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Early this morning we reported a rumor claiming composer Alexandre Desplat was to score Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 1. We've looked into the matter, and after speaking with the folks who originally reported the story on Film Score Monthly, we now know that this piece of info is confirmed by Desplat's agent. Desplat has composed such recent films as The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Julie & Julia, The Golden Compass, and The Twilight Saga: New Moon. No word yet on who will compose Deathly Hallows, Part 2. What do you think of Desplat getting the reigns for Part 1?


Posted by Andrew Sims
01-19-2010 at 3:04 PM

Fan Comments

Posted by: muttw007 - Posted on: 2010-01-19 15:08:07

BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! ! first!! (finally)

Posted by: APGB - Posted on: 2010-01-19 15:09:02

Noooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!! (second) i really wanted Williams, dang you WB, you still make mistakes

Posted by: Lasselanta - Posted on: 2010-01-19 15:09:06

I was kind of hoping for another John Williams score, so the announcement of another composer is a bit disappointing, but Ill withhold my final judgement until after I hear what Mr. Desplat comes up with for the film.

Posted by: APGB - Posted on: 2010-01-19 15:09:07

Noooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!! (second) i really wanted Williams, dang you WB, you still make mistakes

Posted by: Time042 - Posted on: 2010-01-19 15:09:09


Posted by: saphiros8 - Posted on: 2010-01-19 15:13:51

VERY bad move IMO, :( Now all they need to do is push the release date back...its only a matter of time

Posted by: hairy_pawter - Posted on: 2010-01-19 15:14:37


Posted by: mashy82 - Posted on: 2010-01-19 15:17:38

GAH I wanted John Williams so much. I really thought he was going to do it. Grrrr.

Posted by: robertpatrickallen - Posted on: 2010-01-19 15:24:11

Weak. I know they are two separate movies but it is the same story. If they are hiring this guy to do part 1 then they should keep him for part 2 so there is some continuity in the sound of the two films combined. I suppose they could bring in Williams for part 2 but I dont know how well that would work. I think this is a big mistake. Williams would have been great. You never know, though. Maybe they couldnt get him. Sigh.

Posted by: morcar - Posted on: 2010-01-19 15:28:57

Williams must be busy doing something more important. Or better paying. Or a combination of the two.

Posted by: AndrewW - Posted on: 2010-01-19 15:30:59

NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! John Williams should be composing DH. I think it will be the same composer for both parts, they are really 1 movie.

Posted by: AndrewW - Posted on: 2010-01-19 15:35:19

Im sure Desplat will create a great score, but I dont care how good it is, it should be John Williams.

Posted by: hairyotters - Posted on: 2010-01-19 15:35:24

Im going to be the dissenting opinion on this. I actually think anyone BUT John Williams. If you listen to the score on Sorcerers Stone, it violates all my sensibilities in what a score should do for a movie. His music is used like cereal filler in every nook and cranny. You know when its a bad movie when the Powers That Be use music to force feed you what they want you to feel, instead of the plot and characters to do the job. Now Im not saying Williams themes were bad, they were spot-on (case in point, "Hedwigs Theme". Just the opening bar sends shivers down your spine). But theres power in the ability to edit or hold back, and the first movie felt like a typical Chris Columbus- dumbing down for American audience exercise, and the music abetted in it.

Posted by: AshesofaDream - Posted on: 2010-01-19 15:35:40

NOOOOOO!!! I was really hoping John Williams would come back and compose the Deathly Hallows Score, he wouldve been great!! Im really disappointed. I hope Alexandre Desplat knows what he has gotten himself into. This is one of the last Harry Potter movies, and alot rests on him now. I really hope he can pull it off. Well just have to wait....

Posted by: hpintwense06 - Posted on: 2010-01-19 15:36:34

I know you guys are saying that it should be one composer for both movies, but arent both movies supposed to have a different feel from one another? Because if that IS in fact the case, it could work having a different composer for each movie. They could give their own "feel" of music to go along with the "feel" of the movie they are composing. But even so, its not like this Desplat guy wont do a good job...

Posted by: garfi101 - Posted on: 2010-01-19 15:37:25

No0o0o0o0o0o!! I was looking forward to John Williams!!! But maybe he will do part 2???? Heres to hoping!!! Cheers!

Posted by: ZekeA - Posted on: 2010-01-19 15:45:54

In a word "Disappointing" I wanted John Williams who did 1 & 2. Sad WB could have done great things with these movies, but with Yates directing they have suffered in quality the past 2 films dreadful........... To be honest I am NOT excited for HP 7 & 8 as Yates has messed up the storyline so bad already in HP 5 & 6........................ ..............

Posted by: Ravenxl7 - Posted on: 2010-01-19 15:49:44

While Im not particularly happy about this, Ill give the guy a chance. Part 1 is, after all, supposed to have a different feel than the past six movies. Its been described as a "road movie", so a different feel to the music could make a lot of sense. Still, Im hoping he doesnt deviate too drastically from the past composers. There should still be a song that sounds like Hedwigs theme. The music could make or break the movie, so heres hoping he knows what hes doing.

Posted by: whysosirius_17aug - Posted on: 2010-01-19 15:52:06

NO! NO! Warner Brothers has officially lost my respect. They apparently dont like doing what their fans want. Disappointment after disappointment seems to be their objective. This is rubbish. Utter rubbish. I hope for their sake that John Williams has a very good reason why he couldnt compose once more because he (JW) himself said hed like to be a part of it in the future. I eventually got over the fact that this new guy composed for New Moon because I recognize he has other projects under his belt to be proud of. But if its a matter of Desplat for Part 1 and another composer for Part 2 then it HAS to be JW, theres no other option. Its either Desplat for Part 1 and 2 or John Williams for Part 2. At least thats what SHOULD happen. Im not sure about how the two films will bring about a feel-different atmosphere but Im sure they could make it work using two different composers. JW needs to bring this home.

