| People QuickFacts | Florida | USA |
Population, 2011 estimate | 19,057,542 | 311,591,917 |
Population, 2010 (April 1) estimates base | 18,801,311 | 308,745,538 |
Population, percent change, April 1, 2010 to July 1, 2011 | 1.4% | 0.9% |
Population, 2010 | 18,801,310 | 308,745,538 |
Persons under 5 years, percent, 2011 | 5.6% | 6.5% |
Persons under 18 years, percent, 2011 | 21.0% | 23.7% |
Persons 65 years and over, percent, 2011 | 17.6% | 13.3% |
Female persons, percent, 2011 | 51.1% | 50.8% |
White persons, percent, 2011 (a) | 78.5% | 78.1% |
Black persons, percent, 2011 (a) | 16.5% | 13.1% |
American Indian and Alaska Native persons, percent, 2011 (a) | 0.5% | 1.2% |
Asian persons, percent, 2011 (a) | 2.6% | 5.0% |
Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander persons, percent, 2011 (a) | 0.1% | 0.2% |
Persons reporting two or more races, percent, 2011 | 1.8% | 2.3% |
Persons of Hispanic or Latino Origin, percent, 2011 (b) | 22.9% | 16.7% |
White persons not Hispanic, percent, 2011 | 57.5% | 63.4% |
Living in same house 1 year & over, 2006-2010 | 83.1% | 84.2% |
Foreign born persons, percent, 2006-2010 | 19.2% | 12.7% |
Language other than English spoken at home, pct age 5+, 2006-2010 | 26.6% | 20.1% |
High school graduates, percent of persons age 25+, 2006-2010 | 85.3% | 85.0% |
Bachelor's degree or higher, pct of persons age 25+, 2006-2010 | 25.9% | 27.9% |
Veterans, 2006-2010 | 1,672,288 | 22,652,496 |
Mean travel time to work (minutes), workers age 16+, 2006-2010 | 25.7 | 25.2 |
Housing units, 2010 | 8,989,580 | 131,704,730 |
Homeownership rate, 2006-2010 | 69.7% | 66.6% |
Housing units in multi-unit structures, percent, 2006-2010 | 30.0% | 25.9% |
Median value of owner-occupied housing units, 2006-2010 | $205,600 | $188,400 |
Households, 2006-2010 | 7,152,844 | 114,235,996 |
Persons per household, 2006-2010 | 2.53 | 2.59 |
Per capita money income in past 12 months (2010 dollars) 2006-2010 | $26,551 | $27,334 |
Median household income 2006-2010 | $47,661 | $51,914 |
Persons below poverty level, percent, 2006-2010 | 13.8% | 13.8% |
| Business QuickFacts | Florida | USA |
Private nonfarm establishments, 2009 | 491,2491 | 7,433,465 |
Private nonfarm employment, 2009 | 6,861,6121 | 114,509,626 |
Private nonfarm employment, percent change 2000-2009 | 10.4%1 | 0.4% |
Nonemployer establishments, 2009 | 1,603,533 | 21,090,761 |
Total number of firms, 2007 | 2,009,589 | 27,092,908 |
Black-owned firms, percent, 2007 | 9.0% | 7.1% |
American Indian- and Alaska Native-owned firms, percent, 2007 | 0.5% | 0.9% |
Asian-owned firms, percent, 2007 | 3.2% | 5.7% |
Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander-owned firms, percent, 2007 | 0.1% | 0.1% |
Hispanic-owned firms, percent, 2007 | 22.4% | 8.3% |
Women-owned firms, percent, 2007 | 28.9% | 28.8% |
Manufacturers shipments, 2007 ($1000) | 104,832,907 | 5,338,306,501 |
Merchant wholesaler sales, 2007 ($1000) | 221,641,518 | 4,174,286,516 |
Retail sales, 2007 ($1000) | 262,341,127 | 3,917,663,456 |
Retail sales per capita, 2007 | $14,353 | $12,990 |
Accommodation and food services sales, 2007 ($1000) | 41,922,059 | 613,795,732 |
Building permits, 2011 | 42,360 | 624,061 |
Federal spending, 2010 | 186,703,7751 | 3,251,308,5092 |