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British units deployed to Bosnia

This is a list of the British forces that served in Bosnia as part of any peackeeping force either NATO, EU or UN. It is NOT our intention to ignore any unit which served.  We wish to get the facts correct and produce a accurate list of all the units who served.

Due to time pressures and a lack of staff, we can no longer update these pages. This may change in the future, please bear with us.

Royal Marines
Joint Units

British Element Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe
As part of Op Grapple 2 Feb/Mar 93, several British Army & RAF personnel stationed at SHAPE in Belgium were sent to serve in the HQ BH Command at Kiseljak. They were commanded by a Lt Col in the Welsh Guards who become SO1 G1, and I was the Chief Clerk RAOC of G1. Thanks to Ron Frayne for this entry.

Royal Air Force

E-3D Sentry AWACS
BAE/McDonnell Douglas Harrier GR7
SEPECAT JaguarOperation Deny Flight: July 1993 to July 1995 - based in southern Italy for missions over the former Yugoslavia.
SEPECAT JaguarOperation Vulcan: August 1995 - a similar role in Bosnia Herzogovina.
SEPECAT Jaguarbased from coltishall, six aircraft from 13/6/1998 operating out of Itay.
SEPECAT JaguarOperation Defiant Falcon: June 12/13 1998 - six Jaguars were sent to Albania/Macedonia as part of a Nato show of force against Serbian aggression in Kosovo. The force was given 24 hours' notice to be there and had 100 support personnel within 48 hours.
Lockheed Tristar Tankerbased from Brize Norton, operating out of Ancona in Italy.
3 SquadronHarrier GR7Operation Engadine based at Gioia del Colle
23Tornado F323 Squadron deployed to Gioia del Colle in April 1993 on "Operation Deny Flight" to enforce the No - fly zone over Bosnia with Tornado F3. Thansk to David Richardson for this entry.
25Tornado F3
33Aerospatiale PumaDeployed as part of the rapid reaction force in July 1995.
33Aerospatiale PumaDetachment to NATO for service with Stabilization Force as part of Operation Platine. October 2002 to March 2003. CO Squadron Leader Paul Webster, based at Banja Luka Metal Factory in the Multi-National Division in South-west Bosnia.
101VC10k'sOp Grapple/Deny Flight.1993 101 Sqn is a Tanker Sqn, flying VC10K's. I deployed to Sigonella air base in Sicily on 22 Apr 93 having flown a mission supporting 4 USN f18's and 2 F14's. My next mission was on 28 Apr 93 in support of 4 11 Sqn Tornado F3's,led by Sqn Ldr Mick Mercer. The refuelling mission took place over the islands off the Adriatic coast of Croatia.
I went home sometime after that because on 4 May 93 I was back over the North Sea but we as a Sqn remained in theatre for a while longer. The boss was Wg Cdr Geoff Simpson and he was the initial detcom.
216TristarOperation Engadine based at Ancona in October 2001.
1 Squadron, RAF RegimentJuly to October 1995, on OP Grapple 6 attached to 24 Airmobile Brigade. Based at Ploce Docks.
2 Squadron, RAF RegimentBosnia 1996
34 Squadron, RAF RegimentJan 97 to July 97, awarded wilkinson sword for peace, Banja Luka and Split.
2620 (County of Norfolk), RAuxAFOp LODESTAR in Bosnia.
5131 (BD) Sqn, Royal Air ForceI served as part of a two man EOD team operating out of Banja Luka metal factory in 2006. I am unaware of how long RAF EOD was based there and it was in support of Op occulus, as a EUFOR force. Thanks to Ali Stuart for this entry.
Tactical Communications WingUNPROFOR(FWD) Sarajevo 1993 - 1995
Tactical Medical WingRAF medical personnel have been deployed to FRY for many years, manning the medical at Split, providing aeromed (casevac) with all helicopter deployments (including 845 NAS), & aeromed flights back to the UK. Additionally, RAF medical personnel have deployed with army formations, either individually or in small "formed" units
Tactical Supply Wing
UK Mobile Air Movements Sqn (UKMAMS)UKMAMS were deployed from 1992 in various locations through theatre. Dets included Zagreb (Pleso) under Flt Lt Erica Best and Split. The Split Airport Det operated until 1996 when it became Split Airport Unit. NCOs and Airmen rotated through on 4 week roulements but invariably returned 5-6 times. The Det was commanded at various times by Flt Lt Carl Keith, Flt Lt Pete Larkin and Flt Lt Stu Binns.
Air Transportable Surgical Support Team No1 & No2ATSST1 (RAF) Located Sipovo attached to 16 Armd Fd Amb. From Feb 96-Oct 96, you could say we were a miniture hospital, surgical team, nursing staff, theatre staff and ward assistants including medical assistants dealing with the moral of the group. ATSST No2 was deployed to Sariavo and not used. Thanks to Robert Richardson for this entry.
RAF PoliceProviding security for all British Military Aircraft and personel and working with UK Mams at Split Airport, Croatia. 6 month detachments.
RAF Fire Service13 personnel providing 24 hour fire cover for RAFSHF at Divulje Bks in split and detachments in support of Defence Fire Service at Sipovo & MG.6 month tours. Thanks to Paul Taylor for this entry.


Operation Grapple

2,400 troops deployed to Bosnia and Croatia became operational on 13th November, tasked to provide armed escort to humanitarian aid convoys. The core was provided by 1st battalion the Cheshire Regiment under Lieutenant Colonel Bob Stewart. 45 Warrior IFVs formed the main protection, backed up by Scimitars and other equipment.
These troops operated in the volatile and dangerous area around Vitez.

Units deployed to Bosnia, dates given where available. Where known the any international force they were part of is indicated by either IFOR, SOFR or UNPROFOR. If we are unsure, the force is not indicated.

United Nations Public Information Team UNPROFOR British Battalion
Public Information(PInfo) was a 6 man team that rotated every 6 months. It consisted of a Major(SO2) PInfo Officer who could be from any regiment or arm, a Captain(SO3)escort officer, again from any regt or arm. A Staff Sergeant Army Professional Photographer from the Royal Army Ordnance Corp/Royal Logistics Corp. A Government Information Officer(GIS)(Civil Servant) and a military clerk, Cpl or LCpl. The role was to keep the folks back home informed about what the Army was doing and also to provide support for the national and international press within the Britfor area of responsibility.
The team was based in a house in Vitez initially during the fighting a later moved to Banjaluka.

ARRC Sp Bn, HQ ARRC, The Support Bn made up primarily of HQ Coy (RE, RS, REME), 14 Transport Sqn RLC, 170 Pioneer Sqn RLC deployed to Bosnia in Dec 95 setting up 4 headquarters (Rear Support Command RSC in Divulje Brks Split) (Main Headquarters in Ilizde Complex Sarejevo run by 14 Sqn) (Alt Headquarters in Kisejak run by 170 Sqn) (Mobile Headquarters in Zetra Stadium, Sarejevo run by HQ Coy)the Bn was tasked with providing support to HQ ARRC (all were based in Rhiendahlen, Germany) for the duration of the tour IFOR which ended in Nov 96.

1 UK ADSR (VERDEN) 1 UK ADSR forward was deployed to DJ barracks in Split in May 1993 till NOvember 1993, during our tour 1 UK ADSR (VERDEN) was disbanded and renamed in Herford, Germany.

