Daniel Kelly is a commercial litigator and founding partner of Rogahn Kelly LLC. Before starting the firm, Mr. Kelly was a shareholder at Reinhart Boerner Van Deuren, s.c. in Milwaukee.
Signature Service
This firm is a practical expression of Mr. Kelly’s belief that everyone benefits when the business community focuses on what it does best: Creating value – for owners, employees, and the public.
Rogahn Kelly LLC’s signature service is bringing its clients peace of mind so their focus remains on business, not the courtroom.
Areas of Practice
Mr. Kelly’s litigation practice concentrates on:
Representative Matters
Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System v. Southworth (United States Supreme Court)
Constitutionality of mandatory student activity fees used to support speech with which the compelled contributor disagreed.
Cloeren v. Druschel (United States Supreme Court) (petition for certiorari)
The nature of the “tie between a cause of action and a defendant’s contacts with a forum” that will support “specific” personal jurisdiction over an out-of-state resident.
Osborn v. Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System (Supreme Court of Wisconsin)
Non-personally identifiable student performance data subject to release under the Open Records Act.
Green for Wisconsin v. State of Wisconsin Elections Board (Supreme Court of Wisconsin)
Conditions under which a candidate may transfer funds from a federal campaign account to a state campaign account.
In re City of Glendale Community Development Authority Condemnation Award, Parcel 14 (Supreme Court of Wisconsin)
Proper recipient of the interest accruing on a condemnation award while it awaits distribution.
AKG Real Estate, LLC v. Kosterman (Supreme Court of Wisconsin)
Whether courts have the authority to extinguish an express easement and compel the property owner to accept an alternative access route.
Baldus v. Brennan (U.S. Dist. Ct., E.D. Wis. (3-judge panel))
Constitutionality of Wisconsin’s 2010 redistricting legislation.
Data Recognition Corporation v. Mazer Corporation (Ohio Court of Appeals, Second Appellate Judicial District)
Duty of a receiver to return property not belonging to the receivership estate.
Milwaukee Mile Holdings v. Wisconsin State Fair Park (Wisconsin Court of Appeals, District IV)
Interaction between the right to intervene and judicial estoppel.
WS Packaging Group, Inc. v. Global Commerce Group, LLC (U.S. Dist. Court, E.D. Wis.)
Infringement of patent on internet gaming pieces.
Hartford Citizens for Responsible Government v. City of Hartford Board of Zoning Appeals (Wisconsin Court of Appeals, Dist. II)
Timeliness of an appeal from a decision of a board of zoning appeals.
Hillis v. Village of Fox Point Board of Appeals (Wisconsin Court of Appeals, Dist. I)
Whether a property owner whose residence extends beyond a bluff line may construct an addition to the residence.
Oda v. Port Washington State Bank (Wisconsin Court of Appeals, Dist. II)
Evidentiary basis for claims of fraud and racial discrimination.
Freedom from Religion Foundation, Inc. v. Scott McCallum and Faith Works, Milwaukee, Inc. (U.S. Court of Appeals, 7th Cir.)
Whether parolees could use AODA, job training, and parenting education vouchers at a faith-based service provider.
Lesniak v. Blum (Wisconsin Court of Appeals, Dist. 1)
Standard for issuing restraining order.
A community thrives when its members take an active interest in its health. So Mr. Kelly joins many others in his involvement in:
Mr. Kelly is admitted to practice in Wisconsin, Virginia, the United States Supreme Court, and various other federal courts around the country.