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Mammoth Cave National Park
Mammoth Cave National Park

Mammoth Cave National Park, located in the state of Kentucky, has the world's largest network of natural caves and underground passageways, which are characteristic examples of limestone formations. The park and its underground network of more than 560 surveyed km of passageways are home to a varied flora and fauna, including a number of endangered species.

Parc national de Mammoth Cave

Situé dans l'État du Kentucky, le parc national de Mammoth Cave contient le plus grand réseau de cavernes et de galeries souterraines naturelles du monde, exemples caractéristiques de formations calcaires. Le parc et son réseau souterrain de plus de 560 km abritent une flore et une faune variées, comprenant plusieurs espèces menacées.

منتزه كهف ماموت الوطني

يقع كهف ماموت الوطني في ولاية كنتاكي وفيه شبكة كهوف وسراديب طبيعيّة متغلغلة تحت الأرض وهي الأعظم في العالم وتجسّد خصائص التكوّنات الكلسيّة. ويأوي المنتزه وشبكته تحت الأرضيّة الممتدة على طول أكثر من 560 كيلومتراً أصنافاً حيوانيّةً ونباتيّةً متنوّعةً تضمّ العديد من الأصناف المهددة.

source: UNESCO/ERI



source: UNESCO/ERI

Национальный парк Мамонтова пещера

На территории этого национального парка в штате Кентукки находится самая протяженная пещерная система планеты, возникшая в результате карстовых процессов. В парке и его подземельях, протягивающихся более чем на 560 км, встречаются самые разнообразные растения и животные, в том числе и исчезающих видов.

source: UNESCO/ERI

Parque Nacional de Mammoth Cave

Situado en el Estado de Kentucky, el Parque Nacional de Mammoth Cave posee la mayor red del mundo de cavernas y galerías naturales subterráneas, ejemplos característicos de de formaciones geológicas calcáreas. El parque y su red subterránea de más de 560 km albergan una fauna y flora de especies variadas, algunas de las cuales se hallan en peligro de extinción.

source: UNESCO/ERI


source: NFUAJ

Nationaal park Mammoth Cave

Mammoth Cave in de staat Kentucky heeft ’s werelds grootste netwerk van natuurlijke grotten en ondergrondse gangen. Het gangenstelsel is meer dan 560 kilometer lang en bestaat uit karakteristieke voorbeelden van kalksteenformaties. Het park en de ondergrondse gangen zijn de thuisbasis van een gevarieerde flora en fauna, waaronder een aantal bedreigde soorten. Het Nationaal park geldt als het meest uitgebreide en gevarieerde grot-ecosysteem ter wereld met meer dan 200 soorten voornamelijk ongewervelde dieren. Hieronder zijn er 42 soorten die zich hebben aangepast aan het leven in totale duisternis. Buiten de grotten is het landschap spectaculair en de habitat van veel wilde dieren.


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Mammoth Cave National Park
Statement of Significance

Mammoth Cave is the most extensive cave system in the world, with over 285 miles (456 km) of surveyed cave passageways within the property (and at least another 80 miles [128 km] outside the property). The park illustrates a number of stages of the Earth's evolutionary history and contains ongoing geological processes and unique wildlife. It is renowned for its size and vast network of extremely large horizontal passages and vertical shafts. Nearly every type of cave formation is known within the site, the product of karst topography. The flora and fauna of Mammoth Cave is the richest cave-dwelling wildlife known, with more than 130 species within the cave system.

Criterion (vii): Mammoth Cave is the longest cave system in the world. The long passages with huge chambers, vertical shafts, stalagmites and stalactites, splendid forms of beautiful gypsum flowers, delicate gypsum needles, rare mirabilite flowers and other natural features of the cave system are all superlative examples of their type. No other known cave system in the world offers a greater variety of sulfate minerals.

Criterion (viii): Mammoth Cave exhibits 100 million years of cave-forming action and presents nearly every type of cave formation known. Geological processes involved in their formation continue. Today, this huge and complex network of cave passages provides a clear, complete and accessible record of the world’s geomorphic and climatic changes. Outside the cave, the karst topography is superb, with fascinating landscapes and all of the classic features of a karst drainage system: vast recharge area, complex network of underground conduits, sink holes, cracks, fissures, and underground rivers and springs.

Criterion (x): The flora and fauna of the cave is the richest caverniculous wildlife known, numbering over 130 species, of which 14 species of troglobites and troglophiles are known only to exist here.

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