1 (UK) ADSR, 1 (UK) ADSR took over Operation Resolute from 3 (UK) ADSR in June 1996. Their Headquarters were in Banja Luka but had detatchments all over Bosnia and one in Croatia (Split) When the unit withdrew in December 1996 so did the trunk communications network Ptarmigan. It was replaced by EUROMUX.

3 (UK) Division HQ & Signal Regiment, On OP Resolute from Decemmber 1995 to June 1996, provided comms for MND SW. Started off at Gorni Vakuf then moved up to Banja Luka halfway through the deployment.

Armoured units
4 Armoured Brigade, Brigade Headquarters to Bosnia in November 1993.
7th Armoured Brigade HQ and Signal Sqn (207) Served as the Britfor Signal Sqn on Op Grapple 4 between May - November 1994.
(211)11th Armd Bde Hq and Signal Squadron The brigade headquarters and signal squadron arrived in Croatia in 1992 and set up logistics, communications and landing capabilities for the main ship-ments of men and materials. The signal squadron(80 Pers) was commanded by Maj Donald steele and WOII(SSM Duncan Hall). The sqaudron was responsible for pre recces into Bosnia, Deployment of communications sites and provided the Commanders armoured TAC. 11 Bde where based in Split(divulje Barracks.
20 Armoured Brigade & Signal Squadron Britfor Sig Sqn for Op Grapple 6/7. The main part of the Squadron was in Split with a Troop in Gornji Vakuf. OC was Major Tony Morphett and RSM was Neil Turnbull. Only Unit citation was for the swift relocation of the Britbat HQ/Ops centre in Vitez for Britbat 1.
200 Signal Squadron 200 Signal Squadron were deployed to Sipovo and then onto Banja Luka Metal Factory.
24 Airmobile Brigade I served at Ploce with HQ 24 Air Mobile Brigade. As part of the Brigade we had 1 Sqn RAF Regiment, 1 Royal Anglians,19/5 Battery Royal Artillery. Ans as well as 33 Squadron with Pumas there was 7 Squadron with Chinooks.
    210 Signal Sqn 24 Airmobile Brigade, 210 Sig Sqn deployed in June 1995 to Split initially, then Dole camp, then Ploce. Providing strategic comms for the 24 Airmobile Bde which was eventually based at Ploce. Elements of 30 Sig regt and 21 Sig Regt came under 210 Sig Sqn control.
The Queen's Royal Lancers
    B Squadron, to Bosnia in 1998 (SFOR)
    C Squadron to Maglai, Bosnia, in April 1995 & to Bosnia in 2002.
The Light Dragoons
Two Reconnaissance squadrons to Bosnia in May 1994 to support the Duke of Wellington's Own Regiment and The Royal Anglian Regiment.
    C Sqn, Light Dragoons
OP Grapple 3 Nov 93-May 94 Tomislavgrad, Zepce, OC MAj Darling
IFOR - Dec 95-June 96 Glamoc, OC Maj Ogden
SFOR - Mar 98-Oct 98 Sipovo, OC Maj Whittaker
SFOR - Oct 02-Apr 03 Banja Luka, OC Maj Hamilton
    B Sqn, Light Dragoons
OP Grapple 2 May 93-Nov 93 Tuzla, OC
Maj Browell
OP Gapple 6(MNB)/IFOR Aug 95-Feb 96 Bugojno, Mt Igman, Kiseljac, Banja Luka Wood Factory, OC Maj Polley
SFOR Mar 00-Sept 00 Banja Luka, OC Maj Good
    A Sqn, Light Dragoons
OP Grapple 4 May 04-Nov 04, Tomislavgrad, Maglai, OC Maj McKenzie
IFOR June 96-Dec 96 Banja Luka Wood Factory, OC Maj Bate
SFOR Oct 98-April 98 Banja Luka
    D Sqn, Light Dragoons
OP Grapple 3/4 Feb 94-Aug 94 Busovaca, Maglai, Zepce, OC Maj Elwood
SFOR March 98-Oct 98 Banja Luka, Maj Frost
BRITCAVBAT Feb 94-Aug 94 Maglai, CO Lt/Col Webb-Bowen.
The King's Royal Hussars, The KRH served in Bosnia between June and December 1997. RHQ was in Mrconij-Grad, B Sqn was in Birachi on Challenger MBT, and C Sqn was in Sipovo formed as a Formation Recce Sqn attached to the Infantry Battle group based in Jace. B Sqn returned to Mrconij-Grad between June and December 1999, They were the last MBT Sqn to serve there.
The Queen's Royal Hussars
A regiment of tanks sent to Bosnia in January 1995 to form part of a rapid reaction force for UNPROFOR.
9th/12th Lancers (Prince of Wales's)
A reconnaissance squadron was sent to Bosnia in June 1992 tasked with safe passage of humanitarian aid alongside the Cheshires.
B Squadron, 9/12 Lancers deployed to Bosnia in Nov 92 as Recce SQN attached to the Cheshire Regiment, The Sqn was command by Major A. Abrahams and was split between Vitez and Tuzla.
The Royal Dragoon Guards
    A Squadron deployed to Bosnia in the summer of 1998.
1st The Queen's Dragoon Guards
    RHQ, C & D Squadron plus elements of HQ Squadron to Bosnia betwen the 16th and 20th June 1996 (IFOR).
    B Squadron deployed to Bosnia in August 1996 in an infantry role.
The Blues and Royals
    ? Squadron deployed to Bosnia in 1994-5.
Household Cavalry Regiment began to deploy in Split from 17th? June 1995.
November 1997 - June 1998 the Regiment deployed minus C Sqn. D Sqn OC Major Stafford in Banja Luka Metal Factory, B Sqn OC Major Charrington in Sipovo and Regimental Headquarters & HQ Sqn in Mrkonjic Grad. Commanding Officer Nick Everard. All as part of SFOR.
    A Squadron (Life Guards), Household Cavalry Regiment, formed part of Task Force Alpha, part of UN Multi-National Brigade in September 1995. Deployed Nov 94 - May 95 Op Grapple 5.5
    B Squadron (Life Guards), Household Cavalry Regiment. Deployed Nov 94 - May 95 Op Grapple 5.5
    C Squadron (Royal Horse Guards), Household Cavalry Regiment, Location Glamoc Sqn Ldr Maj McCullough also attached was a Sabre Troop from the 9/12 Lancers-July 96 - Jan 98
    D Squadron (Royal Horse Guards), Household Cavalry Regiment.
    RHQ deployed as BRITCAV BAT to Zepce D Sqn HCR (RHG/D) also deployed at the same time under BRITCAV Bat command to Magalaj Sqn Ldr of D Sqn was Maj David Waterhouse the Commanding Officer of the HCR was Col Rollo. Nov 94-May95 Op Grapple 5.

