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Generally favorable reviews - based on 56 Critic Reviews What's this?

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Generally favorable reviews- based on 143 Ratings

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  • Summary: Get ripped out of the stands and hit with complete control of the WWE Universe. Hit with the biggest and most realistic-looking WWE Superstars and Legends: The Rock, Sasha Banks, Goldberg, Brock Lesnar & more. Relive pivotal moments in Rey Mysterio’s iconic career in 2K Showcase and 619 yourGet ripped out of the stands and hit with complete control of the WWE Universe. Hit with the biggest and most realistic-looking WWE Superstars and Legends: The Rock, Sasha Banks, Goldberg, Brock Lesnar & more. Relive pivotal moments in Rey Mysterio’s iconic career in 2K Showcase and 619 your way to superstardom. Booyaka! Call the shots as a WWE General Manager in MyGM - Take the reins of Raw, SmackDown, NXT or NXT UK and draft your ultimate roster then compete against rival GM’s to build the biggest brand in the WWE Universe.

    Take on not one, but two MyRISE adventures, featuring unique male & female storylines that let you choose your journey like never before.

    The Creation Suite is back & better than ever. Be yourself or someone else. Then step in the ring anytime, anywhere in the world.

    In a franchise-first, the all-new MyFACTION lets you build a faction that rivals the nWo, with weekly events and regular updates!
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Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 40 out of 56
  2. Negative: 0 out of 56
  1. Mar 15, 2022
    WWE 2K22 is a fantastic game and one of the better offerings in the 2K era of the long-running franchise. The core gameplay isn’t quite as solid as it was in 2K19, but that’s something that can be improved upon later in some ways with things like a patch at least being able to do things like address locking in carry holds. The planned post-launch content map showcases a lot of legendary characters throughout WWE history and the launch DLC with the multi-era Undertaker and NWO content is excellent and makes recreating some of WCW’s most memorable feuds a breeze.
  2. Mar 14, 2022
    What a comeback! WWE22 makes its big return and delivers a fun, good-looking and playable wrestling-experience. While the game is far from perfect, its mechanics and overall options are well designed to keep fans motivated. WWE2K22 is definitely worth a buy.
  3. 80
    After a year off, WWE 2K22 returns with new modes, new controls, and a new attitude. Turns out, taking a break can be a good thing.
  4. Mar 14, 2022
    At the end of the day, though, I’m able to look past WWE 2K22’s shortcomings in ways I haven’t been able to with this series in over a decade. And why? Because 2K22 is a ton of fun. It strikes a tremendous balance between its quick, arcadey gameplay and smooth, simulation-like animation system. Plus, the Showcase and MyFaction modes are fantastic, with the latter offering hours upon hours of gameplay. This is one I’ll be wrestling with for a long time. 2K finally put some proper chefs in the kitchen.
  5. Mar 13, 2022
    WWE 2K22 is the face turn this series needed. The game looks incredible and the new gameplay mechanics help get new players up to speed and have some arcade fun with others. But still, even with those changes, the game still suffers from mediocracy in some places, mainly MyGM and the roster which is one of the weakest in the series.
  6. Mar 16, 2022
    WWE 2K22 is a surprising return to form after the Shockmaster-sized disaster that was 2K20. The extra year of development has done a world of good, and the only hope now is that the series doesn't return to an annual schedule. There are still failings when it comes to multi-person matches, and not all of the new modes are particularly engaging, but 2K22 establishes a solid foundation for the future. Ideally, WWE will calm down when it comes to gutting its roster, and the next game in the series won't feel quite as outdated. It will also be interesting to see how Yuke's upcoming AEW game fares. Competition can only be a good thing.
  7. Mar 10, 2022
    WWE 2K22 is 2K Sports’ first mainline WWE game since 2019. Following the abysmal reception to 2K20 that year, 2K took an extra year to make sure bugs were squashed and character models looked the part while preserving the fun factor. The team behind the latest release has addressed most of these issues this time around, and while 2K22 is significantly better than its predecessor, the bar was absurdly low. The extra year has certainly helped, but ultimately, the final product still feels undercooked.

