatNo. 1 •••• 60i Newtown Ards 87*
Belfast*, as at No 30 80 Donaghadee 94*
The drive from Belfast to Newtown Ards is through
a well-cultivated country. On leaving Belfast there is
a long and narrow bridge across the Lagan, with numerous
arches. Nearly two miles from town, on the summit of
a hill, is the old church of Knockbreda, and near it a green
artificial mound. At Dundonald, four miles from Belfast,
there are a small church with a spire, a conspicuous moat,
dissenters' meeting house, glebe house, and a few cottages.
The former road to Newtown Ards was over hills, but a new
level line has been recently completed.
NEWTOWN ARDS is a handsome market and post
town in Down, situated at the head of Lough Strangford,
near its north strand. It was a borough till the Union.
The ancient town, built and settled by James Hamilton,
Lord Claneboy and Clanbrassil, was burnt in the civil war,
and the Scottish inhabitants slain. These were replaced
by a fresh colony; but there are still a few of the ancient
buildings. In High Street is the old cross, with the date
1636; and near the town is the castle of the Montgome-
ries, the gardens and outer inclosure of which remain.
The town bears a new and elegant aspect, and the view
of it obtained by ascending Scraba Hill is delightful. At
one side of the great square is a large and commodious
inn, and opposite is the market house. The old gothic
church is venerable, but attracts less notice than the
newly-erected parish church, which is an elegant building
with a steeple and spire, and is fitted up with good taste.
Here also are chapels of the Catholics, Presbyterians,
Covenanters, and Methodists ; a house of industry, and
schools. The town is the property of the Marquis of
Londonderry, and is rapidly increasing. It has a consi-
derable trade in linen.
Pop. 4442. Market Day: Saturday. Fair*; Jan. 28,
May 14, Sept 23.
DONAGHADEE is a neat post town of Down, and is
noted as the port of communication with the west of
Scotland. The distance from this place to Port Patrick
is computed at twenty miles, and steam-vessels perform the
voyage in two hours and a half. The heavy waves on the
coast, caused by the strong currents in this narrow strait
between the Irish channel and north sea, frequently inter-
cept the view of either shore from the mid-channel. The
houses towards the shore are built in the form of an
amphitheatre, and being white, produce a very pleasing
effect At the north end of the town is a large bare
rath, from the summit of which there is a fine view. The
new harbour was commenced in 1821, from designs by
Mr. Rennie ; it comprises seven acres, and is defended by
extensive piers. Donaghadee is much frequented for sea-
bathing, and possesses a handsome bath house. It has
also a church, meeting houses, a Roman Catholic chapel,
a dispensary, and schools. Cottons are manufactured
here ; and there is also a species of goods called worked
muslins, which are peculiar to this place, and have an
extensive sale.
The mail starts every morning for Belfast on the arrival
of the mail-packet from Port Patrick, (which, in mild
weather, averages between six and seven in the morning) ;
and there the traveller joins the Dublin or Derry coaches,
according to his destination. The steam-packet quits the
harbour on the arrival of the mail from Belfast at half-past
ten in the morning.
In the vicinity of Donaghadee are the Copeland Tales,
on one of which, called Cross Island, consisting of thirty
acres, is a lighthouse. In another are the rums of a
church, and a burying-ground, as well as several cairns.
Between these islands and Donaghadee is a strait of
smooth water, through which ships of burden can sail at
a short distance from the harbour.
Seats : BattyurilHam, one mile from the town ; Portavo,
a beautiful mansion, in the direction of Groom's Port.
At Temple Church, near Portavo, is the place where
St Patrick landed in his second mission to Ireland.
Pop. 2986. Market Day: Wednesday. Fairs: June 11,
July 4, Aug. 16, Oct 12, and Dec. 4. Inn: the Down-
shire Arms.
No. 73. From Dublin to DON AG HA DEE. Second
Road. Through Drogiteda, Newry, and Down-
Dublin Castle to Miles. Dublin Castle to Miles.
Newry*,aaatNo. 1 60J Strangford 80
Rathfiiland* 57* Ferry oter to Portaferry. • • • 80)
CMtleweUan* 66 Kirkcubbin 88}
dongh* 69 GreyAbbey 89ft
Downpatrick * 74 Donaghadee* 96
Baholp 77
RAHOLP is a village of Down.
STRANGFORD is a small but very ancient post town
of Down, and gives name to one of the most beautiful
inlets of the sea, formerly called Lough Cone. The tide
enters from the Bay of Strangford, the channel is of con-
siderable length, and the current generally rapid. The
Lough is seventeen miles in length, and five miles in its
greatest width, and is covered with upwards of fifty fine
islands, on one of which is a rabbit-warren ; it contains
smelts and other excellent fish; and the herring shoaJs
appear off the bar in August This bar is three miles
below the town, and within it ships find a good harbour in
foul weather ; those vessels sailing to the Lough avoid a
rock in the mid-channel, which has deep water on either
side of it. At Strangford is the charter school, founded
by the Earl of Kildare. The custom house is situated on
the quay, from which is a fine prospect of the surrounding
country. The ruins of Walsh's Castle, Kilclief, and Audley
Castle, should be visited. The latter commands an exten-
sive view of the bay. About a mile distant is Castle
lVara\ the seat of Lord Bangor, of which one facade is
Grecian and another gothic. The park and gardens are
extremely beautiful.
Pop. 583. Fairs : Aug. 12, and Nov. 8. Inn : Halliday's.
PORTAFERRY is a thriving market and post town of
Down, situated on the north side of Strangford Bay,
opposite to Strangford, with which it has a constant com-
munication by means of ferry-boats. It has the remains
of a castle, erected by the Savage family, long settled in
tfiis county ; the present proprietor, A. Nugent, Esq., has
a noble mansion adjoining the town, surrounded by charm-
ing grounds, to a part of which there is a public entrance
at the quay. Portaferry has a neat church and meeting
houses, and half a mile distant is a Roman Catholic chapel,
The town carries on a considerable trade in corn, and from
June to September there is a productive herring fishery in
the Lough and along the coast
Near Kirkistown, four miles distant, is the old church of
Slane, and Claneboy Cattle.
Pop. 2203. Market day: Thursday. Fairs: Jan. 1,
2nd Thursday in February, May, and November ; July 31,
and Dec. 12.
KIRKCUBBIN, in Down, is a neat post town of recent
erection, on the east shore of the Lake of Strangford. Its
chief buildings are' the linen hall, market house, meeting
house, and the glebe house.
Pop. 537. Fairs : April 28, May 28, August 28, and
Nov. 28.
Seats : Summer Hill, and Echlinville, the fine residence
of John Echlin, Esq. Beyond this, on a hill, is Inishangie,
and a ruined church ; and farther on, the parish church of
St. Andrew.
GREY ABBEY, is a post town in Down, on the east
side of Lough Strangford, and celebrated for its monastery,
which was built by John de Courcy, Earl of Ulster, and
gives name to the place. De Cottrcy's monument, and that *
% 3
of bis lady, Africa, daughter of the King of Man, are seen
here with their effigies sculptured. The arches of the
abbey are still fine, but the roof is dilapidated ; its well,
for the use of the monks, is filled by a fine spring. Op-
posite to the abbey is the modern church. Black Abbey is
another ruin, distant one mile, and near it is a moat
Fairs: March 28, Whit-Tuesday, June 23, Oct 29,
Nov. 27, and Dec. 7.
Seats : Rosemount, William Montgomery, Esq. This is
a mansion, with grounds well planted, in an excellent
situation near the Lough, and possessing good gardens. A
mile from Grey Abbey is Mount Stewart, the seat of the
Marquess of Londonderry; it has a picture gallery and
library: on a hill in the grounds is an imitation of the
Athenian Temple of the Winds ; it is seen above the lake.
The gardens and forcing-houses are worthy of notice.
No. 74. From DUBLIN to DONAGHADEE. Third
Road. Through Drooheda, Belfast, and Bangor.
Dublin Castle to Miles. Dublin Castle to Miles.
Banbridge *, as at No. 1 60} Bangor 90
Belfast*, as at No. 30 80 Donaghadee* 95
Hollywood 84}
HOLLYWOOD is an agreeable village and post town of
Down, on the east shore of Belfast Lough, and is much
frequented during the bathing season. The road to it is
bounded by woods and parks, and there are some beautiful
villas. Cultra is a pleasant mansion. A quantity of small
shell-fish is dredged on this flat shore, and is a benefit to
the cottagers. Hollywood commands a fine view of the
Antrim Hills, seen across the bay, the surface of which is
enlivened by the passage of merchant-vessels and steam-
boats* At Castle Hillf in this parish, is a lime tree of
extraordinary size.
Pop. 1288. Fairs : are held quarterly.
BANGOR is a post town at the mouth of Carrickfergu*
Bay, in Down, and is frequented for sea-bathing. An
abbey, founded in 555, is now a ruin close to the parish
church, which was first constructed in 1623, and has a
large handsome steeple; in this church are monuments
of the Hamiltons, Earls of Clanbrassil* who settled or
planted a numerous body of Scots in the Lordship of
Claneboy, granted to James Hamilton, on the forfeiture of
O'Neil, Earl of Tyrone. This property, with BaUyleidy
House, passed by intermarriage to the Blackwood family,
and is now the splendid seat of Lord Dufferin and Clane-
boy. Bangor sent two members to the Irish parliament,
but is not now a returning borough. The proprietor of
this town is Viscount Bangor, whose family name is Ward ;
his mansion and gardens are in the immediate vicinity.
The harbour is safe, and there is a good pier, with quay,
dock, and basin. Bangor also possesses two cotton factories
worked by steam-engines; some chapels, a Presbyte-
rian meeting house, and several schools. The county mili-
tia is frequently quartered in Bangor. At Groom's Port, a
fishing village one mile from Bangor, the army of Schom-
berg disembarked. At Ballyholm Bay is a beautiful strand,
on which races are occasionally held, the level beach being
Pop. 2741. Fairs ; Jan. 12, May 1, Aug. 1, and Nov. 22.
No. 75. From Dublin to DOWNHILL or HERVEY'S
HILL. Through Dundalk, Armagh, and Don-
Dublin Castle to MUes. Dublin Castle to Miles.
Dandalk*,aaatN9.1 40* MoflUligan Church 112*
Armagh*, as at No. 6 621 Craigtown Inn 1131
Dungiven», asatNo. 145 •• 99 Downhill 117
Newtown Limavady 106|
NEWTOWN LIMAVADY is a market and post town
of Londonderry, situated in a very interesting district on
the banks of the Roe, over which is a stone bridge of six
arches. It is surrounded by beautiful scenery, and the
linen manufacture flourishes in the vicinity. It is a very
handsome town, and possesses a corn market, a new as
well as an old market house, on the first floor of which is
held the town ball and assembly; a good subscription
library; a brewery and distilleries. Newtown Limavady
has also a well-built church, several meeting houses, a
handsome Roman Catholic chapel, and a savings' bank.
Dr. William Hamilton, esteemed for his learning and ac-
complishments, was inhumanly murdered by the Insur-
gents, when rector of this parish. His Letters on the '
North-East Coast of Antrim assisted to give a true notion
of the extreme beauty and magnificence of the scenery of
the north of Ireland. The River Roe empties its waters
into the inlet of the sea called Lough Foyle. On the shore
of.this Lough, near Magilligan; is a famous rabbit warren.
This town was -a borough previous to the Union.
Pop. 2428. Market day*: Monday; and for Grain;
Tuesday and Friday. Fairs : 2nd Monday in Feb., March
28, June 13, July 12, and Oct 29. Inns: the King's Arms,
the Red Lion, and Wilson's Hotel.
Seats : Daisy Hill, and Fruit Hill, are two good mansions,
with charming grounds, about a mile from the town.
No. 76. From Dublin to DOWNPATRICK. Through
Newry, Ratbfriland, and Clough.
Dublin Castle to Miles. Dublin Castle to Miles.
NewTy*, as at No. 1 50} Down, or Down patrick *, as
at No. 32 74
No. 77. From Dublin to DROGHEDA. First Road.
Through Swords and Balruddery.
Dublin Castle to Miles. Dublin Castle to Miles.
Swords* 7 Balruddery* 14*
Man-of-War* 12* Drogheda*, asatNq. 1 • ••• 23*
No. 78. From Dublin to DROGHEDA. Second
Road. Through Naul.
Dublin Castle to Miles. Dublin Castle to Miles.
Glastnevin 2 Naul 14
Forest H Dardistown Bridge lft*
Brackenstown 6± Drogheda* 22
Ballybogblll 10*
GLASSNEVIN is a village of Dublin. In the S. W.
corner of the church-yard is a tablet in memory of Dr.
Delaney, who resided at Delville, in this village, and was the
intimate friend of Dean Swift. There is no spot in Ireland
possesses so much of classic and historic interest as this,
where Addison, Parnell, Steele, Swift, and the celebrated
Stella, at different periods, resided. The " Drapier's Letters"
were printed in the demesne of Delville, and the illustrious
author of " Cato" composed several of his finest pieces
here. There is a place called Addison's walk, formed of
two rows of tall yews, said to have been planted by him-
self. The garden occupies a space of thirty acres, the
river Tolka forming a boundary at one side. Tickell, tt*e
poet, also resided here; but his house has been taken
down, and the site occupied by the spacious and beautiful
botanic gardens of the Dublin society, which have been
improved very much under the superintendance of Mr.
Nevin, the present curator. In the neighbourhood of
Claremont is the National Institution for the education of
deaf and dumb poor children. There is also an ex-
tensive burying ground belonging to the Catholics, with a
handsome gateway and temple for saying the funeral ser-
vice : it is surrounded by walls, and has watch towers at
each corner. — Pop. 559. ^
NAUL, a village in the County of Dublin, is remarkable
for a celebrated glen abounding with craggy precipices:
it has a church and a Roman Catholic chapel. The
ancient ruin of Naul Castle is finely situated. A stream
proceeding from the Roches cascade divides the county of
Meath from that of Dublin ; this pretty fall of water is in
the centre of the glen. Snowton Castle is a ruin beyond the
Naul.-- Pop; 216.
No. 79. Prom Dublin to DROGHEDA. Third Road.
Through Finglass, Kilmoon Church, and Duleek.
Dublin Castle to Miles. DuMin Castle to Miles.
Kilmoon Church*, at at No. Duleek 80|
1*7 W| Drogheda* 86
DULEEK in Eastmeath, was once a famous episcopal
city. It was also a returning borough previous to the Union,
but is now a village. It has a neat church, with a spire of
Gothic architecture ; and a handsome Roman Catholic chapel.
There is also a large flour mill, a manufacture of ticken,
and a good inn. The vicinity is very agreeable, and there
are fine meadows close to the village. In the vicinity of
the town is BeUew race-course, which is well attended.
The races take place in the last week of June. There are
some ruins of churches of remote antiquity.
Pop. 1217. Fairs: March 25, May 3, June 24, and
Oct. 18.
Seats : Samerville, the residence of Sir Marcus Soiner-
ville, on the hanks of the Nanny Water ; Athcame Castle,
romantically situated in the midst of trees, is a large square
building, and in good preservation. It is said King James
slept in this castle on the night previous to the battle of
the Boyne.
No. 80. From Dublin to DUNFANAGHY. First
Road. Through Cavan, Maqu ire's Bridge, and
DubUn Castle to Miles.
Black Bull Inn* 10}
Ten Mile Bush 11J
Dunaaaughttn 14
Tarah'Hill 19
Bally James Duff ....
Butlert Bridge
Wattle Bridge
Newtown Butler
llagttfrea Bitfge
... 90|
... 23|
... at
... 40ft
... 45*
.. 54
... 57
... 63*
... 65*
... 70*
... 72*
.... 75*
... 78*
ChurohHUl 88*
Dublin CasUs to Miles.
BelleekTown 97*
Ballyahannon 101ft
Ballintra 105|
Laghy 108ft
Donegal HI
Mount Charles 114
Inver U7
The Port 116ft
Killybeg* 183*
Ardara 131*
Nartn 186*
Steand 1381
ShaUagan Bridge 144
Gibbarrow River 146
Dunglo 159
GtaydoroBiver 1884
Gortahuxk 168*
Dunfanaghy W*
TEN MILE BUSH is a village of East Meath.
DUNSHAUGHLIN, a post town in Ea8t Meath. It
has a church and a school. Two miles and a half from
DunshaughKn is Killeen Cattle the seat of the Earl of
FingaL The church of Killeen contains several monu-
ments of the Plunkett family. One mile from Killeen is
Dunsany Castle, the seat of Lord Dunsany.
Pop. 918. Fairs: May 13, June 11, Oct. 14, and Nov. 10.
TAR AH, in East Meath, is seated on a high hill
commanding the adjacent plain. The village church is
now the principal object. Tradition derives the name
of this place from the palace of Ollamh Fodlha, a prince
who reigned here at the time of the Republic of Rome,
but some antiquaries insist that no palace ever existed on
this spot. The Irish princes were formerly crowned at
Tarah, and here the triennial assemblies of the states
took place till the middle of the sixth century. On the
south side of the hill is a moat or fort thrown up by Tur-
gesius the Dane, from which strong position the rebels
were driven with great loss in May, 1798.
Seats : Newhall, Ardsalla, the seat of Earl Ludlow,
and some other neat mansions adorn the adjacent district.
Lismullen, the seat of the Dillon family, is two miles
distant Beyond Tarah, and three miles from Navan, is
Ballinter, situated on the south bank of the Boyne.
NAVAN, a market and post town of East Meath, is
pleasantly seated at the junction of the Blackwater and
the Boyne. On the banks of the river is Blackcastle, the
demesne of John Ruxton, Esq., and opposite are the
extensive flax mills of Mr. Blundell. It is governed by a
Portreve, and has a very handsome Tholsel. Two good
stone bridges afford an easy communication between the
different parts of the town, and the main streets cross
each other. Tbe church is a beautiful modern structure,
and there is a handsome Roman Catholic chapel, as well
as a Catholic seminary, a county infirmary, and a court
house. The barracks occupy the site of a house of regular
canons, and in the abbey yard are some curious tombs
with sculptured figures. This town was walled by Hugh
de Lacy. It has a communication by canal with Drogheda,
and carries on a considerable trade in corn and flour, and
has several extensive flour mills.
Near Navan are Athlumny church and castle; the
latter is a splendid ruin, having been destroyed by fire
during the civil wars. Two miles beyond Navan is Ard-
braccan, with an episcopal palace, erected from designs by
the late J. Wyatt : it is built of limestone found in the
vicinity. Close to it is Liscartan Castle. In the burial
ground of Ardbraccan church may be seen a tablet in
memory of Bishop Pococke the traveller, and the tomb of
Bishop Montgomery, with rudely- sculptured figures. One
mile from Navan is Donaghmore church, and on an emi-
nence there, near the road leading to Slieve, is a round
tower 70 feet high, remarkable for a cross engraved on the
keystone of the doorway. This singularity is an argument
in favour of the supposition that these famous towers were
dedicated to religious purposes. To the north-east of
Navan is Dunmow Castle, originally built by De Lacy,
and defended for the royal party by Captain Power, in
1641.' Pop. 4416, Market days: Wednesday and Satur-
day. Fairs : Easter Monday, Trinity Monday, Sept 14,
and Dec. 7. Irms : the Ludlow Arms ; the Black Lion.
KELLS is a market and post town of East Meath,
pleasantly situated on the Blackwater. It is a very ancient
town, and was early fortified by the English. Its govern-
ment is vested in a sovereign, who appoints a deputy.
Headfort the town is improving daily. Two miles beyond
Virginia is Zurgan church. Pop. 930. Fairs : Jan. 24,
March 6, May 11, July 9, Aug. 22, Sept. 23, Nov. 21, and
Dec 20.
BALLY JAMES DUFF is a neat village and post town
of Cavan, near which is a lough. Pop, 863. Fairs:
CAVAN, the county town of Cavan, is seated on the
river of the same name, and was formerly a borough re-
turning one member to the Irish Parliament. It is
governed by a sovereign, and deputy sovereign. It has a
large school of royal endowment, a modern church, a
Roman Catholic chapel and meeting house built by Lord
Farnham the proprietor of the town, a town hall, a hand-
some court house, a gaol, and barracks. Here also is the
county infirmary. The gardens fronting the principal inn
were designed and completed at the sole expense of the
late Countess of Farnham, and evince very great taste.
They are open to the public, except on Sunday; to the
inhabitants. they afford a delightful promenade.
Seat : Farnham, the residence of Lord Farnham, is a
noble mansion two miles from Cavan ; it is surrounded by
several lakes, the banks of which abound with romantic
Kilmore, two miles south-west of Cavan, is the seat of
the Bishop of Kilmore ; the cathedral is remarkable as the
smallest in Ireland. Near it is Lough Outer, on a small
island of which ore vestiges of an ancient castle, noted
as the prison of Bishop Bedell during the rebellion in
1641. The islands on this lake are covered with wood.
Pop. 2031. Market day.: Tuesday. Fairs : Feb. 1,
April 20, May 14, June 30, Aug. 14, Sept. 25, and Nov. 12.
Itm : the Farnham Arms.
BUTLER'S BRIDGE is a village of Cavan, on the
Ballyhays river. Pop. 211. Fairs: Monthly.
WATTLE BRIDGE is a village of Fermanagh, on the
bank of the Fin, near which, and opposite to the mansion
of Castle Saunderson, are some Druidical stones. A mile
beyond this village is the spire of St Mary's, and a short
distance farther are two loughs.
NEWTOWN BUTLER is a village of Fermanagh, in
which the church is conspicuous. It gives the title of
Baron to the Earl of Lanesborough.
Pop. 412. Fair*: Monthly.
LISNASKEA is a post town of Fermanagh, and is
much improved by Mr. Creighton, the proprietor.
Pop. 430. Fairs : Monday before Good Friday, Mon-
day after Ascension, and Oct 10.
MAGUIRE'S BRIDGE, a small market town in Fer-
managh, stands on a stream running into Lough Erne from
the north. In this lake, which is three miles distant, is
seen Belittle, a beautiful mansion built on a large island,
planted and embellished with great taste. From an
elevated temple there is a noble prospect of the charming
lake and its numerous islands. This town has a Pres-
byterian and a Methodist meeting house, besides a Roman
Catholic chapel. Four miles distant is the seat of Sir
Henry Brooke of Colebrooke.
Pop. 854. Market day : Wednesday, chiefly corn. Fairs :
First Wednesday of every month.
LISBELLAW, in Fermanagh, is a village seated upon
a stream flowing from the north-east into Lough Erne.
Castlecoole, the seat of the Earl of Belmore, considered the
finest house in the modern style in Ireland, is situated
between this and Enniskillen.
Pop. 242L Fairs : May 11, June 20, July 20, Aug. 18,
Oct 12, Nov. 10, sad Dec. 23.
ENNISKIXLEN, the county town of Fermanagh, is
pleasantly situated on the strait which connects the two divi-
sions of Iiough Erne, a. lake which has been called the Wi-
nandermere of Ireland. To the west of the town, Lough
Maenean is also seen in the distance. The Emaiskillen
dragoons were highly distinguished in the war of the
Revolution, and their reputation has been maintained in
recent times. The town was successfully maintained
against the besieging army of James II. One of the re-
doubts may still be seen. On the north and south sides
of Ennisl^len are. handsome bridges connecting the town
with the mainland at each end of the island, also the
barracks, castle, county infirmary, county gaol, and market
house, over which is a ball-room. The church is an
ancient building with a tower ; and near the town, situated
on Portora hill, is Eoniskillen school, a spacious building, ,
supported by a grant of King Charles I. of lands, amounting
to nearly 3000/. per annum. There are also a Roman
Catholic chapel, several meeting houses, and schools. This •
town returns a member to parliament The Earl of Ennis-
kulen's splendid 6eat, Florence Court, is noticed at No. 186.
Enniskillen is governed by a provost and burgesses; it
is rapidly improving, and its linen trade considerable ; no
lesa than three newspapers are published here.
Pop. 6056. Market day ; Thursday. Fairs : Oct. 26,
and 10th of each month. Inns: the White Hart Hotel,
and Bull's Hotel.
This is an excellent station for the admirer of delightful
scenery : by taking a boat here he may proceed on, either
lake to the most interesting spots amidst the placid stillness
of the waters. Devenish island and its antiquities may
A A 3
be surveyed ere the sun attain its meridian, when the em-
bowered ruins of castle Hume will afford a shady retreat.
The upper lake is more bold and effective ; but from its
eastern banks, the lower has peculiar charms, when sinking'
in the west, the sun imparts every warm tint to the glim-
mering sky, whilst the blue haze, congenial to the lake,
mistifies its fading shores. (See also Belturbet, No. 91.)
CHURCH HILL is a post town of Fermanagh. The
church has a good square steeple. On the shore of Lough
Erne, a mile from this place, are some castle ruins ; and
five miles distant is Castle Caldwell, a superb seat at the
foot of a large mountain in the Turaw range. Fronting
the castle is the promontory of Ross-a-Ooul, in a fine
cduntry almost surrounded by mountains ; the vicinity ie
richly wooded, and in the bays of the Lough are some fine
islands. The octagon temple is seen from the water, with
a great wood in the rear. A considerable butter market
is held here which begins on the first Wednesday in July,
and continues until Christmas.
Pop. 175. Market day : Wednesday. Fairs : May 14,
Aug. 30, and Nov. SO.
B&LLEEK is a small town of Fermanagh, finely
situated on the north of the great channel by which Lough
Erne discharges its waters into the bay of Donegal. Here
is a good bridge thrown across the river, which below
Belleek town makes a fall of twenty feet, forming a most en-
chanting prospect, enriched by trees and rocky precipices.
Just beyond this town we enter the county of Donegal
Pop. 260. Fairs : Feb. 3, May 17, June 19, Aug. 8,
and Oct 10.
BALLYSHANNON is a town of Donegal, situated on
the river flowing out of Lough Erne, and built on
heights both on the north and south side of the water.
Its bridge of fourteen arches is magnificent, and the
Bcenery of the vicinity is extremely picturesque. The
ruined castle of the great O'Donnel is seen here. The
famous salmon-leap of Ballyshannon is a fell of a wide
body of water, twelve feet only in height, but very beauti-
ful; large quantities of fish are caught, and the salmon
fishery is farmed of the proprietor; the curing-house is
seen on a rock in the centre of the stream. The views of
the sea beheld in perspective between the hills and rocky
banks of the river are grand, and the harbour below the
town is good. Ballyshannon has handsome barracks, a
market house, a neat church, a Roman Catholic chapel,
and a dispensary. There is a large distillery in the town.
It returned members to the Irish Parliament as an ancient
borough. Ashroe Abbey, half a mile distant, is a fine ruin,
with some remains of its cloisters.
Pop, 3775. Market day: Friday. Fairs: Monthly.
Inns : Cassidy*s, Boyle's, and Brown's.
BALLINTRA is a small town of Donegal. Beyond it
is Dromehome Church; and a mile from Ballintra is Brown
Hall, with a truly-romantic demesne, in which a rapid
torrent forces its obscure course through the earth with
the hollow sound of subterraneous cascades.
Pop. 439. Fairs: Feb. 1, March 25, May 20, July 31,
Oct 31, and Nov. 24.
DONEGAL, a post town of Donegal, was an Irish
borough, but lost its elective franchise at the Union, and
consequently something of its importance. The romantic
scenery of its environs is, however, unimpaired. It lies
in a hollow, among lofty hills, with lakes and fine old trees
to enrich the scene. The old castle, once the O'Donnels',
but now the property of the Earl of Arran, and the
bridge across the stream flowing out of Lottgh Esk, are
worthy of notice. The market house is a good building t
the church is erected on the site of the old abbey, and there
is a Roman Catholic chapel, about a mile from the town.
The river Eak issues from a lake about three mile* in
length and one in breadth, hemmed in by Ross mountain,
and other steep ridges ; it then takes its rapid course
through a ravine between the high slopes of Barnmoo*
and a heathy precipice on the opposite bank. Char are
caught in the Lough and river. To the north are Loughs ;
Eask and Mourne, and to the south-east the celebrated but
dreary Lough Derg, with its island covered -with the ruins of
chapels, and its purgatory, said to have been founded by
St. Patrick ; it is a narrow cave, 16 feet in- length, by two
in width, and so low that a tall man could not walk upright
in it. This cave was shut up in 1630) but in the reign
of James II. the spot was again resorted to, and a. new.
one was excavated, which however was also closed in 1760,
by order of the prior. The building now erected is the
prison or chapel, used by the penitents. The station
begins on the 1st of June, and continues till the 15th of
August, and it is calculated that nearly 20,000 pilgrims
visit this spot annually. The bay affords some exceedingly
beautiful views, and is a good fishing station. Adjoining,
Donegal, are the ruins of a Franciscan abbey, founded
in 1474, and at a short distance is a noted Spa, said to
resemble that of Harrowgate.
Pop. 830. Market day : Saturday. Fairs : Last Wed-
nesday in Jan. and Feb., March 17, April 9, May 5 and 29,
July 9, Sept. 4 and 30, Oct 28, Nov. 25 and 28, and last
Wednesday in Dec. Inn : Dillon's.
MOUNT CHARLES is a pleasant village in Donegal,
on the river Inver. Here is a fine seat of the Marquess
of Conyngham. Pop. 508.
INVER, on the river of this name, has a modern
church and the ruins of an old abbey.
KILLYBEGS is a post town of Donegal, with an
excellent harbour, which is principally advantageous for
the fishery, as great shoals of herrings visit the coast
There is a church and a school house. A Franciscan
house, founded by M 'Sweeney ; an ancient castle ; and the
beauty of the coast, are the objects of greatest interest
Pop. 724. Fairs: Jan. 15, Easter Monday, June 26,
Aug. 12, and Nov. 12.
ARD ARA is a village and post town of Donegal, at the
head of a Bay. It has a good church. Pop. 456*
NARIN is a village, built on a promontory of the Done-
gal coast Off this shore is seen the Island of Enniskill,
on which is an ancient chapel in ruins, and a holy well.
Its founder, St Conal, was slain here in 590. Here a
road traverses Donegal to the right by Fintown to
Lifford, whilst the coast route to Gortahurk continues to
present every variety of bay, green mountain, and rugged
DUNGLO is a sequestered fishing village, situated in
the Rosses, at the head of a creek, and chiefly known as
the market for the supply of the town and Island of Rut-
land, which being one of the north isles of Arran, is seen
from this haven. The only buildings are a church, mill,
and some convenient dwellings. The Island of Rutland
which gives the name to a post town, is three miles from
Dunglo. On this island were formerly many considerable
works, but they are now almost covered with sand, and
the post office is removed to the main land ; the attempt
to improve the fishery under Parliamentary support having
GORTAHURK is a village of Donegal, at the head of
a bay. In the offing there is a good view of Magheralin
and Tory inlands ; there axe seven chapels, and the walla,
of an abbey on Tory Island, distant nine miles from the
coast Beyond Gortahurk is Cloghaneely church.
DUNFANAGHY is a village of Donegal, seated on a
cove of an extensive harbour called Sheephaven, and at a
short distance from North Cape. Near it is Horn Head,
where there is a natural perforation in the roof of a cava
of the dins, which are sixty-two feet high. This funnel is
called M'Swein's Gun, and the surge of the Atlantic ocean,
when impelled in boisterous weather into this cavern,
with a roar heard at a great distance, issues forth at the
summit of the cliffy and often exhibits a curious water-
spout of some elevation. The castle of M'Sweeny ia
repaired and inhabited*
Pep. 464. Fairs : Thursday after Whit-Sunday, Aug. 5,
Oct 2, and Nov. 17.
No. 81, From Dublin to DUNFANAGHY. Through
DaooHEDA, Monaghan, and Raphoe.
Dublin Castle to Miles. Dublin Castle U> UXUs.
Drogheda* atfctNo.l S3* Letterkenny 113*
Cwtl*B]ajiMr*,aftatKo.7. *U KUmaciwnaii 118*-
Liffoid* watNo.143 102* Glen 194*
Raphoe 107 Dun|aiu«hj» 138*
RAPHOE is a small and neat post town in Donegal;
until lately it was a bishop's see, founded in the sixth cen-
tury ; but, by the late Act reducing the number of prelates
in the Protestant church, it is merged in Deny diocese.
The cathedral is used as the parish church, and the episco-
pal residence, formerly a castle, which was besieged in the
great rebellion of 1641, is now a beautiful mansion. An
ancient abbey was founded here by St Golumb, and a round
tower once stood upon the hill. The principal buildings
are the market house, and a royal school, founded by King
Charles I., which has an extensive library attached to it ;
and there is an asylum, or widow's house, endowed by
Bishop Foster, a meeting house, and a dispensary. Pop.
1408. Market Day ; Saturday. Fairs : May 1, June 22,
Aug. 27, and Nov. 4.
LETTERKENNY is a market and post town of Done-
gal, on the Swilly, which falls into the south end of Lough
Swilly. The vicinity is picturesque, and there are moun-
tains between this place and the north-west coast of the
county. Letterkenny possesses a market house, a church,
a Roman Catholic chapel, several meeting houses, and a
dispensary. The town is the property of Lord Southwell,
and has a good trade in corn, linen, and yarn. Pop. 2168.
Market-day : Friday. Pairs : May 12, July 10, Aug. 14,
and Nov. 8.
KILMACRENAN is a post town of Donegal. The
parish church is a portion of the abbey founded here by
St Column. A stream passing this place joins Lough
Swilly at Rathmelton. In the direction of Glen Inn is
Lough Salt, singularly situated on the summit of a moun-
tain, and surrounded with crags and rocks,
GLEN, a post town, near the head of Sheep Haven, in
Donegal. Two miles beyond the village are the ruins of a
strong castle, and three miles farther is BaUymore church,
«nd an old castle, near a mountain, about two miles from
No. 82. From Dublin to DUNGANNON. Through
Dundalk, Market Hill, and Charlemont.
Dublin CatUe to Miles. Dublin Castle to Mites'.
Dundalk* as at No. 1. • •• 40| Charlemont* 68*
Armagh *, as at No. 6 62i Dungannon* 78|
Blackwater Town * 66*
No. 83. From Dublin to DUNGARVAN. First
Road. Through Carlow, Gowran, and Carrick-
Dublin Cattle to MUa. Dublin Castle to MUa.
Leighlin Bridge*, as at Kilmaganny 06&
No. 27 45 Carrick-on-Suir 74*
Gowran* 62 Kilmacthomas 82*
Knocktopher 61 1 Dungarvan 96
Newmarket 63}
Bennet's Bridge, a village in Kilkenny, is five miles
beyond Gowran, and is famed as the place where, in 1704,
a great review was held by the Duke of Ormond, at which
there was such a concourse of people, that numerous tents
were erected in the fields for the gentry who flocked thither.
Ballinabola Castle is seen in ruins two miles before Bennet's
Bridge. Beyond Bennet's Bridge are Anamult Castle and
Ennisnag Castle, also in ruins. Pop. 426.
KNOCKTOPHER, a post town in Kilkenny, was a
borough until the Union. It is pleasantly situated on a
stream which flows into the Nore, and possesses some
remains of an abbey founded in 1356. Pop. 475. Fair,
on Whit-Monday.
Seat: Mount Juliet, earl of Carrick. This splendid
mansion is surrounded by a beautiful park, with extensive
groves on the banks of the Nore river ; on a green hill are
seen some artificial ruins ; and across the river is an old
castle, also in ruins.
NEWMARKET, in Kilkenny. A mile beyond this
thriving village is Castle Morres, the demesne of the Mount-
inorres family ; the grounds attached to this fine seat are
well planted, and extensive. The house was built from
designs by Mr. Bindon. At Aghavillar, in the vicinity,
are the remains of a castle and an abt>ey. The latter con-
tains the vault of the Mountmorres family. Pop. 110.
K ILMAGANN Y is a village in. Kilkenny. Near it are
the ruins of Cluan Castle. Pop. 514. Fairs : Easter Tues-
day, and Sept 4.
CARRICK-ON-SUIR is a market and post town of
Tipperary ; but a portion of it is beyond the river, in the
county of Waterford. Large sloops ascend the Suir to
Carrick. Anciently there were town-walls to Carrick ; the
old castle, erected on the site of a priory of St John the
Evangelist, belonged to the Ormond family ; it is inhabited
.by the sovereign of this town. The barracks are for two
troops of cavalry. There is a considerable corn and butter
trade. Some manufactories of coarse cloth, breweries and
tanneries : it is rather a wealthy place, but for the last few
years somewhat on the decline. There is a good market
house, a handsome church, a Roman Catholic chapel, a
nunnery, and a bridewell. In the church is a fine monu-
ment of the earl of Tyrone. The environs abound with
villas, mansions, and ornamental parks, and the ground is
well cultivated ; the scenery is also romantic, and above
the other lofty eminences is seen the towering summit of
Slievnemon Mountain. The conventual Franciscan chapel,
having a fine tower, is situated in Carrick-beg, (or Little
Carrick), in the adjoining county; the bridge is ancient
Pop. 9620. Market day*: Wednesday and Saturday.
fairs: last Thursday in January, February, March, April,
July, September, November, December, Whit-Tuesday,
and Aug. If.
Seats : Bessborough, die mansion of the earl of Bessbo-
rough, is three miles and a half distant, and is surrounded
by a park of 500 acres. The house was erected in 1743,
from designs by Mr. Bindon, and contains a fine collection
of pictures. The hall ia adorned with four fine columns of
Kilkenny marble. His lordship has here set an example
by building a number of pretty cottages for the peasantry,
adorned with shrubs and flowers. Belline, one mile
from Bessborough, was the seat of the late Mr. Walsh,
a liberal patron of the arts. Three miles from Carrick-on-
Suir is the neat village and post town of Pilltown in Kil-
kenny, belonging to the Ponsonby family : it has a good
market house, and behind it is a commodious quay and
dock-yard, to which the navigation of the Pill extends,
and from which the village takes its name. A bridge has
been built over a small stream, which flows into the Pill,
for the purpose of avoiding a hill on the Waterford road,
which now runs on by the right-hand corner of the hotel.
There is a church, a Roman Catholic chapel, and school
houses, and an excellent museum, founded by Mr. Anthony,
the spirited proprietor of the hotel.
KILMACTHOMAS, a post town in Waterford, is a
village on the Maghan river. It has barracks, and an
ancient castle, which belonged to the Power family, and a
few miles beyond it are the ruins of Fat Cattle and Bally -
cherogue Castle. Three miles from Kilmacthomas, a small
coHege has been erected by Philip F. Barron, Esq., of
Waterford, for the cultivation of the Irish language, and
the ancient history of Ireland. This college is situated in
a glen near the sea Bide, and is a neat Gothic building.
There are also valuable copper mines, about four miles
from the town. Pop. 982. Fairs: May 12, Aug. 12, and
Dec. 6.
DUNGARVAN, a post town in Waterford, is an ancient,
and now a populous seaport, situated on Dungarvan Bay.
The banks lying near this coast have always afforded faci-
lities to the extensive fishery carried on by the townspeople.
Dungarvan has a church, a Roman Catholic chapel, session*
house and market house. The town is situated uponthe beach,
and from the mountain above it appears as if it stood in
the water; it is much resorted to for sea-bathing; the
mountains extend to the verge of the county, near Youghali
Bay. The corporation, governed by a sovereign, had some
extensive privileges granted to it by James I. The remains
of its extensive castle are converted into a barrack : here
also are to be seen the ruins of several monasteries. Across
the river is the ruined Augustine Friary, founded in 1295 ;
its steeple is sixty feet in height; near the altar is seen the
curious monument of Donald Magrath, buried in 1400, and
the Gothic arch, which supports the tower, is worthy of
notice. Dungarvan is a borough town, returning a mem-
ber to parliament The bridge has been completed, but a,
former expensive attempt, by the late Duke of Devonshire,
to rebuild it, was frustrated, by the abutments and founda-
tions failing. Pop. 6527. Market-days; Wednesday and
Saturday. Fairs: Feb. 7, June 22, Aug. 27, and Nov. 8.
Inn : the Devonshire Arms.
No. 84. From Dublin to DUNGARVAN. Second
Road. Through Carlow and Waterford.
Dublin Castle to Mile*. Dublin Cattle to Miles.
Leigfalin Bridge*, as at Mullinavat 68
No.27 45 Waterford 74*
Oowmn 62 Kilmacthomaa* 86
Thonuwtown 68| Dnngarran* 981
GOWRAN, a post town in Kilkenny, situated on a
river which joins the Barrow, is a borough, which formerly
returned members. In the burial-ground of the church,
which is in ruins, the officers of the castle, who were
shot by order of Cromwell, for their brave defence, were
interred. There are several ancient ruins near it
Pop. 1009. Fairs: March 8, May 9, Aug. 10, Oct 6,
and Dec. 8.
Seat: Gowran Castle, Viscount Clifden, a handsome
modern mansion, from designs by Mr. Robinson.
THOMASTOWN is a small market and post town of
Kilkenny, seated on the river Nore, over which is a hand-
some bridge : it was a borough until the Union. In the
ruined abbey there is a large tomb, said to be that of an
Irish king; it is traditionally called the Giant's tomb : a fine
tower of this abbey remains at one angle, and there are
some beautiful arches ; the church is a portion of this
ancient building, kept in repair. The castle built here in
1180, belonged to Thomas Fitz Anthony, a baron of
Henry II., and from him the town takes its name. Thomas-
town possesses a Roman Catholic chapel, the altar of which
was brought from Jerpoint Abbey ; a court house and gaol,
and a free school, erected in 1824, by the Earl of Carrick.
Pop. 2871. Market days: Monday and Friday. Fairs:
March 17, May 25, June 29, and Sept 15.
Seats: Mount Juliet, the Earl of Carrick ; and Kilfane ,
Mr. Power ; both remarkable for the luxuriance of the
evergreens which adorn the parks. At Kilfane are some
very fine paintings.
At Jerpoint, not quite one mile and a half beyond Tho-
mastown, are the ruins of the magnificent abbey founded
by O'Donoghue, King of Ossory, in 1180. From Jerpoint.
it is eight miles, by the direct road, to Mullinavat ; but.
there is a road to the right hand, a mile farther, proceeding
from Jerpoint, through Ballyhale, to Mullinavat and
MULLINAVAT. Half way to this village is the large
ruin of Bungan Castle, and within two miles the ruins of
another castle.
WATERFORD is a city and large seaport, and is the
capital of the county of Waterford. It is situated on the.
south bank of the Suir, about four miles from its junction
with the Barrow, and carries on a very extensive trade,
particularly with Newfoundland, in the export of pork,
bacon, butter, lard, corn, and flour. It is also noted for
its manufacture of glass ; and has breweries, foundries, and
salt-houses. The harbour is about eight miles long, and
is about seven fathoms deep, and vessels of 800 tons may
come up close to the quay. The entrance to the port is
commanded by Duncannon Fort, situated towards the sea,
about seven miles from the city, on the opposite shove of
the harbour, and below the junction of the Barrow with the
Suir, which river is, at full tide, nearly a quarter of a mile
wide; its banks are beautified by villas and plantations, and
Christendom church and the fine trees about it are reflected
in its waters.
The streets are in general narrow, but the quay is
spacious, and is nearly a mile long; at its extremity is
Reginald's Tower, supposed to have been erected by a
BB 3
Danish prince of that name in 1003; converted into a
dungeon by Earl Strongbow in 1171; was the seat of a
mint established by Edward IV. in 1463, and was bom-
barded in 1643 by Cromwell, one of whose balls, it is said,
is still visible near its summit. The form of this tower is
circular : it constituted the east abutment of the city walls :
it is now a polioe station.
The principal public edifices are the Bishop's Palace,
built of stone, the Exchange, the Town Hall, the County
and City Prisons, and Court Houses, the Custom House,
and the Bridge, 832 feet long, and forty wide, built
of American oak, by Mr. Samuel Cox, architect, of Boston,
in America. It crosses the river Suir, which divides
Waterford from Kilkenny. Waterford is an episcopal see,
to which that of Lismore has been united. The cathedral
was founded by the Ostmen, but the present edifice is
modern : it has a fine steeple, and the interior is hand-
somely fitted up. There are also three parish churches,
four Roman Catholic chapels, one of which, called the
Trinity, is handsome ; several meeting houses, and nume-
rous charitable institutions, including a fever hospital and
a house of industry, a dispensary, and a mendicant asylum.
Waterford formerly possessed several monastic buildings,
the principal of which were the Priory of St John, founded
in 1185, by King John, who had his residence in this city ;
St Saviour's Friary, founded in 1226, and the Augustine
Convent, of which the steeple remains, built by Hugh, Lord
Purcel. There is an existing monastery.
This city is governed by a mayor, recorder, and sheriffs,
and returns two members to parliament. The elections for
the county take place here. It was formerly strongly for-
tified, but fell before the arms of Cromwell, and was also
taken by William III. Waterford gives the title of Mar-
quess to the Beresford family : Clonegan Tower, erected in
Curraghmore park, to the memory of a brother of the late
lord, is 72 feet high.
Government steam mail packets start every morning at
five from Dunmore east for Mil ford Haven, performing
the passage in about twelve hours. The harbour at
Dunmore East, the packet station, is very extensive ; it is
enclosed by a pier about 1100 feet in length, stretching
into the Atlantic. At the extremity of the quay is a hand-
some light-house, the design of which is taken from the
pillars of the Temple of Paestum. There are also steamers
to Bristol and Liverpool twice a week, and to Cork and
Dublin. The exports have greatly increased.
Pop. 28,821. Market days : Wednesday and Saturday.
Fairs : May 4, June 24, and Oct. 25. Hotels : Commin's ;
the Commercial ; the Bridge ; the Chamber of Commerce ;
and the Packet
Seats : Curraghmore, Marquess of Waterford : this mag-
nificent demesne is extremely picturesque, and commands a
noble prospect of the Suir : it consists of 4500 acres, and
has much fine timber. Strangers wishing to visit the grounds
of Curraghmore, should not fail to procure an order for ad-
mission from the agent of the Marquess at Waterford. His
Lordship has caused designs to be prepared by F. Goodwin,
for a splendid crescent, and other buildings. The village
of Mayfield is situated three miles from Waterford, where
also is the extensive cotton factory of Messrs. Malcolmson,
which employs upwards of a thousand persons.
New Geneva, Dunmore, the Hook Tower, on the Wexford
point of the entrance to the harbour, and the sea-bathing
town of Tramore, a post town, in the county of Waterford,
are the usual excursions from Waterford, Tramore is a
pleasant village, having assembly rooms, a market house,
a church, a Roman Catholic chapel, and convenient inns.
It is seated on Tramore Bay, six miles from Water-
ford. Grandison Castle, on the banks of the Suir, near
Waterford, is a fine and picturesque ruin ; and the vale of
Carnock is considered by some superior to any in Wales.
Pop. 2224. Fairs are held at Tramore on May 3, July
25, Oct 1, and Nov. 1.
No. 85. From Dublin to DUNGARVAN. Third
Road. Through Carlow and Clonmel.
Dublin Castle to Mil*. Dublin Cattle to Miiet,
Ckromel*, a* at No. 27 81) Dongai-ran* 100
No. 86. From Dublin to DUNGLO. Through Stra-
bane, Castle Fin, and Fin Town.
Dublin Castle to Miles. Dublin Castle to Miles.
Drogheda* as at No. 1 23* Stranorlar 112*
Castleblayney* a» at No. 7- • 61} Ballybofey 113*
Strabane*, as at No. 143 • • • • 101ft Cloghan 118 J
Liffoid* 102ft FlnTown 125|
Castledn -•••• 107 Shallagan Bridge* 130ft
KillygoTdon « 110 Dabglo* 138ft
CASTLEFIN is a village and post town of Donegal, on
the north bank of the River Fin.
KILLYGORDON is in Donegal. A ruined castle is
seen at the foot of a mountain, one mile and a quarter be-
yond this village.
Fairs: March 3, May 31, Aug. 31, Sept. 29, Noy. 10,
and Dec. 1.
No. 87. DUBLIN TO BNN1S. 285
STRANORLAR is a pleasant market and post town of
Donegal, on the north bank of the Fin. This fine stream
runs parallel with the great road which traverses the centre
of Donegal longitudinally from the lake near Fintown, as
far as Lifford. It has a church, a Roman Catholic chapel,
two meeting houses, a dispensary, and a school, and pos-
sesses a good linen trade. At Stranorlar the road crosses
the river to Ballybofey on the opposite side.
Pop. 641. Market day: Saturday. Fairs: March 2jj,
June 11, July 6, Aug. 12, Oct. 10, and Dec. 9. Inn : Greer's.
BALLYBOFEY is a neat market town of Donegal, on
the south bank of the Fin. Contiguous to the town are
extensive bleach-works, and on the opposite side of the
river is Drumbo Castle, a handsome modern mansion, be-
longing to Sir S. Hayes. At a short distance also across
the river is Wells Town.
Pop. 874. Market day : Thursday. Fairs : on the last
Thursday in January, February, and July ; Thursday be-
fore Easter, May 21, and Dec. 21. Inn : Taylor's.
CLOG HAN, a village and church, in the county of
FIN TOWN is a village of Donegal, situated near the
egress of the river from Lough Fin. This lake is two miles
in length ; and a mile from Fin Town is another small lake.
Fairs: May 16, July 3, Sept. 3, and Nov. 3.
No. 87. From Dublin to ENNIS. Fikst Road,
Through Limerick.
Dublin CasUe to Miles. Dublin Castle to Miles.
Limerick*, as at No. 3 94 Clare 1124
Six-Mile Bridge 102} Ennis 1144
Ardaallas • 106}
Meelick Abbey, in Clare, is three miles and a quarter from
Limerick. Bunratty CasHe is seen on the Shannon side ;
286 No. 87. DUBLIN TO ENNIS.
it was built in 1277, and belonged to the Earl of Thomand.
tt was burnt in 1314, but is now restored and occupied bj
Mr. Studdart.
Pop. 1491. Fairs: May 6, June 19, and Dec* 5.
SIX-MILE BRIDGE, in Clare, is a post town, on the
small river Gearn, from which a road on the left-hand pro-
ceeds through the village of Newmarket to Glare and Bonis,
being three miles shorter than the old road through
AUDSALLAS, in Clare, is a neat village, with a castle
in ruins. A mile from it are the elegant Gothic ruins of
Quin Abbey, with handsome cloisters.
Seat : Dromoland, Sir Edward O'Brien's, is situated close
to the river Fergus : this fine mansion has very beautiful
woods and a charming lake appertaining to it ; as well as
a ruined castle, at the foot of a high hill. The Fergus is
very broad at its junction with the Shannon.
Fairs : May 12, and August 12.
CLARE, giving name to the county, is a picturesque
village, on the Fergus. On an island of this river is Clare
Castle, used for a barrack. A mile farther is the venerable
ruin of Clare Abbey, founded in 1195, by Donald O' Brien,
King of Limerick.
Pop. 1021. Fairs: Saturday before Whit-Sunday, Aug.
17, Nov. 11.
ENNIS, a post town, the capital of Clare, is situated on
the Fergus. The church is a handsome modern structure,
with a fine steeple, and close to it is the celebrated Francis-
can Abbey, founded by O'Brien, Prince of Thomond, in
1250, and considered the most elegant Gothic monastery in
Ireland ; the windows are lofty, and are adorned with rich
tracery. The other public buildings are the market house,
town hall, court house : the Roman Catholic chapel, and
No. 88. DUBLIN TO ENNIS. 287
roethodist meeting house : the school on Erasmus Smith's
foundation, the county gaol, the county infirmary, and the
lunatic asylum. There is a considerable trade in corn, and
the town has also a large flour mill and brewery, and exten-
sive sales are made of linen and flannel, manufactured in
the county. The town is governed by a provost, and
returns one member to parliament
At Callen Mountain, eight miles west of Ennis, may be
seen the Oglamh or Druidical inscription : " Beneath this
flag is interred Conan the turbulent and swift-footed," disco-
vered in 1784, on a stone nearly eight feet long, by four
broad, covering a tumulus. His death and burial are
recorded by Ossian.
The county of Clare was the ancient Thomond ; it is in
the province of Munster, but once formed a part of Con-
naught. Burr en, a post town, a barony in the north of the
county, is exceedingly rocky.
Pop. 7711. Market day: Saturday. Fairs: Saturday
after Easter week, and Sept. 8. Inns: Stammer's and
No. 88. From Dublin to ENNIS. Second Road.
Through Shannon Bridge, Ballinaslob, and
Dublin Castle to Miles. Dublin Casts to *«*•
Kilbeggan*, as at No. 96-.- • 44* Aughrim 7&
Ltaminy 46J Loughrea* $0
Clara 48* Kilchreest 89
Ballycamber oik Gort B9
Ferbane 57 Tabberindonny 102*
Shannon Bridge 65 Crusheen 105)
Balliaatloe*. 7U Ennis* 112*
L1SMINY is a village of King's County. On the road
from Kilbeggan may be seen the ruin of Moycashitl Castle,
and the River Brosna.
288 No. 88. bUBLIN TO ENNIS.
CLARA, in King's County, is a beautiful town by the
Brosna, the banks of which are adorned by bleaching-
greens. The chief objects in and near Clara are its church
and the ancient castles of Erry and Kilcoursey, the latter
being the name of the barony. In 1821, occurred in the
vicinity of Clara, one of those extraordinary, phenomena
termed moving bogs. The bog of KiimaXeady flowed in
an uninterrupted course for three miles.
Pop. 1149. Fairs: Feb. 1, May 12, July 25, and
Nov. 1.
BALLYCUMBER is a village in King's County, on
the river Brosna. It has a church, and in the vicinity
are several castellated ruins.
Fairs : May 2, and Dec. 1.
FERBANE is a post and fair town of King's County,
pleasantly situated on the Brosna, and much celebrated
for its antiquities. Cool Castle is seen near the Brosna
River, on the road from Ballycumber; adjacent to Fer-
bane also is the ruined castle of Killcolgan. The eccle-
siastical remains at Clunmacnoise, and near Ferbane,
have long engaged the attention of antiquaries. The
cemetery, with the ruins of seven churches, is much
famed as a holy place of sepulture, and contains tombs of
many princes and chiefs, the ancient inscriptions of which
are remarkable. The Abbey, built by St Kieran, is a
ruin on an eminence, commanding a grand and delightful
prospect of the Shannon ; this was in early ages the site
of a. bishop's see, which now forms a part of the bishopric
of Meath. The church of Feanpull Mac Dermot con-
tains some remains of elegant architecture; its carved
doors and statues, and its highly sculptured cross, in one
block of stone fifteen feet in height, together with nume-
rous monastic vestiges, deserve attention. There are
several other ancient crosses : the shaft of the cross, in
No. 88. DUBLIN TO ENNIS. 289
two instances; is fixed in a square die of massive stone.