Posted by: Wrackspurt07 - Posted on: 2010-01-19 15:54:12

I wish it could have been John Williams, but I think the same composer should do Pt 1 and 2, so well see. I havent really been impressed with Nicholas Hoopers soundtrack, so Im glad to have someone else be composing again. Ive just listened to some of the other stuff hes done, and his soundtrack to The Golden Compass is pretty impressive and sounds a bit Potter-like. The New Moon soundtrack seemed very boring, but I may just be biased against it : )

Posted by: Tarhisie - Posted on: 2010-01-19 15:59:44

I hope everyone whos disappointed has heard Desplats work before judging. His scores are brilliant. Way better than John Williams, whose music tends to all sound the same.

Posted by: AustinL90 - Posted on: 2010-01-19 16:09:48

If any of you knew anything about film scores, youd know that Alexandre Desplat scoring DH Part 1 is not a loss by any means. The guy has been nominated for an Oscar... twice. Just because the only composer you know is John Williams doesnt mean hes the only man for the job. With that said, I too would have liked to have seen JW return for DH, just for a sense of coming full-circle... But I dont see any of you whining that Columbus didnt come back for DH. Same difference really. With Desplat doing Part 1, its likely hell return for Part 2, but I guess well see.

Posted by: Tarhisie - Posted on: 2010-01-19 16:12:39

Lol, why did MuggleNet take down the poll? Worried all the negativity toward Desplat will psst off WB? xD. I still say Im happy hell be composing DH I... I just hope he returns for part II for continuitys sake.

Posted by: hpninjaskills - Posted on: 2010-01-19 16:13:57

I dont have an opinion as of right now. I need to hear his other work before I start criticizing. But yes, it is kind of sad that John Williams isnt back for DH. Im actually a little sad that Nicolas isnt back either. I actually like him more than John. Well, lets see what this Desplat guy has to give us. Im not liking how he did the New Moon score though. Bleurgh. But his other movies sound nice :)

Posted by: PhoenixFireworks - Posted on: 2010-01-19 16:14:03

Ive only seen Julie & Julia, New Moon, and Benjamin Button out of that list. I disliked New Moons and Julie and Julias left no impression on me, but Benjamin Button was quite enjoyable. I loved both of Hooper and Williams, but I guess well just have to wait and see! I hope he catches the magic! :)

Posted by: pantera2012 - Posted on: 2010-01-19 16:22:23

They probably chose Desplat for part 1 because it is supposed to be very different than any of the previous films. That would seem like the most logical answer to me. But I still think it would be cool to have John Williams return for the last film. His score would be very "emotional" for the fans, considering that he did the first two films. Whats just as important if not more important than the beginning of any story?

Posted by: maliatkb8 - Posted on: 2010-01-19 16:23:00

I know a lot about film scores. Its a passion of mine; I even studied it in college. And I know Alexandres music, Im a big fan of the score he compossed for Benjamin Button and I would reccomend that you listen to it. But, I would never have guessed hed be the composser tapped to do the final Potter films. His music is whimsical, so itll do well when the trios camped out in the woods or learning the story of The Three Brothers. But I dont know that Alexandres ever done anything as grande as what the final Potters climatic scenes require. That is what John Williams knows best, and I think thats why most of us are dissapointed. Even Hans Zimmer or Patrick Doyle would have been better.

Posted by: DeadlyDementor - Posted on: 2010-01-19 16:23:55

I Wanted John Williams to do that so bad, but if Alexander is going to do this - I really hope that hell do a wonderful job... ohh... I miss John :( :( :(

Posted by: kapuffy26 - Posted on: 2010-01-19 16:24:58

I thought John Williams would definitely be coming back (even though he said hed do it if it fit his schedule; my guess is it didnt). However, I am always intrigued to hear what new composers have to add to this incredible world. Its a very different movie altogether; it hardly feels like Harry Potter. So, it might be a nice change of pace to bring in Desplat. He did a great job with Golden Compass and Curious Case of Benjamin Button. Honestly, John Williams truly is one of the greatest composers, but he is mainly remembered for Hedwigs theme and his whimsical take on the music; I know he can go darker; but he may come back for part 2 of DH; so we have that to look forward to. I think Desplat will do a good job; he has done exceptional work in fantasy films.

Posted by: Bertie_Botts__x - Posted on: 2010-01-19 16:29:41

Ah no this is disappointing. I know Desplat is an amazing composer from what Ive heard in other movies, and I really should reserve judgement until Ive heard what he produces, but Im still really annoyed at WB. They never seem to listen!!!! Now for part 2 it has to be JW or Desplat. We need a good ending, and Desplat will be able to deliver, but JW returning for the end would completely make the film for me, even if Yates continues to not stick to the books!

Posted by: dan90210 - Posted on: 2010-01-19 16:30:08

Dear WB, I havent purchased a HP soundtrack since Prisoner of Azkaban. I cant even remember a theme by Hooper and Doyle because it was all just generic melancholy filler. But a 5-second clip of John Williams brings you right back into the wizard world. Work out your scheduling conflicts, pay the man what he wants, and Ill buy 10 copies. JUST BRING BACK JOHN WILLIAMS!!!!!!

Posted by: JACK5555 - Posted on: 2010-01-19 16:30:16

Guys, give Desplat a chance. He wont ever be like John Williams, but that does not stop him from being great. Just because he did the score for New Moon doesnt make him evil.

Posted by: pantera2012 - Posted on: 2010-01-19 16:31:13

Look at it like this... since many people are unhappy, maybe it will push Desplat to do the best job he can. Im not saying that he sucks or anything, but you get the picture.

