April 23, 1998 - Hideo Kojima drops science on 1998's most awaited PlayStation game, Metal Gear Solid.

PSM: Why did you select the PlayStation as the platform of choice for Metal Gear Solid?

HK: Although you can construct polygonal environments with other consoles, I thought that the PlayStation's efficiency was best suited to the game. At the time that the PlayStation came out, I was playing with the 3DO. When I heard about the PlayStation's specs, I thought "Wow, this is great! Once I finish with Policenauts, I'll begin Metal Gear Solid on it." I created experimental polygons and some enemies, and when I saw them move, I thought "It's finally here, it's utter genius. I can create amazing, remarkable things with this!"

PSM: Was there any part of the game-making process that you were particular about?

HK: You often hear the phrase "being particular about"--it's not one that I like. The main point is that you can make a world in polygons. If the player isn't tricked into believing that the world is real, then there's no point in making the game. If you can captivate the player without having to trick them, then the game is worthwhile. That is the most tiring task.

PSM: Does the game give you the feeling of being there?

HK: Definitely. A lot of adjustments had to made, down to the tiniest detail like individual desks. In order to have the entire game seem real, each separate element must be checked to make sure we haven't slipped up. PSM: We've heard a rumor that you dislike FMV. Is this true?

HK: It's not that I don't like them. l want to blur the boundaries between movies and games. I love movies, and always wanted to be a movie director. When I look at the CG being done abroad, I think that my efforts need more work. There were parts of Policenauts that it hurt to look at, but we didn't want to contract outside of the office to do it. We want to do it ourselves.

Also, what I wish to do and where the movie industry is right now are two separate things. No matter how much technology goes up, you must pay attention to minute details. I like CG, but directing, acting, camera work, performers working with the cameras--these things are all important too.

PSM: Do you feel you've really shown how good the game is in the demo?

HK: I might have put more into the demo than I should have (laughs). As for the FMV, I would've like to have filmed it myself, rather than to have created it in CG. There's a movie of Metal Gear too, but it wasn't shown at the Tokyo Game Show.

PSM: Is it in the opening?

HK: It's everywhere.

PSM: How many copies of Metal Gear Solid do you want sold for you to be satisfied?

HK: I'd say a million copies. There have been a lot of titles recently that have done that well. The game industry's attitude is all about sales, unlike the days of the MSX or PC Engine. Those were the days.

Each respective genre has tons of titles, and there is a lot of pressure to have a popular title, since you must distinguish them from the rest. That's scary. My staff and I are trying to achieve popularity with this title, and it's a lot of pressure. At least we have freedom to choose our projects. Some companies specifically tell their developers to make "girl games," or RPGs, or virtual pet titles.

PSM: Why are there a lot of sci-fi and cyberpunk elements in the game?

HK: It's not just because I like those elements. I was trying to convey what the 23rd century would be like. I hate when I hear talk as though the future is far away. Ever since we were children, we've always wondered what the future would be like in 10 or 20 years. It is a dream that is both fascinating and scary at the same time.