Documents of the Early Arian Controversy – Chronology of the 2007 Edition of Athanasius Werke
Dates according to Dokumente Zur Geschichte Des Arianischen Streites. Athanasius Werke Band 3, Teil 1, Lieferung 3 (Berlin and New York: Walter De Gruyter Inc., 2007)
There are a few notable changes in the chronology used in this edition:
1. The letters involving Eusebius of Nicomedia (Urk. 1, 2 and 8, Doc. 4, 15 and 16) are put later, suggesting that he joined the controversy later than previously supposed.
2. Constantine’s angry letters about Arius (Urk. 33 and 34, Doc. 27 and 28) have been moved from 333 to during or just after the Council of Nicaea in 325.
Chart: | |
appx date | The editors of the 2007 edition of Athanasius Werke did not assign dates to these documents, only approximate order, so only approximate dates have been given in the first column, from AJW. |
doc | the dokument number in the 2007 edition of Athanasius Werke. Because the editors revised Opitz’s chronology, they gave the same documents new document numbers. For example, the old urkunde (urk.) 6 is now dokument (doc) 1. |
ancient source: | gives the location in the sources from which we have taken the document. |
translations: | gives the location of translations. FCC translations may be accessed by clicking the link |
urk.: | provides the document number (Urk.) in Opitz’s Early Arian Documents (German: Urkunden). |
Opitz date: | the date assigned by Opitz. Click here to see the issues related to chronology. |
CPG: | Clavis Patrum Graecorum reference number. |
extra space |
appx date | doc. | description | ancient source | translations | urk. | Opitz date | CPG |
318-320 | 1 | Arius and his followers to Alexander of Alexandria | Athanasius, De synodis 16; Epiphanius, Panarion 69.7; Hilary, De Trinitate 4.12 |
FCC; CLA no. 22; Hanson, pp. 7-8; NPNF2 vol. 4, p. 458; NPNF2 vol. 9, p. 74; New Eusebius, no. 284 |
6 | c. 320 | 2026 |
318-320 | 2.1 | Alexander of Alexandria to his clergy | Athanasius, De decretis 34 | FCC; NPNF2 vol. 4, p. 69 | 4a | 318/9 | 2001 |
318-320 | 2.2 | Alexander of Alexandria’s encyclical letter on Arius’ deposition | Athanasius, De decretis 35; Socrates, Historia ecclesiastica 1.6.; Gelasius, Historia ecclesiastica 2.3.1-21 |
FCC; New Eusebius, no. NPNF2 vol. 4, pp. 69-72; NPNF2 vol. 2, pp.3-5; 282;Sections 2-3: Hanson, p. 16 |
4b | c. 318 | 2000 |
318-320 | 3 | Summary of letter of a Council in Bithynia | Sozomen, Historia ecclesiastica 1.15.10 | FCC; NPNF2 vol. 2, p. 252 | 5 | c. 320 | - |
318-320 | 4 | Eusebius of Nicomedia to Paulinus of Tyre | Theodoret, Historia ecclesiastica 1.6 (1.5 in the NPNF) |
FCC; NPNF2 vol. 3, p. 42 | 8 | c. 320 | 2045 |
318-320 | 5 | Fragment of a letter of Paulinus of Tyre | Eusebius, Contra Marcellum 1.4.18-21, 49-51 |
FCC; Hanson, p. 45 |
9 | c. 320 | 2065 |
318-320 | 6 | Priest George to Alexander of Alexandria | Athanasius, De synodis 17.5 | FCC; Hanson, p. 44; NPNF2 vol. 4, p. 459 |
12 | c. 322 | 3555 |
318-320 | 7 | Priest George to the Arians in Alexandria | Athanasius, De synodis 17.6 | FCC; Hanson, p. 44; NPNF2 vol. 4, p. 459 |
13 | c. 322 | 3556 |