Posted by: The_Dream_Team - Posted on: 2010-01-19 16:32:54

Hmmm unlike everyone else, I didnt like Williams scores as much as the others. Only PoA did something for me... I just looked this new guy up on itunes, and he doesnt seem that bad! At first I nearly had a heart-attack at the New Moon part (I thought Twilight was an epic fail- Robert Pattinson singing should not be allowed). However, I listened to a few of his other scores and I enjoy them! He should be just fine, I think! =)

Posted by: Eastonboy - Posted on: 2010-01-19 16:33:15

Like everyone else, I was hoping John Williams would take over--so Ill hold out hope that composes the finale. Looks like David Heyman is importing from "Girl with the Golden Earring". First the cinematographer, now the composer. Maybe its a 2 for 1 deal!

Posted by: Eastonboy - Posted on: 2010-01-19 16:34:01

Like everyone else, I was hoping John Williams would take over--so Ill hold out hope that composes the finale. Looks like David Heyman is importing from "Girl with the Golden Earring". First the cinematographer Eduardo Serra, now the composer. Maybe its a 2 for 1 deal!

Posted by: claire309 - Posted on: 2010-01-19 16:34:05

Listen to "New Moon [The Meadow]" by Alexandre Desplat. Its actually amazingly beautiful. And Im not even a Twilight fan. Give him a chance.

Posted by: mlc872 - Posted on: 2010-01-19 16:47:38

Did it ever occur to anyone that maybe John Williams was busy and could not do it or did not want to do it? Maybe WB went to him and he was booked for other work. Every time there is a change you people freak out. Give the man a chance and don

Posted by: gandalfxj9 - Posted on: 2010-01-19 16:49:26

Even in bad movies, (like "Hostage") his music is great. The score for "The Queen" was very good...but I would argue his scores for "Birth" and "The Painted Veil" are among the best of recent memory. Hes one of the few composers (along with Philip Glass, John Williams, and James Horner) whose music I can almost instantly recognize.

Posted by: WeasleyTwin - Posted on: 2010-01-19 17:03:13

If you listen to the Golden Compass soundtrack youll find that its really good, if he can make it better than that then Im okay :) GL new composer

Posted by: Amy_Lupin - Posted on: 2010-01-19 17:08:58

>.< Not acceptable...

Posted by: orion7763 - Posted on: 2010-01-19 17:13:12

Listening to what Desplat has done it sounds good. Hopefully hell bring something great to Harry Potter. All we can do is wait.

Posted by: tomj321 - Posted on: 2010-01-19 17:18:23

Desplats music sounds pretty good to me, although it seems his strong point is the quieter stuff and the whimsical stuff. His music for Golden Compass seems to fit Harry Potter better but to be honest a lot of it seems a bit average to me, almost like ive heard it all before. Im hoping this doesnt mean Part 1 as a movie is going to be all mellow and serene, cos that isnt what Deathly Hallows should feel like - theres lots of exciting and intense scenes. If part 1 has the same "feel" to it as HBP then i think audiences will be put off - i heard several non-fans say they thought HBP was boring. Hopefully Desplat can pull off a suitable score and David Yates and gang get the film right.

Posted by: tomj321 - Posted on: 2010-01-19 17:28:37

... p.s. DH is also very emotional and im more than confident that Desplat can create some beautiful music for these points in the film. It would be nice if John Williams could do another film but tbh i think there are composers who could Deathly Hallows better than him, even though his original HP music is fantastic.

Posted by: Teaspoon - Posted on: 2010-01-19 17:30:04

Ive only heard his work on New Moon, and I must say I did like the music on that. It just didnt fit though. I would rather Williams, honestly his music is.. compelling. But no point complaining seeing as we didnt get him. Still cant wait until the movie, and Im so not letting this diminish my excitement. All the best to him.

Posted by: Her_my_nee - Posted on: 2010-01-19 17:30:51

Not sure whether this is good or bad news??? I liked his stuff on Golden Compass & Troy but not heard much more (yet). Hope they keep him for Part 2 anyway to keep the same "feel" etc, would be a stupid move to get someone else for DH2. Hopefully well be pleasantly surprised :)

Posted by: Her_my_nee - Posted on: 2010-01-19 17:34:55

Aw darn it wasnt Troy was it?? Nvm :( And I agree with Teaspoon, Ill still be excited for the film :)

Posted by: Smonocco - Posted on: 2010-01-19 17:37:05

Nooo!! I dont believe this!! I was desparate to see John Williams doing it. Well Im going to keep fingers crossed for him returning for part 2.

Posted by: Sally - Posted on: 2010-01-19 17:58:36

YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!! OMG I cannot believe it THIS IS SO AWESOME! Have you guys heard his music? its really sad and awesome, it totally fits with DHpart1 ! I loved John Williams and even more in POA but I think he is already overrated

Posted by: tiffanyjlc - Posted on: 2010-01-19 18:05:52

Way to dig your own grave, WB.

Posted by: EchelonGirl - Posted on: 2010-01-19 18:16:41

Dear WB, PLEASE have John Williams do Part II!!! Mr. Desplat did a really great job with New Moon ("The Meadow" shouldve been "Bellas Lullaby" was so much more haunting than the Carter Burwell one), but it HAS to end with John Williams!!! IT HAS TO!!!! Thank you.

Posted by: Corbus52 - Posted on: 2010-01-19 18:18:27

Although I am a HUGE John Williams supporter, I listened to a few songs of this guy.... and although they are not the masterpieces that John Williams composed, I am sure they will do nothing but add to the film. I have never been lastingly upset with anything WB has done, and I highly doubt this will be as bad as many people are saying... I rather like the songs Ive heard by him.

Posted by: Gribble01 - Posted on: 2010-01-19 18:24:34

Epic fail WB, Williams or Hooper are your two best shot imo.