1st Battalion The Coldstream Guards, deployed to Bosnia in November 1993 and relieved in May 1994 by 2nd Battalion The Royal Anglian Regiment.
1st Battalion Welsh Guards, deployed to Bosnia as part of SFOR in 2002.
1st Battalion Grenadier Guards, 1st Battalion Grenadier Guards took over as Battle Group from the PWO on 28 September 2004 and came under command of NATO SFOR. On 1 December 2004 NATO SFOR handed over command to the European Headquarters and we became part of the first EUFOR operation.
Based at Banja Luka metal factory. Commanding Officer was Lieutenant Colonel DJC Russell-Parsons. Returned to Windsor middle of March 2005.
1st Battalion The Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders Deployed on Op Oculus on 1st April to 28 September 2005 as part of EUFOR. A, D and HQ Coys based at Banja Luka Metal Factory as part of Multinational Task Force North West but operated throughout the whole country. Lt Col Simon West CO..
The Highlanders, Op Oculus Sept 2003- May 2004. B coy Sipovo, D coy Banja Luka, HQ Mikonj grad.
The Gordon Highlanders, Platoon attached to PWO spread out through C coy, HQ coy.
1st Battalion The Cheshire Regiment, to Bosnia June 1992 tasked with safe passage of humanitarian aid. Relieved by Prince of Wales's Own Regiment of Yorkshire in May 1993. Lt. Col. Bob Stewert.
Op Grapple 1 served in Vitez & Tuzla, commanding officer was Bob Stuart, we did the fist 6 month tour, all hell broke loose on the 4th month which ended up with Vitez in ruins
    5 platoon, B company, 22nd Cheshire Regiment, 1992-1993 Gornji Vacuf.
1st Battalion The Devonshire and Dorset Regiment, Operation Grapple 6, May 1995 until relieved by 2nd Battalion Light Infantry in October 1995.
lst Battalion Duke of Wellington's Regiment ? & March 1994 to August 1994, during this tour the battalions area included Bugojno, Vitez, Travnik and, later, the besieged enclave of Gorazde. Corporal Wayne Mills became the first recipient of the Conspicuous Gallantry Cross while on duty here. Pte S Taylor C Company was killed in Gorazde 1994. CO Lieutenant Colonel David Santa-Olalla. Relieved by The Royal Gloucestershire Berkshire and Wiltshire Regiment.
3rd Battalion Duke of Wellington's Regiment I was deployed with 6 others from out T.A. unit in May-November 1996. we were based at Zetra stadium in Sarajevo. Thanks to Gary Little for this entry.
The Green Howards, Green Howards deployed in October 1996, taking over from The Worcester & Sherwood Foresters.
The Battalion was part of 20 Brigade and had its Battalion HQ in Gornji Vakuf. B Coy were co-located with Battle Group HQ in Gornji Vakuf, C Coy our of Previa, but moved to Jajce in early December taking over from a Dutch Armoured Infantry Regiment. Thanks to Tom Gaynor for this entry.
1st Battalion The Royal Gloucestershire Berkshire and Wiltshire Regiment, August 1994 to March 1995, A and B Companies in Gorazde.
2nd Battalion Light Infantry, relieved the 1st Battalion The Devonshire and Dorset Regiment in October 1995.
1st Battalion King's Own Royal Border Regiment deployed to Bosnia in 2000 as part of SFOR.
1st Battalion Queen's Lancashire Regiment. 1 QLR deployed for Op Resolute (IFOR) in 1996. First locating to Sipovo, in the recently evacuated "anvil" then moving to Gorji Vakuf, Vitez, Bugojno.
a platoon from 1 QLR was also attched to 1pwo , tour was 1993 vitez and tuzla.
2nd Battalion The Parachute Regiment in Bosnia June 1999.
Prince of Wales's Own Regiment of Yorkshire, arrived in Bosnia May 1993 and relieved the 1st Battalion The Cheshire Regiment. The Regiment was based at Vitez in 1993 with A and C Companies, B Company was based in Gornji Vaakuf. Two platoons manned Tuzla. Commanding officer was Lt Col Duncan. The Prince of Wales Own Regiment of Yorkshire returned to Bosnia in March 2004 for a six month tour operating from Banja Luka metal factory.
2nd Battalion deployed to Bosnia in 2000 as part of SFOR.
3rd Battalion. 3 PWO mobilised a platoon in Dec 1995 which was the first IFOR unit to arrive in theatre. It was also the first TA unit to be deployed as a unit, rather than individuals, on active service since Suez. The platoon formed the Defence Force and Quick Reaction Force at HQ NSE in Divulje Barracks and was deployed on tasks thoughout the theatre. Thanks to Alan Kennedy for this entry.
2nd Battalion The Middlesex Regiment
2 Battalion the Princess of Wales's Royal Regiment, 2 Royal Anglian Op Grapple 4 May to Nov 1994 there was also 36 soldiers from 2 PWRR on that 6 month deployment.
2nd Battalion The Royal Anglian Regiment relieved the 1st Battalion The Coldstream Guards in May 1994. 20 soldiers from 1st Battalion The Royal Anglian Regiment, basted at Vitez in 1994.
Vitez HQ Coy complete, D(sp)coy, BCoy Gorji Vakuf, all as part off Grapple 4 Capt S Wormald Killed during the tour Landmine.
1st Battalion The Royal Green Jackets Jajce, Bosnia Apr to Oct 1998. Gornji Vakuf, Vitez, 1996-7, CO.Jackson.
2nd Battalion The Royal Green Jackets deployed to Bosnia as part of SFOR in 1996, 1998 & again in 2001.
1st Battalion The Royal Regiment of Wales deployed to Bosnia as part of SFOR in 1999.
1st Battalion, Royal Regiment of Fusiliers landed @ Split airport and transported to Bihac, then onto Vitez and Gorni Vacuf as part of UN then as part of IFOR 1995-1996.
A company; Sfor "Op Loadstar" Apl/Nov 1997, based in The Shoe Factory , Mrkonjic-grad Bosnia. Attached to Scots Dragoon Guards.
Royal Welch Fusiliers, responsible for Gorade in January 1995 when 33 were part of a group of 350 UN troops taken hostage by Bosnian serbs.
Bugojno in 1995 and then mount igman during that same year.
1 WFR deployed a Sniper Pln made up of 1 WFR and 3 QUEENs personnel including one SNIPER MARKSMAN from Royal Engineers on GRAPPLE 1
1st Battalion The Royal Highland Fusiliers Gorni Vakuf from November 1994 to May 1995 under the UN, Commanded by Lt Col Edwards. SFOR.
C Coy, Grapple 4.
1st Battalion The Royal Scots deployed to Bosnia as part of SFOR in 2002.
2nd Battalion The Royal Irish Regiment(27th Inniskilling, 83rd and 87th and Ulster Defence Regiment) For Operation Grapple 1. The regiment was attached to 1st Battalion the Cheshire Regiment from November 1992 to May 1993. Commanding Officer was Colonel Bob Stewart. Detachments to C Company in Vitez, B Company in Gorni Vakulf. C Company then stationed in Tuzla for last six weeks, two kilometres from the front line.
2nd Battalion The Royal Irish Rangers Op grapple 1. b coy Gornji Vakuf
1 Battalion The Worcestershire & Sherwood Foresters Regiment 1wfr tour dates apr 96 taken over from 2li as part of IFOR replaced by the green howards oct 96, bhq located at bus depot m/g a coy shoefactory m/g, b coy sanski most, c coy gorni ribnik, d coy nail factory. co was lt col p mercer
deployed to Bosnia as part of SFOR in 1998.
2nd Battalion The Royal Gurkha Regiment deployed to Bosnia as part of SFOR in 2001.
22nd Special Air Service Regiment

