January 1990, Page 42
Islam In America
By Uzra Zeya
The Growing Presence of American Converts to Islam
One of the more interesting aspects of the Islamic faith has been
its continued ability to attract new adherents. Such a tradition
is rooted in the history of the religion, and facilitated its rapid
spread from Arabia to the far reaches of Africa, Asia, and Europe.
Here in the United States, converts to Islam represent a variety
of ethnic and religious backgrounds, and account for close to one
third of this nation's 3 million Muslims. The vast majority, some
900,000 persons, are of African-American heritage, while the number
of white and Hispanic converts is estimated at 75,000.
In terms of religion, converts to Islam come from many backgrounds,
including Catholicism, Protestantism and Judaism. By more closely
examining the experience of Muslim converts, one can better understand
the appeal and adaptability of the religion, as well as the future
of the Muslim community in the United States.
For African Americans, the appeal of Islam has roots in their own
cultural heritage. A number of Muslim slaves were brought to this
country prior to the suspension of the foreign slave trade in 1807.
Although most were unable to practice Islam, some left behind writings
in Arabic which demonstrate that their faith was not forgotten.
The Georgia State Library currently has an Arabic manuscript from
the late 1850s, written by a Muslim slave from Guinea, Africa, which
addresses topics of Islamic law as well as the indignities of slavery.
For most African Americans, however, contact with Islam did not
come until the early decades of the 20th century. It was at this
point that Islam was presented in a context which attempted to redress
the long history of oppression suffered by black Americans. Nobel
Drew Ali, an African American from North Carolina, was among the
first to link Islam with the black consciousness. He theorized that
blacks should consider themselves to be "Moors" or "Asiatics,
" which entailed embracing Islam. In his opinion, Christianity
was the religion of whites; therefore converting to Islam would
provide a source of pride and unity to the African-American community.
While Ali's teachings did gain popularity, particularly in urban
centers of the northeastern United States, today the movement is
virtually nonexistent.
The group most influential in drawing African Americans to Islam
was the Nation of Islam movement, founded by W. D. Fard in 1929.
Fard further developed the theories proposed by Noble Drew Ali,
asserting that Islam was the lost identity of America's black population.
Subsequently, under the leadership of Elijah Muhammad, an African-American
convert from Georgia, the Nation of Islam movement took on what
was perceived as a racially separatist dogma, asserting that whites
are inherently evil and that blacks must undertake to uplift themselves.
According to Elijah Muhammad's teachings, converts to Islam were
expected to embrace a standard of hard work, rigid ethical behavior,
and observe conservative distinctions between men and women.
While the Nation of Islam gained a great number of converts, many
Americans, including members of the established Muslim community,
were hostile to the organization both for its extremist pronouncements
and the absolute power maintained by Elijah Muhammad. Furthermore,
the assassination of Malcolm X, a former follower of the movement
who had questioned the legitimacy of Elijah Muhammad's teachings,
by two alleged Nation of Islam members caused greater damage to
its reputation.
The Nation of Islam Gains Wider Acceptance
True acceptance of followers of the Nation of Islam did not come
until 1975, with the death of Elijah Muhammad and the ascension
of his son, Warith Deen Muhammad, to leadership of the movement.
Warith Deen Muhammad introduced a number of landmark changes which
brought about widespread integration of the movement into the mainstream
Islamic community.
He formally repudiated a number of his father's teachings, most
prominently the tenets of racial separatism and militancy, welcoming
other races into the movement. He then formally changed the name
of the organization from the Nation of Islam to the World Community
of Islam, and, finally, the American Muslim Mission, to facilitate
greater acceptance of the movement.
In addition, in order to eliminate corruption, Warith Deen Muhammad
liquidated a number of the movement's financial holdings, encouraging
private investment as an alternative. As a final step, in 1985 he
formally disbanded the American Muslim Mission, in the belief that
integration of the Muslim community into a unified body must be
fully supported.
As a result, African-American Muslims today play an integral role
in America's Islamic community. Warith Deen Muhammad is now an important
Muslim leader internationally, with close affiliations to the Muslim
World League and the Organization of Islamic Conferences.
Separatist movements do remain, however, most notably under the
leadership of Louis Farrakhan, who has resurrected the Nation of
Islam and the militant ideology espoused by Elijah Muhammad. While
Farrakhan has been presented as a representative of America's Muslims,
members of the mainstream Muslim community, including Warith Deen
Muhammad, consider Farrakhan's teachings to be heretical, and not
a true representation of Islam.
Islam in the Hispanic Community
Considerable efforts are now under way to increase the numbers
of Muslim converts in America's Hispanic community, as well. In
1986, the organization Alianza Islamica (P.O. Box 49552, Chicago,
IL 60649-0551) was founded with the specific purpose of fostering
Islam within America's Hispanic population. The group now publishes
a bilingual magazine under the same name, designed to increase awareness
about Islam and its teachings.
A primary focus of the organization and the magazine is the contribution
of Islam to Hispanic civilization, stemming from the eight centuries
of Muslim rule in Spain. In addition, groups such as the Islamic
Society of North America (P.O. Box 38, Plainfield IN 46168) and
the International Islamic Federation of Student Organizations have
undertaken to publish a number of Islamic works in Spanish. While
the number of Hispanic converts to Islam is estimated to be only
1,000, their role in America's Muslim community is gaining increasing
America's major Muslim organizations, including the two cited above,
the Islamic Circle of North America (166-26 89th Avenue, Jamaica
NY 11432), and the Muslim Foundation (1133 Broadway, Suite 539,
New York NY 10010), all have undertaken to integrate Muslim converts
into this nation's Islamic community. With the number of Muslim
converts on the rise, by the next century Islam is expected to be
this nation's second most widely practiced religion. How much impact
this has on American life overall depends to a very large extent
on the future unity of America's Muslims, and particularly the extent
of cooperation among Muslim immigrants and their descendants, and
American converts to Islam.
Uzra Zeya is a program coordinator for the American Educational
Trust specializing in Islamic affairs. |