Posted by: kapuffy26 - Posted on: 2010-01-19 18:25:00

I took the liberty to preview some of Desplats works on iTunes, and I must say, I think hes great. Hes got a very mature, pensive, and melancholy sound, which--I think--will work really well with the Deathly Hallows. I think this film will mark a pivotal turning-point that will give this series the recognition it deserves, and will put to rest the competition with Twilight. Because, frankly, Twilight cannot touch the Harry Potter series (neither the books nor the movies); Harry Potter is too great, and the story too rich. I cannot wait for this movie; because I feel theres a lot to look forward to. Not only is it going to be shot differently, but the change of composer may make it fresh. This movie, like most classics, is going to be an event, not just another blockbuster; just you watch.

Posted by: RonLover19 - Posted on: 2010-01-19 18:26:06

NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This can NOT be happening!!!! I dont want some random person composing!!!!!! First of all, he looks mighty CREEPY, sorry thats just my opinion. Secondly, and most importantly, if he composed that crap music that was in the crap movie, New Moon, this musics bound to suck big time!! Come on WB, cant you do ANYTHING right?!?! I want John Williams or someone who has already composed a potter film!!!

Posted by: iwantorlando05 - Posted on: 2010-01-19 18:38:19

NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!! I like him and all. He did a great job with the Curious Case of Benjamin Button soundtrack, but WHY oh WHY would they not get JOHN WILLIAMS?!!! He better be scoring part two!!!!!

Posted by: dan90210 - Posted on: 2010-01-19 18:38:53

BOBFAIL!!!!!! Ruined my day!

Posted by: fravit - Posted on: 2010-01-19 18:39:56

im surprised how immaturely people are reacting to this news, as if wb is going to kill the film/series. anyone think maybe john williams didnt want to come onboard for the last two films? hes already given so much to the series. i think the score for deathly hallows will be fantastic.

Posted by: AUPotter - Posted on: 2010-01-19 18:45:01

While I was hoping for John Williams, I listened to samples of Desplats stuff on iTunes, and I thought it sounded ok. I just hope he delivers and knows what he is getting into. And I think he should stay on for part 2, so that they at least sound the same.

Posted by: iwantorlando05 - Posted on: 2010-01-19 18:47:03

Desplat is a pretty amazing composer. Hes done the soundtracks for some amazing films, but one thing I noticed about him is that his scores dont tend to be memorable with the exception of a few and I want Harry Potter to go out with a BANG!! WE NEED JOHN WILLIAMS BACK!!! My heart dropped when I saw this post. If they were going to go with someone else, why couldnt it be Hans Zimmer or Danny Elfman or Howard Shore...WHY Desplat?!!! It makes me sad and I really really hope theres been a mistake and its not true!

Posted by: Erzeal - Posted on: 2010-01-19 18:57:01

I blame John Williams on this. I imagine he turned them down. Stop saying its the WBs fault.

Posted by: tiffanyjlc - Posted on: 2010-01-19 18:58:06

Hahaha, yeah, bobfail.

Posted by: aurordawlish - Posted on: 2010-01-19 19:00:31

SH**************T!!!!!!!! ! No! I wanted to hear John Williams, he does such a great job getting the feel. I hope he does Pt. 2. Even so, the two parts may not fit the same feel with two different composers. Why WB?!?!?! WHY?!?!?!?!?!

Posted by: iwantorlando05 - Posted on: 2010-01-19 19:02:52

Maybe John Williams will do part two!!! He probably didnt want to do both films back to back. Thats A LOT of pressure and A LOT of work! So Im hoping John Williams will be back for part two!!

Posted by: GillyweedGG - Posted on: 2010-01-19 19:05:46

Im sure this gentleman is a good composer, but being a die-hard John Williams fan, I can honestly say that I am a bit sad this evening to hear that Williams will not be the music composer.... :(

Posted by: DrWimsey - Posted on: 2010-01-19 19:59:11

Well, Im glad that we will not have to suffer through Williams tired retreads again. Desplats scores for Compass and Benjamin Button were pretty good, and very different from one another. I am very interested to hear what he will do.

Posted by: MissImpertinence - Posted on: 2010-01-19 20:24:48

Kind of confused that my earlier comment is gone.. ah well. I wasnt hoping for John Williams, but I was hoping for someone like Hans Zimmer, or someone else of his ilk. Im certainly going to take heat for this, but I dont know that I have to give anyone a chance who has consistently disappointed or bored me. Thats like saying I should go to a haidresser who doesnt do work I like just because they havent screwed up my hair yet. I find his style at best, forgettable, and at worst, angsty and over-wrought. However, I have attended films and read books I expected to hate and been won over, so Im not saying that hes incapable of change. Im just not going to say I expect good things from him for the sake of being PC. Whether or not this comment stays up well find out. :)

Posted by: chommy - Posted on: 2010-01-19 20:39:33

Ughhh, I wish they brought back SOMETHING besides the actors from the first movies. Theyve been making really bad decisions these past 2-3 years. Hiring David Yates, hiring that horrible writer who wrote OotP (cheesiest lines EVER), delaying Half-Blood Prince, hiring David Yates AGAIN, and now this. John Williams makes the movies he does the music for epic. Look at all the movies he did music for; theyre all epic, amazing movies and him doing the music for HP made it part of that spectacular collection. Who the hell is this guy?

Posted by: chommy - Posted on: 2010-01-19 20:44:18

I just read that he also did the music for a Twilight movie. :| Does not make me like him. Even if he IS good, I dont think he could do better than John Williams.

Posted by: juliwuli - Posted on: 2010-01-19 21:21:42

I LIKE NICOLAS HOOPER!!! he is the best! i love fireworks and nevilles walts and umbridge. i think he should do deathly hallows!