Royal Regiment of Artillery
AMF(L) UK Force Artillery, I commanded the AMF(L) Force Artillery from May 1995 to Nov 1997. During that time my unit deployed to the Balkans twice. In July 1995 my Headquarters and 19/5 (Gibraltar 1779-1803) Battery deployed to Ploce, Croatia in support of 24 Airmobile Brigade whilst their indigenous artillery (19 Regt RA)was deployed on Mt Igman in support of the multi-national force. Returning to UK in Sep 1995, my unit re-deployed to Mt Igman in late Nov 1995, to relieve 19 Regt in place. My unit comprised 2 light gun batteries provided by 19/5 Battery and an additional battery 8 (Alma) Commando Battery from 29 Commando Regiment. My unit was split between Gornji Vakuf (8 Bty) and Mt Igman (HQ and 19/5 Btys). On the assumption of command by NATO from the UN on 20 Dec 1995, my unit redeployed to Sippovo in support of 4 Armoured Brigade under Brigader Dannett. We were relieved by 26 Regt RA in Feb 1996, when HQ and 8 Btys returned to the UK and 19/5 remained under command 26 regt until returning in May 1996. We were awarded both UN and NATO medals for our service in the Balkans in 1995 and 1996, one of the few units to receive both.
1st Royal Horse Artillery B/L bty Deployed in May of 1996 at Glamoc until Jan 1997 as Ifor.
6 Artillery Support Squadron, Royal Artillery 6 months at Split North Port.
19th Field Regiment Royal Artillery deployed in June 1995, formed part of UN Multi National brigade in September 1995. Op Grapple 6.
   13 (Martinique 1809) Headquarters Battery
   25/170 (Injim)Battery
   25 battery, 19 regiment, Royal Artillery, Artillery observation post, op blue, mt igman. May 1995 - Dec 1995, CO ltcol Applegate
   28/143 (Tombs Troop) Battery
26 Regiment, Royal Artillery, 159 colenso battery.
   Radar Troop, HQ Bty 26 Regt RA radar troop with 40 Regt RA attached personnel was deployed to the Sanski Most area of Bosnia in Jan 1996 as part of the new IFOR contingent, the radars were transported from Sarajevo to Sanski Most when NATO took over operations from the UN, the troop was based in the wood factory in Sanski Most itself, with radar positions over looking the newley formed front lines between the muslims and serbs.
32 Regiment, Royal Artillery
   HALO (Sound Ranging) Troop 22 Locating Battery, 32 Regiment, Royal Artillery, three units deployed in Kiseljak, Visoko, Sarajavo in September 1995.
Halo troop, 57 bty, 39 regiment, Royal Artillery Halo troop originally deployed in Bugojno, Vitez and Sarajevo in January 1995 and was replaced by 22 bty in May -Halo troop also withdrew from Bosnia in May 1997.
40 Regiment, Royal Artillery sanski most, 1997 SFOR tour, 6/36 bty with 38 bty personnel attached. two guns troops c and d, plus mt troop (b troop). A troop (ops) were at donji lubija with 6 czeh mech.
40 regt RA Lowland Gunners Fort Glamoc, 38 bty, with 6/36 bty attached, Lt Col M Robinson, June 1999 - Jan 2000.
G Motar Locating Troop 40th Regiment Royal Artillery The Radar troop was on operations in Sarajevo from Sep 94 - Mar 95. The Radar positions were at Sarajevo airport and the old Turkish Fort at the very eastern end of the city. The Radar command post was situated in the TV studio office complex just off sniper alley. The troop was 60 strong and came under command of the French Army at the time because the Brits had not deployed in the city the nearest major brit unit (RGBW) was in a small town called Kiseljak outside the city, Capt Andy Lewis RA was the commander.

