Archives for February 2010

Are we rushing kids into adulthood?

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Andy Hall | 08:15 UK time, Friday, 26 February 2010


Padded bras for the under 10s, sexually explicit lyrics and music videos that leave nothing to the imagination....are children being sexualised too early?

A government report says children are being exposed to too many sexual images too early. It says it's forcing children - especially young girls - to grow up too soon. Do you agree? Whose responsibility is it to make sure kids behave like kids?

From 9 on the phone in are we rushing kids into adulthood?

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Are bonuses greed or good business?

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Andy Hall | 08:04 UK time, Thursday, 25 February 2010


The Royal Bank of Scotland has announced losses of 3.6 billion this morning, but that's down from 24.3 billion this time last year. It could be argued that's a pretty successful year's trading. The chancellor Alistair Darling has approved a bonus package likely to be worth 1.3 billion for RBS, so do the RBS bankers deserve that money?

Vince Cable treasury spokesman for the Liberal Democrats says it's impossible to see how large bonuses can be justified in the public sector banks when those banks are losing money. Stephen Hester the CEO at RBS says the good staff they lost last year has already cost the bank up to a billion pounds. Don't we need to attract the best bankers to the banks we own to make sure more tax payers money isn't lost? Aren't big bonuses the best way to do that?

From 9...Are bonuses greed or good business?

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When is it right to call time on your marriage?

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Andy Hall | 07:47 UK time, Wednesday, 24 February 2010


Cheryl Cole is on the front of all the tabloids this morning - she's decided to split up with Ashley.

After three and a half years of marriage the ifs and buts raised by her husbands cheating mean Cheryl has chosen to walk out.

Is she right to do so? How far does for better or worse extend? How much should you forgive?

From 9 Shelagh asks - When is it right to call time on your marriage?

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Have we got it wrong about single parents?

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Richard Jackson | 07:50 UK time, Tuesday, 23 February 2010


Gordon Brown, David Cameron and Nick Clegg have all signed a pledge to try change our perception of single parents.

The charity Gingerbread says single parents are often thought of as lazy neglectful spongers who set a bad example for their children - when in reality two thirds hold down jobs.

Are you a single parent sick of being judged? Or do you think the labels are justified? From 9 - Have we got it wrong about single parents?

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Do you care how Gordon Brown treats his staff?

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Richard Jackson | 07:21 UK time, Monday, 22 February 2010


The woman who runs the National Bullying Helpline, Christine Pratt, says she has taken calls from 3 or 4 of Gordon Browns staff.

Journalist Andrew Rawnsley's new book describes how the prime minister shouted at staff and on one occasion grabbed an aide by the lapels

Even Brown's closest political ally Peter Mandelson admits the Prime Minister is demanding and there is a degree of impatience about the man.

Does any of this matter? Is a degree of drive and a level of intimidation necessary to lead? Or is this kind of domineering behaviour totally unacceptable?

From 9 - Do you care how Gordon Brown treats his staff?

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Who will look after you when you're old?

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Richard Jackson | 09:29 UK time, Friday, 19 February 2010


Labour ministers will meet today to consider plans for an inheritance levy to fund a national scheme of free residential care for elderly people.

The Tories have dubbed it a death tax and have refused to engage in debate on paying for care until the idea is scrapped.

By 2026 it's estimated another 1.7 million adults will require care. Who will pay for yours? You can get in touch a number of ways and we'll be discussing this issue from 9am on the phone in...

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Do newspapers have the right to offend you?

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Richard Jackson | 07:59 UK time, Thursday, 18 February 2010


The press watchdog has decided not to uphold a complaint about Jan Moir's column in the Daily Mail on the death of Stephen Gately. Read more on BBC News

The PCC received a record 25,000 complaints about the article, but says offending some people is the price of freedom of expression. Do you agree?

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Do doctors ever turn a blind eye to assisted dying?

