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Podcasts | Choose your news | OCLC-related feeds
OCLC offers RSS feeds and podcasts featuring news, events, product updates, system alerts, research, with more topics on the way. You can get the latest headlines delivered to your news reader to make staying informed easier than ever.
Podcasts (English)
OCLC now offers podcasts of OCLC events significant to the library and information science community. Learn more about podcasts at Yahoo!, Apple or Wikipedia.
Please note that many of these individual audio programs are an hour or more in length and can exceed 30MB in size.
Name |
Feed |
Description |
OCLC Events podcast |
OCLC presentations to and meetings with the library and information science community, including OCLC Symposium presentations and discussions. |
OCLC Research Podcasts and Webinars |
Interviews and webinars with thought leaders and OCLC Research staff on a range of topics from industry issues to project findings. |
Choose your news
OCLC offers news and information customized by news type, service areas and more.
OCLC News and Events
Name | Feed | Description |
OCLC News |
The latest OCLC news headlines. |
OCLC Products and Services
Name | Feed | Description |
OCLC Products and Services |
The latest updates to all OCLC products and services |
Cataloging and Metadata |
News and updates on OCLC Cataloging and Metadata products and services |
Content and Collections |
News and updates on OCLC Content and Collections products and services |
025.431: The Dewey blog |
The Dewey blog offers news and views on classification issues, interesting and unusual DDC resources, and a means to provide ongoing feedback to help shape the DDC's future. |
Digital Collection Management |
News and updates on OCLC Digital Collection Management products and services |
EZproxy Enhancements |
Recent enhancements and updates |
EZproxy Database Configurations |
Recent additions and changes to database specific configuration instructions |
Group Services |
News and updates on OCLC Group Services |
Management Services and Systems |
News and updates on OCLC Management Services and Systems |
Discovery and Reference |
News and updates on OCLC Discovery and Reference products and services |
Resource Sharing and Delivery |
News and updates on OCLC Resource Sharing and Delivery products and services |
Web and Data Services |
News and updates on OCLC Web and Data Services |
WorldCat |
News and updates on OCLC WorldCat |
OCLC Support (English)
Name | Feed | Description |
System Alerts |
Conditions that might be affecting an OCLC service. |
Closed Dates in Authority Records |
Lists of authority headings that have been changed to add a death date. |
OCLC Research (English)
Name | Feed | Description |
OCLC Research |
OCLC Research News and Announcements |
Above the Fold |
A weekly electronic newsletter for the changing world of libraries, archives and museums that seeks to bring attention to items of interest from beyond our normal reading sphere. |
Terminology Services project |
Latest news and announcements on the progress of the project. |
OCLC-related feeds (English)
An offering of feeds available from other sources that OCLC visitors may find of interest.
Name |
Feed |
Description |
BlogJunction |
WebJunction's niche in the blogosphere. |
Dublin Core |
Dublin Core Metadata Initiative |
Good Practices for Great Outcomes |
Learn how OCLC members have come together to invent, discuss, improve and showcase good practices that lead to great outcomes for their libraries. |
HangingTogether |
OCLC Research staff discuss current issues impacting the intersection of libraries, archives and museums. |
Hectic Pace |
Andrew Pace, Executive Director for Networked Library Services at OCLC pontificates on a variety of issues important to libraries. |
Lorcan Dempsey's weblog |
Lorcan Dempsy, Vice President (Research) and Chief Strategist, OCLC, on libraries, services and networking. |
The OCLC Cooperative Blog |
Insights and information from OCLC staff on topics that are fundamental to your cooperative. |
OCLC Developer Network Blog |
News and ideas from the Web Services group and the Developer Network at OCLC. |
Outgoing |
Thom Hickey, Chief Scientist, OCLC Research, on library metadata techniques and trends. |
Q6 |
Jeff Young, Software Architect, considers the who, what, where, why, when, and how of leveraging Web standards. |
A View of South America |
Lucia Shelton, a member of the OCLC Latin America and the Caribbean team, is the primary correspondent for library news and events for this region. Lucia's colleague, Daniel Boivin, posts his chronicles as well. These intriguing, trilingual posts appear in English, Spanish and Portuguese. |
RSS resources
What is RSS?
Really Simple Syndication (RSS) is an XML-based format for distributing information from websites to desktops. A newsreader application accesses the RSS feeds you choose to bring your favorite information sources to you. Numerous newsreaders are available, including freeware, shareware and browser-based options.
How do I add a feed?
If you already have an RSS reader set up, choose a feed by right-clicking on the "XML" icon, and select "Copy Shortcut" (Internet Explorer) or "Copy Link Location" (Firefox), then paste the feed location into the RSS address/URL field of your reader. An alternate method is to click and drag the XML icon, and drop it into the RSS address/URL field. You may also need to click a "subscribe" link to finish the subscription process.
If you experience any problems reading any of our feeds, please let us know!