Royal Engineers
1st Field Squadron, 21 Engineer Regiment, Royal Engineers. Deployed on Op Grapple 2 1993 maintaining routes from Tomislavgrad to Vitez primarily Routes Triangle, Circle and Diamond, but split throughout whole AOR. Then returned on Op Grapple 6 in 1995, based in Gornji Vakuf, and Bugojno carrying out force protection and maintenance of routes again.
2 HQ Squadron 32 Engineer Regiment, HQ sigs was part of 32 Engr Regt. I went with advance party mid Dec 95. The regt was there (31engr sqn,77 engr sqn, 26 engr sqn all part of 32 engr regt.)
Our Co ran 7 armoured brigades ops room in sipivo because top guy was visiting or hob nobbing every day. When john major visited I was put in a land rover and told to drive for two hours in one direction, go to a pol point, fill up then drive back to sipivo! I left with most of regt jun/jul 96.
4 Field Squadron, Royal Engineers formed as part of Task Force Alpha, part of UN Multi-National Brigade in September 1995. Returned to Bosnia as 4 Armoured Field Squadron in March 2000 as part of Operation Palatine.
Mountain Troop, 15 Squadron, 38 Engineer Regiment Deployed with 38 Engineer, Ripon, in October 1995 as part of Op Grapple 7, lots of snow, abandoned cars, and attaching/unattaching of snow chains! The plant troop earned every penny. Thanks to Danny Crangle for this entry.
Elements of? 21 Engineer Regiment, left Emden on 6th June 1995 for Bosnia.
22 Regiment, Royal Engineers based at gorni vakuf in the persision factory attached to the mines team. I was in country for 12 months training un troops mine awareness. we moved the team upto Banja Luka from where we sent teams to monitor the demining teams.
We where responsible for the destruction of upto 100,000 antipersonal mines over the 12month period. in the 12months i was training britfor pax an other nations in mine awareness we had no solders killed or wounded from mine strikes. a record im proud of.
23 Amphibious Engineer Squadron, Gorazde, September 1994 to March 1995 attached to RGBW. Thanks to Cpl Paul Ian Wilkie for this entry.
26 Armoured Engineer Squadron, Op Grapple 7 / Op Resolute 1 - 1 Troop, 26 Armoured Engineer Squadron relieved 31 Armoured Engineer Squadron in Sept 1995 and was based in Kiseljak Brick Factory and on Mount Igman. In December 2005 the Troop relocated to Mrkonjic Grad Bus Factory which subsequently burned down. Unit was commended by US 1st / 10th Special Forces group. Thanks to Paul Ford for this entry.
29 Field Squadron Royal Engineers, Deployed on Op Grapple 5 Nov 94 to May 95. Maj Stewart as OC (GingeBat) based in Vitez School, Gornji Vakuf, Bugonja, TSG, Roukes Drift, Happy Eater and one section north of the Magli Finger. Thanks to Ex Cpl Wayne (Titch) Shenton for this entry.
Gorni Vacuf 1997; Operation Lodestar SFOR.
31 Armoured Engineer Squadron 31 AES deployed as part of UNPROFOR on Grapple 6 (June 1995) subsequently changed to Taskforce Alpha and deployed to Mount Igman in July to help in prep for Air Strikes. Deployed a Special Task Section to Sarajevo in August returning to Igman on the day of the Marketplace bombing 28 Aug. Took over Brick Factory - Kiseljak tour finished Oct 95. Returned to BiH Oct 1996 as part of IFOR based at Mrkonjic Grad Bus factory and Banja Luka. Had a quiet construction tour. Returned to Honhe April 97.
3 Troop, 32 Field Squadron, 38 Engineer regt Deployed supporting Dukes initially to set up Bugonjo then within a large section to set up camp at Gorazde (along with a French engineer troop)and 4 lads from 33 EOD RE. Thanks to Cpl Paul Newcombe, 38 Engineers for this entry.
21 Field Squadron, 33 Engineer Regiment (EOD) We were based at Gorni Vakuf, MG, Sipovo, Banja Luka. Doing two week turnarounds from Sep 98 to Mar 99.
Elements of 33 Engineer Regiment (EOD) Troop and Squadron sized detachments from initial UN deployment to the present day.
35th Engineer Regiment, REME Workshop Op Grapple. Jul - Oct 92 ish Extended runway' leveled and expanded port.
35 Engineer Regiment Group, The 35 Engr REgt Gp deployed during 1995 to Ploce on Op Grapple Surge, to build a camp for 24 Air Mobile Bde. Led by Lt Col NMH Fairclough RE (got his OBE for it). We took Sqns 37, 42, 44Hq from 35 ENgr Regt, 65 Corps Support form 28 Engrs and 51 Airmobile Sqn from 36 Regt.
Camp construction was priority and the mani highlights that people remember were the floods and gales oh yes and the sewage along with 'Shindlers Showers'
I know 35 has been listed but it was a fast ball deployemt. No White vehicles as we were Surge deployment.
Deployed June 95 came home November 95.
Thanks to Brian O'Donoghue for this entry.
37 Field Squadron 35 Engineer Regiment, Deployed with 35 Engineer Regiment on Op Grapple. The Squadron deployed from Hameln in October 92. based initially in Tomislavsgrad the Squadron was responsible for construction and maintenance of routes across mountains to Gorni Vakuf and Vitez and built and maintained the camps at Redoubt, Happy Eater, + 1 other to enable easier route construction and maintenance.
42 Field Squadron 35 Engineer Regiment, Op Grapple 1 Vitez. The Squadron deployed from Hameln in October and was complete in theatre by 13 Nov 92. The OC was Major Jamie Sage RE. The Squadron was located in Vitez School with elements deploying to Rorkes Drift (route maintenance - 7 Troop, Tuzla - 8 Troop, and Camp construction and convoy support was supplied by 9 troop who stayed in Vitez.
42 Field Squadron was responsible for camp at Gorni Vakup not Rourkes Drift as posted on site, (Rourkes Drift was built by 5 or 12 Field Squadron can not remember which (part of squadron history relates to Lt Chard of Rourkes Drift hence camp name)(This Squadron joined 35 Engineer Regt Group during Op Grapple 1 tour)).
44 HQ and Sp Sqn 35 Engineer Regiment, Deployed as part of 35 Engineer Regt Group in Oct 92 on Op Grapple 1 initially to split as advance party to prepare Split port and Divulje Brks for arrival of rest of regiment. Moved to Tomislavsgrad (TSG) (leaving RHQ elements and a resources cell in Split) to set up as a Field Support Squadron providing heavy plant and artisan tradesmen to build the roads and camps from Split to Vitez.
36 Engineer Regiment, Headquarters based in Tom Factory in Gornji Vakuf under CO Robbie Burns. Detachments in Tomislavgrad, Bugojno and Vitez. Main job keeping mountain supply routes open especially routes circle and triangle. Rebuilt Baily Bridge in Mostar after original bridge destroyed. Operation Grapple 4 from 1994.
14 Indep Topo Sqn, Royal Engineers 14 Topo Sqn deployed from Moenchengladbach, Germany to Split in December 1995 and subsequently established itself in Kiseljak in late January 1996. The Squadron's role was to provide geographic support to IFOR, including field survey, terrain analysis, map production and map supply.
On deployment the Squadron was supported by 19 Specialist Team Royal Engineers and reinforced by soldiers from the School of Military Survey and 42 Survey Engineer Group. The Squadron was replaced in theatre in July 1996 by 13 Topographic Squadron Royal Engineers, who remained in Kiseljak until November 1996.
11 Field Squadron, 38 Engineer Regiment The advance party of the squadron deployed on the 28th October 1993. The squadron served a 6 month tour and worked closely with the Coldstream Guards.The majority of the squadron was based in Vitez, however there were elements based in Split & Gorni Vacouf. The squadrons main rolls were to maintain and keep open the main supply routes (MSR), route clearance, field defences, Supplying power to british camps, as well as exposive work when supporting the members of 33 EOD on larger tasks.
Redoubt Camp. I deployed as the Sqn Recovery Mechanic from Oct 93 until Apr 94. Our detachment was resposible for the maintainence and route clearence of route triangle between Tomislavgrad at the bottom of the mountain and the quarry situated to the North of Lake Prozor. The road was little more than a loggers mud road over the mountain. Every humanatarian aid convoy had to use this route to get up country, GV; Vitez and beyond. It was also during a very harsh, freezing and snow filled winter. Thr RE lads did a fantastic job of rebuiding and maintaining the tarck. I myself in the 6 month tour conducted well over 250 major recovery tasks thus keeping the route open for all traffic. Most of the plant operators and myself spent many a night living out of our trucks at the side of the road, 5000 ft up a lonely mountain. Thanks to Gordon McAndrew for this entry.
38 Engineer Regt, Sept 97 - Mar 98 Op Lodestar 2. 38 Engineer Regt deployed on Sept 97 till Mar 98, 11 Fd Sqn (Based in GV under WO2 SSM Tony Cork RE), 32 HQ Sqn, 15 Field Park Sqn (Based In Split) 11 SQqn are already listed but different tour, the Sqn went there more than once!
64 HQ Squadron, RE Part of OP Grapple September 1994 to March 1995, Based in Tomislavgrad and various locations along Route Triangle (Fort Redout & Fort Invicta, Mountain Troop).
519 Specialist Team, Royal EngineersThe first STRE in Bosnia as part of Op Grapple. Deployed in 92, returned 93. CO Major Cox. Team of 17 specialists and support, developed Divulja Barracks and provided Clerk of Works support at Tomislavgrad and various road stops (happy eater etc.) Designed most of the accommodation packs for the road teams.
522 Specialist Team Royal Engineers, man design team deployed on Op Grapple 2 from April to October 93.
Mine awareness training team started at gorni vakuf in pressision factory with 22re then moved upto Banja Luka. we ran teams out of here operating in most areas. Trained Canadian, Czech, Spanish, Belgian, some American mine monitors. Supervised Bosnia, Croat and Serb demine teams.

Royal Corps of Transport
7 Squadron, 27 Regiment, Royal Corps of Transport We were based at Omis Camp, UNPROFOR, and served on Grapple 2 from April 1993 - October 1993. Thanks to the 35 Engineers lads our journey along Route Triangle was much improved during our tour.
17 Squadron, 10 Corps Transport Regiment, Royal Corps of Transport OC - Maj M Hood RCT, OC Des - Maj R Castell RCT, Nov '92 to May '93 - Split, TSG, G Vakuf, Kiseljak, Vitez.
27 Transport Regiment, 8 Squadron. deployed on 15th July 1995, spent a week at Dole camp, Croatia. The Regiment was then sent to Tuzla as a huge UN convoy to help support the Norlogbat. The regiment collected supplies daily for the thousands of refugees on the airbase/camp at Tuzla. The regiment remained there about 2 weeks, then returned to Lipa, the tour lasted until February 1996.
42 Squadron RCT AMF(L) 42 Son RCT AMF(L) sent 8 Drivers to support Royal Artillery, and Special Forces Teams aboard RFA Argus and HMS Ark Royal during 1993 .

Royal Army Ordnance Corps
31 Ordnance Company Op Grapple 1 Nov 1992. Main company deployed in Split, with detachments deployed in Tomislavigrad and Vitez providing logistic support to the Cheshire Regiment and 42 Field Squadron Royal Engineers. Thanks to J Carslaw for this entry.