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Richard Jackson | 08:10 UK time, Wednesday, 17 February 2010


On the Phone-in from 9 this morning we're talking about assisted dying. BBC TV presenter Ray Gosling has admitted killing his partner who was dying of AIDS. He said they had a pact to end his suffering.

He claims members of of the medical profession knew what he was doing. So do doctors ever turn a blind eye when it comes to assisted dying?

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Can money make you happy?

Gillian Edmonds | 08:14 UK time, Tuesday, 16 February 2010



The best things in life are free, but you can give them to the birds and bees. We want bonuses, lottery wins and high salaries. Does money make us happy?

Barclays profits are higher than ever, 22,000 staff will get around £190,000 each in pay and bonuses. Nigel Page and Justine Laycock smile out from the front pages this morning after their £56 million lottery win.

Would you be happier with millions in the bank?

Join in with the Phone-In from 9am. Call 0500 909 693, text 85058 (network rates may apply), get in contact on Twitter and follow the discussion on 5 live Now.

Has Gordon won you over?

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Gillian Edmonds | 08:13 UK time, Monday, 15 February 2010


Gordon Brown smiling
A relaxed looking Gordon Brown appeared on Piers Morgan Life Stories on TV last night.

He spoke about the death of his baby daughter, losing the sight in one eye, proposing to his wife on the beach and being a bit of a heart throb at university.

It was a Gordon Brown the public hasn't really seen until now, but has it changed your view of him?

Was it less of an interview and more a party political broadcast?

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The end of the road

George Edmonds | 12:39 UK time, Friday, 12 February 2010


5 live Breakfast's Stephen Chittenden has spent a week without papers, TV, radio or website news. So how's it been?

Like a prisoner shuffling into freedom from his dark cell, I am back into the sunlit world of news, sport and of course entertainment.

For one week I've been deprived of all media save social networks to see if the news could find me.

5 live's Richard Bacon correctly predicted I was guaranteed to get interesting stories via Twitter.

But even though facebook is rapidly growing as a source of news, it proved that one man's news is another's gossip.

It's actually quite refreshing to listen to music instead of news all day, but so very draining to trawl through the bizarre worlds of digg, newsvine or reddit in search of the odd nugget.

My winner of the week - twitter. Follow the right people, and you'll know what's going on. So simple too.

One to watch - Google Buzz

Waste of my space - Facebook . How can 400 million users be so wrong?

Betrayal - should you forgive?

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Richard Jackson | 07:39 UK time, Friday, 12 February 2010


John Terry has flown out to Dubai to try and save his marriage, Tess Daly says she trusts Vernon Kay completely. Could you?

Whatever happened to forsaking all others? Cheryl Cole forgave Ashley after he strayed, this morning it's been revealed that photos of Ashley have ended up on a model's mobile phone. What should Cheryl do next?

This week Pauline Prescott said she still couldn't forgive John for having a affair with his secretary. They're still together but she says to forgive is to condone.

Have you ever been betrayed by your partner? How did you react? We want your stories - you can get in touch in all the usual ways...

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Starting to get anti-Social

Richard Jackson | 10:38 UK time, Thursday, 11 February 2010


5Live's Stephen Chittenden is spending a week without papers, TV, radio or website news. It's an experiment to see how much news comes to him via social networks.

Day 4 in the little brother house and I'm finally getting a fair idea of the day's news via tweets, news alerts and news-sharing sites. I am told Iran is getting nuclear and the U.S. government is closed for the day. And while Microsoft boss Bill Gates tells me he's excited by Jamie Oliver's recipe for America, I'm more interested to hear about Jamie's new restaurant down the road.
Google's new so-called Twitter killer has just been launched. It's shiny and new and although still lacking many users, one of them spotted the tail of a dog bark translator.
At risk of sounding like an old dog, I am missing those extras that come with the traditional media; the engagement with a radio broadcaster; the routine of the TV news; the familiarity of a newspaper. So woof woof, or as the translator says "Sayonara".

