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Joan Biskupic. "Court Hears Case on Unsigned Leaflets." The Washington Post. Washingtonpost Newsweek Interactive. 1994. HighBeam Research. 9 May. 2013 <>.
Joan Biskupic. "Court Hears Case on Unsigned Leaflets." The Washington Post. 1994. HighBeam Research. (May 9, 2013).
Joan Biskupic. "Court Hears Case on Unsigned Leaflets." The Washington Post. Washingtonpost Newsweek Interactive. 1994. Retrieved May 09, 2013 from HighBeam Research:
Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor, the only sitting justice who has held elective office, brought into focus yesterday arguments over how the government may regulate campaign literature without infringing free speech rights.
The case concerned homemade, unsigned leaflets protesting a school tax levy, distributed in violation of an Ohio disclosure statute. A ruling could go beyond one state's ban on anonymous literature and affect numerous state and federal disclosure requirements intended to deter election fraud.
"I would have thought that if the First Amendment stood for anything at all," O'Connor said during oral arguments, a resident should be able to pass …
Mondaq Business Briefing; May 4, 2011
States News Service; May 12, 2010
Call and Post (Cincinnati); December 26, 1996
Mondaq Business Briefing; March 7, 2008
The Bond Buyer; May 8, 1996
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