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Mixed or average reviews - based on 18 Critic Reviews What's this?

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  • Summary: Offering more than 120 unique playable characters, including cover Superstar Stone Cold Steve Austin alongside Seth Rollins, Daniel Bryan, Dean Ambrose, Bad News Barrett, Paige and Finn Bálor, WWE 2K16 includes the largest roster in WWE games history. The roster contains a combination ofOffering more than 120 unique playable characters, including cover Superstar Stone Cold Steve Austin alongside Seth Rollins, Daniel Bryan, Dean Ambrose, Bad News Barrett, Paige and Finn Bálor, WWE 2K16 includes the largest roster in WWE games history. The roster contains a combination of current WWE Superstars and Divas, emerging NXT talent, WWE Hall of Famers and WWE alumni from multiple eras. Expand
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Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 18
  2. Negative: 0 out of 18
  1. Oct 30, 2015
    I’ll keep defying gravity as Adrian Neville, and defying expectations as Dolph Ziggler, because WWE 2K16 is as close to a fusion of performance and competition as a wrestling game has ever gotten. That’s what I come to wrestling for, and that’s what 2K16 delivers.
  2. Oct 29, 2015
    This is the best and most complete WWE game ever made. If you enjoy wrestling, it's a game you cannot miss.
  3. Nov 2, 2015
    Just like a superstar getting vindication at Wrestlemania, WWE 2K16 has completed a grand comeback following last year's lackluster entry. It feels like a total package this time around, and the gameplay, for the most part, is balanced and entertaining. I love the visuals too, even if the commentary leaves something to be desired. And there's a ton to do, without Vince McMahon getting in the way. Pick up a copy and go wild.
  4. 70
    Thanks to improved mechanics and a solid 2K Showcase, WWE 2K16 is a significant improvement over last year's lacking release. However, the technical hiccups found in prior games are still littered throughout this outing, and continue to undermine the experience.
  5. 65
    WWE 2K16 is a better game than last 2K15, largely thanks to the expansive range of options and features that have been reinstated. The 2K Showcase is fantastic, but the core gameplay hasn't changed enough to warrant a hearty recommendation.
  6. Dec 8, 2015
    WWE 2K16 brings some improvements, but not enough to be the game fans deserve. Smashing the opponent from the ladders through the table is great, until you turn to the audience and realize they look like they came from a PS2 game. But if you close your eyes, the game at least sounds awesome.
  7. Nov 6, 2015
    WWE 2K16 ends up being a disappointment despite the few additions implemented to offset its shortcomings. This year's release feels just like WWE 2K15 but with a different coat of paint. Even the great detail of the characters seems sabotaged by the lackluster aspect of the audience.

See all 18 Critic Reviews

Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 30
  2. Negative: 13 out of 30
  1. Oct 28, 2015
    I applaud 2K for taking this game in the Simulation gameplay direction and away from the 'arcadey' style gameplay. The new reversal, pin &I applaud 2K for taking this game in the Simulation gameplay direction and away from the 'arcadey' style gameplay. The new reversal, pin & submission systems add to this simulation along with the chain grappling system returning. I'm not sure why people whinge about this style of gameplay, they do want a close representation to what they see on WWE TV right? Because that's what you get in this game. Real wrestling is not so fast-paced as it was in THQ's video game series, WWE 2K16 is the closest to the real thing as you're gonna get. Expand
  2. Nov 19, 2015
    Wwe2k16 is a lot of fun and a huge improvement over WWE 2K15. You now have plenty of match options like Tornado tag, Steel cage Tag, fatal 4Wwe2k16 is a lot of fun and a huge improvement over WWE 2K15. You now have plenty of match options like Tornado tag, Steel cage Tag, fatal 4 way Hell in a cell and so forth. You also get 100 caw slots and 60 create an arena slots. The graphics are about the same as last years which means they are pretty good.

    I do not play this game. I enjoy booking and watching Ai vs Ai. The play is pretty good. I turn the reversal sliders down so there isnt lots of reversing but lots of heat reversals just like in the real wrestling. Blood looks good. The selling is good and matches can get intense. The enterances are great. No longer do you have load screens in between and before the start of the match. I dont play career or showcase so i have no opinion on those. I play universe. I have an all caw universe. I set my own rivaries. On ai vs ai you now get the choice on how a story branches. For example the scene where one puts hand out to shake you saw either shake or slap hand away. Now you can choose from shake, slap hand away or attack. Pretty good stuff. You must tweak the attribs to get the match you are looking for but once you do with some experimenting you can make a very good sim out of it.

