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November 22, 2013

A PlayStation Vita creation from acclaimed studio Media Molecule, the wondrous adventure Tearaway invites you to journey through a vibrant papery world with your new friend iota, a plucky messenger with a unique message to deliver -- to you!

Much More

Hearts and Crafts.

Reviewed on PlayStation Vita
November 20, 2013

Tearaway is the best game I’ve played on the PlayStation Vita. It’s a joyous experience that wants to celebrate individual creativity and the power of storytelling, so it’s just as well that it never runs out of ideas itself. In fact, Tearaway’s eager to show you new things right until the very end. It does things I’ve never experienced before, and along the way showcases, quite magically, just what a uniquely capable gaming device the Vita can be.

It’s a simple story, told in a wonderful way. You control iota or atoi (depending on gender), who is both messenger and message – look closely and you’ll see his head is really an envelope – as he’s tries to deliver himself to you. That’s because in the world of Tearaway you become a character, with the front camera pulling your moving image into the game, casting you in the role of the sun.

All Touchy Feely

It’s one of the many, many ways in which Tearaway makes full and imaginative use of the Vita’s wide array of inputs and sensors. It’s constantly inviting you to become part of its world, to reach it and play with it. Since this is such a large part of the experience, I was pleased with just how effortlessly intuitive it all was. Objects stamped with a dense pattern of PlayStation buttons tell you to drum or tickle the rear touchpad, while anything covered with a shiny fingerprint texture needs prodding or pulling or peeling on the touchscreen.

And not one of these conceits ever devolves into facile gimmick, thanks to the creative wit with which they’re introduced and elaborated upon. Everything just adheres to the internal logic of this unusual world of paper. For instance, sometimes when you press on the touchpad, you end up ripping a hole into Tearaway’s paper world with what looked like my fingers wiggling around, moving objects, opening up pathways. But it’s the little touches that help sell the illusion, like the rear camera ingeniously pulling a feed of the environment beneath the Vita, so it really looks like the world is paper thin. The words “cut and paste” could apply to Tearaway’s arts-and-crafts sensibility, but never to its design. It’s inspired and continually surprising.

The sound effects and distinctive art directions are a big part in really bringing this world to life. Touch screens are notoriously slippery, impersonal things to interact with, but the world of Tearaway feels truly tangible. It’s a world of creases, folds, wrinkles, and different thicknesses of paper and card. The animation also has a slight jauntiness, recalling the feel of stop-frame animation and reminding me of classic children’s television. The sound effects are maybe even better – every fold and rip you introduce into the world feels real. It all combines to create an endlessly charming illusion of an inanimate world of paper that has miraculously sprung to life.

Right until the very end Tearaway has new things to show you. The accelerometer, for instance, is only introduced towards the end, yet presents entirely new challenges. Meanwhile Iota himself regularly acquires new skills – he can scrunch into a ball and acquires a particularly useful accordion – and they expand the horizon of what’s possible. And this is where one of my slight criticisms sheepishly creeps in. Tearaway is fairly short, taking me around five hours to finish, and while it has more to show in that time than games twice as big, I wanted to spend more time using its brilliant mechanics, exploring its unique world and applying my newfound abilities. This is a nice problem, of course, and there’s some solace to be found in the fact that you’re allowed to return to earlier stages with all your abilities and items to hunt down collectibles.

Combat is another weakness. Periodically Iota has to vanquish scraps – noisy little fellas made from strips of grim newspaper – by throwing them into each other or jumping on their bellies. It picks up slightly when Iota is more capable, but for the majority of the time you’re held in a small area until each scrap is unravelled. It’s definitely the least interesting and developed mechanic, feeling less like something that’s supposed to be entertaining and more like a way to halt your progress and stop you from breezing through unchallenged. But since it feels so at odds with what Tearaway is really all about, it’s not hugely detrimental.

Looks Good On Paper

The look and design of Tearaway’s world is yet another source of delight. Despite being made entirely from paper, there’s a lot of variety, from meadows, farms, and forests to laboratories, caverns, and sand dunes. And unlike Media Molecule’s LittleBigPlanet series, the creativity burden isn’t really on you. That freedom comes in scripted moments of creativity that, every now and then, invite you to embellish the carefully design world. Whether that’s designing a majestic crown for one of the many personable squirrels or a pair of mittens for Iota to wear as he braves frozen slopes, the implementation of this is superb. Presented with different-coloured sheets of construction card, you’re invited to draw whatever design you can imagine using the touchscreen. Scissors then cut free your creation, and you discard the excess paper with a quick flick of your finger. Cards of different colours can even be layered to create more extravagant designs. Once done, this design is instantly brought into the world, and I still can’t believe how flawlessly this works.

Not only is it fun, it’s also thematically appropriate. Tearaway loves storytelling, particularly the folk tradition of passing on a tale but making it your own during the telling. And it does just that. The truth is most people will have a similar experience playing Tearaway – it’s fairly linear, after all – but the ways in which you interact with its world will make it unforgettably yours.

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The Verdict

Tearaway is a joy. Whether it was a riding a pig towards the sunset or playing basketball with a super-powered accordion, it never failed to make me smile. It sincerely believes that imagination really is the most important faculty, and in turn, succeeded in transporting me back to a time when I built strange worlds equipped with nothing but crayons and card. It does this by using every aspect of the Vita, crafting an experience that I can’t imagine being realised elsewhere. It might be short, but it’s very special. Please come back soon, Iota.

Tearaway on Vita
  • +Tactile world
  • +Gorgeous art style
  • +Inventive
  • +Joyous
  • Needless combat
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