- Summary: Relive the Attitude Era of WWE in an all-new story mode. The new WWE Live presentation system features an overhauled audio system and Spectacular Moments. WWE ’13 promises to be the boldest WWE simulation to date.
- Developer: THQ
- Genre(s): Action, Sports, Fighting, Fighting, Individual, Wrestling, Combat, Wrestling
- # of players: Up to 6
- Cheats: On GameFAQs
- More Details and Credits »
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Score distribution:
Positive: 17 out of 24
Mixed: 7 out of 24
Negative: 0 out of 24
Nov 30, 2012Take those Legends of Wrestlemania or other attempts at wrestling nostalgia and throw them away because WWE 13 is all you need "and that's the bottom line cause Stone Cold said so."
Oct 30, 2012WWE delivers a fresh set of upgrades, an impressive campaign mode, and doubles down on shareable customizations.
Nov 14, 2012If you played last year's WWE '12, there are probably enough tweaks to purchase this new version of WWE (13). However as a gamer, I would probably recommend this title to those WWE fans who have missed the last few years because it definitely makes this game more enjoyable if you have been out of the loop.
Oct 30, 2012Part of me wanted to give WWE 13 an even higher score. Namely, the 14-year-old part that would love to dust off his '98 King Of The Ring VHS and watch it on repeat until it disintegrated. Although my inner Attitude-loving teen doesn't quite win out, this is still the most authentically detailed, lovingly crafted grappler ever committed to disc.
Official PlayStation Magazine BeneluxNov 12, 2012WWE '13 has its moments. No other fighting game manages to set the tone so well, before even a single punch has been delivered. The ridiculously drawn-out intros, the fanatic crowd, the light show, the ear deafening music and of course the bloated egos. [November 2012, p.84]
Oct 30, 2012There are new and better game modes and, overall, more things to do and see, but WWE '13 stays essentially the same and doesn't dare to stray too much from the formula of the previous chapters. The actual fighting mechanics are still too dull and could have been improved with a little effort.
Oct 31, 2012You'll notice this number is higher than that we gave WWE 12 (50%), even though we complain about a barely-evolved sequel here. Well, the power of nostalgia and the strength of the Attitude era combine nicely. Other than that? This is a pointless game.
Score distribution:
Positive: 24 out of 28
Mixed: 4 out of 28
Negative: 0 out of 28
Oct 31, 2012
Dec 7, 2012
Oct 30, 2012
Mar 30, 2013
Feb 23, 2019
Oct 19, 2014
Dec 19, 2013