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Africa in Focus
A quarterly newsletter from the Africa Growth Initiative with research, events and commentary on African development and economic policy issues.
Brookings Alert
A weekly e-mail with the latest research and upcoming events from Brookings.
China Bulletin
A monthly newsletter of events, research and commentary, and multi-media output from the John L. Thornton China Center.
Center for Universal Education Bulletin
A quarterly newsletter from the Center for Universal Education with research, events, and commentary on global education policy issues.
Center for Technology Innovation
A monthly update of events, research and commentary to enhance understanding of technology’s role in law, the economy, society and government.
Brookings-LSE Project on Internal Displacement Update
A monthly newsletter of activities, events and publications from the Brookings-LSE Project on Internal Displacement.
Brookings Book News
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Brown Center on Education Policy
A periodic update on education policy to examine the problems of the American education system and to help delineate practical solutions.
Budgeting for National Priorities Update
A periodic newsletter of new research and commentary from Budgeting for National Priorities.
Center for Northeast Asian Policy Studies Bulletin
A monthly newsletter of the latest activities, events and publications from the Center for Northeast Asian Policy Studies.
Center on Children and Families Newsletter
A periodic newsletter of events, news briefs and working papers from the Center on Children and Families.
Center on Social Dynamics and Policy Update
A periodic newsletter of events, news briefs and working papers from the Center on Social Dynamics and Policy.
Center on the United States and Europe Update
A periodic newsletter of events, activities and publications from the Center on the United States and Europe.
Economic Studies Bulletin
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Engelberg Center for Health Care Reform Update
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Foreign Policy at Brookings Highlights
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Brookings Doha Center Newsletter
Quarterly updates (in English) from the Brookings Doha Center on research about policy issues facing the Muslim world.
Brookings Doha Center Newsletter (in Arabic)
Quarterly updates from the Brookings Doha Center on research about policy issues facing the Muslim world.
Global News
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Global Update
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Governance Studies Update
A monthly newsletter of the latest events, publications, analysis and commentary from Brookings Governance Studies.
Greater Washington Research at Brookings Update
A periodic newsletter of activities, events and publications from Greater Washington Research at Brookings.
Great Lakes Economic Initiative Update
A periodic newsletter of events and publications from the Great Lakes Economic Initiative.
The Hamilton Project Update
A periodic newsletter of events, policy briefs and working papers from the Hamilton Project.
Metro Update
A bi-weekly newsletter on publications, events, and news from the Brookings Metropolitan Policy Program.
Saban Center
A periodic newsletter of analysis on the Middle East from the Saban Center for Middle East Policy.
A periodic e-mail of program announcements, events and promotions from Brookings Executive Education.