Annapolis Landing is a diverse community of 248 single-family homes located on Beard’s Creek off the South River just outside of Annapolis and convenient to both Baltimore and Washington, D.C.
Annapolis Landing Pond Retrofit
An existing stormwater management facility within the community, located between Westbury Drive and Breckenridge Way, south of Wordsworth Drive, has been identified as a prime candidate to retrofit and achieve the water quality treatment within the existing facility footprint. The majority of the community flows to the facility via a storm drain system and then discharges to an unnamed tributary of Beards Creek while the remainder of the community discharges to another unnamed tributary or directly to the tidal waters of Beards Creek via two separate storm drain outfalls. (copied from the Anne Arendel website)
Click here for the construction work map in pdf. Click here for the map in jpg format.
Storm Water Pond retrofit project will start Monday September 26.
The purpose of this project is to provide 100% treatment for the impervious area within the community and assist the County in meeting its pollutant removal requirements by retrofitting the existing stormwater management facility. In addition to 100% water quality treatment, the goals of the retrofit include bringing the facility into compliance with current State and Local regulations, increasing the pond habitat available to
wildlife, and continuing to provide flood control equal to what the facility is currently providing. (copied from the Anne Arendel website)
Our neighborhood features tree-lined and lighted streets with sidewalks, underground utilities, naturally wooded areas, lots of open ground and two well-equipped playgrounds. Benches and picnic tables are located throughout the community and there is a private waterfront park with a multi-purpose dock, boat ramp, marina with slips for 62 boats of varying sizes, transient pier, and racks for storing up to 42 dinghies, kayaks and canoes.
We are a friendly neighborhood with activities geared towards both adults and children. Every year the Annapolis Landing Homeowner’s Association (ALHA) sponsors an Easter-egg hunt, a back-to-school social, a family movie night and a Halloween party. There is an active Women’s Club which coordinates monthly happy hours for the grown-ups and runs a Welcoming Committee. Throw in the Spring sock burning at our waterfront park, spur-of-the-moment get-togethers with friends, community clean-up days and neighborhood self-help projects, and you can see why we love to live here.