Of the round towers near Ferbane and Clonmacnoise, the
principal one is dilapidated ; it has its entrance twelve feet
from the ground : the other round tower is small, but in
•good* preservation.
- Seats : Gallen, the fine demesne of A. Armstrong, Esq. j
Kincor; Balylin ; Strawberry Hill, three miles distant,
formerly the residence of Mr. Coghlan.
Pop. 501. Fairs : Aug. 2, and Oct 20.
SHANNON BRIDGE. Here King's County termi-
nates, and is bounded by Galway and Roscommon. Near
this place the river Suck falls into the Shannon.
• AUGHRTM is a post town in the county of Galway,
having a church and steeple, which are conspicuous on
■all' sides from their fine situation. The priory of Aughrim,
•for canons regular, was founded here in the thirteenth
century, and was granted to Richard, Earl of Clanricarde.
The battle of Aughrim, fought on the 12th of July, 1691,
between General . Ginkell (afterwards created Earl of
Athlone) and the Irish army, commanded by St Ruth,
4i French. general, who was slain in the action, decided
the contest, which had been prolonged with much spirit by
the Irish after the flight of James II. from the Boyne.
'The Irish army occupied a position upon Kilcommodon
Pop. 587. Fain: May 9, June 21, Oct 14, Nov. 22,
and Dec. 1. - .
KILCHREE$T, in Galway, has a church. Near it are
two old castles, one of which is two miles and a half distant
'at KiUinan Church,
Fain : Monday before Shrove Tuesday, May .1, June 24,
and Oct 29.
c c
200 No. 89. DUBLIN TO ENN1S.
GORT, inGalway, is a tfcwfving post town, the property
of Visootmt Gort About two miles distant) attached t»
the rained cathedral, which once was beautiful, is the
jibbey of KiimocdmogK The see of Kilmacduagh is united
with Clonfert The round tower, close to the cathedral,
is 112 feet nigh, and 67 in circumference; it is above
17 feet out of the perpendicular; and,, as a leaning towest,
excites much observation. The Holy-well is surrounded
by an inclosure. Gort also possesses a neat church, with
a steeple, a Roman Catholic chapel, a court-house, and
barracks. Three miles south-west is Lake Contra, one.ef
most beautiful lakes in Ireland.
The riveHsort is subterraneous, and there are several
deep perforations of the earth filled by this stream r in
one of which the water is above 60 feet in depth, and haw
no outlet: the hollow, called the Churn, is also remark-
able. Near it is Lough. Cooter Castle, the magnificent
residence of Viscount Gort
Pop, 3627* Market Day: Saturday. Mrs? May U>,
Aug; 11, and Nov. 7.
TUBBERINDONNY, a village in Galway. Near is
are several ancient castles.
Fairs : July 12, and Sept 90.
CRUSHEEN, in Glare, has a lake, with a ruined castle
at the extremity of the peninsula.
No. 89. From Dublin to ENNIS. Third Road.
Through Philipstown, Tullamoore, and Banagher.
Dublin Castle to Miles. Dublin Cattle to Miles.
Philipstown*, aa at No. 108- • 384 Pallas Inn* 51
Ballintgar* 41 Frank**** 55$
TaUamoore* 46 Cloghan* «t
JMafoCKilfeftt MUe$. iftittfe OMMe* Jftfaf.
66* Oort» 100
EyreCourt* 7H Tubberindonny * 104*
Kilmure Bridge * T%\ Gnuheen *....«. .' M7I
Longhrea* 88 EkaM •. Mis
Kalohreetf' 91
No. 90. From Dublin to ENNISKILLEN. Mail*
Coach Road. Through Navan, Cavan, and J40-
Dublin to Knnfolrillen*, as at No. 80
No. 91. From Dublin to ENNIg£ILLEN. Second
Road. Through Nay an, Cavan, and Belturbet.
DubHnOasOeta Jflfer. Dublin Castle to MUet.
CaTan*,MatNo.80.— > 64 Callahill* 6f|
Butler's Bridge* ™w... 67 EnnUkiUen* , 80
Belturbet **~ 61*
BEgSKHlBET, a post town in Cavan, is an ancient
jMjpagh, disfranchised at the Union, and is governed by a
provost. It is seated on the Erne River, not far from its
influx into the upper lake ; and is an excellent situation
for the traveller who wishes to visit the shores of Lough
Erne, as both roads are at his choice. The church, having
a tower with a spire, the barracks, and the town hall, are
the modern edifices. There is also a Roman Catholic chapel
a mile from the town, and a Methodist meeting-house, a
flower-mill, a brewery, and a dispensary. There are ruins
of the castle beyond Belturbet bridge, andof a fortification
beyond the church ; also an abbey on the bank of the river
Erne, in the vicinity of the Lough. Great quantities of
linen are made in the neighbourhood of Belturbet. The
town is the property of the Earl of Lanesborough.
Pop. 2026. Market Day : Thursday. Fairs: Ash
Wednesday, May 21, Whit Tuesday, June 12, July 21,
Sept 4. and Thursday after Nov. 12.
Laugh Erne is a grand expanse of fresh water, divided
into two parts, one forming a triangle fourteen miles by
nine, the other being1 Wn miles by six ; they are united by
a crooked channel six miles long. Hundreds 6f islands,
from a few yards in. extent, to several miles of surface,
luxuriate in its waters, and hills that spring from the very
bosom of the lake, rise on all sides, studded with gentle-
men's residences, amidst rich plantations. Its effect is calm,
cheerful? delicious : the epithet of Ireland's Windermere is
not beyond its deserts. Its outlet is by a rapid stream,
which at Ballyshannon tumbles over a ridge of rock into
the sea. It possesses some extremely pretty islets at the
southern extremity, and on every side receives rapid
streams ; some of which are rendered the more interesting
from having previously issued from Lough Machnean and
other charming lakes : this great supply accounts naturally
for the development of the lower lake, over a space of
above twelve miles in width, after the tide has swept along
in its narrow current past the town of Enniskillen. For
its outlet, see the article on Ballyshannon.
The celebrated islands of Lough Erne are well worthy
of notice. The mansion of Bellisle possesses a charming
island for a demesne ; and Castle Hume peers over its beau-
tiful wood, surrounding a deep bay of the lake. Many
islands, of either lake, exhibit very ancient monastic ruins.
At Ittnis/naclisent, in the centre of twenty islands of Lough;
feme, was an abbey, founded by "St. Ninian ; another m
CHnish Island; a third in Inniecawen; a fourth in Errois ;
a fifth in Innis Rock; but the chief foundation was in
Bevenish Island, near Enntskillen : this Augustine abbey
was originally erected in the sixth century ; but, in conse-
quence of destruction by fiTe, it was frequently re-built.
St. Moylaise's House is an antique and arched building ; and
his bed, so called, is also shown : adjoining, is Devenish
round tower, built of hewn masses of black rock ; it is 70
feet in height, and nearly 14 feet in diameter.
No. 92. From Dublin to ENNISKILLEN. Third
Road. Through Navan, Cavan, and Clones.
DubUnCasOeta Miles, DubhnCasOsto Miles.
Kells*, as at No. 80. 31} Drum - &W
Moynalty 35* Clones 61*
fcailieborough >•• 43 Borough 67$
Coronary * »• 47* EnnkkiUen* 79*
CooteHiU 52*
MOYNALTY, in Meath, is a village and post town,
with a church, situated near a stream of the same name.
Pop. 220.
BAILIEBOROUOH, is a town of Cavan, on a branch
of the river Blackw&ter. The dhurch commands a good
view. Here is a Roman Catholic chapel, and meeting-
houses, a sessions and market house, and a dispensary*
On the side of a lough, at a short distance, is Baillie-
borough Castle, and near it a chalybeate spring.
Top. 1085. Market-day: Monday. Fairs: Feb. 17,
May 17, June 15, August 17, Oct 14, and Nov. 17.
CORONERY, is a village of Cavan. On the road side
c c 3
from Baitieborough are seen several pretty lakes ; and
within a mile of Coronery, is Knockbride Bridge! its
church is seen near another lough.
COOTE-HILL is a market and post town of Cavan,
seated on a river of the same name : it possesses a con-
siderable linen manufacture, and has good breweries and
distilleries, and an excellent inn. It has a neat market-
house, a church, a Roman Catholic chapel, and several
meeting houses.
Pop. 2239. Market Day : Friday. Fairs: monthly.
Seats : BeUamount Forest, beautifully wooded, the de-
mesne of Charles Coote, Esq. ; Dawson's Grove, a pleasant
residence of Viscount Cremorne, surrounded by loughs ;
iu the grounds is a stately mausoleum.
DRUM is a village of Monaghan, one mile beyond the
confines of Cavan : here are two loughs. About three
miles beyond it is the church of Drumstoords. Fairs:
CLONES, anciently pronounced Cluaneois, is a market
and post town in Monaghan, possessing several interesting
antiquities. Amongst them are the high rath, with a table1
top ; a second larger rath, now depressed, and of little ele-
vation ; the ancient market cross ; the monuments in the
abbey cemetery; the round tower, with walls four feet
thick ; and the ruins of an Augustine abbey, once episco-
pal, which was founded by St. Tigernach, a victim of the
plague in 54-8. This abbey was rebuilt by the English in
1212, and donnish castle was then erected. Clones has a
handsome modern church, a Roman Catholic chapel,
meeting houses, and a dispensary. Near the town is a.
medicinal water, called the well of Granabuy, which cures
the jaundice. There is a considerable and increasing trade,
in corn.
/ty. 2381. Market-day: Thursday. . Fairs; last
Thursday of each month.
Seats: Lissnabruck is a mansion, near the lough side,
on the road to Drumswords church ; Knock ballymore,
Viscount Erne, is two miles from- Clones on the Donough
road. ■
Donough is a village of Fermanagh, on a stream flowing
into Lough Erne; here is a small lough, and a ruin of an
ancient church. Fairs : July 10, and Aug. 26.
No. 93. From Dublin to ENNISTIMON. First
Road. Through Limerick and Ennim.
Dublin Castle to Miles. Dublin Castle to Miles.
Limerick*, as at No. 3 94 Eniristimon 1274
Ennis* as at No. 87 114}
ENNISTIMON is a pleasant post town in Clare, situa-
ted on a river of the same name, at the bottom of a bay
on the western coast Close to it is a mansion of the
O'Brien family. Three miles distant is Moyvore Castle'}
near it also is IncJUquin Castle. Hag's Head Tromontory
forms a stupendous land-mark on the coast of Clare.
. Pop. 1430. Fairs : Mar. 25, May 15, July 2, Aug. 22
Sep. 29, Nov. 19, and Dec. 12.
No. 94 From Dublin to ENNIST1MON. Second
Road. Through Toomavara and Killaloe.
DtfMn Castle to Miles. Dublin Castle to Miles.
Toomarant* aaatNoa... 69* C&llaghan's Milk 96*
Nenagh 7« Tulla 108
Killaloe 86* Spancell Hill 107ft
Bridgetown 901 Knnw* Ill
BaUymalonj ffi* Ennktimon IB*
Broadford 9fi*
NENAGH is a market, post, and fair town of Tipperary,
situated on a stream, which falls into Lough Derg. The
castle, though in ruins, has still an appearance of strength,
and its round keep is of solid masonry. Here also are the
walls of the Franciscan monastery founded in the reign of
Henry III., and of the ancient hospital, dedicated to St.
John the Baptist.
Nenagh has a neat church and Roman Catholic chapel,
a court house, market house, barracks, and an endowed
school. Outside the town, on the Dublin road, is a spring,
over which is an inscription, commemorating the benevo-
lence of the English nation to the poor of Ireland, in
Knochalion Cattle is a fine old building, two miles distant
on the Toomavara road*
Ppp.8406. Market-day : Thursday. Fair* s April 24,
May 29, July 4, Sep. 4, Oct 10, and Nov. 1. Im: tat
King's Arms.
KILLALOE, a post town in Clare, is situated on the
west bank of the Shannon, over -which is a bridge of nine-
teen arches, forming an entrance to this ancient town. A
ledge of rocks below the bridge interrupts the navigation,
but there is a canal to facilitate the communication by
water between Limerick and Dublin. The vicinity is hilly,
and a part of the town is built -on an eminence, occupying
the western bank of this great river. The canal skirts the
demesne of the Lord Bishop of Killaloe, whose palace and
grounds are delightfully situated. The town has a fine
salmon fishery, and is the head quarters of the Inland
Steam Navigation Company, to whose enterprise the pros-
perity of the town is much indebted ; there is a regular
steam communication for goods and passengers up the
Shannon, through Lough Derg, to Portumna, Banagher,
and Athlone ; and by packet boat to Limerick, and from
thence by steam to the sea. Still further accommodation
js contemplated. . There are extensive slate quarries in
the neighbourhood, well worthy of a visit The antiquities
of Killaloe. deserve attention. It is a bishopric, to
which the see of Ardfert is an adjunct The cathe-
dral contaius many remarkable features of Gothic con-
struction. The tower, from the. centre of the cross, sur-
mounts transverse arches, a mode of building steeples well
known throughout this kingdom, and of much architectural
merit ; the cathedral is 200 feet in length, the great south
door is very richly carved in Gothic mouldings, and the
front is curious. Close to the cathedral is the Oratory of
St Molna, built by the Danes previous to the year 800 ; it
is of wood and stone. Another ancient edifice, of the same
origin, is situated in an island of the Shannon ; its roof is
formed of great slabs of stone which close at the ridge, and
the entrance, similar to that of a Grecian cell, is likewise
formed of solid squares.
Lough Derg, at the south-west extremity of which Killaloe
is situated, is highly interesting ; woody hills and ruined
castles skirt the Clare side of the lake, and on that of Tip-
perary extend fertile plains and rich meadows, besides the
298 No. 96. DUBLIN TO F£iaf0¥.
oak-coveted bright i£ Cattle Lough, that frowns oyer tfc#
■bnd at its fane. O'Brien's fort, situated at the entrance,
is a mount covered with trees. "On Holy Island, in Scariff
Bay, are the round tower, 70 feet in height, and seven
ancient chapels. The entrenchments of Brian Befesimhe
are to he seen at Oancora, where was a royal residence.
The ancient mausoleum of this "king is seen near the cathe-
dra], at Killaloe. Derry Cattle, the residence of Captain
Head, is a beautiful plaee, situated on the hank of die
Shannon, on the Tipperary side j the views of this beauti-
ful river, issuing from Lough Derg, are extremely inte-
Pop. 1411. Fairs: Easter-Tuesday, Whit-Tuesday,
Sep. 3, and Oct. 20.
in Clare.
TULLA, a post town in Chore. In the demesne of
Mtltannan there Is a subterranean river.
Pop. 874. Fain : May 13, Sep. 4, and Got. 1.
No. 95. From Dublin to FERMOY. First Road.
Through Kilkenny, Clqnmbl, and Cloghebn.
Dublin to Feraoy*, as at No. 27- •• 106
No. 96. From Dublin to FERMOY. Second J
Through Kilkenny, Clonkel, axk&jxi&musm
Dublin Cattle to Miles. IHiifiw f»Hfr U> MO*.
Cloamel*, asatNo. 27 2U Item* 10Q|
CappoQjua* -"-———. *7| Fennoy* 1I3J
No; 97. From Dublin to FETHARD. First Road.
Through Garlow and New Ross.
Dublin Cattle to Miles. Dublin Castle to MiUs.
Leighlin Bridge*, as at No. Bonis •••• Mfc
27 45 New Row m
BoyalOak -..» 47 Fethaid 81
fore's Bridge* Sl$ .
BORRIS is a poet town in Carlow, situated a little below
the junction of the river Nore with the Barrow*,
Pop. 671. Fairs : Jan. 1, Feb. 5, May 1, July 2, Aug. 15>
Oct 4, and Nov. 4.
St Mulliiuiy in Carlow, six miles beyond Bonis, is an
ancient hamlet, near the river Barrow, and is on the site of
an old church, founded in the seventh century by St Mid*
lins, bishop of Ferns ; a large cemetery surrounds the
ruins. A little beyond this plaee a ruined castle ia seen
across the Barrow, and we- enter the county of Wexford.
NEW ROSS, commonly called Ross, is a market and
post town, and sea-port, in the county of Wexford, situated
t>n the Barrow, about a mile from its junction with the
"Nore. Over the river is a wooden bridge, erected by Mr.
Samuel Cox, Architect, of Boston in America, and Vessels
of 400 tons can come up close to the quay. The Barrow is
navigable from Ross to Athy, where it meets the canal from
Dublin. There are extensive stores erected on both sides
of the river, which have the appearance of public builfls&gs.
Several roads meet at this town ; and the streets in general
are tolerably well built. The church contains the monu-
ment of Rose Macrae, adorned with a recumbent marble
figure ; it once formed the east end of a monastery of St.
Saviour^ founded by Sir John Devereux, for conventual
Franciscans. The site had previously been occupied by a
house of Crutched Friars, which was demolished, and its
inmates slaughtered by the people of Ross, in retaliation
for the murder of a citizen by one of the friars. There was
formerly, also, an Augustine Friary, founded in the time
of Edward III. Amongst the public buildings are a .hand-
some and commodious sessions house, a custom house,
a corn market, two Roman Catholic chapels, several
meeting houses, a nunnery, a fever hospital, Trinity hospi-
tal for old housekeepers, a lying-in hospital, barracks, an
endowed school, founded by Sir I. Ivory, in the reign of
Queen Anne, and two charity schools. Three of the ancient
town gates are still standing, and there is a curious
antique cross. The parish church of St. Mary is a hand?
wme edifice, erected in 1813, from designs by F, John?
*ton, Esq,
. New Ross is considered a staple port for wool and agrU
cultural produce. It returns one member to parliament,
and its corporation consists of a sovereign, bailiffs, and
burgesses, with a recorder and town clerk. The town was
once well fortified: in 1641, the Marquess of Ormond
.gained a victory here, over the Irish troops, under Preston ;
and in 1798 the insurgents received a signal defeat in their
attack upon this town, and lost 3000 men. Lord Mount?
joy was slain in this action.
Mountgarrett, a lofty hill overlooking New Ross, is sur-
mounted by the ruins of a castle, from which there is a fine
Pop. 5011. Market-days: Wednesday and Saturday.
Fairs: monthly. Inns: the New Ross Hotel, Cooper's
Arms, and the Bee-hive.
Whitechurch village and church is 4} miles beyond New
Ross. Beyond it is a ruined castle, and Dunroby Abbey
on a fine bay of the Barrow ; these monastic ruins are
grand and beautiful.
FETHARD is a well-built post town, on the south-east
coast of Wexford. It possesses the remains of three old
castles, one of which has been modernized ; the consoles
and embrasures of the large tower give additional interest
to its battlements. Here also are some Danish raths.
Proceeding a few miles across the neck of land, we arrive
at Duncannon Fort, whence James II. set sail for France
after his discomfiture. At the extreme point is the Hook
Lighthouse, at the entrance to Waterford harbour. In
this vicinity, also, is Loftus Hall, the seat of the Marquess
of Ely. In Bally teig Bay, at a distance, but exactly
opposite to Fethard, are small islands called the Saltees.
Pop. 320. Fairs: Jan. 80, April 30, July 8, and
Oct. 20.
' No. 98. From Dublin to FETHARD. Second Road.
Through Arklow, Kyle, and Wexford.
Dublin Castle to Miles. Dublin Castle to Miles.
Wexford*, as at No. 204. • • G6h donmines* • • • 81'
Baldwinrtown* 74 Tintern 844
Dunconnack* 76$ Fethard*- •• 874
• TINTERN is a village of Wexford, seated on an
expansive inlet of the sea, and celebrated for the ruins of
Tintern Abbey, erected by W. Mareschal, Earl of Pembroke,
m consequence of a vow which he made in anticipation of
shipwreck. The magnificence of this building reminds us
of its prototype, the beautiful abbey in Monmouthshire,
from which an abbot and monks were brought to this place
by the. founder. A portion of the ' abbey is occupied by the
Colclough family, and oontaina some curieus old portrait^
The parish church is adorned with several handsome monu-
ments. Fair*: March 24> May 12, and Oct. 2.
No. 99. From Dublin to FRANK FORD. Through
Naas, Kildare, and Mount Mei.i,i€*v
D*Hin Castle to JKfe*. DuftKnOortfeto jtf<fer.
Kildare', as at No. 3. .... 941 Mmnt MsttJclc 49
Monastereven* 30 Boeenallis 46
Lea 33i Clonaalie 49
Pottaxiingtoa* 36* Fzankford* 57*
LB A, in Queen's county, is noted for the remains of a
castle, which was famous in the wars of the thirteenth
century. This ancient fortress is situated on an eminence
by the side of the Barrow, which formerly filled the ditch
encompassing its walls. These were eight feet thick, and
enclosed a space sixty feet by forty-six. All the arches
seen in this, rain are semicircular. Near, the castle and. the
church is a noble ash tree.
MOUNT MELLICK is a well-built and agreeable
market and post town of Queen's county, seated on die
banks of the Owinass, flowing into the Barrow. It has a
email church, a commodious Roman Catholic chapel, some
meeting houses, a library, school houses, and breweries,
a dispensary, and savings' bank. It is chiefly inhabited by
Quakers, who support an excellent school here.
Pop. 4577. Market day: Saturday. Fairs; Feb. 2,
March 17* May 2 and 29, July 20, Aug. 26, Sept 29,
Nor. 1* and Bee. 11. Inns.: Mount AffelUck inn; Shan-
ROSENAI/LIS is a village of Queen's county,, near
which the Friends have atara§<gVMHHl In the vicinity
are quarries of soft stone.
Seat : Brittas, belonging to the Dunne family.
CLONASLIE is a village and post town of Queen's
county near which are some castellated ruins. The ruin
of Castle Cuffe is two miles distant ; and near it is the
glebe house of Anmghbraek.
Pop* 5 14. Fairs : May 3, and Nov. 6 5 'and Castle Cttfie
fair, Nov. 22.
No. 100. From Dublin to GALWAY. Through Mat*
nooth, Athlone, and Balunasloe.
Dritin Caste ta m**. Dublin Cattle & Whu
Lucaa ft Tyrellspasa .. 40
Leixlip 8 Kilbeggan * 44*
Ifraynooth Hi Moate 52
Kikock 14| Atblone * *9i
Ooncufry ••••• l«i Wttwlo* 711
New Inn 20 Kilconnel 78*
Clonard 20 New Inn 89
Kfcnegftd 29J Athenry 01*
FattofKilbride 33 Oranrno*© ..*..., 96
Bocbfert Bridge 37 Galway 102|
There are two roads to Lucan, first to Chapel Ixod 2| m.
from town, and through Pahnerstown, 3f ; or from Chapel
food, by Black Mitts, 4|, on the north side of the Liffey.
CHAPEL IZOD, in Dublin, is pleasantly situated on
the Liffey, and is noted for supplying the capital with
strawberries. It has a church and school, artillery barracks,
and an extensive mill for spinning flax. King William HI.
resided here for several days, in the mansion which
was afterwards occupied as a country-seat by the Viceroys
dffiili il i>ap. 1682.
304 No. 100. DUBLIN TO GALWAY.
LUCAN is a small post town in the county of Dublin,
situated on the banks of the .Liffey. It has several
manufactories, iron-works, calico-printing mills, &c. The
church, with a spire, is a handsome building. There is
also a Roman Catholic chapel, and a dispensary. The
vicinity is picturesque, and the hotel adjoining the chaly-
beate spa is much frequented. . The charming grounds of
Lucan House, the seat of Mr. Vesey, extend along the
river in the direction of Leixlip. At the iron-mill, near
the town, is a bridge across the Liffey.
Pop. 1229. Inns: The Spa House; and the Vesey Arms.
LEIXLIP is a market and post town in Kildare, one
mile beyond the* verge of the county of Dublin. This
romantic place is situated on the north bank of the Rye,
pear its confluence with the Liffey, and has 4 handsome
church and school. The groves and rocks of the glen are
the constant theme of admiration ; and on the Liffey is a
waterfall,, called, the Salmon Leap, which attracts numerous
visitors in summer. A mile from the town is the park and
mansion of Castletown, the seat of Colonel Conolly, M.P.,
one of the. most magnificent residences in this kingdom.
Half a mile from Leixlip the royal canal passes over the
Rye by means of a grand aqueduct, which' is raised 85 feet
above the torrent The ancient castle at the end of the
town is on an eminence, commanding fine views of the
river, the waterfall, &c. The woollen manufacture is
carried on here, and extensive flour mills have been
Pop. 1159. Market day: Saturday. Fairs; May 3,
July 11, and Oct 9. Inn: Collin's.
Beyond Leixlip, and about a mile from Maynooth, is
Carton, the splendid mansion of the Duke of Leinster. It
was built from designs by Cassels, and contains a good
collection of pictures. The dining-room is a superb apart-
ment, 52 feet by 24. In the park surrounding the house
ire two ornamental pillars.
MAYNOOTH, in Kildare, is a handsome post town.
The market house, the ancient castle of the Fitzgeralds,
and the Protestant charter school, founded in 1750 by the
Earl of Kildare, all deserve notice. There is also a church and
court house. St, Patrick's college, at Maynooth, is situated
near the church, and is chiefly supported by an annual
Parliamentary grant of 9000/. ; this is the chief seminary
for the instruction of the Roman Catholic priesthood. The
Duke of Leinster, who is proprietor of the town, granted
a lease for ever of sixty acres for the college. In 1795 it
was first opened for the admission of students, and pro-
fessors were appointed. The number of students is
about 400, who each pay a small entrance fee; the
necessary expenditure of a young man educated at this
establishment does not average above 20/. per annum.
There had, for some centuries previously, existed a college
at Maynooth, consisting of a provost and six priests, on
the foundation of Gerald, Earl of Kildare, that prayers
should be said for him and his countess.
Pop, 2053. Fair* t May 4, and Sept 10. Inn : the
Leinster Arms.
KILCOCK is a market and post town of Kildare, situ-
ated on the Royal Canal, by which passage-boats go to and
from Dublin twice a day. It has a church, and a Roman
Catholic chapel. Near it are Donadea Castle, Sir F. Aylmer,
Bart, and the seat of Sir W. Hort, Bart The road runs
for a considerable way near the south border of Meath, and
that county is seen on the right hand. Races are held here
annually on the 18th of August, and continue for a week:
they are well attended.
DD 3
. Pep. 1780. Market days: Wednesday and Saturday.
Fairs : March 25, May 11, Aug. 1 1, and Sept. 29.
CLONCURRY, in Kildare, has the ruins of an ancient
.church. Above a inile before arrival, at Cloncurry, is
Cappoge Hill, commanding a good prospect
CLONARD, a post town in Meath, is situated on the
fioyne. The church contains a font which formerly
belonged to an abbey, founded here in 520. This Tillage
gave name to a bishoprick, now incorporated with the see
of Meath. Here also was a nunnery. Above a mile beyond
the bridge is Tecroghan Abbey, with an old castle. At
BaUybogan, on the Boyne, 2} miles from Clonard, art
Vestiges of a priory, founded in the twelfth century. ' *
KINNEGAD is a market and post town in West-Meath.
It has a neat modern stone church, a market house, and a
Roman Catholic chapel. A mile before arrival at this
village, Ardmullen Cattle is seen on a hill.
.- Pop. 670. Market day: Wednesday. Fair: May fc /»»„•
Hoy's, an excellent one.
PASS OF KILBRIDE, in West-Meath. Here may be
seen the vestiges of a chapel, and of two castles.
Seat : Gaulstown Park, the residence of Lord Kilmain.
, ROCHFOftT-jBRIDGE, a post town in West-Meath.
Haifa mile from this village is a castle ruin, Pop. 171.
, TYRELL'S PASS is a post town of West-Meath, beyond
which are the remains of a strong castle ; 2} miles farther
is Garyduff Inn.
k Pop. -537. Fairs: May 17, and Dec. 17.
KILBEGGAN is a market and post town in West-.
Meath, with a good bridge across the river Brusna. The
abbey, and also a monastery, with their possessions, were
surrendered to Henry VIII. The castle and village of
Moycashell, 1£ mile from Kilbeggan, give. name to the
No. 100. DUBLIN TO GAIrWAY.- 507
barony. Kilbeggan is a borough, having a portreeve and
burgesses, and formerly returned members to the Irish
Parliament It has a good stone church and steeple, a
Catholic chapel, a brewery, and a dispensary* Three miles
beyond Kilbeggan is Horteleap church.
Pop. 1085. Market day : Saturday. Fair$ : March 25,
June 16, Aug 25, and Oct. 28. Inn: Whitfield's.
: MO ATE is a post town of West-Meath. Its modern'
church has a large square tower. In 1690 the forces of
James II. were defeated in a skirmish at this place. Here
is a considerable inn. Beyond the town are the ruins of
some casdes.
- i>«p. 1785. Fairs : April 25, July 22, Oct. 2, and Dec. 15;
;. ATHLONE is an old market and post town, divided by
the Shannon, across which. there is an old bridge, formerly;
adorned with' a monument bearing the arms of Elizabeth.
Part of this town is in West-Meath, but the further part
is in Roscommon, and contains very extensive barracks
for horse and foot, and there are two large distilleries and
a brewery* The town is governed by a sovereign, deputy
sovereign, and recorder, and the borough returns a member
to parliament In the centre of the town is the ancient
fortress which commanded the passage of the Shannon, and
was burnt in 1641, when the town was also destroyed.
Ginkle here effected the passage of the Shannon, which
was contested by the army of James. He was created
Earl of Athlone. Athlone possesses two churches, one of
which is ancient ; two Roman Catholic chapels ; two con-
vents ; and meeting houses. There were formerly several
monastic foundations. Amongst the objects deserving
notice are, the castle, in the midst of the town, the chaly-
peake spring, and the floating bridge. This town is not
very brilliant, but by means of the .river, which is here
308 No. 100. DUBLIN TO GALWAY.
from twenty to thirty feet deep, and by the grand canal,
it carries on ft good trade With Limerick, and other distant
places. It is an ancient borough, returning a member/ to
parliament. Near Athlone is a weir for eels. The antique
ruin of Garey Castle is distant 1 $ mile from Athlone, on the
road from Moat. The great expansion of the Shannon
above Athlone, called Lough Rec, is little inferior to its
lower expansion, Lough Derg. It is intended to start a
steamer between Athlone and Lanesboro', but boats can be
easily had, and the tourist may enjoy a very pleasant day
in an excursion on Lough Ree.
Pop. 11,406. Market daps: Tuesday and Saturday.
Fairs: Jan. 20, March 21, Wednesday before the Ascen-
sion, and 1st Monday in Sept. Inns : the Sun Hotel ; and
the Swan, both in Church Street
BALLINASLOE, on the Suck, is a market and post
town of Galway, on the confines of Roscommon, and is
famous for its cattle fair, held here from Oct. 6 toOot 9.
About 60,000 sheep and 8000 cattle are annually exposed for
sale. It has a very handsome church, a Roman Catholic
chapel, a meeting house, a dispensary, barracks, and two
breweries. There is also a farming society, which aHows
premiums at the cattle fair in October, and a savings'
bank. Close to the river are the ruins of a castle, and
at a short distance from BaMinasloe Bridge, near the junc-
tion of several roads, stands Creagh church in Roscommon.
The town belongs to Earl Clancarty, who does every thing
m his power to promote its prosperity.
Seats : Tutleigh, the residence of the St George family ;
and, at a short distance beyond fialMnasloe, Cfortoty, the
stately mansion of the Earl of Clancarty.
There is a passage boat on the grand canal from Dublin
to Ballinaslee, daily.
No. 100. DUBLIN TO GALWAY. 509
Pop. 4615. Market day: Saturday. Fairs: March 27,
May 7, and Oct. 5 to 9. Hotels : Boyd's, and M'Loughlin's,
both in the main street .
KILCONNEL, in Galway, derives its name from St.
Conal, who founded a magnificent abbey here in the 6th
century. This was rebuilt in 1400, and some remains of
it still exist Woodlaum is a handsome seat, the property
of Lord Ashtown, three miles beyond Kilconnel.
Fairs : May 9, Aug. 4, and Nov. 11.
ATHENRY, in Galway, was fortified by the English
in the 12th century, and still presents vestiges of the strong
castle of the barons of the ancient Birmingham family.
-The Dominican friary was founded here in the 18th cen-
tury, by De Birmingham : of this abbey the old steeple,
icloisters, and several beautiful Gothic windows, remain,
although their appearance is much injured by the conver-
sion-of a part of them into barracks. Beyond this town,
in various directions, are still to be seen the ancient walls
of many forts and castles. Dunsandle is the fine mansion
and beautiful park of Mr. Daly.
. Pop. 1319. Fairs : May 5, July 2, and Oct 28.
ORANMORE is a small post town, seated on a fine
cove of the Bay of Galway. Oranmore Castle is the ancient
mansion of the Blake family ; and in the neighbourhood is
the seat of Lord Wallscourt Pop. 673. Fairs : May 23,
and October 20.
GALWAY, the capital of the county of the same name!
is advantageously situated on a neck of land, which sepa-
rates the north coast of the Bay of Galway from the south
shore of Lough Corrib. This lake extends thirty-two miles
towards the north-west, is eight miles in width from Cong
to Oughterard, and is said to cover 30,000 acres, embracing
a course of fifty miles in extent, besides which*4ts islands
contain about HMO acre* of pasture and cultivated tend ;
its redundant waters are discharged into the Bay of Galway
by a channel passing by the town. Corrib Head Hotel will
be found very comfortable, and excellent head-quarters for
excursions among the mountains of Cuanemara* On one
of the islands are numerous deer, and on another a large
rabbit warren. The lake is remarkable for Gillaroo trout ;
but its shores lack trees, and possess nothing very striking.
Galway is governed by a mayor, recorder, and sheriffs,
and returns two members to parHament The ancient part
of the town is gloomy, but remarkable for its resemblance
to many towns in the south of Europe. Wide streets,
extensive buildings, and solemnity of aspect in the inhabi-
tants as well as the habitations, give tt a duB, but certainly
an imposing effect; but the modern streets- are airy and
wall built The principal public buildings aw, the church,
a noble Gothic structure; the county court house; die
town ball and court house ; the county -hospital ; the
Bounty gaol at Nun's Island, and the town gaol adjoining
it ; the infirmary, occupying an efcvated spot on the east
aide of the town ; the new corn market in Eyre Square,
over which is a ball-room; the charter school; Roman
Catholic chapels ; pour house, or refuge for the desti-
tute. There use also shambles, markets, barracks, several
aonneries and monasteries, a dispensary, a branch, a
misminiial, and savings' banks. A magnificent bridge has
Jurt bet* feast after a davgndTlfr. Behans.
The manm%e«BMaejf Galway consist principally in linens,
and coarse woollen riMbv Tkm* are several breweries,
distilleries, and flour mills; also « «*■** mill, and salt
works, and several large stores, having file ajmvMMeeof
pobik building*; and the town derives considerable Uuial
rron the^saJmou, herring, and eel fisheries. The fishermen
Bve n that pact o£ the, town called Chidleaajh; they ane
about 1700 in number: they and their families axe an
industrious and. peculiar people, intermarrying esckisniety
within their own society.
Galway was formerly fortified, and celebrated in thenars
of the revolution, but it is now completely dismantled. The
harbour, however, is defended by a fort: an extensive 4ock
is now constructing, which it is expected will add much to
the prosperity of the town; abe a canal to connect Lough
Corrib with Galway Bay. The prospect of the Atlantic is
obstructed at a considerable .distance beyond the bay,, by
the South Isles of Arran : these islands are inhabited by a
hardy and simple race, who tend cattle. Along the coast
of Galway, which extends north-west foam Greatman's Bay,
are Beveral spacious inlets and bays, clustered with verdant
islands. Galway is much resorted to in summer for sea
bathing, and along the bay a great many houses have been
erected for strangers.; it has more than doubled in thirty
years, containing only. 1250 houses in 1300, and 4600, in
The county of Galway ia eighty-two miles in length, and
contains about 140,000 inhabitants; it consist* principally
of limestone strata, coveted by a fertile soil Near Galway
are the villages o£ Clifden and Rouadstoue* the latter situ-
ated on Birterfauy Bay, and founded, by. the*l«te celebrated
engineer Mr. Nsmrod, hut it is. net. thriving.;, and' behind
tins wllaget rises the mountain of Uruisbeg» well wartby «f
a -visit GBfden is finely situated, at, the head of a.deep,
maixow inlet of the sea, and nearly suronindad, by moun-
tains. H has a handsome Gothic chuwsh, a Roman Catfeobc
chapel, a fever hospital, a school house, and a good inn;
also a brewery and distillery. It was founded by Mr.
D'Arcy, of Clifden Castle, whose delightful residence is
312 No. 101. DUBLIN TO GALWAT.
«faout two miles from the town; it is a modern castellated
mansion, not remarkable in itself, but, in point of situation,
unrivalled. The marble quarries of Connemara may be
visited from this point Pop. of Clifden 1257.
Pop. 33,120. Market day*: Wednesday and Saturday.
Fairs: May 31, September 4 and 21, and October 21.
Inns : O'Brien's, and Kilroy's, where there is a ball-room.
No. 101. From DUBLIN to 6ALW AY. Second Road.
Through Athlone and Castle Blakeney.
Dublin Castle to Miles. Dublin Castle to Miles.
Athlone ♦, as at No. 100 . •• A91 Mylough 8&
Ballinamore 74* Monro* m
Cataagh 79 Galway* 102*
Castle Blakeney 00}
BALLINAMORE is a small village of Galway, on the
river Suck. It has a handsome Roman Catholic chapel ;
a small church ; a sessions house ; tan yards, and a flour
mill. Near it is the demesne of Cattle Ffrench, the seat of
Lord Ffrench.
Pop. 800. Market day : Tuesday. Fair : Aug. 21.
Caltraoh and Castle Blakeney are villages of Gal-
way, with many handsome seats in their vicinity.
MON1VEA is a pleasant village and post town of Gal-
way, in a manufacturing district. It has a charter school,
endowed by Robert Ffrench, Esq. On the Mylough side
-are two ruins, and on the road to Galway are the remains
- of many ancient castles. Fairs : May 1 2, and October 12*
No. 101 From Dublin to GALWAY. Third Road,
and the most direct Through Philipstown, Bana-
Dublin Castle to MUes. Dublin Castle to Miles.
New Inn •, as at No. 100 20 Bannagher 66*
Johnstown Bridge 21 Eyre-Court 781
Carbemry ••••• 26* Kilmure Bridge 781
Kdenderry 29 Lough-Rea 88
Philipstown 38J Cranghwell 94
Ballinagar 41 Oranmore* 101J
Tullaiaoore 46 Gal way* 106*
Cloghan 69
CARBERRYY a village in Kildare, has the remains of
an ancient castle, built on a bold, rocky precipice, com-
manding a good prospect Pop. 159.
Seat : Carberry Castle, the seat of Viscount Harberton.
EDENDERRY is a market and post town in King's
County, inhabited principally by Quakers. The grand
canal passes near it; and there is a considerable corn
trade. The ruins of an ancient castle crown the top of the
hill, and there are some remains of a monastery. Eden-
derry also possesses a handsome church and tower, a
Roman Catholic chapel, meeting houses, an almshouse for
widows, a dispensary, and a school house.
Pop. 1288. Market day : Saturday. Fairs : on Shrove-
Tuesday, Whitsun Thursday, and Nov. 4.
PHILIPSTOWN is a market and post town, named
after Philip II., King of Spain, the consort of Mary; from
whom also the shire is called King's County. It was the
county town, but, by a recent Act, the assize is now
held at Tullamoore: it has the advantage of the grand
canal passing near it Philip II. visited this place,
and lodged in the Forth Castle, which has since been
repaired, and is now the mansion of Bernard Smith, Esq.
314 No. 102. DUBLIN TO GALWAY.
The town, it remarkably well built, and nayed; it has a
free school, on Erasmus Smyth's foundation,; a neat church,
a Roman Catholic chapel, cavalry barracks, and a commo-
dious court house. Here also is the county gaol. Philips-
town returned members to the Irish parliament, but is now
disfranchised. There ace tmo passage-boats between Dub-
lin, Tullamoore, and Shannsm Harbour, which arrive daily at
Phihpstown. In the vicinity is Croghan Hill, clothed with
.t£e most luxuriant verdure : at its base are the ruins of a
church, and on the. summit is an ancient cemetery. This
hill is mentioned by Spenser, in his " Faery Queene."
Pop. 1454. Market day : Thursday. Fairs: January 3,
March IS, May 16, June 14, August 17, October 18, and
December 3. Inn : Murphy's.
BALLIN AGAR* in King's County. Two miles beyond
this place is the lofty ruin of Geashill Castle, which was
(defended by a lady against CvomwsU. It is the property of
Lord Digby. Here also is an ancient; abbey. The village
.oftGeashill is noted for its pig fair. Pop, 153.
^ULLAMOORE is a market, post, and assise town, of
King's County, situated on the -Cladagh. It is also inter-
sected by. the grand canal, by mean* of which passage-
boats arrive twice a day from Dublin. It was burnt some
year* ago, hut has been rebuilt in a handsome. style by its
proprietor, Lord CharleviUe, and has been lately much im-
proved. The streets are. spacious, and several of the
buildings, but particularly the market house, the church,
with a handsome ateeple, erected from designs by, Mr*
Johnston, the barracks, and the Roman Catholic chapels,
deserve notice. The new ©our^t house is a handsome build-
ing. Here are also meeting houses, charity schools, a
county infirmary, shambles, breweries, a dptiUary,. an&a
small silk factory,;, anfl it has a good cotton . manufacture
No, *08. DUUI/IN 90 GAXWAY, ftl*
*ad Haefi trade, and extensive dealings In cerh, which,
having been excited by the bounty on inland supply to the
capital, continues to keep its advance in this and the neigh-
bouring counties. On the banks of the canal, about *
quarter of a mile distant, are the ruins of SHragh Gasffe, a
curious square fort, erected in 1508, "by Briscoe, an officer
of Queen Elizabeth's army. Near the town is Lord €ha*le-
vQle's residence, a Gothic castle, buBt of limestone, «nd
surrounded by well- planted grounds, adorned wifli cascades,
grottofcs, bridges, &c. It was erected from a design by Mr,
Johnston. One mile from Tullamoore are *e»tigeB'of BuMf-
Ecouen Castle.
Pop. 6942. Market-itoye: Tuesday and Saturday. Fobs:
March 19, May 10, July 10, Oct. ,*1, and Dec. 19. Into:
the Charleville Arms, and the Grand Canal Hotel.
CLOGHAN is a small post town of King's County, in
t&e vicinity of which are many picturesque landscapes. It
has a stone church, and a Roman Catholic chapel. The
Village of M&gstdum, with the elegant mansion of Colonel
L* Estrange, on the banks of the river Jteusna, is one mile
Pop. 40ft, Fain: Monthly. Aw» ; the Ceghlan Asm. *
BANAGHER is an ancient market and post town of
King's County, situated on the east bank of the Shannon,
which is joined by the grand canal from DubKn, about 'two
miles south of this place. Over the river is a stone bridge
of eighteen arches, built m 1769, and at its foot, on the
Galway side, are two towers, each mounting a twenty-four
pounder. Here also is a battery, with a magazine beneath
it The barracks occupy the she of an ancient nunnery.
Banagher has a Ronton Catholic chapel, and a haadaome
church. At Cuba Bout*, a quarter of a mile distant, in a
celebrated royal charter school. The town carries on a
316 No. 102. DUBUN TO GALWAY.
considerable com trade. One mile south of Banagher is
the ancient ruin called Garry Cattle, as well as the modern
mansion, Garry Cattle House, the seat of Captain Thomas
Armstrong. Packet-boat every day to Dublin. There is
an excellent inn, the Harp, kept by £. Mann.
Pop. 2636. Market Day: Friday. Fairs: May 1, four
days, Sept. 15, Oct 28, and Nov. 8.
EYRECOURT is a market and post town in Galway,
seated on a hilL It has a good cburch and steeple, and a
spacious Roman Catholic chapel. Over the court room of
the sessions house there is a parochial school-room. The
school house was built in 1777, and is endowed.
Pop. 1789. Market day : Saturday. Fairs : First Mon-
day after Easter, July 9, September 8, and December 21.
Inn; Egan's.
Seats: Eyrecourt Cattle, Colonel Eyre: it is a grand
mansion, and has a curious and handsome staircase ; the
•grounds are well planted, and contain an ancient moat,
within which is a remarkable cave. Queentboroagh, dis-
tant three miles. from Eyrecourt, was a mansion of the Earl
of Louth.
KILMURE BRIDGE, in Galway, crosses the Kilmure
LOUGHREA is a handsome market and post town of
Galway, with a modern church, a Roman Catholic chapel,
an endowed school, barracks, a court house, a linen hall,
and a dispensary. There is a considerable sale of oats, and
the linen trade is increasing. On the north side of the town
is a charming promenade, overshadowed by tall trees : and
here also are vestiges of an ancient abbey, founded by R. de
Burgh, about 1310, as well as of an old castle. Within two
miles of the town is a race course. To the south is the
beautiful Lough Rea, which agreeably varies the scenery.
It extends over upwards of 1200 acres, and is said to be
supplied by seven springs, called the Seven Sisters. The
town is the property of the Marquess of Clanricarde, whose
seat is at Portumna.
Pop. 6268. Market days: Thursday and Saturday. Fairs:
Feb. 11, May 25 and 26, Aug. 20, and Dec. 5, Inns:
Beisher*s ; and Monaghan's.
CRAUGHWELL is a village and post town of Galway:
it has a church and Roman Catholic chapel, and school
houses* Pop. 796.
No. 103. From Dublin to the GIANTS' CAUSEWAY.
First Road. Through Armagh, Stewart's Town,
and Coleraine.
Dublin Cattle to Miles. Dublin CasUe to Miles.
Dundalk* asatNo.l. 40} Magherafelt 88
Armagh*, as at No. 6. 62* Kilrea MB
Charlemont* 68* Coleraine* ••• • 114
Stewart's Town* 77 Bushmills 120
Coagh • 83 The Giants' Causeway 122
COAGH is a village of Tyrone. Pop. 393. Fairs : Monthly.
MAGHERAFELT is a market and post town in Derry,
having a communication with the county of Antrim by the
handsome bridge over the Bann, at Toome Ferry, five miles
distant. It has a small endowed school ; a handsome
church and spire; a Roman Catholic chapel; a Presby-
terian meeting house; a market house, and a sessions
house. The proprietors of this place are the Marquess of
Londonderry and Sir Robert Bateson, Bart
Pop. 1436. Market day : Thursday. Fairs : May 25,
Aug. 25, and Oct. 29.
Two miles north is Castledawson, a small post town, in
which is an obelisk, built at the expense of the late Bishop
of Derry. There is also a Presbyterian meeting house,
EE 3
318 No. 103. DUBLIN TO
a free school, and an extensive cotton factory, distillery;
and flour mill. A market is held on Saturday, and fairs on
Jan. 1, Easter Wednesday, June 1, and Aug. 1.
KILREA is a market and post town of Derry. It is
a considerable market for linen, the manufacture of which
flourishes in the neighbourhood. It has a neat church ; a
school house, on the foundation of Erasmus Smyth ; and a
large Presbyterian meeting house. The Roman Catholic
chapel is nearly one mile from Kilrea.
Pop. 1215. Market day: Wednesday. It has eight Fairs
in the year.
BUSHMILLS is a village and post town of Antrim,
situated near the entrance of the river Bush into Balintrae
bay. The windings of this rapid stream form an important
feature in the rich and varied country which adorns its
Seat : Clogher, the spacious mansion of Sir Francis
M'Naughten, Knight.
Pop. 507. Fairs: March 28, June 26, Aug. 24, Oct 21,
and Dec. 12. Here is an inn, which is the nearest
accommodation of tolerable comfort for the tourist visiting
the Giants' Causeway. r
In order to visit this celebrated natural curiosity, the
tourist must engage, as a principal guide, one of the many
.who will present themselves to his notice; and he will
do well not to discourage the numerous peasants who
will be pleased to assist him in his progress, and who
will consider their labours amply recompensed by the
purchase of some of the mineral specimens which they
If the tourist intend to visit the various bays and. caves
of the coast, he must hire a boat, rowed by two or four
men, which can be obtained at a moderate charge.
As far as the spot called the Rock Heads, the tourist may.
go either on horseback or in a carriage, but beyond that
he must proceed on foot. The first object of curiosity is-
Port Coon Cave, a. lofty and imposing excavation, noted
for its echo, which is generally exhibited by discharging
a gun, or sounding a musical instrument It is about 300
feet in length, and may be approached either from sea or.
Contiguous to this cave is the little Bay of Poi-t Coon,.
formed by a whyndyke, consisting of seven walls, separated
from the precipice by some convulsion of nature. In the.
eentre of the bay is an insulated and pointed basaltic rock.
Beyond Port Coon Cave is another whyndyke, forming
one side of the bay of Port-na-Baw.
To the west of Port Coon Cave is Dunkerry Cave, acr
cessible only from the ocean. Its height is sixty feet, and
its width twenty-six feet; but its length has not been,
ascertained, as it contracts into a narrow cleft where n >
boat can penetrate, and beyond which the waves may be
heard rolling for a considerable distance. The entrance
is between two walls of jet black rock, and is very regularly
formed. The sides and roof are covered with green con-
ferv*% -producing a beautiful effect; and just above the
surface of the water is a zone, or bordering of marine
The tourist then lands, and proceeds to the Giants'
Causeway, so called from a tradition among the natives
that giants commenced it as a road to Scotland, but being
expelled by the ancient Irish chiefs, left it unfinished. It
has its direction almost due north, and the steep pro-
montory, from which it projects into the sea, is called the
Axfd Sfiodt. Dbwn the west side of thte gteeu precipice
is a path practicable for hones and motes; but nigged
and ctatttitous, and conducting only to the small bays,
which on either side of the Causeway are narrowed by
impassable ledges.
To the left are the Stookini, projecting rocks dividing
£ort-na-Baw from Port-na-Grange ; and farther to the
West is an isolated rock, called Sea GttU Island. The
Causeway projects into the sea, between Pott-na-Grange
and Port N offer. It consists of three moles or piers, the
middle and longest of which, catted the Ghtond Causeway,
extends in a sloping direction from the base of a cliff
About 360 feet in height, for a distance of 900 feet, when
it is lost in the ocean. The others are not more than 600
feet long. The pillars of which the Causeway consists are
at least 30,000 in number, and are of different dimension*;
they vary from 15 to 36 feet in height, and from 15 to 26
inches in diameter. They also vary in form, having from
three to nine sides, but are chiefly pentagonal or hexa-
gonal; and are so closely Connected, that it would be
difficult to insert the smallest substance between them,
teach pillar consists of short joints or pieces, the ends of
which are alternately concave and convex* The eoneave
and convex portion is a circle bordered by polygonal sides,
which are perfectly horizontal The pillars are a species
of basaltes, of a dusky hue, contrasting finely with the
surrounding verdant scenery, and extending, though with
some interruptions, for about two miles along this coast
About the middle of the causeway the pillars rise con*
sVderabry, and this portion has been termed the Honey*
tdmb. On the east side is the GiaHtS Loom, a colonnade
about M feet in height, and on the opposite side, in the
face 6f the clfflyis a eJttster of pillars, denominated the
Organ, to which it bears considerable resemblance;- The
tourist will also have pointed out to him the Giants*
Well, a spring issuing from the interstices of the pillars,
the Giants* Chair, &c.
The Giants' Causeway is not the sole object of grea$
natural beauty in this district : the adjoining promonto-
ries rival it in magnificence ; and of these, the principal
are Pleaskin and Bengore Head. On a lofty cliff, towards
the east, are the Chimney Tops, a few columns, which
the Spaniards, in the celebrated Armada, are said to have
mistaken for the chimney tops of a castle ; and near them
is Port-na-Spagna, a small bay, so denominated in com-
memoration of this event. In Port Noffer, which is
situated between Port-na-Spagna and the Causeway, is
a mass of basal tes called the Lion Rock; and here also
are three whyndykes, the principal of which is the Rovin-
valley Dyke,
The best way of viewing the romantic coast, east of the
Causeway, is to take a boat at Port-na-Baw, and sail
along under Pleaskin to Bengore and return ; but if the
tourist object to this mode, he may proceed on foot to
Pleaskin, which is about one mile from the Rock Heads,
and to Bengore, which is two miles from it. The bays
present a curious appearance from the summit of the cliff,
but the tourist should remember that the descent to them
is dangerous.
The perpendicular face of Pleaskin is of remarkable
beauty, and is one of the most striking of all the semicir-
cular precipices on this coast It is 354 feet in height, and
exhibits various strata. Over a dark and rugged base,
fringed with incessant foam, it lifts its verdant sides with
a rapid slope to the height of nearly 200 feet, whence it
rises perpendicularly. A sttatum of red ochre supports a
Sft2 No. 195. DU&Litt TO
lftagmffitferrtitfngfe of fcaSaftic 'rolumiftr 45 feet in heigfet ?
dtove which is a bed of black, irregtifer rock, 60 feet *h ick,
abounding with air holes ; and on this rests a grand gal-
lery of basaltic columns, 60 feet in height; die whole
forming a splendid amphitheatre of extraordinary beauty.
Near the eastern 'side of 4he Pleaskin colonnade is a
curious recess called the Pulpit, which is best seen from a
boat; and jutting from the end of tire stratum of red ochre
is a projection called the turn** Head.
Bengote Heady about a mile from Pleaskin, is the most
northern promontory of the county, ft is 328 feet in height,
and bears considerable resemblance to Pleaskin, although
its beauty is not so remarkable, nor are its strata vo dis-
tinct Coal has been found here, but not in sufficient
quantity to pay for the expense of working it
The editor nas thus endeavoured to give ah accurate,
though concise, account of the Giants' Causeway, and the
other objects of curiosity in its vicinity. To those who
wish for more minute information, he recommends the
elegant "Guide to the Giants' Causeway,*' published by
the Rev. G, N. Wright, and " Letters on the North-east
coast of Antrim," by Dr. W. Hamilton.
The formation of basaltes, of which this coast offers the
'finest specimens in the world, has long been a subject of
controversy. Numerous theories have been advanced
respecting it; one party, called the Plutonian, attri-
buting the origin of basalt to fire ; another, entitled the
Neptunian, deducing it from water ; whilst a third is dis-
posed to consider it the result of both these elements.
Whatever may be its origin, its nature is not unknown.
The Rev. G. N. Wright correctly describes it as " a hard,
heavy stone, either black or green, consisting of prismatic
crystals, the number of whose sides is uncertain. The
Ekiglirfh miner* caM it cockle, the Gerssan schorl; its
specific gravity to that of water is 8000 or upwards, to 1<W>0.