Posted by: MythrilDragon - Posted on: 2010-01-19 21:39:38

I was really hoping John Williams would do another score for the HP series. Its a pity he left after he did the brilliant score for Prisoner of Azkaban (currently the only HP soundtrack I own). However, Im also curious to hear the music from the new composer.

Posted by: MythrilDragon - Posted on: 2010-01-19 21:43:59

Although, a composer like Hans Zimmer or Howard Shore would also have been fantastic!

Posted by: TrillianAstra - Posted on: 2010-01-19 22:14:12

I think you guys are all overreacting. John Williams is a great composer, I agree, but hes not the only one out there with wonderful music to offer. Ive listened to some of Desplats music and hes pretty good. He seems to do a wide range of styles which is great, it means he wont just recycle the same things weve all heard. I think this should make for a great/interesting score.

Posted by: harry_fan_24 - Posted on: 2010-01-19 22:18:43

Not the news I was hoping for or expecting. Sure Alexandre Desplat is a good composer, but I really think John Williams should be there to bring the movies full circle.

Posted by: iwantorlando05 - Posted on: 2010-01-19 22:39:28

Im going to try my best not to judge until I hear the soundtrack. To be honest, all the composers since John Williams were given a chance, so Desplat deserves the same courtesy. I have my fingers crossed that John Williams will be back for part two or Warner Brothers will be hearing from me and it wont be pretty.

Posted by: emeraldsongbird - Posted on: 2010-01-19 22:40:21

Im finding myself slightly disappointed, actually. I wouldve preferred John Williams... and when MuggleCast was talking about the John Williams event and how the first hour was all HP, I got REALLY excited (not blaming you for getting my hopes up Andrew, just saying). Not to say that Alexandre Desplat is bad, by any means. The New Moon score was hauntingly beautiful and lovely, and Im glad the man is getting such great work, but I kind of, childishly, feel like were getting Twilights "sloppy seconds," for lack of a better term. I wish the best for the series. And John Williams was the best. DH 1 & 2 are going to be EPIC, and I wanted epic soundtracks for them. If its wrong well, pardon me.

Posted by: wetwilli64 - Posted on: 2010-01-19 22:48:58

Personally, I think this is a great decision. I liked the soundtrack to Benjamin Button so much, that I downloaded it and I listen to it when I read. Just give him a chance, guys. I think youll be surprised.

Posted by: chrmisha - Posted on: 2010-01-19 22:50:59

Every time I watch New Moon, I find the music very jarring. It pulls me out of the movie, instead of enhancing the feel and mood of the movie. I hope he can do HP justice.

Posted by: muggle1992 - Posted on: 2010-01-19 23:14:32

I guess Ill just have to wait to hear what he does. If only he hadnt composed for New Moon...

Posted by: hedwig_swoops328 - Posted on: 2010-01-19 23:17:30

While when I originally saw this I was like "OMG BOBFAIL!!!!" After previewing some of Desplats music on itunes I thought that some of his music sounds the same, but its still pretty good. Im interested to see what he does with DH1, and Ill give the guy a chance, hes not that bad. However, Im still a big fan with what JW did with SS, CoS, and PoA, that will always be Harry Potter to me. I hope John Williams can come back to end the series in DH2 with his original Harry Potter style.

Posted by: ginny101 - Posted on: 2010-01-19 23:29:54

Ummm.... am I the only one who cares that this guy composed "New Moon"? To have the same composer do DH is just another reason for ignorant people to compare Harry Potter to Twilight. I am angry. On the topic of the actual music, Im reserving judgement. Nicholas Hooper turned out to be great, so Im just going to wait and see. Eleven months!

Posted by: AshesofaDream - Posted on: 2010-01-19 23:38:39

Alexandre Desplat is actually a good composer; His work is great! I am disappointed that JW wont be composing (I heard he didnt want to because it cut time with his family and I respect that) It wouldve been cool to have it come full circle. I have confindence in Desplat; Im sure he wont disappoint us. It will be interesting to hear how he captures the story of Deathly Hallows. We will just have to wait.

Posted by: crispyo - Posted on: 2010-01-20 00:58:44

VERY disappointed. No offense to the guy, but I just really wanted John Williams back. They go on about how they listen to the fans, but all I ever hear from the fans are to bring back JW and Alfsonso Cuaron.

Posted by: morsmordre79 - Posted on: 2010-01-20 01:25:11

This guy is a great composer, buuuuuuttttt we need John Williams back. At least for Part 2. Cmon, please? Please WB? At least try to redeem yourselves for all the crap youve pulled on the fandom over the years.

Posted by: TrillianAstra - Posted on: 2010-01-20 02:31:57

chrmisha - I think youll find the problem there isnt Alexandre Desplat, but the fact that youre watching New Moon. I dont think anything could make that movie good.

Posted by: crispyo - Posted on: 2010-01-20 02:57:23

but its unlikely JW will return for part II. Im fairly confident Desplat will stay for both films.

Posted by: JamesSiriusROCKS - Posted on: 2010-01-20 02:58:44

Im quite disappointed with that. I was really hoping for John Williams to come back as he said he wanted to. Hes probably too busy. This Alexandre Desplat guy doesnt seem to bad, though. He has won more awards than Nicholas Hooper, I think. Nicholas Hooper has only won two BAFTAs. Desplat has been nominated for two Oscars, but John Williams has won five of them! Ive listened to some of Desplats music and it doesnt seem too bad though. I suppose we should all give him a chance, as we did with Nicholas Hooper. Although, I dont really think the Order of the Phoenix score was really good. I liked the Half-Blood Prince one though. So all in all, I definitely prefer John Williams. Lets all hope he comes back for Deathly Hallows: Part II. It all actually matters on how packed his schedule is. He is right now only doing this Tintin movie which will come out *after* DH: Part II. If John Williams is known for composing Harry Potter music, then he should definitely be back rather than doing some old TinTin movie! It doesnt matter if that TinTin movie is directed by Steven Spielberg or not. It doesnt matter if the movie is going to be 3D. I wouldnt even watch it! Ill keep my fingers crossed the whole way!!! JOHN WILLIAMS, PLEASE! COME BACK FOR HARRY POTTER!!!!!!!