320-322 | 8 | Summary of letter of a council in Palestine reinstating Arius | Sozomen, Historia ecclesiastica 1.15.11 | FCC; NPNF2 vol. 2, p. 252 | 10 | c. 321/2 | - |
320-322 | 9 | Eusebius of Caesarea to Alexander of Alexandria | 2nd Council of Nicaea: Labbe, vol. 7, col. 496 and Mansi, vol.13, coll. 316-7 |
FCC | 7 | c. 320 | 3501 |
320-322 | 10 | Eusebius of Caesarea to Euphration of Balanea | Sections 1-3: Council of Nicaea, Session 5: Labbe vol. 7, col. 365; Sections 1-2: 2nd Council of Nicaea, Session 5: in Mansi vol. 13, col.176, 317; Sections 4-5: Eusebius, Contra Marcellum1.4.40-41, 57; Athanasius,De synodis 17.3 |
FCC | 3 | c. 318 | 3500 |
320-322 | 11 | Athanasius of Anazarbus to Alexander of Alexandria | Athanasius, De synodis 17.4 | FCC; NPNF2 vol. 4, p. 458; Discussed Hanson, p. 42 |
11 | c. 322 | 2060 |
320-322 | 12 | Part of a letter of Athanasius of Anazarbus | Codex Vaticanus lat. 5750, p. 275 (Frag. 4 [235 Gryson, Scripta Arriana]) | FCC | - | - | 2061 |
320-322 | 13 | Parts of 2 letters of Theognis of Nicaea | Codex Vaticanus lat. 5750, p. 275-76 (Frag. 4 [235 Gryson, Scripta Arriana]) |
FCCa, FCCb |
- | - | 2070 |
320-322 | 14 | Fragment of a letter of Alexander of Alexandria to all bishops | Greek: Schwartz, pp. 265-7; Syriac: Pitra, vol. 4, pp. 196-7 |
FCC | 15 | 324 | 2003 |
323-324 | 15 | Arius to Eusebius of Nicomedia | Epiphanius, Panarion 69.6; Theodoret, Historia ecclesiastica 1.5 (1.4 in the NPNF) |
FCC; New Eusebius, no. 283; Sections 2-8: Hanson, p. 139, Sections 4-5: Hanson, p. 6; NPNF2 vol. 3, p. 41 |
1 | c. 318 | 2025 |
323-324 | 16 | Fragment of a letter from Eusebius of Nicomedia to Arius | Athanasius, De synodis 17.2 | FCC; Hanson, p. 31; NPNF2 vol. 4, p. 459 |
2 | c. 318 | 2046 |
323-324 | 17 | Alexander of Alexandria to Alexander of Byzantium | Theodoret, Historia ecclesiastica 1.4 (1.3 in the NPNF) |
FCC; CLA no. 21; NPNF2 vol. 3, pp. 35-41; Discussed in Hanson, p. 141-2 Discussed on New Eusebius, no. 285 |
14 | 324 | 2002 |
323-324 | 18 | Fragment a letter of Alexander of Alexandria to Sylvester of Rome | Section 1: Richard, p. 82; Section 2: Hilary: CSEL vol. 65, part 4, pp. 91-92; |
FCC | 16 | ? | - |
323-324 | 19 | Emperor Constantine to Alexander of Alexandria and Arius | Eusebius, Vita Constantini, 2.64; Sections 6-15: Socrates, Historia ecclesiastica 1.7; Sections 6-15: Gelasius, Historia Ecclesiastica 2.4 |
FCC; New Eusebius, no. 287; Coleman, no. 47; NPNF2 vol. 1, pp. 515-8; Sections 6-15: NPNF2 vol. 2, p. 6-7 |
17 | Oct. 324 | 2020 |
early 325 | 20 | Letter of the Council of Antioch (325) | Greek and Syriac: Schwartz, pp. 271-9; Syriac: Schulthess, pp. 160-2 |
FCC; New Eusebius, no. 288; Sections 8-11: Hanson, p. 149 |
18 | early 325 | 8509 |
325 | 21 | Fragment of a letter of Narcissus of Neronias to Chrestus, Euphronius and Eusebius | Eusebius, Contra Marcellum, 1.4.39 | FCC | 19 | 325 | - |
325 | 22 | Emperor Constantine’s letter calling the Council of Nicaea | Greek: Schwartz, p. 289; Syriac: Schulthess, p. 1 |
FCC; New Eusebius, no. 289; Coleman, no. 48 |
20 | Spring 325 | 8511 |
325 | 23 | Fragment of a letter from Eusebius of Nicomedia to the Council of Nicaea | Ambrose, De fide 3.15 | FCC; Hanson, p. 31; NPNF2 vol. 10, p. 260 |
21 | June 325 | 2047 |
