Square understands that we can't get enough Final Fantasy VII. So just to tease our enthusiasm, we were shown a special tech demo of what a Final Fantasy VII remake would look like on the PS3.
We start with a lower body shot of what's obviously Aerith, kneeling at a source of mysterious green light (the mini crimson jacket and pink dress are a dead giveaway). Her hands clasp around a few strands of light, and she pulls it close to her chest. She looks to the side, seemingly startled by an unseen presence. She stands up and walks toward the camera, the frame never quite lifting to put her entire face on screen. Then the camera does a huge pull-out from the city of Midgar, as the Shina tower comes into frame.
President of Square Enix, Yoichi Wada, was quick to point out that this wasn't a teaser, or a hint of any intention to do a remake of Final Fantasy VII, but explained that Final Fantasy titles were indeed guaranteed to come to PS3 one day.
Stay tuned folks!
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