It frequently contains iron, and consists either of particles
of an indeterminate figure, or of a spongy, fibrous, and
striated texture. Jft has a, flinty hardness. Is insoluble by
rods, and la fusiWe^hy fire*"
From tjie Inn, aft Bush JM#is, <be tourist way: make, an
excursion, to Jhmittee Castle, which is. five miles distanf;.
This striking ruin is situated, on. an. isolated, abrupt rock^
And so, entirely, occupies its surfece, that the outer walls are
in several places a continuation of the perpendicular side of
the rock. The only approach, to it is,bjr a, wall, without a
,parapet, which crosses a Lo% r#cky.cha6Qfe and is not more
than two feet broad It is supposed^ have been founded by
De Courcey, Earl of Ulster, afterwards enlarged by native
chieftains, and, finally, by the M'Donalds, in the time of
Elizabeth, One of the rooms is said to be inhabited by
Maw Roe, a banshee or fairy, who sweeps it every night:
this fiotion originates in the fact that the floor does always
seem as if just swept, an appearance no doubt caused by
the wind which rushes through tfeis as well as otfeer apart-
ments of the building. Beneath the castle' is- a cave hol-
lowed out of the rock by the wayes, and remarkable for an
echo. From the walls, of. this ruin,, we. enjoy a. sgleiijUd
piospect of the cliffs, with their alternate hues of Mack
basalt and limestone of every
' ' 324
No. 104. From Dublin to THE GIANTS' CAUSE-
WAY. Second Road. Through Belfast, Port-
glenone, and Dervock.
Miles. Dublin Castle to
. 601 Rasharkin*
. 80 Ballymoney*
• 92 Dervock
• 94 Bush Milk*
• 96
• 105
The Giants' Causeway*
■■ 110*
•• 116|
• • ISOf
• 125
.. 1*7
Dublin Cattle to
Banbridge* as at No. 1
Belfast*, as at No. 30 ••
Shane's Castle*
DERVOCK is a small market and post town of Antrim,
with many new buildings. The church is a neat white
edifice, near the bridge, across the Bush river.
Here is a respectable inn. The land near this town is
well cultivated and fertile. Horse fairs are held Jan. 12,
Feb. 28, May 18, June 22, Aug. 12, and Oct 27. Pop. 362.
Seats : Lisconnan, Dr. Samuel Allen ; Clover Hill and
Belleisle are also mansions in this vicinity.
No. 105. From Dublin to the GIANTS' CAUSEWAY.
Third Road. Through Carrickfergus, Glen arm,
Dublin Castle to MUes. Dublin Castle to* ' Miles.
Banbridge* as at No. 1 •••• 00* Carnlough 108
jBrifaat*, as at No. 30 • ... • . 80 Cushendall 1141
Carrickfergus* • 88 Cushendun 118J
Ballycarry*.... 92} BaUycastle* 12«fc
♦Lame* .".. 974 BalHntoy •• I31±
Cairncastle* 1004 Giants* Causeway * 137
Glenarm* 105,
* A Tery interesting way, only nine miles from Carrickfergus to
Larne, is by the old western road, through Long Thome and the village
of Glenoe, passing by Lough Mourne, and many agreeable ™flnnimu ;
but as a road, it is hilly and ragged.
CARNLOUOH is a village of Antrim, on a wide
bay of the same name. The view from the hills across
this bay includes some of the great mountains of Tsla
and Jura. The mountain above Carnlough has a dismal
black summit, which contrasts finely with the neat and
comfortable villas situated beneath it upon the slopes
descending to the sea. The inn has but poor accommoda-
tion. The lime strata of some of the hills, for- there
is an alternation of black basalt and brilliant time stone
along the coasts of Antrim, when cut through by steep
roads, are marked by an ascending Kne of white, being
the route seen between the grassy slopes of the mountain.
Pop. 213.
Drumnasole is the beautiful mansion of Francis Turnly,
Esq. and close to it is a large school house. Nothing can
be more picturesque than the scenery of this . road for
several miles. Beyond Knappan Lodge is Dunmaut Fort,
with the remaina of an entrenchment and fosse: the land
side is a verdant slope, whilst the precipice of this fine
basaltic cliff rises 300 feet above the sea shore; its name
is derived from Dun or Doon, a fortress, and Maul; said to
designate the payment here of the black mail and the rent
of the north.
Near the shore, two miles from Carnlough, is Gerron
Point, a low headland of considerable beauty and curious
form, consisting of three columnar points, united by a
natural curtain of basalt ; here also is the Foaran Path,
an abrupt pass, on the road to the glens, so steep as to be'
almost impracticable for horses unaccustomed to moun-
tains. A new road of less difficulty has, however, been
recently formed.
A few yards from the Foaran Path, on the right, is seen
326 No. 105, DUBLIN TO THE
the Chmgkan Stooktn, a singularly-shaped limestone r#ck,
one* supposed to be the most northern point of Ireland,
The road then wind* along the shore of Red Bay, on
which are seen enormous blocks of limestone, and piles qf
aearwrapk collected for the manufacture of kelp. To. the
left appear the hills of Carrig Murphy and Slievg Baragrha/l
overhanging the road.
The traveller soon arrives at Jrdtfinis, the only vesAjgp
of which is an ancient chapel on the side of a lofty moun-
tain.. A torrent from this rugged hill sinks into the
ground, and seeks a subterranean course to the sea,
' QltMtriff is a romantic vale seen in perspective as the
traveller advances. It is formed by opposite slopes of -lajge
hills, the rocks and crags of whose summits are evidently
basaltic. Bay Lodge is a neat residence, built new
the sandy shore of the. sea, at the opening of . GJen-
ariff valley to the east In Glenariff the objects worthy, of
observation are, the sharp conical top of Lwgejda** termi-
nating the prospect to the north ; the great peal? of CreocA
a Crue, hounding that towards the west* and. the Isnakara
cascade, 1| mile distant, whose waters, joining, the
Glenariff stream, seek the shore at the hamlet of Water-
foot, near the beautiful caves of Red Bay. Of these cares
there are three of tolerable si»e, one^of which is used as a
blacksmith's shop. At the extreme end of the v south cliff
stands die, ruined Cattkof Red Bay* buijt by the Bissets,,
and sometimes called Castle Carey, The jhe .shore.,
passes under an arch cut through a hank of red clajt; and
beyond this, the dreariness of. Glenariff changes for*, the
rich and cultivated scenery in the vicinity of Newtown
CUSHENDALli is a market and, post, town, rasaan-
GlANfrS' CAUSfeWAY. ffl
tieaftiy situated on the eoast of Antrim. It has a good
km, and warm baths. The little cower, erected as a cage
for rioters, has a carious appearance. The great Rath
behind the village is supposed to have been occupied
fcwnerty t>y the fortified residence of a northern chief.
It was called Court M'Martin, in consequence of an ob-
scure legend, and its site Was 160 feet in circumference.'
The Rath is now surmounted by a school hoUae, built by
frauds Tuittly, Esq., proprietor of this village. The
neighbouring mountains are famous for a beautiful breed
of ponies resembling the shelties of the Scottish side of
the channel About a mile south of the village are the
ruins of the chapel of Lade, said to have been founded
by the M'Faili.
Lurgeid&n, a high and beautiful mountain, is seen from
this place, ft has a flat top, and near the summit is a
mound named Dun Clatumourhe, once a fort occupied by
Fm M'Comhal ; the local traditions of this vicinity coincide
with the poems of Ossian.
Pop. 481. Fairs: Feb. 14, Mar. 17, May 14, June 29,
Aug. 14, Sept 29, Nov. 14, and Dec. 22.
At Bttechat Bridge, on the road from Cushettdal^
through the Glens to Sallymena, in the centre of this fine
county, is a beautiful cascade* which pours ever a perpen-
dicular rock, and has a fell of 40 feet ; on each side is *
range of basaltic columns, elevating their parallel summits
to the height of the cascade. The geology of this curious
district is diversified by whinsibne resting on strata of
chalk, or limestone, and that unctuous earth known by the
mime of red keiL A new read from Glenarm to Cushendall*
skirting the romantic coast, and avoiding the steep and
rugged hills, is new completed. It shows the scenery to
tt*. No. 105. DUBLIN TO THE
CUSHENDUN is a village of Antrim, with a bkek-
house for the water-guard, and a few pretty cottages. It»
inhabitants are fishermen; it has some curious caves. A
new harbour is erecting at Cushendun. The following are
the mo9t remarkable objects in this neighbourhood : the
Cranagk Cliff, 123 feet high, above the caves of Cushendun ;
the residence of Alexander M'Neil, Esq., near the northern
bank of the river Dun; the remains of Castle Carra;
Tevereagh, above Cushendall church; Glendun Fale ; and
beyond it the dark summit of the Troetan Hill, 2,200 feet
above the level of the sea.
Tor Point, 5 miles beyond Cushendun, is about 18 miles
from the coast of Cantyre in Scotland ; fires lighted by the
early Scottish invaders on Tor Point, this being the
narrowest portion of the channel, served as a signal
to the inhabitants of the opposite coast whenever the
Irish force was too strong for the followers of the
M'Donnells, and were called the Scots' Warning Fires.
Ancient mounds and forts are visible on Tar Head, which
is a root of the Cushleak Hills.
At Murloch Bay, a little beyond Tor, is a whin dyke,
and to the north is DrunmakiU Mountain, consisting of a
species of columnar greenstone, reclining in strata of
various angles, and forming an interesting, although
barren, conical hill.
A road along the shore, of the utmost grandeur and
beauty, but only passable for pedestrians, may be pursued
to Ballycastle; or, near Cushendun, a road through the
sequestered vale of Glendun, and over Grange Hill, con-
ducts to the Carey mountains, and by Cutfeightrin church
and the ancient Franciscan abbey of Bona Margy (founded
in 1509 by M'Donnell), to the quay of Ballycastle, 'Which
is about half a mile from Ballycastle.
BALLYCASTLE, as at No. 23. The Knock lade
Mountain, at tbe base of which Ballycastle is situated,
rises 1820 feet above the level of the sea, covered with
verdure. It presents the same appearance in whatever
direction it is viewed, and consists of three distinct strata,
basaltic, calcareous, and schistose. On the summit is a
mass of stones called Cairn-an-Truagh, said to be the
burial-place of three Danish princesses.
To the south of Knock Lade, towards Cnshendall, is the
beautiful hill of Slieb, or Slieve-na-Aurtz, the summit of
which is 1530 feet above the ocean. It has frequently
been the scene of combat amongst the Irish chieftains, and
on its top are two cairns, said to be the burying-place of
O'Neil and one of his adherents.
About three niiles from Ballycastle, on the road to
Ballintoy, is the conspicuous promoritory of Kenbaan, or
the White Head, so called from the chalky whiteness of its
clifls. On its west side are the remains of Kenbaan Castle
on a rock. Beneath Kenbaan are several interesting caves.
The tourist should also visit Grace Staple* Cove, between
Ballycastle and Kenbaan, and the chine called Bulif.
BALLINTOY is a retired village on an eminence near
the shore of the county of Antrim. Its church and spire,
when seen from a vessel, form a beautiful land-mark, at
the opening of a small bay.
Pop. 278. Fairs : June 3, Sept. 4, and Oct 1*.
A remarkable hill here, called Cruaghmore, is 471 feet
in height; and near its summit are columns of basalt.
The Cromlech, in the grounds of the Rev. Dr, Trail, at
Mount Druid, near the village, is a massive slab) 6} feet
long and 5} broad, placed oh the, top bf four others, and
was formerly encircled by a ring of large stones, 33 feet
ff 3
?3Q No. 105. DUBLIN TO THE
in diameter. Some of these stones still remain in their
Near Ballintoy is a stratum of wood-coal, which was
formerly worked; the veins are mixed with strata of
basalt. The vein caught fire some time ago, and continued
to burn for years, until the mass of basalt rock thus
undermined fell in, and smothered the flames. Supported
by the duty on foreign or British coal, and the attendant
bounty, these mines used to furnish coal to Coleraine and
Port Rush ; hut the competition is given up : they are no
longer worked. Wood-coal is also found at Portmore,
which is the chief bed of it ; at Killymurryt, near Dunloy,
in the centre of the county; and at Portnofer, at the
Giants' Causeway.
The ancient Castles of Kenbaan and Dunteverick are
romantically situated on the clins by the sea-shore, and
some of the small bays are occupied by the houses of per-
sons employed in the salmon and cod fisheries. The
whole of this extraordinary line of coast may be seen by
hiring a boat at the Giants' Causeway, and rowing to
Ballycastle. It is varied by upright basaltic ranges of
columns ; promontories of red keil, covered with herbage
and sea-wrack ; a rocky beach, with here and there a bay
of brilliant yellow sand ; isolated rocks of limestone, or
chalk ; large caverns excavated by the waves ; and falls of
water pouring over the mantling brows of the precipitous
Off this coast is Raghery, or linghUn Uland, containing
about 2000 acres, and consisting of an irregular crescent,
A" miles from horn to horn. The channel which separates
it from the main land is called Slunk- na-Marra, and is
about 3 1 miles across. The passage cannot always be
effected, as the swell of the north sea currents is very
heavy after a breeze, or at spring tides. A boat fit for the
excursion may be hired at Ballycastle ; whence it is distant
nearly 5 miles. Church Bay is the best landing-place, but
there is neither village nor inn. The island is entirely
the property of Mr. Gage, and is esteemed a pleasant
residence by the inhabitants, who, with the exception of
that portion employed in the fisheries, seldom visit Ireland.
The coasts partake of the beautiful and basaltic character
of the Antrim shore, and in several places rise more than
300 feet above the level of the sea. At Doon Point, the
basaltic columns have a very curious appearance. On the
cliff, at the east end of the island, is Bruce' s Castle, so
called from the gallant Robert Bruce, who fortified it and
successfully resisted his enemies during the civil wars of
Scotland. At the west end of the island are Bull Point,
rising 270 feet, and Lough Cliggin ; and at the south
extremity, near Ushet, is Lough Runaolin. The island
contains a church, and a Roman Catholic chapel. Pop, 950.
Off the Bay of Ball in toy, which is commodious for boats,
is Sheep Island, capable of feeding with its fine herbage
about ten sheep in the summer season.
Close to the Antrim cliffs is the celebrated fishing-rock
known by the name of Car Hcfc-a- Rede. A boat can pass
between it and the opposite precipices, but the oars must
be taken in, as the channel is so narrow, as only to allow
the use of a boat-hook against the rocky sides; this
passage is only practicable in a calm, as a boat would be
lost here in rough gales. The rope-bridge, extending from
cliff to cliff, 60 feet apart, is affixed to the top of the
rocky points about 80 feet high, and is a favourite venture
with enterprising travellers. It is only put up, how-
ever, during the fishing season. On the roes: is a seciifre
fishing-house, which, from the water, seems perched
in a nook.
No. 106. From Dublin to GLENARM, First Roa*.
through Drogheda, Belfast, and Larnb.
Dublin Cattle to Mite. tittbli* CatM to Jfftar.
BttWdge*, asatNo. 1 .... ffl>i Lame Sfri
Belfast*, as at No. 30 80 Cairncastle 10«£
6arriclcfergus tf Glenarm 105i
Ballycarr/ &j
The road from Belfast to Carrickfergus passes along a
level tract of land which has been recovered from the
sea, and now bears luxuriant crops. On the right is
Belfast Lough, which, at high water, presents a charming
aspect ; and on the left are numerous villas and planta-
tions, backed by Cave Hill, which is 1064 feet high, and is
composed principally of limestone crowned by a mass of
basalt 296 feet thick. The summit is called McArt's
Fort, and it affords a fine prospect of the bay and the
Irish sea to the coast ot Scotland, as. well as the whole of
the county of Down. It was on this shore, near White
Abbey, that William III. landed.
Belfast Lough, or Bay of Carrickfergus, is a beautiful ex-
panse of water, at the mouth of the Lagan, extending
twelve miles in length, and about five at its greatest
breadth. It is almost free from rocks and shoals, and is
constantly enlivened by the passage of shipping. About
a mile from the south shore is a pool, where vessels may
ride at anchor in low water, though the bank within a few
yards is quite dry. At the entrance of the lough are the
Copeland Islands.
Kb. 106. DUBLIN TO GLEN ARM. 331
CARRICKFERGUS, the county and assize town of
Antrim, is situated on the north shore of Carrickfergus
Bay. It is a county of itself, and a borough returning
one member to parliament It was anciently walled and
fortified, and had four gates, one of which only (the north
gate) is standing. Its history is particularly interesting :
it was taken by Robert Bruce in 1316 ; its governor, De
Burgh, was murdered in 1333 ; the town was subsequently
increased by the Scots, followers of M'Donnell of Glen-
arm, and the Scotch quarter was built: the castle was
taken and retaken by various commanders : in 1568, Sir
H. Sidney landed here, and received the submission of
O'Neil, the Irish chief: in 1689, it surrendered to Schom-
berg : June 4th, 1690, William III. landed at the pier : in
1770, the French, under Thurot, made a descent here, and
surprised the castle ; and in 1778, the bay was visited by
the celebrated Paul Jones. The castle is a magnificent
object, situated on a rocky point of the bay ; it was founded
in 1178 by Hugh de Lacy, Earl of Ulster, and re-erected
by Sir H. Sidney about 1570. In 1790 it was repaired,
and made a depot for arms and ammunition. The summit
of the keep commands a fine view. The monastery of Car-
rickfergus, founded by Hughde Lacy, in 1232, for Fran-
ciscans, was granted to Sir £. Fitzgerald, and afterwards
came into the hands of Sir A. Chichester, Lord Deputy,
who erected a castle on its site.
The church is an old and irregular edifice, containing
some monuments of the Chichester family, a window of
stained glass, representing the baptism of our Saviour,
and several ancient tombs. Amongst the public buildings
are the county sessions house, erected in 1778; conti-
guous to which is the gaol, the town court house, and
prison ; there are also two meeting houses, and near the
•own M a Roman Catholic chapel. Moot of the streets Are
aanow, and many of the houses old and dismal, but it is
improving, and rapidly increasing; for, in 1800, it had but
47* bowses, and in 1831 they amounted to 1490, so that it
will probably in the end gain more by the enftanehiscmctet
of BeUaet, than it would otherwise have done.
The corporation consists of a mayor, burgesses, sheriffs,
and recorder. The town carries on very little trade, but
has some mannlactories of linen and cotton ; and employs
agreat number of hands in the fishery of die bay. It was
the chief commercial town in these parts, up to 1640, hay-
ing an overwhelming right of impost «n all goods issportcd
m the district Bemwt having at that period, for the small
sum of 2000/. liberated itself from its yoke, has, by a more
liberal course, quite eclipsed it. The shores of Carrickfer-
gus, being free from muddy oose, are well suited to bathing?
on this account, the cottages along them are let in summer
at very considerable rente.
8bats: CmtU DMs, surrounded by trees, is the man-
sion of Mr. Dobbe ; it is two miles and a half from the
town } and beyond it is BelUMU, the residence of Harriot
Dalway, esq. : the ancient castle of his ancestry is seen
on the road side, in a lower site than the present mansion \
it has two towers, supporting an embattled gateway, and
is in good condition.
Pop. 8706. Market day: Saturday. Fairs: May 18,
and Nov* 1. Inns : Anderson's and Hull's.
A short distance from Carrickfergus, on the old road,
towards Lame is Lough Mourns, which occupies ah emi-
nence about 600 feet above the level of the sea, and is
three miles in circumference.
BALLYCARRY is a village of Antrim, at the head of
Lough Lame ; it is incapable of much improvement and
No. 100. DUBLIN TO GLENAitM. 533
estension, being, Ul provided with water : at Us entrance on
the right is Ttmpktfre* church in ruins t it belong to
the Prebend of Kilroot, which Dean Swift resigned, on
account of ite too great seclueioD, Beyond it is Bgd-MeM,
the seat of the fete Richard Gervase Kerr, E94,, now the
property of David fcerr, Eaq., of Portavo : here is a aubterv
raneeuft river which descends into .the Salt Holt, but the
agrees of the stream ia unknown. In the &9U B*k, the
Scottish follower* of Jamea M'Sorley, M'Donuell, Earl of
Antr^ lay ia ambush in 1507, for Sir John Chicbe#|«r>
governor of Carrickfargua, who, being deceived by a pre*
tended flight of hia adversaries, fell into the snare, and
M'Donnell struck hia head off on a stone in the Gfy*m>
ifa* 247. Fairs: June 21, Aug, 21, and Oct ft}.
Frofn the Salt Hole to Larne the road ia hilly, but good,
and about three miles from this place affords a beautifiil
prospect. Near the village of Glynnt about a. mij* from
Larne, are vestiges, of a chapel, supposed to have beep
foundedby St. Patrick.
LARNE isa.marj(*t and post town of Antrim, situated*
oaa narrow. inje* .of- the sea, called Lama Lough, and ia a*
clean and well-paved town, particularly the now. part The
harbour, though swll* «the heat port between Belfast andt
Deny, and ia surrounded by the moat romantic nwuAtajjt .
scenery. Larne ia much frequented as a wa|erJngr pjUcer
and. carries on considerate trade in provisions, linens, salt,,
and- Unsv The- liiym manuiactuce flourishes here, and,
there are flour- mills,, salt works, and a cotton manufactory,
at a little distance from, the town. The principal buUdinjp.
are, the church a. fioman Catholic chapel, and several
meeting houses.
Pep. 2016. MmrltfJkw : Wednesday, and on the first
Monday of every month, for yarn, flax, and cattle. Pair* .'
July 31, and Dec 1. Inns : the Antrim Arms, and the
King's Arms.
In the vicinity cf Larne are several objects worthy of
notice. On the road from Larne, towards Ballynure, is
Tubbermore Well, the waters of which turn two mills. At
the extremity of a peninsula, called the Curraan, forming
die north side of Larne Harbour, are the ruins of OUflett
Castle, and on the road to it may be seen the remains of
Clondmmale's Chapel. This castle was erected by one of the
Bissets, who possessed the property in this vicinity in the
time of Henry 1 II. It was here that Lord Edward Bruce,
the brother of the Scottish king, landed in 1315, with the
design of conquering Ireland, an attempt which created
great misery, and was the cause of much bloodshed through-
out the kingdom.
From Oldfleet castle there is a ferry to the peninsula,
improperly called Island Magee, as it is not separated from
the main land. Having landed, the tourist will perceive
two roads ; one of which, towards Brown's Bay, will be the
best route. At a short distance is a Druidical Cromlech,
and to the east of Brown's Bay is a rocking stone, called
the Giant's Cradle. About two miles farther, beyond
Portmuck, are the Gobbins, basaltic cliffij, 200 feet high,
reaching as far as Black Cave Head. Over these heights
were precipitated the bodies of thirty catholics, who had
been cruelly massacred by Monroe, the Scottish commander
of Carrickfergus castle, in the reign of Charles I., a
period when cruelty and retaliation were often indulged in.
At Portmuck are the ruins of a castle; and south of the
Gobbins is Castle Chichester, beautifully situated. At the
west end of Island Magee is Slaughter Fw4> a rivulet, so
called in memory of the massacre above mentioned ; and
a hill near it, surmounted by a lighthouse, is named Mur-
der slay.
The whole coast is rugged, and is lashed by the surges
of a heavy current, which has, in several places, particu-
larly beneath the Gobbins, perforated the dim) in the
form of caves. Along the shore are gathered large quan-
tities of the dullisk marine plant, which is a favourite
article of food with the peasantry. Laver is also found
and prepared here. The Gobbins are also frequented by
various kinds of wild-fowl ; the most remarkable of which
is the goss-hawk ; a pair of these birds was formerly
the tribute, or rent, paid for the peninsula; and the
festival of Hawk-lifting, on Midsummer-day, is still a lively
scene of merriment The process of lifting the hawks, as
the catching of them is termed, is performed by men
who have ropes fastened round their waists, and are then
lowered down the front of the cliffs to the nests of the
birds. Kelp is made along the east coast of the peninsula ;
and herrings, turbot, and blockens, are caught here in
great quantities.
In this peninsula, formerly stood the monastic houses
of Kill Reran and White Kirk. Off the mouth of Old
Fleet Harbour, and north of Magee Island, is a cluster of
rocky islets, called the Maidens.
Beyond Larne, the country is well cultivated, though not
populous ; it is rather tame, but at the distance of about
two miles on the left of the road towards Glenarm, is seen
Agnew's Hill, one of the highest in the county, the summit
being 1450 feet above the level of the sea. Here is Kill-
water Cattle, the' splendid mansion of Mr. Agnew. All
around, between the savage hills on one side, and the sea
a g
on the other, ia> with the exceptions of. KiUygJefle< church,
ami hese and there a solitary hut, wild and bleak.
CAIRNCASTLE is a village of Antrim, with a anail
church, seen beneath the Sahh Br*e*—* range of precipi-
tous bills composed of limestone a#4 basalt* siirmounted
by turf. The old rain of Cairn Castles stands on an insulated
rock at the foot of BtHygeiiy Promontory. Here the sea
forma a fine open bay ; above which, on a rugged site, is
Skm/f. Goatfe, the venerable mansion of the &feaw &pu»ly»
East of the Salah Braes ia Kn*chD<», or the BJaek Hill, a
conical maunfsui of gloomy appearance. As the roa4
apppsnehea Glenana, it wmmaa4sa fine view.
GL&NAR&f is a small peat town of Antrim, deugbtfuUy
situated on a mountain stream, and encircled by/ high
ridges, some of which are composed of lime) much uaeo>
for manure as well as for inortar. The coast here is re-
markably picturesque, a&4 the bay is much resorted to fee
bathing. Near the beach is the church with i^cemetery,
and. adjacent are the remains of the Franciscan friary,
founded in U&>, by Robert Bissett, a Scotchman, who haoV
fled from his own country for being concerned^ in the mur-
der of the Dukeof AtboL Tto ineeting house, which was
eraeted in 1762, af the expense of the Earl of Antrim,
occupies a commanding eimneuee o^rarlootiwg t^e hay*
There is also a market house, and. a new stone bri4gy.
GUwrm. Castle, the modernised mansion of the Countess
of Antrim, ia a noble building, surrounded by fine plp«f*T
tiona. The little- deer park, oa tjb* south spde of thf bay-
is a, scene well worthy, the $©i*i<s.. attention. The roaa\
leading into Gleaarm, .from. I*rne> ia- a^ present over a
mountain of nearly twjo Iriek mike, steep and difficult of
ascent* but the jiew coast road, by the hsae of tbe4»ountaiay
is almost finished. Its plane has been chiefly cut from the
xooks whkhhang in apparent fearful suspense over the rotid.
The barrier to protect the road from the Northern Sea
storms, has several times been carried away, but is now held
t# be capable of withstanding the severest shocks. No objeet
can be more worthy attention than the bold design of tnis
admirable road, by whioh the facility of seeing; this coast,
unequalled in beauty, baa been so much increased. To the
scientific traveller, a richer vein could scarcely he opened.
Pop. 880. Fairs : May 26, and Oct 29.
No. 107. From Dublin to GLENARM. Sbcoko
Road. Through Dkogheda, Belfast, and Bal-»
toman £asw to mm. butotoCatiiuto urn.
Banbridge«, as at No. 1. •• 60* BaUrmne 00*
Belfast*, a«at No. 30. 80 Kilwaghter 95*
Carompney* 86 Caitncartie* 98|
Staid • 891 Gtenarttt* I03|
8TRAID is a village of Antrim, on * bleak ridge of lew
BALLYNURE is a pleasant village of Antrim. Ap. 41*.
KILLWAaHTBR k a village of Antrim* near Agritw's
Hill. Here is a torrent bearing the satae name.
No. 10S. From Dublin to GLENDALOUGH, or the
SEVEN CHURCHES. By the New Military Road.
D^Hn Cattle to Mikt. Dublin Cattle to MOe*.
lUthfamham 3 Glendataagfc M
Togher Inn 18
RATHFARNHAM is a viUage of Dublin. It has a
church and a Roman Catholic chapel In the churchyard
are deposited the remains of Lord Avonmore, the friend of
Seats: Rathfarnham Cattle, the seat of the Loftus
family, belongs to the Marquess of Ely. Buthy Park, the
seat of Sir Robert Shaw, Bart
The Military Road commences at Rathfarnham, and,
crossing the central part of the mountainous district of
Wicklow, forms a communication between Dublin and
the interior and south-west parts of Ireland. It was
constructed after the rebellion of 1798, and terminates
at the Barracks of Agavanagh*
Pop. 1572. Fair: July 10.
it is commonly called, is an ancient city, which enjoyed
considerable celebrity in the early ages of Christianity,
but now consists only of a few ruined edifices, seldom
visited except by the curious traveller or the enthusiastic
pilgrim. It is situated in the valley of Glendalough,
amidst the mountain fastnesses of Wicklow, and is about
five miles north-west of Rathdrum. This valley is about
2} miles in length, and varies in breadth from 1000 to
2000 yards. It is surrounded on every Bide, except that
by which it is entered, by steep and lofty mountains, and
presents a scene of striking grandeur and sublimity.
St. Kevin, or Coemgene, who founded the first abbey
in this romantic vale, was bora in 498, and upon taking
the cowl is said to have retired to these wilds, where he
wrote the Life qf St. Patrick f and other works; he died in
618, at the great age of 120. Glendalough shortly after-
wards became a bishop's see, and continued sq. till 1214,
when it was united to the archbishoprick of Dublin. To
this union, however, a long resistance was made, and it
was not till 1497 that friar White made a formal sur-
render of the see in St Patrick's cathedral, Dublin.
A narrow road, but passable for carriages, commences
at the east end of the valley, and leads to the ruins of the
city, which. are about a mile from the entrance. The fast
object that strikes the attention is the Ivy Church, so
called from the vesture in which it is clad. This was a
small chapel of rude execution, and is now quite in ruins.
At one end of it were the remains of a round tower, but
these fell down in 1818. About a quarter of a mile
distant is the market place of the ancient city, whence a
paved road, some portions of which are still visible, led to
Hollywood, on the borders of Kildarev Near it is St.
Kevin's rivulet, said to possess- miraculous healing powers
on Sundays, Thursdays, and on the festival of the Saint,
provided that the immersion take place before sun rise.
The visitor then crosses the Glendason river by a series
of stepping-stones, and arrives at the area in which the
Seven Churches, properly so called, are situated. The
entrance is formed by a stone archway 16 feet wide. The
most prominent object is the cathedral, originally built
by St Kevin. It is- in the Saxon style of architecture, and
the have measures 47 feet by 30 : the east window is
richly carved, and diminishes so much as to become a
mere loop-hole ; beneath it are some curious sculptures*
Near the cathedral are the ruins of a building called the
gg 3
Pries? * Cell, and a stately tomb. In the churchyard art
some remains of ancient crosses, one of which is an entire
block 11 feet high. Here also is a round tower in ex-
cellent preservation; it is 110 feet in height, and the
circumference, at the base, is 52 feet
Nearly parallel with the cathedral stands St. Kevin's
Kitchen, the least decayed of the Seven Churches. It is
roofed with thin stones, and at the west end is a circular
steeple. The interior measures 23 feet by 15, and com-
municates by an arch with a small chapel. To the west
of the cathedral stood Our Lady's Church, now in a ruinous
condition, and overgrown with ivy, but bearing indications
of superior architectural taste and knowledge.
The Rhefeart, or Sepulchre of Kings, celebrated as the
burial place of the princes of the race of O'Toole, is
situated on the other side of the stream which flows from
the upper lake in the valley. The church itself is a shape-
less ruin, and the cemetery is overgrown with brambles.
Near the Rhefeart is a conical heap of stones, to which
pilgrims resort to do penance.
In a recess of Mount Lugduff are vestiges of Team-
puU-na-SkelUg, or Priory of the Rock, or Temple of the
Desart, and in a rocky projection near it is St. Kevin's
Bed, a cave which is almost inaccessible.
The Abbey, which is the most eastern church, was dedi-
cated to St. Peter and St Paul, but is so ruinous as to
have lost nearly all trace of architectural character. The
sculptures with which it was adorned present, however,
some very curious devices. Near it is a chapel or ora-
tory, which contained the tomb of St Kevin.
The two lakes, from which this valley derives its name,
(Glendalough, i. e. Valley of the Two Lakes) are situated
to the west of the cathedral, and are divided by a watery
meadow. Rocky eminences project boldly above these
lakes, and afford the daring pedestrian prospects of awful
sublimity. Superstition and legends are the natural pro-
ductions of scenes of this character.
Ascending the Avonbeg, about 4 miles south - west of Glen -
dalough, we come to the Vale of Glenmalure, a wild district
of considerable celebrity in Irish history, as the retreat of
Teagh O'Byrn, in the time of Elizabeth. It is 4| miles in
length, and is bounded by steep mountains, and almost
inaccessible rocks of gloomy and frowning aspect The
Avonbeg rises here, and flows down the centre of the
valley, and the road runs parallel with it along the entire
length. In the middle of the vale are Drumgoff Barrack*,
capable of containing 300 men, and near it is a very
comfortable inn. Here the traveller may procure a, guide
to assist him in the ascent of Lugnaquilla, the highest
mountain in Wicklow, being 3070 feet above the level of
the sea, as well as to visit the lead mines of Ballinafinchogue*,
From Glendalough the traveller may go to Wicklow,
which is 1 1 miles distant, passing by the village of Derry-
baun, with a lofty hill of the same name; Anamoe, where
there is a tolerable inn for pedestrians ; near the Devil's
Glen, one of the most picturesque dales of Wicklow;
Glenmore Cattle; and thence by Newry Bridge to Wicklow.
No. 109. From Dublin to HEADFORD. Tltrough
Kin nec ad, Atiilone, and Tuam.
Dublin Castle to Miles. Dublin Caste to Miles.
Athlon©*, aa at No. 100. ••• 59* Castle-Hackct 9/1
Tinm«,asatNo. 1*4. 93 Hertford 109
CASTLE HACKET, in Galway. At the foot of
Knockmac Hill ; close to this place is a castle ruin. Three
miles beyond the village is a small circular lough, with a
church near its bank. Fair: Oct. 2.
HEADFORD is a handsome post town of Galway, with
a church and spire, a Roman Catholic chapel and school,
and has a linen and woollen manufacture. Near it is a
ntie ancient mansion of the St George family ; the demesne
occupies about 2000 acres all inclosed, and commands
magnificent views of the Connemara mountains, Lough
Mask, Ross Castle, &c The river Blackwater flows from
hence into Lough Corrib, passing in its course the beautiful
rum «f Rbss Abbey, two miles west of Headford. This
great lake is 32 miles long, and from six to eight in
breadth ; it contains many beautiful islands. The GilTaroo
trout are in great estimation.
Pop. 1441. Fairs: May 11, and Oct 14.
No. HO. From Dublin to HILLSBOROUGH.
Through Swords, Newry, and Dromokis.
Dublin Castle to Mites. Dublin Castle to Miles.
Batibridge*, aaatNol. 60} Hillsborough* 6S>J
Dwmnon* C6
No. 111. From Dublin to HOWTH.
DuMin CastU to Mites. Dublin Castle to Milts.
Bauybonghbridge 1* Raheney Strand 4ft
Fair View l| BaWoyle ft*
ClontarfTown 2* Howth , 7
8hedsofClontarf 2ft
CLONTARF is a Tillage and sea-bathing place in the
county of Dublin, situated on a delightful strand, and
surrounded by fine groves, parks, and villas. It commands
a fine view across the bay of Dublin, including the Wicklow
mountains; the lighthouse, at the end of the long wall,
and pier, Bray Head, the Sugar Loaves, the Scalp, the
church of Irishtown, and the entire city of Dublin, with
Nelson's pillar. On a moonlight night, when the silvery
beam shoots across the rippling waters of the harbour,
this extensive prospect is still more sublime than by day.
The church was rebuilt in 1609 : it contains several monu-
ments. There is also a Roman Catholic chapel, and a
charter school. The castle is inhabited by the Vernon
family, the proprietors of the town. The Greenlane, one
of the avenues of the town, is .much admired and resorted
to by visitors in the summer leason. Handsome baths are
erected in various points near the north wall, &c, and the
sea-water is likewise conveyed to baths in Dublin. In the
battle of Clontarf, fought in 1014, against the Danes, fell
the Irish heroic monarch, Brian Boroihme. Near this
also, Alan, Archbisop of Dublin, was slain in a revolt of
the ion of the Earl of Kildare. Pop. 1309.
RAHENEY is a pleasant village of Dublin, surrounded
by a beautiful tract of pasture; its church is on an emi-
nence. All the roads from hence, through the peninsula,
are extremely sequestered and picturesque. Pop. 282.
34* No. 111. DUMA* TO HOWTTL
BALDOYLE is a pleasant village and bathing-place
beyond the North BuD, or bank of Shingles, forming the
north side of the bay. The views of the promontory, the
rocky isles, and the marine prospect, are deughtfui. The
whole of this shore is extremely picturesque ; and is fre-
quented by a great variety of birds. Pop. 1009.
HOWTH is a port and post town of the county of
Dublin, romantically mtmtted on the promontory, known
by the appellation of the Hill of Howth, the highest point
of which is 567 feet shore high-water mark. The mails
ami psiscngna from Holyhead, which used to arrive here,
have been removed to Kingstown harbour, which is found
to he more certain and oonunodious. Many finning boats
art kept by the inhabitants of wis interesting village.
The lighthouse stands on the point calkd the Bailey;
besides the ruin of Holm Patrick on Ireland's Bye, Howth
itself ha* a fine specimen of antiquity in the remains of its
Hmtfth Cattle is the much-admired seat of the Bad of
Howth, whose fondly name is St. Lawrence; it is sur-
rounded by richly-planted grounds, and has a noble view
to the west of the Bay of Dublin. There is also a race-
ceune made by Lord Howth. In the hall is preserved the
sword of Sir Armoricns Tristram, an ancestor of the Barl
of Howth, who fought gallantly against the Danes. Here
also is a full-length portrait of Dean Swh% by Blade*.
The pier was constructed at a considerable expense,
under the direction of J. Rennie, Esq. Howth has an
excellent lighthouse ; and to the south, at Kingstown, there
is another, for the direction of ships sailing into Dublin
Bay. The Protestant church, erected in 1816, is a good
building, with a steeple. Howth has also a Roman
Catholic chapel, a school, and several establishment* for the
No. 114. DUBLIS TO KELLS. 347
instruction of the children of Roman Catholics. The Ulan J
if Intend** Eye* a nigged but picturesque rock, opposite
the moutfo of the harbour, has an ancient chapel on it
Pop. 797. The Hotel (McDowall's) is an excellent
No. 112. From Dublin to IRVINESTOWN. Through
Kells and Cavan.
Dublin Castle to Miles. Dublin arte to Wks.
Etmidrillen*, as at No. 80 • • 79* Inineatown 87
IRVINESTOWN is a market and post town, in the
couaty of Fermanagh. The Gothic church has a square
tower, and* there are two meeting houses. The school
house is on. Erasmus Smith's foundation:
P<p» 1047, Market daf: Wednesday. Fairs: die «rh
of eaefr month.
K$shi a pest' Dawn, is distant four miles and' a half; Tril-
lick is five miles from Irraessonm.
No. US: From Dublin to KELLS. First Ho ad.
Through DunsKaughlin and Navan.
DvMfet»Kftlb*,as*tl«».89 3tft
No* 114? From Dublin to &ELLS. Second Road.
Through Lucan, MXYNooTfc, and Trim.
Dublin Castle to Miles. Dublin Cqttls to Mil*.
Kilcock*, at at No. 100 14$ Dunderry Bridge 88
Summerhffl* 90 Kells* 30*
Trim* v 25
No. 115. From Dublin to KENMARE TOWN. First
Road. Through Cork, Mac room, and Kilgarvan.
Dublin Cattle to MUa. Dublin CutU to MUes.
Cork*, as at No. 27 196 Knightsbridge 151
Oren't Inn* 1304 Kilganran 162
Ifacroom* 142} Kenmare 167*
KNIGHTSBR1DGE, in Cork. Here is the mansion
of Sir Nicholas Colthurst, Bart. Near it is the nunnery of
KILGARVAN is a town of Kerry: Pop. 157.
KENMARE is a well-built post town of Kerry, on the
River Kenmare, which is thirty miles long, and near its
mouth above three in breadth. The public buildings are,
a modern church, a Roman Catholic chapel, and a bride-
well. Lord Kenmare has a splendid mansion at Killarney.
The seat at Kenmare Town is a lodge, belonging to the
Marquess of Lansdown. On a height, on the bank of the
river, there is a loose rock of limestone of great dimensions,
although no other appearance of lime can be traced on the
same side of the river. This beautiful inlet of the sea is
hemmed in by mountains, some of which are conical, and
have fine cultivated slopes. A new pier has been lately
-constructed by the Marquess of Lansdown, and many
excellent houses are building. There are several islands
in the Kenmare river, one of which is named Ormond I$le.
Ardea Castle is a ruin on a precipice close to the river side.
Pop. 1072. Fain: March 15, May 22, July 1, Aug. 15,
Sept. 26, Nov. 20, and Dec. 20. Inns: The Lansdown
Arms, and the King's Arms.
No. 110. From Dublin to KENMARE TOWN.
Second Road. Through Limerick, Rathkbale,
Castle Island, and Killarney.
Dublin Castle to Miles. Dublin Castle to Mile*.
Abbeyfeale*,a*atNo.3-.- 123* Hucruw* 1«*
Cattle Island* : 133| Kenroare* 1M#
Killarney* 143|
No. 117. From Dublin to KILDARE. First Road.
Through Naas and Newbridge.
Dublin to Kildare* a* at No. 3 24|
No. 118. From Dublin to KILDARE. Second Road.
Through Luc an, Clajib, and Kilmeaqub.
Dublin Castle to Miles. Dublin Cattle to Miles.
Kilmeague», atatNo. 129 • 22* Kildare* 28*
Bathbrlde 26*
RATHBRIDfi is a village of Kildare.
No. 119. From Dublin to KILKENNY. First Road,
Through Castle Dermot and Leighlin Bridge.
Dublta to Kilkenny*, u at No. 27 «7*
120. From Dublin to KILKENNY. Second Road.
Through Naas, Kilcullen Bridge, and Athy.
Dublin Castle to Miles. Dublin CastU to Miles.
Kilcullen Bridge* at at Caatlecomer • 45*
No.27 21 Kilkenny* ,■•• «
Athy* 32*
No. 121. From Dublin to KILKENNY. Third Road.
Through Athy, Tiwohoe, and Ballynakill.
DubHn Castle to Miles. Dublin Castle to Miles.,
KUdnllen* a»atNb.27—. 21 Batlinalrill* 471
Athy» 32* BaUyragget 52j
Ttuioboe* «. 41* Kilkenny* Gg*
BALLYRAGGET is a small post town of Kilkenny,
pleasantly situated near the river Nore. Near it is a
handsome Stone bridge of ten arches across the Nor*.
BaUyragget has the ruins of a castle, a neat Roman Catholic
chapel, a dispensary, and a school house.
Seat : the mansion-house of Thomas Kavanagh, Esq.,
on whose estate BaUyragget is situated.
Pop. 1629. Fairs: Jan. 11, Feb. 20, April 20, May 9,
June 22, July 22, Sept. 4, Oct 20, and Dec, 10.
No. 122. From Dublin to KILLALA. First Roa».
Through Mullingar, Lanesborouoh, and Ballina.
Dublin Castle to Miles. Dublin CasOe to Mile*.
Kinnegsd*, at 39* French Park 83*
Mullingar* 38* Ballaghaderin ••• 89*
KBfctittdra 44* Ballaghy v 971
Moyr#f© 48 Strtaeferd • 103
Ballymahon 62* Ballylaghan 110
Lanesborough 62* Foxford 112*
Strokestown 70 Ballina ••• 120*
Tubk 75* KUlala •• 127
Belanagar 81
&AC0NDRA, in Westmeath, is a village, with a neat
SEat : Me&re's Court, two miles distant
MOYVORE, in Westmeath. Near this village is * fine
■eat, called New Castle, and two and a half miles distant is
Forgney church. Beyond Afoyvore we enter the county of
Longford. Pop. 21$. Fairs : May 4, Aug 20, and Pep. 5.
BALLYMAHQN is a well-buiH post towp tf Longford,
iseated on the Inny, over which is a bridge of five .arches.
The Shannon and the Royal Canal also pass near this
place, and enable it to carry on a considerable trade.
Ballymahon has a church, a Roman Catholic chapel, and
an old market house. The vjewp in the environ* are
pleasing, and the banks of the Inny derive considerable
interest from having been frequently visited by Oliver
Goldsmith in his boyish days. At Pallas-more, 3 miles
from Jtallymahon, is the house in which Oliver Goldsmith
was bom.
Seats : Castle Cor, said to have been built in imitation
of the round tower at Windsor Castle. Ballypmlry, finely
situated on the Inny.
Pop. 1081. Fairs: Thursday before Ash Wednesday,
March 1, May 11, Aug 11, and Nov. 21,
^ANESBOROUGtf is a handsome market and post
town of Longford. Jt was a borough until the union,
but is now disfranchised. It has an excellent stone bridge
across the Shannon. The Royal Canal joins the i?ver
some miles above Lanesborough bridge, and at an equal
distance below the town the Shannon forms the expanse of
Lough Ree, in which are seen some very beautiful islands.
The Earl of Lanesborough' s family name is Butler, but
the place receives its name from the Lane frmily. Lanes-
borough has a welJ-buUt church and cavalry barracks. Jt
carries on an extensive trade in corn. On the banks of
the Shannon, two miles distant, is the great hill pf/fatbjine,
the summit of which commands a fine view. Here also
is a very ancient castle, dismantled by Cromwell, as well
as a village of the same name.
Pop. 390. Market day: Wednesday. Fair: Feb. 12.
STROKESTOWN is a market and pott town of Ros-
common, with a modern gotbic church, a Roman Catholic
chape], and a session house. Close to the town is the
mansion of Mr. Mahon. A mile distant are annually held
the races and cattle fair of BaUinafad, which take place on
the 27th of August, and continue for a week.
Pop. 1548. Market day: Friday. Fairs: third Tuesday
in May, June, Oct., and Nov.
TULSK is a village and post town of Roscommon. It
is now a small place, but contains the ruins of some
important edifices. The principal is the abbey, of which
a square tower and various walls are standing. This was
the seat of the O'Connors, whose strong castle is now
a ruin. Tulsk is a disfranchised borough.
Seat : Foxborough, one mile distant
Fairs: Easter Monday, Friday before Whit-Sunday,
Aug. 20, and Nov. 3.
BELANAGAR is a village of Roscommon, with a
ruined chapel. On the roadside, two miles distant, is an
ancient church, and to the right is an abbey ruin. In the
vicinity are several country seats.
FRENCH PARK is a post town in Roscommon, and
near it is the handsome mansion of Mr. French. At some
distance beyond it is the church. The river Gara here
forms the boundary of Roscommon.
Pop. 447. Fain: May 21, July 12, and Sept 1.
BALLAGHADERIN is a village and post town of
Mayo, near the Gara river. It has an ancient castle.
Pop. 1147. Fairs: monthly.
BALLAGHY, in Mayo. Near it is an old barrack,
and 2} miles beyond it is a castle ruin. Pop. 345.
SWINEFORD is a market and post town of Mayo, and
derives its name from a small stream which passes by the
town, near which used to be held a considerable market for
No. 122. DUBLIN TO KliLALA. 353
pigs. It has a Gothic church, erected in 1810, which
contains a handsome monument to one of the Brabazon
femily, who are proprietors of the town. There are also a
market house, over which is an assembly room; a Roman
Catholic chapel, a school house, and a good inn. A .con-
siderable trade in corn is carried on here.
Seats: Newpark, Sir A. Brabazon, Bart.; Newcastle,
belonging to the O'Donnels.
Near the ruins of Melick church, 3& miles beyond
Swineford, is a round tower in a perfect state.
Pop. 813. Market day : Tuesday, fairs: May 20,
July 2, Aug. 18, and Dec. 18.
BALL YLAG HAN, in Mayo. Here is a ruin of tfee
castle of Ballylaghan ; and on the Swineford road is a
ruin called Temple Roe.
FOXFORD is a post town of Mayo, on the eastern
bank of the river Moy, over which is a goqd . bridge. It
has an ancient castle and modern barracks; a handsome
church and market house, and has an improving linen
market The river joins another stream, and flows into
Lough Conn, 1} mile from Foxford ; the lake is interspersed
with islands, and furnishes the Gillaroo trout : it is nine
miles long, and connected with lake Cattin, which is three
miles over : there is a bridge across the channel that con-
nects them. These lakes are not remarkable for beauty :
they are said to ebb and flow. The west bank is shaded
by the long steep side of Mount Nephin, one of the largest
hills of Mayo : it is 2640 feet in height
Seats : Moorefield and Keromore.
Pop. 1068. Fairs : May 15, June 25, Oct 3, and
Dec. 10.
BALL IN A, in Mayo, is a well-built and flourishing
post town, with good shops, on the Moy river, over which
hh 3
is a fine old bridge of sixteen arehes, connecting it with
the village of Ardnaree. It contains a small church, with
a neat modern spire ; and a splendid Catholic chapel, lately
built; also breweries, flour mills, and a tannery. Its
trade, particularly in grain, is considerable, and the salmon
fishery is increasing. A mile from the town is a good
quay by the Moy, which facilitates the communication
with Killala. Colonel Gore has a handsome mansion near,
the town.
Pop. 5510. Market day: Monday. Fairs: May 12,
and Aug. 12. Inn i Madden's.
One mile beyond Ballina is a castle, on the edge of the
river; and two miles beyond that, at the head of the
bay, is seated Connor Castle, commanding a noble pros-
pect; as well as another ruin, Roserk Abbey, in which the
construction of a confessional of hewn stone is remarkable.
KILLALA is a small sea-port and post town of Mayo,
and was a bishop's see, to which that of Achonry, in
Sligo, was united in 1607. The see has now merged in
the arch-diocese of Tuam. The cathedral is now used as
the parish church ; and the deanery house is in the town.
There are manufactures of woollen and of coarse linen,
as well as a considerable fishery. Of antiquities, the
principal is the round tower, at the extremity of the town.
The Moy here falls into the western ocean, and the bay
exhibits some exquisite scenery. A French detachment,
under General Humbert, landed here in August 1798,
and possessed themselves of Killala and Ballina; their
progress was stopped at Castlebar, and they surrendered
at Ballynamuck to the king's forces; the rebels were
routed near Killala.
Pop, 1125. Market day: Saturday. Fairs: May 6,
Aug. 17, and Nov. 8.
J55 \<
No. 123. From Dublin to KILLALA. Second
Road. Through Mullinqar, Lanesborough, and
Dublin Castle to Miles. Dublin Castle to AfjV^.;.
Kinnegad*, as at No. 100 • • 29* Ballinlough 89ft
Mullingar* 38* BaUyhaunis 93*
Bacondra* ■•• 44* Ball 1©7*
Ballymahon* 52* Miaola 169*
Lanesborough* •• s 02* Castlebar 114*
Strokestown* 70 Crossmolina 128ft
Tulsk* 75* DeelCastle 131
Castle Plmnket ~- 78ft KBlala* l#t
Castlerea 84*
CASTLE PLUNK ET is a town of Roscommon. South
Parkt a handsome residence, is three miles beyond it, and
one mile farther on the road is the ruin of an abbey.
Fairs: May 14, Aug. 13, and Oct. 11.
CASTLEREA, is a pleasant market and post town in
Roscommon. Here, on the site of an ancient castle, is an
elegant house of Lord Mount Sandford, the proprietor of
the town ; the river Suck flows through the grounds. The
church of Castlerea is a handsome gothic structure. There
are also a Roman Catholic chapel, a dispensary, some fine
bleach-fields, flax- mills, and an ancient bridge. Cloonales,
a seat of the O'Connor family, is one mile beyond
Pop. 1172. Market days: Wednesday and Saturday.
Fairs: May 23, June 21, Aug. 23, and Nov. 7. Inns:
BALLINLOUGH, in Roscommon, is a long straggling
town. It has a neat church, and a tolerable inn. Near it
is a chalybeate spring. Fair : Sept 29.
BALLY HAUN IS is the first village on this route, in
the county of Mayo. Here the scenery changes, and the
ornamented landscapes of Rdscommon are succeeded by
the verdant mountains of Mayo. The Augustine Abbey
is a stately ruin, and about four miles beyond is a lake,
with vestiges of an ancient castle.
Fairs : June 1, July 2, Sept 22, and Oct. 29.
BALL is a charming village of Mayo, near a rivulet
Jt possesses the vestiges of a fine abbey, founded by St
Mocha. The holy well is much frequented, and close to
the village is a round tower of great height One mile
and a half from Ball is Mayo, whence this county, the
largest in extent in the whole kingdom, receives its name.
It exhibits merely some foundations of a cathedral, an
abbey, and other buildings. Its university was once cele-
brated, and the old chroniclers notice how much it effected
in the education of. the princes of Ireland and England,
and in the dissemination of the Christian doctrine.
Fairs : May 1 and 2, June 1 1, Aug. 12, Sept 24, Oct 15,
and Nov. 7.
Seat : Moat, which is the handsome residence of Sir
R, B. Lynch, Bart
MINOLA is a village of Mayo, with a small lough on
either side of it It is seated near a fine stream. Three
miles farther is the village of Breafy, with a .gentleman's
seat adjacent
Pop. 450. Fairs : June 2, and Nov. 3.
CASTLE BAR, the county town of Mayo, was, pre-
vious to the union, a borough, returning members ; but
it is now disfranchised. This is a good town, and the
inhabitants are respectable, wealthy, and industrious. The
great street is a mile in length ; it has two good bridges
across the river, which issues from Raheen Lake, a short
distance south west of the town. In 1798, the French
force, under Humbert, possessed themselves of the town,
No. 124. DUBLIN TO KILL A LA. 857
which they held from the 26th of August until the 4th of
September. The old castle, which gives in part name to the
place, is on an eminence, and serves for a barrack. The
green area, in the midst of the town, is planted, and forms
a beautiful mall. The court house is a good building, and
here also is the county gaol. The Earl of Lucan, owner
of the town, has endowed a charter school. His lordship's
house stands on a commanding hill, with a lawn and grove,
down to the river's edge. Castlebar has a church, a neat
Roman Catholic chapel, Methodist meeting house, bar-
racks, and infirmary, a distillery, brewery, and tannery,
market shambles, and a linen hall. The dealings in linens
form an important part of the busy market of this
fine town. Loch Conn is about 7 miles from Castlebar,
and is 10 miles in length, and from 1 to 8 miles in
Pop. 6373. Market day: Saturday. Fairs: May II,
July 9, Sept 16, and Nov. 18. The Inns, Foy*s and
Sheridan's are respectable, and are situated in Market
CROSSMOLINA is a village of Mayo. The most
remarkable object is the ruin of the abbey, dedicated to
the Virgin Mary.
