- Publisher: Konami
- Release Date: Feb 21, 2018
- Also On: PlayStation 4, Xbox One
- Summary: Metal Gear Survive picks up from the ending of METAL GEAR SOLID V: GROUND ZEROES, to an alternate timeline caused by unexplained wormholes forming in the sky.
- Developer: Konami
- Genre(s): Action Adventure, General
- Cheats: On GameFAQs
- More Details and Credits »
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Score distribution:
Positive: 0 out of 8
Mixed: 6 out of 8
Negative: 2 out of 8
Mar 5, 2018For all the fervent hatred of Konami that forms the current gaming-hate-bandwagon of choice, based on its own merits, Metal Gear Survive isn’t a terrible game. It’s not a great one for sure, and certainly not near the pedigree we expect from a Metal Gear product, but it’s a serviceable enough survival game that benefits greatly from layering in a few of The Phantom Pain’s systems. It won’t scratch that same itch of sneaky badassery that has made Snake a household name, and it’s almost certainly not worth the full $40 / £35 asking price, but there’s definitely fun to be had here even if it doesn’t come close to troubling the series’ heights.
Mar 5, 2018Metal Gear Survive is not for everyone. This is better approached as an open-world survival-horror game where building weapons from scratch, clawing at animals for food while drinking dirty water found in the world defines what it takes to survive. Including the Metal Gear name increases the external pressures around this game, as it is different to what fans of the franchise may expect. Aside from the aggravating always-online infrastructure of the game, Metal Gear Survive is a pretty good outing for those looking for a reason to battle zombies in an extremely vulnerable state. While the story is pretty meh, it is the exploration factor and sense of discovery and accomplishment, as well as feeding those hunger and thirst meters that showcase the fun and enjoyment of this experience.
Feb 27, 2018Metal Gear Survive is a powerful survival experience which is sadly being hindered by sneaky microtransactions. But the game has proven that the gameplay and story of Metal Gear might be able to survive without the help of Kojima.
Feb 26, 2018Has flickers of brilliance, but the painfully slow and gruelling survival simulation routinely snuffs them out.
Mar 5, 2018All of the issues that I’ve outlined with Metal Gear Survive essentially boil down to one thing: the vast majority of the game feels boring. It takes quite a long time for certain aspects of the game to stop feeling tedious, and its very easy to feel discouraged from playing altogether as it takes so long for the game to feel like its actually going somewhere. If you can be bothered to sit through hours of hunting, completing repetitive missions and accumulating skill points at a painfully slow rate, you’ll eventually feel comfortable enough to focus on the crazy story. If exploration and survival is your cup of tea, this one may be for you. If not, this is not worth your time.
Feb 26, 2018Metal Gear Survive is a bold and brave move for Konami. BUT, It's just not fun. If you like Metal Gear series, you should probably stay away from this game.
Mar 5, 2018After Phantom Pain was released and the split between publisher Konami and series creator Hideo Kojima became public, some folks lamented that we'd never see another game on Konami's Fox Engine ever again. Be careful what you wish for, I guess.
Score distribution:
Positive: 6 out of 41
Mixed: 0 out of 41
Negative: 35 out of 41
Feb 22, 2018
Feb 21, 2018
Mar 11, 2018
Mar 3, 2018This is basically a DLC for MGS V. Worth buying if you enjoy paying $10 for extra save slots
Feb 25, 2018
Feb 24, 2018
Feb 24, 2018This review contains spoilers, click expand to view.
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