Gov’t Shutdown ‘Extremely Damaging’ – US Intel Director
Russia Charges Greenpeace Activists With Piracy
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6 Months in the Middle Ages: Surviving the Moscow Winter
A historical reenactment group is attempting to recreate medieval daily life outside Moscow. In an experiment launched in Khotkovo, just a few dozen kilometers from the hustle and bustle of Europe’s largest megalopolis, a 24-year-old man will spend six months alone in a medieval-style farmstead.
Polar Mission – Tracing the Last Movements of the 'Soviet Lindbergh'
On August 12, 1937, Soviet pilot Sigizmund Levanevsky, known in America as "the Soviet Lindbergh," and his five compatriots took off from Moscow in massive plane bound for the United States via the North Pole in a highly risky flight.
A Hipster’s Plight: In Russia, Irony is a Political Affair
On a warm August day, a group of believers walked the streets of Moscow dressed like pirates, with colanders on their heads, heading to a macaroni-and-beer party to honor the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
In Global Tussle, Russia and Émigré US Socialite Battle for Fortune
Five years after fleeing Moscow amid allegations of financial machinations, New York real estate mogul and socialite Janna Bullock is ensnared in a global tug-of-war with Russia over assets she is accused of stealing to fund her jet-set lifestyle.
Russia Worried About Strikes on Syria? Not Really
As US destroyers in the eastern Mediterranean are aiming their cruise missiles at Syrian state targets, what can Moscow – which has been vocally opposed to Western military intervention – do and how much does it stand to lose?
From Russia with Talent – Blind Pianist Poised for US Music Career
Anton Sviridenko’s hands glided over the keys of the baby grand piano in a rehearsal room in the basement of the Berklee College of Music in Boston, his feet rhythmically pumping up and down on the pedals.