BrickMaster is ending

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If you're a BrickMaster subscriber you'll have received an email today stating that it's being discontinued and will be replaced by something else next year. I wonder why? Maybe it wasn't a success.

Apologies for the slow news this week, I'm currently on a course in London, with just my iPad. Great though it is, it doesn't implement the one feature needed to be able to use this site's content management system so it's difficult to post formatted news articles here. Normal service will be resumed tomorrow...

46 comments on this article

By in Spain,

Or maybe it was just really stupid of them not to distribute it ANYWHERE but America.

By in United States,

The overhead of this thing was outrageous. They were basically reprinting most of the Lego Club magazine with a few extra pages, and throwing in the set. They recently announced that the next issue was going to get Lego Club + an additional booklet so it must have dawned on them. NOTE: is offering a $40 "Best of Brickmaster" set that includes all 6 2010 models and a book with the stuff from the issues. If you can actually use the Legoland admission and coupons it's really not a bad deal at all.

By in United States,

That's sucks 'cause I really enjoyed getting the models and coupons.
For $40.00 bucks it really was a bargain if you break it down. It was more than $150.00 worth of stuff per subscription.
Hopefully IF they continue they'll still offer the mini-models for a decent price.

By in United States,

I read the headline as "Brickset is ending". You might want to rephrase that, they look alike. On topic, I subscribed purely for the fact that getting copy of rare star wars model misb is good money. They sent me 2 of each set every time as well, which was fun. However, it's sad the magazine itself was just lego club + a contest or two :(

By in United Kingdom,

For purely selfish reasons I'm absolutely delighted - for a LEGO Star Wars collector, there were few things more frustrating than seeing a succession of nice little Star Wars sets only made available to Brickmaster subscribers in the U.S. and having to pay silly money to get them from Bricklink or Ebay. Perhaps now LEGO will offer an alternative that doesn't discriminate against people outside the U.S.

Condolences to U.S. Brickmaster subscribers, however - unfortunate for you guys.

By in United States,

I am also very sad that they are changing it. I like getting the mini models and mag every 2 months. I wonder what they are going to do that can top this or are they going to make things cheaper and smaller builds, i hope not. looks like i will be getting "the best of brickmaster 2010" so i can have extra sets and everything in one book but i will miss it. would have been nice to get more details though in our emails about its replacement. just sounds like it is going to end and have no idea if it is going to be replaced with what.

By in United States,

I'm surprised to hear that BrickMaster is ending, I though they were very successful charging at normal price $70.00 for 6 issues, 6 sets, two $5 off coupons to Lego and a Legoland coupon. But if you had the regular Lego Magazine subscription (which is free) you get a "special value" of only $39.99. I never did like BrickMaster (except for sometimes their small sets), becasue I have Lego Magazine. So this serves Lego right.

By in United States,

Just got my email from LEGO.
I'm subscribed from Sept./Oct. 2009 so I still get the next model in the line this month(Prince of Persia), then they said it'll be discontinued and replaced in 2011 with a new version of the subscribtion. So no renewals. Also will get a LEGO Club Magazine to go with my final Sept./Oct. 2010 mag. and model. Also I believe a LEGO Club Jr. Magazine is coming as well.

What sucks is I miss out on the mini AT-AT that was coming out in the Nov./Dec. subscription. Since I can't renew, I hope this new incarnation of Brickmaster will offer the AT-AT.

@Imperial13...Wow, that's great you got 2 models of each set with your subscription. I only got one...;(. I did get an extra Atlantis sub though when I needed to replace a part that got damaged in the mail. Instead of just sending me the piece, they sent me another whole model instead. Lego customer service really comes through!

By in United States,

@Jarod98...the BrickMaster subscription I got was only $40.00, not $70.00.
I got the 6 mags./6 mini-models/2 coupons and the LEGOLand all the extra's like 3-D glasses, HERO Factory booklet, Bionicle comic books, etc.

By in United States,

I loved it as did my daughter.....
She is always excited to see what set she's going to get. (I never told her I already knew what set she is getting)

Our only complaint is the opposite of everyone elses...... she could care less for the starwars sets....she liked the sets with minifigures and some of the creator sets. (she loved the gator this year)
We usually sold the star wars sets and she used the money to get a set she really wanted.

I hope the give you a choose with the new memberships as to what kind of miniset you want.

1) creator sets
2) starwars mini sets
3) sets including minigures (could be from any theme)

By in United Kingdom,

If they have made a 'best of brickmaster' boxset couldn't they have taken the opportunity to sell it to other countries too? I would have loved to have been able to get it here (UK). If they are planning something new I hope they decide to sell it in other countries instead of just USA.