Posted by: Todda313 - Posted on: 2010-01-20 03:03:58

Well, this blows...

Posted by: THEPIANO1991 - Posted on: 2010-01-20 04:02:56

Well well well, Potter is to see its 4th composer! Oh my goodness, I am genuinely shocked! VERY SHOCKED! I cant believe it. I think mainly because I had my heart set on another John Williams Score! Shame but I hope he does well. OMG!!!!! Lets hope things dont change much, the music should be much better than Hoopers score for the last two, no offence to him he was great but I didnt think he was right for Potter. Cant wait to see how its done, I just think that he should really closely look at John Williams previous scores, I think it would work if he did use previous themes more often as that is what is associated with Harry Potter, but with his own style. AHHHHHHHH John Williams please come back for Part 2... Even though now I think its very very unlikely!

Posted by: THEPIANO1991 - Posted on: 2010-01-20 04:02:56

Well well well, Potter is to see its 4th composer! Oh my goodness, I am genuinely shocked! VERY SHOCKED! I cant believe it. I think mainly because I had my heart set on another John Williams Score! Shame but I hope he does well. OMG!!!!! Lets hope things dont change much, the music should be much better than Hoopers score for the last two, no offence to him he was great but I didnt think he was right for Potter. Cant wait to see how its done, I just think that he should really closely look at John Williams previous scores, I think it would work if he did use previous themes more often as that is what is associated with Harry Potter, but with his own style. AHHHHHHHH John Williams please come back for Part 2... Even though now I think its very very unlikely!

Posted by: THEPIANO1991 - Posted on: 2010-01-20 04:08:48

... I actually think it would be good if they got a Potter fan to do it! hahaha

Posted by: stalkersanonymous - Posted on: 2010-01-20 06:24:29

Hes good, I liked the music in Julia & Julia, and the music is always the best part of the Twilight movies...but want John Williams! COME BACK FOR PART 2!!!

Posted by: plum_cake - Posted on: 2010-01-20 09:57:53

Im looking forward to hearing Desplats music for Deathly Hallows I.

Posted by: Ann - Posted on: 2010-01-20 10:23:06

We enjoyed the soundtrack from 3 and 5. A lot! Hopefully this will be good. Could not be worse than the absent/re-treaded music from 6 (with a couple of very minor exceptions.) You would think that by now, after 6 runs with it, this group would come to trust the artistic choices & risks in actors/locations/changes WB has made with these movies. While some were more successful than others, overall the movie franchise has provided a decade of absolute wonder and added multiple textures and layers to this remarkable ride of JKRs.

Posted by: ecniv08 - Posted on: 2010-01-20 11:28:24

i dont care if hed come up with a good score or not. reason? cause HE IS NO JOHN WILLIAMS!!! ugh.

Posted by: SnivillusSev - Posted on: 2010-01-20 11:35:33

I really dont know much about film scoring. But Ive seen Benjamin Button and The Golden Compass and I dont remember the scores for those films standing out to me. It would have been nice to have John Williams, but Im sure Alexandre Desplat will be fine.

Posted by: citylove3583 - Posted on: 2010-01-20 11:58:57

I too wanted John Williams to come back to do both, but this guy is only doing the first part, so maybe John Williams will do the second part. But I really do like this composer. He did a great job with New Moon and Julie and Julia. I think hell be really good.

Posted by: MissImpertinence - Posted on: 2010-01-20 12:09:19

Posted by TrillianAstra "I think you guys are all overreacting". "All"? Do you mean just those who are wailing and gnashing their teeth at John Williams not returning, or anyone who isnt thrilled with this Desplat chap? Just curious. Im a terribly nosy broad. I do wish we had Howard Shore or Hans Zimmer.. And as I said before, without any ill will, I dont have to give a chance to someone who hasnt composed anything I care for. I wouldnt hire an artist if I didnt like their work. I dont have to give Stephenie Meyers upcoming books a chance when I think theyre tripe either. I hope that he takes what other composers have done before and keeps it in mind for the sake of continuity, but Im not holding my breath. I expect it to be nice, but unremarkable.

Posted by: RubyRed23 - Posted on: 2010-01-20 12:32:58

*sighs*, Oh well, no point complaining. Im just going to sit back and wait for Desplat to amaze me. I hope theyre saving the best for last though, meaning John Williams for DH Part 2!! =)

Posted by: hpfan6894 - Posted on: 2010-01-20 12:37:20

eww not ready for this either hooper or williams should do the score not someone new with no experience with the series Some of My Favorite songs from HBP -In Noctem -Farewell Aragog -When Ginny kissed Harry -Ginny -Harry and Hermione -Dumbledores Forebording -Dumbledore s Farewell -Wizard Weezes -And Last but not least Weasley Stomp Dont let these songs go to shame WB

Posted by: Suzelfe - Posted on: 2010-01-20 13:06:03

YEESSSS !!!! I think this is fantastic news!! I always found Williams too "trading" and I really think that Desplat transmits many more emotions (Benjamin Button, LEnnemi intime, Coco before Chanel ...). Dont worry, the main theme of the movie will be the same, therefore, for nostalgics, John Williams will always be present somehow ;) For the rest, I think its better to change gradually...

Posted by: FF_Voldemort - Posted on: 2010-01-20 13:17:49

Though I kinda enjoyed HP 6 and greatly enjoyed the Music for it, since Yates took over I feel like i stopped giving a $h!+ about the films...Way to go WB...