Pop. 1481. Fairs: May 23, Sept 12, and Dec. 17.
No. 124. From Dublin to KILLALA. Third Road.
Through Athlone, Toam, and Castlebar.
Dublin Casus to Miles. Dublin Castle t? Miles.
Athlone*, a« at No. 100 50* Kilglasacn r 108*
Ballymull&lon 64 Hollymonnt 106*
Thomas Street 69* Balcarra 115
BaUyftman 7U Cattlebar* 119*
Ballynamore 74* Croumolina 134*
Newtown Bellew 82* Killala* 143|
Tuam 93
$38 No, 124. DUBLIN TO KILL ALA.
BALLYMULLALON is a village of Roscommon. On
the river Cronaugh is an ancient castle, 1£ mile distant
towards Athlone.
THOMAS STREET, in Roscommon; 1* mile east is
Dysent church, and a lough extends along the road to she
right, within a mile of Thomas Street village.
Seats : Ballyna and Cloonagh.
BALLYFARNAN is a town of Roscommon, on the
east side of the river Suck, over which is a good bridge*
BALLYNAMORE is a village of Galway, on the
river Suck, which the road crosses twice, between this
place and Newtown Bellew. Here are many neat country
seats. Fair; Aug. 21.
NEWTOWN-BELLEW is a village in Galway. Near
it is the ruin of Castle-Bellew ; and beyond it is seen
Moylough church. Six miles beyond Newtown-Bellew is a
castle ruin; and near Cattle Moyle, a handsome seat, is
the ruin of a church. Farther on is Moyue Abbey, a stately
edifice, founded in 1460 for Franciscans, on the bank of
the river Moyne. The abbey has a handsome square
tower, ascended by a flight of 101 steps ; the remaining
cloisters are of superior workmanship, and the Gothic
windows exhibit very beautiful tracery.
Fairs : May 28, Oct 11, and Nov. 11.
TUAM is a well-built post town of Galway, and is
governed by a sovereign and burgesses. It is an archi-
episcopal city, and was formerly a borough. An abbey,
dedicated to the Blessed Virgin, was first founded here
in 487; and in the ancient church of the Shrine, St.
Jarleth was buried. There is a Roman Catholic college,
a handsome chapel, and free school. The abbey church
was converted into a cathedral in the sixth century.
There were two other monastic foundations ; but the
churches were all burned in 1244. The present cathedral
is a neat edifice, with a lofty spire ; and there is a spacious
but antiquated palace for the archbishops. To this see,
under the late arrangements, the suffragan bishoprick of
Killala is added. The diocesan school is an excellent
institution, and has a well-built school house. The trade
and manufactures of this place are considerable, the in*
habitants are opulent, and the market is well supplied.
The market house stands on square pillars in the centre of
the town, and all the streets and shops have a neat
Appearance. The old castle of Claddagh was a fortress,
romantically situated amongst hills.
Pop. 6883. Market days : Friday for linen, and Satur-
day. Fairs : May 10, July 4, Oct. 10 and 20, and Dec. 15.
Inns : the Connaught Hotel ; the Mitre Hotel.
KILGLASSAN is a village of Mayo.
HOLLY MOUNT is a town of Mayo, on the river Robe.
The church is handsome.
SEAts : Adjoining is the mansion of Mr. Lindsey ; 4
miles beyond Hollymount, to the left, was Newbrook House,
the magnificent seat of Viscount Clanmorris.
Two miles beyond Hollymount is the ruin of an ancient
castle, and three miles farther are several small lakes.
Lough Carra is a Very beautiful lake, surrounded by crags,
and a rude, romantic district.
• Fairs: May 16, and Dec. 11.
BALCARRA is a village of Mayo, seated beneath a
great mountain. Near a rapid stream, which falls into
Lough Conn, Mount Nephin terminates the prospect with
its grand outline, and on the west borders this great lake.
Near it is Lord Tyrawley's mansion. Balcarra church is
4 handsome building.
* Fairs : Feb. 2, June 4, and Nov. 10.
No. 125. From Dublin to KILL ALOE. Through
Mountrath, Toomavara, and Nenagh.
Dublin Castleto Miles. Dublin CastU to MOa.
Toomavara*, as at No. 3. •• 694 Killaloe* 80*
Nenagh* 7*
No. 126. From Dublin to KILLARNEY. Firs?
Road. Through Maryborough, Limerick, Abbt-
feale, and Castle Island.
Dublin Caste to MOet. Dublin CasUe to MO*.
Abbeyfeale* aiatNo. 3. •■ 123ft Killaraey 14S|
Caatie Island* 133|
KILLARNEY, in the county of Kerry, is a market and
post town celebrated for its mountains and the lakes in
its vicinity. We shall proceed at once to notice briefly the
most beautiful objects, recommending*those who wish for a
more detailed description, to consult the excellent " Guide
to Killaraey," by the Rev. N. G. Wright
The town of Killaraey is situated in the barony of
Mafunihy, and has a clean and cheerful appearance. It is
most readily approached by the Cork road, as the mail
from Dublin conveys the traveller to the southern capital
most economically; and a convenient coach from Cork
arrives at Killaraey in the afternoon ; by this course the
visitor .can be refreshed after his journey, for the next
morning's more arduous ramble. Killamey is well built,
but none of the houses command any prospect of the
jacent lake. In New Street is the Kenmare Arms Itm,
d there are two other very respectable inns in the prin-
pal street. The linen manufacture is making rapid
rogress here, under the patronage of the noble proprietor,
[ere also are three clubs and public reading-rooms, in
toich travellers will be kindly received. The church
ontains many handsome monuments, and the east window
i painted. It is not a beautiful building, but the exterior
las some degree of grandeur. The Protestant free school
0 a new building, supported and patronized by the towns-
people and neighbouring landholders. In New Street is
the Roman Catholic chapel, containing the monument of
Dr. Gerald Tahan, a prelate, who died in 1797. The
titular bishop has a handsome residence adjoining this
chapel. The Presentation convent in New Street has,
by the gift of Lord Kenmare, a sum of one hundred
pounds annually : this nobleman grants clothing for thirty
of the girls educated at the convent ; and also clothes and
apprentices twenty boys of the Catholic school. Quarter
sessions are held in Killarney, and the manor court for
the recovery of small sums is held by the seneschal once
in each month.
Pop. -7910, Market day : Saturday. Fairs : July <>,
Aug. 10, Oct 7, Nov. 11 and 30, and Dec. 28. Inns: the
Kenmare Arms ; and the Hibernia.
Adjoining the town, on a marshy level, is the seat of
Lord Kenmare, surrounded by avenues of large trees.
At the rear of the house is a terrace, abruptly terminated
by a wide ha-ha. The interior contains a private chapel,
and some of the rooms are hjing with tapestry. In the
ball room is a picture of Handel crowned by Apollo,
and a table, made from a single plank of yew, three
feet broad. Busts of George JI. and Grattan, from th#
chisel of Turnerelli, decorate the staircase. The hall is
paved with beautiful marble, raised on the lands of Cahir*
nane, and is ornamented with busts of Wellington and
Blucher. This mansion has an excellent garden.
In visiting the lake a considerable expense is incurred
in hiring one of the boats which are kept in readiness for
the tourist ; they are the property of Lord Kenmare, and
can only be obtained at a stipulated price : in addition to
which, each of the boatmen, of whom there are generally
four, receives 2*. per day, as well as dinner, and a bottle
of whiskey. The boat is also usually accompanied by a
coxswain, a gunner, and a bugleman. The extent of the
lakes is about ; — Lower lake 4} miles by 2, Turk lake 2
by 1, Glena bay 1 by f , and Upper lake has an average,
of very unequal proportions, of 1 J by half a mile in width*
Ron Cattle is built on a point of land which advances
into the Lower lake, and in the rainy season is insulated
by the waters collecting in the marsh. In summer, how-
ever, this peninsula, which the term Ross denotes, is con-
nected with the shore by dry land, as the castle is by a
bridge and causeway. It is named Ross Island, and is
the largest on the lakes. Ross Castle has a military
governor, and a small detachment of soldiers. It was
strongly garrisoned during the civil war, and was besieged
in 1652 by Ludlow, who succeeded Ireton in the command
of the Parliament's forces in this kingdom. Having de-
feated Lord Muskery, in the county of Cork (in which
action M'Gillicuddy, an Irish colonel, was slain), Lord
Broghill, the gallant son of the Earl of Cork, joined
General Ludlow, and pursued the remnants of the Irish
army to Ross Castle. Having conveyed his long boats from
Castle Main with much difficulty, and launched them on
the lake, Ludlow intimidated the garrison to a surrender.
A new building is attached to the square ivy-mantled
tower of the ruined castle, the battlements of which
command a fine view of Mangerton, Turk, Glena, &c.
The island is covered by young plantations, amongst
which are many beautiful shrubs. The lead and copper
mines of Ross Island are no longer worked.
In Ross Bay is situated the boat-house. At the moment
of embarkation the bugle is sometimes sounded, and an
echo is heard as if proceeding from the castle, and more
remotely from the slopes of Mangerton : this echo is the
finest from the shores of the lakes, and is particularly
beautiful if heard in the evening.
o'donohue's prison, &c.
O'Donokue's Prison is a steep rock, nearly 30 feet high,
so called from a chieftain of gigantic stature, who is sup-
posed to have consigned his enemies to this barren spot
His celebrated white charger has also a local record in
another rock, resembling a horse, close to the Mucruss
shore, named O* Donahue's Horse.
To the north ofO'Donohue's Prison are Heron and Lamb
Islands, and farther to the west is Rabbit or Brown Island,
containing quarries of limestone, which is burnt for agri-
cultural purposes.
Mouse Island, so called from its diminutive size, is a
rock situated in the channel, between Ross and Jnnis-
The Island of Innisfallen is situated to the west of Ross
Island, and is, as its name imports, a beautiful or healthy
island. It has but two landing places, one of which has
a mole where tourists disembark. This beautiful spot
consists of 18 acres, laid out by nature in delightful variety
of woodland, knoll, and lawn. The timber of Innisfallen
consists of gigantic oak and ash trees, whilst the arbutus
and the holly form the underwood. Amongst the curiosities
pointed out to the visitor are, a holly 14 feet in circum-
ference : a hawthorn growing through a tomb-stone near
the abbey; a crab-tree, with an aperture through which
the guide recommends ladies to pass ; and the Bed of
Honour, a projecting rock shaded by an old yew, and so
called from having been visited by the Duke of Rutland
when he was Governor of Ireland.
The abbey of Innisfallen was founded in the sixth
century, by St Finian, but the ruins now visible are
evidently of much later date. In 1180 tbe island was
ravaged, the abbey plundered, and the priests slain, by
Maolduin O'Donaghoe. The Annals of lnnisfalleny pre-
served in Trinity College, Dublin, may be referred to by
those who wish for more historical information. These
MSS. comprise a history of the World, from the creation
to a. d. 430, from which period to 1320, they refer solely
to Ireland. At the south-east corner of the island is an
ancient chapel, with a Saxon doorway; it is called the
oratory, but has been fitted up by Lord Kenmare as a
banqueting room, and commands a fine view. The pastu-
rage in this island is celebrated for fattening cattle ; a few
cows and a flock of sheep are taken care of by a resident
Tomies and Glena are wooded promontories, whose
rocky sides abruptly range along the water's edge, opposite
to Innisfallen island. Their bleak mountain summits are
seen beyond the forest, which grows on their slopes, and
extends above five miles. Tomies mountain is about a
mile and a half from Innisfallen.
In Tomies bay is a rude quay, beyond which the tourist
may proceed by a rugged path, along the side of a
rapid stream, to O' Sullivan's Cascade, which descends a
romantic ravine in three falls over ledges of rock. The
roar of this grand cascade, as the water rushes into the
cavities which it has formed, is terrific. In the grotto,
formed beneath a rock projecting over the lower basin,
is a stone seat, from which the sublime scene may be con-
Re-embarking at the quay, the tourist sails over deep
water, at the bottom of which the peasantry assert car-
buncles may be seen in clear weather. Pearls are also
said to have been formerly found in the lake and in the
river Lane. In the county of Kerry amethysts of some
value have at various times been discovered.
glena, &c.
Coasting along towards the Upper lake, the tourist
passes Stag Island, Burnt Island, and Darby's Garden, all
situated near Glena Point ; and, leaving Castle Lough bay
to the east, proceeds, beneath the woods of Glena, to
Glena Bay, the scenery of which is as varied as it is
beautiful. On its western shore are a holly, an oak, an
ash, a hazel, a birch, and a thorn, so curiously incorporated,
that they appear but one tree.
Glena Bay is remarkable for an echo, and has an excel-
lent fishery of trout, perch, and salmon.
Parties resorting to the lake frequently dine at Glena
Cottage, most beautifully situated at the base of Glena
mountain, and sheltered by a hanging wood close to the lake.
The salmon caught here are split from head to tail, and cut
into pieces, which are pierced with skewers of arbutus wood,
supposed to give them a peculiar flavour, and roasted over
a turf fire. The peasant who takes care of the cottage, has
a little hut behind it, and always gives visitors a welcome
Stag hunts occasionally take place, when the spectators
wait in their boats to view the stag, pursued by hounds
and huntsmen, merge from some bushy dingle of Glena
forest, and take the water, where he is intercepted by the
sportsmen, and borne to shore. The stag, or red deer, is
still found in the woods surrounding these lakes.
In Castle Lough Bay, between Ross Island and Mucruss
promontory, is a good fishery. Here also, amongst others,
are Cow Island, Friar's Island, Ash Island, and, close in
with the shore of a cove beneath Mucruss Abbey, Sugar
Island. At the mouth of this wide bay are Pigeon, Jack-
daw, and Crow Islets, also a long strip of land named
Coarse Island, and a pretty rock called Yew Island.
Castle Lough is the seat of Dr. Lawler. The castle itself
was nearly razed to the ground by Ludlow. The. vicinity
of this bay is flat land.
The most beautiful entrance into Turk Lake is by the
circuitous channel on the Glena side of Dinis Island ; but
there is also an entrance on the other side of the same
island, and another under Brickeen bridge. The tourist
should land on Dinis Island, to survey the beautiful lawns
and groves with which it is adorned. Here is a neat cot-
tage, where parties frequently dine ; it commands a pleas-
ing prospect of the whole lake, which is about two miles
long, and one broad : as well as Turk and Mangerton moun-
tains, and Turk cottage. Hence he may re-embark, and
coasting along the south side of the lake, have a fine view
of Turk Mountain, a beautiful conical hill, wooded to a con-
siderable height, as well as of the opposite shore, which
forms an excellent contrast
At the east end of the lake is Turk Cottage, belonging
to Mr. Herbert, and about a furlong behind it is a beauti-
ful fall of 60 feet, called Turk Cascade, which is supplied
from a lake on the summit of Mangerton. This small
lake is denominated the Devil's Punch Bowl, and hence
the rivulet which flows from it has the name of the Devil's
Stream. The tourist should then sail round the east and
north Bides of the lake, noticing the Devil* s Island, which
appears to have been separated from the Mucruss shore by
an earthquake, and, passing by Brickeen bridge, return
to Dinis Island.
Leaving Killarney to the north, and proceeding towards
Mangerton, the tourist passes by Woodlawn Cottage, On
the river Flesk ; Cairnane, the seat of Mr. Herbert ; Lord
Headley's Lodge, and Castle Lough. The river Flesk falls
into the lake at the back of Ross Island, opposite to Pigeon
Island. An avenue of lime-trees borders this road from
Flesk Bridge to the village of Cfoghereen, which is two
miles from Killarney, and forms the entrance to the beau-
tiful demesne of Mucruss.
Mucruss, or Irrelagh Abbey, is surrounded by fine trees.
It was founded by Donald McCarthy, A.D. 1440, as a
house for Conventual Franciscans, and further improved
by him in 1468, a short time before his death. In 1602 it
was rebuilt by the Roman Catholics, but was soon after
allowed to decay. This beautiful edifice originally con-
sisted of a nave, choir, transept, and cloisters, the remains
of which are still very perfect. The tower, at the junction
of the transept and nave, rests upon four narrow, but
elegant Gothic arches, which are partially concealed by
the shrubs rooted in the mouldings. The choir has a
gloomy and solitary appearance, which is heightened by
the numerous relics of mortality scattered about in every
direction. On the floor is the tomb of the McCarthy
Mores, and on the walls are several monuments of ancient
date. The tracery of the great eastern window is parti-
cularly beautiful. Adjoining the choir is a small chapel.
The old bell of this abbey was found in the Lough some
years ago.
The cloisters, which are 40 feet square, are in good pre-
servation, and exhibit various styles of architecture, some
of the arches being Gothic, and others semicircular, or
Saxon. The great yew tree in the centre spreads its
boughs over the side-walls, and by its dark sepulchral
foliage, adds much to the solemnity of the scene. The
dormitory, kitchen, refectory, wine cellars, and other
chambers, formerly tenanted by the monks, are still in
tolerable preservation ; but the evidences of the ravages
of death are too prominent to encourage very close in-
spection. The thin deal coffins of the peasants are seldom
sunk more than two feet below the surface. The cemetery
south of the abbey is also crowded with tombs.
Mucruss, the mansion of the Herbert family, is an old
and plain building, but is advantageously situated, and
commands a good view of the lake. The demesne is co-
vered with wood, and is traversed by an interesting winding
path, which extends as far as the extremity of Brickeen
Island. The Peninsula and Brickeen Island are connected
by a bridge erected by H. A. Herbert, Esq. : it consists of
one arch, 17 feet high, and 27 in span. Mucruss Peninsula
contains a quarry of beautiful marble. Iron ore and cop-
per have also been obtained in it
This mountain is 2693 feet in height, and may be easily
ascended from Cloghereen, either on horseback or on foot.
At this village the tourist should procure a guide, who
carries a horn, and is generally accompanied by a number
of men and boys, who press themselves into the traveller's
service, regardless of his entreaties to the contrary. In
about half an hour, an elevation is obtained commanding a
fine view of the lake and its islands, and beyond this the
patli gradually increases in interest. Along the mountain
may be seen the road between Manger ton and Turk, lead-
ing to Nedheen, or Kenmore, which is 1 If miles from
Killarney. The tourist soon arrives at the Devil's Punch
Bowl, an oval basin about a quarter of a mile in diameter,
the waters of which are very cold and dark, and supply
the Turk Cascade already mentioned. It is supposed by
some to be the crater of an extinguished volcano. Here the
guide blows his horn so as to produce an extraordinary effect.
From the Bowl a path leads to the summit of Manger-
ton, which, in fine weather, commands a most extensive
prospect, embracing the course of the river Kenmare, the
coast towards Bantry, the Reeks, and the Sugar Loaf,
overlooking the bold Kerry shores distinguished by the
improvements of Lord Headly, and the estates of Daniel
O' Council, Esq. (Cahir Lieven), and the Knight of Kerry;
whilst to the north west are seen the Tralee Mountains, as
well as Castlemain, Dingle, and Miltown Bays.
From Mangerton the tourist of stout nerves may de-
scend the Glen of the Horse, or, as it is called by the
mountain peasantry, Glen-na-Capull, this being a much
more interesting, though more dangerous route, than that
by which he ascended. The easiest entrance to it is by
the opening through which the superfluous waters of the
Bowl descend to Turk Cascade. One side of this soli-
tary glen consists of craggy rocks, to which the mountain
eagles resort as a secure retreat ; and at the bottom are
two small loughs, on whose brink a few sheep and goats
occasionally procure subsistence. The effect of the horn
in this obscure glen is particularly fine.
From the ridge between Glen-na-Capull and the Bowl
may be seen several loughs, the most remarkable of which
are Lough Na-Maraghnarig, in a very lofty situation, and
lower, in Glan Flesk Mountain, Lough Kittane, which is
2 miles long and 1 broad.
If the traveller return from the summit of Mangerton
by the same route as he ascended, he should entrust his
torse to one of the numerous attendants by whom he will
be accompanied, as the descent is performed much better
on foot He may then ride back to Killarney.
Aghadoe cathedral church is a venerable ruin, 2} miles
from Killarney, and is celebrated for its view of the lake,
and of the lofty hills which are closed in by the reeks*
The last half mile of the route is not passable for carriages,
as the church is out of the high road. The abbey of
Aghadoe appears to have been of considerable dimensions
and antiquity ; the door is carved with rich Saxon orna-
ments, and there were loop-holes in the east wall giving
but a scanty light to the chancel. The cemetery of the
Roman Catholics at this place is crowded with skulls,
bones, &c, and is frequently very offensive. Near the
church is a round tower, 20 feet in height) and here
also is the pulpit, consisting of the remains of a round
castle, 30 feet in height, and 25 in diameter. At the north
west corner of the church is a rough stone, 7 feet long,
with an Ogham inscription. The characters of which it is
composed are 8£ inches long, and are formed of horizontal
or of perpendicular lines, from which unequal but parallel
direct lines project ; the measure of these causes variation,
and they seem to bear an affinity to the simplest of the
Chinese characters. The Ogham letters were used by the
ancient Irish, but are now unintelligible cyphers. On the
left of the road from Killarney to Aghadoe is Prospect
Hail, from the grounds of which there is a charming view
of the lakes.
This ancient castle is rather more than 2 miles beyond
Aghadoe, and is situated near Laune- Bridge, which is
built over a river of the same name. During the civil
wars, in the time of Elizabeth and Cromwell, it formed a
retreat for the chieftains of Kerry. It is now the resi-
dence of Major Mahoney, having been modernized and
fitted up in a commodious manner. The floors of some
of the apartments are of yew. The battlements command
a fine view of the surrounding country, which is thickly
Beyond Dunloe Castle a narrow road leads to Durdoe
Gap, a grand and romantic defile nearly four miles in
length, situated between Tomies Mountains and M'Gilli-
cuddy's Reeks. The hills at its entrance are called Holly
Mountain and Bull Mountain, and their sides are almost
perpendicular. Skirting the first part of the road is a
small lake, reflecting the dark hue of the mountain hanging
over it, and beyond this the scenery assumes an aspect
truly appalling. At the extremity of the Gap is a road
leading to Gher amine Cottage, the seat of Lord Brandon,
surrounded by delightful grounds. Here also is the Valley
of Comme Duff, at the west end of which is the Red
Trout Lake. Almost opposite the end of the Gap is a
cascade, the waters of which form several small lakes in
the valleys, and finally enter the Upper lake at Cariguline.
This is the highest peak in the vicinity of Killarney,
being 3410 feet above the level of the sea, and is the most
difficult of access. Its name, Car ran Tual, signifies " in-
verted reaping hook/' to which the outline of the upper
part is said to bear a strong resemblance. The excursion
to Carran Tual is an undertaking requiring considerable
strength and resolution, as at least seventeen hours will
be necessary to go from and return to Killarney, fourteen
of which must be occupied in active exertion. The tra-
veller should ride from Killarney across Laune bridge,
and turning to the right, beyond Dunloe Gate, will arrive
at a small village at the foot of the Reeks, where he may
hire a guide. Here he should leave his horse, or send it
back to Killarney, having previously ordered a boat to meet
him at the boat-house at the west end of the upper lake,
and given directions for dinner at Ronan's Island.
From the village a horse-path crosses the hills to Mr.
Blennerhasset's Lodge, seated on the banks of the Giddah
river, which is seen winding through the vale in its course
to the Laune. The tourist then obtains a view of Dingle
Bay from Lishbaun Mountain ; and crossing the Giddah,
passes through a vale to the Hag's Glen. On the left are
the precipitous sides of the Lower Reeks, and opposite to
them appears Konnoc a Brianin, or the Hill of the Sheep
Raddle. Here may be seen the Hag's Tooth, a conical
rock projecting from the mountain, the Hag's Lough, with
an island in the centre, the Devil's Lough, &c. Hence
the ascent is prosecuted by the narrow channel of a moun-
tain-torrent to the summit of a ridge, which leads to the
highest peak. The view from this spot is very extensive,
embracing the Tralee Mountains, Bantry Bay, the har-
bours and rocky coast of Kerry, including the bays of
Castlemaine and Dingle, together with an endless variety
of nearer objects. Amongst the plants growing here,
London Pride abounds. The principal stone found is
Along the ridge of the Reeks are seen several pools.
The awful nature of the declivities is little understood
when contemplated from this elevated position ; the Lower
Reeks appear foreshortened, and seem to consist of
374 No, 126. DUBLIN TO KlLLAttNETT.
inclined pi anew, whilst the glaring expanse of the lakes is*
often presented to the eye in a deceptive proximity.
The tourist should now descend to the valley of Cnmme
Duff, beyond which a rugged path of four miles will lead
him to the boat-house on the Upper Lake, whence he
will be conveyed to Kenan's Island. Me may then return
to Killorncy.
The entrance to the Upper Luke from the Lower, or
from TuTk Lake, is formed by a natural channel, bounded
on the north-west by Glena and Long Range Mountains,
and on the south-east, by the base of Turk and the droop-
ing mountain. It is of unequal breadth, and about three
miles in length. In this passage there are many fine views j
t&e tourist should also notice O' Sullivan's Punch Bowl, an
eddy near Old Weir Bridge, Plummet's Island, and a large
mass of rock called the Man of War, to which it certainly
bean considerable resemblance. The Eagle's Nest, which
forms the prominent object in the passage, is a steep corn-
eal rock, about 1300 feet in height, the base being covered
with wood, and the tipper part adorned with a few moun-
tain shrubs, which add greatly to its beauty. The nest,
from which the mountain derives its name, is situated
near the summit, and appears like a black spot Beneath
the crags of the Eagle's Nest is an echo of extra-
ordinary power, repeating the sound of a cannon like
successive peals of thunder. Music also here produces a
charming effect The Station for Music, as it is called, is
on this side the river, and the Station for Audience on the
other. Beyond the Eagle's Nest, the tourist passes
numerous rocks and islands, amongst which are Holly
Island, the Four Friends, Newfoundland Mountain, &c. He
then arrives at the passage into the Upper Lake, which is
not more than 30 feet broad, and is called Coleman's Leap,
tradition asserting that a man of this name once jumped
across it The impression of his foot on the opposite rock
is of course still visible. On the left is the peninsula
called Coleman's Eye,
The Upper Lake consists of about 720 acres, and is
completely surrounded by mountains, which give it a sub-
lime and picturesque aspect Its extreme length is about
If mile, but its breadth varies greatly. The principal
islands on its surface are Roman's Island, where parties
occasionally dine, Duck Island, M'Carthy's Island, Arbutus
Island, Rossburkie, or Oak Island, from the shores of which
there is a splendid prospect, Knight of Kerry's Island,
Eagle Island, and Stag Island. The tourist should visit
Esknamucky Cascade, situated behind Cromiglaun, or the
Drooping Mountain, which rises from the brink of the lake
in majestic grandeur ; and a secluded cottage usually called
Heyde's Cottage, which is situated up a beautiful green-
bordered narrow arm of the lake, and for beauty of
situation is unequalled. To the west of it is Derry-Cuniky,
another cascade of great beauty. He should also ascend
Cromiglaun, from the summit of which there is a fine view of
the lake and its islands.
From the Upper lake the tourist must return by the
same channel as he entered, but his progress will be greatly
facilitated, as the current will now be with, instead of
against, him. The only unpleasant part of the passage is
shooting old Weir Bridge, which should only be attempted
by persons with good nerves.
The Rev. N. G, Wright, in his interesting Guide already
noticed, recommends the following tour of three days
to travellers who are pressed for time ; those who have
abundance of leisure will occupy at least a week in sur-
veying the various beauties ef the lakes of Killarney.
First day — Visit Mucruss, Mucruss Abbey, Mangerton,
Devil1* Punch Bowl, Glen-na-Capu1t and Lough Kittane.
Second day — Lord Ken ma re's mansion and demesne,
Kneckriur Hill, Boss Castle ; embark for Innisfallen, pro-
ceed northward by boat to O'Sulliv,: lits Cascade, Tomies
Mountain, the Drinking Horse ; visit Turk Lake through
Brickeen Bridge, Turk Cottage, and Cascade ; pass be-
tween the foot of Turk Mountain and Dinis Island, walk
across Dinis to O* Sullivan's Punch Bowl ; embark for
Glena Bay, dine at Glena Cottage on salmon, &c, pass
Darby's Garden, sound the bugle in Glena Bay, and
again opposite to Ross Castle ; here land, and return to
Third day — Visit Aghadoe church, cross Beaufort
Bridge to Dunloe Castle, thread the gorge of Dunloe Gap,
descend into Comme Duff Valley, pass the Loughs, visit
Gheramine Cottage ; embark for Ronan's Island for Derry
Cunihy, pass by Coffin Point, Cromiglaun, Coleman's Eye,
to the Esknamucky Cascade; enter the channel, pass
Coleman's Leap, the Eagle's Nest — here listen to the dis-
charge of a petararo and the echo ; shoot through old
Weir Bridge, proceed to the Peninsula of Mucruss, pass
Brickeen Bridge, inspect the shores of Mucruss, and the
rocks and isles of O'Donohue's Table, Alexander's Rock,
Cow Island, Jackdaw Island, Yew Island, and Rough
Island; land under Ross Castle.
No. 127. From Dublin to KILLARNEY. Second
' Road. Through Cork, Macroom, and Millstreet.
Dublin Castle to Mile*. DuNin Cartle to Mite».
Cork*, as at No. 27. 124* Macroom 143*
Ballincollig 129 Millatreet 1534
Ovens'Inn 130| Killanxey* 169f
BALLINCOLLIG a post town in Cork. The castle,
which belonged to the ancient family of Barrett, was
a fine square fortress built on an abrupt precipice, and
entirely commanded the circumjacent plain. It was
occupied by a garrison in the civil wars. A considerable
portion of this castle is still standing. Near Ballincollig
is the ruin of Kilcrea Castle ; Kilcrea Abbey, founded by
Connac M 'Car thy in 1456, has a steeple 80 feet high.
The approach to the nave is formed by a gloomy footway
between walls, composed of skulls and bones, and shaded
Ivy lofty rows of oak trees. Pop, 875.
OVENS is a small village, with an inn and a church.
The cavern at this place is deserving of the tourist's
inspection; it is of considerable length, and may be
entered with safety ; the roof is incrusted with stalactites
and spar. The rivers Lee and Bride unite close to this
MACROOM is a market and post town of consider-
able antiquity, in the interior of the county of Cork. It
is seated on the Sullane. The castle, erected in the reign
of King John, is modernised, and is the residence of the
Eyre family ; it was burnt in 1641, but rebuilt by the Eark
of Clancarty. Some persons have asserted, that Admiral
Penn was born within the walls of this castle, but on his
tombstone, at Bristol, it is stated that he was a native of
that city. Here are two ancient towers, 60 feet in height,
KK 3
as well as barracks; and opposite to the bridge is St.
Colman's church, a very handsome edifice ; a Roman Ca-
tholic chapel, a dispensary, and schools. On the edge of a
moss, half a mile from Macroom, is a chalybeate spring ;
and in the vicinity are various ancient buildings. The
prospects are bounded by great mountain ridges. To the
south are Driskane Castle, and some other handsome
residences. To the west, at Carrigafouky, is CarrigadroMd,
a castle of the M'Carthy's, in a most romantic situation on
a rock, and near it is an altar supposed to have been raised
by the Druids. Four miles farther, in this direction, from
Macroom, is Bally vourney, celebrated for its ancient church,
now ruined, and for its nunnery. Dunda Castle occupies
a rocky height, six miles from Macroom.
Pop. 2058. Market-day: Saturday. Fairs: 12th of
May, July, Sep., and Nov. Inns : The King's Arms, and
the Swan.
MILLSTREET is a post town in Cork, on the mail
coach line between Cork and Killarney, with a good inn.
It has barracks, a church, and a Roman Catholic chapel
The neighbourhood is highly romantic, and abounds with
stupendous hills, amongst which are found many ancient
remains and castles. The principal objects worthy the
traveller's attention are, the Danish forts of Clondrohid,
with an old church ruin; M'Swinney's Fortress, called
Clodagh Castle ; the two beautiful mountains termed the
Paps, with tumuli on the conical apex of each summit ;
the wild district of O'Donohue's country, with his old
castle; the brilliant rocks of Kilnamatery, resembling
white battlements ; and the fine route to Killarney, with
its cloud-capped hills.
Pop. 1935. Fairs: March 1, June 1, Sept. 1, and Dec. 1.
No. 128. From Dublin to KILLARNEY. Third
Road. Through Kilkenny, Clonmell, Doneraile,
and Mallow.
Dublin Castic to Miles. Dublin Castle to MOes*
Clogheen* as at No. 27 93* Doneraile 113
Ballyporeen 96* Mallow 118J
Mitchelrtown 103 Mfflstreet* 136|
Kildorerey* 107 Killarney* 1M
MITCHELSTOWN is a pretty market and post town
of Cork, which has been much improved under the aus-
pices of the Kingston family. The demesne is very exten-
sive and beautiful, and free admission is at all times per-
mitted into the park. The splendid mansion, Mitchelstown
Castle, the seat of the Earl of Kingston, by whom it was
erected in 1823, is at this place, and here also is a college
founded by Lord Kingston, for twelve decayed gentlemen
and sixteen females : the residents have each a house, and
a yearly allowance of 402. Mitchelstown contains a modern
church, and a Roman Catholic chapel. In 1833, some sin-
gular and extraordinary caves were discovered on the
estate of Lord Kingston ; they are situated about 7} miles
from the town, and are very interesting to the scientific
traveller. Near this town are the ruins of Caherdriny and
Carriganoura castles. A mile from Mitchelstown are the
round tower and ruined church of Brigowne. On the Black-
water, near Mitchelstown, is the beautiful mansion of
Castle Hyde, Five miles from Mitchelstown, is Lord
Kingston's mountain lodge, beautifully situated on a hill,
surrounded by thick woods and mountains.
Pop. 354$. Market day : Thursday. Fairs : Jan. 10,
Mar. 25, May 23, July 30, Nov. 12, and Dec. 2. Inn :
The Kingston Arms Hotel.
KILDOREREY, in Cork. In the neighbourhood of
this Tillage are to be seen Ballmamama Castle, and WaWi
Town Cattle, both in the direction of Doneraile.
Pop. 576. Fairs: May 1, June 27, Sept. 3, and Nov. 27.
DONERAILE is a market and post town of Cork,
situated on the Aubeg, which flows southward, to join
the Blackwater. The church has a lofty spire, and on
the foundations of the old castle are barracks, and near
them marble quarries. Here also are a Roman Catholic
chapel and convent, and a free school. Two miles from
Doneraile is Kilcoleman Castle, in which Spenser composed
the Faerie Queen, now the seat of Adderly Beamish, Esq.
there the poet was visited by Sir Walter Raleigh ; there he
married a country girl ; but driven by Lord Tyrone from
the estate of 3000 acres of forfeited lands that had been
granted to him, he fled to England, where he died in po-
verty. The mansion and grounds of Doneraile, the seat of
Viscount Doneraile, are noted for their extraordinary
beauty. At Castle Saffron, one mile distant, are several
cascades. Buttevant is a post town, three miles from
Doneraile, seated on the Aubeg. It has a modem church,
and ruins of several monasteries : a curious tower, built by
the Earl of Desmond, called Cullin, stands near one of the
monasteries. The family of Barrymore derive the title of
Viscount from this place. Their motto, Boutez em etwmi,
explains the meaning of the name Buttevant.
Pop. of Doneraile, 2652. Market day : Saturday. Fairs:
Aug. 12, and Nov. 12.
Pop. of Buttevant, 1536. Fairs : March 27, July 20,
Oct 14, and Nov. 20.
MALLOW, in Cork, is an agreeable post town and
watering-place, situated on the banks of the Blackwater,
a pretty river, which nearly intersects the province of
Munster, and is governed by a provost and burgesses.
The medicinal spring, for which it is noted, issues from the
limestone close to the town ; the water is hot, like the
Bristol springs, and has been in estimation with the Irish
gentry for a hundred years ; it is recommended for con-
sumptive patients. The Spa house is a neat building.
A pretty canal, bordered by poplars, leads to it from town,
and on the south side is a sheltering rock of limestone.
Two castles were built at Mallow, by Desmond, the noble
chieftain ; one of them was demolished in the civil war, and
the ruins of the other are still visible on an eminence
overlooking the river. Mallow is a borough town, return-
ing a member to parliament It has a church, a Roman
Catholic chapel, a public reading room and library,
meeting houses, market house, cavalry barracks, and a
handsome bridge over the Blackwater.
Pop, 5229. Market days: Tuesday and Saturday. Fairs:
Jan. 1, Monday before Shrove Tuesday, May 11, July 25,
and October 28. Inn : Carmichael's.
Seat : Mr. Jephson's is a family mansion that has long
been greatly admired ; it possesses a deer-park, gardens,
and ornamental shrubbery.
No 129. From Dublin to KILLEIGH. Through
Lucan, Celbridge, and Portarlinoton.
Dublin Castle to Miles. Dublin Castle to Mil*.
Palmerstown 3| Rathangan 88i
Lucan* 6} Portarlington 36*
Celbridge 99 Clonegowan 40*
Clane 16} Kffleigh 461
Kilmeague 22}
' CELBRIDGE is a handsome village and post town
in Kildare, pleasantly situated on the Lifley, over which is
a stone bridge of six arches, connecting it with the read
on the left shore. The church is a neat modern stone
building at the end of the principal street ; it has a lower,
and a painted window, and an interesting monument of the
Conolly family. Here also are a Roman Catholic chapel, a
dispensary, a fever hospital, and a savings' bank ; and about
a quarter of a mile from the village is a school-house.
The manufacture of woollens and cottons is carried on
here to a considerable extent Celbridge has acquired
considerable interest from having been the residence of
Swift's Vanessa. She was the daughter of a Dutch mer-
chant, and died here in 1723. Celbridge Abbey, which ia
of Gothic architecture, has been repaired and rendered
Seats: Castle Town, a very splendid mansion and de-
mesne of the Conolly family; Killadoon, the Earl of
Leitrim ; this handsome place is a mile beyond Celbridge.
Pop. 1647. Market Day: Tuesday. Fairt ; Last
Tuesday in April, Sept 8, and Nov. 7.
Beyond Celbridge, and within a mile of Clane, is
Castle Browne, a mansion belonging to the renovated
society of Jesuits.
Between Celbridge and Clane, also, on the banks of
the Liffey, is Straffan, the seat of the Henry family.
CLANE, is a village and post town of Kildare, built
on the right bank of the Liffey, over which is a bridge
of six arches : its church has a lofty steeple. Clane
abbey is in ruins, close to the village.
Pop. 1210. Fairs : April 28, July 25, and Oct 15.
Beyond Clane the grand canal crosses the road, and at
Millecent, a neat residence, is an aqueduct across the Lif.
fey. Barber's Town Castle, a gentleman's seat, is three
miles beyond Clane.
KILMEAGUE is a village hi KUdare* A nib beyond
it is Allen, a hamlet that give* name to the most celebrated
tract of bog in the kingdom, which extends into Kildare,
Queen's county, King's county, Meath, Westmeath, Long-
ford, Tipperary, and Galway. From the Hill of Allen,
which is about 300 feet in height, there is an extensive
prospect across the level of the moss. The grand canal
passes through the Bog of Allen, and affords a constant
drainage to a considerable portion of it. Fairs : May 24,
and June 29.
RAT HANG AN is a market and post town of Kildare*
situated near the grand canal. Some of the inhabitants
were massacred in 1798, and the town was pillaged. Ra*
thangan has a stone church, a Roman Catholic chapel, and
meeting houses.
Pop. 1165. Market day: Monday. Fairs: WmVTues-
day, Aug. 26, and Not. 12.
PORT ARLINGTON is a borough, market, and post
town, situated on the Barrow, which divides it into two un-
equal parts ; the larger being in Queen's, and the smaller
in King's County, The town is well built, and the princi-
pal street is very handsome : it is governed by a ftoVMwtgn
and recorder. It Was originally colonized by French emi*
grants, whom the revocation of the edict of Nantes convr
pelled to fly from their home ; hence French names, such
us Comeille, Coigny, &c, are common in various towns of
Ireland* Portarlington has always been noted for superior
schools, for the education of youth of both sexes, particu-
larly in the French language. The Marquess Wellesley
and the Duke of Wellington were, in early boyhood, placed
in one of these schools. Portarlington gives the title of
Earl to the Dawson family; and returns a member to the
Imperial Parliament. The church, erected in 1*10, Is a
neat building, with a lofty spire; there are also two
meeting houses, a market house, and a celebrated spa,
which is much frequented.
Seats : Emo Park, formerly called Dawson's Grove, the
mansion of the Earl of Portarlington, three miles distant
Lansdown, a house belonging to the Gore family.
Pop. 3091. Market days: Wednesday and Saturday.
Fairs : Jan. 5, March 1, Easter- Monday, May 22, July 4,
Sept 1, Oct. 12, and Nov. 23. Inn: the Crown.
CLONEGOWAN is a village of King's county, with a
mansion of the Meredith family. Fair : July 22.
KILLEIGH is a pleasant town in King's county. At
the foot of Killeigh Hill, close to the church, are the re-
mains of an ancient abbey. Adjacent to the town is a good
country house, called Millbrooke.
Pop. 478. Fairs : June 1, and Oct 16.
No. 130. From Dublin to KILLOUGH. First Road.
Through Newry, Rathfriland, and Clough.
eto Miles. Dublin Castle to Miles.
Newry*, as at No. 1 50* Clough* 69
Rathfriland* 57J Killough 761
Castle wellan* 65
KILLOUGH is a small sea-port and post town of Down,
with a harbour, affording safe anchorage. The quay was
designed by the late Alexander Nimmo, Esq., and erected
at the expense of Lord Bangor. This is a good fishing
station, and has a considerable export trade in corn. The
shore is extremely agreeable, and in the cliff is a cavern,
in which, at the flowing of the tide, or at high-water, there
is a continued melodious echo, responding to the noise of
the surge. Killough has barracks for cavalry, and a large
and well-built church. Near the school house is a mineral
spring, and in the vicinity of the town are some ruins,
called the Castles of Ardglass, and several curious caves.
Pop. 1162. Fairs: 2nd Friday in Feb. and Aug., June 9,
and Nov. 12.
No. 131. From Dublin to KILLOUGH. Second Road.
Through Rathfriland, Bryansford, andDuNDRUM.
Dublin Castle to Miles. Dublin Caslle to Miles.
Newry* as at No. 1. 50} Dundrum* 68}
Rathfriland* 57} Over the Strand to KUiough 75}
Bryan's Ford 65
[By Narrow-water it is two miles shorter.]
BRYAN'S FORD is a village of Down, near to which
is Tullymore Park, a fine residence, with well-planted
grounds, belonging to the Earl of Roden, situated in a
romantic and beautiful spot: it was the property of the
Hamiltons of Tullymore, Earls of Clanbrassil.
Pop. 185. Fair : June 3.
The country between Bryan's Ford and Dundrum, in-
cluding the park of Tullymore, is very romantic, and two
mountain torrents precipitate themselves over ledges and
crags, whilst the intervention of woodland scenery relieves
the eye from the awful impression of the Mourne mountains,
which form the background.
No. 132. From Dublin to KlLRUSH. First Road.
Through Limerick and Clare.
Dublin Cattle to Miles. Dublin Castle to Miles.
Limerick* as at No. 3. ••• • 94 Kildysart l»l
Six-Mile Bridge* • 1094 Kiknurrttf 129i
ArdsaUaa* 108* Kilrnah 18ft
Clare* 112J
Redgate Inn is 6| miles beyond Clare. Near it are a
ruined castle and church. The remarkable objects in the
vicinity of the road are, an old castle, near the seat of New
Hall, a mile from Clare ; handsome seats at Barn tick and
Buncraggy, a mile farther; and Cragbrien, a beautiful
mansion at the foot of a mountain three miles from Claw.
The prospects are truly beautiful. In Canna Island is seen
a ruined abbey. Paradise, a seat on the side of a beautiful
hill, is a mile and a half from Redgate Inn ; and beyond
this is an ancient castle.
KILDYSART, a village in Clare, has the ruins of a
castle. Pop. 337. Fairs t May 22, and Aug. 27.
KlLMURRA Y, a post town in Clare.
KILRUSH, a post town in Clare, is a thriving plaee,
with an excellent harbour on the Shannon. It has a neat
church, a Roman Catholic chapel, a meeting house, a court
house, a market house, and a school, on the foundation
of Erasmus Smyth. There is a considerable export trade
in corn and butter, also slates and flag stones. Near Kil-
rushis a lake, as well as a mansion, of the Yandeleur family.
Beyond this, towards the mouth of the Shannon, are the
villages of Moyarta and Querin. Steam vessels ply on the
Shannon between this and Limerick.
Pop. 3996. Market days: Wednesday and Saturday.
Fairs: May 10, and Oct. 12. Inns: The Kilrush Hotel,
and the Yandeleur Arms.
No. 133. From Dublin to KILRUSH. Sbcomp Road.
Through Maynooth and Aghrim.
Dublin Cattle to Mile*. Dublin Castie to MUet.
Kilbeggan* as at No. 100- • 44* Caghryariff 125
Oort», as at No. 88 96 Kilmurrjbricken 128f
Tubberindonny* 102* Conlyclaro 136|
Carofin 109* Ballyket HI
Ennirtimon* 118* Kilrusb * 148
CAROFIN is a large and pleasant village and post town
in Clare, situated on a stream flowing from a lake in the
vicinity. Distant a mile- and a half is Clifton, a fine seat,
and near it is Inchiquin Lake, celebrated for its fish and ha
picturesque views. Pop. 900. Fairs : May 26, and Nov. 22.
CAGHRYARIFF is a village of Clare, near which »
Anagh, a mansion of the Stackpoole family.
Halfway between Ennistimon and Kilmurry is Miltown
Malhay, which is an excellent summer resort for bathing,
and has good baths, a handsome church, and Roman Catholic
chapel ; it is a good fishing station. Pop. 726. Fairs : Feb. 1,
March 9, May 4, June 20, Aug. 11, Oct. 18, and Dec. 9.
Near this village is a celebrated cavern, called the
Puffing Hole.
Beyond the village of Dunbeg is a lighthouse, built upon
Loop Head.
KILMURRAY-BRICKEN is a village of Clare, which
gives the title of Viscount Kilmorey to the Needham family.
The cascades near this place are justly admired.
Fairs : May 17, and Aug. 25.
CONLYCLARE and BALLYKET are villages in the
county of Clare, near which there are several neat villas,
and some fine river scenery. Ballyket Fairs are held
June 4, July 4, Aug. 17, and Dec. 1.
No. 184. From Dublin to KINGSTOWN.
Dublin Castle to Miles. Dublin Castle to MUe*.
Blackrock* 4 Kingstown, or Dunleary- ••• H
KINGSTOWN, so named in honour of King George
IVth's visit to Ireland, has a large and spacious harbour,
and is a celebrated sea-bathing village of the county of
Dublin. It is well built, and extremely agreeable; the
pier adds greatly to its attractions ; it extends 2800 feet,
and the quay is 50 feet wide. At the lowest tide there is
24 feet depth of water close to the pier head, and about
16 feet near the shore. There is a neat Roman Catholic
chapel and church, and several excellent hotels. A rail-
road, is completed, between this place and Dublin, which
conveys passengers every half hour, to or from Dublin, in
less than fifteen minutes, by locomotive engines: it also
conveys the mails to and from Dublin. The mail packets,
between Dublin and Liverpool, or Holyhead, now sail from,
and arrive at, Kingstown Harbour,
Kingstown possesses many fine houses, and beautiful
villas, which are much resorted to in the summer season.
Pop. 5736.
No. 135. From Dublin to KINSALE.
Dublin Cattle to Miles. Dublin Castle to Mites.
ork», aaatNo. 27 126 Kinsale 138
KINSALE, on the Bandon river, in Cork, is a borough
returning a member to parliament, and is governed by a
sovereign and a recorder. It has been noted from the
earliest period in Irish history. Five thousand Spaniards
took this sea-port in 1600; but they surrendered it in the
No. 135. DUBLIN TO KINS ALE. 889
same year to the Lord Deputy Mountgoy. Kinsale surren-
dered to Cromwell in 1649. James II. effected his landing
here in 1689 : his garrison in this fortress defended itself
for nine days against Marlborough, but surrendered on the
tenth. Upon this the fortifications were destroyed. Kin-
sale is now esteemed a very strong fortress ; the citadel is
on a rock, and the batteries are bomb-proof: the old block-
house, which stood by the sea-side, is dismantled. Charles
Fort, built in 1670, commands the narrow part of Kinsale
harbour, which has a complete dock-yard, and a custom-
house ; but the naval depot has been transferred to Cork.
The town is above a mile in extent, round the head of the
bay ; the houses have something of an antiquated appear-
ance ; there are six parishes. The ruins of several monas-
teries are still visible. There is a considerable fishery
here; and in the town are two large porter breweries.
Amongst the chief buildings are, the handsome market
house, the barracks, the church, and the gaol. Here are
also Roman Catholic chapels, meeting houses, a fever hos-
pital, a dispensary, and a savings' bank. Near the centre
of the town are assembly and reading rooms, and a beautiful
promenade called the Bowling Green, which commands a
fine view of the harbour. Kinsale is well adapted for sea-
bathing, and has two bath houses, one in the town, and the
other in the village of Scilly; these establishments are
convenient for the beautiful scenery up the river.
In the vicinity is Duncearma Castle, and a lighthouse on
Old Head, which forms the north point of the extensive and
romantic Bay of Courtmacsherry. Amongst the steep cliffs
the osprey and the eagle are observed to build in safety.
Compass Hill overlooks the town and harbour of in™^i« ,
the latter is completely sheltered from every wind, and in
stormy weather is a safe retreat both for merchantmen and
ll 3
•hips of war ; there are two villages, called Cove and Scilly,
built on the opposite shore of the bay.
Pop. 7823. Fairs: May 4, Sept 4, and Nov. 21. Inn :
The Kinsale Arms.
No. 136. From Dublin to LEIGHLIN BRIDGE. First
Road. Through Rathcoole, Naas, and Carlo w.
Dublin to Leighlin Bridge », as at No. 27 45
No. 137. From Dublin to LEIGHLIN BRIDGE.
Second Road. Through Blessington, Baltinqlass,
Dublin Cattle to Miles. Dublin CasOe to MUes.
Tallow*, as at No. 205 38 Leighlln Bridge * 471
No. 138. From Dublin to LEIGHLIN BRIDGE.
Third Road. Through Enniskerrt, Rathdrum,
and Aghrim.
Dublin Castle to Miles. Dublin Castle to MUes.
Mflltown* 2* Kathdmm* "... 25*
Churchtown g£ Aghrim* 32
Dundram* 4 Hacketetown 41 i
Kilternan* 7 Tullow* 49ft
Enniskerry* 10 Leighlin Bridge • 59*
FAWNEY, in Dublin, has an ancient and a modern
church. The vicinity commands fine views. The old
church is near the village of Dundrum, at a place called
H ACKETSTOWN is an agreeable post town of Carlow.
The church is handsome, with a tower, and stands on a fine
eminence ; the modern Catholic chapel is also a great orna-
ment The repulse of the insurgents at Hacketstown took
place May 25, 1798.
Pop. 715. Fairs: monthly.
No. 139. From Dublin to LETTERKENNY. Through
Lifford, Ballindrait, and Raphoe.
Dublin Castle to Miles. Dublin Castle to Miles.
Drogheda* as at No. 1 234 Lifford*, as at No. 143 102*
Castleblayney*, as at No. 7 51 J Letterkenny*, as at No. 81 113*
No. 140. From Dublin to LIMERICK. First Road.
Through Kildare and Roscrea.
Dublin to Limerick *, as at No. 3. 94
No. 141. From Dublin to LIMERICK. Second Road.
Through Nenagh and O'Brien's Bridge.
Dublin Castle to Miles. Dublin Castle U> Miles.
Toomarara*, asatNo. 3 •• 69} O'Brien's Bridge 88
Nenagh* ." 7* Parteen 93*
Shallee Turnpike 79| Limerick* 98
O'BRIEN'S BRIDGE, across the Shannon, consisting
of thirteen arches, is interesting for its antiquity, and pre-
sents a choice of roads on each side of the river to Limerick :
that by Parteen is a quarter of a mile nearer than the road
through thf beautiful village of Castle C<mneUt on the county
of Limerick bank. Near O'Brien's Bridge is the Montpel-
Kar spring. Three miles beyond it is Rhinrow Castle, a
ruin; and in each county are several beautiful villas; the
finest of these is Doonas, the seat of Sir H. D. Massy, Bart.
No. 1*2. From Dublin to LIMERICK. Third Road.
Through Maryborough, Rosen e a, and Killaloe.
Dublin Castle to Mites. Dublin Castte to Miles.
Toomamra*, BflfttNo,3* ■ (K>i Bridgetown. 90i
Ncnagh* -"• * 73 Parteen 95
KUUiae* (« OPJ Limerick * 971
No. 143. From Dublin to LONDONDERRY. First
Road. Through Aroee, Monaghan, and Lifford.
Dttblin Castle to Mifa*
Drosbeda *t *■ at No. 1. ■■- m
CflJrtk'Vilajucy *, ns at 2*». 7- *>H
Cl^iitibret Church - ■ ■ * B7£
Qpttc Shane - ■ ■ - ■ fiP£
Monaffli Htn + 021
Cro&a Roads* or Grosborori^h
Itin- 6G|
Or ff&m Custfe s>.(!l.,- },$
Falkland* a mile nearer . ■ Cfr,\
Bmj Vato< * 6C|
EHgill Church ■ ► -- *. GQ|
DwMra Cattle to Miles.
Anther 75£
Bai|a£htiet-d Inn 78t
Omagh 87*
Newtown Stewart • • 94£
ftoug]aa Bridge »••• 97i
Straliano 101|
Ltfford 102*
St. Johnstown 108J
Catrigani 110
Londonderry 114$
CASTLE SHANE is a neat village of Monaghan. Near
it is a ruin called Rack Wallace ChurcK A fine seat of the
Lucas family is seen to the right of the village. Fairs:
May 21, June 21, July 21, Aug. 12, and Dec. 15.
