Episode Guide
Midnight Caller is the moody drama starring Gary Cole as Jack Killian,
a cop who accidentally killed his partner. After leaving the police force,
he ended up the host of a late-night radio talk show--with a penchant for
getting involved with the problems of his listeners. Aired on NBC for three
years, the show often tackled heavy issues with sensitivity and style and
featured a talented cast of regulars and guests as well as strong writing.
Episode Descriptions
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Caller Wallpaper
Want to know more about the talented Gary Cole? Visit The
Gary Cole Archives!
Or, for info on his other series, American Gothic, visit Virtual
If you loved the haunting theme from Midnight Caller,
it's available on Rick Braun's Intimate Secrets CD.
Here's your direct
link to purchase it!
The Midnight Caller Episode Guide is presented
in association with Amazon.com.
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