Type in the form of the word that you would expect to find in a dictionary or a truncated form of the word (e.g., stem only). If you want help with the ending of a word, type the ending in the space provided. (If you prefer, you may leave this space blank). To see all the words in the dictionary that begin with "q", search for "q" as the stem. You can also translate English to Latin.
This dictionary defines about 15,600 words. Florin Neumann, who found the data on the Internet and reformatted it for the Macintosh, says that it may not be used for commercial purposes. Matt Neuburg reformatted it so that it would operate on the Macintosh as a memory-resident searchable dictionary. I reformatted the dictionary again and wrote scripts to search it together with Lynn Nelson's grammar aid to produce the answers you find here.
For a program with a better understanding of Latin grammar |
If you like Words and have DOS, Windows, Linux, or Free BSD, download it and use it offline. The Words program operates from the old DOS-like command line, but Alexei Grishin offers a free Windows interface for it. You can also download John Madsen's Latin-English Dictionary based on William Whitaker's work. A commercial product called Blitz Latin, produced by Dr. John White in collaboration with William Whitaker, can translate texts from Latin to English automatically.
Suggestion: use frames to keep the program going in one frame while you read a Latin text (such as Genesis) in another. (See below for links to other texts.) Or open a new window and keep the dictionary in one window and the text in another. See also the Latin dictionary at the Perseus Project, an online version of the Lewis and Short Latin Dictionary.
William Whitaker's Words program also provides the translation mechanism for VulSearch, an excellent free Windows program for reading and searching the Vulgate and Glossa Ordinaria.
Lynn Nelson produced this wordlist to help students read Medieval Latin. He warns that it is not an exhaustive list, and it is only a list, not a dictionary. The gender and declension of nouns is not provided nor is the conjugation of verbs. It contains fewer than 6000 words. Type in a Latin phrase or word. Press the button (or Enter). Cross your fingers.
This grammar reference list, also produced by Lynn Nelson, presently contains two sections: examples of translations for the various uses of several noun cases, and the endings for regular nouns, adjectives, active verbs, and present participles.
Search using the form "*ending". n=noun, a=adjective, v=verb, p=present participle. If you find that the ending is that of a form of the noun or adjective that is unfamiliar to you, turn to the first section for the different uses of the cases.
* | *a | *ae | *am | *amus | *ant | *arum | *as | *at | *ate | *atis
*bam | *bamus | *bant | *bas | *bat | *batis | *bimus | *bis | *bit | *bitis | *bo | *bunt
*e | *ebus | *ei | *em | *emus | *ens | *ent | *ente | *entem | *enti | *entia | *entibus | *entis | *entium | *er | *erim | *erimus | *erint | *eris | *erit | *eritis | *erum | *es | *et | *ete | *etis
*i | *ia | *ibus | *imus | *ior | *iora | *iore | *iorem | *iores | *iori | *ioribus | *ioris | *iorum | *is | *issem | *issemus | *issent | *isses | *isset | *issetis | *it | *ite | *itis | *ius
*o | *ora | *ori | *oribus | *oris | *orum | *os
*re | *rem | *remus | *rent | *res | *ret | *retis | *ri | *ria | *ribus | *ris | *rium
*u | *ua | *ueram | *ueramus | *uerant | *ueras | *uerat | *ueratis | *uerimus | *uerint | *ueris | *uerit | *ueritis | *uero | *uerunt | *ui | *uimus | *uisti | *uistis | *uit | *um | *unt | *us | *uum
Users of this page frequently write to me with questions about how to translate English to Latin or Latin to English. I have done my best to help with such translations, but there have been so many requests lately that I can no longer do so. This is probably good news for those of you who need help: I'm not a great expert myself, and no doubt made mistakes when I was trying to answer questions.
You can hire experts to translate English to Latin or Latin to English through The Latin Translator or Classical Turns. |
The Carmenta Online Latin Classroom offers a Latin course "taught live by a real teacher" (Andrew Kuhry-Haeuser) "in an online web conferencing classroom". The International Catholic University offers a Latin Course by Thomas Sheck consisting of twelve thirty-minute lectures available in video format (DVD) or audio (CD or MP3).
Dale A. Grote offers an Online study guide to Wheelock's Latin. William Harris has provided some lively pages about Latin language and literature and several helpful Latin downloads for the Macintosh. I also recommend the Latin Teaching Materials at Saint Louis University If you have a fast Internet connection and would like to learn some Latin, try Evan Millner's Latin podcast site.
If you have a Linux, Free BSD, DOS or Windows computer, you can download Words, a Latin dictionary program by William Whitaker. This program also offers help with word endings. On Windows computers, this program operates in a DOS window. Roger Pearse offers QuickLatin, a shareware program that uses William Whitaker's dictionary but also offers help with the translation of sentences. It requires Windows 95, 98, NT 4.0, or 2000. Alexei Grishin offers a free Windows interface for William Whitaker's dictionary. Babylon offers a Latin Lookup (among many other languages).
If you care to learn more about Latin grammar, try the Latin Grammar Pages. You may also find the online version of Allen and Greenough's New Latin Grammar useful. For a free Windows program to drill yourself and improve your knowledge of grammar, try Lingua Latina. For other interesting links, see the Perseus Digital Library. You might find some of the language features on Ancient / Classical History at The Mining Co. useful, too. And the Chair of Classical Philology at the University of Tartu has a helpful list of Latin resources.
Wikibooks offers an elementary Latin textbook. My Spanish Dictionary has a page of links to help with Latin word roots, including the Online Etymology Dictionary. If you don't mind using an old-fashioned book from time to time, Mark D. Vanderbilt recommends the Dictionary of Word Roots and Combining Forms by Donald J. Borror, Ohio State University (Mayfield Publishing Company, 1988) ISBN 0-87484-053-8.
For Latin and other languages, see your dictionary. Or try Anthony Goubard's Online Dictionaries, which allows for translations between many languages, including Latin.
For Roman numeral and date conversion, see Steven Gibbs' page. For information on Roman numerals and dates, see Paul Lewis's page.
Elan has created a blog called Learn a Language on YouTube.
If you like Scrabble, try The Latin Game.
I made the most recent changes on this page 6 June 2011.