Posted by: josewiisantos - Posted on: 2010-01-20 13:29:57

NO!~ I have nothing against this composer but the final films should have John Williams there is no way around it. If the final film dosent have John Williams attach it will be extremely dissapointing and sad.

Posted by: Willowrose - Posted on: 2010-01-20 15:57:04

I dont know. I loved Julie and Julia but I dont remember the music. Im more curious to see New Moon now though.

Posted by: expectogirl - Posted on: 2010-01-20 17:05:20

WTF-I just listened to the New Moon score and its boring as hell much like Twilight itself! Williams had BETTER do DH2, I miss him sooo much!!!!

Posted by: wotcher81 - Posted on: 2010-01-20 17:28:03

YES! I really enjoy his music. Love the music in The Painted Veil. I think he will definitely be able to add to all those special moments in part 1 ( and part 2, if he does that also). I am very excited about this! I think he will do a great job, but it sounds like many of you wont even give him a chance. You might be surprised.

Posted by: alvispotter - Posted on: 2010-01-20 17:42:19

Ok, let me make this straight. John Williams is an amazing composer who brought the amazing main theme to HP and apparently left an amazing impression on millions. This is likely to be because of everyones fandome for everything hes done before, but im sure its because of his amazing music. But when he left, patrick doyle made a good job. But for my biggest joy, nicholas hooper took the job. Nicholas did good on OoTP, but his score in HBP is just majestic. Maybe its just me, but it made me feel much more than williams could do in the three movies he did altogether. This doesnt mean i didnt like williams score (which i loved) but that a complete stranger to me made me enjoy one of the best soundtracks i have ever listened to (and yes, ive listened to plenty) along with nemo soundtrack. I guess my point here is that this stranger amazed me with his amazing music, and the same way i feel about desplant. He isnt unknown at all, but he has done amazing scores, nominated for oscars. So i dont think WB did a bad decision, considering it may not even be their fault. I guess well wait and see, but im certain ill love the soundtrack of both movies, should desplat or williams do the second. Amd even if it is another, i wont feel dissapointed, becuase all scores have been great to me. I think desplatt got more than it takes to nail it with DH.

Posted by: mbyc25 - Posted on: 2010-01-20 17:43:09

Ugh. He did Twilight: New Moon?? That score bugged me. It didnt fit the story, and actually grated on my nerves. On all the really sad parts, he composed music that made it seem like the characters were about to step into Narnia. If he ruins the tone of Deathly Hallows... I will be a VERY UNHAPPY CAMPER.

Posted by: ajmrowland - Posted on: 2010-01-20 17:53:09

I reeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaal llllllly wanted Williams to return(:(), but Ill withold judgement on this guy until I hear some of his work.

Posted by: ajmrowland - Posted on: 2010-01-20 17:54:16

EDIT: I loved the music for the Golden Compass, so he earns a temporary-and somewhat reluctant-free pass from me.

Posted by: the_opaleye - Posted on: 2010-01-20 18:19:33

I really didnt like the way the score for New Moon was incorporated in the film but its beautiful as a stand alone work. However, he did compose the score for The Queen which is an AMAZING score so Im actually very excited to see what he comes up with. We should just chill and wait it out. Theres no point freaking out. Whats done is done.

Posted by: iwantorlando05 - Posted on: 2010-01-20 18:48:17 will be okay! Im dont think WB is stupid enough to NOT have John Williams return for part two. AND if you have any doubts about Desplats talent then you should listen to "POSTCARDS" from the THE CURIOS CASE OF BENJAMIN BUTTON soundtrack. Its really good. I hope he keeps that mystical element in the score when he does Harry Potter or its going to blow.

Posted by: iwantorlando05 - Posted on: 2010-01-20 18:50:02

F**K new moon. Listen to his score for Benjamin Button.

Posted by: HGrangerClone - Posted on: 2010-01-20 19:16:57

The same guy who did a Twitard movie? Dont make me shoot myself.

Posted by: violinplayer1991 - Posted on: 2010-01-20 19:30:10

im just really upset about this... i wanted john williams to score the last movie. it was like he composed the first to, went away for a while, other composers socred it, now he should finish what he stared to end with a bang. alexandre is ok for doing twilight, but harry potter is so mush better. i love love love john williams he such an extondonary composer and a genius. At least bring him back for the last part of the movie because he started the movie and should end with it!!!

Posted by: tduboff - Posted on: 2010-01-20 23:48:57

While Im disappointed its not John Willliams just because he could have closed out the series with a sense of continuity thats been lacking, this is in no way a bad situation. In fact, if Williams was out because of some other commitment, which is probably the case, Desplat is one of the best choices. As someone above posted, listen to "Postcards" from Benjamin Button. Its musically and emotionally fantastic. His work is intelligent, moving, haunting, and quirky, and music critics have long noted that. For a film that consists for the most part of three scared characters huddling together in exile, worried about their loved ones and dealing with complex and misunderstood emotions (this is Part 1 im talking about), I think hell be able to create a perfect score. And for those that are trying to defend Hooper--please stop. Williams was inarguably the best, if simply for his memorable themes, but his PoA soundtrack was layered and thoughtful, and had several intresting developments that added a new dimension to the story. Doyle did a marvelous job at creating new themes and tones to the story, but sadly Hooper didnt use nearly any of either composers work for his two scores. They are serviceable at best, and while HBP was better in provoking emotion, as scores for one of the most famous and large-scale movie franchises of all time, they did not meet the standard we expect from Williams, Hans Zimmer, and Howard Shore from Lord of the Rings. Read filmtracks.coms review of HBP and OotP to get a sense of what true musical analysis is of a film score, not just an ardent HP fan claiming a score was great because it simply worked well enough. I have a feeling Desplat will add a much-needed depth to the films that will complement the storys tone in a great way. This is something to be happy about. And yes, Im still hoping Williams will return for Part Two, while incorporating whatever Desplat uses in his work.