MONAGHAN, the county town of Monaghan, is an
ancient place, which was once spelt Muinechan. The town
is governed by a provost, burgesses, and freemen. The
first abbey erected here was of a very early date, and was>
pillaged ; it was rebuilt for conventual Franciscans, in 1462,
but again demolished, and its site is now occupied by a
castle of Lord Blayney's. Monaghan is a pleasant place,
and has several public buildings, the principal of which are,
the market house, erected by Lord Rossmore, in 1792, the
courthouse, and church in Diamond Square; and, adjoining
the town, is a Roman Catholic chapel, with an altar-piece,
and a Presbyterian meeting house, in the new market ; the
county infirmary, near the entrance to the town, by the old
Dublin road, the diocesan school of Clogher, in Mill Street,
the gaol, which cost upwards of 20,000/., and the cavalry
barracks, at the north entrance of the town. Monaghan
has also neat shambles, and several schools ; an extensive
brewery, and a considerable linen trade.
Adjoining this town is a fine seat of Mr. Hamilton's, and
also the mansions of Lagacory and Falkland.
The county of Monaghan is thirty miles in length, and
is much benefited by the linen manufacture ; it has many
beautiful lakes, of no great size ; and although the land is
fertile, and covered by good cottages and villages, there arc
many hills, and some extensive mosses.
Pop. 3848. Market days : for corn, Saturday and Mon-
day. Fairs: first Monday of each month. Inns: the
King's Arms, the Westenra Arms, the Red Lion, and the
Black Bull.
EMY VALE is a neat village and post town of Mona-
ghan, with many gentlemen's seats near it Three miles
beyond it is Erigill Church, on the left.
Pop. 571. Fairs: monthly.
Seats: Ankettell's Grove, and Fort Singleton,
AUGHER, in Tyrone, was formerly a borough town, but
is now a place of little note. It U seated on the Black*
water, near to the town of Clogher. Fair* : March 23,
May 12, Aug. 14, and Nov. 12.
OM AGH, the county and assise town of Tyrone, Is
pleasantly situated at the junction of the Drumraw and the
Common, Its name signifies the ' Chief's Residence.' Of
its castle only the ruins remain, and there are no vestiges
of its abbey. The town was burnt in 1743, but has been
neatly rebuilt, and the adjacent district possesses a flou-
rishing linen manufacture. The principal public buildings
are the court house, the county gaol, attached to which is
a lunatic asylum, and the county infirmary. Omagh also
possesses a neat stone church, a Roman Catholic chapel,
meeting houses, a free school, and barracks.
Pop. 2211. Market-day: Saturday. Fairs; Jan. 12,
2nd Thursday in Feb., May, Aug., and Nov. (O. S.),
April 5, 2nd Thursday after the 24th of June, Oct 2, and
Nov. 3. Inns : the White Hart, and the Abercorn Arms.
NEWTOWN STEWART is a market and post town of
Tyrone, on the banks of the Strule. Near the church are
the ruins of the ancient castle. There are also meeting
houses, a Roman Catholic chapel, and a dispensary.
Seat : Three miles distant is the Marquis of Abereorn's
(Viscount Strabane, in Ireland) splendid mansion, Baron's
Court, considered one of the finest in the kingdom; the
park is also celebrated for its timber. In an island of
the lake is a picturesque castle ruin. The neighbouring
mountains are truly romantic.
Pop. 1737. Market-day: Monday. Fairs: monthly.
Inn: Hamilton's.
DOUGLAS BRIDGE is a village of Tyrone, on the
banks of the Foyle. Beyond it is Camus church, and a
glebe house.
STRABANE is a large post and market town of Tyrone,
near the confluence of the Fin and the Mourne, and is
governed by a provost and recorder. In 1615, James Ha-
milton, Baron Strabane, built the town, castle, church,
and school house. There are also a market house, a
church, a Roman Catholic chapel, and meeting houses;
barracks, a fever hospital, and a dispensary ; also schools,
and savings bank. There is a good linen and butter trade
carried on, and the town is improving rapidly. The inns
are respectable, and the environs pleasing. Strabane is
the property of the Marquis of Abercorn (Viscount Stra-
bane). In the time of James I. and Charles II. the family
of Hamilton of Strabane, and the Clanbrassil branch seated
at Tullymore, Carnysure, and Coronery, acquired great
possessions throughout the north of Ireland. A handsome
bridge across the river communicates with Lifford on the
Wdst bank. Hence a canal leads to the Foyle, four miles
Pop. 4700. Market days : Tuesday and Saturday. Fairs :
monthly. Inn: the Abercorn Arms.
LIFFORD, the county and assize town of Donegal, is
situated on the Foyle, and within view of Strabane. Both
these towns, previous to the Union, were boroughs, return-
ing members to the Irish parliament The situation is
romantic, and the vicinity is embellished by numerous
handsome seats. The principal buildings are, the market
house, the gaol, the church, the court house, and the county
Pop. 1096. The fairs and market are held at Strabane.
ST. JOHNSTOWN is a small town of Donegal, like-
wise situated on the Foyle, across the wide channel of which
is a prospect of the Tyrone hills. Fairs ; April 7, Aug. £,
Oct 13, atid N<rt. 2*. ;
CARRI6ANS is a small town of Donegal Beyond
Prospect Hill the road enters the county of Londonderry.
LONDONDERRY, or DERRY, forms a county in
itself, distinct from that of which it is the capital. It is a
place of great antiquity, St Columb having founded an
abbey here in 546, and was colonized by Londoners, to
whom James 1. granted a charter. It is celebrated for the
gallant and successful defence which its inhabitants, under
the direction of Mr. Walker, a clergyman, made against
James II. in 1690. The siege lasted 105 days, during
whieh -the garrison, which, at the beginning, mustered only
7562 regimented defenders, was reduced to 4300, whilst
the besieging army lost about 8000 men.
This handsome city is seated on the Foyle, and is sur-
rounded by ramparts about a mile in circumference, which
form an excellent promenade. It is the only city in Ire-
land perfectly surrounded by water. The streets are spa-
cious, and the houses generally handsome. In the centre
of the town is a fine square, called the Diamond, in the
middle of which stands the exchange, a stately building,
whence the four principal streets diverge to gates at their
extremities. The cathedral is a noble Gothic edifice, occu-
pying the summit of the eminence on which the city is built;
it was erected in 1633, and has a lofty square tower and
spire. The gardens of the episcopal palace, outside the
walls, command fine prospects. The court house in Bishop
Street is an elegant specimen of Grecian architecture,
with a portico of four columns, surmounted by statues of
Mercy and Justice, executed by Kirk, of Dublin. The other
public buildings are, the county gaol, the front of which is
120 feet long and 40 high; the linen hall ; and the theatre.
The wooden bridge, made at Boston in America, by Samuel
Cox, architect, and erected in 1790, is remarkable for its
curious construction ; it is 1068 feet in length, and 40 in
breadth, and has a drawbridge for the admission of vessels.
The view of the city from this bridge is worthy of notice.
There is also a handsome monument erected to the memory
of the Rev. George Walker, who defended the city in 1690:
it is a fluted column on a pedestal, surmounted by a statue.
Londonderry also possesses a Roman Catholic chapel, an
Episcopal chapel, meeting houses, a county infirmary, a
fever hospital, a lunatic asylum, a mendicity society, poor-
houses for the city and county, a dispensary, a savings'
bank, and a news room and library. The city returns a
member to parliament, and its corporation consists of a
mayor, sheriffs, aldermen, and recorder. The linen manu-
facture flourishes here, and an extensive trade is carried, on
in the export of linen, butter, beef, pork, and meal ; and the
import of tea, sugar, wine, brandy, timber, and flax-seed.
There are several breweries and distilleries; the city is
rapidly improving, and is lighted with gas. The ramparts
of this town still remain ; they are from 20 to 35 feet high,
and from 14 to 36 yards wide. The property of this town
was given by James I. to the twelve great companies of the
city of London, on condition of their colonizing and cul-
tivating it
The harbour is safe and capacious, and the quays are
commodious : at high tides vessels of 600 tons burthen get
up to them. The King's stores form a fine range of
building; the guns are dismounted, but among them may
be seen the Walker, a piece of ordnance 10 feet longi bear-
ing the date 1642. Four miles below the city, the river
falls into Lough Foyle, which communicates with the North
Sea. Here stands Culmore Fort, of which the Governor of
Derry is commandant, and at the mouth of the Lough is
Green Cattle, The Lough is. a fine expanse of water,
14 miles long, and 8 broad. Off its mouth is the Tounds
Bank, and the sands stretch along the left of the channel
into the bay, but the channel itself is free, and there is
5 fathoms water close to the city. A steamer leaves the
quay twice a day for Mobille, a watering place about 17
miles from the city, on the bank of Lough Swilly ; twice a
week there is a steamer to Port-rush and Port-stewart, two
other thriving watering places on the north coast ; and
once a week a steam vessel visits the Giants' Causeway.
Steamers also ply regularly to Glasgow, Liverpool, Dublin,
and Belfast.
G. Farquhar, the dramatist, was born at Deny, in 1678.
In the neighbourhood is Brook Hall, the seat of Sir
George HilL
Three miles north of Londonderry is Aileach Neid, an
ancient rath or fortress of the O' Neils, destroyed by
Murtogh O' Brian in 110L
Pop. 10,130. Fairs: March 4, April 30, June 17, Sept
4, and 18, and Oct. 17. Market-days : Wednesday and
Saturday. Inns: the Commercial Hotel; the City Hotel;
Boyle's; and the King's Arms.
No. 144. From Dublin to LONDONDERRY. Se-
cond Road. Through Ardee, Omagh, and Mount
Dublin Quae to Miles. Dublin CatUe to MQa.
Drogheda*, as at No. 1 • . • . 23* Ballymegarry 104
Castleblayney*, as at No. 7 . 51 J Mount Hamilton 106*
Omagh*, as at No. 143 87* Ferrybank 112*
Newtown Stewart* 94 Londonderry* 113
Strabane* 101*
BALLYMEGARRY is a village of Tyrone. On the
right, beyond it, is the church of Reekpatrick.
Fairs: May 3, July 5, and Nov. 2.
MOUNT HAMILTON is a village of Tyrone.
Fairs: Jan. 4, March 3, June 4; and Oct. 4.
No. 145. From Dublin to LONDONDERRY. Third
Road. Through Armagh, Dungiven, and Cladt.
Dublin CasOe to Miles. Dublin Cattle to MUes.
Dundalk*, as at No. 1 40* Stramorelnn 91
Armagh*, as at No. 6 62± Dungiven 99
Blackwater Town 66} Banagher Church 101*
Charlemont* 68* Clady 1071
Dungannon* 72} Muff lilt
NewMffls 75J Ferry Bank 114*
Dunaghy* 78 Londonderry 115
Cookstown* 81| *
BLACKWATER TOWN is a small post town of Ar-
magh, pleasantly situated on the Blackwater, over which is
a handsome bridge. At Benburb, a village one mile distant,
is the parish church of both towns. The Blackwater river
divides Armagh and Tyrone. At the foot of the bridge, in
the county of Tyrone, is Clonfeckle, a suburb, in which is a
Roman Catholic chapel.
Pop. 528. Fairs: Second Wednesday of each month.
DUNGIVEN is a market and post town of Derry, which
is approached by a road over a mountain. It is built in a
rich valley, watered by the beautiful river Roe, which is
joined by two tributary streams near this town. The sept
* The mail-coach road is through Slane, Carrickmacroes, Castle-
blayney, Monaghan, Emyrille, Aughnacloy, Omagh, Newtown Stewart,
Strabane, and Derry— 11 3* miles.
of O'Cahane was once powerful amidst the high range of
hills in the vicinity, and O'Kane, a native chieftain who
built a Friary here, was interred in the ancient cemetery,
together with his seven sons. Here is a spacious mansion,
somewhat dilapidated; the church, built near the road
which conducts to Maghera, is cruciform ; and there is a
Roman Catholic chapel beyond it Here is an extensive
bleach green. Two miles east of Dungiven is Benbradagh
Mountain, the summit of which is 1300 feet above the level
of the sea.
Pop. 1162. Market-day: Saturday. Fairs : Dungiven
has nine in the course of the year. Inn : M'Quilkin's.
BANAGHER CHURCH, in Derry, is on the left side
of the road beyond Dungiven ; 3| miles beyond it is the
village of Teeny t arid a mile farther is Slrdid church, in a
dilapidated condition.
CLAD Y is a pretty- village of Derry, built on the banks
of the Faughan; distant 1£ mile is the ancient ruin of
& Kane's Castle.
Pop. 180. Fairs: May 17, and Nov. 17.
. Seat: Beaufort Lodge.
MUFF, is a village of Derry, situated close to the river
Faughan. — Pop. 192.
Seats : Beyond the Cross are Beech Hill and Ashbrook.
No. 146. From Dublin to LONGFORD. Through
Athboy, Finea, and Granard.
Dublin Castle U> Miles. Dublin Castle to Miles.
Athboj*, as at No. 186 28* Finea 471
Clonmellon* 32J Gmnard W
Crow Keys 37 Longford* 64
CROSS KEYS is a village of Meathj 1J mile beyond ..
it are a small lough and a ruined castle ; and within 2 miles
of Finea is a race-course.
FINE A is an agreeable place, situated in two counties,
Westmeath and Cavan, which are separated by a small
river) connecting lakes Shellin and Kennail.
Fairs : June 5, July 27, Aug* 18,. Sept. 18, and Nov. 15.
GRANARD is. a market and post town of Longford.
It was a borough, but lost its elective franchise at the
Union. Its public buildings are, a neat Gothic church,
a Roman Catholic chapel, a parochial school, barracks for
infantry, and a dispensary. The country between Granard
and St Johnstown is mountainous, but is inhabited by
many respectable gentlemen* At the- extremity of the
principal street is the Moat of Granard, on the top of
which is an ancient castle or fort, commanding a view of
six counties. The Earl of Granard is of the family of
Forbes. The linen manufacture flourishes here.
In the vicinity are several interesting objects. Larra
Abbey, said to have been founded by St. Patrick, is a beau-
tiful ruin, 2 miles distant on the Finea side. Lough Shel-
lin is 7 miles in. length, and 4 in breadth, and is connected
with Lough Inny in the vicinity of Finea and Daly's
Bridge ; it has some pretty islands, and a beautiful shore.
The islands of Lough Garon contain some grand vestiges
of monastic opulence : All Saints Abbey is seen rising
above the waters on a delightful island, and in another isle
is a second monastery.
Seats : Spring Park and Tully, 2| miles beyond Granard.
Pop. 2069. Market-day: Monday. Fairs .-Jan. 15,
May 3, Aug. 15, and Oct. 1. Inns : The New Inn, and
Granard Inn.
mm 3
No. 147. From Dublin to LOUTH. Through Drog-
Dublin Castle to Miles. Dublin Castle to Miles.
Drogheda*, as at No. 1 23* Louth 30
Dunleer» 30J
. LOUTH was an ancient town, giving name to the
county of Louth ; it is a post town, but is much reduced.
St. Patrick is said to have founded an abbey here, the
site of which was afterwards occupied by a priory of
Canons regular, but there are no vestiges of either.
Seat : Louth Hall, three miles distant, the mansion of
Lord Louth.
Pop. 613. Fair: March 28.
No. 148. From Dublin to LURGAN. Through
Dublin Castle to Miles. Dublin Castle to Miks.
Loughbrickland*, as at No. 1. 68* Waringstown* 67
Gilford 62* Lurgan* 69
GILFORD is a post town in Down, having a fine
bridge of numerous arches across the Bann. It is sur-
rounded by bleach-fields ; and the scenery along the river
is very interesting. Here is a chalybeate Spa. Gilford
has a neat church, Roman Catholic chapel, and a meeting
Fairs: June 21, and Nov. 21.
No. 149. From Dublin to MALAH1DE. Through
St. Doulough's.
Dublin Castle to Mile*. Dublin Castle to MOes.
Fair View lj Belcamp 4
Donnycarney 2 Belgriffin 4£
Artane 2} St. Doulough's Ah
Coolock 3 Malahide 6}
DONNY.CARNEY is a village of Dublin. Here is
Marino, an excellent lodge, with finely -planted grounds,
belonging to the Earl of Charlemont
ARTANE and COOLOCK are villages in the county
of Dublin.
BELGRIFFIN. Near this village are many pleasant
mansions of the nobility and gentry of the county of
ST. DOULOUGH'S, in Dublin, is remarkable for its
antique church, situated on an eminence, and supposed to
have been erected in the 9th century, in which, and the
two succeeding centuries, other churches, also resembling
the cells of Grecian temples, were built in this. kingdom,
and adorned with rude columns. These edifices were only
40 feet in length. Near St Catharine's Pond is a holy
well, dedicated to the Virgin, which is the resort of
numerous pilgrims. Pop. 345.
MALAHIDE is a village and post town of Dublin, near
an inlet of the sea. Malahide Castle, the seat of Lord
Talbot de Malahide, is built on a beautiful peninsula, which
contains limestone of various colours, and some veins of
lead ore. The mansion is an extensive pile, with a
modern Gothic porch, and is adorned with a fine collection
of pictures. This demesne commands a grand sea view,
as it is on a high, bold coast, and the woods and timber are
404 No. 151. DUBLIN TO MALLOW.
of great beauty. The manor and royalties extend far along
the shore. In the village is a holy well, and a cotton
manufacture has long been established here. Near Mala-
hide is Seapark Court, an ancient mansion. Pop. 294.
No. 150. From Dublin to MALLOW. First Road.
Through Clogheen and Doner ail e.
Dublin Castle to Miles, Dublin Castle to Miles.
Clogheen*, Mat No. 27 93* Mallow*, aa at No. 129- • 1181
No. 151. From Dublin to MALLOW. Second Road.
Through Kil worth and Castle Roche.
Dublin CasOe to MUu. Dublin Castle to Miles.
Kilworth*, as at No. 27- • • • • 106 Castletown Roche 115
Fermoy Bridge End* 1071 Mallow* 121 J
Ballyhooly Ill*
BALLYHOOLY is a handsome village of Cork, situ-
ated in a fine district, on the Blackwater. It has a well-
built church. Fair : Aug. 26.
CASTLETOWN ROCHE is a beautiful village of the
county of Cork. On an eminence are the ruins of the old
castle of the Roches, Lords of Fermoy, which was so nobly
defended by Lady Roche against the forces of Cromwell.
One mile from Castletown Roche, across the river, is the
ancient castle of Carrignaconny. On the opposite side of
the Blackwater, is the church of Monanimy, where there
was a preceptory. At the junction of the River Aubeg
with the Blackwater, is the fine ruin of Bridgetown Abbey.
Pop. 1095. Fairs: May 25, July 27, Sept. 29, and
Dec. 14.
Seats: Glenamore, belonging to the Purcell family;
Ann* s Grove: Ballygriffin ; and Rockforest, which is a very
beautiful mansion on the Blackwater.
No. 152. From Dublin to MIDDLETON. First
Road. Through Kilkenny, Fermoy, and Rath-
Dublin Castle to Miles. Dublin Castle to Miles.
Fermoj*, as at No. 27 106 Middleton* 122
Rathcormack* Ill
No. 153. From Dublin to MIDDLETON. Second
Road. Through Lismore, Tallow, and Killeaoh.
Dublin CasOe to Miles. Dublin Castle to Miles.
Clonmell*, as at No. 27 81* Castletown* 110
Cappoqnin* 97} Aghadoe 111}
Lismore* 100} Killeagh* 112
Tallow* 104} Middleton* 122
Mount Uniacke* 109}
No. 154. From Dublin to MILL OF LOUTH.
Dublin Castle to Miles. Dublin Castle to Miles.
Dunleer* as at No. 1 30} Tallanstown 39*
Braganstown 35} Mill of Louth* 40}
No. 155. From Dublin to MONAGHAN. First
Road. Through Drogheda, Ardee, and Castle-
Dublin Castle to Miles. Dublin Castle to Miles.
Diogheda*, asatNo. 1 23} Monaghan*, as at No. 143 • • 62}
Castleblajney* as at No. 7 Mi
No. 156. From Dublin to MONAGHAN. Second
Road. Through Drooheda, Dundalk, and Cullo-
Dublin Castle to Miles. Dublin Castle to Miles.
Dundalk*, as at No. 1 40* Caatle-blayney* 63*
Rochdale 45* Castle Shane* 61}
Culloville 4ft* Monaghan* 61*
Mullaghanee Bridge . 51}
ROCHDALE, a village in Louth. Here are the ruins
of Castle Roche. Fairs : June 20, and Oct 20.
CULLOVILLE is a village of Armagh. Half a mile
farther is Ardkirk, a handsome mansion.
Fairs : April 26, and Oct 26.
No. 157. From Dublin to MONAGHAN. Third
Road. Through Slane, Ardee, and Carrickmacross.
Dublin Castle to Miles. Dublin Castle to Miles.
Finglass 3 Gxeenoge 9}
Pass-if-you-can < 5} Curragha 13!
St. Margaret's 5| Kilmoon Church 15*
Chapel-midway 7* Black Lion 19
KilsaUaghan 8* Slane < • 24
Dublin Cattle to Miles. Dublin Cattie to Miles,
Grange Fortescue * 271 Carrickmaciofw 42J
Ardee* 33 Ballybay 63*
Glonkeen 36 Tullyearbet • • B6k
38* Monagfaan* 60*
FINGLASS is a village of Dublin, with a mineral
spring, which was formerly much celebrated. The church,
rebuilt in 1609, occupies the site of an ancient abbey.
One mile distant is the observatory belonging to Trinity
College. Pop. 84Q.
KILMOON CHURCH, in Meath. Near it is the ruin
of Macetown Castle.
At New Grange, near Slane, is a celebrated tumulus,
in which is an ancient cave, lined with great slabs of
stone. It is said to have been used by the Druids as a
temple or heathen cell, but is supposed by some antiqua-
ries to have been the mausoleum of the chief of a colony
of Belgae, established here in remote ages.
Pop. 896. Fairs: April 2, June 2, Sept 2, and Nov, 8.
GRANGE FORTESCUE is a village of Meath.
CLONKEEN CHURCH and village are in the county
of Louth. The principal street, in the midst of which the
market house stands, is wide and the houses generally
CARRICKMACROSS is a market and post town of
Monaghan, with a market house, built of the ruins of the.
old castle, which was burnt during the rebellion of 1641,
an endowed school, a neat modern church, a Roman Catholic
chapel, and dispensary. It has manufactories of soap, can-
dles, leather, coarse shoes, and hats ; and there is a large
brewery and distillery. The corn market is one of the
largest in the county. The glebe-house is seen on the left
of the village ; and there are several gentlemen's seats.
A mile and a half beyond it is the church of Dwmayne ;
and three miles from Carrickmacross is a pleasing lake.
The inn is at the north entrance to. the town.
Pop. 2979. Market-days : Thursday ; and Saturday for
corn: Fairs: May 27, July 10,' Sept 27, Nov. 9, and
Dec 10. Inn : the Shirley Arms.
BALLY BAY is a post town of Monaghan, built on an
elevated hill ; three miles farther a small stream communi-
cates between two loughs on the right hand of the road.
There is a neat Episcopal church, and several meeting
houses. In the centre of the town is the market house,
over which is the free school; also a subscription library,
and a dispensary. There is a considerable linen manufac-
tory, the flax market is most extensive; and in the
vicinity are several large bleach greens. The town is
rapidly improving.
Pop. 1947. Market day : Saturday. Fairs: on the
third Saturday of every month, for horses and cattle.
TULLYCARBET church and village are in the county
of Monaghan.
No. 158. From Dublin to MONEYMORE. Through
Drooheda and Dungannon.
DtMinCasUeto Miles. Dublin Castle to Miles.
Dundalk*, as at No. 1 40} Charlemont* 68}
Forkhill • 45} Dungannon 72}
Dromilly 50* New Mills 75*
Mawhan 56£ Dunaghy 78
Market-hill*.- 58 Cookstown 81|
Hamilton's Bawn 60} Mone ymore * 85£
Bich-hill 62*
FORKHILL is a post town of Armagh, with barracks :
and the seat once belonging to Sir George Jackson, Bart.
SUeve Gullen Mountain, at a short distance to the right,
is a celebrated hill of great height Its base covers a large
extent, but its summit is the object of most interest : it
exhibits a large pool or lake, with steps descending into a
recess by the water's edge, which the neighbouring pea-
santry suppose to be the resort of sprites and elves.
. Pop. 152. Fairs : May 1, Aug 1, Sept 29, and Dec. 8.
DROMILLY is a village of Armagh. Beyond it is
Ballywire Church, 2J miles distant, and on its left is
Ballemoyer Lodge.
MA WHAN is a village of Armagh, on the Keadybeg
HAMILTON'S BA WN is a small but well-built town
of Armagh, having a barrack. Near it is Dunnenaught,
a pleasant residence.
Pop. 245. Fairs: May 26, and Nov. 26.
, RICH-HILL is a beautiful little post town of Armagh,
with a market house, and a considerable linen trade. Castle
Dillon, the seat of SirCapel Molyneux, Bart, is surrounded
by a finely-wooded demesne, sheets of water, &c. In the
grounds are two columns, raised in honour of the Order of
St. Patrick, and of the volunteers of Ireland. Mr.
Richardson's handsome seat is also close to the village.
Pop. 937. Fairs : Monthly.
DUNGANNON is one of the principal post towns
of Tyrone, returns a member to parliament, and is
governed by a provost and twelve burgesses. It was the
ancient residence of the O'Neills, chieftains of the north j
one of whom, the leader in the rebellion against Eliza-
beth, was created Earl of Tyrone, or Tirowen, and re-
tained his provincial rank as a native prince, by assuming
the courtier in doing homage to the virgin queen, and
the warrior in repelling the English forces from his ter-»
ritory. His castle at Dungannon was afterwards razed, to
the ground by Ireton's troops. The monastery of Don-
gannon was founded by the O'Neale family, and soon
afterwards -granted to the Earl of Westmeath; by whom
it was assigned to Sir A. Chichester. Vestiges of it still
exist Dungannon possesses a yarn hall, erected in 1814,
A modern church, a Roman Catholic chapel, meeting houses,
gaol and court house, several schools, a savings' bank, and
a dispensary; adjoining the town is an extensive brewery
and distillery, — and the linen market is very considerable.
The coalmines of this district are constantly worked, and
the canal from this town, which passes by Coal Island, and
enters ' Lough Neagh, affords it a communication with
LUburn, Belfast, Newry, &c Dungannon park is a splen-
did seat of the Earl of Ranfurly, who has done much to
improve the town.
Pop. 35 1 5. Market days : Monday, for grain ; Thursday,
chiefly linen. Fairs : first Thursday of each month. Inns :
The King's Arms; and the Northland' Arms.
DUNAGHY is a village of Tyrone. Near it is Desart-
creat church, as well as a good mansion and demesne.
Fairs : Feb. 1 and 18, April 8, June 2, and Dec. 3.
COOKSTOWN, in Tyrone, is an increasing market and
post town, consisting principally of one well-built street,
nearly a mile" in length, bordered by lofty trees on each
side. It has a' good market, and carries on the linen
manufacture. It has a neat Gothic church, erected in 1820.,
a Roman Catholic chapel, and several meeting houses.
The cultivated vale, through which the Cookstown river
flows, is bounded by lofty hills.
Seat: Killymotme, the mansion of the Stewart family,
adjoining the town, is esteemed one of the best situations
in this county.
Pap. 2883. Market days : Tuesday, for corn ; Saturday,
No. 1*1. DUB-LIK TO NAVAN. 411
for linen. Fairs: Feb. 8, March 28, May 8, June 16,
Aug. 8, September 4, Oct. 10, and Nov. 8. Inns : The
Stewart Arms, and the King's Arms.
No. 159. From Dublin to MOUNT MELLICK.
Through Luc an, Celbridge, and Portarlington.
Dublin Castle to Miles. Dublin CasOe to Miles.
Portarlington*, as at No. 129 36* Mount Mellick* 43}
No. 160. From Dublin to MOY. Through Dundalk,
Newtown-Hamilton, and Blackbank.
Dublin Castle to Miles. Dublin Castle to Miles.
Dundalk*, as at No, 1 40* Moy* 68J
Armagh*, aa at No. 6 ...... 62*-
No. 161. From Dublin to NAVAN.
Dublin Castle to Miles. Dublin Cam to Miles.
Cabragh 2 Doudsto wn • • • • • 23
Batoath 12* Nayan* 26
Skreen 19J '
RATOATH is a village of Eastmeath, formerly a
borough. Its unadorned rath has a single tree growing on
its summit, and forms a conspicuous object across the level
plains of Eastmeath. Close to it are the foundations of an
abbey, on the site of which the church is built The
village is surrounded with trees. St John's Well is a
resort of the peasantry towards the end of June.
Pop. 552. Fairs: April 18, June 1, and Nov. 20.
SKREEN is a village of Eastmeaib. The church is
situated to the right of the ancient walla of a dilapidated
castle, and in the cemetery are some ancient crosses. The
chapel is the place where service is performed, the re-
mainder of the church bdug out of repair; over the door
is a curious sculpture. The summit of Skreen Hill com-
mands an extensive prospect,
Fiirs; June 20, and Get. 12.
No. 1G2. From Dublin to NEWMARKET. Through
Callow, Kilkenny, and Mallow.
DuMh\ Quit* to Mite, Dublin Cattle to Mttu.
Clogheen* as at No. S7 • ■*- IKty Kanturk ♦*♦... ,♦,, ■ 128
Mai Jimr * , U at No. 120 , - - - 118* Newmarket ■ ■ ♦ 132
KAN TURK is a market and post town of Cork, situ-
ated on the Alio and D.illuo rivers. The castle, built in
the reign of Elizabeth, hy M'Douough McCarthy, has been
repaired by the Earl of Egmont Kanturk has a church,
a Rom:in Catholic chapel, and a free school house.
Pop* IS 49, Market duff- Saturday. Fairs: Mar. 17,
May 4, July 4T SepL 29, Nov. 3, and Dec, If«
NEWMARKET is a small town of Cork, with a neat
church, a Roman Catholic chapel, and barracks. At a
small school here, Curran received the elements of learning,
f ji the vicinity are the ancient castles of Carigacushtn and
Mac Jtilife. It is a mountainous district, and contains
bogs, limestone, and several beds of coal.
Pop. 1437. Fair* .* June 8, Sept. 8, Oct. 10, and Nov,
Inn : Hartncy's,
Seat : The fine residence of H. R. Aid worth, Esq.
No. 163. From Dublin to NEWPORT. Through
Matnooth, Mullingar, and Cabtlebar.
Dublin QuOe to Miles. Dublin Caste to Mile*.
Kinnegad*, aaatNo. 100.-. 29} Ballyhaunis* 93|
8troke8town*,a»atNo. 122. 70 Ball* 107*
Tol»k» •• • 7tt Mlnola* 109f
Castle-Plunket* 78* Cutlebar* 114*
Castlerea* 84J Newport 123*
Tmiinlnngh 89|
NEWPORl* is a sea-port town of Mayo : its commerce
is inconsiderable, although it has an excellent harbour for
large ships. Its rival, Westport, on the south cove of
Clew Bay, appears more fortunate : the mountains, which
are of great altitude in the surrounding district, interrupt
the inland communications, and the course of trade appears
to divide itself betwixt Killala and Westport. The mansion
of Seamount is in a bold situation above the harbour. A
small river takes its rise in the hills, and quickly dis-
charges its rapid stream into the bay of Newport
Pop. 1235. Fairs: June 8, Aug. 1, Nov. 11, and
Dec. 20.
Of the numerous and interesting islands in Clew Bay,
which forms a deep gulf, the following are amongst the
largest : — Inisline, Hanmore, Inishugh, Inisclare, and
Inisturk. Off the mouth of this beautiful bay are the
great Islands of Achitt, consisting of wild verdant hills :
they are frequented by persons engaged in the pursuit of
various species of fowl, and form an interesting excursion
to the sportsman.
NN 3
No. 164. From Dublin to NEW ROSS. First Road.
Through Leighlin Bridge, Gore's Bridge, and
Dublin Castle to Miles. Dublin Castle to Miles, .
Leighlin Bridge*, as at New Ross*, aa at No. 95. • • 67*
No. 27- •••"••■' •••- 45
No. 165. From Dublin to NEW ROSS. Second
Road. Through Carlow, Bagnalstown, and Borris.
Dublin Castle to Miles. Dublin Castle to Miles.
Carlow*, as at No. 27 39 Bagnalstown 47*
Clonmulsh 43 Bonis* 54*
Dnnleckney 46} NewBoss* 67
CLONMULSH and DUNLECKNEY are villages of
BAGNALSTOWN is a post town of Carlow, on the
Barrow, over which is a handsome bridge. Near this is
the fine seat of the Bagnal family.
Pop. 1315.
No. 166. From Dublin to NEWRY. Through Drog- [
heda, Dundalk, and Carlingford.
Dublin Castle to Miles. Dublin CasOe to Miles.
Dundalk*, as at No. 1. •••• 40} Carlingford* 51}
Ballymascanlan 40* Newry* 61*
BALLYMASCANLAN is a village of Louth, on the
Jonesborough river. A mile beyond it is the Giant**'
Load — a mass of rock, 12 feet long, and 6 square, placed
upon the top of three great stones. Near to Bellurgan
Park, in the vicinity, is the ancient castle named Cattle
Rath ; it is surrounded by some moats and raths, and close
to it is a remarkable tumulus. A mile from Castle Rath,
near the sea coast, is Baling Castle.
No. 167. From Dublin to NEWTOWN ARDS.
Dublin dude to Miles. Dublin Cattle to Miles.
Banbridge* aaatNol. ... 601 Saintfield 78
Dromore* 06 Comber* 84
Ballinahmch* 74 Newtown Ards» 87*
SAINTFIELD is a market and post town of Down. It
was occupied in 1798 by the insurgents, after an action
in which they gained a slight advantage. The condition
ef this town is rapidly improving. It is governed by a
seneschal. The public buildings are a market house, a
church, a Roman Catholic chapel, and two meeting houses.
Near it is Saintfield House, the residence of Nicholas
Price, Esq., proprietor of the town.
Pop. 1053. Market day: Monday. Fairs: Monthly.
Another road conducts to Belfast, distant 10 miles,
through the village of Newtown Breda, in which is a
handsome church and steeple, 3 miles from Belfast, and
near it is Belvoir, the mansion of Sir Robert Bateson, Bart;
This entire district is fertile, and well cultivated, and is
the seat of the linen and other manufactures.
No. 168. From Dublin to NEWTOWN BELLEW.
Through Kinneqad, Athlon £, and Ballinasloe.
Dublin CasUe to Miles. Dublin CasUe to Miles,
BaUmaaloe*, ai at No. 100. 7U Mount Bellew Bridge 85*
Afaaacngh 784 Newtown Bellew* 87*
Caltragh -H2
416 No. 170. DUBLIN TO OMAGH.
AHASCRAGH is a village and post town of Galway.
Seat : Clonbrock, the charming residence of Lord
Clonbrock, 2 miles distant.
Pop. 851. Fairs: Easter Monday, Trinity Wednesday,
Aug. 25, and Nov. 24.
CALTRAGH is a small village in the county of Galway.
Fairs : May 14, July 13, Sept 21, and Dec. 14.
Seat : the mansion of Sir W. Bellew*
Fairs : May 7, June 9, July 25, and Sept 29.
No. 169. From Dublin to NEWTOWN MOUNT
Dublin Castle to Miles. Dublin Castk to Milts.
Bmy* II Newtown Mount Kennedy 17
NEWTOWN MOUNT KENNEDY is a «village and
post station of Wicklow, situated in a very romantic dis-
trict and flourishing in its appearance. See No. 204.
Pop. 825. Fairs: Feb. 2, Easter Tuesday, June 29,
Aug. 15, Oct 29, and Dec. 21.
No. 170. From Dublin to OMAGH. First Road*
Through Collon, Monaghan, and Aughek.
Dublin Cattle to Miles. Dublin Castle to Miles.
Drogheda* as at No. 1. ... . 23J Omagh* as at No. 143. .... 87*
Castleblayney* as at No. 7. 51 J
No. 171. From Dublin to OMAGH. Second Road.
Through Castle Shane, EtfY Vale, and Bally-
Dublin Cattle to Miles. Dublin Castle to Miles.
Drogheda*, as at No. 1. • • • • 23} Anghnacloy 71
Castleblayney* as at No. 7- «H Balljgawley 74*
Emy Vale*, as at No. 143... 664 Omagh* 863
AUGHNACLOY, in Tyrone, is an agreeable post
and market town, built near the Blackwater, in which are
found excellent trout. It is traversed by several roads
from the principal towns in Tyrone. It has a handsome
church, a Roman Catholic chapel, and meeting houses.
This road to Omagh is half a mile nearer than by Augher.
One mile -from Aughnacloy, in the direction of Augher,
are the ruins of Lismore fort, once of considerable strength.
Pop. 1742. Market day: Wednesday. Fairs: Monthly.
Inn : the King's Arms.
BALLYGAWLEY is a village and post town in Tyrone,
with many neighbouring villas, and has an extensive
manufactory of gloves. Four miles beyond it is the Starbog
Spa, and there is a fine range of mountains in the vicinity.
Pop. 972. Fairs: Monthly.
No. 172. From Dublin to OMAGH. Third Road.
Through Hamilton's Bawn, Dunqannoh, and
Dublin Castle to Miles. Dublin Castle to Miles.
Dundalk*,asatNo. 1.... 40* Nine-Mile House 84*
Dungannon ♦, as at No. 158 72f Six-Mile Cross 8ft
Donaghmore 70} Omagh* 94}
Pomevoj 801
DON AGHMORE is a village of Tyrone. Fairs.' First
Tuesday of every month. Pop. 437.
POMEROY is a village of Tyrone. Fairs: June 1, and
Nov. H.
No. 173. From Dublin to OMAGH. Fourth Road.
Through Dungannon and Castle Cadlfield.
DvbKnCastkto MQet. Dublin Out* to MUa.
Dundalk* a* at No. 1. .... 40* BaUygawley*-. 83*
Dungannon*, as at No. 158 72$ Omagh* 94*
CastleCaulfleld 75*
, CASTLE CAULFTELD is in Armagh. Here stood
the castle of Lord Charlemont, which was destroyed in the
great rebellion (1641), and its possessor slain.
No. 174. From Dublin to OUGHTERARD. Through
Philipstown, Banagher Locjghrea, and Galwat.
Dublin Casik to Mile*. Dublin Castle to MOes.
Galway*, asatNo. 100. .-1024 Oughterard 116*
Dromcong 1094
DRUMCONG is a village of Galway.
OUGHTERARD is a post town in Galway, forming a
good station for the intelligent traveller or painter who is
willing to undertake the labour of penetrating into the
mountainous region towards the west, in which is the cele-
brated district of Cormemara, the property of T. Martin,
Esq., M.P. Oughterard contains barracks for infantry;
and near it, on the estate of T. H. O'Flahertie, Esq., of
Lemonfield, is a chalybeate and ferruginous spa, which was
highly recommended by the late Sir Humphrey Davy. Near
the barracks is a natural bridge. Above the village there
is a succession of pretty rapids, and on a green bank at the
foot of them stands a neat cottage, the property of Mr.
Martin, pf Galway,. who calls- .it. his gatehouse; for from
this spot the road passes through, hift estate to his house at
Ballinahinch, a distance of twenty-six miles. Pearls are
found in the little river which runs through Oughterard,
specimens of which can easily he obtained. The indented
coasts of the bays on the west side of the county of Galway
are hemmed in by some very interesting islands, which are
as little known as the beautiful and stupendous hills of the
mainland. The inn is tolerable. .
Pop. 640.
Seats : Dangan, H. Reddington, Esq. ; Menlough Castle,
"Sir J. Blake, Bart The lakes in this vicinity are exten-
sive and beautiful. For a description of Lough Corrib,
with its islands and fine mountain range, see the article on
On the coast of Galway, beyond Oughterard, is the vil-
lage of Feitrtnople. There is a Roman Catholic chapel
lately built on the banks of the river, by the Rev. Dr.
Kirwan; and in the barony of Ballinahinch is situated the
small town of Ballinahinch, above which are seen the rocky
precipices of Beannabeola, called the Twelve Pins,
Pop. 1000.
In this quarter, called Joyce's Country, are some beautiful
lakes and streams.
Beyond Ballinahinch the road is continued to Ballinakill,
a village on a small estuary, opposite to the beautiful
Island of Ennisbqfine. On the right of this rugged district,
which abounds with green mountain heights of great eleva-
tion,' and romantic winding valleys, a large stream, named
the Owenreave River, divides Galway from the. county of
Mayo, and beyond is seen the range of the great Morisk
Hills. This river falls into an open bay, to the south of
Newport, or Clew Bay.
Fairs are held at Ballinahinch, June 29, and Oct 20.
Seat : The mansion of Thomas Martin, Esq., M. P.
No. 175. From Dublin to PORTADOWN. First
Road. Through Loughbrickland.
Dublin Castle to Miles. Dublin Castle to Miles,
Loughbrickland*, asatNo. 1. 58* Moyallen 63*
Gilford* 62* Portadown 65*
MOYALLEN is a village of Down.
PORTADOWN is a well-built market and post-town of
Armagh, on the west side of the Bann, over which is a
handsome stone bridge. In the town are two meeting
houses. Half a mile from it is Drumcree church, and a
Roman Catholic chapel. A mile above Portadown, the
canal from Newry falls into the river Bann, and thus forms
a communication with lough Neagh. The great market
for grain gives a degree of activity to this little town, and
the linen manufacture is also profitable to it
Pop. 1591. Market day: Saturday. Fairs: First Sa-
turday in each month, Easter- Monday, Whit-Monday, and
Nov. 12. Inn: Walker's.
No. 176. From Dublin to PORTADOWN. Second
Road. Through Tanderagee.
Dublin Castle to Miles. Dublin CasOe to Miles*
Newry* as at No. 1 50* Portadown* •-• .65$
Tanderagee •• 61*
. TANDERAGEE. See No. 14. One mile distant to-
wards Newry is Clare Castle, and three miles towards
Portadown is Dawson'* Grove, Mullyvilly church is half-
way from Tanderagee to Portadown.
No. 177. From Dublin to PORTAFERRY. Through
Rathriland, Clough, and Downpatrick.
Dublin CasUe to Miles. Dublin Castle to Miles.
Newry* as at No. 1. 50* Portaferry* 80*
Strangford •; as at No. 73 80
No. 178. From Dublin to PORTGLENONE. Through
Lurgan, Antrim, and Randalstown.
Dublin CasOe to Miles. Dublin Castle to Miles.
Antrim *, as at No. 1 83 Grange* 93
Randalstown* ... 88 Portglenone* •- 97
No. 179. From Dublin to PORTRUSH. Through
Drogheda, Armagh, and Coleraine.
Dublin Castle to Miles. Dublin Castle to Miles.
Dundalk », as at No. 1 . • • • • 40* Coleraine *, as at No. 61. • • • • 109*
Armagh*, as at No. 6. ••• 62* Portrush 114
PORTRUSH is a village of Antrim, with a custom
house establishment and salt works. The yellow strand of
Portrush and the distant prospect of the hold rocks along
the coast are much admired. The alternate cliffs of lime,
perforated by caverns formed by the waves, and rocks of
whin-stone and basalt, furnish a varied line of coast; but
the green summits of the gently swelling hills which form
the back of the cliffs are generally destitute of trees. Near
Portrush is the grand ruin of Dtmhfc* Cattle. Pop. S87.
No. 180. From Dublin to PORTUMNA. First Road.
Through Philipstown, Tullamore, and Birr.
Dublin Cattle to Miles Dublin Castle to Miles.
Frankford*, aaatNo. 99.. 57* Panonstown«> 63J
Eglfch* m Portwwia 744
PORTUMNA is a pleasant village and post town of
Galway, on the west side of the Shannon, across which is
a ferry. The wooden bridge over the river was erected by
Mr. Samuel Cox, architect, of Boston, in America. The
ancient friary at Portumna was a cell to the Cistertian
abbey at Dunbrody, in Wexford ; its remaining walls form
an elegant ruin, and its choir has' been converted into a
modern church. The new church is a fine building, at the
south end of the town; and there is a Roman Catholic
chapel, and a good inn. Here also are infantry barracks,
and the ruins of the original castle, as well as the castle of
the Marquess of Clanricarde, a noble mansion, of antique
appearance. At Lorrah, on the Tipperary side, are some
castle ruins. The remains of the palace castle, at Tynagh,
are surrounded by wood. . .
Pop. 1122. Fairs: Feb. 15, May 6, July 1, Aug. 15,
Oct 17, and Nov. 15.
Seat : Flower Hill, a beautiful mansion of Lord River-
No. 181. From Dublin to. PORTUMNA. Second
Road. Through Kjldare, Maryborough, and
Rose RE A.
Dublin Castle to Miles. Dublin Caste to Mile*.
Boacrea* as at No. 3 69} Portumna* 79*
Parsonstown* • 69}
No. 182. From Dublin to ROSCOMMON. Through
Lucan, Kinkegad, and Athlone.
Dublin Caste to Miles. Dublin Caste to Miles.
Athlone*, as at No. 100 ••-. 59} Roscommon* 741
Ballymurrj* 69*
No. 183. From Dublin to RUTLAND. Through
Navan, Enniskillen, Donnegal, and Dunglo.
Dublin Caste to Miles. Dublin Caste to Mites.
Mount Charles*, as at No. 80. 114 River Gibbarrow 129
Sir Albert's Bridge 120 Drnmlaghded Hill • 131 1
Glenties 133 Diinglo* 13ft
8haltagan Bridge 126 Rutland 139
SIR ALBERT'S BRIDGE, in Donegal. One mile
beyond Killiene Lough is Sir Albert's Well ; half a mile
farther is Sir Albert's Bridge. Beyond which Drienlin
Bridge is one mile distant ; two miles farther, there is a
bridge across the Glenties-, or Onea River.
GLENTIES is a village of Donegal, on the river
Fairs : March 17, June 19, July 27, Aug. 12, Sept. 12,
and Dec. 28.
SHALTAGAN BRIDGE is a village of Donegal.
RUTLAND is a post town, and is noted for its fisheries,
particularly of herrings, for the improvement of which
Colonel Conyngham obtained a bounty of 20,000/.; but
soon after the works were executed, it was found that the
shoals had in a great measure abandoned the coast The
island of Rutland contains 180 acres, and is situated off
the mouth of a creek which runs up to Dungjo, in Donegal,
and affords an excellent shelter for vessels engaged in the
fisheries, which have here a secure roadstead in three
fathoms water. Dunglo forms a market for Rutland, and
is the great thoroughfare to it from the county of Donegal.
— Vide page 273.
No. 184. From Dublin to SCARVA. Through Drog-
heda, Newry, and Loughbrickland.
Dublin Castle to Miles. Dublin Castle to Miles.
Loughbrickland*, as at Scarva 60|
No. 1 68}
SCARVA is a pleasant village of Down, situated close
to the Newry canal: it has a considerable salt work.
Lough Shark is a small sheet of water near Scarva.
Fairs: March 21, June 19, Sept 5, and Nov. 14.
No. 185. From Dublin to SLIGO. Mail Coach Road.
Through Mullingar, Longford, and Carrick-on-
Dublin Castle to Miles. Dublin Castle to Miles.
Kinnegad* as at No. 100- . • • 29* Edgeworth's Town ........ 52}
Mullingar 38* Longford 58*
Leny 44J Newtown Forbes 61
Ballinalack 46} Ruaky Bridge 06}
No. 185. DUBLIN TO SLIGO. 42*
Dublin CcutU to Miki. .. D*Uin CattU to MUt*.
Dromod > .671 Boyle 844
Dramma 72* Ballinafad • ••• 87*
Jamestown 73| Coloone j 96|
Carrick-on-Shannon 77 Ballwodare 100*
Ardkarna Church 81| SUgo •' 108*
MULLINGAR, a market and post town, and the county
town of Westmeath, is almost surrounded by the canal
which communicates with Dublin. It consists principally
of one long street, from which others diverge. The chief
public buildings are, the church, which is modern ; a Roman
Catholic chapel, a meeting house, the barracks, the- gaol
and court house, the infirmary, and the market house.
The assizes for the county are held here. Here may be
seen the ruins of two monasteries, founded in the thirteenth
century, one of which, called the JEIouse of God, of Mul-
lingar, was for Augustines ; the other was for Dominicans.
The environs of Mullingar are pleasing, and are diversified
by romantic sites, extensive lakes, and extensive man*
sions. This town is an emporium for wool, and is noted
for a horse and cattle fair. Near the town is Monte Video,
the residence of Henry Wilton, Esq. * '
Pop. 4516. Market day: Thursday. Fairs: April 6,
July 4, Aug. 29, and Nov. 11. Inn: Murray's. '
LENEY, in Westmeath, has a modem bulk church ; and
on a hill, in the vicinity, is a school house. One mile and
a half distant, between Lough Hoyle and Lough Deriporagh,
is Wilton's Hospital, for the support of sixteen old men, and
the education and maintenance of sixteen boys, natives of
this county.
Seat : Donore, a mansion of the Nugent family.
BALLINALACK is a village of Westmeath, pleasantly
situated on the Inny, which connects two beautiful loughs,
oo 3
420 No. 185. DUBLIN TO SLIGO.
Pop. 334. Fairs: Feb. 15, May 18, Oct. 2, and Dec. 20.
Sba-t-: Tristernagh, the demesne of the Piers family.
Near this mansion formerly stood the ruins of an abbey,
founded shortly after the English invasion, by Sir Geoffrey
Constance ; but these beautiful vestiges of monastic archi-
tecture were entirely demolished in 1783. Near the
entrance to Tristernagh are the ruins of Temple-cross
EDGEWORTH'S-TOWN is a large and pleasant post
town of Longford. It is remarkable as the residence of the
Edgeworth family, so celebrated for its literary talents.
The spire of the church, executed from a design by the
late Mr. Edgeworth, is of cast-iron, covered with slate.
There is also a Roman Catholic chapel, and a school for
the education of the orphans o£ the established clergy. In
the church-yard is the vault of the Edgeworth family, and
the church contains, amongst other inscriptions, one in
memory of the late R. L. Edgeworth, Esq. In the vicinity
are quarries of slate.
Pop. 1001. Fairs: March 2, May 5, July 2, Sept 12,
Nov. 5, and Dec. 17.
LONGFORD, the capital of the county of Longford,
is a market and post town, situated on the Camlin, a small
river which runs into the Shannon. The Packenham
family, possessing the title of Baron Longford, is dis-
tinguislied in our military annals. Longford has a church,
a Roman Catholic chapel, and meeting houses, a county
infirmary, a market house, a gaol, a court house, house of
industry, barracks, a well-endowed school, and a savings*
bank. It formerly possessed two religious houses, an
abbey, founded by Idus, its first abbot, and a Dominican
friary, erected in the 15th century. A branch of the grand
No. 185. DUBLIN TO SLIGO. 427
canal has been extended to this town, which has very much
increased its trade, and there are flour mills, and a brewery,
in the town.
Pop. 4516. Market day: Saturday. Fairs : March 26,
June 10, Aug. 19, and Oct 22. Inns: The Longford
Hotel, and Connor's Inn.
NEWTOWN FORBES is a post town of Longford. A
mile distant is Castle Forbes, the mansion of the Earl of
Pop. 537. Fairs: Easter Tuesday, Sept. 4, and Oct 31.
RUSKY BRIDGE, across the Shannon. At this village
a small canal assists the navigation.
DROMOD is a village and post town of Leitrim, near
the river Shannon. Pop. 162.
DRUMSNA is a village and post town in Leitrim, on
the east side of the Shannon. The church is situated at
Anaduff, about a mile from the town, and is a neat building,'
with a square tower. In the vicinity are Mount Campbell,
the seat of Admiral Sir J. Rowley; and Charlestoum, the
seat of Sir Robert King.
Pop. 427. Fairs : May 20, June 22, Aug. 25, Oct. 2,
and Dec. 14.
JAMESTOWN is a disfranchised borough and market
town of Leitrim, situated near the Shannon, which the
road crosses twice. It has barracks, a Roman Catholic
chapel, and the ruins of a castle, of which the military tra-
ditions possess interest There was a religious house at
this place.
Pop. 220. Market day: Saturday. Fairs: May 28,
July 8, Sept 1, and Dec. 20.
CARRICK-ON- SHANNON, the county town of Lei.
trim, and formerly a borough, is built on the north side of
the river, over which there is a stone bridge of eleven
arches. It has spacious barracks, and a county gaol ; dose
to which is a commodious court house of black stone, with
a Doric portico. The other public buildings are, a church,
a Roman Catholic chapel, meeting houses, a county infir-
mary, and two school houses.
Pop. 1870. Market day: Thursday. Fairs: Jan. 18,
March 20, May 12, June 6, Aug. .11, Sept 14, Oct 22,
Nov. 21, and Dec. 16. Inn: Church's.
ARDKARNA CHURCH, in Roscommon. Above a
mile from this place, adjacent to Lough Key, is Kingston
Hall, Earl of Kingston's, surrounded by fine plantations.
BOYLE, a market and post town of Roscommon, is
seated on the Boyle, which is a tributary stream to the
Shannon, and near the delicious Lough Key, amidst Lord
Lorton'sfine woods. Over the river are two bridges; on
one of which is a statue of William III. Boyle has a
court house, a good church, a Roman Catholic chapel, a
meeting house, a free school, a. dispensary, barracks, and
a savings' bank, and is governed by a recorder. It is
sometimes called Abbey- Boyle, from the Cistercian abbey,
founded in 1148. This, was a.. cell of Mellefont abbey, and
its beautiful remains may be seen in Kingston-Park, north
of the river, overgrown with ivy, and a fine ash tree grow-
ing within the walls. This abbey was frequently plundered
by Irish chieftains, and in 1235 by Maurice Fitzgerald, the
Justiciary. The Gothic steeple rests on transverse arches,
which are supported by round and clustered columns:
the cloisters remain, but have been converted into bar-
racks. Adjacent to the abbey is the foundation of a
round tower. Lough Key extends its .beautiful expanse of
water to Boyle : on its islands are some castellated ruins,
and lofty timber. Rockingham House, Lord Lorton's
splendid demesne, is about 2 miles from Boyle, and is
No. 185. DUBLIN TO 8LIGO. 429
of great extent; the house is built solely of limestone, of
which a highly polished specimen is seen on the great
staircase. It was obtained from a quarry on his Lord-
ship's estate.
Pop, 3438. Market day : Saturday ; and Wednesday,
for linen and butter. Fairs : March 6, April 3, May 9-
and 30, July 9 and 25, Aug. 17, Oct. 1, and Nov. 25.
Inns : Boyle's, and the Lorton Arms. •
BALL1NAFAD is a small village of Sligo. The keep,
forming part of the ruins of its ancient castle, command?
a pleasing view. In the vicinity is Ballaghbuy Mountain,
as well as Lough Arrow, a charming lake, with many
beautiful islands. In a wild district, on its banks, are the
remains of Ballindown Abbey, consisting principally of two*
chapels, and a belfry, distinguished by this architectural
peculiarity, — the east and west windows are pointed, and
all the others elliptical.