See all 57 Critic Reviews

Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 52 out of 72
  2. Negative: 15 out of 72
  1. Mar 11, 2022
    El mejor juego de lucha libre desde que es 2K, esta excelente. El ángulo nuevo de las cámaras está brutal. El showcase todavía no lo e jugadoEl mejor juego de lucha libre desde que es 2K, esta excelente. El ángulo nuevo de las cámaras está brutal. El showcase todavía no lo e jugado pero pronto lo jugare. Expand
  2. Mar 10, 2022
    Not only are the graphics and visuals a huge improvement, the gameplay is on a whole other level altogether. At first I thought I wouldn’tNot only are the graphics and visuals a huge improvement, the gameplay is on a whole other level altogether. At first I thought I wouldn’t like the new combo style system, but the flow of matches and performing attacks and grapples has never felt better. The reason I gave it a 10 is because it improves on such a high level on the parts of the games that are most important to me, but I have to give props where they are absolutely do. The new modes such as my GM they need to be fleshed out and have more options available, it’s definitely a great foundation to build off of.

    In terms of my game crashing or experiencing any game breaking glitches or bugs, I haven’t noticed any that have completely crashed my game or glitched anything out of the ordinary.

    WWE 2K22 definitely hits different, but it also looks different. I think you would enjoy this, do yourselves a favour and pick it up.
  3. Mar 10, 2022
    Good good good good good , best wwe game in a while glad they took time off 2k21 to make this, wwe2k20 was bad
  4. Mar 11, 2022
    The new wwe is very good you should try it its better than the last games of this franchise .
  5. Mar 15, 2022
    The button layout is more simplified and easy to master. The 2K Showcase mode is a fantastic new addition to the series. The career
    The button layout is more simplified and easy to master. The 2K Showcase mode is a fantastic new addition to the series. The career mode is surprisingly deep and fun

    The visuals are very subpar especially in career mode. The gameplay has a lot of glitches in the GM mode and feels a bit broken.

    Looking at the big picture, WWE 2K22 is a much-needed improvement over the disastrous WWE 2K20. The revamped control scheme makes this entry a lot more inviting to newcomers, and the Showcase mode is a great nostalgia trip for fans of the sport. The returning MyGM mode has surprisingly deep simulation gameplay, but it caters to a very niche audience. However, underwhelming visual presentation and other glitches remain an issue with the latest entry – but it has a solid enough foundation for what’s to come in the future.
  6. Mar 11, 2022
    WWE2K22 is head and shoulders above 2K20, but that isn’t really saying much…
    The graphics in this years installment are phenomenal and
    WWE2K22 is head and shoulders above 2K20, but that isn’t really saying much…
    The graphics in this years installment are phenomenal and “MyRise” is actually very enjoyable with lots of depth and entertaining storylines. However, that’s about where the “great” stops. The long awaited return of “MyGM” is tampered by its overall lack of depth and replay value and the fan favorite Universe Mode saw only the addition of a solo superstar feature which completely falls flat on its face. Showcase mode, featuring the Legendary Rey Mysterio is a huge letdown; many of his most notable and career defining matches are missing, replaced my mundane singles matches from random episodes of Raw featuring opponents like Gran Metalik and Samoa Joe. Not only is it a let down but the new controls for this years installment make the mode a total chore to play as it relies far too heavily on the flashy new combos. Returning from 2K20 are lots of bugs, crashes and glitches that make even the simplest tasks like editing an entrance or creating a superstar a total headache. Combine these issues with the loss of many important Creation Suite features, no new match types and the complete stripping of the legends roster, this game is good but very far from great. If you’ve got the spare change, pick up the game and enjoy it for what it is, a base, a building block for future installments…but don’t expect to be playing the greatest wrestling game ever.
  7. Mar 9, 2022
    This game is pure trash, after playing 60 hours. Filled with bugs, an absolute trash game. The game has tons of bugs and alot of crashes.

See all 72 User Reviews

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