325 | 24 | Eusebius of Caesarea to his church explaining his actions at the Council of Nicaea | Athanasius, De decretis 33; Theodoret, Historia ecclesiastica 1.12 (1.11 in NPNF); Gelasius, Historia ecclesiastica 2.35; Socrates, Historia ecclesiastica 1.8 (section 16 omitted) |
FCC; New Eusebius, no. 291; NPNF2 vol. 4, pp. 74-76; NPNF2 vol. 2, pp. 10; NPNF2 vol. 3 p. 51 (partial); Sections 3-6: Hanson, p. 159; Section 7: Hanson, p. 165; Section 16: Hanson, p. 166 |
22 | June 325 | 3502 |
325 | 25 |
Letter of the Council of Nicaea to the Egyptian church |
Athanasius, De decretis 36; Socrates, Historia ecclesiastica 1.9; Theodoret, Historia ecclesiastica 1.9.2 (1.8.2 in NPNF); Gelasius, Historia ecclesiastica 2.34.2 |
FCC; New Eusebius, no. 292; NPNF2 vol. 2, p. 12; NPNF2 vol. 3, p. 46 |
23 | June 325 | 8515 |
325 | 26 | Creed of the Council of Nicaea | Athanasius, De decretis 37 | FCC; NPNF2 vol. 4, p. 75 |
24 | 19 June 325 | 8512 |
325 | 27 | Emperor Constantine to Arius and his followers | Athanasius, De decretis 40; Gelasius, Historia ecclesiastica 3.19.1; cf.: Epiphanius, Panarion 69.9 |
Coleman-Norton, no. 67; Sections 14-15: Hanson, p. 189 |
34 | 333 | 2042 |
325 | 28 | Part of an edict against Arius and his followers | Athanasius, De decretis 39; Socrates, Historia ecclesiastica 1.9.30; Gelasius, Historia ecclesiastica 2.36.1 Syriac: Schulthess, pp. 1-2 |
FCC; Coleman-Norton, no. 66; NPNF2 vol. 2, p. 14 |
33 | 333 | 2041 |
325 | 29 | Emperor Constantine to the church of Alexandria | Athanasius, De decretis 38; Socrates, Historia ecclesiastica 1.9.17; Gelasius, Historia ecclesiastica 2.37; |
FCC; Coleman, no. 53; New Eusebius, no. 293; NPNF2 vol. 2, p. 13 |
25 | June 325 | 8517 |
325 | 30 | Emperor Constantine to the churches on the Nicene decision concerning Easter | Eusebius, Vita Constantini 3.17-18;Socrates, Historia ecclesiastica 1.9.32; Theodoret, Historia ecclesiastica 1.10 (1.9 in NPNF); Gelasius, Historia ecclesiastica 2.37.10 |
FCC; Coleman, no. 52; NPNF2 vol. 1, p. 524-5; NPNF2 vol. 2, p. 14-16; NPNF2 vol. 3, p. 47-8 |
26 | June 325 | 8518 |
326-327 | 31 | Emperor Constantine to the church of Nicomedia | Athanasius, De decretis 41; Gelasius, Historia ecclesiastica 3. appendix 1; Sections 9-17: Theodoret, Historia ecclesiastica 1.20 (1.19 in NPNF) |
FCC; Coleman, no. 50; Sections 9-17: New Eusebius, no. 294; NPNF2 vol. 3, p. 56 |
27 | Nov. – Dec. 325 | 2055 |
326-327 | 32 |
Emperor Constantine to Theodotus of Laodicea |
Athanasius, De decretis 42; Gelasius, Historia ecclesiastica 3.appendix 2 |
FCC; Coleman, no. 51; New Eusebius, no. 305 (1957 edition only) |
28 | Nov. – Dec. 325 | 2056 |
326-327 | 33 | Emperor Constantine to Arius | Socrates, Historia ecclesiastica 1.25.7 | FCC; Coleman, no. 58; NPNF2 vol. 2, p. 28 |
29 | 27 Nov. 327 | 2040 |
326-327 | 34 | Arius and Euzoius to the Emperor Constantine | Socrates, Historia ecclesiastica 1.26.2; Sozomen, Historia ecclesiastica 2.27.6-10 |
FCC; New Eusebius, no. 295; NPNF2 vol. 2, p. 28; NPNF2 vol. 2, p. 277 |
30 | late 327 | 2027 |
327 | 35.1 | Council of Antioch against Asclepas of Gaza | Theodoret, Historia ecclesiastica 2.8.26; Hilary, Fragmenta Historica B.II.1.6; Athanasius, Apologia secunda 45.2 | - | - | - | - |
