absence , absorption , acceleration , acceptance , accessory ,
accident , active , address , adjacent , adventure , advice ,
age , agent , agency , ago , allowance , along , also , alternative , always ,
ambition , amplitude , anchor , ankle , appendage , application , approximation ,
arbitration , arbitrary , arc , area , arrangement , ash , asset , assistant ,
average , awkward , axis .
balcony , bale , bankrupt , bark , barrel , beak , beaker , beard ,
beat , behind , belt , bet , bill , birefringence ,
blame , blanket , both , bottom , brave , break, breakfast , breast ,
broker , bubble , bud , budget , buoyancy , bunch , burial , busy .
calculation , call , capacity , capital , carpet , cartilage ,
case , cast , cave , cavity ,
cell , ceremony , certificate ,
chair , character, charge , child , chimney , china , choice ,
circulation , circuit , circumference , civilization ,
clay , claim , claw , cleavage , clever , client , climber, clip ,
code , coil , collision , collection , column ,
combination , combine , communications , complaint , component , compound ,
concept , concrete , conductor , congruent , conservation , consignment ,
constant , consumer , continuous , contour , convenient , conversion ,
cool , corner , correlation , corrosion , cost , court ,
creeper , crop , cross , cunning , cusp , customs .
damping , date ,
debit , deck , decrease , defect , deficiency , deflation, degenerate ,
delivery , demand , denominator , department , desert , density ,
deposit , determining, dew ,
diameter , difference , difficulty , drift, dike , dilution,
dinner , dip , direct,
disappearance , discharge , discount , disgrace ,
dislike , dissipation , disturbance , ditch , dive , divisor , divorce ,
doll , domesticating , dreadful , dream , duct , dull , duty .
each , easy ,
economy , efficiency , effort , either , elimination ,
employer , empty , enemy ,
envelope , environment , envy , equation , erosion , eruption ,
evaporation , evening , exact , excitement , experiment,
exercise , explanation , explosion , export , expression , extinction ,
eyebrow , eyelash .
factor , failure , fair , famous , fan , fastening , fatigue , fault,
ferment , fertilizing , fever , fiber, figure , fin, financial ,
flash , flask , flesh , flood , flour ,
focus , forecast , forehead , foreign , forgiveness ,
fraction , fracture , fresh , friction, flint , flood , flow , foliation ,
frost , frozen ,
fume , funnel , funny , fur , furnace , furniture , fusion .
gate , generation , germ , germinating , gill , glacier , gland, god ,
grand , grateful , grating , gravel , grease ,
grief , grocery , groove , gross, ground ,
guard , guarantee, guess , gum .
habit , handkerchief , handle , heavy , hedge , hill , hinge, hire ,
hold , holiday , home , honest , honey , hoof , host ,
human , hunt , hurry , hurt , husband .
igneous , image , imagination , import , impurity ,
inclusion , index , individual , inflation , infinity , inheritance ,
innocent , institution , insulator ,
integer , intelligent , intercept , interpretation , intersection,
intrusion , investigation , investment , inverse , invitation .
jam , jaw , jealous , jerk , joint , jug , juice , jury , justice .
kennel , kidney , kitchen , knock
lace , lag , lake , lamb , lamp , large , latitude, lawyer , layer , lazy ,
lecture , legal , length, lens , lesson , lever ,
liability , license , lid , life , lime , limestone , link , liver , load , local ,
load , loan, locus , loop , longitude , luck , lump , lunch , lung .
magic , magnitude, manner ,
many , marble , margin , marriage , mast , mattress , mature
mean , meaning , medicine , medium , melt , member , mess , message , metabolism ,
mill , mineral , mixture ,
model , modern , modest , momentum , monopoly , mood ,
moral , moustache ,
mud , multiple , multiplication , murder .
nasty , nature , navy , neat , neglect , neighbor , nest ,
next , nice , node , nostril , nucleus , numerator, nurse .
obedient , oblique , officer , orchestra , ore , organ , origin ,
outcrop , outlier , overlap , oval , own , oxidation .
packing, pad , pair , pan , paragraph , parent , particle , partner ,
party , passage , path , patience ,
pedal , pendulum , pension , people , perfect , petal ,
piston ,
plain, plan , plaster , plug ,
poetry , pollen , pool , population , porcelain ,
practice , praise , prayer , pressure, prick , priest , prime ,
probability , product , progress , projectile , projection ,
promise , proof , proud ,
pulley , pupil , purchase , pure .
quantity , quotient.
race , radiation, ratio,
reagent , real , receiver , reciprocal , rectangle , recurring ,
reference , reflux , reinforcement , relative , remark , remedy ,
rent , repair , reproduction ,
repulsion , resistance , residue , resolution , result , retail ,
revenge , reversible ,
rich , rigidity , rise, rival ,
rock , rot , rotation ,
rude , rust .
sac , sale , sample , satisfaction , saturated , saucer , saving ,
scale , scarp , schist , scratch , screen ,
seal , search , security , secretion , section , sedimentary , selfish ,
sensitivity , sentence , sepal , service , set ,
shadow , shale, share , shave , shear, sheet , shell , shore , shoulder , show ,
sight , sill , similarity , since , skull , slate , sleeve , slide ,
social , soil , soldier , solution , solvent , sorry ,
spark , specialization , specimen , speculation , spirit , spit , splash , spot ,
stable , stain , stair , stalk , stamen, statistics , steady , stimulus ,
storm ,
strain , straw , stream , strength , stress , strike , string , study ,
subject , substitution , subtraction , success , successive ,
sucker , sum , supply ,
surface , surgeon , suspension , suspicious ,
swelling , swing , switch , sympathetic .
tailor , tame , tap , tear , tent , term , texture ,
thickness , thief , thimble , thorax , threat , thrust ,
tide , tie , tissue , tongs , too , total , towel , tower ,
traffic , tragedy , transmission , transparent , trap , travel ,
treatment , triangle , truck , tube , tune ,
tunnel , twin , typist .
ugly , unconformity, understanding , universe , unknown .
valency , valley , valve , vapor , variable , vascular ,
vegetable , velocity , vestigial , victim , victory ,
volume , vortex , vote .
weak , wedge , welcome , whether , wholesale , widow , wife , wild ,
world , wreck , wrist .
Sixteen words overlap in the business area, which suggest they are
particularly useful words :
asset , average , bill , broker , cost , guarantee , investment ,
liability , loan , partner , purchase , retail , sale ,
strike (3) , supply (3) , wholesale.
Other duplicates :
age , absorption , accident , address , arrangement , ash ,
barrel , bubble , bud , case , charge , clay , column , cross ,
demand , deposit , difficulty ,
effort , employer , exact , experiment , explanation , explosion ,
fan , fatigue , fresh ,
generation , ground , guard , habit , hill , interpenetration ,
jaw , joint , juice , kidney , license , liver , load , lung ,
mean , mud , origin , pair , proof , reference (3),
screen , shell , show , sight , spark,
stable , stimulus , strain , stream , surface , sum ,
trap , tube , twin , valley , wild.
Similarity : agent , agency ; arbitrary , arbitration ; combination , combine ;
The following 15 new words from a supplement for social science should probably be added : association , attitude , class , community , concentration , culture , decentralization , firm , heredity , incentive , integration , standardization , state , technology , wages