About SPIRES and the HEP Database
The SPIRES-HEP database has been run by the Stanford Linear Accelerator
Center(SLAC) since the late 1960's as a database of particle physics
literature. SLAC also collaborates with other physics institutions around
the world on SPIRES. In 1991 it became the first web-site in North America
and now attracts around 50,000 searches per day from particle physicists.
- General help for searching
any SPIRES database. For individual database help try the "Search Help" link below
the search box for that database.
- SPIRES is managed and maintained by
the SLAC library, in cooperation with DESY, FNAL, Kyoto, Durham U, IHEP,
and the HEP community. You can see a list of the
people behind SPIRES.
- SPIRES' HEP literature database was the first website in the United
States, the first database to be served over the web, and was
described as the "Killer App" for the world wide web. Find out
more about early web
history involving SPIRES and SLAC, and the early history of
SPIRES-HEP, before the WWW. Other articles about or involving SPIRES.
- If you are interested in setting up a mirror site of SPIRES-HEP, take a look
at our Mirror hosting information.
- Here is some information on the UNIX-SPIRES collaboration, a group of
institutions that use the SPIRES DBMS on UNIX.
- If you are interested in linking to our database, you may wish to look at
this information for linking to SPIRES.
- You may wish to see some other databases that comprehensively cover the
literature in other scientific disciplines, the way we do for High
Energy Physics. These databases are sponsored by universities,
professional associations, or governments.
- For more information about SPIRES commands, use the SPIRES
Explain Function, or take a look
at some older, online manuals for SPIRES
- Here is a list of all the SPIRES
databases hosted online at SLAC.
- Talks and
Papers about SPIRES