Also, please can USA people tell me if the brickmaster Prince of Persia set is out yet? Thanks.

By in United States,

@ Jonny 2 Scarves....if they don't have it is on it's way.... I was told the sets were delayed due to the labor day holiday.

By in United States,

Got the email today, just after I got my set yesterday, a Prince of Persia number. I'll be curious as to what Brickmaster is replaced with. Hopefully something available world-wide, for the rest of the Lego fans. At least I'll be getting the November/December set. I really only cared about the SW sets anyway, and the occasional creator set.

By in United States,

Never got it, But I'm Happy Because Now I Won't Feel bad I Don't Have it whenever I See The AD in The Lego Club Magazine. The Better Not end that too.

By in United States,

Wow that's amazing.

By in United Kingdom,

i wonder what will replace it?

By in United States,

I don't really care for this. The magazines were regular with a "bonus" contest and the only way to actually make it worthwhile was to win contest (small chances) to make it a good deal for more coupons/gift card prizes.

Only reason I ever got one was when it first came out and I was going to California anyway (already planned to go to Legoland as well) so it was a good deal for the passes since that would cost about $40 anyway.

By in United States,

does that mean the new sets like the PoP set and ATAT walker wont be coming, i was hoping to get those

By in United States,

it doesn't sound like very many people liked brickmaster. no wonder they're ending it. i got it once 3 years ago (i think) and was REALLY disapointed, cuz all i got were racers (i cant use the peices for anything) and some dinky little creator vehicle with like 6 peices. the only good set i got was the hydrax which made me like bionicle agian. oh and the 5$ coupons and the legoland coupan were expired by the time they got to my house. pretty dissapionting, but at least they'll have somthing new and (maybe better?)
P.S. any one seen pics of the Series 3 mini figs? thanks.

By in United Kingdom,

How much would you be willing to pay for a subscription to a UK afol ,magazine , 6 issues , free mini model per issue ? What price would entice you to buy it ?

By in United States,

I was tempted to finally subscribe, so it's sad to see it ending.

By in United States,

I guess I'm the only one...;) that like Brickmaster...naw, I see a few of you up there love it too...'c' know you LOVE IT!
It was fun. The mini-models alone this year were totally worth it and the coupons were put to good use too.

My son and I loved it. We'd read the comics together...he'd have fun with the puzzles at home and even when we traveled...and of course he had a lot of fun putting the models together. I also like the alternate builds they had for different sets that we already had.

Just got my last issue today. We got a Prince of Persia set with a small fun trap and a couple of interesting pieces...and a Dastan mini-fig.

This last issue for me is the best one yet!
Has a good article on the LEGO master builders who worked on the Ribbon Models for the Rockefeller store (check out my flickr link to see all them I took at the Grand Opening).

Also has many alternate builds...1 for this months mini-model itself, An 8095 General Grevious ship alternate(a stealth recon ship), 5892 Sonic Boom alternate (a space scout craft), and build a Lucas Valor from Hero Factory models 7164, 7167, and 7165.

Plus some basic instructions for an Ocean Liner, an Elephant, and the Liberty Bell.

Sorry to see it go...I can only hope the new incarnation has more LEGO culture articles, less large ad's disguised as activities, keep the alternate builds, keep the comics/puzzles/etc., new idea build inspirations...and of course they gotta' keep the mini-models all for a decent price. Some of those mini-models go for like $10- $20 on the secondary market a pop.

By in United States,

to bad :(

By in United States,

Ha, my subscription expired last month. Kinda glad I didn't renew it. Although I really wanted the ATAT...

By in United States,

What a shame, although I get Lego Club I do really think that Brickmaster was a nice magazine

By in United States,

I'm not suprised. I hope the new replacement will be a lot better. Wonder why they got rid of it though... I'm guessing it probably wasn't a big seller.

By in United States,

No way it wasn't a big seller. It was always up there in Lego's "Hot Products" Top 25.

By in United States,

We got the email today also. So my question is, does this mean they won't be sending out the November/December issue? The email only said we would for sure still be getting the September/October issue.

By in United States,

@collectormom...Oh, depends on when you got your subscription. Looks like they'll honor the whole year depending on when you first signed up.
I myself signed up last Sept./Oct. 2009 so the issue I just got today is my last. Can't renew.
Now another subscriber I saw on 'eurobricks' subscribed July or August 2010 issue, and the last issue in the one year subscription will be the May - June 2011 issue. His remaining September 2010, November 2010, January 2011, March 2011 and May 2011 BrickMaster mailings will be coming to his as planned, according to the letter he got from LEGO.