Royal Army Medical Corps
1 Field Ambulance, RAMC this unit had three detachments in Bosnia, one at TSG, one at GV, another at Vitez and an Armoured ambulance at redout with the Engineers. The unit deployed to Bosnia in 1992 as the first medical unit to enter Bosnia. Thanks to David Irving for this entry.
3 Field Ambulance, RAMC, formed as part of Task Force Alpha, part of UN Multi-National Brigade in September 1995.
1 Armoured Field Ambulance, RAMC 1 AFA medics based at all UK bases. I was at Sipovo with them then transferred to Split in 1997.I was 1 of many T.A. attached to regular units.
2 Armoured Field Ambulance, RAMC 2 AFA were the second medical unit into Bosnia, supporting Cheshires & PWO's. The unit had detachments operating anywhere between Split & Tuzla from the start of April 1993 onwards.
Force Medical Squadron/ 2 Armd Fd Ambulance Served at:
Split with RAF
Tomislavgrad with NSE 27 Regt
Gornji Vakuf with 1 PWO
Vitez with 1 PWO
Tuzla with 1 PWO and Light Dragoons
This was for 6 months and I was the medic for the CSE show which included Bradley Walsh.
4 Armoured Field Ambulance, RAMC British Medical Battalion, Op Hanwood, Croatia Dec 1992 - June 1993. Commanding Officer: Lt. Col. Edmundson-Jones, RSM: WO1 McClennan.
5 Armoured Field Ambulance, RAMC
5 General Service Medical Regiment, RAMC Banuluka, preador.
16 armoured Field Ambulance, RAMC one section of 16AFA attached to 5AFA Sept/Oct(Op Grappel 4+5 1994 posted to Zepca,Maglij,Tesanj in support of various units armoured/infantry/Artillery as part of General Rose,s Augumentation Force. The Section was split up to cover several areas and operations. Thanks to Roy Hayes for this entry. Thanks to John Lambert for this entry.
April 96 - Oct 96 Nato. Unit HQ was Sipovo with sect's in TSG Gorni Vakuf, MSG, Kluch (sp) etc.
19 (Airmobile) Field Ambulance RAMC 1995 deployed with multi-national NATO Rapid Reaction Force. Based at Ploce Dockyard Camp in Croatia but had elements detached into Bosnia, including Mt Igman. 1997 OP LODESTAR July-Dec. Based in Clothing Factory, Sipovo, where a Fd Hosp was set up (33 Fd Hosp?) and deployed a full med section to every British base in theater.
23 Parachute Field Ambulance, RAMC Deployed July 1996, main force to Cable Factory Tomislavgrad with outposts at Split, Komensko, GV, Kupres, etc Col. Tim Pitcher CO.
24 Field Ambulance, RAMC 24/6/1992 to Croatia. Operation Hanwood 1992 Zagreb, Knin Split, Sarajevo and various other locations.

Royal Army Vetinary CorpsRAVC served in Bosnia since the start of the war and continued as SFOR until they withdrew in 2004-5. RAVC main base was in BLMF, but also ran dog sections in MG and Sipovo

Royal Army Chaplains Department Banja Luka, Sipovo

Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers
6 Bn REME 9 Fd Wksp Packs Platoon Located at the Salona Factory in Split, Croatia between April - Nov 1996. Op Resolute 2. Almost 50% of the platoon was made up of Territorial Army volunteers and Reservists.
7 Armoured Workshop Company, Royal Electrical And Mechanical Engineers 7 Armd Wksp Coy was the first major unit to deploy into Bosnia. We deployed to Split from Fallingbostel on 7 Nov 1992 and moved through Tomislavgrad to Gornji Vakuf on the night of 9/10 Nov 1992. The Coy was commanded by Maj Heelis and was in situ a full 2 weeks before the lead elements of 1 Ches arrived in theatre. The Coy completed a 7 month tour, fially arriving back in Fallingbostel in May 1992.7 Armd Wksp Coy detachments at every location and is proud to boast they were "First Over The Mountain". The main body moved from GV to Split on 5/6 Feb 1993.
I was the Coy clerk for the tour and was Major Heelis's driver on the pre advance party. We actually sourced and hired our base in Gornji Vakuf and the one further North in Vitez before the advance party even arrived in Split on the LSL's.
15 Field Workshop REME (6BN) 15 Fd Wksp REME (Catterick) deployed with elements from 9 Fd Wksp (also 6BN) in April '96 -Oct '96 on Resolute 2. Main workshop was based at "Aluminka" factory in Sipovo, overlooking 'keyhole camp'. Local residents began to return to Sipovo half way through the tour and started rebuildingthe town.
21 engr Regt WKSP REME OP Grapple 6. Based throughout AOR.
72 Aircraft Workshop REME 72 AC Wksp REME deployed to Croatia in June 1995 as part of 4 Regiment AAC, 24 Airmobile Brigades Operation Hampden. The BDE deployed to the Croatian port of Ploce remaining on station until the signing of the Dayton Peace Agreement in late 1995. The Bde shared the port with elements of a French Aviation Militaire Unit.
A Battalion of Royal Anglian's (may have been 1st Btn) deployed with the Brigade. The vast majority of the Bde left theatre in August. I stayed on as part of the rearguard eventually arriving back in the UK on 23rd December 1995.
The highlight of the tour was spending a week lapping up the adriatic coast on the Makerska Riviera when it was realised that our lovingly prepared camp in Ploce was 3-5 metres below the local water table - leaving us knee deep in sewage!

Royal Signals
The first signallers deloyed to Bosnia were in support of the EU monitoring mission in 1991. These few individuals working unarmed and in civilian clothes provided communications for the EU monitors. They were lead by a Staff Sergeant (Yoeman of Signals) from 2 Squadron 4 Armd Div HQ and Sig Sqn
The first large scale deplyment of signallers was the deployment of a composite squadron based on 211 Signal Squadron which had just given up its role as a brigade signal squadron and been incorporated into 4 Armd Div Hwq and Sig Regt as the Div Alt HQ squadron. This Squadron had 10 days notice to deloy to Bosnia and it is a tribiute to the officers and men of 4 Armd Div HQ and Sig Regt and in particular 211 Sig Sqadron that they were able to deply so quickly and efficiently. When planning the opereation the manpowere limits placed on the squadron were so tight that HQUKLF (the mounting HQ) would not initially allow the troop commanders to deply with their men. The officers were therefore listed on the manifests as linemen! Tragicaly one soldier was killed in a road accident as the squadron's vehicles were moving to emabark from Hamburg.
Detachment of 2 Signals Regiment at UN Multi-National Brigade Tactical Headquarters at Mount Igman in September 1995.
2 Signal Squadron, Lower Saxony Signal Regiment, Verden. Signal Sqn, Formerly 2 Squadron (1ADSR) located in Verden deployed May to November 1993. Led by Maj Carey and RSM Roy Boulton
21 Signals Regiment (Air Support), 21 Sigs personnel (220 Sqn and 244(?) Sqn) first arrived at Dole, Croatia in June 1995, under UN. Soon moved to Ploce dockyard camp and then to Split as part of NATO in support of 1310 flight RAF and 845 Naval air Sqn. 220 Sqn provided Air support at Tomislavgrad, Bosnia from 1995 onwards.
2 Squadron, LSSR (Lower Saxony Signal Regiment-ex 1 ADSR), 2 Squadron of what was temporarily known as Lower Saxony Signal Regiment- a unit created during the "drawdown" operations in Germany. This unit was formerly 1 ADSR but was renamed as HQ 1st Armd Div pulled out of its long term base at Verden in Germany. 2 Squadron of this regiment was an armoured Signal Squadron, and served on Op Grapple 2 (May-November 1993). The unit disbanded on its return, and its base in Verden was handed back to the Germans shortly afterwards.
7th Signals Regiment Sarajevo, Based at Hotel Terme.
30 Signals Regiment, was in Bosnia from 1991 and continue to provide a presence in the country. During 1994 there was at least 5 detachments in theatre inclduing an Echolon in Split. 30 Signal Regiment was at UN Multi-National Brigade HQ (SW) in September 1995. 30 Signal Regiment's role to be do all OOA Ops and regularly deploy to all hotspots regardless of size. A detachment was one of the first in to Vitez, accompanying Colonel Bob Stewart of the Cheshire Regiment. This was in late 1991. Vitez was an untouched school when we first arrived, indeed the first couple of months the detachment used the classrooms as accomodation. This was prior to the Warriors arriving as part of the main force a few weeks later. Typical tour of duty for 30SR personnel was 6 months. Just to emphasise that detachments of 30 Signal Regiment are usually amongst the very first troops to enter any Theatre of Operations.
209 Signal Squadron, 19 Mechanized Brigade we were a armored sig sqn , part of 19 mech bde, we deployed in Nov 94 to May 95 on Op Grapple 5, we had soldiers in Split, Gornji Vakuf and out dets with the Canadians, Turkish, Malaysians and Spanish, Our OC was Maj Humphreys and Our RSM was Peter Woodward.
209 Signal Sqn, 19 mech bde hq & sig sqn) also served as part of SFOR between Oct 1997 and May 1998 at various locations. Hq being at Banja Luka Metal Factory as part of MND(SW.RSM was John Howell Warmsley. They took over from 207 sig sqn and were replaced by 3 uk div sig regt. Thanks to Chris Ardron for this entry.
230 Signal Squadron 230 Squadron deployed with the signing of the Dayton agreement, we landed in Split Airport December the 6th 1995, the tour ran through till I left theatre at least until end 1996, parts of the squadron were also based in Kuprez during this time. I believe it was a Major Robertson who was initially in charge, with SSM O'Connor as well, I served with the Squadron fitter section.

