June 10th will see the arrival of proper 3D gaming on consoles for the first time; Pain to go 3D
The 3D revolution doesn’t start until Sony says it does – and Sony has said that it will begin on June 10th.
Andriasang reports that the long-awaited firmware update that will for the first time allow PS3 owners to play compatible titles in 3D – providing they own a compatible TV – will be released on June 10th.
In conjunction with the update, patches will also be released for Sony Liverpool’s WipEout HD and Housemarque’s Super Stardust HD that will add third-dimension support.
There’s also news of a brand new 3D conversion – colourful catapult title Pain, though there will be a charge for the patch.
MCV reported in April that Sony’s 3D patch won’t offer 3D Blu-ray functionality – something that console owners will have to wait until alter in the year for.
I dont really get it, will you get the 3D mode and get the 3D glassess to play those titles or what? :/
You need to buy a 3D TV, with which you will get glasses
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