Posted by: GernBagshot - Posted on: 2010-01-20 23:49:48

You guys, John Williams is 78 years old and the last movie he scored was Indiana Jones 4 over two years ago... something tells me he passed on the movie due to retirement plans or perhaps he was simply not feeling up to it.

Posted by: THEPIANO1991 - Posted on: 2010-01-21 00:10:38

GernBagshot for all John Williams is 78, I doubt he will ever retire. Yes he may have done less films in the last decade, but age wont stop him. He is already doing The Adventrues of Tin Tin I believe, and he did state in an interview he would return to Potter as long as his schedule allows it. So I am guessing he is busy at the moment but I am hopeful for him to return for Potters Final as maybe Desplat will not be able to compose the music for both parts of DH due to time constraints with only about 6-7 months between each film. I think one thing with Williams is that, everyone loves his music, he is the composer that turned film music around and created so many memorable themes and beautiful cinematic moments, his compositions are master works and much more complicated that the music of the present day, give Potter the ending it deserves right? I am still hopeful!

Posted by: MadEye_Moody - Posted on: 2010-01-21 07:05:52

YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY AYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAY!!!!!!!!! BRILLIA NT!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH, WB!!!!! Okay, its not Hans Zimmer, like I was hoping, but it isnt John Williams, so I am SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO glad about that! I know most people prefer Williams, but Im a uber soundtrack geek...I have hundreds of them, and Ive realized that while John Williams is good at coming up with memorable themes, he uses way too much brass and between those good, memorable themes the music is crap. Not to mention that after a few years, those same good themes become those same really, really annoying themes that you never want to hear ever again. I really wasnt expecting Alexandre Desplat, and I think Hans Zimmer (best composer ever) could have done so much better, though I didnt actually expect him. Ive just been keeping my fingers crossed for someone who isnt John Williams, so this is awesome, awesome, AWESOME news. Now please, please, please dont bring Williams back for Part 2, WB.

Posted by: megdigzdiggory - Posted on: 2010-01-22 02:19:10

Ive never hated this guys stuff, and I think hell do really great, but I cant hide the fact that I, too, am disappointed that John Williams wont be doing DH Part 1. Lets hope hes there for Part 2. PLEASE WB!

Posted by: Isaiasgarcia1 - Posted on: 2010-01-22 07:05:06

I am guessing that WB brothers was looking for someone who could perhaps compose an Oscar-worthy soundtrack, Alexandre Desplat was nominated for his score in "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button"... WB will probably want DH to win an array of awards and Mr. Desplat has the potential of doing something original. John Williams is too busy currently scoring the upcoming "Tintin" film, and he may return to complete the journey for Part 2 of the Deathly Hallows... David Yates had said the Part 2 would be more operatic and tragic, so many may agree that John Williams is best suited for the job. I myself am a film composer, and Ive composed a series of original orchestral scores based on the Deathly Hallows for the fans. They are pretty much my version of the book and have been inspired by John Williams and Nicholas Hooper. Heres the link if youd like to have a listen :) com/user/canargentinemusi c

Posted by: Sihedas - Posted on: 2010-01-22 19:52:02

This is disappointing news. Alexandre Desplats music is pretty, but lacks the melodic quality needed for a "Harry Potter" score. In fact, it is hard to recall any truly memorable Desplat scores. While they tend to fill the mood appropriately (Benjamin Button, for instance), they dont define a film or world as did John Williams three "Harry Potter" scores. While Patrick Doyle and especially Nicholas Hooper have been decent stand-ins for Williams, its sad that Warner Bros. failed to get John Williams back for the final installment. While some find Williams style too hyper-romantic, I think its quite appropriate for the type of unashamedly epic storytelling found in the Potter films. "New Moon" probably represents Desplats most memorable, recognizable melodic theme, and its really quite bland. Just arpeggiated i-VI (1st inversion)-VII-V (1st inversion)-i, and feels somewhat modal (Aeolian), rather than in a minor key. Basically, nothing more creative than a guitarist with no training would come up with for a pop song. While simple arpeggiations of chords can be made interesting by a well-thought out progression (Bach Cello Suite No. 1 Prelude), Desplats work here lacks both heart and ingenuity. Many of his scores seem influenced by Debussy, Ravel, and Satie, which makes sense, as hes a French composer. Sadly, he lacks the flair or Debussy and Ravel, and Saties ability to make simplicity beautiful. While it can certainly be said that Williams is just as much an heir of Wagner, Schumann, and Stravinsky, his music is far more interesting. Niether composer is highly original in their film scores, but Williams is a better representative of his tradition. And its really a tradition far more suited to film scores like Potter, since both Wagner and Stravinsky wrote for the stage, with drama in mind, while many of the French Impressionists were reacting against that sort of dramatic work.

Posted by: OllieGaga - Posted on: 2010-01-24 10:30:34

Im just wondering why everyone is so desperate for John Williams? Yes, hes done an amazing job on every movie hes composed for, but I think its great to have a new approach at the movies. The movies would be INCREDIBLY dull I think if we had the same composer for every one. And to be honest, JW has done so many movies, many scores really do sound the same. Example, listen to the first 30 seconds of the main theme from "Home Alone" (the original) and see what it reminds you of. (*cough*Christmas at Hogwarts). Im excited to hear Desplats ideas.

Posted by: hpgirl111 - Posted on: 2011-01-10 12:21:26

okay, i love john williams but give the poor guy a chance! actually, we did see him in dh already and he did AMAZING! so lets not judge.

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