"I was there....."

Richard Jackson | 08:20 UK time, Thursday, 11 February 2010


On the phone in from 9- Tell us your "I was there" moment.

Celebrations are going on in South Africa -- to mark the 20th anniversary of Nelson Mandela's release from prison.

This morning- tell us the significant moment in the past that you really remember or maybe even saw with your own eyes.

You can email or text us on 85058. From 8.30 the number to call is 0500 909693.

Coffee and Doodles - The stories the mainstream missed

George Edmonds | 09:41 UK time, Wednesday, 10 February 2010


It's day three of Breakfast's reporter Stephen Chittenden trying to find out if he can keep abreast of the news, just by relying on social media networks.

50 hours into the project and I've already got lost in a snowstorm of stories via Twitter, Facebook and the rest.

So I joined some of the social networks which try to find the diamonds in the dungheap by letting their users vote.

Digg sent me to the 12 year old schoolgirl arrested for doodling.

A tragic example of just how fast news spreads on social media came from Mashable; twins heard about their brother's fatal car crash from Facebook even before the police.

And Newsvine's users like the coffee cup robber.

But I found the best way to bring the news to me was via email alerts like this.

But this isn't really a social network, just a new version of a newspaper being stuffed through the letterbox.

Does football need this wake-up call?

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Richard Jackson | 07:55 UK time, Wednesday, 10 February 2010


After 9 on the phone-in we're asking- does football need a Premier League club to go bust to teach it a lesson?

Portsmouth could become the first top flight club to go into administration today. Talks with tax officials over a 7 and a half million pounds VAT bill broke down last night and there's a high court hearing today.

Cardiff City AND Southend United face a similar situation in the High Court today too.
Does football need this wake up call?

You can email or text us on 85058. From 8.30 the number to call is 0500 909693.

You can also follow the discussion on 5 live Now.

T-shirts, tweets and TV presenters

Richard Jackson | 10:13 UK time, Tuesday, 9 February 2010


Our reporter Stephen Chittenden is trying to find out if he can keep abreast of the news, just by relying on social media networks.

24 hours into my experiment and I now know that if the news is important it WILL find me!

Not just important news though, but the trifling, inaccurate, libellous and downright sleazy.

In this experiment I am strictly a gatherer not a purveyor of information, so Twitter suits much better than networks like Facebook or LinkedIn which require you to round up some friends.

So now I know a model says she was thrown out of first class for wearing a naughty t-shirt (CONTENT WARNING: Adult themes from MsShayMoss), that a tv presenter wasn't taped to a wall (CambridgeNewsUK ) and that one of the three MP's facing criminal charges might get to question Gordon Brown at PMQ's (guidofawkes).

So now what I need to work on is context; how to sort the wheat from the chaff. That is the work we take for granted from a newspaper or a one minute news summary on the radio or TV.

We can't vouch for the content of any external sites and some may contain strong language.

Do you trust the police?

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Richard Jackson | 08:05 UK time, Tuesday, 9 February 2010


The Metropolitan Police Commissioner, Sir Paul Stephenson, has said the jailing of Ali Dizaei has damaged the reputation of the entire police service. Commander Dizaei assaulted and falsely arrested a man in a row over money.
The Independent Police Complaints Commission said "criminals in uniform like Dizaei" were the greatest threat to the reputation of the police.
After Dizaei- do you trust the police?

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The new news?

Richard Jackson | 09:12 UK time, Monday, 8 February 2010


Our reporter Stephen Chittenden writes....