Seats: Hollybrook, finely situated on the banks of
Lough Arrow, and the residence of Mr. Foliott.
COLOONEY is a market and post town of Sligo,*
seated on the river Colooney. It has a handsome church,
in the Gothic style, dedicated to St. Paul, a Roman Catholic
chapel, and a linen hall, erected by £. S. Cooper, Esq.,
who is a distinguished patron of this town. The linen
manufacture flourishes here; and there are some fine
bleach greens, and mills. The market is the greatest for
linen and yarn in the county. The French, under General
Humbert, obtained an advantage here in 1798, but the
English being reinforced, they surrendered shortly after-
wards at Ballinamuck.
Seats: Markcrea Castle, the fine seat of E. S. Cooper,
Esq., in which there is also an observatory.
430 No. 185. DUBLIN TO SLIGO.
Pop. 553. Market day: Thursday. Fair*: May 3,
June 1, Aug. 9, Sept 6, Nov. 23, and Dec. 16.
BALLISODARE, in Sligo, is prettily seated on the
Colooney Water, and is remarkable for its waterfall. Here
is a stone bridge of seven arches ; also some flour mills,
and a large bleach green.
The principal objects near Ballisodare, are its lead
mines, and its excellent stone or marble quarries, — also the
cemetery and ivy-clothed abbey, near the mouth of the
Colooney river.
. Pop. 546. Fairs: Feb. 8, May 28, July 10, Aug. 4,
Oct 4, Nov. 12, and Dec. 16.
SLIGO, the shire and assize town of the county of the
same name, is. pleasantly situated on the Garrogue, by
means of which the waters of Lough Gill, situated to-
wards the south east, are discharged into Sligo Bay. Over
the river are two stone bridges, and vessels of 200 tons can
come up to the quay ; the harbour has been improved
by the erection of a pier outside the bar. Sligo returns a
member to parliament, .and carries on an extensive trade,
which is rapidly increasing, particularly in corn and butter.
The public buildings are, the court house, the custom
house, the county gaol, town hall, the old church, dedicated
to St. John, the new church at the east end o£ the town,
built of stone in the Gothic style, the barracks, the fever
hospital, the charter school endowed by the Wynn family,
and the infirmary. There are also two Roman Catholic
chapels, one of which, dedicated to St Patrick, is a hand-
some building, several meeting houses, and a public library.
Of Sligo castle no vestiges remain, but close to the
town, and pleasantly situated on the bank of the river,
are the ruins of the abbey, founded by Maurice Fitzgerald
No. 185. DUBLIN TO SLIGO. 431
in the 13th century, and rebuilt in a magnificent style
during the 15th. They consist of the cloisters, which are
richly ornamented ; the tower resting on a gothic arch,
and dividing two chapels, and the walls of the church.
The east window is particularly beautiful, and round the
nave is a stone gallery. A few feet from the ground is
the tomb of O'Connor, Lord of Sligo, on which he and
his wife are represented kneeling at an altar.
Near Sligo is Lugna Clogh, or the Giants' Grave, con-
sisting of a number of stupendous stones placed on each
other, like those of Stonehenge. From the English road,
cut in 1822, there is a fine view of the town.
The environs of Sligo are beautiful, in particular
Lough Gill, which is about two miles distant, and is
about eight miles in length, and two in breadth. Its
banks abound with pleasing scenery, but its principal
beauty is Hqzelwood, the seat of Mr. Wynn, situated at the
end of -a peninsula, and adorned with charming grounds.
There are magnificent ash, oak, and elm trees on the de-
mesne, and very fine evergreens. The opposite side of
the lake consists of rude mountains, which form a fine con-
trast. The gten, a chasm in the side of Knock-naren, is
nearly a mile long, well shaded with trees; its shrubs and
its ivy,, the heath and fern; afford shelter to the eagle and
the fox, and many- a channel has been furrowed by falling
The admirer of varied scenery will, from a hill called
the Cairns, enjoy a rare treat On 'one side, Lough Gill,
with the fine improvements of Hazlewood ; on the other, a
scene of surpassing grandeur opens between Bulben and
Knock- narea. Below, the Garrogue pours from the lake
into the sea ; and beyond, the bay of Sligo leads the eye on
to the ocean. The country around is interspersed with
432 JNo. 186. DUBLIN TO SLIGO.
.villages and gentlemen's seats ; even the rocky shores of
.Lissadel, at the foot of Ben Bulben, are decorated with the
marble palace of Sir Robert Gore Booth (designed by
Goodwin), and not less so by his tine groves and neat
cottages; nor are the towns and its shipping devoid of
lively interest
Pop. 15,152. Fairs: May 27, July 6, Aug. 11, and
Oct. 9. Market days: Saturday, for butter and corn,
.Tuesday and Friday. Inns: The Nelson, Boyles, and
No. 186. From Dublin to SLJGO. Second Road.
Through Clonmellon, Killeshanora, and Swan*
' Dublin Castle to Mites. Dublin Castle to Miles.
.Castle Knock 3f Ballinaoaght MJ
Clone* 7 Crossdoney 56
Black Bull Inn* 10* Killeshandra 60}
Orange 18 Bawnboy 69}
.Trim 22* Siranlinbar 74*
.Athboy 28* Cross Roads (near Florence-
Clonmellon 32* Court) 77J
Ballynaganny 40* Largay 84*
Oldcastle 41* Manor Hamilton 94*
Daly'sBridge 46* Sligo* 1(»*
Darien's Bridge 51*
CASTLE KNOCK is a small and pleasant village of
Dublin, with the ruins of a castle, built on a commanding
'height by the English invaders, in the time of Henry II.
At Dunsink, a little beyond this village, is an observatory
on an eminence. Pop. 188.
CLONEE, a post town in Dublin. A mile from the
bridge, on the left, is seen Dunboyne church.
No. 186. DUBLIN TO SLIGO. 433
GRANGE, in Meath, At this village is a cavern, in
the form of a cross, supposed to have been dedicated to
some superstitious rites of the Druids.
TRIM, the county town of East Meath, is pleasantly
situated on the Boyne. It is a market and post town, and
till the time of the Union returned members to parlia-
ment In the vicinity are the remains of several castel-
lated and monastic buildings, the most remarkable of
which are, Trim castle, on the banks of the river, where
John, Lord of Ireland, resided ; and the abbey, founded
by St Patrick, and afterwards rebuilt by De Lacy, Lord
of Meath. Near the river, also, but half a mile from
Trim, are the ruins of Newtown Abbey, forming a grand
and picturesque object Trim formerly possessed a mint,
and was the seat of parliament till near the close of the
15th century. It was a walled town, and made defence
against Cromwell. Amongst the public buildings are, a
handsome modern church, two Roman Catholic chapels,
a market house and court house for holding the assizes, a
gaol with a tread mill, by means of which the criminals
supply water to the prison, a charter school, and barracks.
The pillar erected here, at the expense of the county, in
1817, in honour of the Duke of Wellington, is of the
Corinthian order, and is well situated.
The principal objects worthy of notice in the environs
of Trim are, Trimlestown Castle, the seat of Lord Trimles-
town, two miles north-west of Trim ; the ruins of Bee-
tine Abbey, situated on an eminence on the Boyne, three
miles distant ; the ruins of the castle and church of
Scur teg's Town, 2} miles from Trim, and Laracor, for many
years the residence of Dean Swift, two miles south of the
Pop. 3282. Market Day : Saturday. Fairs : March 27,
434 No. 186. DUBLIN TO SL1GO.
May 8, June 17, Oct 1, and Nov. 16. Inns : The O'Reilly
Aims, and the Black Boy.
AT H BOY is a market and post town of East Meath,
pleasantly situated on a rivulet It was formerly a bo-
rough, and had a house or cell for Carmelites. It consists
principally of one spacious street, and has a market
house, a church, and a Roman Catholic chapel, as
well as two schools supported by the Darnley family,
In the vicinity are several fine seats, particularly
Ctifton Lodge, one mile distant, belonging to the Earl
of Darnley, who is proprietor of the town ; Drew'*
Town, BaUinhugh, and the extensive farm of Sir Thomas
Pop. 1959. Market day: Thursday, chiefly for corn. Fairs:
Jan. 23, Mar. 13, May 4, Aug. 4, Sept. 25, and Nov. 7.
CLON MELLON is a village of Westmeath. The
church has a modern spire. In the vicinity is a small
circular lough. Pop. 960. Fairs : Jan. 28, May 2, July 25,
and Sept 29.
in Cavan. One mile distant, is Lough Shealiin, or Sheck-
lin, with several islands, in one of which are the ruins of an
abbey. This lake is seven miles long, and four broad, and
its banks are studded with cottages. On the south shore
are remains of Ross Castle, with the hill, or Ben of Fore.
Pop* 171.
BALLINANAGHT is a considerable village of Cavan.
CROSSDONEY, is a village and post town in Cavan,
surrounded by many delightful country seats, and three
diminutive loughs. Fain: April 5, May 27, Aug. 26,
and Nov. 17.
KILLESHANDRA is a market and post town of
Cavan, pleasantly situated on the Croghan, which flows
into the Erne. It has a market house, a church, a Roman
Catholic chapel, meetinghouses, a dispensary, and infantry
barracks. The inhabitants are chiefly occupied in the
manufacture of linen. On the banks of the river are the
remains of a castle, and in the vicinity is the neat villa of
Castle Hamilton. There is a good inn.
Pop. 1 137. Fairs : Jan. 28, March 28, May 9, June 22,
July 15, Aug. 20, Sept 28, and Nov. 8.
B AWN BOY is a village of Cavan. Near it is a range
of mountain called Sliebh Russel. Fairs : Monthly.
SWANLINBAR, in Cavan, is an agreeable village,
celebrated for its spa, which is much resorted to for its
alterative and diaphoretic qualities. The well is within an
ornamented enclosure, and is neatly laid out with walks
and shrubberies. The church has a handsome spire. The
borders of Fermanagh are marked by extensive hills, the
principal of which is the Quilca Mountain, containing iron-
Pop. 398. Fairs: Feb. 2, March 30, May 18, June 29,
July 27, Aug. 18, Sept. 14, Oct 30, Nov. 27, and Dec. 21.
CROSS-ROADS, a little beyond Florence Court, the
splendid mansion of the Earl of Enniskillen. The facade
is of the Ionic order, and extends 260 feet. In front is a
beautiful lawn, and around, groups of fine trees : mountain
scenery and Lough Macknean bound the view to the west
LARGY, in Cavan. Near the Black Lion inn are the
walls of an ancient church. Lough Macknean, in which
are three fertile islands, extends nearly to this place.
Fairs : May 22, July 22, Sept 22, and Nov. 19.
MANOR-HAMILTON is a market and post town of
Leitrim, pleasantly situated on a rivulet It has a castle,
erected in the time of Elizabeth, and is surrounded by
romantic hills. There is a neat church with a spire, a
Roman Catholic chape), meeting houses, a sessions house,
a dispensary, and free school. Above two miles distant is
the picturesque ruin of Cor Cattle, Near this is the seat
of the Earl of Leitrim.
Pop. 1348. Market day: Thursday. Fairs: May 8,
July 1, 1st Thursday in Aug., Oct. 7, and Nov. 19.
Dublin Castie to Miles. Dublin Castle to MUet.
Kfflethandra, as before .... 609 Callahill 711
Ballyconnel Oft Ohms Boads, as before 77*
BALLYCONNEL is a village of Cavan, near the river
Woodford. It has extensive flour-mills, and there is a
handsome Gothic church, a Roman Catholic chapel, about
half a mile from the town, and a dispensary. There is a
small lake whose surface is 120 feet above the level of the
sea. Pop. 453. Market day : Friday. Fairs : Monthly.
CALLAHILL, in Fermanagh. Beyond the church is
a castle in ruins.
No. 187. From Dublin to SLIGO. Third Road.
Through Mullinoar, Strokestown, and Elphin.
Dublin CastU to Miles. Dublin Cattle to MUet.
Kinnegad* aaatNo. 100.-. 29) Boyle* 84
Lanesborough*, at at No. Ballinafad* 87i
122. 62* Colooney* 93*
Strokestown* 70 Ballifodaxe* 984
Elpbin 7H SHgo* 103*
ELPHIN is a beautiful post town of Roscommon, and
is a bishop's see, founded by St Patrick. Its principal
buildings are, the episcopal palace, the diocesan school
house, the public hospital, and the dispensary. It has
also a modern church, and a Roman Catholic chapel. The
town and abbey were destroyed by the English in 1177,
and the remains of the collegiate church were converted
into a parish church at the reformation, when the lands
belonging to the monastery were granted to Terence
O* Byrne.
Pop. 1507. Fairs: May 3, June 29, Sept 29, and
Dec. 10. Inn: Madden's.
No. 188. From Dublin to STRADBALLY and
Dublin Castle to Mile*. Dublin Cattle to Miles.
KilcuUen*, a* at No. 27. •• S3 Stradbally 38*
Athy* 324 Abbeyleix-. 47*
STRADBALLY is a market and post town in Queen's
county, situated in a fertile and delightful country. Its
public buildings are, a market house, a neat church and
tower, a dispensary, cotton mills, and a chartered school
for clothing, educating, and apprenticing sixty boys. This
town is much resorted to in summer, as a watering place.
Pop. 1799. Market day: Saturday. Fairs: May 6,
July 10, Aug. 21, Sept 14, and Nov. 21.
Seats : Stradbally Hall, the seat of Mr. Cosby, and
Brockley Park, the Earl of Roden.
ABBEYLEIX is a post town of Queen's county, situated
pn the Nore. It has a church and Roman Catholic chapel;
also a lace manufactory, and a good inn. It is on the
mail road to Cork, by Cashel.
Pop. 1009. Fairs: March 17, April 18, May 5, and
:Nov. 4.
p p 8
No. 189. From Dublin to STROKESTOWN.
Dublin Cattlt to Mile*. Dublin CastU to MUa.
Kinnegad», asatNo-lOO-. 29* Barry 64*
Mullingar* 38* Kenagh 563
Ballinacargy 45* Killashee 61
Buck Houm Inn 47* Tannonbarry Bridge 64i
Colehffl 61 Strokertown* 71*
BALLINACARGY is a village and post town of West-
meath. On the shore of a small lough, between this place
and Mullingar, is a beautiful mansion called Sonnagh. In
the same direction, but within a mile of Ballinacargy, is
Baron's Town, a stone house, erected by the late Lord
Sunderlin, a noble edifice 300 feet in length, and sur-
rounded by a park and charming scenery ; it is now occu-
pied by R. Malone, Esq. He also built a small but
beautiful church at Kilbixy, in the vicinity.
Pop. 308. Fairs : May 9 and 1 5, and Oct. 28.
BUCK HOUSE INN. Near this is an ancient chapel
ruin, and Newport, the seat of Mr. Blake, situated between
two branches of the river Inny. Beyond this is a castle
COLEHILL is a village and post town of Longford.
Jn the vicinity is Tennelick, a fine mansion, built close to
the river Inny, and near it are the walls of an ancient
castle. On the road, a mile beyond this village, is Tashiny
Tashiny Fairs are held March 27, May 28, July 9, and
Sept 26.
BARRY is a village of Longford : 2& miles beyond it,
to the left of the road, is Kilcommack church.
Fairs: at Barry, last Monday in January, April, July,
and Oct
KENAGH is a village of Longford, just beyond which
the river Kenagh traverses the park belonging to the
splendid mansion of Mosstoum. Two miles farther are the
ruins of a castle and a church.
Pop. Z96. Fain: Sept 10, and Oct 10.
KILLASHEE is a large village of Longford, with a
neat church.
Fairs: March 8, May 24, Sept 29, and Dec. 1.
No. 190. From Dublin to SUMMERHILL.
Dublin Castle to MUes. Dublin Castle to Miles.
Lncan* 6* Kilcock* 14ft
Leixlip* 8 Summerhffl 19*
Maynooth* 11}
SUMMERHILL is an extremely neat modern post
town in Meath. It is built in the form of a square,
having a green in the centre. Dangan, now the seat
of Roger O'Connor, Esq., was the birth-place of the
noble brothers, the Marquess of Wellesley, the Duke of
Wellington, and Lord Maryborough. Near it is Summer-
hill House, the residence of Lord Langford, the proprietor
of this town.
Pop. 331. Fairs: April 30, June 9, Sept 22, and
Nov. 25.
No. 191. From Dublin to TAGHMON. Through
Blessington and Enniscobthy.
Dublin CastU to MUes. Dublin Castle to MUct.
Enniacorthy*, as at No. 205. 57 Taghmon 68
TAGHMON is a market and post town of Wexford,
on the road from Wexford to New Ross. It was a
borough town until the Union. The principal buildings
are, the church, a modern stone structure, the Roman
Catholic chapel, and the dispensary. In the centre of the
town are the remains of an ancient castle.
Pop. 1109. Market days : Monday and Thursday.
Fairs : Monthly ; the market for butter is considerable.
Inns : The Ship, Red Lion, and Plough Inn.
No. 192. From Dublin to THURLES. Through
Maryborough, Durrow, and Johnstown.
Amblin Castle to Miles. JSHMin CasUe to MOes.
Maryborough* as at No. 3. 40 UrUngford* 61*
Ballyroan* ,441 Longford Paw 68*
Durrow* 51* Thurie* #*
THURLES is a market and post town in Tipperary,
pleasantly situated on the Suir, which crosses the main
street .at rjght angles. It has a handsome sessions house,
a large gaol, a neat church, a very spacious and handsome
Catholic chapel, with a fine organ, and a Roman Catholic
college, two convents, barracks occupying the mansion
formerly belonging to the Matthew family, and a Lan-
casterian school superintended by monks. A house of
White Friars was founded here by the Butlers, at the
commencement of the fourteenth century, the ancient
tower and ruins of which stand east of the Suir. The
adjacent country is rich, and the inhabitants are wealthy
About 3 miles from Thurles, on the road to Cashel, are
extensive remains of Holy Cross Abbey, founded by Donogh,
King of Limerick, in the twelfth century.
. Pop. 7084. Market day: Saturday. Fairs: 1st Tues-
day of every month, Easter Monday, Aug 21, and Dec. 21.
Inns :. Quinlan's Hotel ; and the Star aud Garter.
No. 193. From Dublin to TIPPER ARY. First
Road. Through Kildare, Maryborough, and
Dublin Cattle to MUet. Dublin Castle to Miles.
Maryborough* a* at No. 3. 40 Tipperary* as at No. 54. • • 891
No. 194. From Dublin to TIPPERARY. Second
Road. Through Thurles and Dundrum.
Dublin Cattle to MUet. Dublin Cattle to Milet.
Maryborough*, as at No. 3. 40 Longford Pass 634
Ballyroan* 44} Thurles* 70*
Durrow* 51) Dundrum 81}
Uriingfbrd* 61* Tipperary* 871
No. 195. From DUBLIN to TRALEE. First Road.
Through Limerick and Listowell.
Dublin Cattle to MUet. Dublin Cattle to MUet.
Listowell*, as at No. 3. ••• 131* Tralee • 144*
KILFIN, in Kerry, is a village 7 J miles beyond Listo-
well. A mile to the right, near the river Brick, stands the
decayed castle of Lixna, once the magnificent residence of
the Earls of Kerry. A road from Lixna returns through
the village of Ballydore to the right, across the Cashin
river at a ferry.
Fair* : May 1 1, July 8, Sept 8, Oct 7, and Nov. 5.
TRALEE, the county town of Kerry, is situated at the
extremity of a broad but shallow bay, surrounded by lofty
hills, having Kerry Head at the mouth of the Shannon,
to the north-west, and Brandon Head, forming the opposite
extremity, to the south-west The court house and gaol
442 No. 195. DUBLIN TO TRALEE.
form one side of the square in the centre of the town.
The other public buildings are, the market house, the
church, which is a noble modern structure, two Roman
Catholic chapels, the dispensary in Abbey Street, the
county infirmary in High Street, the Methodist meeting
house, and the Independent meeting house. On an emi-
nence in the vicinity, are infantry barracks for 600 men.
Large shoals of herrings are taken in the bay. There is a
considerable trade in corn.
The election of the county members is held here, and
Tralee borough returns a member to Parliament The
gentlemen of this county being remarkable for their
opulence and public spirit, Tralee, upon many occasions,
has a cheerful and fashionable appearance. It is governed
by a provost and burgesses. The badness of the harbour,
however, checks it as a place of trade. No vessels can
approach nearer than Bhnnerville, which is a mile distant ;
but a sbip canal is now in progress from the bay to the
town. The history of Tralee is important : Lord John
Fits Thomas founded here the Dominican monastery of the
Holy Cross, and being slain, together with Maurice his son,
in 1262, they were both interred here. There were
several castles in Tralee, one of which, still existing, was
the chief castle of the Earl of Desmond. In 1579, Sir
Henry Danvers, with Justices Meade and Charters, were
slain in this castle by the Earl's brother, for holding a
session in Desmond's Palatinate : this brought on the
civil war, and the destruction of this powerful family and
their connexions. Elizabeth granted this castle and for-
feiture to Sir Edward Denny, who is proprietor .of the
town. Two miles from Tralee is a chalybeate spa much
resorted to.
Pop. 9562. Market day: Saturday. Fain: May 3,
No. 196. DUBLIN TO TRALEE. 443
Aug. 4, Oct 9, Nov. 7, and Dec. 13. Inns : The Crosby
Arms, the Mail Coach, and Military Hotel.
At Blennerville there are four fairs held, on May 9,
Sept 15, Oct 25, and Dec. 19.
No. 196. From Dublin to TRALEE. Second Road.
Through Limerick, Abbeyfeale, and Castle
Dublin Castle to Miles. Dublin Castle to Miles.
Abbeyfeale* aaatNo.3. •• 123* Arbela 138*
Castle Island 133§ Tralee* 142*
CASTLE ISLAND, a post town in Kerry, formerly
the castle of the island of Kerry, was once populous, and
was the assize town of this county. Here are the ruins of
a large castle, built in 1226 ; it was taken by Sir Ralph
Ufibrd, in 1345, from the retainers of the Earl of Desmond,
and its gallant defenders were put to death. The lordship
of Castle Island, or seignory of Mount Eagle Royal, was
granted by Elizabeth to the Herberts, a family still pos-
sessing large estates in Kerry. Castle Island has a market
house of the Tuscan order, and a barrack, both of them
out of repair; a charter school, founded in 1762, a modern
church, a Roman Catholic chapel, an assembly room, and
a comfortable inn.
Pop. 1569. Fairs: Jan. 1, Feb. 2, Mar. 17, April 20,
May 20, June 24, Aug. X, and Oct 1.
ARBELA, in Kerry. Ash Hill, at this place, as well
as Elm Qrove, and Bally seedy, are mansions of the Blenner-
hasset family. A mile from Arbela is the dilapidated
castle of Ballycarthy.
No. 197. From Dublin to WARRENS-POINT. Through
Drogheda and Dundalk.
Dublin CastU to Mil*. Dublin Cattle to MVm.
Newry» MatNo. 1 50ft WarreM-point Aft
WARRENS-POINT, so called from a rabbit-warren on
this site, is a small port and sea-bathing village of the
county of Down, which is rapidly rising into importance.
It is a sea-port and post town, and forms the point of com-
munication between the vicinity of Newry and Liverpool,
a steam-boat and other packets plying between that port,
the Isle of Man, and Warrens-point The village has been
built with a view to accommodate the numerous visitors
who in summer frequent this romantic place. The pros-
pects which it commands of Carlingford harbour, the
mountains, and the lighthouse, are justly admired. Warrens-
point has a handsome modern church, a Roman Catholic
chapel, a meeting house, a dispensary, and hot and cold
baths. Near it is Sea- view, a range of buildings erected as
lodging-houses. Vessels of large burden can come up to
the quay. Rottrevor is two miles distant
Pop. 1856. Fairs: last Friday of every month. Imu:
The Crown, and the King's Arms.
No. 198. From Dublin to WATERFORD. Mail
Coach Road. Through Carlow, Gowran, and
Dublin QuOe to MUet. Dublin Cattle to Mil*.
LdghlinBridge»fMatNo.«7. 45 Waterfowl*, at at No. 84. . . 74*
No. 199. Prom Dublin to WATERFORD. Second
Road. Through Leighlin Bridge and Innistiogue.
Dublin Outie to MUts. Dublin Castle to Miles.
Leighlin Bridge* asat No. 27. 49 Graig 571
Royal Oak Inn * 47 Inntetiogue 63
Gore's Bridge 51* Waterford* 76*
GORE'S BRIDGE, a post town in Kilkenny, is seated
on the Barrow, across which is seen the ruin of Ballyellan
Castle, Pop. 634. Fairs: Jan. 18, and Dec. 18.
Seat : Mount Loftus.
GRAIG, a post town of Kilkenny, situated in a charm-
ing valley, with a handsome bridge over the Barrow. Here
are the ruins of a magnificent abbey, founded by William
Mareschall, Earl of Pembroke, in 1212, in which was
once deposited a Domesday Book of this kingdom, com-
pleted by King John. The octagon tower remained until
1774, and the walls of the abbey are still nearly perfect
The abbey was granted to James Butler in 1556.
Pop. (of Graig) 2130. Fairs: May 10, June 11, and
Oct. 28.
INNISTIOGUE is a post town of Kilkenny, consisting
principally of one square, in the centre of which are the
remains of a cross. There is a church and schools, and
the salmon fishery of the Nore gives employment to many
persons. It has vestiges of a monastery, founded in 1210.
Over the river Nore is a handsome stone bridge of ten
arches, built from designs by Mr. G. Smith.
Pop. 906. Fairs: March 11, June 9, Oct 12, and
Dec. 13.
Seat : Woodstock, one of the noblest seats in the south
of Ireland, with a fine wood covering 500 acres, and over-
hanging the river, with many superb prospects. At this
seat, Mrs. Tighe, the author of Psyche, expired; and
here a monument, by Flaxman, has been erected to her
memory. About three miles south-east of Woodstock is Pu-
lacuila, a romantic glen, adorned with a beautiful waterfall.
The excursion by water from Inaistiogue to Waterford,
particularly between the former place and JN*ew .Ross,
exhibits some beautiful scenery, and numerous charming
There is another road from Gore's Bridge, through
Thomastown to Innistiogue, by which the distance to
Waterford is 76$ miles, as in the present route.
No. 200. From Dublin to WATERFORD. Third
Road. Through Carlow, Burris, and New Ross.
Dublin Castle to Miles. Dublin Castle to Miles.
Carlow*, as at No. 27- 39 New Ross* 67
Bagnahtown, as at No. 164 • • 47* Glamnore 7ft
Boot* ••• Mk, Waterford* 83*
GL AN MORE, in Kilkenny, is a neat village, with an
ancient castle. Here is a steep and .beautiful glen. Going
from New Ross to Waterford, this is the road usually
taken. Returning from Waterford, by a shorter road, the
river is crossed at Ballinlaw Ferry , from which there is a
beautiful road to New Ross.
No. 201. From Dublin to WATERFORD. Fourth
Road. Through Wicklow, Enniscorthy, and
Dublin Castle to Miles. Dublin Castle to Miles.
Gorej*, asatNo. 204 461 Taghmon* $1
Clough Church 48 fookamij] 74*
F«n»* .64 Passage-east 84
.Bcarewalsh Bridge 57 Waterford* 89
Enniscorthy* GO
PASSAGE-EAST is situated on die entrance of the
rhrers Barrow and Suir, in Waterford. The church is aeen
on the top of a hill, which casts its broad shadow over this
small town. At its pier, constructed on the foundation of
a fort or block-house, passengers embark for Milford
Haven. Pop. 658. Fairs : May 6, June 12, Sept. 9, and
Nov. 12.
No. 202. From Dublin to WATERFORD. Fifth
Road. Through Baltinglass, Ennibcorthy, and
New Ross.
Dublin Castle to Miles. Dublin Cattle to Mile*.
KnnlKOrthy* aaatNo.SOfi.. 67 New Bom* 79
Clonroch 63 Waterford* 88*
No. 203. From Dublin to WESTPORT. Through
Ballinamore, Ballinrobe, and Partree.
Dublin Castle to Miles. Dublin Castle to Miles.
Athlone*, asatNo. 100... 59J Ballinrobe* 112
Tuarn*, as at No. 124 93 Partree. 117
KUrnain* 104* Westport 187ft
PARTREE is a village of Mayo, in a charming position,
on the stream which connects Carra Lough with Lough
Mask. The traveller passes this water by the bridge at
Partree. In this vicinity he may visit the round tower,
abbey, and hamlet of Jgltagower, on the Westport road, as
well as the beautiful lakes, old castles, and the abbeys of
Burriscarra and Ballintubber. The landscape painter may
here meet with some romantic prospects.
WESTPORT is a market and post town of Mayo, de-
riving its name from its remote situation on the western
shore of tbe kingdom. The harbour is a mile from the
town, at the south corner of the head of Clew Bay, and is
opposite to Newport, which is six miles distant. Westport
is a well-built town, on the borders of a pretty river flowing
through a fine vale into the bay. In the middle of the
town there is a mall, with a pretty stream running in the
centre of it, and with rows of fine trees on both sides. It
possesses a neat market house, a linen hall, a court house,
barracks, public schools, and hospital, and on the Mall a
richly-constructed modern Roman Catholic chapel, of
Gothic architecture. Its trade in grain is considerable,
and there are extensive corn stores on the quay.
This district is covered by stupendous hills, divided by
charming dales and romantic ravines, and bordered by a
grand and beautiful sea-shore ; the indented havens being
spangled with a multitude of green or rocky isles, which
afford shelter to those engaged in the fisheries. The esta-
blishment of these flourishing ports cannot fail to be highly
beneficial to the inhabitants of the mountainous portions
of this province ; the commerce of Westport is already of
some importance, and there is a rising spirit of enterprise
in the townsmen.
Westport House, the elegant mansion of the Marquess of
Sligo, the noble proprietor of this town, is nearly half a
mile distant, with a gate entrance from the Mall, and pos-
sesses a rich library : in its charming demesne is a small
parochial church.
In the direction of Louisburgh, a village of the neigh-
bouring coast, we pass the great Hill of Croagh Patrick,
otherwise the Meek, a noble mountain, said to be 2666 feet
above the level of the ocean. Here the popular tradition
supposes that St Patrick collected all the reptiles, vipers,
and venomous serpents, and cast them into the sea — a fable
which has its origin in the &ct, that poisonous reptiles do
not exist in Ireland. There are great numbers ^who visit
this place annually, to do penance. This is a conical bill,
and serves as a landmark for vessels in the western seas.
In Kittery Mountain, a slate quarry has been rendered
productive by the exertions and encouragement of the
Marquess of Sligo. The linen manufacture, which never
succeeded so well here as eastward, is now fast declining.
The herring fishery deserves great attention here ; large
shoals of fish frequent the Bay of Killer y, which is on all
sides bounded by the high range of the Morisk mountain,
that in many places overhangs the sea-worn caves. On
the opposite side of the Killery, in Mayo, the Marquess
of Sligo owns a spot called Delphi, which lies in a beautiful
situation, and the traveller may easily procure a boat to
take him across.
Leaving Westport, the tourist will pass on the left, a
lough seven miles long, and a mile and a half wide, called
Lough Dan, with cultivated banks and wooded islands.
Pop. 4448. Market-day: Thursday. Fairs: Jan. 1,
May 24, Aug. 6, and Nov. 1. Inn: Robinson's Hotel,
considered the best in Ireland.
No. 204. From Dublin to WEXFORD. First Road.
Through Wicklow, Newborouoh, and the Broad
Dublin Cattle to Miles. Dublin Cattle to Miles.
Donnybrook 2 Gorey. 45}
gtiilorgan 4J Ballycanoe 49}
Bray W Wells 54*
Kiloool -. 16 Kyle 56
Wicklow 24 Wexford 06*
•Arldow *
QQ 3
DONNYBROOK, in the county of Dublin, is situated
on the Dodder, and is celebrated for its great fair, which
commences August 26th, and lasts for six days. Here the
native humour of the Dublin citizens is annually displayed,
when, after accustomed libations, the word is followed by
the blow, a well tempered method of making good the most
brilliant points of Irish wit and argument The sale of
horses of every description adds considerably to the spirit
of Donnybrook Fair. In this village are cotton-painting
mills, and an hospital for incurables. The ancient church
deserves notice.
Fair: Aug. 26.
Seats : Merville, Sans Souci, and 4 miles from Dublin,
Mount Merrion.
STILLORGAN, in Dublin. The church, and the fine
prospect of Howth Hill, seen from the obelisk, a hundred
feet high, are deserving of notice. There are also many
gentlemen's seats. Pop. 650.
KUmacudd, in the immediate vicinity, is noted as the
birth-place of St Cuthbert
BRAY is a post town and sea-bathing place of Wick-
low, separated from the county of Dublin by the river
Bray, which is famous for its trout Here the angler
may pass his leisure hours amidst wooded glens and
awful precipices. The vicinity, which is celebrated for its
romantic scenery, abounds with gentlemen's seats; and
near the bridge, on the Dublin side, is Ravenswell, for-
merly the seat of the Rowley family. Bray has a court
house, a neat church on an eminence by the river side, a
Roman Catholic chapel, a meeting house, infantry barracks,
a savings' bank, and charity schools, and there is an exten-
sive brewery, and the remains of an old castle, near which
a battle took place in 1690, between the forces of James II.
and William III, Races are held annually on Bray
common, which were formerly held at Wicklow.
About a mile and a half distant is the rocky promon-
tory called Bray Head, which rises 807 feet above the
level of the sea. Its summit may be reached without
much difficulty. Under Bray Head is a remarkable preci-
pice, called the Smugglers' Glen. The white pebbles found
on the shore beneath it are cut and polished, and are much
prized. Along the coast to Dublin are several martello
Pop. 3758. Fairs : Mar. 1, May 1, July 1, Aug. 15,
Sept 20, and Dec. 14. Inn : Quin's Hotel.
Two miles beyond Bray is Kilruddery House, the seat of
the Earl of Meatb. This noble mansion was commenced
in 1820, on the site of the original buildings, and is sur-
rounded by charming grounds. Two miles farther is the
village of Kilnacarrick.
K1LCOOL is a village of Wicklow, surrounded by
many elegant seats. It has the ruins of a church, and a
respectable inn. Between this place and the sea is the
saltmarsh of Cooldross, to which the horses of the metro-
polis, when ill, are sent to pasture. A mile beyond Kil-
cool is the village of Newcastle.
Pop, 469. Fairs: Whit Monday, and Sept 4.
The Black Bull is an inn beyond Newcastle, where the
road is joined by another, which the traveller left to
the right on quitting Bray. This road, on the right, is
more than a mile longer than the left, or coast road, but
is extremely romantic, and requires notice, as it has been
recently selected as the mail route.
About 3$ miles from Bray is the Glen of the Downs,
formed by two hills rising abruptly from twelve to thirteen
hundred feet, and entirely covered with wood. Between
462 No. 204. DUBLIN 1*0 WEXFORD.
these there is just sufficient passage for the road, and for
a small torrent, which runs parallel to it Here die tra-
veller should notice Mrs. Latouche's cottage, at the north
end of the glen, and above it the banquetting room, and
the octagon temple. Belleview, the seat of the Latouche
family, is a plain hut extensive building, commanding fine
prospects, and surrounded by charming grounds. The
conservatory is entitled to particular notice. A quarter
of a mile east of Belleview gate is the pretty village of
Delgany, with a Gothic church, built by P. Latouche, Esq.
in 1789; it contains a splendid monument in honour of
D. Latouche, Esq., executed by N. Hickey, an Irish
sculptor. Two miles from Delgany, on the left, is Wood-
wtoek, the villa of the Bishop of Clogher.
The traveller then returns to the high road near the en-
trance of the glen, and, three miles from Delany, 'arrives
at the small but neat village of Newtown Mount Kennedy,
which is 17| miles from Dublin. Here is a very
comfortable inn, where the tourist might fix his head*
quarters, as the scenery of the vicinity presents numerous
objects worthy of a visit ; such as the DeviVsGien, where the
Vartrey torrent forms a cascade 100 feet high, Ihmran, the
seat of the Rev. Joseph Fletcher, Kiltymon Glen, Altadere,
the seat of the Rev. Mr. Hepenstall, and Tenny Park, Mr.
Jessop. The mansion and demesne of R. G. Cunningham,
Esq., are particularly entitled to attention. A mile beyond
Kiltymon is Ballycarry, the seat of Charles Tottenham,
Esq., and Gkntnore Castle, F. Synge, Esq.
Beyond Newtown is Mount Kennedy, and within two
miles of Wicklow, Newry Bridge Inn; near which is
Rosarma, noted as having been the residence of Mrs. Tighe,
the authoress of Psyche.
WICKLOW, the capital of the county of Wicklow, is
a post town, pleasantly situated on the sea-shore, at the
mouth of the Leitrim ; over which is a stone bridge of
eight arches. The river is shallow, having no more than
seven or eight feet of water ; but there are about forty
fishing vessels belonging to this port, and a considerable
trade is carried on in exporting copper ore from the Wick-
low mines, corn, hides, cattle, &c, and importing lime-
stone, rock salt, coals, and slates. On a huge rock at the
mouth of the river, are the remains of a singular fortifica-
tion, called the Black Castle, consisting of a wall with bat-
tlements and buttresses, erected by William Fitzwilliam in
the 14th century. There are also, in a private garden,
vestiges of a Franciscan monastery, founded in the reign
of Henry HI. Wicklow has a church with a tower, on an
eminence, a court house, a gaol, a market house, barracks,
in the front part of which, it is said, James II. lodged after
the battle of the Boyne, a Roman Catholic chapel,two Roman
Catholic schools, and meeting houses for the independents,
methodists, and quakers. On the bank, called the Mur-
rough, extending for about six miles along the sea shore,
is a course, where races were held annually, but are now
held at Bray. The ale brewed here is much es-
teemed. On Wicklow Head, about a mile distant, are three
light houses, and at the base of this lofty promontory are
some curious limestone caves.
Pop. 2472. Market day: Saturday. Fairs: Mar. 28,
May 1, Ascension day, Aug. 12, and Nov. 26. Inn*:
Rogers' and Halpin's.
ARKLOW, is a sea- port, market, and post town, situa-
ted on the Ovoca, over which is a bridge of 19 arches. The
harbour is unsafe, being surrounded by sand-banks, but it
admits small vessels ; and upwards of 100 boats are en-
*54 tio. 204. DUBLIN Tt) WEXFORD.
gaged on this coast in taking herrings and oysters. At the
upper end of the town are barracks, and near them
the ruins of the castle, once the seat of the Earls of Or-
mond, and formerly a place of considerable strength and
importance. There are also vestiges, of a Dominican
Friary, founded in the 13th century. Arklow possesses a
modern stone church, built from designs by F. Johnston,
Esq., a Roman Catholic chapel, a charter school, a Lancas-
terian School, erected in 1823, by the Earl of Carysfort, a
Roman Catholic school, a fever hospital, a dispensary, and
a methodist meeting house. Here, on June 9, 1798, the
rebel army, consisting of 20,000 men, was defeated by
General Needham, whose forces did not muster more than
2000 strong. On a lofty hill, near Arklow, is the Mauso-
leum of the Howard family. A mile west of the town, on
the bank of the Ovoca, is Shelton Abbey, the seat of the
Earl of Wicklow, where James II. lodged one night, after
the battle of the Boyne ; and opposite to it is Glenart Castle,
the charming residence of the Earl of Carysfort In the
vicinity is Ballyarthur, the handsome seat of the Rev. H.
Bayley ; the prospect from which is very fine.
In the parish of Arklow is Croghan Mountain, in which
gold was discovered some years ago in large quantities.
In 1796, the peasants obtained 2,666 ounces of gold
in less than two months, and the mines were then taken
possession of in the king's name. They have been since
Pop. 4383. Market day: Thursday. Fairs: Jan. 11,
Mar. 22, April 19, May 14, June 28, Aug. 9, Sep. 25, and
Nov. 15. Inn: Sterne's.
GOREY is a borough, market, and post town of Wex-
ford, with extensive fisheries, and is governed by a sove-
reign and recorder. It has a handsome stone church, a
Roman Catholic chapel, a market house, a sessions house,
a fever hospital, a savings' bank, and several charitable
About a quarter of a mile from Gorey is Mr. Ram's
fine seat, called Ramsfort, which was burnt during the
rebellion of 1798. In the deer park is seen Creagh Hill,
from the summit of which there is a noble prospect.
Courtown, the splendid seat of Lord Courtown, is on the
sea-coast, and has a small fishing harbour. Camolin is a
handsome village and post town, five miles from Gorey,
and near it is Camolin Park, the seat of tqe Earl of Mount-
Norris. Near the sea also is Clonathin, another seat of the
Kara family. At Clogh village and church, two miles
beyond the town, is a chalybeate water, called The Iron
Pop. 3044. Market Day: Saturday. Fairs: Jan. 1,
Mar. 14, May 2, June 1, July 10, Aug. 31, and Oct. 27.
KYLE is a small post town of Wexford, with the
remains of a monastery, founded in 600. A mile beyond
it is the inn at Olart. Near this place Major Lombard and
one hundred militia-men were surrounded and slain in 1798.
Four miles from Kyle we reach Castle Ellis church, and
beyond it Castle Talbot, a handsome mansion. Still farther
is the ruin of Garry lough Castle.
WEXFORD is a handsome borough, market, and post
town, giving name to the county of which it is the
capital. It is situated on the Slaney, at its entrance into
Wexford Bay. The harbour is protected by two points of
land which approach each other, and nearly enclose a land-
locked expanse, resembling a lake. Over the river, about
three miles from the town, is a wooden bridge, called Ferry
Carrig, 2100 feet in length, and 42 in breadth, allowing the
passage of vessels in the centre, erected by Mr. Samuel
Cox, architect, of Boston in America. The town consists
principally of one long street, from which a few lanes
diverge ; and there are several handsome public buildings ;
the chief are, the court house and market house, both
modern ; the barracks, partly built of stone from the walls
of the old castle ; the county gaol, the church, which is
handsome and modern ; the Roman Catholic chapel, and
the county infirmary. Wexford also possesses a Roman
Catholic college, a nunnery, a Lancasterian school, a house
of industry, a subscription news room, a lunatic asylum,
a fever hospital, a methodist chapel, and meeting houses.
Near the west gate is a mineral spa. Amongst the mo-
nastic vestiges entitled to notice, are the church and abbey
of Selksar, or priory of St. Peter and St Paul, said to have
been founded by the Danes, and the ruins of the church of
St Mary, remarkable for its graceful arches, supported by
round columns ; the choir is entered by a Saxon arch, and
there are several tombs. This church, with several others,
was destroyed by order of Cromwell, when in possession of
the town, in 1649. Here also are remains of a house of the
Knight's Templars, founded by William Marischall. The
square tower, formerly attached to the priory, is in a high
state of preservation ; adjoining which a church has lately
been built
Wexford has a mayor and recorder, and returns a
member to parliament It was one of the earliest Eng-
lish colonies, and its ancient castle was built by Fitz-
Stephens in the time of Henry II., who embarked from
this place, after receiving homage from most of the princes
of Ireland. Wexford was the second object of Cromwell's
assaults, who stormed it, and slaughtered Sir Edward
Butler, and the entire garrison. In 1798, it was eva-
cuated, and the rebels held possession of it : on retreating
they killed 97 of the inhabitants on the bridge, and cast
the bodies into the Slaney.
The trade of the town is considerable, although none
but small vessels can approach the quay and custom-
house, on account of the sands and shallows. Its chief
exports are corn and cattle. Manufactures, however,
are in a flourishing condition. The oysters of Wexford are
famous, and the coast abounds with wild fowl.
On the road leading to the Barony of Forth, lies a range
of rocks about a mile in length, and half a mile in breadth ;
they are called Trespan Rocks, and are upwards of 60 feet
in height.
In the Barony of Forth, near Wexford, live the de-
scendants of an ancient colony who were led over by the
Welsh Barons, in the time of Henry II., to the assistance
of King Dermod. They possess great simplicity of man-
ners, have mixed but little with the natives, retain their
native language, and are remarkably clean, sober, and in-
dustrious. This district is particularly noted for its im-
proved state of farming.
Carrick Cattle, two miles north-west of Wexford, was the
first military edifice erected by the Anglo-Normans in
Ireland. Its remains are seated on a rock on the banks of
the Slaney. Near Wexford also is Saunders Court, the seat
of the Earl of Arran.
Pop. 10,673. Market days: Wednesday and Saturday.
Fairs: March 17, May 1, June 29, Aug. 24, and Nov. 1.
Inns : White's, Sutherland's, and Furlong's.
No. 205. From Dublin to WEXFORD. Second
Road. Through Baltinqlass, Clonegall, and
Dublin CastU to Mile*. Dublin Cattle to MOff.
Tallaght 5 Clonegall 45
sington 14 Enniscorthy* 57
Baltinglaw 29 Wexford* 7W
Tallow 38
TALLAGHT, in Dublin, is an ancient village and post
town, seated on a rivulet, which supplies many mills. The
church has a remarkable steeple, and in the church-yard
are several crosses. The Archbishop of Dublin's palace,
here, is a fine old building, and has an excellent garden.
Timon Castle, in this parish, is an ancient square tower
seated on an eminence. Beyond this place is Tallagkt
Mountain, which is barren, but affords a noble prospect
from its summit Enter Wicklow county five miles be-
yond Tallaght. Pop. 359. Fairs : July 7, and Nov. 9.
BLESSINGTON is a pleasant market and post town of
the county of Wicklow. The church has a high square
steeple, with a good ring of bells, and contains a marble
monument in memory of Archbishop Boyle, who built the
cburcb, and was a great benefactor to the town. At the
end of an avenue are the remains of his once magnificent
seat, which was burnt in 1798 by the insurgents. There
is a school supported by the Marquis of Downshire, and
a dispensary. There is a manufactory of coarse cloth here.
Pop. 426. Market day : Saturday. Fairs: May 12,
July 5, and Nov. 12. Inns: The Blessington Inn, and the
Downshire Hotel.
Russborough, three miles beyond Blessington, is the Earl
of Miltown's, a fine mansion built by Cassels ; it contains
a good gallery, . including pictures of Poussin, Vernet,
Guercino, Reynolds, and Barrett, an eminent native
Ballymore Eustace, in a part of the county of Dublin,
has a handsome bridge across the Liffey ; this village is
Dot so flourishing as when it formed the thoroughfare to
the south. It is 3£ miles beyond Blessington : an ancient
church steeple crowns the hill above the village.
One mile from Ballymore Eustace, and about three
miles beyond Russborough, is the grand waterfall of
Pol a Pucha, formed by the river Liffey, taking its
course through a gap of forty feet in a rugged rock ; the
grounds near it are tastefully laid out. The three cas-
cades, in regular continuation, fall for a space of 100
feet. The arch of the intended bridge is to be 60 feet
in span. Near it is Broomfield, the seat of the Earl of
To the left of the road, between Blessington and Bal-
tinglass, is Sliebh Gulh, or Church Mountain; on the top of
which is a well, still frequented by pilgrims. It is sur-
rounded by rude stone work.
To the right of this road, and 26 J miles from Dublin,
is STRATFORD-UPON-SLANEY, in Wicklow. This
town was built by the Earl of Aldborough, and is well
laid out It has manufactories of cotton and calico, a
market house, and a church. Over the river is a bridge
of four arches. The great hill above this town commands
a view of ten counties. Two miles distant is Sounder*
Grove. Pop. 1000. Fairs: of Stratford-on-Slaney, April 21,
and Sept. 7.
BALTINGLASS is a market and post town of Wick-
low, seated on the Slaney, in a beautiful vale, called Vallu
Salutti. It is very ancient, and was formerly a borough.
Its name is derived from the Irish, and signifies Belus, or
Baal's fires, in allusion to the worship of the Sun observed
here by the Druids, of whose altars there are several in
the vicinity. Its principal buildings are, the church, the
court house, the gaol, the infirmary, and the Roman Catho-
lic chapel In the Vallis Salutis are, the remains of the
abbey of Saint Mary, founded in 1151, and an ancient
castle belonging to Lord Aldborough, who is also pro-
prietor of the town. Baltinglass has extensive manufac-
tories of woollens, linens, and diapers.
Pop. 1670. Market day: Friday. Fairs: Feb. 2,
March 17, May 12, July 1, Sept 12, and Dec. 8.
TULLOW is a post town of Carlow, pleasantly situated
on the Slaney. Over the river is a stone bridge, and
immediately adjoining* is an Augustine abbey in ruins.
The castle, captured by Cromwell's army, has been con-
verted into a barrack. Here also are a market house, and
court house, a neat church, a Roman Catholic chapel, and
a nunnery. This was once a walled town. It has a
brewery, and some flour mills, and is a good market for
corn and butter.
Pop. 1929. Market day: Saturday. Fairs: Jan. 20,
April 21, July 10, Sept 8, Oct 29, and Nov. 21. Inns :
Bridge Inn ; and Cullen's.
Seats : Mount Wollesley, the mansion of the Wollesley
family. Adristan, Rathrush, three miles distant, and one
mile from it Balynunnery.
CLONEGAL is a small but neat market and post town
of Wexford. The view from the church-yard is beautiful.
Between it and Enniscorthy are the ruins of Castle Ryland,
and Clohaman Castle,
Pop, 500. Fairs: first Wednesday in Feb., March, May,
June, and Dec; May 30, July 31, Nov. 12 and 22, and
Dec. 11.
NEWTOWN BARRY, in Wexford, is near to Clonegall,
It is a small post town, situated near the junction of the
rivers Slaney and Clody. The church was erected by
Lord Famham, and the church-yard is one of peculiar
beauty. There is a manufacture of frieze and Knen
carried on here.
Fairs: Jan. 4, March 1, April 29, June 17, Aug. 20,
Sept. 14 and 26, Nov. 4, and Dec. 14.
One road leads from Clonegall to Searewalsh Bridge,
then crosses the Slaney to Enniscorthy; but a second
road to Enniscorthy crosses the two streams near Clone-
gall, to Newtown Barry. There is also a road from
Tullow through Kilbride, by the west bank of the
Slaney to Newtown Barry ; within half a mile of which
town is seen the fine mansion of Carrickduff. Here, on
the borders of Carlow, are beheld the Blacktteirs and
Mount Leintter. Pop. 1430.
No. 206. From Dublin to WEXFORD. Third
Road. Through Enniskerry, Aghrim, and Ennis-
Dublin Castle to Miles. Dublin Castle to Miles.
Dundrum 33 Tinnahely 38
TheScalp 8 Clonegall* 47*
Enniskerry 10 Enniscorthy* 59i
Rathdrum 251 Wexford* 72*
Aghrim •' 32
Miltoum is a village, with a church, 2 \ miles from
Dublin Castle. Near it is Roebuck Castle, which was, for
a long time, a seat of the Barons of Trimblestown.
DUNDRUM, in Dublin, is a populous village, noted
for its goats' whey, and its enchanting scenery. It has
a handsome new church, and a Roman Catholic chapel.
rr 3
— !
Its old castle, situated on a steep hill, overlooks a beautiful
glen. Near this truly picturesque route, about 1J mile
beyond Dundrum, is Kilgobbin Castle, a ruin, belonging to
Lord Powerscourt Pop. 680.
Kilternan, in Dublin, is 7 miles from the city. After
leaving this village, the road passes through the Scalp,
which is so conspicuous from the bay of Dublin. This
is a remarkable chasm in a mountain, which appears to
have been rent asunder by an earthquake. Some have
supposed it was cut out by human effort, forgetting that
Celtic and northern tribes never performed such works.
The barren sides of the sloping hills, for there is a
shelving face rather than a precipice on either hand,
present loose masses of stone, the largest fragments being
the lowest The width of this defile at the foot is just
sufficient for the passage of the road to the county of
Wicklow, the charming scenery of which is enthusiastically
admired by every real lover of nature. To the east of the
Scalp is a lead mine, where numerous persons are em-
ployed in smelting lead.
ENNISKERRY is a village of Wicklow, delightfully
situated on the side of a steep hill, at the base of which
runs a mountain torrent It has school houses erected by
Lord Powerscourt, to whom the village is indebted for
many improvements. The air is remarkably good, and is
recommended to those whose health is delicate. There
are two good inns. Pop. 497.
Nearly a mile from this village is Powerscourt, the
celebrated seat of Viscount Powerscourt This mansion
occupies a commanding situation on the right of the road
from Dublin, and is surrounded by a demesne of great
extent and beauty. It was built from designs by Cassels,
and is almost square: in front is a beautiful lawn, sloping
towards the river Glenislorean. The principal objects of
attention are, the hall, 80 feet by 40, the grand ball-room,
in which His late Majesty George IV. dined in 1821, the
parlour at the end of the hall, containing two fine pictures,
and the octagonal room, lined with cedar.
Adjacent, but across the stream, are Char levi lie, the fine
residence of the Earl of Rathdown, and Thmakinch, Mr.
Grattan ; two beautiful villas, on the banks of the Dargle
river. The grand Powerscourt Waterfall, 2§ miles from
the mansion, the Douce Mountain, and the romantic
winding Glen of the Dargle, have been the admiration of
all visitors. Seen from a distance, this fall, in consequence
of its great height, appears like a long white seam; but it
assumes amazing grandeur, when, after rain, we con-
template the impetuous rush from beneath. The pointed
Sugar Loaf Mountains form the distant prospect, and are
well worth a visit. The Dargle is about 12 miles from
Dublin ; it is a delightful rural excursion. Mr. R. Twiss,
in his tour, observes, " that it may justly vie with any
part of Italy." A mile on this side of Rathdrum, the
road passes a castle in ruins.
RATHDRUM is a post town of Wicklow, situated on
the Avon. There is a church with a spire, and a Roman
Catholic chapel, and the only manufacture is flannels. On
the summit of Rathdrum Hill is the flannel hall, a square
building, 200 feet in length, erected by Earl Fitzwiliiam,
A market for the sale of flannel is held here on the first
Monday of each month, and about 4800 pieces are exposed
for sale in the course of the year.
Pop. 1054. Market day : Thursday. Fairs : first Mon-
of each month, last Thursday in May and August, Oct. 10,
and Dec. 11. Inn : Bates's.
About a mile from Rathdrum, on the bunks of the Avon.
is the beautiful demesne of Avondale Park, formerly the
property of Mr. Hayes, and afterwards of Sir J. Parnell,
to whose descendant it now belongs.
