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Metal Gear Solid PC

Metal Gear Solid Image

Generally favorable reviews - based on 23 Critics What's this?

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Universal acclaim- based on 141 Ratings

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  • Summary: You are snake, a government agent on a mission to regain control of a secret nuclear weapons base from terrorist hands.

    Now the international best-selling Playstation game comes to the PC with better graphic, added features and new game play modes! Unlike anything you've played before,
    You are snake, a government agent on a mission to regain control of a secret nuclear weapons base from terrorist hands.

    Now the international best-selling Playstation game comes to the PC with better graphic, added features and new game play modes! Unlike anything you've played before, Metal Gear Solid introduces a new genre of gaming where ninja-like stealth and a cool head are your best weapons for survival.
Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 19 out of 23
  2. Negative: 0 out of 23
  1. If you have never played this game before, I envy you. You are in for possibly the best gaming experience to date.
  2. 90
    All in all, despite the less than stellar PC graphics, Metal Gear Solid remains an intense gaming experience with a gripping story and heart-stopping action.
  3. Combining action and adventure isn't an easy thing to do, but Konami has pulled it off beautfiully with Metal Gear Solid.
  4. With the enhanced visuals, the wealth of gameplay provided by both MGS and VR Missions, and the simple fact that MGS is fantastic title in the first place makes this a pretty smart buy for any PC gamer.
  5. PC gamers who have had no prior exposure to this game will definitely want to take a look, as this is still the same great game it always was.
  6. It's also rather obvious that the developers realised towards the end of the game that it was going to be far too short, resorting to the old trick of forcing you to backtrack across large portions of the game world (no less than three times!) to make it seem longer.
  7. In the six hours that it takes to finish Metal Gear Solid, there is little more than an hour's interaction.

See all 23 Critic Reviews

Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 15 out of 16
  2. Negative: 0 out of 16
  1. ClarkM.B.
    Jan 1, 2002
    I really like the storyline and gameplay. In my opinion this is one of the best games ever!
    I also like all the different weapons and items
    I really like the storyline and gameplay. In my opinion this is one of the best games ever!
    I also like all the different weapons and items in the game. The graphics are great, but their mouths don't move when they talk' and their eyes don't really look like eyes. But the rest makes up for it!
  2. TheGamer
    Aug 1, 2001
    This is one of my favorite games ever. The story line was awesome and so was the voice acting. It ticks me off that this one person gave it a This is one of my favorite games ever. The story line was awesome and so was the voice acting. It ticks me off that this one person gave it a fifty out of one hundred. Man, what the hell is your problem. Anyway, I just wanted to tell the people out there that if you don't have this game, buy it, buy it now. You'll be happy that you did. Expand
  3. Oct 18, 2010
    A revolutionary exercise in both gameplay and storytelling. Simply put, one of the best (and most important) games ever made. Very few gamesA revolutionary exercise in both gameplay and storytelling. Simply put, one of the best (and most important) games ever made. Very few games have as many memorable and emotionally tense set-pieces as those that are found throughout this game, and the boss battles still hold up as some of the best in video game history, really only arguably surpassed by its own sequels (specifically, MGS3). In short, this is a classic in every sense of the word, and an experience that no one should ever miss out on. (In regards to the specifics of the PC version: The addition of the VR missions is awesome and endlessly fun, but this game merits a gamepad, without a doubt. Go pick up some cheap usb wired controller (used 3rd party 360 wired controllers are a surprisingly good bet), and play this game correctly. Only other gripe about this version is that all the FMV's are not visible; that might just be my computer/copy though.) Expand
  4. ClarkM.B.
    Jan 1, 2002
    I think that Metal Gear Solid is one of the best games ever! All the different weapons and items combined with the great storyline and I think that Metal Gear Solid is one of the best games ever! All the different weapons and items combined with the great storyline and enjoyable gameplay, it makes for a great game. I think the graphics are great except that their mouths don't move when they talk, and their eyes don't really look like eyes, but all the rest makes up for it! In my opinion this is a excellent game, and I give it a 10/10. Expand
  5. Mar 1, 2013
    This is where it all started. A game which is half a movie. This game is the basic standard on how modern games have to be done withThis is where it all started. A game which is half a movie. This game is the basic standard on how modern games have to be done with Incredible and emotional story with amazing action. Any gamer will be amazed by this masterpiece. Unfortunately the game is old so the graphics are pretty bad now. I hope they remake this masterpiece. Expand
  6. Apr 19, 2014
    The graphics may be bad (which doesn't matter to me) but if you want to buy this game your money will be well spent its a masterpiece and fewThe graphics may be bad (which doesn't matter to me) but if you want to buy this game your money will be well spent its a masterpiece and few games can rival it. Expand
  7. BillC.
    Sep 22, 2005
    Looks like the old ps game.

See all 16 User Reviews

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