It's time to shut the door, close the curtains and pull out the plugs. I'm cutting myself off from all the old ways of staying in touch; TV, radio, newspapers and even news webpages. All sources are now off limits except one; social networks. I'm turning to sites such as Twitter and Facebook in the hope that the news comes to me. It's an experiment based on something a U.S. college student told a focus group. "If the news is that important, it will find me."
Social networks are nothing new, but their role as big providers of news certainly is. A survey by web researcher Hitwise puts Facebook as the fourth biggest after Google, Yahoo and MSN.
"Your friends are often the best filters you have for surfacing meaningful news," says Facebook spokeswoman Malorie Lucich, "They are how I heard about Michael Jackson's death, President Obama's Nobel Peace Prize and even Balloon Boy."
So now it's my turn. Time for me to create a profile, make some friends and follow some interesting people. As Kevin Costner said; 'If we build it, they will come.' I shall let you know if Kevin was right on 5Live Breakfast. Who knows, maybe he'll be my friend by then.

You can follow Stephen on Twitter ChittendenS323

Do you have sympathy for Alastair Campbell?

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Richard Jackson | 08:01 UK time, Monday, 8 February 2010


Yesterday the former director of Downing Street communications struggled to contain his emotions as he was questioned about the Iraq war on the BBC's Andrew Marr Show.
He had to take several seconds to compose himself.

Do we subject people like Alastair Campbell to too much pressure in the media spotlight?

Morally bankrupt?

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Richard Jackson | 07:50 UK time, Friday, 5 February 2010


All the main stories this week seem to point to a breakdown in standards in the UK -- Mps have been caught out over the expenses, we've heard more than we need to know about the sex lives of various footballers including the (current) England football captain, plenty of people are still angry about greedy bankers.

But on the other hand - many people have been raising money for Haiti and there were heart-warming tales of kindness during the recent appalling weather. So is Britain morally bankrupt - or do you have a story that can restore our faith in human nature this morning.

Have you forgiven your MP yet?

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Richard Jackson | 07:52 UK time, Thursday, 4 February 2010


This morning Sir Thomas Legg - the man reviewing the expenses scandal will deliver his verdict and it's expected to be damning.

It's thought more than half of MPs will be asked to pay back cash and some estimates say it could amount to more than a million pounds. Have they learnt their lesson?

From 9...have you forgiven your MP yet? You can get in touch in a number of ways....

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Is the UK ignoring Dementia?

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George Edmonds | 08:03 UK time, Wednesday, 3 February 2010

Comments (18)


Is there enough support for you if you're caring for someone who has dementia? Millions are ploughed into cancer research but 12 times less goes into looking for a cure for dementia.

Dementia costs the country £23 billion per year and more than cancer and heart disease combined.

According to the Alzheimer's Research Trust 822,000 suffer with dementia - and it's estimated that figure will pass the one million mark before 2025. Each patient costs the country almost £28,000 each year and yet just £61 per person is spent on research.

Lots of interest on the phone-in this morning - you can listen again via the 5 live website.

If you want more information there are a number of organisations working in this area:
The Alzheimers Society
Alzheimer Scotland
The Alzheimers Research Trust

The BBC is not responsible for the content of external internet sites

Should we thank God for the Pope?

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Richard Jackson | 07:24 UK time, Tuesday, 2 February 2010


The Pope has challenged new laws which will give homosexuals equal rights.

Pope Benedict has told Bishops from England and Wales that the new legislation could force the church to accept gay and transgender priests by "violating natural law" - and wants them to fight the rules with "missionary zeal."

The minister in charge of the legislation - Harriet Harman - insists there are no plans to prosecute churches if they refuse to go against their beliefs and employ gay priests.

The Pope made the comments on the same day it was confirmed he'll visit Britain in September.

Is he right?

Should John Terry captain England to the World Cup?

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Richard Jackson | 07:11 UK time, Monday, 1 February 2010


Should John Terry be England captain?

After the allegations he had an affair with the ex girlfriend of his former team-mate Wayne Bridge - is he the man to lead England at the World Cup in South Africa?

The Sports Minister Gerry Sutcliffe wants the FA to make their position clear - Fabio Capello's expected to have the final say on the matter.

But what do YOU think? Can John Terry lead the team or will he struggle to unite the dressing room?