Two miles and a half from Rathdrum, the Great and
Lesser Avon form the Meeting of the Waters, the subject
of Mr. Moore's beautiful ballad, commencing —
There Is not in this wide world a valley so sweet
As that Tale in whose bosom the bright waters meet
The spot called the Meeting of the Waters is not the
most beautiful part There is a bridge, and the meeting
of the two streams, and wooded hills ; but, lower down the
valley, there is more variety and beauty, particularly in
the neighbourhood of Wooden Bridge Inn, three miles
distant, which is very comfortable.
Near the Meeting of the Waters is Castle Howard, the
seat of Colonel Howard, through the grounds of which the
stranger may obtain permission to drive. The road to this
mansion is cut round a rock, and commands extensive and
varied views.
In this vicinity is the wild and romantic barony of Shile-
lagh. After washing the base of the hill, whose summit is
crowned by Castle Howard, the Ovoca flows between the
mountains of Cronbane and Ballymurtagh, both of which
contain copper mines.
Fairs : June 22, Nov. 22, and Dec. 20 and 22.
AGHRIM is a town of Wicklow, on the River Derry.
Seats: Clone, one mile distant; Battymanus, one mile
distant, and Ballybeg, four miles distant.
TINNAHELY, a post town of Wicklow, seated on a
small stream, over which is a bridge of two arches. It
has a market house and sessions room, erected by Earl
Fitzwilliam, whose seat, named Malton, is three miles
distant Pop. 575, Fairs : Monthly.
Hence to Clonegall, by the direct route, is nine and a
quarter miles ; there is, however, a circuitous road turning
to the left, beyond Tinnahely, which conducts through
Carnew to Clonegall, on the right hand, or to Gorey on
the left
Seat : Coollatin Parky the residence of Earl Fitzwilliam.
No. 207. From Dublin to WEXFORD. Fourth
Road. Through Arklow, Newborough, and En-
Dublin Castle to MUes. Dublin Cattle to Mile*.
Blackrock- •• 4 Gorey* 40}
Bray* 10 Ferns M
Wteklow* 84 EnnuoorUiy GO
Arklow* 36 Wexford* 73ft
About two miles and a half from Dublin is Old Merrum;
at which is Merrion Castle. A number of splendid seats
and well-planted parks are seen from the road for several
Booterstoum, three miles and a quarter from Dublin. In
Booterstoum Lane, on the right, is a Roman Catholic chapel,
and a handsome church, with a steeple and spire.
Williamstown is another of the villages on this route,
which skirt the bay of Dublin.
BLACKROCK, in Dublin, is the most celebrated sea-
bathing place in the vicinity of the capital. The streets
are rather confined, but the extraordinary beauty of the
country residences, and of the sea-shore, secures to the
Rock a long train of equestrian visitors and jaunting cars,
which have, however, considerably decreased since the
railway to Kingstown was established. There are several
roads to Bray; by Killiney it is eleven miles from town.
Pop. 2050.
Seats : Maritimo, Lord Cloncurry, and that of Sir
Harcourt Lees, Bart
The coach road is through the village of Cabinteely; and
here is Cabinteely House, the seat of Miss Byrne ; also Bre-
nanstown House, the seat of George Pirn, Esq.
Killiney Hill is eight miles from Dublin. On its summit
is a conspicuous obelisk, whence the traveller may enjoy a
rich reward for his toil in ascending the mountain, in the
diversified prospects of sea and land which this situation
commands. Hence may be seen the bays of Dublin and
Killiney, the islands of Dalkey, Ireland's Eye, Lambay,
and the peninsula of Howth. As the Rev. G. Wright
justly observes, in his " Guide to the County of Wicklow," —
" Description cannot convey an adequate idea of the beauti-
ful disposition which nature has made of these numerous
objects of her creation." It is supposed that many rich
veins of lead exist here. Near the base of the hill is a
monument, erected to the memory of the Duke of Dorset,
who was unfortunately killed here while hunting. To the
right is Mount Druid, a gentleman's mansion, so named
from a much admired antiquity, called the Druid's Temple :
here is a banquetting room. The church is in ruins.
The road joins the direct road from Stillorgan, and passes
by Loughlinstown to Shangenagh, a mile beyond Killiney.
Seats : Shankhill, Mr. Roberts ; Old Connaught, Lord
Plunkett; Shangenah, Sir George Cockburn ; and Cork
Abbey, the Hon. Mr. Wingfield.
FERNS, in Wexford, is situated near the small river
Ban. This celebrated see was united with Leighlin in
1600. Part of the cathedral is modernized, and is in good
repair. It contains the remains of St. iEdan, the founder
of the building. Some dilapidated monastic edifices are
still to be seen, particularly the Augustine abbey, founded
by Diarmit M'Murchad, as an atonement for his having
burnt the town: he was buried in it a. d. 1171. King
Dermot built the castle, which is seen on an eminence on
this town, and hither he retreated until the arrival of the
English forces. There exist also the walls of an ancient
church. The bishop's palace is a handsome building, sur-
rounded by a beautiful park; and close to the cathedral is a
holy well, dedicated to St Maidhog, the first bishop, who
was consecrated a. d. 598.
Pop. 571. Fairs: Feb. 11, March 25, May 12, June 29,
Sept. 4, Oct 29, and Dec. 27.
ENNISCORTHY is a market, post town, and corpo-
rate borough of the county of Wexford, situated on the
river Slaney, over which it has a bridge of six arches.
Sloops traffic between this town and Wexford haven, as
the Slaney is navigable, and a large trade is carried on in
.corn. The town is principally on the right bank of the
river, and Drumgold, with Temple Shannon, the suburbs,
are beneath Vinegar Hill on the left. Enniscorthy Castle,
built by the first English invaders, has been recently
repaired, and is now occupied by the agent of Lord Ports-
mouth. The abbey was granted to Spenser, the poet, in
1581 : the friary was founded in 1460, and was granted to
Sir H. Wallop. The church and town were much injured
by the insurgents in 1798 : they occupied Enniscorthy, and
had a camp on Vinegar Hill, where General Lake routed
them, June 21, J 798. A fine view may be obtained from
the top of this hill. The chief public buildings are, the old
church, the Roman Catholic chapel, some meeting houses,
a. Roman Catholic school, a Protestant free school, the dis-
pensary, hospital, and a handsome sessions house. In the
neighbourhood is a large brewery and distillery. Lord
Portsmouth is proprietor o£ the town.
Pop. 6955. Market days ; Tuesday, Thursday, and Sa-
turday. Fain: Jan. 21, Feb. 21, March 21, April 25,
May 10, June 7, July 5, Aug. 26, Sept. 19, Oct 10,
Nov. 15, and Dec 2L /mm: O'Toole's, Moriarty's, and
No. 208. From Dublin to YOUGHALL. First Road.
By Carlow and Aglish.
Dublin CasUe to Jflfcfc Dublin CasGi to Jfflw.
Clmine]* a*altf&,»7 m You«ball .Id
Aguah ...» - Wi
AGLISH is a decayed Tillage of Waterford, with a for-
tress of very curious construction. J t is a quadrangular
area, with four towers at the angles, connected by a curtain,
in which are numerous loop-holes. The great gate was
formerly fitted with a portcullis ; the large enclosure does
not appear to have been built on, and the only apartments
were in the angular towers. It is supposed to have been
erected by John, Lord of Ireland, in the reign of his
brother, Richard I. Aglteh abbey is a ruin, one mile dis-
tant. Pop. 302.
YOUGHALL is a sea-port, borough, and corporate
town of Cork, seated at the base of a hi] J in YoughajJ Bay,
at the mouth of the Black water, over which is a long wooden
bridge- The entire course of this river, from Mallow to
the sea, is beautiful. The bar off the harbour impedes the
navigation, but the harbour itself is commodious, and
affords deep anchorage. The interests of commerce are
also promoted by quays, piers, and a custom house;
Youghall is governed by a mayor, and returns a member
to parliament- It consists chiefly of one street, about a
mile in length, divided into two parts, called North and
South Main Streets, by the clock house, in which is the
gaol. There is a handsome assembly room. The church
is a venerable Cfothic structure, partly going to decay ; its
nave is 132 feet long, and 66 broad, and on each side of it
are six Gothic windows. The south transept is occupied
as the vault of the Earl of Cork, and is adorned with a
splendid monument, exhibiting in its inscriptions a com-
plete history of the earl's family. In the churchyard are
some very ancient and curious tombs. Youghall also pos-
sesses a church, a Roman Catholic chapel, a convent, seve-
ral meeting houses, a dispensary and barracks, and savings'
bank, a free school, and an infirmary. The principal trade
of the town is in corn and provisions, and it has manufac-
tories of earthenware. The potatoe is said to have been
first planted here, on its introduction by Sir W. Raleigh,
who resided in a house still standing near the church, now
called Myrtle Grove, and occupied by Colonel Fount,
who is very obliging in showing it to strangers. The in-
terior is of oak, and exhibits very fine specimens of ancient
The Earl of Desmond captured Youghall in 1570, and
hanged the mayor; but the fortunes of his house soon
after fell into utter ruin, and the Earl himself, with his
general, Sir John Desmond, were compelled to seek refuge
is. caves till the sword closed their lives and the war in the
south of Ireland. Cromwell embarked at Youghall after
his gallant achievements in this harassed kingdom. On
the coast, four miles from Youghall, is the village of
Ardmore, which has a perfect round tower, about 90 feet
Pop, 9608. Fairs : Acension day, and Oct 18. Market
days : Wednesday and Saturday. Inn : The Devonshire
Doagh 6
. Dundalk lOJ
Kingscourt 10
Muff 12J
Bailieborough .... 15|
Stradone 26
Ballyarfhur 3}
Newbridge 4$
Kingston 6§
Rathdrum 8|
Hamilton's Bawn . . 3|
Tanderagee 8§
Richhill 4
Tanderagee 9
Hamilton's Bawn . . 3$
Scarra .......... 10|
Richhill 13*
Hamilton's Bawn . • 3|
Clare w.. 7|
Scarva 10|
Loughbrickland . . 12 j
Mead Town 4
Navan 9f
Slane 15|
Rathmore 2}
Allen's Town 4
Ardbraccan 7
Monivae 4}
TUAM 154
Baltimore 11|
Racondra 17
Mullingar 23
Castletown Delvin . . 83 \
Athboy 40|
Navan 50 J
Slane and N. side
of the Boyne) .... 63
Kilberry Ruins .... 3
Stradbally 6}
Maryborough .... 12£
Killeigh.... 26
Augbnacloy 5 J
Carnteel If
Castle Caulfield.... 7
FORD 11|
Tubercurry 5f
Balcarra. 13$
COLOONEY .... 17
Esky Bridge 13
Lisburn 7|
Ahascragh 6}
Ballynamore 11£
Ballinasloe to
Kilkerrin 20*
Ball 12
Swineford 23$
Ballaghy 28|
Tubercurry 34|
Killyock Church .. 5i
Fin Town 12J
Moss-Side 6
Dervock 9|
Coleraine 16j
Newtown Limavady 26 1
Ballykelly 2*
Muff * 34
Broughshane 10
Callahill 4
Cross Roads 10
Castle-Caulfield .. 7 L
Ballymoney 14$
Coleraine 2U|
Newtown Lima-
vady 31
Newtown Limavady lfi£
Dervock 21 J
MounUTalbot .... 4
Athleague 6|
Ballynamore to
Eyrecourt 5
LOUGHREA .... 21*
Tanderagee 5 J
Hamilton's Bawn.. 101
Ballymena ........ 21
Clough 27
Clough Mills 29
Ballymoney 35 1
Comber 6£
BELLAGHY (Deny) to
Kilrea 8
Ahoghill, crossing
the New Ferry . . 14
Roscrea 9\
Clonakinny ...... 14|
Templemore 19|
Thurles 27 J
Portumna 1 If
Tynagh 18|
LOUGHREA .... 26
Ratoath *
Ratoath 4
Leitrim 8|
Ballinamore ...... 18|
Castle Carrigan. . . . 22f
Aghaboe 4 J
Durrow 10$
KILKENNY .... 24
Ballintoy 6 J
Headford 4
The Neale 12
Dungannon 9|
KINNEGAD .... 7|
Newry 9|
Market HiU 17
Grange- Mellon. . . . 6 J
Carlow to
Ardrie 8
Bagnell's Arms 2
Fenough Church . . 6
Myshall 8
Straid 4$
Ballyclare 8|
Doagh 12|
Derg Bridge 11 \
STRABANE .... 17*
Killynaule 8*
Holy Cross 7*
Borris-o-leigh .... 14|
Crossmolina .... 15
Ballinrobe 14
Headford 25
Cahir Morris 29
Partree « . 9
Ballinrobe 14
Kilmain 18
Shrule 21|
Cahir Morris 28
Ballyvary 5|
BALLYBAY .... 5*
Loughglin 5
BALLAGHY .... 17 J
Stradone 4*
Bailieborough .... 14$~
Muff 18*
Kingscourt 20*
Drumcondra 2&\^
Ballyhays 3*
COOTEHILL . . . . 12*
Ballyhays ?**
Scots House 10
Clones . 13|
Smithsboroujrh * . . . 18
MONAGHAN .... 23
Ballinanaght 4 J
Finea 13i"
Castle-Pollard .... 20*
Mullingar Sl£'
Tyrell's. Pass. '...'.. &9\
S 8 3
Crossdoney 4}
Killyshandra 9\
Ballingarry 10
Donadea 4*
Horsland 6*
Shrule 6*
Tuam 10*
Seaford 1
Cappoquin 10|
Five-Mile Town . . 5
Coltrain Church . . 8
Brooksborough .... 10
Five-Mile Town .. 5
Coltrain Church . . 8
Brooksborough . . 10
Donough 16
Carberry 5 \
Carnew 6
Ardfinane 6*
CLOGHEEN .... 11*
Cashel 11 J
Holy Cross 18*
Borris-o-leigh .... 26
Nenagh 36f
BIRR 53*
Cahir 8*
Tipperary 20 J
Pallas 29|
Cahirconlish 35*
LONGFORD .... 8|
MAVADY .... 10J
Drumcondra 8}
Ballintogher 4*
Pomeroy 8
Nine- Mile House.. 11$
Six- Mile Cross 14f
Clogharney Church 17
Ballybay 8
Rockcorry 13
MONAGHAN.... 20*
Middleton 11 1
Douglas 1|
Passage-east 5|
Whitechurch 5\
Bally namona .... 12|
Mallow 15$
Mallow 15*
Whitechurch 5\
Bally namona 12 j
Mallow 15*
Buttevant 21
Rathclare Inn .... 22
Velvet's Town .... 23
Charleville 284
Kilmallock 33
Bruff 37|
Six- Mile Bridge .. 41 J
Ballyneety 44|
Borheen 47 i
Mill-Street 221
Shane's Inn 26£
Castle Island 40
COLERA1NE .... 7*
Mourne 13|
Six- Mile Cross 12
Omagh 19|
Newtown- Stewart. . 26 J
STRABANE .... 33|
Townavilly 3{
Ballybofey 12*
Castlefin 18|
Lifford 23 1
STRABANE .... 244
Ballinahinch* 7|
Lisburn 15|
Stoneyford 20
Collon 5|
Ardee 11
On the north side
of the Boyne.... Gf
On the south side
of the river •... 7£
Manor- Hamilton * * 4§
Garrison ,...,,.* 12
Ardee 10$
Carlanstown ., 22 J
Kells 24^
Crossakeel, 29 J
Maypole , Z7±
Aughhadoy ...... 9£
EgHsh 3
Dvon .*,* , . 7
Youghall 11|
Kilkagh 17|
Castle- Martyr- 20
MiJdleton 25
CORK ..... atij
Antrim . t. .. 28|
Maghera ., ., ,( .. 10
Bellaghy ... 13*
Randalstown 24
Antrim , . . 2&4
Rathsallagh , 2
Griffinstown ...... 3
Rathhrand 4
Saunders ville 5
Greenville ........ 7
Hume wood ...... 9
Highpark ........ 11
Ardee .......... I
Clonkeen 9
ROSS 15*
Braganstown , , . . 5
Tallanstown ...... 8|
Ballymoe 10|
Rathdowney 7 \
ROSCREA ...... 19
Granard ..<*.,.. 8
Ballinanagbt .. .. 17$
Curofin 7|
Clare 2
Ardsallas 64
Wexford ..' 11*
Ballycashedy 3|
Lisnarick 8£
Kish Hi
Pettigoe 15J
Ballymallart Church 5\
Trillick 9
Drummore Church 124
Tempo 6
Trillick 15
Omagh 26
Newtown-Stewart.. 33
Ballinahown 44
Cloneen 34
Fethard to
Mullinahone 7}
Tuam 16
DUNMORE .... 23|
Cairnlough 2\
Cushendall 10
Oranmore 13
Firmount 5
Edgeworth's Town 8
Ballinanaght 9 \
Newtown Ards .... 54
Moira 5
Magheralin 64
Ballindine 7|
Ballinrobe 124
BALL 21|
KELLS (Antrim) to
Ballynure 9|
KELLS (Meath) to
Carlanstown 2\
KELLS (Meath) to
KELLS (Meath) to
Ballymore 9
Rathconnel 6
,ATHY 11
Ennistimon 6
Caghryariff 12|
Kilmurrybricken .. 16}
Cpnlyclare 24*
Kells 6}
Kilmagany 12
SUIR 19}
Ballyfagget 9}
Durrow 13$
Rathdowny 21
Skirk 26 J
Freshford 7*
BALLYMOE .... 10|
Milltown 8|r
Castlemain 10|*
Bracktown Inn. . . . 22$
Philips town 7|
Strangford 7|
Grey Abbey 16
Donaghadee 22 f
BANGOR.. 27|
Downpatrick 5
Inch Church 7
Everog Bridge .... 9|
Saintfield 13J
Newtown Breda .. 19|
Ardara 8
Enniskeel Church . . 1 2§
Shakaghan Bridge . 20
Cloghanlea 28 J
Gortahurk 451
Bruff 4}
Six-Mile Bridge . . 8}
Kilraurray bricken . 13}
Bailiehorough .... 5f
Stradone 15|
Innishannon 6
Killashee 4
Dunleckney 2
Myshall... 7
Cross Roads 9
Ballynamore 10}
Castle Carrigan .... 14}
Dunboyne 5
£ LACK BULL.... 6}
Pallas 12}
Tipperary 21 J
Thomastown 26
Golden ;; 27*
Six- Mile Bridge .. 8}
Spancell Hill 16*
Crusheen 23
Tubberindonny .... 26 1
Gort 31
Oranmore 44
Tynan 31
Caledon 32}
Creely 35 J
. Tynan . 31
Glasslough 33}
Monaghan 38 j
Rockcorry 46}
Cootehill 51
Ballinacargy 58}
Armagh'. 24}
Killyleagh 29}
Tynan .' : 31
Middleton 33
Moira 6}
Magheralin 8
Lurgan 10}
Portadown 15}
Loughgall 201
Moira 6}
Magheralin 8
Lurgan 10}
Portadown 15}
Richhill 20}
Armagh 24}
Newtown Cunning-
ham 7
Manor Cunningham 11}
Letterkenny 16
Kilmacrenan 21
Glen 27
Ballymore Church . . 33
Muff . . . . : 5}
Ballykelly 10}
Newtown Lima-
vady 12|
Coleraine 23
Bush Mills , 29*
Ballintoy 36
Ballycastle 39}
Cushendhall 50}
Londonderry to
Cairnlough 58}
White Castle 10}
Red Castle 13}
Woodford lOf
Mount Shannon ... 19
Killaloe 30}
Newport 38
MORE 13}
Moira 4
Stewart' s-Town,
crossing the Ferries 14}
Millstreet 10
Carrigneneelogh. . . 4|
Knightsbridge .... 8}
Buttevant 5}
Mallow to
Castle-roche 6§
Glanworth l\\
TOWN 15*
Glanton 4f
Newbridge 7|
Liscarrol 8|
Drumcolloher 14|
Kanturk 8
Killargs Church ... 4J
Droraahair 8
Ballintogher 11J
Mountmellick 5\
Rosenallis 8|
TON 9|
Clonegowan 9 \
Geashill Castle 13
Barberstown • Z\
Clane 6|
Cross Keys 3|
Crossakeel 7|
Macroom 10
Kilmory 15|
Hillsborough 5
Ballinahinch 12
KILLYLE1GH ... 20|
Smithsborough .... 5
Clones 9|
Donough 16
Lisnaskea 19
Maguire's Bridge . . 21}
Lisbellaw 24
Ballinamore 4
Racondra 6
Ballymore Uf
Pass-if-you-Can ... 2|
Maypole 8f
Crossakeel 16 J
Clonlost 6}
TRIM 21|
Newtown- Bellew .. 4
Mylouoh to
Clane 4}
Newbridge Inn. ... 5
Kildare $
Rathangan 13
Clonbullock 16f
Edenderry 21 1
$Iane 6
DROGHEDA.... 12f
Carlanstown 8|
MOYNALTY.... 11}
Borris-a-Kane .... 8
Borris-o- Leigh .... 10|
Castleweirah 3
Old Rosa.... 4*
Market Hill 9
Qallymre Church.. 7}
Newtown- Hamilton 0 §
Castleblayney 17
BALLYBAY .... 22*
BelleekTown .... $}
Aghadoey 9f
Cross Ferry .... 13
Garvagh 10}
Desart Church . . 12}
K^REA 15}
BailyfceHy 2|
Muff 7|
Garvagh 10}
ART to
Gortin 5
Downgate Rock . M}
Clogharny Church 5
Six-Mile Cross.... 7|
Nine-Mile House.. 10 J
Pomeroy 14
Donaghmore 1$|
Fintona 7
Tempo 14
Clogharny Church ' 5
Six- Mile Cross.... 7 J
Nine-Mile House 10 J
Pomeroy 14
Sandholes 19
Dunaghy 20|
TOWN........ 22*
Geashill Castle 4
tflLBEGGAN.... 85*
Clonard Church .. 15 J
Stoneyford 17 J
TRIM 251
Cook's Town .... 8
LURGAN' ....... 5l
Baflyhdlbert 6
Ballywalter ..♦,.. 9
_, . Miles.
Qrey Abbey ...... 8|
ARDES ...... 14
! Tamlagh Church
Ballinagar. . . .
Derrybrian . .
', Toome Bridge
New Ferry 4
Ballingarry ...... 4}
Athleague 4|
Mount Talbot .... 7
Balliriamore 11
Abascragh. 1$
Tulsk 9
Tuniquin 11
Elphin 14|
SHANNON.... 22
Cloverhill 3
Ballintobber 9}
Leap 4|
BIRR 10}
KILLEIGH .... 5}
Kilkeel 7}
Annalong 1 1 1
Newcastle 17|
DUN DRUM .... 20|
Dromore ........ 19
Clanduff Church .. 5}
Rathfriland 8
Dromore 19
Mountshannon .... 4
Woodford 12}
LOUGHREA .... 23
Collon 4}
Ballisodare 3f
Strandhouse Inn . • 7$
Eaky Bridge 20}
Grange Inn 21}
Enniscrone Church 27
Tobercorry 16$
Kilmatague ...... 23}
Foxford 31}
Tubercurry 16}
Swineford 27}
Half- Way House.. 11
Ballyshann on .... 20}
Ballintra 25}
Townavilly 34}
Ballybofey 43}
Castlefin 49}
Ballybofey 48}
Convoy 48}
Raphoe 51
St Johnstown .... 56}
Carrigans 58}
Coagh 41
Dunymanagh .... 6
Donaghedy Church 7
Convoy 5
.RAPHOE.., Ill
Ballyclare 4}
Ballynure 6|
Cashel 12}
Pallas 9i
Cahirconlish 15
LIMERICK .... 21^
TRIMtoKELLS .. 19*
GAR 21}
Miles. ,
TRIM to NA VAN.. 7}
I Sfoneyford........ .. 8
Clonard Bridge... . 11
Edenderry 17}
Clonbullock 22}
TON 30}
Clare 13f
Ballaghy 27J
Tubercurry 36
Balcarra... 43|
Killeigh 4|
Rosenallis 9f
Mountmellick 12}
Elphin 5|
Armagh 6}
TOWN 13}
ByPortlaw 14}
Or by Curraghraore 14}
Or by Grany Ferry 13*
Drumcannon Church 4
T T 3
Kilmacthomas .... 11 1
Taghmon 7
By Old Ross to
Carrigtoohill SJ
Glanmire 7|
CORK 11|
Killeagh 5J
Castle- Martyr .... 8$
Middleton IS
County of Meath at Trim.
County of Westmeath ... — Mullingar.
King's County — Tullamoore.
County of Carlow — Carlow.
County of Ki.dare ... J-^^.— '
County of the Town of Drogheda at Drogheda.
County of Louth — Dundalk.
County of Monaghan .... — Monaghan.
County of Armagh — Armagh.
County of Antrim — Carrickfergus*
County of the Town of Carrick-j __ Carrickfergug,
County of Down — Downpatrick.
County of Longford .
County of Cavan . .
County of Fermanagh
County of Tyrone
County of Donegal
at Longford.
— c-CavaYi.
— Enniskillen.
— Omagh.
— Lifford.
City and County of Londonderry' — Derry.
of Wicklow
... at Wicklow.
of Wexford .
— Wexford.
of Waterford
-— Waterford.
of Kilkenny
— Kilkenny.
City of
Kilkenny :
— Kilkenny/'
of Tippewtry*
. * . * ™" —* vylonnieT.* ■
County of Roscommon ... at Roscommon.
County of Leitrim .... — Carrick-on-Shannon.
County of Sligo — Sligo.
County of Mayo — Castlebar.
County and Town of Galway — Galway.
County of Clare- . . -. . . at Ennis.^'
County and City of Limerick — Limericfc^
County of Kerry — Tralee.'»'<
County and City of Cork . . — . Cork. «
List of Towns in Ireland where Branch Bank* are-
Armagh, Bank of Ireland and Provincial Bank.
Athlone, Provincial Bank.
Ballina, ditto.
Ballymena, ditto.
Banbridge, ditto.
Bandon, Provincial and Agricultural Bank.
Belfast, Bank of Ireland and Provincial.
Carlow, ditto.
Castlebar, Agricultural.
Cavan, Provincial.
Clonmel, Bank of Ireland and Provincial.
Coleraine, Provincial.
Cork, Bank of Ireland and Provincial.
Cork, Agricultural.
Deny, Bank of Ireland and Provincial.
Down, Provincial.
Drogheda, Bank of Ireland.
Ennis, Agricultural.
Enniscorthy, Agricultural.
Enniskillen, Provincial.
Galway, Bank of Ireland and Provincial.
Kilkenny, Bank of Ireland and Provincial.
Killarney, Agricultural.
Limerick, Bank of Ireland, Provincial, and Agricultural.
Longford, ditto.
Lurgan, Provincial.
Monaghan, ditto.
Nenagh, Agricultural.
Newry, Bank of Ireland.
New Rom, Agricultural.
Omugh, Provincial.
Parsonstown, ditto.
Roscrea, Agricultural.
Skibbereen, ditto.
Sligo, Bank of Ireland and Provincial.
Strabane, Agricultural.
Tralee, Bank of Ireland and Provincial.
Tuam, Agricultural.
Waterford, Bank of Ireland and Provincial.
Westport, Bank of Ireland.
Wexford, Bank of Ireland and Provincial*
Youghall, ditto, ditto.
A an mult Castle, 276
Abbey, 146
Abbeyfeale, 129
, account of, 143
^tyjeylei*, 437
, ac, oft 437
Abbey Leix (seat), 226
Abbey Odorney, 129
r- , ac. of, 144
Abbey Throwry, 196
Acbill, Islands of, 413
Achonry, 354
Adair, or Adare, 129
-s , Oom, 470
.-. , q* of, 142
Adristan, 460
Agavanagh barracks, 340
Aghaboe, 226; Cross, 472
Agbadoe (Kerry), 371
Agbadoe (Cork), 223, 405
Aghagower, -44-7
Aghayanagh barracks, 340-
Aghayillar, 277
Aghrim, 390, 461, 464
Aglish,4|6*; dfto/,W
Agnew's Hijl, 3&7
4hascn|g^ 415, 41$
, Qrw,Mh 4M, «*
Ahoghill, Crw,, 47*
Aird Snout, 320
Allen, 383
Alien, Hill of, 133,383
Allen's Town, Cross, 470
All Saints abbey, 401
Altadore, 452
Amigan castle, 142
Anagh, 387
Anamoe, 343
Ankettell's Grove, 393
Anna, Lough, 212
Annacotty, 137
Annadorn, 161
Annagassan, 119
Annaghbrack, 303
Annagh church, 252
Annaloog, 233 ; Cross, 484
, ac. of, 236
Ann's Grove, 405
Antrim, 113, 128, 165, 243f,
-, Cross, 470, 472>, 47*,
476 6m
Arbela, 443
Arbutus Island, 97*5
Ardara, 263 ; CWur, 479
, ac. of, 273'
Ardbmoean, 265*; Onmr, 4Ttf
Ardclinis> 386*
Ardea castle, 348
Ardee, 151, 222, 407
— — , ac. of, 151
, Cross, 470 bis, 475,
476 bis, 478, 484
Ardfert, 129, 145; Cross, 485
, ac. of, 144
Ardfinane, 174; Cross, 474*
. , ac. of, 185
Ardglass, castles of, 385
Ardkarna church, 173, 425,
Ardkirk, 406
Ardraore, 469
Ardmullen castle, 306
Ardnaree, 354
Ardrie, Cross, 473
Ardsalla, 264
Ardsallas, 285, 386
, Cross, 477
, ac. of, 286
Ardskull, 220
Arklow, 148, 449, 465
, Cross, 470
, ac. of, 453
Armagh, 148, 151, 153; Cross,
470 bis, 472 bis, 479, 480,
482, 485
, ac. of, 148
Armey, 165; ac. of, 167
Arrow, Lough, 429
Artane, 403
Ashbourne, 153, 208
-, tic. of9 153
Ashbrook, 400
Ash Hill, 443
Ash Island, 366
Ashroe abbey, 271
Askeaton, 145 ; Cross, 470
, ac. of, 146
Athassel abbey, 229
Athboy, 432 ; Cross, 470 bis
, ac. of, 434
Athcarne castle, 263
Athenry, 303 ; Cross, 470, 480
, ac. of, 309
Athgoe, 130
Athleague, Cross, 472, 483
Athlumny, 265
Athlone, 155, 164, 303
, Cross, 470, 477, 481
-, ac. of, 307
Athy, 162, 220, 349, 350,
, Cross, 470, 471, 478,
, ac. of, 220
Avondale park, 464
Aughadoey bridge, 239
, Cross, 482
, ac. of, 241
Augher, 392; Cross, 471
, ac. of, 894
Aughnacloy, 155, 417
, Cross, 471, 472,
476, 479
, ac. of, 417
Aughrim, 287; ac. of, 289
Bagnell's Arms, Cross, 473
Bagnell's Town, 414, 446
Baillieborough, 293
, ac. of, 293
tCross, 470,471,
473, 479
Balbriggan, 155, 156
— — -, ac. of, 155
Balcarra, 857; Cross, 471, 485
— , ac. of, 359
Baldoyle, 345 ; ac. of, 346
Baldungan castle, 155
Baldwin?* Town, 197, 234,
Balinacor, 219
Balintrae Bay, 318
Ball, 355, 413
— --, Cress, 471 bis, 477
, ac. of, 356
Ballaghaderin, 350
, ac. of, 352
Ballaghbuy mountain, 429
Ballaghmore castle, 135
Ballaghneed inn, 392
Ballaghy (Mayo), 350, 852
, Cross, 471 bis, 473,
Ballaghy (Sligo), 158
Ballemoyer lodge, 409
Ballengary, 145
Baltimore, 160 ; Cross, 470
, ac. of, 160
Ballina, 350
, Cross, 471, 473, 484
, ac. of, 353
Ballinabola castle, 276
Ballinacargy, 438 ; Cross, 479
Ballinafad (Sligo), 173, 425,
436; ac. of, 429
Ballinafad (Longford), 352
Ballinafinchogue, 343
BaUinagar, 290, 313
-, Cross, 483
, ac. of, 314
Ballinahinch (Galway) 419,
Ballinahinch (Down), 161,
415; Cross, 471, 474,475,
478, 481 ; ac. of 161
Ballinahown, Cross, 477
Ballinakill (Galway), 419
Ballinakill (Kilkenny), 226,
Ballinakill (Queen's county),
162,350; ac.qf, 162
Ballinalack, 424 ; ac. of, 425
Ballinamana castle, 380
Ballinamore, or Ballynamore,
312 ; Cross, 472, 481, 483 ;
ac. of 312
Ballinanaght, 432, 434
, Cross, 471, 473,
476, 477
Ballinasloe, 287, 303
, Cross, 471, 483,
484; ac. of, 308
Ballinaspeg, 191
Ballincollig, 377 ; ac. of, 377
Ballindangin, 164; ac. of, 1§4
Ballinderry, 128; Cross, 479
, ac. of, 128
Ballindine, 164; Cross, 477
Ballindown abbey, 429
Ballingarry, Cross, 474, 483
Ballinlaw ferry, 446
Ballinlough, 355, 413
-, Cross, 476
-, ac. of, 355
Ballinlough (seat), 434
Ballinrobe, 162, 164, 447
-, Cross, 471, 472,
473 bis, 477 ; ac. of, 163
Ballinter, 264
Ballintobber, Cross, 484
Ballintobec abbey, 164
Ballintogher, Cross, 474, 481
Ballintoy, 324 ; Cross, 472, 480
, ac. of, 329
Ballintra, 165,263; Cross, 484
, ac.qf, 271
BaJliatufeber, 447
Ballisodare, 425, 436
, CM*, 476, 484
, ac. #/, 4&0
Ballyaienan castle, 148
Ballyarthur, 454; Cross, 470
Ballybay, 407
, Cross, 473, 475, 482
, ac. of, 408
Ballibeg castle, 228, 464
Ballibofey, 165, 284
, Cross, 471, 475,
484 bit; ac. of, 285
Ballybogan, 806
Ballyboghill, 261
Ballyboughbridge, 345
Ballyboy, 212
B&llybrittai, 133
Ballyburris. See Bun-is
Ballicanoe* 449
Ballycarry, 324, 332
« , ac. of, 334
Ballkartby, 443
Ballycashedy, Cross, 477
Ballycastle, 165, 170, 324
, Cross, 471 bis, 472,
475,477,480; ac. of, 168
Ballycheroge castle, 278
Ballyclare, 159; Cross, 470,
471,473,485; ac. of, 15fr
Ballyconael, 4#6; C*w*,471
, ac. of, 43*
Ballycumber, 287 ; ac\ ef, $9&
Ballycurry, 452
Baity daird, 22^
BaHydore, 441
Ballydrafey 209
Baflidugan hetta*, ill
Bally- Ec«u«voaalte> 3tfr
BaHyelian casfle, 445
Bally Ellen castle, 179
Ballyfarnan, 357, 3fi?8
Ballyfox, 175
Ballifin house, 135
Ballygawly, 417, 418
, Cross, 471, 476
, ac. if, 417
Ballygelly promontory, 338
Ballygriffin, 405
Ballyhalbert, Cross, 488
Ballyhale, 281
Ballyhaunis, 355, 413
-, ac. of, 855
Ballyhays, Cross, 473 bis, 479
Bally heigh Bay, 146
Ballyhdlme Bay, 259
Ballyhooly, 404; ac. if, 404
Bally James Duff, 263
-, ac. of, 267
Bally keal castle, 145
Ballykelly, Cross, 471, 480,
Ballyket, 387
Ballylaghan, 350 ; ac. 6f, 353
Ballylaghan castle, 179
Ballyleidy house, 259
Bailylongford, 145 ; ac. of, 147
Ballymacarret, 207
Ballvmacpatrick castle, 187
Ballymahofi (Lohgfofd), 350,
355; Cross, 471, 477, 478
, ac. of, 3£f
Ballymalony, 296, 298
Baltymanlagft, 226; ac. of. 2tfl
Btfllynfenus*, 4^4'
Ballymasbanferi, 414*; at. of,
Ballyme^r^, 2M
Ballymena, 165, 170, 172
Ballymena, Cross, 471, 472
, ac. of, 166
Ballymoat court, 146
Ballymoe, Cross, 476, 478
Ballynioney, 208, 243, 324
, Cross, 471 bis,
472,482; ac. of, 244
Ballymore, Cross, 478, 481
Ballymore church, 275
, Cross, 480
Ballymore Eustace, 459
Ballymoreen, 226 ; ac. of, 228
Ballymorn, 179
Ballymote, 173; ac. of, 178
Ballymullalon, 357, 358
Ballymullart church,Crojf ,477
Ballymulry, 351
Ballymurry, 158, 423
, ac. of, 158
Ballymurtagh, 464
Ballyna, 358
Bally naganny, 432
Ballynamona, Cross, 475 bis
Ballynamore, 357
, Cross, 471, 472,
, ac. of, 358
Ballynamuck, 354
Ballyneety, Cross, 475
Ballynure, 160, 339
_: , Cross, 477, 485
Ballypatrick, 184
Ballyporeen, 186, 379
Ballyragget, 350
, Cross 478 bU
Ballyroan, 226, 440, 441
, ac. of, 226
Ballyaaggartmore castle, 250
Ballyseedy, 443
Ballyshannou, 263; Cross, 484-
. — ,.oc of, 27.0
Ballyshannon (seat), 175
Ballyspellan, 227,
Ballytore, 174; ac. of,. 175
, Cross, 485
Ballyleig Bay, 301
Bally vacadane, 193
Ballyvary, Cross, 473
Ballyvelly cattle, 193.
Bally vourney, 348, 378
Ballywalter, Cross9 483
Ballywilliam, 255
Ballywire, 409 ; Cross, 482
Balruddery, 113, 155, 261
, ac> of, 11£
Baltimore, 174 ; ac. of, 10ff*
Baltinglass, 458 ; ac. of, 4$D,
Bui tug castle, 415
Balybeg, 464
Balylin, 289
Balynunnery, 460
Banagher, 291, 313
, Cross, 472.
, ac. of, 315
Banagher church, 399 '
1 ac.of 400
Banbridge, 113, 172, 208
, Cross, 472, 483
, ac. of, 124
Bandon, 174
, Cross, 472* 479, 481
-, ac. o/,193
Bandon Bridge (Seat), 194m
Bangan castle, 281
Bangor, 259; Cross,, 477, 478
-, at of, 259
Bannow, 197; ac. of, 197
Bantry, 198; ac. of 198
Barber's Town castle, 382
, Crow,481
Barmeath, 118
Bamtick, 386
Baron's court, 394
Baron's town, 438
Barracks of Agavanagh, 340
Barrastown, 197
Barry, 438
Barrymore Island, 193
Bawnboy, 432 ; ac. of, 435
Bauratty Castle, 141
Bay lodge, 326
Beal castle, 147
Beannabeola, 419
Bearhaven, 200
Beaufort lodge, 406
Bectire abbey, 433
Bective castle, 266
Beech-Hill, 400
Beg lough, 158
Beggar's inn, 227
Belan, 176
Belanagar, 350 ; ac, of 352
Belcamp, 403
Belfast, 200, 208
, Cro«,472M*, 476, 478
, ac, of 204
Belfast Lough, 332
Belgriffin, 403
Bellaghy (Londonderry), 157
, Cross, 472, 476
, ac. of 158
BellahHl, 334
Bellamont forest, 294
Belleek town, 263
, Cross, 472, 477,
482 ^ ac,of 270
Belle Green, 24T
Belleisle, 324
Belleview, 452-
Bellew, 263
Belline, 278
Bellisle, 268, 292
Bellmont, 179
Bellurgan hill, 121
Belhirgan park, 414
Belturbet, 291 ; ac. of, 297
Belvidere, 113
Belvoir, 415
Benbradagh mountain, 400
Ben Bulben, 432
Benbvrb, 399
Bengore Head, 322
Benmore, 169
Bennef s bridge, 276
Bessborough, 278
Bevrac mount 117
Bianconi's Cars, 1 08
Birr, or Parsonstown,
422 423
, Cross, 472 W*,474, 484
, ac. of 213
Birr Castle, 213
Bishop's court, 130
Black abbey, 258
Blackbank, 148 ; ac. of, 148
Black Bull Inn, 263, 432, 451
— , Cross, 472 bisr
Black castle, 264
Black Hall castle, 175
Black Lion, 406
Black Mills, 303
Blackrock (Cork), 192
Blackrock (Dublin), 214, 215r
465; ac. </, 465
Black Stairs, 461
Blackwaterfoot, 157
Blackwater Island, 244
Blackwater Town, 239, 276, .
399 ; Crass, 485
1 ac, qf9 399
Blane castle, 137
Blarney castle, 192
Blasques, 253
Blennerville, 442
Blessing ton,, 45 8; ac. of, 458,
Bonamargey, abbey of, 169,
Booterstown, 465
Borheen, Cross, 475
Bonis, 299, 414, 446
, Cross, 477
,ac*of, 299
Borris-a-Kane, 482
Borris-o- Leigh, 215; ac. of,
216; Cross, 473, 474,482
Bonis castle, 179
Bovaugh Bridge. 243
, castle (ruin), 241
, castle (seat), 243
Boyle, 173, 425, 436
, Cross, 472 bis
, ac. of, 428
Brackenstown, 261
Bracktown, Inn, 252
- , Cross,, 478
Braeface, The, 240
Braganstown, 405 ; Cross, 476
Bray, 214, 416, 449, 465
■ , ac. of, 450
Bray Head, 451
Breafy, 356
Bremore castle, 155 .
Bridgetown (Clare). 296, 392
Bridgetown (Wexford), 235
Bridgetown abbey*, 404v
Brittas, 303
Broadford, 296, 298 i
Brockley Park, 437
Broghill castle, 212
Brook-hall, 398
Brooksborough, 474 bis
Broomfield, 459
Broughshane, 232-,
, Cross, 471, 472
-, ac. of,S
Brosna (river), 288 .
Brown Hall, 271
Brown Island, 363
Brown Hill, 179
Bruce' s castle, 331
Bruff,CroM, 472, 475, 473,480
Bryan's Ford, 385:; ac. ofTiZ%& -
Buck House Inn, 438 .
Bull, Cow, and Calf, 200.
Bullock, 215; oc.o/,215
Bull Point, 331
Buly, 829
Buncraggy, 386
Bungan, or Bangan ca*tl« >
(ruins), 281
Bunratty castle, 285
Burnham house, 252 .
, castle, 252
Burnt Island, 365 .
Burren, 287
Burriscarra, 447
Burros-in-Ossory, 129 j
,0<w*r472, .
Burton hall, 177
Bushbank, 172 .
Bush mills, 317; 324
u u 3
-i <7C«^/"M1S5^.
Bush mills, Cross, 472 bis, 480
, ac. of, 318
Bushy park, 340
Butler's Bridge, 263, 268,
Buttevant, 380
, Cross, 475, 480
Cabinteely, 214, 466
Cabragh, 411
Cabragh castle, 246
Caghryariff, 387 ; Cross, 478
, ac. of, 387
Caherdriny, 879
Cahir, 247 ; Cross, 474, 485
, ac. of, 247
Cahirconlish, Cross, 474, 485
Cahir- Morris, Cross, 472, 473
bis, 474
Cahvicou, 141
Cairnane, 368
Cairnanie, 172
Cairn an Truagh, 329
Cairncastle, 324, 332, 339
, ac. of, 338
CairnhUl, 246
Cairn Tierna, 188
Caledon, 155, 216
, Cross, 472, 476, 479
■ , ac. of, 216
Caledon house, 217
Callaghan's mills, 296
Callahill, 291, 436 ; Cross, 471
Callan mountain, 287
Callan, 174 ; Cross, 473, 477
, ac. of, 183
Caltragh, 312, 415
Calverstown, 175
Camolin, 455
Camphier house, 249
Camus, 394
Cancora, 298
Cangor castle, 21«f
Canna Island, 386
Caolin (Lough), 170*
Cape Clear, 196
Cappo, 146
Cappoge Hill, 306
Cappoquin, 248, 298, 405
, Cross, 474, 486
-, ac. of, 248
Carberry, 313; Cross, 472,
474, 482
Carigacushen, 412
Carigrohan castle, 193
Carlanstown, Cross, 476, 478,
Carlingford, 217, 414
, Cross, 470, 472
, ac. of, 217
Carlow, 174, 218
, Cross, 473 bis
, ac. of, 177
Carncastle church. See
Carnew, 219 ; Cross, 474
, ac. of, 219
Carnlough, 324
, Cross, 477, 480
-, ac. of, 325
Carnmoney, 159, 170, 339
, Cross, 473
, ac. of, 170
Carnock Vale, 284
Carnteel, Cross, 471
Carra (Lough), 359
Carran Tual, 372
Carrickabrick castle, 187
Carrick a Rede, 331
Carrick castle, 457
Carrickduff, 461
Carrickfergus, 324, 332
, Cross, 476
, ac. of, 333
Carrickfergus Bay, 332
Carrickmacross, 153, 222,
407; Cross. 476 bis
, ac. of, 407
Carrick on Shannon, 219,
425 ; Cross, 484, 485
, ac. of, 427
Carrick-on-Suir, 219, 220, 276
, Cross, 478, 485
, ac. of, 277
Carrigadrohid, 378
Carrigafouky, 878
Carriganoura, 379
Carrigans, 392, 396
, Cross, 484
Carrigfoile castle, 147
Carrigmurphy, 326
Carrignaconny, 404
Carrigneneelogh, Cross, 480
Carrig-o-Guncel Castle, 141
Carrigtoohill, Cross, 486
Carton, 304
Cash, or Kish, 347
, Cross, 473, 477
Cashell, 221, 226; ac. of, 228
, Cross, 473 bis, 474,
478, 479, 485
Castlebar, 355, 357, 413
, Cross 473 bU, 483,
484 bis; ac. of, 356
Castle Bellew, 358
Castle Bellingham, 113
■« , ac. of, 118
Castle Bernard, 194
Castle Blakeney, 312
Castleblayney, 151, 222, 406
-, Cross, 473, 482
— , ac. of, 152
Castle Blunden, 183
Castle Browne, 382
Castle Caldwell, 270
Castle Carey, 326
Castle Carra, 328
Castle Carrigan, Cross, 472,
Castle Caulfield, 418
, Cross, 471 bis
-, ac. of, 4ia
Castle Chichester, 336
Castle Comer, 220, 349;
-, Cross, 478
, ac. of, 220
Castle Connell, 137, 392
Castle Connough, 251
Castlecoole, 268
Castle Coonagh, 249
Castle Cor, 351
Castle Cuffe, 303
Castle Dawson, 157 ; ac. of, 157
Castlederraot, 174; ac. of, 176
Castle Dillon, 409
Castle Dobbs, 334
Castle Durrow, 227
Castle Eglish, 213
Castle Ellis, 455
Castlefin, 284; Cross, 475, 484
, ac. of 284
Castle Fish, 175
Castle Freke, 195
Castle Ffrench, 312
Castle Gosford, 153
Castle Guard, 152
Castle Hacket, 344
500 INDEX.
Castle Hacket, ac. of, 544
Castle Hamilton, 435
Castle Hill, 259
Castle Howard, 464
Castle Hume, 292
Castle Hyde, 188, 379
Castle Inch, 183
Castle Island, 349, 360
9 Cross, 475, 480
Castle Island (Kerry)' 443;
, ac. of, 443
Castle Jane, 231
Castle Kieran, 266
Castle Knock, 432
- , ac. of 432
Castlelacken, Cross, 478
Castle Laghan, 222
, ac. of 222
Castle Lough, 366
Castle Lough Bay, 366
Castle Lyons, 223 ; ac. of, 223
Castle M 'Garret, 164
Castlemain, Cross, 473, 478
Castle Martin, 175
Castle Martyr, 223
— : ,Cross, 476, 486
« , ac. of 223
Castle Mary, 238
Castle Morres, 277
Castle Moyle, 358
Castle Navan, 161
Castle Plunket, 355, 413
Castle Pollard, 224
, Cross, 473 bis,
481 ; ac. of 224
Castle Rath, 415
Castlerea, 158, 355, 413
, Cross, 473 bis? 484
• , ac. of, 355
Castle Richard, 250
Castle Roche, 406 1 Cross, 481
Castle Ryland, 460
Castle Saffron, 380
Castle Saunderson, 268
Castle-Shane, 392, 406
-, Cross, 47?
Castle Talbot, 455
Castletown, 141
Castletown (Cork), 200, 223,
Castletown (Seat in Kildare),
Castletown (Queen's Co,) 129
, ac. of, 135
Castletown, near Dundalk, .
Castletown Delvin, 224
, Cross, 470
-, ac. of 224
Castletown Park, 304
Castletown Roche, 404
■, Cross, 477
Castle Townshend, 196
Castle Troy, 137
Castle Upton, 173
Castle Ward, 256
Castle Warden, 130
Castlewellan, 161, 208, 256,
384; Cross, 476, 482 .
-, ac. of, 209
Castle Wood, 227
Cavan, 225, 263
, Cross, 470, 471, 473
bis, 474, 475, 476, 477, 479
, ac. of, 267
Cave Hil], 160, 207
Celbridge, 381 ; ac.of 381
Chancellor's Town, 185 „
Chapel Izod, 309
Chapelmidway, 406
Charlemont, 225, 239, 243,
276, 317, 399, 408
, Cross, 480
, ac. of, 239
Charles Fort, 389
Charlestown, 152
Charlestown (Lehrim), 427
Charleville, 226
, Cross, 474, 475,
481,483; ac. of, 231
Charleville (seat), 463
Church Bay, 381
Church Hill, 263; ac. of, 270
Church Mountain, 459
Churchtown, 390
Claddagh castle, 359
Clady, 399, 400
, Cross, 480, 485
Clanduff church, 484
Clane, 381; Cross, 474, 481,
, ac. of, 882
Claneboy castle, 257
Clanmalliere, 133
Clara, 287 ; ac. of, 288
Clare (Armagh), Cross, 470
Clare (Clare), 285, 386 ;
, Cross, 477
, ac. of, 286
Clare (Mayo), Cross, 485
Clare abbey, 286
Clare castle (Armagh), 421
Clare castle (Clare), 286
Clare-Galway, Cross, 474 bis,
Clear, Cape, 196
Clentibret church, 392
Clermont, 119
Clew Bay, 413
Clifden, 311
Clifden castle, 311
Clifton, 387
Clifton Lodge, 434
Cliggin, Lough, 331
Clinish Island, 293
Clodagh castle, 378
Clogh (Wexford), 455
Cloghan (Donegal), 284
Cloghan (King's Co.), 290,
313; ac.of, 315
Cloghaneeley, 274
Cloghanlea, Cross, 479
Clogheen, 174, 247
, Cross, 474 bit
, ac. of, 186
Clogher, 233; Cross, 474 bis
-, ac. of, 283
Clogher (seat), 818
Clogharney church, Cross, 475,
483 bis
Cloghereen, 368
Clogher Head, Cross, 475
Cloghnakilty, 174; Cross, 474
, ac. of, 194
Cloghran, 114
Clogrennan lodge, 180
Clohaman castle, 460
Clonakinny, Cross, 472
Clonard, 303; ac. of, 306
Clonard Bridge, Cross, 474,
Clonard church, Cross, 483
Clonaslee, 302 ; ac. of, 303
Clonattin, 455
Clonbrock, 416
Clonbullock, Cross, 482, 485
Cloncurry, 303 ; Cross, i74
, ac. of 3ptf
Clondalkin, 130
Clondrohid, 878
CJondumales chapel, 336.
Clone, 464 '
Clonee, 432
Cloneen, Cross. 477
Clonegall, 458, 46l.; Cross,
474; ac. o/, 460
Clonegowan, 381, 384
, Cross, 481, 483
Clones, 293
, Cross, 473, 474, 481
, ac. of, 294
Clonfeckle, 399
Clonkeen, 222, 407,
, Cross, 476
Clonlost, Cross, 4$i
Clonmacnoise, 258
Clonmell, 174, 2?3
, Cross, 474 bis, 48$
« , ac. o/, 184
Clonmellon, 400, 432 '
• , ac. of 484
Cloumines, 197, 234, 301
— : ,ac. of, 235
Clonmore, 179
Clonmulsh, 414
Clonnish castle, 294
Clonroch, 447
Clontarf Sheds, 345
Clontarf Town, 345
— : , ac. of, 34^
Clonthuskart abbey,, 159
Clonyn, 224
Cloonagh, 3t>8
Cloonales, 355
Clough ( Antrim), 165,, 170 j
Clough (Antrim), Cross, 471,
472; ac.of, 167
Clough (Down), 161, 2Q8>
232,^235, 256, 3£4.
, Cross, 474.*
, ac. of, 209'.
Clough church, 446,
Clough Mills, 170; Qross,^^
, ac.of, 172
Cloughleagh castle, 187
Cloughan Stookeq, 326.
Clover Hill (Antrim), 324
(Londonderry), 240
(Roscommop), 159
•, Cross, 484
Cloyne, 237; Cross% 4/4, 4tf$
, ac* of 238
Cluancagh* 143
Cluan castle, 277
Cluaneoip, 294
Coagh, 243, 317; qro##.4j84.
Coal Island, 239 ; ac. ofx 239
Coarse Island, 366
Coilbridge, 210
Colehill, 438 ; Cross, 474
Coleman's Leap, 375
Coleraine, 239, 243 bis, 245,
, Cross, 47 J bis, 472,
474, 475, 479, 480, 483
-, ac. of, 241
Colin mountain, 160
Collon, 151
; , Cross, 473, 474 bis,
'475,484; ac. of, 151
Colooney, 4£5, 436
^ , Cross, 47 1 , 474n4$l
, oc. of, 429
Col train .church, 474 bis
Comber, 208,415; "acof 211
, Cross, 472
Comme Duff, Valley of, 87^
Compass Hill, 3B9
Cong, 163
Conlyclare, 887 ; Cross, 478
Conn, Lough, 353
Connell abbey, 131
Connemara, 418
Connor, 170, 172 ; ac. of, 17 1
Connor castle, 354
Convamore, 188
Convoy, Cross, 484, 485
Cookstown, 399, 408
> Cross, 474, 475,
482, 483, 484 ; ac. of, 410
Coolcastle, 2&8
Cooldross, 451
Coblnakenriy, 129;, 144
Coolock, 403
Coollatin park, 465
Cooper hill, 141
Cootehill, 246, 293 .
, Cross, 471, 473;
475, 47Sf; ac.of, 294
Cdpeknd Isles*, 255, 332
Cor castle, 486
Corcreagh, 151, 152
Catkf 174,247,2*8
, Crossi 475 bis, 476, 456
bis; ac. of% 188
, Cove of, 191; Cross, 47 5
, tfeg, tiff
Cork abbey, 406
Cormy castle, 246
Coroner/, S#3 ?