Royal Logistics Corps
3 Tank Transporter Squadron, 7 Transport Regiment RLC Dec 1995 - June 1996. OP Resolute 1. Dalma Warehouse, Split. Jan - July 1997, Op Lodestar 1, Dalma warehouse, Split. Dec 1997 - June 1998, Op Lodestar 3, Split North Port.
4 GS Regiment 75 SQN RLC REME Wksp Deployed to theatre in Dec '95 on Op Resolute 1. Had been expecting to be based in Lipa but sqn was moved to Kupres after a few days. Provided convoy support and regt admin support for 4 GS until June '96. Also attached to 3CS REME Wksp Sipivo.
    415 Civil Affairs, US Army, Assigned to the 4th RLC, Kupres from JAN 1996-June 1996. Responsible for Military/Civil Operations in the 4th RLC sector.
8 Regiment, Royal Logsitics Corps Attached to 19 Arty end of may 1995. Spent 6 weeks in GV then 4 months living under trucks and in tents provided by the Dutch!! Resuplying the lads on Mt.Igman. Good tour with some dodgy moments!
9 supply regiment , 94 sqn, Combat Supply Battalion 6 month DOT from march to september 2000. OC Major Wickes. Oversaw the final shut down of Dalma Warehouse Complex.(Only EFI was left) Then relocated to shutdown SNP. RFA Fort Grange had left that January. Again relocated to Kuprez Bosnia for the final drawdown before the engineers came to dismantle all the corrimecs. Before ending up at Sipovo where we finally were able to stay in one place for the remainder of the Tour. (Note PTE Anthony Pike REME died early on this tour in Kuprez from a gunshot wound, his repatriation ceremony was held at SNP about 2 weeks later where he was flown home draped in a flag.).
9 Tank Transporter Squadron, 7 Transport Regiment RLC April - October 1994. Op Grapple 4, Omis Camp & Dalma Warehouse. OC Maj Mee.
14 supply Regt RLC 14 Supply Regt RLC where in theatre for UN then the first IFOR. Dalma warehouse and up country dets (Tomislavgrad etc). They were replaced by 7 Transport Regt. First time TA deployed (MBLU etc) as they could not under UN regulations at that time.
21 brigade support sq 3 close support regt rlc 21 brigade support squadron was a part of 3 cs regt rlc but was deployed with 4 gs regt rlc on operation resolute 1 between dec 95 and june 96.4 regt was based in Kupres,21 squadron was base at the old woodmill Sipovo later to be named Keyhole camp. Thanks to Lee Duncan for this entry.
dalma warehouse 1995, key hole camp sipovo 1995-96.
32 Brigade Support Squadron, 3 Close Support Regiment RLC Op Grapple 5 Oct 94 - Apl 95 Dalma Warehouse Split with attachments in GV, Vitez, Sarajevo, Zepce,Kislejak, Gorazda. Maj Shoesmith Officer Commanding.
33 Supply Squadron 33 Sup sqn based in Split, Op Grapple 3 elements in TSG and Vitez also Op Resolute 1995-1996 based in Lipa.
60 Artillery Support Squadron, 4 General Support Regiment, Royal Logistics Corps oct93-apr 94 Op Grapple 3,based in Omis Croatia as the Brit Transport SQN. OC Major Martin, sgt Butler, troop sgt. Omis
61 Ammunition Squadron Part of 9 Transporter squadron, Detachments in Tomas slav grad, Gorni vakuf,Gorazde,split,My det was with 2 Royal Anglian and A sqn Light dragoons. April-Oct 2004, Op Grapple 4
11 Tank Transporter Squadron October 1995 - April 1996, Dalma Warehouse Split. Op Grapple 7 & Op Resolute 1.
16 Tank Transporter Squadron
19 Tank Transporter Squadron
23 Pioneer Regiment RLC Divulje Barracks 1995 (6 Month Tour), Pioneer Defence Section UNPROFOR
66 Fuel Squadron RLC Dalmer Ware House, Split
3 TROOP 148 EFI SQN RLC served from start of op grapple 2 to close down after op lodestar i personally served 5 tours of 6 months from op grapple 7 to op lodestar days. was based in plit(dalma),kupres,mg,sipovo,and sarajevo.
908 PLSU : I Served with 908 Pioneer Labour Support Unit who came under MND(SW), HQ BITFOR minor unit, they supplied and employed all the LECs for Bosnia. They'd moved from DJ Bks in Split, Croatia at the end of Nov 00 to BLMF. I served with them as a Reg Reservist cap badged QOH from 17th Dec 00-6 June 01. Thanks to Jason Kellner for this entry.

Adjutant Generals Corps

Intelligence Corps
The Int Corps was active throughout the Bosnia operations, both in Bosnia and in UK where it collected information from refugees for the UN and NATO to support Ops in Bosnia. At first, there was an acute shortage of any Serbo-Croat speakers, since no-one had predicted the rapid disintigration of Yugoslavia.
The MOD took the bold step of establishing the Defence Debriefing Team, a unit of volunteer tri-service reservists about 60 strong based at Ashford Kent but working (when in UK) from home. These men and women learnt the language on intensive courses and then worked in both UK and Bosnia, taking a lot of the strain off the regular Int Corps. Under the UN the deployment was rather piece-meal, with individual soldiers and officers detached to contingents such as the Turks and Canadians. When NATO took over, there was a large deployment of three JFITs (Joint Force Intelligence Teams) who carried out Human Intelligence (HUMINT) duties throughout Bosnia.
In addition, the British-run HQs such as HQ Sector SW had the usual Int Sections, and the shadowy world of Electronic Intelligence was also around, as were the image analysts pouring over the latest satellite images.