    Yes there are bugs and glitches but I haven't seen many so its pretty stable but even when it did glitch it revovered and kept going. 82 hours in and only one freeze. If you like wrestling you will enjoy this game.
  3. Oct 31, 2015
    2K has taken wrestling games in the right direction with WWE 2K16. The game feels like a wrestling simulation rather than the arcade style2K has taken wrestling games in the right direction with WWE 2K16. The game feels like a wrestling simulation rather than the arcade style game play that the SVR series had. Aside from AI glitches and some of the wrestlers looking like they're straight out of last gen, this game is full of content. 120+ superstars (30 more in feature DLC), an improved MyCareer mode, deep creation suite, and a nostalgic showcase mode featuring the one and only Stone Cold Steve Austin is more than enough to satisfy any hardcore or casual wrestling fan. Expand
  4. Jan 2, 2018
    Hikaye = 0
    Oynanış = 5
    Grafikler = 7
    Sesler = 7
    Keyif = 5
    Atmosfer = 6
    Süre = 5
  5. Aug 22, 2016
    With plenty of characters and modes to try out there could have been a lot to love here. Enjoying the game though requires getting past it'sWith plenty of characters and modes to try out there could have been a lot to love here. Enjoying the game though requires getting past it's fighting system. Something that's unfortunately lacking here.

    Graphically it's kind of behind the times. It wouldn't have looked too bad on the 360 and to be honest it's not really a bad looking game at all. It's just not up to par with the current gen. The wrestlers just look too plastic and there isn't a lot of detail in the environments outside of some surprisingly well-done people in the audience. The soundtrack in the game is pretty great and it definitely sounds like a real wrestling match in the moment to moment action.

    The gameplay is just outright bad. A nice amount of content can't hold the package together when the actual wrestling sucks. It's a fairly simple and solid system that's just botched in execution. Attacking is all about throwing in some quick jabs and dealing real damage when their softened up with flashier moves. That all works fine and well. The problem sets in when you need to counter your opponent. That's when everything goes to crap and the game feels outright broken.

    The counter/reversal system is handled through what can be most accurately described as quick-time events. The most common being a quick flick of the right trigger to quickly get out of the way and deliver a quick counter move. The problem is that most of the time it just doesn't work. The game either fails to realize that you've pressed the button or the timing system is so messed up that it registers your input as either too fast or too slow. This system feels outright broken and can lead to extended segments of watching your character get whaled on while you are doing everything you can to fight back, but are just getting screwed by a broken system.

    The reversals can also require more complex interactions from the player with inputs that feel specifically designed to give the opponent AI the edge. One such example involves a input that requires to tilt the analog stick to a specific spot and hold it there to fill up a circle before your opponent can do the same. Naturally it just comes down to who finds it first. Or does it? I've had an experience where I beat the computer to the spot and still had their circle fill up first. There's outright broken, then there's cheating.

    It's still technically a playable game. You just need to never get grabbed by your opponent. A pretty easy thing to do if you can just keep whaling on them, keeping them stunned until you can pin them. It's totally possible, but don't be surprised when the game pulls off a miracle where the AI comes back at right at the end of it's health and pummels you until it wins the match. It happens quite frequently here. A lot of content aside this game just isn't worth it. The actual wrestling is bad to the point where it can feel outright broken.

  6. Nov 20, 2015
    Aw WWE 2K16 you could have been something special. Well let me begin.

    Good Points: - The graphics on Xbone are amazing, from when you get
    Aw WWE 2K16 you could have been something special. Well let me begin.

    Good Points:
    - The graphics on Xbone are amazing, from when you get into the ring until you win the match. Amazing to look at. Although using the face scan feature is a hit or miss as I nearly burned the preset ones with fire.
    - A good roster for anyone. From old faves like Shawn Michaels to new ones like Bray Wyatt and Rusev. There is someone for everyone.
    - Creation suite is finally back to the way it should have been.

    Bad Points:
    - The reversing system is downright broken, again like last year but on steroids.
    - Game is slow and sluggish to respond. It's painful when you compare it to something like WWE 2007 or even WWE 2K14.
    - Submission system is a pain in the ass, borderline broken and terrible. WWE 2K14 had a much fairer system to it and I wish they had kept it, or even give you the option to change it to a previous version.
    - Pin system is annoying as hell but after the last few games I've gotten used to them constantly changing it.
    - Worst part of all is the new grapple system. It is absolutely borderline broken and not even fun to play. Sadly it was this part that broke me and made me exchange the game.

    If you are looking for a game that looks pretty your here at the right place, one that plays good in the match?? Well look elsewhere. Mabye back at 2K14.
  7. Dec 3, 2015
    Reset my password just to log back in and review this mess of a game. Just about every system is more of an adventure in terrible game designReset my password just to log back in and review this mess of a game. Just about every system is more of an adventure in terrible game design than fun simulation. The pin and reversal systems are bad and the submission system is terrible. It's a frustrating mess to play and you often feel more excited that you won based on pure luck than any actual skill. Expand

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