Corribi Ixnufa, 163*/ f 00,
Cove, 8W>1
Courtmacsherry, 389
Courtown, 455
Coutra, Lough, 290
Cow Island, 366 ,
Cradockstown, 131
Cragane castle, 231
Cragbrien, 386
Craig-a-Huller, 242 , .
Craigbilly, 232 ; ac. of 232
Craigtown Inn, 260
Cranagh cliff, 328
Craughwell, 313
Creagh church, 308 .
Crebilly Hill, 166, 232
Creely, Cross, 47$
Creg castle; 187 »
Croagh Patrick, Hill df, 448
Croghan Hill, 314 ,.,
Croghah Mountain, 454
Cromiglauh; 375
Cronebane, 467
Cross, The, or tfuff,.4QQ
Crossakeel, Cross, 47*?, 431 Us
Crossdoney, 432, 434 , . .
, Cross, 474, 475*
Cross Ferry, Cross, 482
Cross Hill, 232
Cross Keys', 400 ; tross, Hi
--, ac. of, 401
Crossniolina^ 355, 357 .
,* Cross, 473
-, ac. of; 357
Cross Roads, 475
-, or GrosWrbugh
Inn, 392 _
-f^~ •» nejir Florence
Court, -4552, 48 J; Crpss\ ff^ ,:
near JTewtown
Barry, 479
Crotto, 129; ac.of, 144
Crow Head, 200
Crow Islet, 366
Cruach a Crue, 826
Cruaghmore, 329
Crumlin, 128; ac. of, 129
Crusheen, 287, 290, 291
, Cross 479
Cuba house, 315
CuJfeightrin church, 328
Culloville, 406
Cullyhill castle, 227
Culmore fort, 397
Cultra, 258
Curofin, 387; Cross, 477
, ac. of, 887
Curragh, The, 131
Curragha, 406
Curraghmore, 283 ; Cross, 485
Cushendall, 251, 324
, Cross, 477, 480
, ac. of, 826
Cushendun, 324; ac. of, 328
Daisy hill, 260
Dalkey, 251 ; ac. of, 251
Daly's bridge, 432, 434
Dangan, 419, 439
Darby's garden, 365
Dardistown bridge, 261
Dargle, Glen of the, 463
Darien's bridge, 432
Dawson. See Castle Dawson
Dawson's court, 134
Dawson's grove (Armagh),
(Cavan), 294
(King's Co.) 384
Deel castle, 395
Delgany, 452
Delphi, 449
Delville, 261
Derg bridge, Cross, 473
Derg, Lough, 272, 297
Derivaragh, 425
Deny. See Londonderry
Derrybaun, 343
Derrybrian, Cross, 483
Derry castle, 298
Derry Cunihy, 375
Derryleagh castle, 137
Dervock, 324
, Cross, 471W*, 475 bis
, ac. of, 824
Desart, 184
Desart church, 198
, Cross, 482
Desartcreat, 410
Desartmartin, 239; Crow, 475
, ac. of, 240
Devenish Island, 293
Devil's castle, 147
Devil's Glen, 343, 452
Devil's Island, 367
Devil's Lough, 373
Devil's Punch Bowl, 367, 369
Devil's Stream, 367
Devis Mountain, 207
Dingle, 252 ; Cross, 473, 478
, ac. of, 252
Dinis Island, 867
Doagh, 170
, Cross, 470, 478, 477
, ac. of, 171
Donadea castle, 805
, Cross, 474
Donaghadee, 258, 256, 258
, Cross, 478, 483
— — — , ac. of, 254
Donaghcloney, 113
— — , ac. of 125
Donaghedy church, Cross, 485
Donaghmore (Meath), 265
(Tyrone), 417
, ac. of, 418
, Cross, 475, 483
Donamon castle, 159
Donegore moat, 173
Doneraile, 379 ; Cross, 475 bis
, ac. of, -380
Donnegal, 263 ; Cross, 475
, ac. of 271
Donnybrook, 449 ; ac. of 450
Donnycarney, 403
Donore, 425
Donough, 293 ; ac. of 295
, Cross, 474 bis, 481
Doonane, 220
Doonas, 392
Doon Point, 331
Doudstown, 263,411
Dough, 160. See also Doagh
Douglas, Cross, 475
Douglas Bridge, 392, 394
Douth, or Dowth, 154
Down. See Downpatrick
Downgate Rock, Cross, 482
Down Hill, 260
Downpatrick, 208, 256, 261
, Cross, 475, 478
bis; ac. of, 209
Draper's Hill, 153
Drew's Town, 434
Drienlin Bridge, 423
Drimnakill mountain, 328
Drishane castle, 378
Drogheda, 113, 208, 261 bis,
262; ac.of 115
Drogheda, Cross, 470 bis, 475
bis, 47 6, 482 bis
Dromahair, Cross, 474, 476,
Dromaleague, 198
Dromehome church, 271
Dromilly, 408
Dromod, 425, 427
Dromoland, 286
Dromore, 200, 344, 415
, Cross, 476, 482,
483, 484 bis ; ac. of 200
Drooping mountain, 375
Droughlone, Lough, 247
Drum (Galway). See Drum-
(Monaghan), 293
, ac. of, 294
Drumana, 249
Drumbanagher, 157
Drumbo castle, 285
Drumcannon church, Cross,
Drumcolloher, Cross, 481
Drumcondra, 113
, Cross, 478, 474
, ac. of, 113
Drumcong, 418
Drumcourra, 153
Drumcree, 420
Drumgoff barracks, 343
Drumkeern, Cross, 476
Drumlaghded hill, 423
Drummore church, Cross, 477
Drumnakill mountain. See
Drumnasole, 325
Drumsna, 425, 427
Drumswords, 295
x x
Duck Island, 375
Dublin, Situation and Extent
of, 63 ; Corporation of, 65 ;
Police, 65 ; Castle, 66 ;
University, or Trinity Col-
lege, 67 ; Statue of Wil-
liam III., 70; Bank of
Ireland, 70; Royal Ex-
change, 71 ; Commercial
Buildings, 72; Corn Ex-
change, 72; Post Office,
73; Nelson's Monument,
73 ; Rotunda, 74 ; Custom
House, 74; Four Courts,
75 ; King's Inns, 76; Dub-
lin Society's House, 77 ;
Theatre Royal, 78; Man-
sion House, 78; Linen and
Yarn Hall, 79; Sessions
House, 79 ; Stamp Office,
79; Phcenix Park, 80;
Royal Barracks, 81 ;
Squares, 81; Bridges, 82;
Protestant Churches, 83;
Meeting Houses, 87 ; Ro-
man Catholic Chapels, 88 ;
Convents and Nunneries,
89; Literary Societies, &c,
91; Medical and Surgical
Institutions, 92; Hospitals,
&c, 93; Prisons, Houses
of Correction, &c, 97;
Manufactures, 98; Hotels,
98 ; Club Houses, 98.
Duleek, 262; ac. of, 262
Dumacreen, 164
Dunaghy, 408, 410
, Cross, 483
Dunally castle, 137
Dunamase castle, 134
Dunamore castle, 196
Dunbeg, 387
Dunboyne, 432; Cross, 479
Dunbrody abbey, 300
Duncannon fort, 301
Duncearma castles, 389
Dun Clanamourne, 327
Duncormack, 197, 301
Dunda castle, 378
Dundalk, H3, 408, 414
, Cross, 470, 476 bis
, ac. of, 119
Dundarene castle, 194
Dunderry bridge, 347
Dundonald, 253
Dundrum (Down), 235, 385
, Cross, 484
, ac. of, 237
(Dublin), 390, 461
, ac. of, 461
(Tipperary), 441
Dimfanaghy, 263, 274
, Cross, 479, 480
, ac. of, 274
Dungannon, 276, 399, 408
, Cross, 471 bis,
472, 476 bis, 483
-, ac. of, 409
Dungannon park, 410
Dungarvan, 276, 280, 284
, Cross, 474, 476
, ac. of, 279
Dungiven, 399
, Cross, 476 bis, 480
, ac. of, 399
Dunglo, 263, 284, 423
, ac. of, 273
Dunivaddin hill, 232
Dunkerrin, 136
Dunkerry cave, 319
Dunlavin, Cross, 476
Dunleary, or Kingstown, 388
, ac. of, 388
Dunleckney, 414; Cross, 479
Dunleer, 113,402
, Cross, 474, 476 bis
,ac.of, 118
Dunloe castle, 371
Dunloe Gap, 372
Dunloy, 330
Dunluce castle, 323, 422
Dun Mace. See Dunamase.
Dunmanus Bay, 200
Dunmanway, 198; Cross, 474
, ac. of, 198
Dunmaul Fort, 325
Dunmayne, 407
Dunmore (Down), 161
(Galway), 164
, Cross, 471, 476,
477,485; ac. of, 164
(Waterford), 283
Head, 253
Palace, 183
Dunmow castle, 265
Dunmurey, 204
Dunnenaught, 409
Dunran, 452
Dunroby abbey. See Dun-
Dunsandle, 309
Dunsany castle, 264
Dunseverick castle, 330
Dunshaughlin, 263
, ac. of, 264
Dunsink, 432
Dunymanagh,. Cross, 485
Durrow, 226, 440, 441
, Cross, 472, 476 bis, ,
478 ; ac. of, 226
Dursay Island, 200
Dyon, Cross, 476
Dysent, 358
Eagle Island, 375
Eagle's Nest, 374
Earlsfield, 174
Echlinville, 257
Edenderry, 313
, Cross, 474, 482,
485; ac. of, 313
Edgeworth's Town, 424
, Cross, 471,
476 bis, 477 ; ac. of, 426
Eglish, 212, 422 ; Cross, 476
, ac. of, 213
Elm Grove, 443
Elphin, 436; Cross, 484, 485
, ac, of, 436
Elton, 231
Emlafad, 174
Emly, 230
Emo, 129; ac. of, 134
Emo Park, 384
Emy Vale, 392; ac. of, 393
Ennis, 285, 287, 290, 291, 296
, Cross, 477 bis, 485
, ac. of, 286
Ennisbofine, Island of, 419
Enniscorthy, 446, 447, 458,
461, 465
, Cross, 477 bis,
482; ac.of, 467
Enniscrone church, Cross, 484
Enniskeale, 198; ac. of, 198
Enniskeel church, Cross, 479
Enniskerry, 890, 461
Enniskerry, ac. of, 462
Enniskill, Island of, 273
Enniskillen, 263, 291, 293
. , Cross, 471, 475,
477 bis, 479, 481, 483
-, ac. of, 269
Ennisnag castle, 276
Ennistimon, 295, 296, 387
, Cross, 477, 478,
479 ; ac. of 395
Ennistioge. See Tnnistiogue.
Erigill church, 392
Erne, Lough, 268, 291
Errois, 293
Erry castle, 288
Esk, Lough, 165, 271, 272
Esknamucky cascade, 375
Esky bridge, Cross, 471, 484
Estochar bridge, 327
Everog bridge, Cross, 478
Eyrecourt, 291, 813
, Cross, 472
, ac. of, 316
Eyrecourt castle, 316
Fair Head, 169
Fair View, 345, 403
Falkland, 392, 393
Farnham, 267
Feanpull M'Dermott, 288
Fearmoyle, 419
Feltrim, 114
Feltrim castle, 1 14
Fennor, 228
Fenough, 179
Fenough church, Cross, 473
Ferbane, 287 ; Cross, 477
Fermoy, 174, 298, 404, 405
, Cross, 477
, ac. of, 187
Ferns, 446, 465 ; ac. of, 466
Ferrit Island, 145
Ferriter's Islands, 253
Ferrybank, 398, 399
Fertagh, 227
Fethard (Tipperary), 233
, Cross, 473, 477
, ac. of, 234
(Wexford), 299, 301
, ac. of, 301
Fews, The, 153
Fhirleath, 170
Finea,400; Cross, 473
, ac. of, 401
Finglass, 208, 406 ; ac. of, 407
Fin, Lough, 285
Fintona, Cross, 483
Fin Town, 284; Cross, 471
-, ac. of 285
Firmount, Cross, 476, 477
Five Mile Town, 474 bis
Florence Court, 435
Flower Hill, 422
Flurry Bridge, 121
, River, 217
Foaran Path, 325
Fon thill, 180
Fooksmill, 274, 446
, Cross, 482
Forest, 261
Forgney church, 351
Forkhill, 408
Forth, Barony of, 457
Fort Robert, 198
Fort Singleton, 393
Fort William, 240
Fowkscourt, 227
Fowre, 225
Foxborough, 352
Fox castle, 278
Foxford, 350 ; Cross, 484
, ac. of, 353
Foyle, Lough, 260
Frankford, 212, 290, 802
, ac.of, 212
Frederick's Town, 474
French Park, 350 ; Cross, 473
, ac. of, 352
Freshford, Cross, 478
Friar's Island, 366
Fruit Hill, 260
Oallen, 289
Galley Head, 195
Galtees, The, 230
Galway, 303, 312
> Cross, 473 bis, 477 bis,
479; oc.o/,309
Gara, The, 164
Garbally, 308
Garey castle, 308
Garon, Lough, 401
Garrison, Cross, 476
Garristown, Cross, 472
Garry castle, 316
Garryhaddon, 179
Garrylough castle, 455
Garryricken, 184
Garvagh, 239
, C«>m,482M*,483 6m
, ac. of, 241
Garyduff Inn, 306
Gaulstown Park, 306
Geashill, castle, 314
, Cross, 481, 483
Gerron Point, 825
Gheramine Cottage, 372
Giant's Causeway, 317, 324 bis
-, ac. of, 318
Giant's Chair, 321
Giant's Grave, 431
Giant's Load, 414
Giant's Loom, 320
Giant's Ring, 203
Gianf s Stairs, 193
Giant's Well, 321
Gibbarrow River, 263, 423
Gilford, 402, 420 ; Cross, 470
: — , ac. of, 402
Gill, Lough, 431
Giltown, 175
Glan Flesk mountain, 370
Glanmire (Cork), 193
-, Cross, 486
Glanmore, 446 ; ac. of, 446
Glanton, Cross, 481
Glan worth castle, 187
-, Cross, 481
Glasha, 249
Glasslough, Cross, 479
Glassnevin, 261 ; ac. of, 261
Glen, 274 ; Cross, 480
, ac. of, 275
Glen na Capull, 370
Glen of the Downs, 451
Glen of the Horse, 370
Glena mountain, 365
Glena Bay and Cottage, 365,
Glenamore, 405
Glenariff, 326
Glenarm, 324, 332, 339
, Cross, 472, 477, 480
, ac. of, 338
Glenart castle, 454
Glenavy, 113,165,243
Glencairn, 250
xx 3
Glendalough, 340 ; Cross, 470
, ac. of, 340
Glendun Vale, 328
GlengariffBay, 199
Glenmalure, Vale of, 343
Glenmore castle, 343, 452
Glenties, 423
Glynn (Antrim), 335
, (Limerick), 145
, ac. of, 146
Gobbins, 336
Golden, or Golden Bridge,
230; Cross, 479
Gore's bridge, 299, 445
Gorestown, 239
Gorey, 449, 465 ; Cross, 474
, ac. of, 454
Gormanstown, 115
Gort, 287, 291
, Cross, 477, 479, 483
, ac. of, 290
Gortahurk, 263 ; Cross, 479
, ac. of, 273
Gortin, Cross, 482
Gosford castle, 153
Gowran, 276, 280 ; ac. of, 280
Gowran castle, 280
Grace Dieu Nunnery, 115
Grace Hall, 126
Grace Hill, 167
Grace Staples Cave, 329
Graig, 445 ; ac. of 445
Granabuy, 294
Granard, 400
, Cross, 478, 476, 477
bis ; ac. of, 401
Grandison castle, 285
Grange (Antrim), 245, 421
, ac. of, 245
Grange (Loutb), 117
(Meath), 432, 433
Grange, New, 154, 407
Grange, Fortescue, 222, 407
Grange Hill, 328
Grange Inn, Cross, 484
Grange Mellon, Cross, 473
Grannebrue castle, 142
Gray Man's Path, 170
Green castle (Down), 236
397; Cross, 480
Greenmount, 119
Greenoge, 406
Greenville, Cross, 476
Grey abbey, 256
•, Cross, 477, 473,
483; ac. of, 257
Griffinstown, Cross, 476
Groom's Port, 259
Grosborough Inn, 392
Grove, 234
Guydore river, 263
Hacketstown, 390 ; Cross, 476
, ac. of, 391
Hag's Bed, 188
Hag's Glen, 373
Hag's Head Promontory, 295
Hag's Lough, Tooth, &c. 373
Haines-Town, 119
Half-way House, Crass, 484
Hall's Mill, 128
Hamilton's Bawn, 408
, Cross, 470
bis, 472
Hampton Hall, 115
Harris town, 175
Harryville, 166
Hazlewood, 431
Headford, 344
, Cross; 472, 473
, ac. of, 344
Heron Island, 363
Heywood, 113, 162
Highpark, Cross, 476
Hillsborough, 200, 344
, Cross, 471, 477,
481 ; ac. of, 201
Hill of Allen, 133
HoUybrook, 429
Hollymount (Down), 211
(Mayo), 164, 165,
357 ; Cross, 477
-, ac. of, 359
Holly Park, 146
Hollywood, 258 ; ac. of, 258
Holm Patrick, 156
Holy Cross, Cross, 473, 474,
Holy Cross abbey, 440
Hook Lighthouse, 301
Hook Tower, 283
Horn Head, 274
Horseleap, 307
Horsland, Cross, 474
Howth, 345 : ac. of, 346
Hoyle, Lough, 425
Humewood, Cross, 476
Hungra Hill, 199
Ilanmore, 413
Inch church, Cross, 478
Incheguile, 163
Inchigeela, Cross, 477, 480
Inchiquin castle, 295
Inchiquin lake, 387
I nisei are, 413
Inis Courcy, 210
Inisfallen Island, 364
Inishangie, 257
Inisheene, 246
Tnishugb, 413
Inisline, 413
Inis Scattery, 147
Innismore, 253
Innistiogue, 445 ; Cross, 482
-, ac, of, 445
Inisturk, 413
Inniscawen, 293
Innishannon, 194; Cross, 479
Innismachsent, 292
Innis Roch, 293
Inny, Lough, 401
Inver, 263 ; ac. of, 273
Ireland, geographical account
of, 52
Ireland's Eye, 347
Irrelagh abbey, 368
Irvinestown, 347 ; ac. of, 347
Island Magee, 336
Isnaleara, 326
Jackdaw Islet, 366
Jamestown, 425 ; Cross, 485
, ac. of, 427
Jerpoint, 281
Jigginstown house, 131
Johnston's Fews, 148
, ac. of 148
Johnstown (KUdare), 129,
162, 174; ac. of, 130
Johnstown (Kilkenny), 227
Johnstown bridge, 313
Jonesborough, 113; ac. of, 1 2 1
Joyce's Country, 419
Julians town bridge, 113
Kanturk, 412 ; Cross, 481
, ac. of 412
Keady (Armagh), 151, 216
Keady (Armagh), Cross, 477,
480 ; ac. of, 153
Kells, (Antrim), 165, 170,
172,232; Cross, 473, 477
, ac. of, 166
Kells (Kilkenny), 220
, Cross, 478 ; ac. of, 221
Kells (Meath), 263, 347
, Cross, 476, 478 bis, 481
bis, 484, 485 ; ac. of, 265
Kenagh, 438 ; ac. of, 438
Kenbaan, 329
Kenbaan castle, 329, 330
Kenmare, 348, 349
, Cross, 480
, ac. of, 348
Keromore, 353
Kerry Head, 145
Key, Lough, 428
Kilbarry church, 198
Kilbay castle, 137
Kilbeggan, 287, 303; Cross,
478 bis, 483; ac. of, 306
Kilberry ruins, Cross, 470
Kilbixy, 438
Kilbreny, 236
Kilbride, 461
-, Pass of, 303, 306
Kilcash, 184
Kilchreest, 287, 289, 291
Kilcock, 303, 439
, Cross, 472, 482
, ac. of, 305
Kilcoleman castle, 380
Kilcommack, 438
Kilcommodon Hill, 289
Kilconnel, 303 ; ac. of, 309
Kilcool, 449; ac. of, 451
Kilcoursey castle, 288
Kilcrea abbey, 377
Kilcrea castle, 377
Kilcronaghan, 240
Kilcullen, 162, 174, 349
-, Old, 175
Kildare, 129, 349
, Cross, 478 bis, 4S2
, ac. of, 131
Kildorery, 379 ; ac. of, 380
Kildysart, 386
Kilfane, 280, 281
Kilfenora, Cross, 477 bis, 478
Kilfin, 441
Kilgarvan, 348
Kilglassan, 357, 359
Kilgobbin, 252
Kilgobbin castle, 462
Kilkea castle, 177
Kilkeel, 235 ; Cross; 484
., ac. of, 236
Kilkelly, 158; ac. of, U9
Kilkenny, 174, 220, 349 bis,
350; Cross, 472, 478 bis
, ac. of, 180
Kilkerrin, 164
, Cross, 471, 478,481
, ac. of, 164
Kill (Dublin), 214
Kill (Kildare), Cross, 478
Killadoon, 382
Killala, 222, 350, 355, 357
, Cross, 478; ac. of, 354
Killaloe, 296, 360, 392
, Cross, 479, 480, 482
, ac. of, 296
Killargs church, Cross, 481
Killarney, 349, 360, 377, 379
, Cross, 478 bis
Killarney, ac. of, 360
Killarney, Lakes of, 360
Killashee, 438 ; Cross, 479
Killberry, 246; ac. of, 246
Killcolgan, 288 *
Killeagh, 223, 405
, Cross, 476, 486
Killeen castle, 264
Killeigh, 212, 381
, Cross, 471, 478, 484,
485 ; ac. of, 384
Killenaule. See Killynaule
Killeray bay and mountain,
Killeshandra, 432
, Cross, 472, 474,
479; ac. of, 434
Killewater castle, 337
Killiene, Lough, 423
Killileigh. See Killyleigh.
Killinan church, 289
Killinane, 180
Killinany castle, 212
Killinchy, Cross Roads of, 208
, ac. of, 211
Killiney, 214 bis
Killiney hill, 466
Kill Keran, 337
Killmulan, 146
Killough, 384; Cross, 478 bis
, ac. of, 384
Killough hill, 228
Killtymon Glen, 452
Killurn, 212
Killwaghter, 339; ac. of, 339
Killybegs, 263; Cross, 478, 479
, ac. of, 27»
Killyglene church, 338
Killygordon, 284; ac. of, 284
Killyleigh (Armagh), 155
, Cross, 479
Killyleigh (Down), 208
, Cross, 472, 478 bis,
481 ;ac. of, 211
Killyman church, 239
Killymoone, 410
Killymurrys, 330
Killynaule, 233 ; ac. of, 234
478 bis, 481
Killyock church, Cross, 471
Killyshandra. See Kille-
Kilmacduagh, Abbey of, 290
Kilmacrenan, 274; Cross, 480
., ac. of, 275
Kilmacthomas, 276, 280
— : , Cross, 486
, ac. of, 278
Kilmacudd, 450
Kilmaganny, 220, 276, 277
, Cross, 478
Kilmain, 162, 447
, Cross, 473, 474
•, ac. of, 163
Kilmainham, 130
Kilmaleady, 288
Kilmallock, 226
, Cross, 475, 479
Kilmanaham castle, 185
Kilmatague, Cross, 484
Kilmeague, 349, 381
, Cross, 478
, ac. of, 383
Kilmoon church, 406
, Cross, 472
Kilmore (Cavan), 267
Kihwore (seat). 185
Kifanorr. Cross, 481
Kifaninv bridge, 291, 313, S16
kifanurnv, 386
Kilmiinv-bricken, 387
- , ac. of, 387
, Cross, 478,
Kilnacarrick, 451
Kflnamatery, 378
Kimockin castle, 234
Kihea, 243, 317; ac. of, 318
, Cross, 471, 479, 482
Kilreen, 183
Kilrudderv house, 451
Kihush, 386, 387
> Cross, 478, 479
, ac of, 386
Kilsallaghan, 406
KUshiebn, 186
Kiltannan, 298
Kihcd castle, 130
Kilteroan, 390, 462
Kihrorth, 174; ac of, 186
Kincor, 2S9
Kingsccurt, 246 ; ac. of, 246
, Cross, 470, 473,
474, 479
Kingston, Cross, 470
Kingston hall, 428
Kingstown, 388; ac. of, 388
Kinnegad, 222, 303,350,355,
438; Cross, 472; acof, 306
Kinsale, 388; ac. of, 388
Knappan lodge, 325
Knightsbridge, 348
-, Cross, 480
Kirkcubben, 256;
Kirkistown, 257
Kish, or Cash, 347
, Cross, 473, 477
Kittane, Lough, 370
of, 257
Knight of Kerry's Island, 375
Knockalton castle, 296
Knockane castle, 137
Knockballymore, 295
Knockbreda, 253
Knockbride bridge, 294
Knock Doo, 338
Knock Lade mountain, 169,
Knocklofty, 185
Knocklong, 226, 231
Knock- naren, 431
Knockmeledown mountain,
Knocktopher, 276; Cross, 478
, ac. of, 276
Konnoc a Briannin, 373
Kyle, 449; ac of, 455
LabacaUy tomb, 188
Lackagh castle, 133
Lade, 327
Lagacory, 393
Laggan bridge, 222, 407
Laghy, 263
Lake Coutra, 290
Lakes of Killarney, 360
Lamb Island, 363
Lambay Island, 156
Lambeg, 203
Lane, Lough, 225
Lanesborough, 350, 355
, Cross, 479
of, 351
Lansdown, 384
Laracor, 433
Largy, 432; Cross, 476, 479
Largy, ac. of, 435
Lame, 324, 332 ; Cross, 485
, ac. of, 335
Larra abbey, 401
Latragh castle, 216
Lea, 302 ; ac. of, 302
Leap, Cross, 484
Leap castle, 213
Leigh, 228
Leighlin bridge, 174, 390
, Cross, 479
■, ac. of, 179
Leighlin, Old, 179
Leitrim, Cross, 472, 479
Leixlip, 303, 439
, Cross, 479 ; ac. of, 304
Leny, 424 ; ac. of, 425
Leslie hill, 244
Leslie lodge, 147
Letterkenny, 274, 391
, Cross, 480
, ac. of, 275
Lifford, 284, 392
, Cross, 475, 484
, ac. of, 395
Liffey, river, 64
Limerick, 129, 295, 891, 392
, Cross, 474, 475,
479 bis, 485; ac. of, 138
Lion's Head, 322
Lion Rock, 321
Lisbellaw, 263 ; Cross, 481
, ac.^,268
Lisburn, 200
, Cross, 471, 475, 479
bis, 484; ac. of, 202
Liscarrol, Cross, 481
Liscartan castle, 265
Lisconnan, 324
Lisfining castle, 251
Lishbaun mountain, 373
Lishean, 230
Lislaghtin abbey, 147
Lisle, 172; ac. of, 172
Lisminy, 287
Lismore, 248, 298, 405
Lismullen, 264
Lisnagur, 188
Lisnarick, Cross, 477
Lisnegarvey, 203
Lisnaskea, 263, 268 ; Cross, W\
Lispole, 252
Lissade), 432
Lissanoure castle, 167
Lissnabruck, 295
Listowell, 129, 145 ; ac. of, 144
Lixna castle, 441
Loch Conn, 357
Loftushall, 301
Loghill, 146
Londonderry, 392, 398, 399
-, Cross, 471 bis,
480 bis, 482, 484 ; ac. of, 396
Longford, 400, 424
, Cross, 474, 479, 480
., ac. of, 426
Longford lodge, 129
Longford Pass, 228, 440
Lorrah, 422
Lough Anna, 212
Loughbrickland, 113
■, Cross, 470,
483; ac.of 124
Lough Carra, 359
Lough Couter castle, 290
Lough Derg, 272; ac. of, 297
Lough Esk, 272
Lough Garon, 401
Lough Inny, 401
Loughgall, 225 ; Cross, 480
, ac. of, 225
Loughgeell, 165; ac. of, 167
Loughglin, 158; Cross, 473
, ac. of, 159
Loughglin castle, 159
Loughlinstown, 466
Loughmore, 141
Lough Mourne, 272
Lough-na-Cresa, 170
Loughrea, 287, 291, 313
, Cross, 472 bis, 480
bis, 484; ac. of, 816'
Lough Rea, 316
Lough Ramor, 266
Lough Shellin, 401
Louisbourg, 448
Louth, 402 ; ac. of, 402
Louth hall, 402
Lucan, 303, 381, 439
, ac. of, 304
Lugna Clogh, 431
Lugnaquilla, 343
Lurgan, 128, 165, 243, 402
, Cross, 477, 480 bis,
483,484; ac.of, 128
Lurgan church, 267
Lurgan green, 113 ; ac. of, 119
Lurgeidan, 326; ac. of 326
Lusk, 156; ac.of, 156
Mac Auliffe, 412
Mac Carthy's Island, 375
Mac Swein's Gun, 274
Macetown castle, 407
Macklin castle, 227
Macnean, Lough, 435
Macroom, 348, 377
Macroom, Cross, 472, 477,
480 bis; ac, of, 377
Magee, Island. See Island.
Maghera, 239
-, Cross, 471,476,480
bis, 483 ; ac. of, 240
Magherafelt (Londonderry),
157, 248, 317
, Cross, 480, 484
, ac. of, 317
Magheralin, 113
-, Cross, 477, 480
bis sac. of, 126
Magilligan, 260
Maguire's bridge, 263
, ac. of, 268
, Cross, 474,
Maidens, The, 337
Mail-coach routes, 99
roads, 103
Malahide, 403 ; ac. of, 403
Mallin, Cross, 486
Mallow, 379, 404
-, Cross, 475 bis, 480,
481 bis; ac. of, 380
Malton, 464
Man-of-War, 113, 261
1 ac.of, 115
-, rock, 374
Mangerton mountain, 369
Manor Cunningham, Crof«,480
Manor Hamilton, 432
-, Cross, 476,
481 bis; ac. of, 435
Maquasquin, 241
Marino, 403
Markcrea castle, 429
Market hill, 153, 408
, Cross, 472, 482
— — — , ac. of, 153
Maryborough, 129
, Cross, 471, 481
bis, 483, 485 ; ac. of, 134
Mask, Lough, 163
Mawhan, 408
Maynooth, 303, 439
, Cross, 481
, ac. of, 805
Mayo, 356
Maypole, 224 ; Cross, 476, 48 1
Mead Town, Cross, 470
Meare's Court, 350
Meelick abbey, 285
Meeting of the Waters, 464
Melick church, 353
Mellifont, 117
Menlough castle, 419
Merrion castle, 465
Merrion, Old, 465
Merville, 450
Middleton, 237, 405
, Cross, 474, 475,
Military road, 340
Millbrooke, 384
Millecent, 382
Mill of Louth, 151, 405
, Cross, 475, 476
, ac. of, 152
Mill-street, 377, 379
, Cross, 475, 480,
4816**; ac, o/, 378
Milltown, 390, 461
, Cross, 478
Mil town Malbay, 387
Minard castle, 252
Minola, 355, 413 ; ac. of, 356
Mitchell's town, 379
, Cross, 481,
485 ; ac. of, 379
Mizen Head, 200
Moat (Mayo), 356
Moat of Ardskull, 220
Moat of Granard, 401
Moate, 303 ; ac. of, 307
Moate Park (Roscommon),
Moira, 113; Cross, 477, 480
bis, 481,484; ac.of, 126
Monaghan, 392, 406 bis
, Cross, 473, 475,
481 ; ac. of, 393
Monanimy, 404
Monasterboice, 117
Monastereven, 129, 302
, Cross, 470
-,ac. of, 133
Monaver, Cross, 481
Monela bog, 136
Monevgall, 136
Moneymore, 157, 239, 408
-, ac. of, 240
Monivae, 812; Cross, 470,
477; ac.of, 312
Monkstown, 214, 215, 251
-, ac. of, 214
Monkstown castle, 193
Montalto, 161
Monte Video, 425
Montpelier castle, 214
Moone abbey, 176
Moore abbey, 133
Moorefield, 353
Moore park, 187
Moore, town, 133
Moss side, Cross, 471
Moss town, 439
Mount Alexander, 212
Mount Bellew bridge, 415
Mount Bolus, 212 ; ac.of, 212
Mount Brandon, 253
Mount Campbell, 427
Mount Charles, 263
, ac. of, 272
Mount Coote, 231
Mount Druid (Antrim), 329
Mount Druid (Dublin), 466
Mountgarret, 300
Mount Hamilton, 398, 399
Mount Juliet, 276
Mount Leinster, 461
Mount Loftus, 445
Mountmellick, 302, 411
1 Cross, 48 1 , 485
, ac. of, 302
Mount Merrion, 450
Mount Nephin, 353
Mount Nugent, 434
Mount Panther, 209
Mount Pleasant, 212
Mountrath, 129; ac.of, 135
Mount Rice, 133
Mount Shannon, 142
, Cross, 480,
Mount Stewart, 258
Mount Talbot, Cross, 472,
481, 483
Mount Trenckard, 141
Mount Uniacke, 223, 405
Mount Wollesley, 460
Mourn, Lough (Donegal), 165
Mourne, Lough (Antrim),
Mourne, Cross, 475
Mourne mountains, 385
Mouse island, 363
Moy, 239, 411
Moyallen, 420
Moyarta, 386
Moycarthy castle, 228
Moycashell, 306
Moycashill castle, 287
Moylough, 358
Moynalty, 293 ; ac. of, 293
, Cross, 482
Moyne, the, 164
Moyne abbey, 358
Moystown, 315
Moyvore, 350
Moyvore castle, 295
Mucruss, 349, 369
Mucruss abbey, 367
Mucruss Peninsula, 369
Muff, 399, 400 ; Cross, 470,
Mullaghanee bridge, 151, 406
Mullinahone, Cross, 477
Mullinavat, 280, 281
Mullingar, 222, 350, 355, 424
, Cross, 470, 473,
476, 478, 481 bis, 485 bU
, ac. of, 425
Mullyvilly, 421
Mungret abbey, 141
Murderslay, 337
Murlock bay, 328
Mylough, 312 ; Cross, 482
Myrtle Grove, 469
Myshall, Cross, 473, 479
Naas, 129, 162, 174
, Cross, 481, 482 bis
, ac. of, 130
Na-cresa, lougb, 170
Na-Maraghnarig, lough, 370
Naren, 263 ; ac, of, 273
Narrow- water, 235; ac. of, 235
Navan, 263, 411 : ac, of, 264;
, Cross, 470 bis, 482 bis,
484 bis, 485
Naule, 261 ; Cross, 482
, ac. of, 262
Neagh, Lough, 244
Neale, The, 163; Crew*, 472
Nenagh, 216, 296, 360, 391,
392 ; Cross, 473, 474, 482
bis, 484 ; ac, of, 296
Naphin, Mount, 353
New abbey, 174
Newbridge (Kildare), 129
■-, Cross, 482
--, ac. of, 131
Newbridge (Limerick), 146
, Cross, 481
Newbridge (Wicklow), Cross,
Newbrook, 174
Newbrook House, 359
Newcastle (Down), 235
, Cross, 482, 484
, ac. of, 237
Newcastle (Kildare), 220
Newcastle (Limerick), 129
, Cross, 481
, ac. of, 143
Newcastle (near Limerick),
Newcastle (Mayo), 353
Newcastle (East Meath), 246
Newcastle (West Meath), 350
Newcastle (Wicklow), 451
New Court, 196
New Ferry, Cross, 471, 482,
New Geneva, 283
New Grange, 407
Newgrove, 247
New Hall (Clare), 386
Newhall, 264
New Inn (Galway), 303
New Inn (Meath), 303
Newmarket (Clare), 286
Newmarket (Cork), 412
— — — — , Cross, 481
, ac, of, 412
Newmarket (Kilkenny), 276,
New Mills, 399, 408
Newpark (Mayo), 353
Newpark (Tipperary) 228
Newport (Longford), 438
Newport (Tipperary), 129
, Cross, 472, 480, 482
, ac. of, 137
Newport, 413 ; Cross, 486
-, ac. of, 413
New Ross, 299, 414, 446, 447
, Cross, 482 bis, 486
, ac. of, 299
Newry, 113,414; Cross, 472,
482 bis ; ac.of, 122
Newry Bridge Inn, 343, 452
Newtown (Seat), 185
Newtown abbey, 433
Newtown Ards, 253, 415
9 Cro.w, 477, 483
, ac. of, 253
Newtown Barry, 461
Newtown Barry, Cross, 473,
477, 479
Newtown Bellew, 357, 415
, Cross, 481
, ac. of, 358
Newtown Breda, 415
, Cross, 478
Newtown Butler, 263
, Cross, 474
, ac. of, 268
Newtown Cunningham, Cross,
Newtown Forbes, 424
, ac. of, 427
Newtown Glens. See Cus-
Newtown Hamilton, 148
, Cross,
482 bis ; ac. of, 148
Newtown Limavady, 260
— — — — — , Cross,
471 bis, 474, 480, 482 bis,
483 ; ac. of, 260
Newtown Mount Kennedy,
416, 452
Newtown Stewart, 392, 398
9 Cross, 475
bis, 477, 482 ; ac. of, &94
Nine Mile House, 174, 417
f Cross, 475,
483 6m; ac.of, 184
Nobber, 246 ; ac. of, 246
Oak Island, 375
Oak Park, 179
O'Brien's Bridge, 391
1 Cross, 479,
O'Brien's Fort, 298
O'Donohue's Prison, 363
O'Donohue's Horse, 363
O'Hara's Brook, 244
O' Kane's castle, 400
Olart, 455
Old Bridge, 115
Old Castle, 432; Cross, 478
Old Connaught, 466
Old Connell, 131
OldHeet castle, 336
Old Head, 389
Old Leighlin. See Leighlin
Old Merrion, 465
Old Ross, Cross, 482
Old Weir Bridge, 374
Omagh, 392, 416, 417 bis
-, Cross, 474, 475 bis,
477 bis, 483 bis; ac.of, 394
Oranmore, 303, 313
, Cross, 477, 479,
480; ac.of, 309
Oranmore castle, 309
Ormond castle, 183
Ormond Isle, 348
O'Sullivan's Cascade, 365
O' Sullivan's Punch Bowl, 374
Oughterard (Galway), 418
— = , ac. of, 418
Oughterard (Kildare) 130
Our Lady's Church, 342
Outer, Lough, 267
Oven's Inn, 348, 377
., ac. of, 377
Owenreave river, 419
Packenham Hall, 224
Pallas, Cross, 474, 479, 485
Pallas Inn, 290
Pallas-more, 351
Palmerstown (Dublin), 303,
Palmerstown(Kildare), 130
Paps, The, 378
Paradise, 386
Parkgate, 172 ; ac. of, 173
Parson's Town. See Birr
Parteen, 391, 392
Partree,447 ; Cross, 473, 483
, ac. of, 447 *
Passage- West, 192
, Cross, 475
Passage- East, 446 ; ac. of, 447
Pass-if-you-can, 406
, Cross, 481
Patrick's Well, 142
Peterborough, 151
Pettigoe, Cross, 472, 477
Philipstown, 313; Cross, 473,
478, 481, 482, 483 Aw
, ac. of, 313
Pict's House, 170
Piedmont, 121
Pigeon Hole, 163
Pigeon Islet, 366
Pleaskin, 321
Plummer's Island, 374
Pointz Pass, 157 ; ac. of, 157
Pol a Phuca, 459
Pomeroy, 417, 418
, Cross, 475, 483 bis
Pooladuff, 195
Port, The, 263
Portadown, 157, 420
, ac. of, 420
, Cross, 470, 480 bis,
Portaferry, 256, 421
, Cross, 483 bis
, ac. of 257
Portarlington, 302, 381
Portarlington, Cross, 481, 483,
485 ; ac. of, 383
Portavo, 255
Port Coon Bay, 319
Port Coon Cave, 319
Portglenone, 245, 324, 421
, Cross, 483
, ac. of, 245
Portmore, 330
Portmore castle, 128
Port na Baw, 320
Port na Spagna, 321
Port Noffer, 821, 330
Portrush, 421 ; ac. of, 421
Portumna, 422, 423
, Cross, 472, 482, 483
, ac. of, 422
Powerscourt, 462
Priest's Cell, The, 342
Priory, 216
Prospect Hall (near Bal-
ruddery) 115
, (near Killar-
ney) 371
Prospect hill, 396
Puffing Hole, 887
Pulacuila, 446
Purt castle, 144
Pyrmont, 147
Queensborough, 316
Querin, 386
Quilca mountain, 435
Quin abbey, 286
Rabbit Island, 363
Rack Wallace church, 392
Racondra,350, 355 ; Cross, 470
Raghery, or Itaghlin Island,
Rahanvegue castle, 136
y Y 3
Raheney Strand, 345
... t aCt 0f 345
Raholp, 256 ; ac. of, 256
Ram's Island, 244
Ramor, Lough, 266
Ramsfort, 455
Randalstown, 243, 245, 324,
421; Cross, 476, 483 bis
, ac. of, 243
Raphoe, 274 ; Cross, 484, 485
, ac. of 274
Rasharkan, 245, 324
, Cross, 483
, ac. of, 246
Rathangan, 381 ; Cross, 482
, ac. of 383
Rathbran abbey, 222
Rathbrand, Cross, 476
Rathbride, 349
Rathclare inn, Cross, 475
Rathconnel, Cross, 478
Rathcoole, 129, 162, 174
, ac. of 130
Rathcormack, 174, 237, 405
, ac. of, 188
Rathdowny, Cross, 476, 478
Rathdrum, 390,461 ; Cross,470
• , ac. of 463
Rathfarnham, 340 ; ac. of 340
Rathfriland, 161, 208, 256,
384; Cross, 470, 483 bis, 484
, ac. of 208
Ratbkeale, 129 ; Cross, 474,
483 ; ac. of 142
Rathkeen castle and common,
Rathleague, 135
Rathline, 351
Rathmore, Cross, 47#
Rathrobine, 212
Rathrush, 460
Rathsallagh, Cross, 476
Ratoath, 154,411
, Cross, 472 bis
., ac. of, 411
Rattoo, 145
Ravensdale, 121
Ravens well, 450
Red Bay, 326
Red castle, Cross, 480
Redgateinn, 386
Red hall, 335
Red Trout Lake, 372
Ree, Lougb, 351
Reek, The, 448
Reekpatrick, 399
Rheban, 220
Rhefeart, The, 342
Rhinrow castle, 392
Richhill, 226, 408
, Cross, 470, 480
Rilbay castle. See Kilbay
Robe, The, 163
Rochdale, 406
Roches cascade, 262
Rochestown, 214 ; ac. of 214
Rochfort bridge, 303, 306
Rockcorry, Cross, 475, 479
Rockforest, 405
Rock heads, 319, 321
Rockingham house, 428
Roebuck castle, 461
Rokebyhall, 118
Ronan's Island, 375
Rosanna, 452
Roscommon, 158, 423
Roscommon, ac* of, 158
-— , Cross, 472, 483,
484 bis
Roscrea, 129 ; ac. of, 135
■ . Cross, 472,476, 478,
Rosemount, 258
Rosenallis, 302
,Cross, 481, 484,485
, ac. of, 302
Roserk abbey, 354
Ross abbey, 344
Rosscarberry (Cork), 195
RossaGoul, 270
Ross Bay, 363
Rossburkie Island, 375
Ross castle (Cavan), 434
Ross castle (Killarney), 362
Ross Island, 362
Ross. See New and Old Ross
Rosses, The, 273
Rostellan castle, 193
Rostrevor, 235, 444
, Cross, 484 bis
, ac. of, 235
Roughan castle, 239
Roundstone, 311
Rovinvalley Dyke, 321
Roxburgh house, 148
Royal Oak inn, 180, 299, 445
Runaolin, Lough, 331
Rush, 156 ; ac. of, 156
Rusky bridge, 424 ; Cross, 485
, ac. of, 427
Russborougb, 458
Rutland, 423 ; ac. of 424
, Island of, 273
St Andrew, 257
St. Doulough's, 403
St. Doulough's, ac. of, 403
Saintfield,415 ; Cross, 478, 484
■, ac. of, 415
Saintfield house, 415
St. Johnstown, 392
, Cross, 484
■, ac. of, 395
St Kevin's Bed, 342
St Kevin's Kitchen, 342
St Lafarien, Well of, 180
St Margaret's, 406
St Moylaise's house, 293
St MullhVs, 299
St Patrick's bridge, 197
Salagh Braes, 338
Sallymount, 175
Saltees, 197, 301
Salt hole, 335
Salti bridge, 249
Salt, Lough, 275
Sandholes, Cross, 483
Sans Souci, 450
Santry, 113; ac. of, 114
San try house, 114
Saul abbey, 211
Saunder's court, 457
Saunder's grove, 459
Saundersville, Cross, 476
Scalp, The, 4&1
Scarewalch bridge, 446, 461
Scarva, 424; Cross, 470 bis
Scilly, 390
Scots house, Cross, 473
Skreen, 411, Cross, 484
-, ac. of, 412
Scurlog's town, 433
Seaford, 161 ; Cross, 474
, ac. of, 161
Seamount, 413
Seapark court, 404
Sea point, 214
Seven churches, 840
Shallaghan bridge, 263, 284
,Cross, 471,479
Shallee Turnpike, 129, 137,
Shaltagan bridge, 423
Shanagolden, 145 ; ac. of, 146
Shanbally castle, 186
Shane's castle, 243, 324
Shane's inn, Cross , 475
Shanganagh, 214 bis, 466
ShankhUl, 466
Shannon, The, 140
Shannon bridge, 287, 289
, Cross, 484
Shanrahany, 186
Shark, Lough, 424
Shaw castle, 338
Sheallin, Lough, 434
Sheen castle, 134
Sheep bridge, 113
Sheep Island, 331
Shellin, Lough, 401
Shelton abbey, 454
Shercock, 246; ac. of, 247
Shilelagh, 219, 464
, Cross, 484
Shinney, Lough, 156
Shragh castle, 173
Shrule, Cross, 473, 474
Shy, Lough, 163
Silvermines, 129, 216
, Cross, 484
, ac. of, 137
Sir Albert's bridge, 423
Six Mile bridge, 285, 386 ;
Six Mile Bridge, Cross, 475,
477,479 bis; ac. of, 286
Six Mile Cross, 417
-, Cross, 475 bis,
483 bis
Skeheewrinky, 186
Skerries, 156 ; ac. of, 156
Skerries hill, 232
Skerriff, Cross, 484
Skibbereen, 174; ac. of, 196
Skirk, Cross, 478
Skryne. See Skreen.
Slane, 153, 257, 406
, ac. of, 154
, Cross, 470, 476, 478,
482, 484 bis
Slane castle, 154
Slaughter Ford, 336
Slidderyford, 287
Sliebh Guth, 459
Sliebh Russell, 435
Slieve Baraghad, 326
Slieve Croob mountain, 161
Slieve Donard, 237
Slieve Gull en, 122, 408
Slieve na Aura, 329
Slievnemon mountain, 277
Sligo, 425, 432, 436
, Cross, 471, 476, 481,
484 bis, 485 ; ac. of, 430
Slunk na Marra, 330
Smerwick Harbour, 252
Smithsborough, Cross, 473,
Snowtown castle, 262
Somerville, 263
Sonnagh, 438
South Park, 355
Spancell Hill, 296
, Cross, 479
Springhill (Carlow), 179
Springhill (Londonderry),240
Spring Park, 401
Stackallan, 154
Stags, The, 196
Stag Island, 365, 375
Staplestown, 179
Starbog Spa, 417
Station for Audience, 374
Station for Music, 374
Stewart Hall, 240
Stewartstown, 157, 239, 243,
317; Cross, 480, 483 bis,
484 bis; ac. of, 240
Stillorgan, 449, 466
, ac. of, 450
Stonebrook, 266
Stone Hall, 146
Stoneyford, Cross, 475, 483,
Stookins, 320
Strabane, or Strathbane, 392,
398 ; Cross, 473, 475 bis,
477, 485 ; ac. of, 395
Stradbally, 437 ; Crossr 471
, ac. of, 437
Stradbally Hall, 437
Stradone, Cross, 470, 473,
Straffan, 382
Straid, 339,400; Cross, 473
Stramore Inn, 399
Strancally castle, 249
Strand, 263
Strandhouse Inn, Cross, 484
Strangford, 256, 421
, Cros*, 47a
Strangford, ac of, 256
Stranocum, 170; ac. of, 172
Stranorlar, 284 ; Cross, 485
-, ac. of, 285
Stratford upon Slaney, 459
., Cross, 485
Strathbane. See Strabane
Strawberry Hill, 289
Strokestown, 350, 355, 436,
438 ; Cross, 485 bis
-, ac. of, 352
Struel, 211
Sugar Island, 366
Sugar Loaf mountains, 463
Suir castle, 230
Summerhill (East Meath),
347,439; Cross, 485
., ac. of, 439
Summer Hill (Seat), 257
Summerhill house, 439
Summer Island, 225
Swanlinbar, 432; Cross, 474
., ac. of, 435
Swatteragh, 239; ac. of, 241
Swillan, Lough, 247
Swineford, 350
., Cross, 471 bis, 473,
484; ac. of, 352
Swords, 113, 261 ; ac. of, 114
Syngefield, 213
Taghmon, 274, 439, 446
, Cross, 482, 486
., ac. of, 439
Tallanstown, 405
, Cross, 476
Tallaght, 458 ; ac. of, 458
Tallow, 248, 405; ac. of, 251
ITamlagh church, Cross, 483
Tanderagee, 157, 420, 421
Tanderagee, Cross, 470 bis,
472; ac. of, 157
Tarah Hill, 268 ; ac. of, 264
Tarbert, 145; ac. of 147
Tarbert House, 147
Tarmonbarry bridge, 438
Tarmons, 147
Tashiny, 438
Tawney, 390
Team-pull-na-Skellig, 342
Tecroghan abbey, 306
Teeny, 400
Teina Park, 183
Temora, Hill of, 133
Temple Brian, 195
Temple church, 255
Temple Coran, 335
Temple Cross chapel, 426
Templemore, 215; Cross, 472,
485; ac.of,215
Templemoyle, 166
Templepatrick, 172
■ , Cross, 485
1 aCt 0f 173
Temple Roe, 353
Tempo, Cross, 477, 483
Ten Mile Bush, 263
Tennelick, 438
Tenny Park, 452
Terfeckan castle, 117
Tervac, 141
Tevereagh, 328
Thanes Heap, 188
Thomas Street, 357, 358
Thomastown (Louth), 152
Thomastown (Kilkenny), 280
, ac. of 280
Thomastown (Tipperary), 226
-, Cross, 479
Thomastown, ac. of 230
Thurles, 228, 440, 441
, ac. of 440
-, Cross, 472, 478, 482,
485 bis
Tildarg, 160
Timohoe, 162, 350
■, ac. of 162
Timoleague castle, 195
Timolin church, 176
Timon castle, 458
Tinnahely, 219, 461
, ac. of 464
Tinnahinch, 463
Tintern, 301 ; ac. of, 301
Tipperary, 226, 441 bis
-, Cross, 474, 479,
485 bis; ac. of 230 j
Togher Inn, 840
Tomies mountain, 365
Toomavara, 129, 296
, ac. of 136
Toome bridge, Cross, 483
Toome Ferry, 317
Tor Head, 328
Tor Point, 328
Tory Island, 274
Townavilly, 165
, Cross, 475, 484
,ac.of 165
Tralee, 252, 441,443
, Cross, 475, 478, 485
, ac. of 441
Tramore, 283; Cross, 485
Trespan Rocks, 457
Trillick, 347 ; Cross, 477 hit
Trim, 347, 432
, Cross, 482, 483, 485 bis
, ac. of 433
Trimblestown, or Trimlestown
castle, 433
Tristernagh, 426
Trostan Hill, 328
Tuam, 357
, Cross, 470, 474, 477,
485 bis ; ac. of, 358
Tubberindonny,287,291, 387
, Cross, 479
1 ac. 0f 290
Tubbermore, 239; ac. of, 240
Tubbermore Well, 336
Tubercurry, Cross, 471 bis,
472, 484 bis, 485
Tulla, 296, 298 ; Cross, 485
Tullamoore, 290, 313
• , ac. of, 314
, Cross, 471, 478,
485 bis
Tulleigh, 808
Tullow, 390 bis, 458
, Cross, 484
, ac. of, 460
Tully(Kildare), 132
Tully (Longford), 401
Tallycarbet, 407, 408
Tullymore lodge, 233
Tullymore park, 385
Tulsk, 350, 355, 413
, Cross, 484, 485
, ac. of, 352
Tuniquin, Cross, 48 4
Turin, 249
Turk cascade, 367
Turk cottage, 367
Turkelly's well, 208
Turk lake, 367
Turk mountain, 367
Turvey, 113, 156; ac. of, 115
Turveypark, 115
Twelve Pins, 419
Tynagh, 422; Cross, 472
Tynan, 155, 216
, Cross, 477, 479 bis,
485 ; ac. of, 216
TyrelPs Pass, 303, 306
, Cross, 473, 485
Upham, 234
Urlingford, 226, 23fr, 440
, Cross, 478
, ac. of, 228
Urrisbeg mountain, 311
Vallis Salutis, 459
Velvet's Town, Cross, 475
Ventry, 253
Ventry Bay, 252
Viewmount, 179
Virginia, 263 ; ac. of, 266
Vow Ferry House, 245
Wall's Town castle, 380
Waringstown, 128, 402
, ac. of, 128
Warren's point, 235, 444
, ac. of, 444
Water castle, 227
Waterford, 280, 444, 445,
446 bis, 447
Waterford, Cross, 485 bis, 486
,ac. of, 281
Waterfoot, 326 "
Watergrass Hill, 188, 248
— , Cross, 480
Wattle bridge, 263
, ac. of, 268
Wells, 449
Wells Town, 285
Westcourt, 184
Westport, 447 ; Cross, 486
Westport, ac.'of 447
Wexford, 449, 458, 461, 465
— , ac. of, 455
— —- , Cross, 486
Whiddy, Island of, 199
White abbey, S32
White castle, Cross, 480, 486
Whitechurch, 300 ; Cross, 47 5
Whitehall, 233
White Head, 329
"Whitekirk, 337
Whitestown, 156
Wicklow, 449,465 ; ac. of ,452
Williamstown, 465
Wilson's Hospital, 425
Woodford, 144
-, Cross, 480, 484
Woodlawn, 309
Woodlawn cottage, 367
Woodstock, 445, 452
Woodstock castle, 220
Yew Island, 366
Youghall, 468, 469
, Crow, 476, 486
ac. of, 468
A l
2U44 Udl d/ti BU6