327 | 35.2 | Council of Antioch against Eustathius | Socrates, Historia Ecclesiastica 1.23.8-1.24.9 | - | - | - | - |
327-329 | 36 | Eusebius of Nicomedia and Theognis of Nicaea, recanting in order to be reinstated | Socrates, Historia ecclesiastica 1.14.2; Sozomen, Historia ecclesiastica 2.16.3-7; Gelasius, Historia ecclesiastica 3.13 |
FCC; New Eusebius, no. 296; NPNF2 vol. 2, p. 20, vol. 2, p. 68 |
31 | late 327 | 2048 |
327-329 | 37 | Fragment of a letter from Emperor Constantine to Alexander of Alexandria | Gelasius, Historia ecclesiastica 3.15.1 | FCC | 32 | early 328 | 2021 |
The rest of the documents are only included in the 2007 edition:
Document number. | Date | Document Title | |
38 | Conflicts about the restoration of church unity in Egypt | ||
39 | 335 | Writings of the Synod of Jerusalem of the year 335 | |
40 | Synods in Constantinople against Marcellus of Ancyra | ||
41 | 340-341 | Correspondence and synods in Rome and Antioch during the years 340 and 341 | |
41.1 | Letter of Julius of Rome to the eastern bishops with the request to appear at a synod in Rome | ||
41.2 | Reports on the Dedication Synod of Antioch in the year 341 | ||
41.3 | Explanation of Theophronius of Tyana (3rd Antiochene formula) | ||
41.4 | 341 | Confession of the Synod of Antioch in the year 341 (2nd Antiochene formula) | |
41.5 | Fragment of a cyclical letter of the Synod of Antioch in the year 341 (1st Antiochene formula) | ||
41.6 | 341 | Report on a letter of the Synod of Antioch in the year 341 to Julius of Rome | |
41.7 | Letter and confession of Marcellus of Ancyra to Julius of Rome | ||
41.8 | Letter of Julius to the bishops gathered in Antioch | ||
42 | Confession of an Antiochene synod (4th Antiochene formula) | ||
43 | 344 | The Synod of Serdica, 344 | |
43.1 | Cyclical letters of the western bishops | ||
43.2 | The theological explanation of the western bishops | ||
43.3 | The list of the signatures under the theological explanation of the western bishops | ||
43.4 | Letters of the western bishops to Emperor Constantine | ||
43.5 | Letters of the western bishops to Julius of Rome | ||
43.6 | Fragments of the letter of Hosias of Cordova and Protogenes of Serdica to Julius of Rome | ||
43.7 | Letters of the western bishops to the church of Alexandria | ||
43.8 | Letters of Athanasius of Alexandria to the priests and deacons of Alexandria and Parembole | ||
43.9 | Letters of the western synod to the priests and deacons in Mareotis | ||
43.10 | Letters of Athanasius of Alexandria to the priests, deacons, and church people in Mareotis | ||
43.11 | Cyclical letters of the eastern synod | ||
43.12 | The theological explanation of the eastern synod | ||
43.13 | The list of the signatures under the theological explanation of the eastern synod | ||
44 | 344 | Macrostich Confession (Ἔκθεσις Μακρόστιχος), Fifth Arian |
Created by AJW
Click to see Documents of the Early Arian Controversy
Documents of the Early Arian Controversy – Chronology according to Rowan Williams (2002)
Documents of the Early Arian Controversy according to Sarah Parvis (2006)
Last updated: 9-1-2011
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