Royal Military Police
3 RMP i was attached to 3 rmp i was in the reme in the lad in banja luka metal factory.
4th Armoured Brigade Provost Unit RMP, As an Australian CAPT on exchange duties with RMP in Germany, I was the OC of this unit which deployed to Bosnia between 1 Oct 95 and 14 Apr 96 first as the BRITFOR Force Military Police Unit (FMPU) during OP GRAPPLE 7 (UNPROFOR) then in our accustomed role supporting 4th Armd Bde during Op RESOLUTE 1 (NATO). The 2IC was LT Eric Tomlinson, RMP and the CSM WO2 Linda Kilbride, RMP. The unit eventually consisted of 64 all ranks, including REME, RLC and AGC(SPS) members. We were based throughout Sector South West during UNPROFOR then throughout the 4th Armd Bde AO during Op RESOLUTE 1. Several members of the unit were fired upon and involved in mine incidents during our tour, but no casualties were incurred. 4 Armd Bde Pro Unit RMP was drawn from 115 Pro Coy RMP in Osnabruck, Germany. Thanks to Ian Smith for this entry.
111 Pro Coy RMP I was part of the Military Police (FMPU) support, during UNPROFOR operations Apr 94- oct 94. During the operation I was one of 34 members of my unit. I was based in Vitez other unit members were based in Gornji Vakuf, Kiseljak, Maglaj and Split. I wish to add a peice of information which I believe has not yet been mentioned and that is that during my tour Cpl Philip Bottomley, HQ BRITLOGBAT, Transport Sqn, was killed as a result of enemy action, whilst on a resupply mission.

Army Air Corps
9 Regiment with two Lynx helicopters, left for Split by air in June 1995.
661 Squadron with Lynx Mk 7, UNPROFOR.
664 Squadron with Lynx Mk 7, UNPROFOR.
669 Squadron The Sqn was based in the Tom factory at GV between Dec 98 and Jun 99. A rear ech was located at DJ Barracks Split and a forward base was situated at Banja Luka. On the 22nd Dec 98 Capt Phil Jarvis, Sgt Dave Kinsley and Cpl Chris Addis were killed when their aircraft crashed just outside camp. We were a close Sqn they are sorely missed.

Royal Navy

HMS Ark Royal led TG.612.02 in Adriatic, supporting UN operations in the former Republic of Yugoslavia from 23/4/1993 with 801, 820 846 and 849B NAS embarked.
HMS Invincible relieved HMS Ark Royal 7/1993 with 800, 814, 846 and 849A NAS embarked.
HMS Ark Royal relieved HMS Invincible 1/1994 with 801, 820 and 849B NAS embarked.
HMS Invincible relieved HMS Ark Royal 8/1994 with 800, a flight of 899, 814 & 849A NAS embarked.
HMS Illustrious (801, 820 and 849B NAS embarked) relieved HMS Invincible in Adriatic 3/1995.

HMS Sheffield (F96) was deployed to the Adriatic in dirsup of Operations inland. OP Grapple support, IIRC. We provided some interesting support and I had the chance to see the very professional British Army at first hand in Split / TSG and more! I was totally bowled over by the troops. Time of my life. Places like the burned out bus junction, happy valley, the quarry at vitez, seem surreal now. I will never forget the serb mayors face as that idiot watched the muslim women and children and old folks leave the buses and be handed over to us. I'd love to wipe the smile off his face now.
HMS Avenger on returning from duty as West Indies Guardship in early 1992, Avenger was acting as Fleet Contingency Ship 1. She was deployed to the Adriatic as part of the Western European Union Flotilla under Operation Sharp Vigilance to enforce the UN/NATO blockade of the former Yugoslavia.
HMS Boxer, HMS Boxer was on operations in the Adriatic from July 1993 - ?
HMS Brave, HMS Brave was on operations from May 94 to November 94 as part of NATO forces.
HMS Broadsword, HMS Broadsword was on operations in 1993 after BOST at Portland. We handed over to HMS Boxer in July of that year, after which we suffered a catastrophic AAMR fire that killed two Stokers.
HMS Coventry deployed to Adriatic in October 1994 relieving HMS Brave.
HMS Cumberland deployed to Adriatic in October 1994 relieving HMS Nottingham.
RFA Argus, accompanied Ark Royal to Adriatic in 1993.
RFA Olwen, Operation Grapple 1/1993 to 8/1993.
RFA Fort Grange, Operation Grapple 1/1993 to 8/1993.
Based at Split for two years upto January 2000.

800 NAS (Sea Harrier FRS1), 1993 with Sea Harrier FRS1, Operation Grapple.
820 NAS (Sea King MK6), embarked on RFA FORT GRANGE and OLWEN, Operation Grapple 1/1993 to 8/1993.
845 NAS (Sea King MK4). 845 arrived in Split on 19th November and disembarked 14th December to Divulje barracks. 845 was the longest serving constantly in theatre unit, from 1992 to 2002 and took part in many casevacs for the deployed units from all countries. I personally took part as a crew member rescuing two Canadians from Srebrinica, one in May who was severely burnt across his upper torso and the other in July who had been shot in the arm. We in 845 also took part in the very sad evacuation of the people who lived in the Muslim enclaves of Zepa, Srebrinca, and Gorazde. Thanks to Daz Morris for this entry.

Naval Party 1061 Approximately 12 Royal Navy personnel served as part of NP1061 prior to 2001. The personnel were spread throughout theatre, deployed alongside other NATO forces in specialist detached roles.
Served a 6 1/2 Month tour at banja Luka Metal Factory (BLMF) from Nov 2001 - May 2002 as Part of the Naval Contingent.

Royal Marines

Various individuals drafted as either UNMO's or UKLO's throughout the TAOR and from as early as 1992-3 onwards, Based in Tuzla and GV they operated throughout the region as independant cells. LO (Capt RM), Driver/signaller Mne or Cpl RM in most cases) and an interpreter.

TACP Royal Marines I served as an UKLO RM signaller in Vitez, GV and Tuzla from April 93 until Dec 93 alongside 2 x RM TACP teams from Stonehouse barracks in Plymouth. Both had a Capt RM , Cpl & 2 RM signallers per team. OC of our TACP team was Capt Si Coldrick, Cpl Ade Goodyear/Stu Bulley, and Mnes Kev Vacher and Mark Wren. Thanks to Mark Stevens for this entry.

Rapid Reaction Force Operations Staff Kiseljak Jul-Dec 95. CO Gen Pennefeather.

Joint Units

Joint Helicopter Support Unit (JHSU) JHSU is based at RAF Odiham in Hampshire, it is a joint Army/RAF unit commanded by an RLC Maj. It is responsible for HLS selection, marking & oporation including under-slung loads. The unit first deployed to Bosnia in 1995 when the op changed from UN to NATO and only left with the drawdown of the Chinook force in 2000-2001. JHSU started working down on the coast south of Split until the camp was washed away then moved to the barracks by the airport and was attached to the SHF for admin. Most if not all the work was done up country, flying up for jobs, doing the gun lift or re-supply then hopping back down to Split for tea and medals. Work could include the re-supply of Viterog by lifting 20' containers with Chinooks or unit moves for deployments or Ex. "The best job I had in 22 years" I did five 4 month tours from 97-01. Thanks to Steve Thorp for this entry.

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