By in United States,

Just called Lego, there seems to be some confusion about what's going on with Brickmaster, here's what they said:

Brickmaster will continue for another year until September 2011, however nobody will be able to signup or renew after September 30th, 2010.

So hurry and renew if you want another year of Brickmaster.

By in United States,

I re-read the email I got and says my subscription goes thru Nov/Dec so the last 2 will be honored. It would've helped it I read it correctly :)

By in United States,

Like LEGODad42 I am saddened by this decision. I have been a subscriber for the past 3 years. Great sets every 2 months and they have been better the last 2 years because they were exclusive sets. My 1st year of subscribing to Brickmaster was different-I received sets that were in stores! Weak!

I will miss Brickmaster. I'll have to call LEGO tomorrow to see what is going to happen to my subscription. I have a few months remaining at least and I don't want to lose out on anything. PoP set hasn't arrived yet.

I know LEGO had to have problems with distribution because I had to call several times to complain that my package didn't arrive when it should have. That was the only disappointing aspect of Brickmaster other than the magazine which didn't have enough to distinguish it as a separate magazine from the LEGO Club mag.

By in United States,

Wow that bites the big one.. maybe they will put it on sale? I love it when it goes on sale.. ;-)

By in United Kingdom,

FAO Polarbomber - I think perhaps £4.99 a magazine might be a fair price for your proposed UK AFOL magazine. Are you an inside man at Lego?!

By in United Kingdom,

@Polarbomber - Like Jonny 2 Scarves I also think £4.99 would be a fair price, although it would get very expensive for me to buy 3 copies every time to keep the peace at home! :-)

By in United States,

I do not like this. I was saving up money to get a subscription.

By in United States,

BrickMaster was very popular, as it made the *What's Hot* selling list many times. Like "bmwlego" mentioned, distribution seemed to be an issue; TLG had to use USPS. We too missed a few and had to call customer service. The way USPS handles bulk mailings probably factored into the lag in when fans in certain regions received it too.

The tickets to LLCA were just fun and tempted people from all over USA to make the trip -- so I don't negate them. The S@H coupons & exclusive sets will be missed.

Kudos to TLG for being progressive with these types of programs/product creativity; looking forward to what they think of next ;-)

By in United States,

I called into Lego last week when I saw the news on the Lego website. The customer service rep said they will finish off exisiting subscriptions and would not take any new orders as of August 31st. I renewed in June so he said my last magazine/set will be May 2011. He also said the new program will feature the mini sets but that they are totally retooling the magazine. He said more actual building focus with more alternate instructions and a lot less ads/comics/cartoony stuff. If he is in "the know", sounds like a good improvement.

By in United States,

That sounds like a good improvement, indeed. I loved the exclusive sets every 2 months, but the BrickMaster magazine usually felt like a bloated Lego Club magazine, with more ads and the occasional extra building instruction. More alternate building instructions would be awesome. I noticed this last one had an alternate model for the new Grievous Starfighter.

As for the Legoland coupon, that was more of a toss-in than anything; if anyone subscribed just for that, they were wasting $40. It's about the sets, man!

By in United States,

my daughter jus got her prince of persia set and mag....
there are at least 3 sets to build, I personally think this is the best issue in a looong time

By in United States,

Please Read!

I spoke to Lego and they said that Lego Brickmaster WILL CONTINUE FOR ANOTHER YEAR in its current format. They will continue offering new models from now until September 2011.

You will, have to purchase an annual subscription this month to get the final year's models. They will not accept any new subscribers after September 30th, 2010.

Mine just ran out, so I'm re-upping for the final year.

By in United States,

For those with existing subscriptions that don't run out for a couple of'll continue receiving models until that subscription runs out. If you want to ensure you receive every model through Sept. 2011, then you'll need to go ahead and buy a new annual subscription before the end of September 2010.

You'll simply receive doubles (one for your existing subscription until it runs out and one for your new subscription).

By in United States,

Lego also stated that from now on the Brickmaster magazine will be completely different than the Lego Club magazine. It will feature new content and more 'alternate' builds, instructions and contests.

By in United States,

Thanks Mr. F. (Arrested Development reference)

I'm calling LEGO this weekend to see what the status of my subscription is and then I will make a decision on reupping for another year. I know I'll be getting BM until March 2011 I believe. At least there's an option to get all of the sets still!

By in United States,

I don't see Brickmaster on the Lego website, for purchase or renewal. All I see is the Best Of Brickmaster. Any idea where we can renew, Mr. Football (or anyone else)? Pretty sure mine expires at the end of this year. Thanks.

By in United States,

I renewed in May 2010, my email says I'll get up to the March 2011 issue. looks like I'll miss out on on May 2011, and the July 2011 and the september 2011 issues.. Bummer

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