Singer Manufacturing Co.
1939 Singer was awarded a Production study of the Model 1911A1 pistol. This
included prep of drawings, researching of production methods, and development of
standard raw material sizes. On April 17th, 1940 Singer was awarded a
educational order of 500 units to manufacture of the Model 1911A1 pistol. These
pistols where numbered No. S800001 - S800500.
Singer management decided that production of the M8 Fire Control Directors was
more in keeping with the companys skill and manufacturing capacity and
accepted a production contract in March 1941.
Consequently most of the Singer pistol tooling and manufacturing machines
were transferred to Remington Rand and some went to Ithaca. Singer delivered
only 500 pistols to the Ordnance Department, however an unknown number of
pistols were made for factory employees although these were generally
un-numbered and uninspected.
Original and correct Singer pistols are highly desired by collectors and
when sold, bring significantly higher prices than more common 1911A1 pistols.
The Krause Publications 2002 Standard Catalog of Firearms Price
Guide lists (Original) Singer pistols in excellent condition (96%-98%) at
$25,000, in very good condition (92%-95%) at $18,000, in good condition
(85%-95%) at $12,000, in fair condition (65%-85%) at $7,000, and in poor
condition (60%or less) at $3,500. Singer pistols are one of the most
copied/forged M1911-A1s. Reference
Charles Clawsons Colt .45 Service pistols.
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